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PZC Packet 071508 (2)
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission T .p ` Meeting Agenda for July 15, 2008 i Avon Town Council Chambers 0 1 Meetings are open to the public c o r n R A D o Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road DOLA Planning & Zoning Commissioner Training (5:00 pm - 6:00 pm) Training course intended for new Planning*and Zoning Commissioners with Andy Hill from the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). This will take place in the Council Chambers. Open to the Public. WORK SESSION (6:00pm — 6:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (6:30pm) Call to Order Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the July 1, 2008 Meeting Minutes Approval of Landscaping Plan" for Lot 81 B, Block 4, Wildridge VI. Sign Design Application The Gates Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire / 38390 Highway 6 Applicant: Michael Matthews /Owner CSC Land, LLC Description: A building mounted sign made of PVC with Acrylic Cutouts. The sign measures approximately 40 square feet in area. VII. Sketch Design Review — Residential Single -Family A. Old Trail Duplex Property Location: Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge / 2470 Old Trail Road Applicant/ Owner: Philip Masten Description: Sketch design review of a duplex on Old Trail Road, near the intersection of Draw Spur. The structure totals approximately 7,500 square feet. Exterior building materials include: stucco, heavy timber beams, cedar accents, stone veneer siding, and stucco siding. A similar design was reviewed at the March 18, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission - meeting. Posted on July 11, 2008 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at httD://www.avon.orq. / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions W B. Speculative Residence Property Location: Lot 113, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2070 Beaver Creek Point Applicant: TAB Associates / Owner.' BBG Investments, LLC Description: Sketch Design review for a single-family residence on a Beaver Creek Point property. The structure measures approximately square feet and will utilize wood siding, stone and stucco on the exterior walls. Main Street Preliminary Design Description: The Engineering Department and the consultants from the Main Street Design Team will make a presentation of the preliminary design of the new Main Street to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review and comments. IX. Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan Update Property Location: Tract G, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Description: The Vail Architecture Group will present findings and recommendations from the community charrettes and surveys. X. Avon 21 PUD Zoning Application — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 21, 65A, 65B, Tract Q, and Parcel TK -3, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 62, 68, and 182 Benchmark Road Applicant / Owner: Brian Judge, Orion Development Description: The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail Architecture Group, representing the owner of the property, EAH, LLC, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a concurrent Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on a new development site comprised of the properties listed above, which are currently zoned Town Center (TC). The proposed PUD is envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use development including retail space, office space, residential and lodging uses in three new buildings to be located on the site. This item was tabled from the July 1, 2008 meeting. XI. Other Business XII. Adjourn Posted on July 11, 2008 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at httr)://www.avon.orq / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions i Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission �� �- •�� ` Draft Meeting Minutes for July 1, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers -10 K Meetings are open to the public C O L O R A D O Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION (5:OOpm — 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) IV V ff Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:38 pm. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no amendments to the Agenda. - -" Conflicts of Interest �. t There were no conflicts of interest. Commission4r'Green clarified that he does not have a conflict of interest for Item VII. Consent Agenda • Approval of the June ,.2008. Meeting Minutes Commissioner Green rrioved to approve the consent agenda, and Commissioner Lane seconded the vote.—The motion passed with. a'A5-0 vote; Commissioners Goulding and Evans abstained due to their absence' -from the'June 17, 2008 meeting. Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan Update Property Location: Tract G, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Description: The Vail Architecture Group is to present conceptual master plan materials, finding's and The from the community charrettes and surveys. Discussion:. Matthew Genriett presented staff's memorandum. Mariana Boldu,. VAg;'Inc, and Sherry Dorward presented a PowerPoint presentation which focused on the process currently completed, the next steps, and a draft plan. P N Sherry continued with a summary of the results from the two design charrettes. She also highlighted the Park Survey that was completed by Linda Venturoni. Sherry commented that the most frequent comments from the public meetings were to keep the passive uses of the park, improve the lighting on pedestrian paths; and add a venue for performing a�rts`and similar events. Sherry also stated that the survey produced similar desires for the park. Commissioner Green asked what the concern was with funding for year round uses versus seasonal uses. Sherry Dorward stated that the seasonal uses would be items like ice skating on the lake and cross country skiing during the winter months. Commissioner Evans asked why there are discrepancies between the West Town Center Investment Plan and the Nottingham Park plan and whether both presented at the public design charrettes. Sherry Dorward stated that she has heard that there is not much support for an inn on the current Municipal Complex parcel. She stated that the draft plan will address the inn by stating that the plan does'not recommend the inn in that location but rather that back-of-house/service uses and limitedparking would be a better alternative. Commissioner Green -asked where the lack of support for an inn originated and what the plan was for the intersection of Main and Lake Streets. With regard to the first question, Matt Gennett stated that staff has received comments from numerous members of the public and immediate neighborsfof-the; park that an inn would not be in the best interest of the community. Justin Hildreth responded to the second question stati g the step3s;for Lake Street that went into the park at the intersection with Main Street are fo'be removed from the construction of Lake Street. The reason is that a design for that intersection will be a part of.the Main Street construction plans and possibly built next year in accordance,with the Park Pln andtl-the Main Street design. Sherry then continued her presentation by outlining some of the, ideas that were brought forth that did not seem to work in the park. These included a skate park, a11dognpark, cross country ski trails, and improvements to the beach. ,Sherry then outlined 'Athe ,concept master plan depicting the proposed improvements and phasing: , Commissioner Evans asked what the bul'le_ t about the- skating on the soccer field meant. Sherry commented that there was potential to` flood the soccer .field to provide ice skating on the field. It would provide a lesser liability and longer season -of 'use. Commissioner Evans stated hekdoesn't understand-wh'°we would flood the field when we have a lake that suffices. #'� ' Commissioner Green -asked what'the-reason is for having two separate treatments for the lake edge. Sherry stated the need for boulders exists only around the dam portion of the lake for engineering/support reasons.' Commissioner Struve asked staff whether- the parking situation would be fixed if the parking garage was built. Matt Gednett'stated that it could but the parking garage is not going to be ,built,in•,the near term and would likely not accommodate future capacity needs. He also " commented that if Main Street develops the way the town envisions, parking capacity could be consumed by Main Street and more would be needed for the park. Commissioner" Struve asked if demonstration gardens would be programmed into the plan. Sherry did state that community gardens and demonstration gardens could be provided in the park but there is not'ah abundance of space for those uses. �. Commissioner Prince asked if the play area was to be moved. Sherry Dorward stated that a second play area would be provided on the western portion of the park and upgraded equipment would be needed on the east side. Larry Brooks commented that there is a possibility to put a trail to the south!of, the water treatment plant. He thinks that we should put a trail in the plan and that it be included as a possibility. Commissioner Lane wanted to see more "pocket parks" within the larger park. He wants some semi -private areas. He also wanted to see Main Street branch into the park instead of die at the park. He liked that edge comments that were* made by the design team for the lake. Commissioner Goulding questioned the upgraded lighting comments. Sherry responded that the lights should be sustainable and she said that it could be either bollards or pole lights but the objective is to only light the paths enough to ensure safety. Commissioner Goulding stated that it could be difficult to get young kids to Scope C and he would want that programmed for the correct age group. He also stated that he has not heard responses from the Avon Recreation Center and what is the need for better athletic fields or a change in the size and configuration of the athletic fields. Commissioner Struve thanked the design team on the quality job they have done thus far. Commissioner Roubos does not want to see structures placed in the park. Commissioner Prince stated that the park is heading toward passive recreation. He also thinks a disconnection exists between the east and west -part's of'the�park. He stated that better signage and information about what is allowed for public use*in"the park would be a good improvement. He also wanted to hear about hovAourists an8;second homeowners use the park. Matt Gennett stated that the survey contains the information°°and it can be cross -tabulated to extract the pertinent data. VII. Sketch Design Review – Residential Single -Family Property Location: Lot 7, Western Sage PUD / 5771 Wildridge Road East .' Applicant: The Reynolds Corporation / Owner: Be0wUlfLot 7 LLC ',,a— r . Description: Sketch Design review for a ;single-family, residence on' a Western Sage PUD property, accessed off Wildridge Road East at the top ofAildndge. Discussion: Matthew Pielsticker presented staff's report.