PZC Minutes 02-17-2009 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for February 17, 2009 VON Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public c o L o R A D o Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street WORK SESSION (S:OOpm — 5:30pm) I. Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:40 pm II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Timeshare west sign modification moved to consent agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Lane stated that he had a Conflict of Interest on Item VII., PUD Amendment, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Wildwood Resort V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the February 3, 2009 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Goulding moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended by him. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. It was approved 7-0. VI. Historic Preservation Committee Property Nomination — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Nottingham Blacksmith Shop Property Location: Lot 1, Filing 4, Eaglebend Subdivision / 2000 Hurd Lane Applicant: Historic Preservation Advisory Committee / Owner. • Frank A. Doll Marital TrustiImogene L. Doll Family Trust Description: Greg Macik and Jeanette Hix, on behalf of the Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, submitted a recommendation for a structure to be considered for Historic Landmark designation — the Nottingham Blacksmith Shop. This item was tabled from the February 3, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker stated that the Public Hearing should be opened and closed. The public hearing was opened and closed. Action: Prince motioned to table the item, Green seconded and the motion passed 7-0. VII. PUD Amendment— PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Wildwood Resort Subdivision / Buck Creek Road Applicant. Brian Sipes, Zehren & Associations /Owner. Oscar Tang Description: The applicant is proposing to amend the existing Wildwood Resort SPA Plan and Guide documents; and to further subdivide the existing Wildwood Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, and tII 3, into a total of six (6) lots and two tracts. The proposal is planned to allow for new land uses, including but not limited to: fire station hub with separate administration building, 42 townhome units, Montessori school with office space, and natural science school campus with employee housing. There is a corresponding Preliminary Subdivision application that is tracking concurrently with this zoning application. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented Staffs Report and outlined the project. Matt Pielsticker outlined the current allowed uses on the three lots and outlying tracts on the subject property. Matt Pielsticker highlighted the proposed uses on the subject property. Matt Pielsticker also explained all of the proposed development standards. Commissioner Green questioned the timing the applicant received the Town of Avon Engineering comments. Matt Pielsticker explained the comments have been ongoing, but were officially distributed last week. Commissioner Goulding questioned the heights of the adjacent properties. Matt Pielsticker responded that the surrounding uses are allowed a maximum of 35 feet under current zoning. Commissioner Goulding questioned the allowed hotel use on the site. Jay Peterson, Tanavon Corporation, stated that the uses were for the former Wildwood Subdivision (currently Mountain Star). He stated that the hotel was envisioned as a great location for a highway hotel. He said that the Town and its current direction have changed and the use is no longer functional. David Kaselak, Zehren Associates, presented the members of the applicant's team. He stated that the original entitlements are from the original plat approved in the early 1980s. David presented the previous reiterations of the proposal. David stated that the townhouses are to be limited to 2,700 gross square feet. This measurement is inclusive of a 2 car garage netting at approximately 2,300 livable square feet. He stated that the townhouses are to be in duplex and triplex configurations. David stated that Lot 1A was a close representation of the GPEH zone district, but was a bit more restrictive. He presented SketchUp models of the potential administration and fire house buildings on Lot 1A. Lot 1B had a maximum height of 44 feet which was comparable to the RMD zone district. David did suggest that instead of using DU's per acre, the proposal would only allow a maximum of "x" number of units on each lot. David compared the proposal to the Comprehensive Plan and stated how the proposal met each goal and planning principal. David discussed the access along Nottingham Road. The Commissioners questioned the need for a roundabout at either Buck Creek or Swift Gulch roads. Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, stated that the level of service was worse at the Swift Gulch intersection and that it would fail quicker than the intersection at Buck Creek road. Commissioner Green questioned the factors that would cause the failure. Justin stated that the constraints include the lack of land to build a roundabout and the increased traffic along Swift Gulch Road and Nottingham Road. Jay Peterson questioned Justin's comments about the 2000 Traffic Study. Justin stated that Swift Gulch would be a right in, right out intersection in that traffic study, and the roundabout would be located at Buck Creek Road. He stated that since the Buck Creek roundabout is not needed the intent was to place the roundabout at the Swift Gulch intersection. David stated that they had "will serve" commitments from all utilities with the exception of the Water and Sanitation District, but he had confidence that with ample time to review they will receive that commitment as well. Commissioner Evans questioned if there was a need for water rights. David stated that this plan actually used less water than the current entitlements. rI David outlined the proposed housing plan and what percentage of housing they are