PZC Minutes 05-19-2009 (2)it
WORK SESSION (5:OOpm — 5:30pm)
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Minutes from the May 19, 2009 Meeting
Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items - Open to the public.
I. Call to Order
H. Swearing in and Appointment of Commissioners
Chris Green, Leslie Roubos, and Paul Anderson — all took and signed the Oath
Appointment of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Commission Liaison to the
Village at Avon Design Review Board
Chair: Struve nominated Goulding; Green nominated himself, Todd wins 6-1
Vice Chair: Struve nominated Green, Green wins 7-0
Secretary: Roubos nominated Struve, Struve wins 7-0
Liaison to Traer Metro DRB: Prince 4-3
Eric Heidemann brought up idea of having a face-to-face meeting between the Commission
and Council members. Commissioner Struve then went through a list of general suggestions
for the Commission's consideration: "tighter linkage with all members of Town Council; better
feedback process to Council on recommendations; more efficient meetings; improved
relationship with all applicants; formalized financial evaluation process; and, all subcommittees
should be selected by the P&Z and regularly report back to the Commission". Eric responded
by stating the Com Dev subcommittee is the best avenue for steering Commissioner feed-
back to the Council and public. Commissioner Green commented on meeting protocol and
time for public comment being at an appropriate time after the Commission's dialogue is
finished. Staff suggested the Chair has the authority to set forth rules of conduct.
III. Roll Call
IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
V. Conflicts of Interest (none)
VI. Consent Agenda
0 Approval of the May 5, 2009 Meeting Minutes, Motion: Green; Second: Prince 5-2
VII. Sketch Design Review
Public Works Facilities
Property Location: Lots 1A & 1 B, Swift Gulch Addition
Applicant: Jennifer Strehler, Director of Public Works and /Owner. • TOA
Description: A proposal for new Public Works facilities on the Swift Gulch site. The proposed
buildings will be a new Bus Barn, Administration building, Shops building, and covered cinder
storage. The proposed buildings will be predominately finished with stone, recycled wood
siding, standing seem metal.
Jennifer Strehler, Director of Public Works and Transportation, gave a detailed (54 slides)*
PowerPoint presentation following a brief introduction given by Matt Gennett, Planning
Discussion: The tower elements too prevalent in terms of echoing the character of the
predominant feature onsite today: the tower element on existing fleet maintenance building.
Commissioner Comments: Q: How much does LEED add to the cost? A: Doesn't matter, its a
condition for the grant qualification.
Green: Computer models — referencing the Commercial/Industrial Guidelines — couple things
should be pointed: roof pitches & slopes; the admin building is incongruous and looks like
something got slapped onto it; bus barn colors are fine on Rendition 1 but the long, linear,
continuous roof ridge does not meet the Guidelines; site layout is fine; landscaping plan — xed-
scape would be preferable/no irrigation -intensive plantings.
Struve: the design has come a long way and what has been accomplished is appreciated;
towers look clunky; roof line it too long/linear; darker earth tones; architecture should mimic
new fire station's and vice versa if possible; materials that blend/patina and weather over time
would be preferable.
Roubos: mountain architecture has not been achieved like it has been with the Beaver Creek
(barn) example shown; roof colors will contrast with each other too much should be darker;
landscape should do its job; concerned with guests of BC seeing this from the golf course;
stone accents are good; simple colors (rendering 3) better, no white doors on the garages;
admin building rendering 4 is best but still looks very modern.
Prince: good job so far; site layout, phasing, landscape are good; bus barn's translucent
glazing might look dated and be an eyesore in 15-20 years, hard time picturing what it'll look
like, picturing the space shuttle; break-up ridgeline on bus barn; towers as depicted and with
translucent panels are show -stoppers; building height; colors should be natural, no white
garage doors; sage greens are a good/natural color scheme.
Lane: really excited about the bus barn and admin buildings; echoed concerns of other
commissioners, especially with respect to natural colors; towers are good for the design but
without the glazed panels -too synthetic in appearance; glass would lighten the building's mass
if used differently; Phil's point about patina materials, aging, is very valid.
Anderson: would like to see Planning/Engineering comments at Final Design; roof pitches and
slopes should be steeper, site coverage verified; tower on bus barn looks okay; glazing system
seems excessive and monolithic; break-up ridgeline as stated earlier; admin building seems a
bit too modern but solar panels are very important, as they are on other roof forms; OSHA
yellow should be depicted on bollards as required; stone looks good.
Goulding: good job on balancing act in bringing the whole thing together; P&Z shares the
enthusiasm of the applicant; existing building not something to mimic, start a new design
theme, the barn theme and character depicted in the Initial Sketch slide; lighting from the
inside emanating out could be a concern; the importance of function over form of the site
should not effect site disturbance off-site; noise possibly an issue; natural, blending colors
(olives, browns, sages); snow storage areas, rethink design of snow removal plan, and maybe
reduce paved areas; screen / mitigate views of retaining walls with landscaping; retaining walls
viewed in same plane as 60' building appears massive; solar panel structured independent of
buildings; phasing and funding; coordinated, phased landscape plan to cover unfinished
phases; limited offsite viewing opportunity is huge advantage for this project, buildings, etc, will
be well hidden from public views; bus barn is plain and boring & admin is too busy - balance
out the two extremes; cinder cover details not clear.
VIII. Other Business
• Staff Approvals for "No Parking" Signage
IX. Adjourn
Approved on June 2, 2009:
W. Todd Goulding /
Chairperson 17 /I
Phil Struve