�'f Sean Reynolds outlined a few items from the staff, report. He stated that the building does step with the lot slope and reduces the amount of.retaining walls by building a platform for the house to sit on. Commissioner, Struv ae sked the eight=of the two retaining walls to the south of the building and what ithe - approximate %height was?\,Thesapplicants responded that those walls have heights,of 6~feet and 4 feet tall', respectively.. Commissioner Lane asked. about building height calculation and perceived height due to retaining walls. Buzz Reynolds Reynolds stated that the easement has already been given for Lot 7 across Lot 6. Commissioner Evans askedowhat the height of the retaining wall is by the driveway. Sean Reynolds responded that the'height was 10 feet on the lower side and 2 to 4 feet on the upper end. Commissioner Evans questioned the 3D model and how it is different from the site plans provided. He also -'stated that the garage elevation is quite repetitious and needs to be enhanced.` Y Commissioner Green stated that there are inconsistencies between elevations on the building. It appears that there are some elevations that have certain elements and there are,bthers that are missing the same elements. He also stated that the windows appear to be,placed in the walls and there are no indications that the windows are operable. Commissioner Lane stated that many of the issues that are arising now most likely would snowball into larger issues down the road and they need to be addressed at an early stage. Commissioner Evans stated that he has no issues with the size of the home, but stated that this lot many not be a good location for a house of this size. VIII Commissioner Prince stated that he would like to see the heights of each retaining wall Commissioner Evans stated that he would like to see the studies that prove this is the option with the least amount of'retaining walls. Commissioner Struve asked what colors were planned for. Buzz stated that the colors of the rock are the samples shown and the windows would be a gray hue. Commissioner Roubos stated that she was concerned about the size of the proposed house and square footage. Commissioner Goulding stated he doesn't have a problem with the size, but does have a problem with the massing. The building needs to be stepped down not up the hillside. He also wanted to see a parking study to show proper movement in the driveway. As this is a Sketch Design application, no formal action was,taken. Avon 21 PUD Zoning Application — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 21, 65A, 65B, Tract Q, and4 Parcel JK -3, Block 2,, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 62, 68, and 182 Benchmark .Rbad ` .. Applicant/ Owner.' Brian Judge, Orion DevelopmentiR y Description: The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail Architect re Group, representing the owner of the property, EAH, LLC, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a concurrent Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on,a,,new development, site, comprised of the properties listed above, which are currently zoned„Town Center (TC)..tThe proposed PUD is envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use sdevelopment,including retail space, office space, residential and lodging uses in three new buildings to1be located'on the site. Discussion:,_-) r 1 y Matt Gennett, Planning Manager,;,presented the "outline/for the meeting and staff's report included in the Commissioner packets.• The Staff rep ,rt' outlines the policies from both the Comprehensive Plan and East Town -Center District plan. Comm issioner-Struve -questioned "�,Planning Principle #14, maximizing solar exposure, and whether that_meant:-limite&shaded 'areas._•, Mr. Gennett responded that while vague, this planning principle can imply limiting shaded 'areas. Pedro'Campos, representing the owners -,.of the property, introduced the presentation and the outline of his presentation'. Pedro went through the Planning Principals stated in the `Comprehensive Plan in an attempt to show how the proposed PUD complies with each principal.A , Commissioner Evans questioned how the floor plates, specifically the plaza level, related to the current grades on the -site. Pedro continued the°presentation by illustrating how the proposed PUD complies with the East Town Center Plan. Commissioner Evans asked how the proposed project compares to the number of floors from illustrated in the East Town Center Plan. Pedro stated that the proposed project complies in most instances- as the buildings vary between 6-8 stories. Commissioner Evans stated that he believes the residential street designation in the East Town Center Plan is intended to drive the street size but not the use on the street level. Commissioner Evans informed the applicant that he believes the uses there should still be commercial or retail. Pedro referred Mr. Evans to the section detail of the .residential street side of the project depicted in the ETCD Plan and the "residential" label on the detail for the whole building. Commissioner Evans asked how the revised traffic study is progressing. Pedro responded that their traffic engineer is reviewing their work to ensure that it is correct. Commissioner Evans asked about acquisition of water rights and sewer rights. He asked where they were currently in the process of acquiring these rights. Brian Judge asked that the Planning and Zoning Commission only look at the uses so that the applicants can determine their exact requirements. Commissioner Evans opened the Public Hearing for Public Comment. Kent Biedel, owner of Loaded Joe's, wanted to reiterate his,,comments from previous meetings. He did determine that by code he would need �,about ;10 parking spaces, but during peak hours the number of parking spaces can grow toj;the; 20-25 range. He stated that the surface parking is a lifeline for his business and wouldn t occupy, a- location without that adequate parking. He offered his business as a placeM,hold a,public outreach meeting if the Town and Applicant wanted a place to hold additional meetings',,' Commissioner Evans stated that the current parking code is flawed, but is `unsure what the amounts should be. He stated that parking would be dealt with on project by project basis. Kent stated that the affordability issue related to tenant spaces is another concern and that he would like to see rent controlled retail spaces. Commissioner Evans closed the Public Comment portio of the Public.Hearing. Commissioner Evans stated that he has concerns abcthe`price ranges of the units proposed F- in the proposed PUD. He asked how the vibrancy and critical mass of downtown is to be benefited by the proposed price ranges Brian Judge responded that theoneeid is for a professional,housing price range for households that can afford to live in these homes and frequent=the local business. 1f w Commissioner Evans asked ,if the;plias ng is negotiable. Brian Judge responded that phase one provides49% of the public benefit by realigning the roads and utilities. Brian Judge asked for clarification of what, Commissioner Evans is asking for. Commissioner Evans is asking for the developer to guarantee to the town that once a phase is undertaken that the Town will receive the public benefit that the developer is representing to . rfinish at -the completion of that phase. Commissioner Goulding stated that he feels the applicant did not fully address the principals of the East,Town�Center and the'compliance of the proposed PUD. Commissioner Evans stated that he wanted to understand why every planning goal and policy of the Comp Plan "was' not addressed. Matt Gennett responded that only the applicable principals were included in the staff report as determined. 1 1• Commissioner Green asked if the Commissioners could make comments without public feedback. He acknowledged that the proposed PUD meets the sun shading and Main Street alignment and that the architectural design is irrelevant at this time. Commissioner Lane asked if this is a building that we want to see in town now :and later. He stated that he does not think he can see this in town now. , Commissioner Green asked the other Commissioners how the lower end of the housing and commercial are attainable by locals. He also asked how the town would be obligated to assist so that locals can occupy the units affordably. Commissioner Goulding asked his fellow Commissioners to provide the applicant some feedback on what their stance is on many issues so that the applicant can adequately respond Ix. U to those issues. Commissioner Evans responded that he agrees, but would like to see more information so that he can make comments that are substantive. Commissioner Evans commented that he understands the fabric of the East Town Center area and he does not feel that this project meets that fabric due to costs associated with residing in the proposed PUD. Commissioner Goulding asked the Commissioners to provide staff and the applicant with direction needed to be taken so that they can provide the applicant with feedback so that he can determine what is going to work for them. Matt Genneft stated that there are still eleven (11) other PUD Design Criteria that need to be reviewed to provide recommendation for the PUD. He suggested that the next meeting and staff report focus the discussion on those criteria. The Commissioners agreed that it would be a good approach 'and 10 ic'a'(next step. Commissioner Roubos moved to table the applicatior.f. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed with a 7-0 vote, fry Other Business • Andy Hill from DOLA will be at the next meeting to do.Commissioner Training -7 • During the August 5th meeting, a discussion on Financial im"�dP " .tsand Fiscal Analysis with Stan Bernstein will be held.7 • Matt Pielsticker asked about having a greater'le'rv-e"l, of detail for Sketch rDesign Applications. Ile Adjourn Commissioner Struve moved to adjourn 'at,w1 0:46. CommissionerGoulding seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. Memo Planning and Zoning Commissioners To: _ Thru: Matthew R. Gennett, AICP, Planning Manager c 0 L 0 R A o 0 From: Jared Barnes, Planner I Z49S Date July 15, 2008 Meeting Re: Lot 81 B, Block 4, Wildridge Conditional Approval Introduction: At ,the Planning and Zoning Commission's November 6th, 2007 meeting a Minor Project Application for a heated driveway, retaining wall and landscaping was approved. A condition of that approval was to bring a revised landscaping plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. Attached to this memo is the revised landscaping, plan and approved plan'set. Attachments: • Revised Landscaping Plan • Approved Plan Set �,,..,. _oD(UOnd gLtL.5 ts�� c�02i2$pup`l A -KI, �QIS CI' i6avvl �a o wwo ol N �! J � �0 T2 JA ol o ma- N� co cis �J T 4. 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The sign is of an oval shape and measures approximately two feet (2') by eight feet (8') and is proposed for the north (front) elevation of the building. The building mounted address marker sits ten inches (10") below the sign and is six inches (6") in height. The signs are to be made of PVC with acrylic cutouts for the language on the signs. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sion Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing this application: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The materials for the proposed sign are appropriate and suitable for this project. Although PVC is not listed as a typical material for signage it does meet the intent of the code as it is a quality and durable material. The size of the sign, forty (40) square feet is appropriate given the size of the building it is to be affixed to. Please refer to the attached elevation drawing for exact sign location on the building. 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements. This property is located along Highway 6 and is between the Beaver Creek entrance roundabout and the vacant Folson Annexation parcel. There is not much existing signage with the exception of the Beaver Creek signs in the roundabout. The proposed signage is mounted to the bottom portion of the building and will only be seen along Highway 6. 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. The Sign Code encourages "quality sign materials, including anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior -lit, individual Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, The Gates p July 15, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 VON plexiglass -faced letters; or three dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting, are encouraged." As discussed earlier in this staff report, the proposed material is not on the list mentioned above, but should be a quality and durable material. 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. The visual impact of the proposed sign should be minimal as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties. 5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. There should be no monetary or aesthetic values impaired with the proposed signage. 6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The type, height, quality, and size of this sign comply with the Sign Code. The Sign Code does not specifically regulate the size of building mounted signs for multi- family residential projects, but it does regulate Residential Project Entrance signs. That portion of the code allows for freestanding signage that is not larger than thirty- two (32) square feet and eight (8) feet in height. This sign is building mounted and not freestanding and is slightly larger. Due to the size of the building and its lineal frontage the proposed sign does not appear to be out of context with the building as a whole. Staff feels that this sign is an approvable sign. 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic, which is appropriate given the location on Highway 6. Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Sign Design application for The Gates on Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the Sign Design application for The Gates on Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, with to the following findings: 1. The sign design application meets the intent of the Sign Code, Title 15.28." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted Jare Barnes Planner I Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 I S fl 7 ,gv -N Z Fu R Staff Report Sketch Design C O L O R A D O July 15, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date: July 9, 2008 Project type: Duplex Residence Legal description: Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning: PUD — 2 Units Address: 2470 Old Trail Road Introduction: The applicant and owner of this property, Philip Matsen, submitted a Sketch Design application for a duplex structure located in the Wildridge Subdivision. This is an uphill property located near the intersection of Old Trail Road and Draw Spur Road. This is a revised Sketch Design submittal. There was' a previous design presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the March 18, 2008 meeting. This submittal is consistent in terms of the general site and building design; however, there have been changes. The meeting minutes from the March hearing are attached to this report as Exhibit B. The structure is approximately 4' narrower (and consequently smaller in square footage), some relief and stepping has been added to the elevations, and the landscape plan has been strengthened since last review. The proposed residences are 3,967 sq. ft. (North/West Unit) and 3,619 sq. ft. (South/East Unit), including garages, and measure approximately 35 feet in height. The exterior building materials include: stucco, stone, heavy timbers, cedar accents, and asphalt shingles. Attached to this staff report is a reduced plan set which includes a topographic map, site plan, site/grading plan, landscape plan, floor plans, roof plan, and elevations (Exhibit C). A vicinity map showing existing structures and land uses in the vicinity is also included (Exhibit A). Discussion: As presented, this application complies with the provisions of the Zoninq Code. The application is also in general conformance with the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, however, staff finds some conflict with the following guideline: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, "Old Trail Duplex" Sketch Design' July 15, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 "It is preferred that residential buildings be designed as a composition of mass elements rather than larger single `blocks' that appear unrelated in form and context." While there has been a deliberate attempt to add interest to the building with fenestration, material breaks, etc; and this design is clearly an improvement from the first submittal, the structure appears to be a heavy single 'block', and not a composition of mass elements. Staff would ask the applicant to address this fundamental guideline. Site Design: The Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines place emphasis on site layout design. Structures should blend in with . natural settings, and the need for extensive site grading and slope retention should be avoided. While the entire site is graded and/or disturbed with this development plan, slope retention is minimized. Additionally, access shall blend with the natural contours, and buildings should be stepped in appearance. This design appears to conflict with Criteria A. Site Desicin (#6), "Buildings on sloping lots shall be designed to step with the existing (natural) grades." There has been no attempt with this submittal to step the building with the existing topography. The proposed driveway access from Old Trail road is non -perpendicular, with an initial grade of 4%. Driveway grades then max out at 9.8%, and reach further up the site to building location, where views to the southwest can be captured. Staff would ask the applicant to provide a perpendicular access for the first 20' off the roadway, to' maintain conformity with the Design Guidelines. As requested at the initial Sketch Design meeting, engineered grading/drainage plans have been provided. See Sheet 1 in the plan set for a detailed preliminary grading and drainage plan, as well as a driveway profile. This plan alleviates staff's prior grading and drainage concerns. Building Design: The proposed building materials are of high quality and appropriate for the neighborhood. The building roof height reaches 35', the maximum allowable t height for the property. This building design would require Improvement Location Certificates at both foundation and framing inspections to verify compliance with zoning standards. All of the roof ridges equal either a 4:12 or 7:12 slope, and are in conformity with the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. Since the first Sketch review, the units have been further differentiated in order to comply with the 'Duplex Guideline.' Window patterns have been varied, as well as some of the secondary roof forms. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, "Old Trail Duplex" Sketch Design July 15, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 ..... Engineering Department Review: The following comments are provided by the Engineering Department, in response to reviewing this application: 1. The culvert should follow the flow line of the ditch, or regrade the flow line to match the culvert location. 2. A pollution control plan must be provided at Final Design. Design Review Considerations: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall evaluate this sketch design plan utilizing the following criteria: A. Conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; and B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desiqn Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this application. Rather, the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a Final Design application. A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the July 15, 2008 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4413, or stop by the office of Community Development. Respectful! s bmitted, Matt Pielstick Planner II Attachments: Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: March 18, 2008 Meeting Minutes Exhibit C: 11" x 17" Plans Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 LOT 91. BLC `K 1. WILDRIDGE / 247' OLD TRAIL RD A �f i=. lit Exhibit A Mproperty Boundaries -� �������� �p� t������ p4T ��v�p"V�^��5; ' ' S"uv and Goulding asked for changes to F.2.4 so that tI 5P-_mmiss=e Plan r:q ul res large developments to integrate attainable housing witf Exhibit B Commissioner n questioned minimal livable standards. Staff state is developer to propose the ndards. Commissioner Struve asked to include el deed r ion in the Amendment. Staff stated that this would be difficult because of the various type d restrictions and not all are encompassed by a single restriction example. Each projec have a mix o nt restrictions. Commissioner Struve also a about the use of "Countywide" versus wide". Staff clarified that "Countywide" is used use it corresponds to the geographical area of the data Comm!ssio vans asked if the proposed modifications were accepted i n -t�h�e ttions- ;� C( "' sloners Green and Lane accepted the proposed changes. Commissioner Evans asked iean� it was unanimously passed (6-0). VIi Sketch Design Rm*ieomm A. Old Trail Duplex Property Location: Lot 91.Block 1.VW|dhdgo/247UOld Trail Road Applicant/ Owner: Philip Masten ' Sketch dean review ofa duplex on Old Trail Road, near the intersection of Draw Spur. desduplex The structure totals approximately 8.000 square feet, Exterior building materials include: atuouV, heavy timber beams, cedar accents, atonoveneer siding, and stucco siding. Matt Pio|sticherpresented the Sketch Review onbehalf ofthe Town Staff. KA/chma/ Pukao stated that the issues raised by staff could be addressed. He stated that this design is commonly used throughout the valley. Phil WYotoenalso stated that the footprint iubeing kept bzasmall amount, and the price point should bekept lower. Commissioner Goulding stated that the three-story appearance is not appealing. He also commented that there is little articulation on the North Elevation. He m0nseo that the window push -outs are too similar oneach half ofthe duplex, Mr. Goulding felt that the landscaping plan presented isinsignificant, and needs wholesale changes with respect to amounts and sizes of plantings. Phil k8obaen stated that he is using a nnu|U colored stucco finish that will add more interest to the final building appearance. Commissioner Struve oQmaed with staff's concerns. He also has concerns about netback-bo-aetbauh design. Landscaping is a major concern, but he does like how the garages are separated — as opposed to other duplex designs. Mr. Struve felt that the west entrance could use some work and be strengthened. Commissioner Smith was concerned with the repetitive design used, and the setback -to -setback design. She agreed with the landscaping comments. Commissioner Lone agreed with the previous comments and stated that the stucco band doesn't appear to help break up the massing, He also stated that the entrances look understated when compared tothe elevation. Commissioner Green had concerns -about the size of the house when oonnpon*d to the lot. The structure would appear to be dominating on the \ot, and within the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Green oitied apparent conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. The Comprehensive Plan states "Site Buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be omrnpabbAe with existing surrounding development, and break up building bulk." In addition, Commissioner Green c�ied conflict with the general design philosophy of ~e Design Guidelines. The structure appears budominate the site. Commissioner Evans agrees with all of the previously stated comments. Even if positive drainage was achieved, the drainage would then be pushed onto neighboring lots, which is prohibited ' Michael Pukam stated that the landscape plan can be addressed and the repetitive nature can be addnsesed, but aafar oothe massing /s concerned the surrounding lots are not built for current building standards. woo•doysu6!sapddwp!9oy0!w LSS l ,Z9 (OL6) 1 l£64-06£ (OL6) 0 L£9l8 Oo 'wnsdAO a3old auo4m011!M 96 88z x08 Od oul ,dogs ul5isap ddw UMM�) U 4 a�O�� o 0 0 .qa o� oU QiN 04 0 ooc r\ O O ?moo• d , N 3 �Uw to Lo C� a E a� a n1 _U x CL W 0 m � L z Q R c L LU 1:L m $� r- r_ c,`o_ ,n V lL6d LIL_ V/ Q Q O N> cL6 N J 0 -1 W y w rn E :L! tm LJ LIQ tpQ Ws - 4a Q IS FO- �J��o°C °UIWX L- Z� _. ��M O 3 vD 0 O —y0 o U -F— J ^X1 W U g r 91010£SM76 t laoJod C CC,), — CO CZ 04 E C14 CN 00 LN %— �- nn`` W CO, m0, C N ^ C OO � c � � OOO V) �� O O�a-NQ C� a—m O x� �CLCQ � �0- UMM�) U 4 a�O�� o 0 0 .qa o� oU QiN 04 0 ooc r\ O O ?moo• d , N 3 �Uw to Lo C� a E a� a n1 _U x CL W 0 m � L z Q R c L LU 1:L m $� r- r_ c,`o_ ,n V lL6d LIL_ V/ Q Q O N> cL6 N J 0 -1 W y w rn E :L! tm LJ LIQ tpQ Ws - 4a Q IS FO- �J��o°C °UIWX o�� E Z� _. ��M O 3 vD UC —y0 oo 0) a'a 00 Lco -F— OL918 00 'uony P00?J Holl PIO OLYl :ON g r 91010£SM76 t laoJod 16 401 't X0019 •uo!s!A!pgnS a6puPl!M g xadlna lipal pl0 UMM�) U 4 a�O�� o 0 0 .qa o� oU QiN 04 0 ooc r\ O O ?moo• d , N 3 �Uw to Lo C� a E a� a n1 _U x CL W 0 m � L z Q R c L LU 1:L m $� r- r_ c,`o_ ,n V lL6d LIL_ V/ Q Q O N> cL6 N J 0 -1 W y w rn E :L! tm LJ LIQ tpQ Ws - 4a Q IS FO- �J��o°C °UIWX C N aC) 01.5 N vim) c O to �- L'V o C v ,o 0 10) OP 6 C -0Lo�� a JNCO c —co a - -Iua,0 o—, c di-Co'0_ x c Ja.°O>�a.0 F� E ^1 C a 0,0 c Cv c C4CY) 00 N •U D o N N C 0) Q= LJ —5 " N a �� a �o 04 W c aZz o, u6- o _ O}3�c� 1600 x,I.N C •% O 3 ^ U O� �ou73ca 3 -@O UQOco���oo .�wa.w+-�. 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Access to this property is off of Beaver Creek Point. The proposed home is to be comprised of three levels and will have an attached three car garage as depicted on the plans. The proposed exterior building materials include: stone, stucco, vertical and horizontal wood siding, and asphalt shingles. Included in the attachments are a vicinity map (Exhibit A) and a reduced plan set with a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Exhibit B). Background There is one special circumstance for the subject lot as follows. Note 5 of the Wildridge Plat restricts the height of Lot 113 to 24 feet as measured from the finished road centerline elevation at the center of the lot frontage. Staff Comments The Guidelines state that all grading shall occur within the property boundaries. The proposed design utilizes a portion of Lot 112 for grading and which is inside the limits of disturbance fencing. In addition, the design proposes grading and a drainage culvert in the Public Right -of -Way. In both instances the proposed improvements are in conflict with the Design Guidelines. Staff does not support the proposed improvements and suggests the applicant revise the site layout to properly place all improvements within the property boundaries. The proposed plan appears to utilize a majority of the building envelope and a good portion of the site as a whole. Staff will require that the applicant provide information on site coverage for Final Design submittal to ensure compliance with the Zoning Code. Since this is only a Sketch Design Application, just preliminary Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 113, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Sketch Design Awl July 15, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 site layout, building design and landscaping information is required. Staff will require that the applicant revise the drawings to provide a landscaping table, site information table, snow storage information, and other levels of detail to allow for a more thorough review. As stated earlier in this report, the maximum building height allowed for this lot is twenty-four (24) feet as measured from the finished road center line elevation at the center of the lot frontage. This would allow no portion of the building to extend beyond a USGS elevation of 8236.6 feet. It appears from the roof plan that all of the roof ridges meet the height requirements. The building appears to be appropriately designed using a variety of building materials and wall planes on every elevation. The materials used include stucco, stone and both vertical and horizontal wood siding. The landscaping plan appears to sufficiently improve the site with a mixture of Colorado Blue Spruce, Aspen and Crab Apple trees. There also appear to be a mixture of shrubs proposed. As stated earlier, staff will require a Landscaping Table outlining irrigation and landscaping area and amounts for Final Design Submittal as outlined in the Design Guidelines. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate a Sketch Design application utilizing the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this Sketch Design application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into the Final Design application. If you have any questions regarding this project or any other planning matters, please call me at 7484023, or stop by the Community Development Department. R7 cttully submitted, Jar rues Planner I Attachments • Aerial Vicinity Map • Reduced Plans Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Vicinity Maps - Lot 113, Block 1, WR Exhibit A —Residential Streets Property Boundaries m . , opRJoIoO 'uony a o �8 a6P!JPI!M `L mools `V L L Logy o �o 11 v 1 Ou ISa ani a noad Q Q� • •N. a .� I S E in w a W CD 0 N W mop W C cc ci CD O O 0 0o r _ p 0 CO N (D � O O O > 0 CY) czr r O J I . , opeJOIOO 'uony F- 111 i Co ZL 21'� is ni a oed Q a� •�u•N. �a • .� I S L 'ON 1N3WCN3W7 b >I33NZ) N3/ VaG IV >Fa1VWH:)N39 '� � WJ Qf10J .00'99 #-OOOO.00S i am bb2 II s4ell 4 / a �,S9N i I� II / � a I/ S •o .r� I 1 \ 1 LNl SWQIIIIG I RL � Um�' _ f! 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Cm o a8: a P. pI.M L moole E L� 101 a � eOuepisea anpinoeds - i - Lao 0100f D g I I I II. ------------ I ----------2 Fj { I ------ OE, I ------------ - L--------------- I OpeJOjOO'uony 1 a •� a8 i a6p!�pl!M ` L Noole `E L L fol aI � aOuap!saa en!JBInoedg 0 CCS)) �h O LL LU �e 0 � FL . , 2 � / opeJOIOO 'uony a�e' afip!�pl!M ` N3018 `E l s �o� S �0 ��� � 3 �� E a � aOuap!saa en!I81noadg � ------ - - nr II II I II ell 1 1 3 II II � I H �H L(fl II-------II--- --4 ---------- I II I I I GLI � a I I I I I � I 1 I ap,Po1o� `uond ` �O, �ai9 �na8d� ■= a=�►== � ■ n I � a A CD �8 � !�* C4)1810100 Uohv �o!fl en�edS v 10, a6pupilM �1el eouep!se�i M a THE TOWN OF West Main UONSTREETSCAPE I,M'�O Y Street a v -e 1f� E N T S= Avon Planning Commission Project Information Packet 15 July 2008 5:00p Avon Town Hall Memo To: Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission From: Justin Hildreth, P.E., Town Engineer Jeffrey Schneider, P.E., Project Engineer Date: July 9, 2008 Re: Avon Main Street Streetscape Improvements Summary: The Main Street project consists of a new road from Avon Road to the east portal of Harry A. Nottingham Park in the current location of the pedestrian mall. The project will include utility, drainage, and roadway work on the area immediately east of the Avon Public Library, and will consist of a shared vehicular/pedestrian roadway that prioritizes public gathering spaces, plazas, and unimpeded pedestrian movements. The streetscape will follow the design guidelines and concepts set forth in the Town Center West Investment Plan. Britina Design Group will present the conceptual design options for the streetscape. The meeting goal is to update the Planning and Zoning Commission on the status of the project and to receive direction and feedback regarding the two design options. Copies of previous stakeholder and public meeting materials, as well as the two design options, are included as Exhibit A. Chronology • August 14, 2007: The Town Center West Investment Plan and Avon Urban Renewal Plan is adopted by the Town Council • Match 25, 2008: Britina Design Group is awarded the design contract for Main Street • May 22, 2008: Joint Public Open House with the Nottingham Park Master Plan • May 29, 2008: First stakeholder meeting for the Main Street design project • July 9, 2008: Second stakeholder group meeting presenting two design options • July 10, 2008: Public open house presenting two design options Background: As an overview, the West Town Center District was envisioned to be the 'heart' and central gathering place of the Avon community, and reinforce the future role of the district outlined in the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan: "Social, cultural, intellectual, political, and recreational gatherings occur in this district. In addition, the district acts as the common ground between the full-time residents, part-time residents and destination guests through diverse retail and entertainment opportunities. The West Town Center District will be an intensely developed mixed- use, pedestrian -oriented area that serves as the primary focus for residential and lodging development within the overall Town Center." As part of the West Town Center plan implementation, the Town of Avon has begun several important reconstruction efforts within the district, including completion of Avon Station, the realignment of Benchmark Road (Lake Street), and the on-going master planning and conceptual design efforts for Harry A. Nottingham Park. The West Main Street streetscape is the next project funded and undertaken by the Town of Avon, and will serve as a catalyst for the development contemplated in the adopted planning documents. Discussion: Main Street is perhaps the most critical public infrastructure project undertaken in Avon since the Avon roundabouts and will serve as the main attraction and public gathering space in the Town Center West District. Success of this project is critical, and the design relatively complex, because of private property owners bordering much of the site, fixed building entry grades, vacant lots, and existing and future utilities. The Town Center West Investment Plan outlined general guidelines for the Main Street streetscape but did not go into detail on specific design elements. Britina initiated a community survey to identify design element priorities of the community. The results of the survey show that the 7 Priorities of the Main Street, ranked in order of importance, are: 1. High Quality Public Space 2. Safe Day & Night 3. Strong Gateway 4. Transit Connection 5. Easy to Navigate 6. Connection to other Avon areas 7. Auto Access & Parking The Top 5 Most Desired Design Elements are: 1. Outdoor Cafe Seating 2. Festival / Seasonal Lighting 3. Wireless Internet Access 4. Public Art 5. Outdoor Performance Area / Platform In addition, 92.4% of respondents feel it is important for the project to be sustainable and environmentally sensitive. In order to collaboratively create a better design and detail for the Main Street streetscape, Britina formed a stakeholder group comprised of Town of Avon staff, including members from the Engineering, Community Development, Recreation and Public Works departments, public officials, adjacent property owners and/or managers, and community representatives. There have been two meetings with the group, the first to present the project and gain initial feedback, and the second to select design themes for the project. One joint public meeting in conjunction with the Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan and one public meeting dedicated to Main Street have also been held. In addition to the stakeholder group, Britina has been meeting with the Avon Arts Council to facilitate public art selection. It is anticipated that the public art will be located in several of the plaza areas and potentially into the actual streetscape design. Britina is presenting the same design themes to the Planning and Zoning Commission that were presented to both the stakeholders group Wednesday, July 9th and to the general public at an open house on Thursday, July 10th. Design Option A is a playful, narrative history walk with soft rounded elements to create quiet, gentle and informal experience. Design Option A will be punctuated by whimsical art pieces to symbolically tell the story of Avon and its people. Design Option B is a dignified and civic minded landscape with slicing geometry that creates a dynamic and sophisticated experience. The public spaces in Design Option B will reference a modern vocabulary while linking to Avon's history and culture. After this hearing and the July 22, 2008 Town Council hearing, Britina will develop the final design. The final design will be presented for comment to the public on August 21, 2008 and to the Town Council on August 26, 2008. After these two public hearings, Britina will start preparing the 0 Page 2 construction documents so that the project can be advertised for bid in January 2009 for construction mobilization in spring of 2009. Attachments: Exhibit A— Main Street Streetscape Improvements Preliminary Design Options 0 Page 3 PROJECT SITE AVON r r Q 0 L C T P C C T C f A P C LEGEND P. i w A � R 71F r 1 9ri V , The ContextThe wn Centex Districtt Investment Plan Avon West Town Center District Investment Plan nalx.<xwry "Social, cultural, intellectual, political, and recreational gatherings occur in this district. In addition, the district acts as the common ground between the full-time residents, part-time residents and destination guests through diverse retail and entertainment opportunities. The West Town Center District will be an intensely developed mixed-use, pedestrionoriented area that serves as the primary focus for residential and lodging development within the overall Town Center." From the West Town Center District Invertment Plan West Town Center District Investment Plan A � � roved Des+i � n Direct�i � n The West Main Street Streetscape project is an extension and refinement of the general direction outlined in the West Town Center District Investment Plan. Approved in August 2007, the Investment Plan envisions West Main Street as the "heart' of the Avon community. ...-.................................. : Approved West Main Street Design Elements From the West Town Center District Investment Plan © One -Way Street East to West t © On -Street Parallel Parking QCurbless (literal or feeling on Street QThree Public Gathering Areas Along the Street © Gateway FeatureVGathering Areas at Each End of Project , O Emphasis nn Sasainable Desgn Elements t •..........................................' The Project, The West Main Street Streetscape Improvements Create an interactive Streetscape that is simple, real, beautiful and memorable. Fill it with meaningful centers that respond to the variety of existing and envisioned ways people will use the street, both day and night. Enhance the ambience and memory -making capacity of the street through public art and use of sustainable and innovative materials and forms. The Britina Design Group Team --------------------------------------- •---- I 11 I ! 