mitigating. Commissioner Green questioned the proposal and how the applicant showed they could mitigate at 100% as well as what AMI the free market units would be sold at. Commissioner Prince questioned the current entitled building heights on Lot 1. Matt Pielsticker stated that there was no maximum for building heights prescribed in the current zoning documents. Mr. Kaselak presented the request for an exemption to stream setback on Lot 3. He stated that the locations of the encroachment on this lot would actually further the school's mission and could enhance the wetland. He stated that the encroachment would be a total of 467 square feet of space at the discovery hall building, and 189 square feet for the smaller building. Markian Finchak, representing the Gore Range Natural Science School, outlined the need for the encroachments and highlighted the campus. He stated that there was a desire for LEEDs certification and using the most stringent building codes. Commissioner Green asked if there were any other questions of the applicant. Commissioner Roubos asked if the traffic study looked at the traffic getting off the highway, especially during rush hour. Commissioner Prince questioned the Mountain Star ownership and their notification as well as the ownership of the trailhead parking. Markian responded that Mountain Star owned the trailhead land but there was a public easement on the land for the public access. Commissioner Roubos questioned the details of the Montessori school. Jay Peterson stated that it was for the daughter of the owner of the land, who currently has a Montessori school in Eagle and would potentially like one up valley. The Public Hearing was opened and closed with no comments received. Commissioner Goulding questioned the phasing of the project. David responded that the phasing was either north to south or south to north. Commissioner Goulding wondered about the timing. Markian stated that the Science School would hope to start as early as 2010 based on donations. Charlie Moore stated that their fire house project was based on funding and his eafliest start date was 2010 as well. Commissioner Goulding stated that he thought this was a great application, but voiced some concerns. He would like to see the roundabout situation dealt with, and the egress with the Fire Station during emergencies addressed. He also stated that the setback could be encroached upon at a certain level, but realistically there would be a larger construction encroachment. He wants to see a diagram that shows why no encroachment would not be a viable design solution. Mr. Goulding also requested information on pavement area and landscaping. He commended the attainable housing mitigation, but questioned the market rate homes. He would hope to see a study that states these sizes of homes are more applicable to primary homes, not second home. He felt that the heights are a bit tall and would like to see them brought down slightly. Commissioner Struve stated that he agreed with some of the comments Commissioner Goulding made. He had concerns with the phasing on the property and would like a better plan that outlines specific times for each lot. He also has concerns with building heights on all the lots. He wants to see native landscaping on the site. He stated that he wants the project to happen for the Town. Commissioner Roubos stated that this iteration is much better than the current entitlements. She did state that the building heights are a bit tall. She also stated that the traffic is an issue. She had concerns in the morning with the current level of traffic and how the school would I impact it. She asked about the number of units on each site. Jay Peterson responded that the unit numbers were brought down from the original plan due to the native vegetation, setbacks, and wetlands. Commissioner Roubos questioned the setback and a potential variance approval. Matt Gennett stated that findings of fact would need to be made in order to approve the variance. Commissioner Struve stated that a site visit for the next meeting would be beneficial. Commissioner Roubos once again stated her concerns with the building heights. She also questioned the market housing and how attainable it would be for locals. Jay stated that no deed restrictions were envisioned and he thought the size of the home would dictate its local need. Commissioner Prince said that he would like to see a response from the Mountain Star HOA. He questioned the location of the parking lot for the Fire Station and its visibility from Nottingham Road. He also had concerns about the Traffic study. He questioned the size and potential price of the homes and stated that they most likely would be priced out of the locals range. He questioned the need for a potential bus stop and other potential public transportation needs. He was unconcerned with the setback encroachment, and thought that this is the only location where he would feel it is acceptable in the Town. He would like to see the encroachment conditioned for the Science School use only. Commissioner Green wants to see the sustainable building practices on the science school site brought forth into the rest of the properties. He also wanted to see a better level of conceptual architecture for the townhouse residences. He had concerns with the traffic impact from the site onto Buck Creek Road. He agrees with Commissioner Prince on the setback encroachment and does not feel that it is an issue. Commissioner Goulding asked about the need for a PUD on this property and how that would jive with the new Unified Land Use Code project. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table the application to a future meeting. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. (Commissioner Evans left early). VIII. Other Business • Timeshare West Monument sign • New format for future Planning and Zoning Commission meetings • Vested Property Rights approved by Town Council • Trails Master Plan IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40. Approved on Marc 3 2009: Chris Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary