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PZC Packet 10-06-2009 (2)
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission it Meeting Agenda for October 6, 2009 jT O Avon Town Council Chambers Y Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street C O L O R A D O SITE VISTS (4:00pm — 5:00pm) 4121 & 4123 Little Point — Review of exterior building modifications and privacy screens. 4340 June Point — Mock-up review for materials and colors. REGULAR WORK SESSION (5:00pm — 5:30pm) Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the September 15, 2009 Meeting Minutes DESIGN REVIEW —MINOR PROJECT VII. Courtyard Villas Property Location: Lot 12 & 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / Buck Creek Road Applicant: Michael Hazard, Morter Architects lOwner. Advanced Home Technologies Description: Minor Project review for several modifications to an existing design approval. The modifications include fireplace design change, removal of the chimneys, removal of windows on various elevations, and addition of privacy screens. VIII. Horton Residence Property Location: Lot 59, Block 3, Wildridge / 4340 June Point Applicant. Millie Aldrich, Pure Design Studio / Owner. • Norma Horton Description: A follow up meeting to the on-site mock-up review, performed earlier in the day, of the proposed materials and colors. IX. Minor Project Long Spur Addition & Rennovation Property Location: Lot 34, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2195 Long Spur Applicant/ Owner Debra Rappaport Description: Andrew James Abraham of AJA Studio is proposing changes to Final Design approval for an addition and complete renovation to a single family residence at the end of Long Spur Road. This application proposes several changes to the building, including but not Posted on October 2, 2009 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.oro / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions limited to: roof forms, window size and placement, door locations and materials, landscaping, materials, and interior changes. X. Other Business • Short Term Rental Overlay Zone District Update XI. Adjourn Posted on October 2, 2009 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions e f Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission V_ Draft Meeting Minutes for September 15th, 2009 Avon Town Council Chambers VON Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street C O L O R A D O REGULAR WORK SESSION (5:00pm — 5:30pm) Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present, with the exception of Commissioner Roubos. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the September 1, 2009 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the minutes, as amended by Commissioners Lane, Struve and Goulding. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. ZONING VI. Walkin' the Dog Special Review Use Re -Review Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road Applicant/ Owner. Marisa Lahman Description: Re -review of the Special Review Use Permit, last extended at the October 2, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The permit was approved with the requirement to be re -reviewed again after two years. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker outlined the Staff Report. He highlighted some of the discussions that took place during the work session. Merrill Lahman discussed the revegetation and grading that was done. Commissioner Green asked about the revegetation plan. Merrill clarified that there was an agreement on removing the fence and revegetating the disturbances "as natural as possible." He explained that this agreement was between the owner of the property and himself, the tenant. The Public Hearing was opened and closed due to a lack of input. Commissioner Green felt that a review time period was important. He also clarified that there are no fees associated with any re -review of the SRU. He suggested that a three-year time frame be implemented. Commissioner Green further discussed the need for a re -review if there is any change in ownership of the business. Merrill was under the impression that this was already a requirement for any new business owner. Commissioner Struve stated he agreed with Commissioner Green's comments. Commissioners Prince and Lane were in agreement with Commissioner Green's comments. Commissioner Prince commented on how well the business has been run. Commissioner Anderson had no further comments. Commissioner Goulding stated he had a concern about the remedy in the instance that the business left and the improvements to the property remained. Merrill stated that he believes the relationship with the owner is in great condition. Commissioner Goulding wanted the owner of the land to know that he may be on the hook for any remedies if the business owner were to leave the land in its current condition. Action: Commissioner Green moved to approve the SRU application for Walking the Dog with the following conditions: 1. Staff recommended conditions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. 2. Number 4 to be revised to state that the approval is good for 3 years. 3. The addition of a 7'h condition —The applicant will provide a letter to the Town within 60 days that states that owner is on the hook if applicant doesn't reveg and regrade the property to the Town's satisfaction. 4. Addition of an 8t' condition —This permit is only applicable for Walkin' the Dog, and a new company or owner will require a new SRU. Commissioner Anderson seconds the motion and the motion carried unanimously with a 6-0 vote. DESIGN REVIEW VII. Sketch Design Property Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5151 Longsun Lane Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architect / Owner. David Forenza, BBG Investments Description: Sketch Design review for a 7,000 square foot single-family residence on the downhill side of Longsun Lane. The property is zoned for a duplex structure. Discussion: Discussion centered on massing of the proposed structure. Commissioner Green liked the stepping of the building but was concerned with the massing and how the applicant could pull it together. He felt that there could be a more elegant approach to the massing instead of the perceived "chunk" that the elevations dictated. Green questioned the roof interactions and the proportions. He was concerned with the shared driveway extension if it were to be approved, and felt that the entrance elevation was somewhat awkward and "hard." Commissioner Lane commented on the long line of the roof forms that continued from one side to the other. He did agree with the building stepped with the slope, but felt that some more intermediate stepping could help the end appearance. Commissioner Green expanded on the massing comments made thus far. He felt that one element wants to come down the hill, but the elevation drawings don't necessarily dictate the end appearance of the building. The applicant, Bobby Ladd, stated that a Google sketchup model was produced but they did not bring it to the meeting. He said that the model goes far to explain the massing and to better understand the elevations since some of the elevations are skewed. Commissioner Struve commented on the ballasts on the deck railing. The applicant stated that they were envisioned to be wrought iron. Commissioner Struve wants to see the siding resolved, and also made comment with respect to the two -car garage angle. He felt that the 4 M" IX. flat side of the garage should be more in line with the property line and that could help the appearance. Commissioner Prince asked the applicant what the metal material on the roof was. Bobby was unsure at this point what the final product would be. Commissioner Green commented on the braces and how they were in some places and not others. He felt that there were several items that are unresolved and must be demonstrated at Final Design submittal. Bobby Ladd stated that the braces were used at the larger building overhangs and not on the smaller ones. The substantial overhangs utilize beams and others without. Commissioner Goulding stated that the landscape plan must be more defined. He has concerns with the massive appearance of the structure. While the building may technically step down the building, the sides of the building do not step as you move up the building. He felt that the building looked towering from below. He also commented on the window fenestration, and determined that the distance of overhangs is important - in that areas with a lot of glass/glazing will be seen from far away with the sun reflections. Commissioner Green was surprised at the size of the home, and its massive size given the current economic climate. Action: No formal action is necessary. Other Business Transportation Master Plan Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer Description: Presentation of the Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan, which includes an assessment of the current and future vehicular, bicycle, transit, and pedestrian infrastructure demands. Discussion: Justin Hildreth discussed the transportation plan and the feedback received from Town Council. He outlined the new addition that discusses the Pedestrian Level of Service (PLOS). Larry Brooks discussed the future Highway 6 improvements and the plans for four lanes, with a six lane section. Action: Commissioner Green moved to approve the Transportation Plan with condition that figure 4.2 be amended to indicate 4 additional grade separated solutions at west lot, east lot, Stonebridge road, and shop and hop. Amend resolution to remove vision and add a "Whereas" that has been provided to staff by Commissioner Goulding. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion and it passed with a 6-0 vote. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:25pm. Y Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Jared Barnes, Planner I Through: Matt Gennett, Planning Manager, AICP Date October 2"d, 2009 Re: Minor Project Review for Exterior Building Modifications Discussion: VON C O L O R A D O The applicant, Michael Hazard, representing the owner of the subject properties, Lots 12 and 13, Block 3, Wikiridge, is asking for design modifications to the exterior of the building. Staff will provide a set of approved and proposed drawings on-site during the review. Staff has also attached to this memo the Staff Report dated August 2811, 2009, which outlines Staffs recommendation. The applicant has constructed the two duplexes representing the proposed exterior building modifications (i.e. new window placement and chimney removal) with the exception of the proposed privacy screens. Exhibits: A. Staff Report dated August 281i, 2009 Staff Report MINOR MODIFICATION AVON C O L O R A D O September 1, 2009 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date: August 28, 2009 Project type: Modification to Final Design Approval Legal description: Lots 12 & 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning: PUD Address: 4121 & 4123 Little Point Introduction The applicant, Michael Hazard of Morter Architects, representing the owners, Advanced Home Technologies, is proposing modifications to the previously approved design for this Wildridge property. At the Commission's November 20, 2007 meeting, a Final Design application was reviewed and approved with conditions for the subject properties. The applicant subsequently submitted a Building Permit application that included unapproved changes and was informed by Staff that a Minor Project approval was necessary. At the Commission's August 1, 2008 meeting a Minor Project application was approved for the aforementioned modifications. Those changes were limited to the placement of windows, doors and exterior building materials. The current proposal also modifies the exterior of the two (2) duplexes. The proposed modifications include the removal of chimneys for each unit, the removal and addition of windows on various elevations, the addition of three (3) privacy screens, light fixture modification, and courtyard parking material changes. In accordance with the previous design modifications and concerns Staff has over certain aspects of the subject application, Staff is asking the Planning and Zoning Commission to review this proposal. Attached to this report are a vicinity map (Exhibit A), a letter from the applicant (Exhibit B), light fixture cut sheet (Exhibit C) and copies of the proposed site plan, elevations and design details (Exhibit D) for your review. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7454030 Fax (970) 949.5749 I Lots 12/13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Design Modificationsu September 1, 2009 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. • Allowed use: Although the proposal does not affect the use of the subject property, it is zoned and currently being developed for residential land -uses. • Density. The current development is in compliance with the density and this application does not alter,the number of units. • Lot Coverage: The lot coverage will not be affected by this application. • Setbacks: The proposed privacy screens will affect the site plan, but will be fully within all required setbacks. • Easements: As stated above, the proposed privacy screens will affect the site plan, but will be fully within all platted easements. • Building Height. The proposal will not change the overall height of the project, but by removing the chimneys the appearance of the structures will be less tall. • Grading/Drainage: There are no modifications to the approved grading or drainage. Parking: There are no modifications proposed that will alter the approved number of parking spaces. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The proposal complies with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. As stated above, no modifications to the approved density are proposed and adequate development rights exist for the property. 