11 1 ! 11 ! 1 I! ! I BPI'INA I I I 1 11 I y 11 ! 11 I I! ! 11 I 11 3 I 11 1 1! ! It 1 ! � I t ! I 1 ! 1 I Landscape Architecture Team Civil Engineering Team THE TOWN OF I West Main street AVON I STREETSCAPE IM-PROVEMENTS Where Are We Now? We are currently in the INFORMATION GATHERING phase of the West Main Street Streetscape Project. The Information Gathering Phase Literatur# C3 Project Lileralul W Survey Review 8, Kick -Off Background F Meetings F Research z E-+ W ftcvicw of cxrsong co e Preperry 0wnc Z W " Ptrysrcvi Survey dbcumems, fides and tY fdeeong hatary ,rpmlca acrd .Art Coundl M yq ttvrev rZ CO Oo-Onc Survey clr U •Open House " Phawgraphe Survey srokenol;a, Meeting rw > >U Public In tit Graus ..le •.... ...............`� The goal of the Information Gathering Phase is to collect the information, direction and public opinion the design team needs to create an informed and responsive West Main Street Streetscape Design. Public Participation Opportunities ©ONLINE SURVEY - Avalable May 8 25.2 08 Help us undersand your Wast Male Sweet Deal and Construction concerns. Direct your web browser to httpryllwww.avoo.org OSTAKEHOLDER MEETING #1 - May 29, 2008 &ary Gek M1rom a Mon Pu01ic tdnry - IeN AM 3 STAKEHOLDER MEETING #2 - July 9, 2008 u." ,,uR Bmn m Arm has imnp - rn 0 QPUBLIC MEETING #1 -July 0,2008 Bemr LneN Rmm v Avm hBIK lmnry 5'DD PX F're uman Bme &brd West Main So Prelinbmy DeWOpr m. ®PLANNING COMMISSION MTG - IWy 15, zX6 mane (Mete a nam XanlrRal (amyl., . 6011 60111`1 WewM..S.Des,,r0p.rolweol. ton o,Avm Ptaminq Canmisslm. OTOWN COUNCIL MEETING -fury 2).2008 (euntY (Nmner u Arm M.,A Campo - 6:W PM West Mal Spee[ D ,,, Options preserrcaUon A.T.. Col OSTAKEHOLDER MEETING #3 -August 13, 2008 9nm1 (erk Rmm n Awl PON, us., - 100) P QPUBLIC MEETING #2 -August 21, 2008 Bever trek Roan at AW hblK binl} - 5:00 PX PILiR1Lll%M for the West Main Streer Sweetuye teal Deese, OSTAKEHOLDER MEETING #4 - Proposed Bemr (elk From n Awn Polak' War, - Ill AM ®TOWN COUNCIL MEETING - August 26.2008 1 (mnrq (Avnber n Aran ManlegU (omen boa PM Wen Mom Swee[ Final Deugn presenotlon [oAwn Tovm Counul THE TOWN OF I West Main Street AVONI STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The selected information regarding the West Main Street Streetscape Improvements was gathered from the Avon public via online survey from May 9th to May 27th. 2008. Prioritized design goals of the West Main Street Streetscape Improvements project as taken from the Avon West Town Center Investment Plan. © Create a strong gateway presence from Avon 0.wd that prod»ms West Mam sveecas an eetlung and imereso�area worth stoppi� ac and visiting. 0 Ensure a good peceserhn connection from Ne Transit Center, both to encourage use of trame within the community and to attract transit riders to walk through the area as part of their transit trip. © West Main Street should Do may to navigate. with good sight lines, signage for both vehicles and pedestrians. and maps. 0 provide pedesvun and automobile connections to adjacent districts and acdvicy nodes Including East Town Center. the Westin Rnerfmnt Resort Heaver Creek and Nottingham 0 provide high-quality public spaces to encourage socializing & lingering park 0 West Minn Street should he a safe place m be both day and night 0 Ensure easy auto access Mom Aron Road and provide plenty of parking. I} is et}remelt' pm} por} 4o me 4ha{ {he approach is environmen}ally Friendly in 0 4he building and s4s4aiml ili}y' 9204 .Ifsnal only4herigiNri 4o The number of respondents who felt it was important to 6,bAolillm,6ebo}hlocnlsproud have the West Main Street project be grounded in a and encatrageesi4ebyoihers: sustainable and environmentally sensitive approach. /'� Destinations of those passing through the project site: 'provide fe ca plen4 of salking/b'cycling areas L11� O Nottingham Park 68.8% (including places {o pork end lock up bikes) O 4hrou5h6u4 {he vlss} Main 541-ee4 proju4. O2 Avon Community Recreation Center 53.1 % and {he ti4 of Aon promo4ing 4wnspeop1e O Avon Public Library 453% 400k. bike, and Aline$ le 4rnnsi4, skile enjoying }he arei '?bink European s}vee} scene --people lingering. Make i} a place }o wa}ch o}her peoplemy . A place 4o see and be seen. Avoid 4hings like d;rr .ells. fhq belong in Most desired plajgrounds. Encourage more passive aAvi{ies. Avoid call fallhres. They are elements to be expensive 4a build and main}tin.' included in the final design of rd Salute to the USA the streetscape. Voted the most popular Outdoor 1 Cafe Seating 3event to be held along the © Festival / Seasonal J �� new West Main Street © Lighting & Decorations after construction. © Free Wi-Fi Access 'A Cancer} or 2. mage o Memorial Pmt' and Labor Pay show rb kick off and end 4he O Public Art summers ati4h sorrh ing. Could Coordina}ed {he. memorial dy shoes -A{ Fjlues Pfrews© Small Outdoor and 13$Q o4 4hes bon -vas}e of Aron or some4hing similar.'fle i} in ai4h a corer} or Performance Space sorrw}hing 4o drm people and have res4auran4 }en}s offering samples of their meru5: 'Design goal should be pedes4rian firs{. Au{os aro 80 alloaied is a convenience, 1,44 • !/o 4he churl and visual queues should emphasize 494 The number of respondents who regularly walk in the au4os are guess and 464 West Main Street Streetscape Project Site Area today. pedes4rianscoal Firs4.' THE TOWN OF West Main Street SONI STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS A Framework for Design From the West Town Center District Investment Plan r , S P blit Art THE TOWN OF I West Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS From ACTIVITIES & USES to FEELING & FORM Intensifying the Vibrancy and Life of Main Street THE TOWN OF West Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 0 H L9J M .V Lm 4� 70 O cz C) O O N 1 coO O m THE TOWN OF West Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS me ma Fes.. LIBRARY & REC CENTER PLAZA CENTER TRANSITIONING, ENTERING, MOYING PATHWAYS Programmatic Design Features O (co mnnity plana space adjacent to new reverse Nall — more formal and d. Spare O Garden -like and gran spaces in the Library garden, perlul and for thddan O Orerbok that frames the mountain new O kmen the Saani blank wall with a softer planted edge O Soma Emm"e Markets to bbrary and Net Center O Snip and wall to aanmmodare the grade change and create several disti"t spaaa O Quiet and mprenom lighting in 0e Library garden at night — Iain mliln fnauers that hang in the from O frac plata di have saintly aighter and more foetal nighttime lighting O Dverbok lighting should feel like a Iwai point at night o Quiet parkway lighting between the kc Corer and the Library O Lienally'Irum' de view to de mountain with a large an pea I HED LANE POINT NG AT A LANDMARK Programmatic Design Features :: Terminating Waitiriblim ng Plate.0 Fwl Point feature O Open Waning Area Wong Eacrea Edge of Lenore Shed lane O Shaded Fnnie Ana Abng Weatem Edge of Lettuce Shed Lane O Save, &amre Demo, Lerma Shed Lane and Season, Uulrcy Area Narrative Ninorp-Te Berg Story' Ekmenn Along Lenuce Shed La" Infmeratien Point at Temtinut of Leisure Shed Lam (at southern street edge] Rythmit and Bright Ligkdng Along tiro, Shed Lane Movi Am — Glowing and Fauiw Lighting In Lemma Shed tested Sethi Sea Entrial Musm along lettau Shed We Good Moa for a Lbdt — Maybe Pm mend onto the Mark of an Outdoor nreplem Chimney or as a Gam Sean", )Grandf cit, Utah' with a Lotd Elegant (home? Programmatic Design Features O Lrelly and imfermo a water leamre Inial point at boundary between Nan Street and Nmvrinsm Park O Stang pednman sonmrtian between Immigrant Park and Main Street O Elevated nmwing area at edge betxeen Mottingham Park and Main Street O Open aW highly aipele feminist to Mai, Street that hu manspmenry in Massembam Park and the western view O Boardwalk or prom out Sneer edge between Man Street and Holmes m Park O (mal point brightly and dynamically At at night O Signage and information point adjacent to new Town Had site Programmatic Design Features (enrol hardscape gathering area that a open and Dembb Soler, Pere", shaded areas band Abng the penmetm of the span Important and dominant local point at anter of the plaza — stood be Ikmime and variative Mutable sating in de open mmmon plus Fenced outdoor restaurant dining asses Sumer and simple daytime space where rending arm or coke provide food. bike rental and other cnmmece npparmnil®s Fad". dynamic and bright mghutme lighting in the main came, more gbwing and tnnsnuml kgning azound the perimeter arae Saxe for nigrunk mane projections Programmatic Design Features O Gateway Art Element _ - O Outdoor Dining minim favi Seating Ibmh in (toted area adjacent to the Lodge at Aman (emir, and dw open seadg in the open plana — span) O lbodirg cam or Noses — - O Green Storer Gathering Spaces (open and Dedbkd O Shady Canopies with Seating Smaonding Open Green -) O Information has O Strong Pedet Tian Galway and conversion to East Main Street O Lively Nighmme Lighting in Deals Oinug Meas O clawing Nighnorm IigMmg in Seating Meas O timers and Dynamic Ntghrome lighting Its coveter An Mea — Oghn Naw m'Flrtbr' m the he. THE TOWN Of West Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT`. at Y Arrrslire Local •/ � .� �tyrical�ure o -.aa Lrk 1&�Oa�14laYa THEME VISION STATEMENT Main Street Option A is a playful, narra ;ve walk through the history, culture and forms of the Avon community. The soh, rounded elements of the design create a quiet, gentle and Informal experience, punctuated by whimsical art pieces that symbolically tell the story of Avon and its people. In order to incorporate a modem aesthetic,the embracing forms of the design are 'carved' and 'polished' to mFlect a sophisticated interpretaton of the natural landscape. 1u THE TOWN OF West Main Street AVONSTREETSCAPE MPROVEMENTS Shade Tree Terraced Lawn Existing Tree Water Feature Wayfinding Feature Seat Wall Specialty Paving Street Crossing Bollards Planter with Ornamental Tree - Parallel Parking along Main Street Platt Shade Trees in Tree Grates Art Feature Overlook Sunken Library Gander • - :ceClalty Paving Garden Gate Featur- .