4. The Minor Project is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Guidelines. A. Site Development: C, All of the proposed modifications appear to be in compliance with the Design Guidelines. The proposed courtyard parking material will be constructed of sixteen inch (16") interlocking, integral colored concrete pavers, which is encouraged by the Design Guidelines. As stated earlier in this report, the proposed privacy screens will modify the site plan, but they should be reviewed with regard to the architectural portions of the Design Guidelines and will be discussed later in this report. B. Building Design: C, As outlined in Exhibit B, the approved colors and materials will remain as previously approved. The design character of the approved buildings will be altered by this proposal. As stated earlier in this report, the numerous window additions and removals, as well as the chimney removals do alter the exterior of the building and Staff has determined that these Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Z Lots 12/13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Design Modifications September 1, 2009 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 5 f1V 0 H modifications are acceptable and comply with the Design Guidelines. The proposal also includes modifications to the,approved light fixtures and Staff has determined that they are code compliant. The applicant has also proposed three (3) privacy screens. Two (2) of which will be located on the west side of the approved structure on Lot 12 and will be vertically aligned, one (1) ground mounted on the lower level and the other building mounted on the upper level. The third privacy screen is proposed on the west side of building C on Lot 13. All three (3) proposed privacy screens will be constructed of a metal frame with one by four (1x4) Cedar slats affixed to the exterior and spaced three-quarters of an inch (3/4") apart. The cedar will be stained with Olympic Semi Transparent "Naturaltone Fir/Pine" (#718) which is an acceptable color, but may not complement the approved color scheme on the two (2) approved duplexes. The proposed privacy screens will vary in size. The ground mounted screen on Lot 12 will measure approximately six feet (6) long, eight inches (8") wide, and a minimum of six feet and six inches (6-6") tall and will be freestanding, placed adjacent to the approved structure. The minimum height of the proposed screen is measured from the side closest to the approved structure and will increase slightly as the ground slopes down and away from the building. The applicant has not identified the maximum height and Staff has concerns about the final height. The building mounted privacy screen will measure approximately two feet and six inches (2'-6") long, ten and one-half inches (10.5") wide, and five feet and eleven inches (5'-11 ") tall. The proposed privacy screen on Lot 13 will measure approximately eight inches (8") wide, four feet (4') long, and seven feet (7') tall. Staff has a few concerns about the proposed privacy screens. The proposed size and location of the privacy screens will create walls that appear to be foreign to the architecture of the approved buildings. On Lot 12, the two (2) screens are proposed to be placed perpendicular to a flush wall and will appear as "fins" reaching away from the buildings. Since they are vertically aligned the proposed screens will help create a wall that will separate the two halves of the duplex. This design addition is not in conformance with the duplex development standards of the Design Guidelines and will not promote a unified design as required therein. The proposed screen on Lot 13 will be placed along the edge of the southern unit (residence C) and will extend beyond the comer of the approved structure. In either case, the two (2) building mounted screens will actually be separated from the building by approximately six inches (6"). Although this proposed design does not delineate the two halves of the duplex, as is exemplified on Lot 12, Staff still has concerns about this design's compatibility with the approved architecture and design. Staff also has concerns about the materials and color choice for the proposed privacy screens and how they will compliment the approved buildings. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 { Lots 12/13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Design Modifications! September 1, 2009 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 5 �� H Staff is of the opinion that there are alternative designs that will compliment the approved duplexes and will achieve the same solution as the proposed privacy screens. Some of these solutions could be achieved through additions to the building, modifications of the existing window scheme, or landscaping, all of which will be more compatible with the approved design's architecture and character. C. Landscaping: o There are no modifications to the approved Landscaping plan. D. Miscellaneous o None of the proposed modifications will be affected by these guidelines. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The proposed ground mounted privacy screen on Lot 12 will create additional site disturbance. All other proposed improvements will not affect this review criterion. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. With the exception of the proposed privacy screens, all other proposed modifications appear compatible with the approved designs. The proposed privacy screens will not only appear incompatible with the approved duplexes, but also with the surrounding neighborhood. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary or aesthetic values should be impaired with these modifications 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff finds general conformance with the Town of Avon's adopted Goals, Policies and Programs. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the application as proposed on Lots 12 & 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to APPROVE the proposed modifications with the finding that the design meets the mandatory review criteria highlighted in Staffs report, dated August 28, 2009 and with the following condition: 1. The applicant revise all drawings to remove the proposed privacy screens" Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 12/13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Design Modifications September 1, 2009 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, at 748-4023, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, ed Barnes Planner Attachments A. Vicinity Map B. Letter from the Applicant dated August 7, 2009 C. Light Fixture Specifications D. Reduced Plans Page 5of5 aVO.N please call me Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 rii Memo C O L O R A D O To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Jared Barnes, Planner I Through: Matt Gennett, AICP, Planning Manager Date October 2nd, 2009 Re: Mock-up Review for Horton Residence Discussion: Millie Aldrich, of Pure Design Studios, and Norma Horton, owner of the subject property, are asking for approval of the on-site mock-up representing all of the proposed materials and colors. The mock-up was constructed in response to two conditions of approval made at the April 21, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The conditions pertinent to the mock-up are as follows: 1. The applicant revise the color board to verify all material colors are earth tones compatible with immediate surroundings and otherwise comply with the Design Guidelines;, 2. Provide staff with an on building mock-up of the stucco color to ensure that it is complementary to the surrounding environment; Staff requests that the Planning and Zoning Commission determine the acceptability of all proposed materials and colors. If any of the materials or colors are deemed unacceptable, Staff would also request that the Planning and Zoning Commission provide clear direction to the applicant on which materials and/or colors are acceptable so the project can move forward with purchasing materials. Exhibits: A. Picture of Mock-up JUNE POINT - MATERIALS MOCK-UP 09.28.09 bf ,G..0 I."I SIL-LEED COLOR: DESERT "TREATED" STUCCO: BEAR: SAND PEARL - UL150-11 STONE: OLYMPIA EXPOSED STEEL: IFS COATINGS, INC PRODUCT #PLSF 90529 COLOR: RAL 9006 WHITE ALUMNUM De s i g n studio u r e po hox 527 wolcott co 81655 on 9,0 4 70.1222 fax 970.926.9078 milIIe&urede ign-studio.com MEMO C OL ORA DO October 6, 2009 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: 75< Matt Pielsticker, Planner II, Community Development Re: Minor Project / Final Design Modifications Lot 34, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Introduction The owner/applicant, Debra Rappaport, is proposing modifications to the Final Design approval for a major remodel project in Wildridge. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved design changes to a single-family residence on this property at the November 18, 2008 meeting. Attached to this Memorandum is a letter from the applicant with a point -by -point analysis of changes, which are keyed to the attached design plans. The plans include the existing approved floor plans and elevations for reference. While the list of changes is extensive, no adverse or substantive impacts are anticipated with the proposed modifications. Design Review Criteria According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. and any sub -area plan which pertains. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. 4. The Minor Project is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desian Guidelines. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the design changes to the Final Design plan for Lot 34, Block 1, Wildridge, as depicted in the drawings dated September 1, 2009. Recommended Motion "I move to APPROVE the proposed final design modifications for Lot 34, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision (drawings dated September 1, 2009)—as submitted." e Andrew Jamas Abraham, AIA 970.376.2575 andrew®aj a-studi o.com Town of Avon: Minor Design Chance for 2195 Lona Sour Addition & Renovation Design Comparison: Town -Approved Final Design & Permit Set Design Contents: Rendering: Page 1 Site Plans: 2-3 Landscape Plans: 4-5 Entry Level Floor Plans: 6-7 Lower Level floor Plans: 8-9 East & South Exterior Elevations: 10-11 West & North Exterior Elevations: 12-13 Calculations: Variations between Town-Aooroved Final Design & Permit Set Design • Drip Irrigation Increase from 950 SF to 1400 SF (+450 SF) • Roof Coverage Increase from 3340 SF to 3389 SF (+49 SF) • Foundation Footprint Increase from 2600 SF to 2864 (+264 SF) Final Desion Sauare Footaae: Residence: o Existing Finished Entry Level 912 SF o New Finished Entry Level 902 SF o Existing Finished Lower Level 839 SF o New Finished Lower Level 635 SF o Total Finished 3308 SF • Garage: o Existing Unfinished: 412 SF o New Unfinished: _ 338 SF o Total Unfinished 750 SF • Total Final Design: 4058 SF Permit Set Desian Sauare Footaae: • Residence: o Existing Finished Entry Level 928 SF o New Finished Entry Level 970 SF o Existing Finished Lower Level 912 SF o New Finished Lower Level 657 SF o Total Finished 3467 SF (+159 SF) • Garage: o Existing Unfinished: 400 SF o New Unfinished: 342 SF o Total Unfinished 742 SF (-8 SF) • Total Final Design: 4209 SF (+151 SF) AlA Studio-Longspur: page 1/3 Town of Avon - Minor Design Change 9/12/2009_ .ro ° Site Pian with Roof Plan: A1.0 1. Increase Site Disturbance from 7000 SF to 14,000 SF; 2. Replace Existing Driveway; 3. Replace paver landing with New Stone Terrace with Bouldering; 4. Revise Roof: a. Lower all Gable Roofs; b. Replace Dining Room 12:12 Gable with 3:12 Gable; c. Replace Flat Roof over Garage with 3:12 Gable; d. Replace Double Gable over Kitchen with 3:12 Gable; e. Replace Double Gable over Office with 12:12 Gable; f. New 3:12 Shed Roof at Window seat; 5. Relocate Solar Panels from Garage Gable to Living Room Gable; 6. New Stone Border at Driveway edge; 7. New curved Brick Landscape Wall from Porch along Drive; 8. New Bouldering at Master Bedroom and Driveway by Shed Door; 9. New Access steps at grade to Guest Suite Terrace; 10. New Grading based on above changes. Landscaoe Plan: A1.1 (see Site Plan notesl 1. Increase Drip Irrigation 2. Replace 3 Flowering Trees with 3 Spruce Trees a. 3 Fruit Trees to be added later 3. Relocate Existing Shrub; 4. Exterior Lighting: a. Relocate 3 Exterior Light Fixtures; b. Add 6 Exterior Light Fixtures i. 4 landscape ii. 1 Porch Light Ili. 1 Step Light Entry Level Floor Plan: A2.0 (see Exterior Elevations for Window Changes) 1. Decrease Angle of Great Room from 13 degrees to 8 degrees; 2. Increase Front Porch for porch swing; 3. Increase and Extend Grill Deck to Dining Room with new Dining Room doors; 4. Enclose Office Deck; 5. Angle TV Pop -out; 6. Square Window seat; 7. Square Fireplace; 8. Relocate Meters to North Elevation of Garage; Lower Level Floor Plan: A2.1 (see Entry Level notes) 1. Move Master Bedroom Door to North Elevation; 2. Remove Lower Level Master Terrace; 3. Remove Master Bath Pop -out; 4. Extend Garage Shed foundation to grade; S. New Access steps at grade to Guest Suite Terrace; 6. Remove Bead Room Exterior Door. AIA Studio-Longspur: page 2/3 Town of Avon - Minor Design Change 9/12/2009 Le' East Exterior Elevation: A3.0 1. Remove Flat Garage Roof with 3:12 Gable Roof; 2. Lower Living Room Gable Ridge by 3.3'; 3. Lower South -North Gables by 0.8'; 4. Raise brick half walls at Entry Porch, Entry, Window seat and Living Room; 5. Move Skylights from flat roof to 3:12 Gable; 6. Remove structural tie rods at Entry and Living Room Gables; 7. Remove shed roof at Stairwell; 8. Remove Rain -Planter; 9. Replace Angled Garage wall with Vertical; 10. Replace wood garage door and glass garage door with wood+glass doors; 11. Replace living room cantilever - replaced with Foundation walls; 12. Replace Garage Stucco with Board on Board wood Siding. South Exterior Elevation: A3.0 (see above Elevation notes) 13. Lower Living Room Shed Roof by 1.0'; 14. Move solar panels to Living Room gable roof; 15. Extend Porch brick wall to Driveway; 16. New 3:12 shed roof at Window seat; 17. New pair of Dining Room doors to Grill Deck; 18. New Boulders at new Dining Terrace. West Exterior Elevation: A3.1 (see above elevation notes). 1. Enclose Office Deck; 2. Extend Garage Gable to Office Gable; 3. Move Master Bedroom Door from West Elevation to North Elevation; 4. Remove structural tie rods at Dining Room and Living Room Gables; 5. Remove Dining Room Gable 6. Remove Bead Room Exterior Door; 7. Remove Master Bath Pop -out; 8. Replace Plexiglas guardrail panels with 3" wire mesh; 9. Replace Kitchen Double Gables with 3:12 gable; 10. Replace tall Fireplace flue with Direct Roof Vent. North Exterior Elevation: A3.1 (see above elevation notes) 11. Replace Office Double Gables with 3:12 gable; 12. Relocate Meters to North Elevation of Garage; 13. New Boulders at end of Driveway; 14. New Boulders at Master Bedroom Door. NOTE: Windows vary slightly in size, number, and location. Architect can provide detailed comparison for review if requested. AIA Studio-Longspur: page 3/3 Town of Avon - Minor Design Change 9/12/2009 ,'� f�IA. •.. J/!f �,;• :i Jar ;•���, '%,�> •'(.IJ.' . j . • - 'i f • rr 'F '7..c �r�"` `` � .,,•.+,-!:r-+.,:ter .�.. . �/ �t. 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