� 'v eet Crossing Bollards .`y hnaced Planting Bed xmirs from Mainstreet to Library r��•/1 Planting Bed with Ornamental Trees Library Drop -Or Pedestrian Street Ligl-r l 1 Patio Planting Bed Outdoor Dining Patio Ornamental Columns Street Trees in Tree Grates with li Art Feature Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Seat Walls Street Crossing Bollards Specialty Paving Seat Walls Turf Lawn Panels Planting Bed with Shade Tree Outdoor Dining Patio h_ — 'I Arc Feature /Fire Element 1Planter / Seat Wall Seat Wall /Art Feature Specialty Paving Street Crossing Bollards Planting Bed with Ornamental Tree �� ,j" Pedestrian Street Light Street Tree in Tree Grate with Seat Wall Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Turf Lawn Panels Street Crossing Bollards --- Ornamental Tree In Banded Specialty Paving" Planting Bed Art ! Gateway Feature Existing Trees THE TOWN OF I West Main Street -aA ON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS vWe f 1 �� - Dynamic - ��� LjeAmelric NlD I / C wy MDVCMGh� EcdccBc r r Iwnlc ✓ ) �,. �,. -ft: THEME VISION STATEMENT Main Street Opvon 8 is a dignified arc civic -minded landscape in whim the idea of arriving 'downtown' is announced in a Strong, yet graceful, manner The slicing geometry of the design creates a dynamic and sophisticated experience that juts nut from the streetscape to engage and energize the surrounding landscape Deriving from the cool elegance of ice crystals and snowflakes, the spaces reference both a modem vocabulary while linking to Avon's history and culture I MLd I THE TOWN OFWest Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Existing Tree Wayfinding Feature Specialty Paving StreetTrees in Tree Grates with Permanently Attached Festive Lightigg Ornamental Tree in Raised Planter Architectural Fear,- -- - - Steps From Main StreetTo Libra.: — Stepped Planter with 0mame, T^ Library Drop-ofie -- Architecturml Terra:. . Shade Trees in Tree Grates with PermanentlyAttachedFestive Lighting Street Crossing Bollards -- Specialty Paving — Pedestrian Street Light Street Tree in Tree Grnr. Turf Lawn Pzr,. Speciac Seat Wali with Step Llg StreetTrees in Tree Grates v: PermanentlyA shed Festive Light, �I An Fez, +� Planter/ Seat Wau StreetTrees in Tree Grates with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Pedestrian Street L;f Street Crossing Bollards Specialty Paving Terraced Lawn Overlook Water Feature Street Crossing Light Bollards Existing Tree Parallel Parking along Main Street ty Paving Crossing Light Bollards Parallel Parking along Main Street t 'StreetTrees in Tree Grates with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Pedestrian Street Light Outdoor Dining Patio Ornamental Columns Art Feature / Focal Point Parallel Parking along Main Street Ornamental Trees Outdoor Dining Patio Art Feature / Fire Place Planter / Seat Wall 'kllamllel Parking along Main Street Seat Wall Planter with Ornamental Trees Turf Lawn Panels Shade Tree Art / Gateway Feature Existing Trees THE TOWN OF I West Main Street ANONI STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Terraced Lawn Water Feature with Lighting Shade Tree Existing Tree Seat Wall with Step Lighting Street Crossing Light Bollard Wayfinding Feature Specialty Paving Planter with Ornamental Tree and Rush Lighting Parallel Parking along Main Street Pedestrian Street Light 1 e 1 1 1 l t 1 t Vsualtzanon of The Nottingham Park Center Character Images for Illuminated Water Feature Choracter Images for Terraced Lawn "'�°W"°� West Main Street AVONSTREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS *News _ . ,off • Terraced Lawn Overlook o♦ ♦ Seat Wall to Water Feature with Lighting Existing Tree r Street Crossing Light Bollard Wayfinding Feature I Specialty Paving Street Tree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Parallel Parking along Main Street Pedestrian Street Light 9 visualim?," Frhe No[ringhcm °a« !'eltc- ,sr 1, "jaimied Water Feature fbrTerrace , I rr THE TOWN OF West Main Street AVO N I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Librory & RCC %lri Character StreetTree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Specialty Paving Recreation Center Patio Street Crossing Light Bollard Art Feature Overlook Retaining Wall with Railing Library Garden Gate Feature Ornamental Tree Sunken Library Garden Planting Bed with Rush Lighting Stairs from Main Street to Library Parallel Parking along Main Street Pedestrian Street Light Specialty Paving Character THE TOWN OF I• ft Main Street AVON YTvReEEsTSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Ornamental Tree in Raised Planter with Uplighting Specialty Paving Recreation Center Patio Street Crossing Light Bollard Retaining Wall with Railing Architectural Feature Overlook Steps with Step Lighting Stepped Planter with Orn.Trees Architectural Feature Terraced Lawn _ Pedestrian Street Light Parallel Parking along Main Street w>.;s,-ara,I Qi L p, n; & F.r P: iu Lnomcter - /\ ;;nc+en & Steps Chorocte, THE TOWN Of West Main Street AVONI STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ' NM Visuolizoocn o(Seasonr. ; -, Ston Pfazn Parallel Parking along Main Street Planter Wall Outdoor Dining Patio Planter with Rush Lighting Column with Uplighting Street Crossing Light Bollard Art Feature Specialty Paving StreetTree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Seat Wall with Step Lighting Ornamental Tree Pedestrian Street Light Paving and Centro! Art !y FCa pre Choruuer N �2 m THE TOWN OF West Main Street RAYON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS '✓Iwalrzaoon of5easons / Shermw Placa Parallel Parking along Main Street Outdoor Dining Patio Column with Uplighting Street Crossing Light Bollard Specialty Paving Art Feature Street Tree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Steps with Step Lighting Pedestrian Street Light THE TOWN OF I• AVO West Main SreeN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS _rtic" � -', ra-t« Banded Planting Bed StreetTree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Turf Lawn Panel Ornamental Tree Patio Wall with Railing Outdoor Dining Patio Planter with Rush Lighting Seat Wall /Art Feature with Step Lights Art Feature / Fire Element Street Crossing Light Bollard "Green Wall" Specialty Paving Parallel Parking along Main Street "G,,en Waft"Choro(fn THE TOWN OF 1 0 1�t Main Street AVON YTvReEEsTSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Lettuce ShediPlaza I�r/ Character Shed Lane Cha¢rcrer Street Tree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Ornamental Trees Turf Lawn Panel Patio Wall with Railing Outdoor Dining Patio StreetTree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Art Feature / Fireplace Planter ! Seat Wall Street Crossing Light Bollard Specialty Paving Art Feature Raised Planter / Seat Wall with Step Lighting Pedestrian Street Light Parallel Parking along Main Street THE TOWN Of I West Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS THE TOWN OF I West Main Street 4YONI STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS [astern Pedestrian Street Light Parallel Parking along Main Street Street Tree in Tree Grate with Permanently Attached Festive Lighting Specialty Paving Turf Lawn Panel Planter with Ornamental Trees Seat Wall with Step Lights Shade Tree Street Crossing Light Bollards Art / Gateway Feature Specialty Paving Exi sting Trees I N`V F THE TOWN OFWest Main Street AVON I STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS M TA& A clu svrm— i�rre.,Fw�+: op+v rr� W�� T �Y Y' THE TOWN OF I West Main Street AVONSTREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Memo To: The Planning and Zoning Commission Thru: Matthew R. Gennett, AICP, Planning Manager From: Jared Barnes, Planner I Date: July 15, 2008 Meeting Re: Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan Presentation Introduction: AVON C O L O R A D O Pedro Campos, on behalf of VAg, Inc., will present a PowerPoint presentation which outlines the draft of the Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan. The PowerPoint slide presentation is attached to this memorandum as Exhibit A and has been formatted for note taking with three slides per page. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission provide feedback for the design team to address in the forthcoming draft Master Plan document scheduled for adoption via resolution on the August 5, 2008 Commission meeting agenda. Attachments: Exhibit A: PowerPoint Slideshow Presentation 1 2 0 5 Staff Report Rezoning to a New PUD July 15, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report date July 11, 2008, 2008 VON C 0 L 0 R A D( Project type Planned Unit Development (PUD) Application Legal description Lots 21, 65A and 65B; Tracts Q & R; And Parcel No. TK -3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Current zoning Town Center (TC) Address 182 Benchmark Road, 68 and 82 Beaver Creek Boulevard (respectively) Introduction and Summary The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail Architecture Group, representing the owner of the property, EAH, LLC, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a concurrent Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on a new development site comprised of the properties listed above, which are currently zoned Town Center (TC). The proposed PUD is envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use development including retail space, office space, residential and lodging in three new buildings to be located on the site. More specifically, the PUD would consist of a maximum of 105,860 square feet of commercial, retail and guest -oriented space; 118 Lodging Units, 237 Residential Units, and twelve (12) "Professional Employee Housing Units" that would collectively comprise approximately 759,150 square feet. The parking proposed with this project consists of a combination of surface and structured, underground spaces totaling 628 parking spaces, the majority of which are to be below -grade structured spaces. While the tallest of the three new buildings (East Building) would be eight (8) levels above grade, the maximum height proposed is 110 feet due to ceiling -to -floor plate heights ranging from sixteen feet (16') to twenty feet (20') for the entire at -grade commercial / retail level. As discussed during the last hearing of this item held on July 1, 2008, the primary focus of review on the Avon 21 PUD contained in this report and during the Commission meeting on July 15, 2008 shall be the remaining eleven (11) PUD Design Review Criteria codified in Section 17.20.11o(h) of the Avon Municipal Code. The first Criterion was reviewed and deliberated upon at the last Commission meeting. For ease of reference, the next section of this report lists all twelve (12) PUD Design Review Criteria in their entirety without Staff responses to each one and is followed'by another section listing the same criteria, except for Design Review Criterion one (1), with Staff's analysis written after every criterion as it relates to this proposal. Section 17.20.110(h), AMC, Design Criteria: The following criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating a PUD. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following design criteria, or demonstrate that one (1) or more of them is not applicable, or that a particular development solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. 1. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub- area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases. 10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. 11. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. 12. That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code: Staff Review of PUD Design Criteria Two through Twelve (2 — 12) 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub- area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. The applicant is proposing to implement a design style and thematic approach to the buildings reflective of more progressive, contemporary architectural forms and methodologies. It is important to note the subject PUD application is being reviewed on a conceptual level with respect to the design and the architectural details are not required in this stage of the process. The applicant is making an attempt to demonstrate the basic visual form the proposed buildings will take, if approved, and the architecture has not been definitively expressed as of this hearing date. The use of materials, colors, and various architectural features does appear to conform to the Town of Avon Commercial Design Guidelines at this preliminary stage of review and will be carefully scrutinized upon submittal of Sketch and Final Design applications as required by the AMC. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. The size and scope of the proposed physical improvements will be dominant in this part of Avon's core and will subsequently set the tone of future development. In comparison to the existing structures within the immediate vicinity of the application's development site, the scale, bulk and height of the proposed buildings bare no resemblance to that of the existing buildings in the East Town Center District. However, there currently exists no discernible, architectural design theme or other form of visual cohesiveness among the buildings within the immediate vicinity of the proposed development site for the Avon 21 PUD. As previously stated, the proposed redevelopment is the first to be reviewed using the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the East Town Center District Plan. It is also the first redevelopment application received for existing properties and structures in the commercial core of the Town of Avon. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. As outlined under criterion one (1), the uses, activity, and density that will result from this new PUD may provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity when gauged against the applicable sections of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the Planning Principles found in the recently adopted East Town Center District Plan. With further regard to these policy documents, details related to construction phasing sequence, transit, trip generation, traffic, attainable housing, and responses to the comments of the Engineering Department require further information and materials to be submitted by the applicant for Staff's review prior to making a recommendation to the Commission. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. There do not appear to be any natural or geologic hazards on the proposed development site for this new PUD. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The Avon 21 application for a new PUD, as submitted, appears to address this criterion with the "plaza" space and the new eastern extension of Main Street. The site layout and placement of the three new buildings does provide spaces for people to dine and otherwise congregate outside. Whether the buildings' design and location produce a functional development responsive to the overall aesthetic quality of the community has yet to be determined at this stage of review given the lack of thorough information related to drainage, storm water management, and snowmelt / snow storage. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. As detailed above, the changes proposed to the circulation system designed for the PUD, if incorporated with the review comments from the Engineering Department, may achieve the purpose and intent of this criterion. Overall, the PUD proposal has the potential to solve some of the circulatory problems for pedestrians and vehicles alike in this sub -area of the East Town Center District. Please refer to the comments made by the Engineering Department Staff on Pages 7-9 of this Staff Report for further information related to this criterion. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. The new landscaping and open space associated with the proposed development have not been planned beyond a conceptual level and the information provided thus far indicates the may be able to meet the elements of this criterion. A detailed landscape plan is required prior to Final Design review. The open space depicted on the site plans for this new PUD has been labeled with language describing which views are optimized from various perspectives in the areas left open for public enjoyment. Whether such spaces and the corresponding landscape features meet the intent of this criterion to the maximum extent possible is a matter for the Commission and Council to decide. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases. The phasing plan provided with this application must be more detailed and specific in order to demonstrate the proposed Avon 21 PUD meets the intent of this criterion. Further refinement to ensure the functional independence of each proposed phase must be provided and formalized via Subdivision Improvement and Development Agreements pursuant to Articles 1 & ll of Chapter 16.24, Final Plats, AMC, prior to Final Plat approval. 10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. Comments directly associated with this criterion have been sent to applicant from the Engineering and Public Works & Transportation Departments outlining the inadequacy of certain technical information needed to review this project. Attached for the Commission's reference are the comments from Engineering and Public Works & Transportation (Exhibit A). 11. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. The road and street improvements will be reviewed throughout the subdivision process concurrently with this new PUD application It should be noted, however, that the developer is required to complete the final construction of the roads in this area, complete with streetscape, concurrently with the subdivision process. Please refer to the comments made by the Engineering Department in Exhibit A. 12. That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose, which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. As more thoroughly detailed under Criterion 1, the policy tools used to review this PUD are the applicable elements of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, High Priority District # 2 /East Town Center, and the East Town Center District Plan dated May 2008. 8_ Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. The economic modeling of this development application has moved beyond the preliminary stages of analysis and will be reviewed during the next Commission meeting. Any cultural, social and community benefits equal to or greater than possible adverse impacts resulting from the proposed change of zoning is to be demonstrated by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Commission and Council. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. The flexibility afforded in an approval of the subject application, as submitted, may result in an improved site orientation of future development; the preservation of valued environmental and culturalresources; and an increase in the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. However, it is important to note that an approved zoning application does not guarantee the proposed development plan associated with it will ever be constructed. As stated above, the application seems to have the potential to meet the intent of this criterion, and it is the applicant's burden to prove such to the satisfaction of the Commission and Council. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Commission TABLE this PUD application to the August 5, 2008 hearing, at which time the applicant is expected to demonstrate the application's conformance and adherence to all the applicable PUD Design Criteria, and at which time the Commission can make a formal recommendation based upon criteria and findings tied to the PUD Design Criteria found in Section 17.20.110(h) as listed above. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4002, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfull Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Planning Manager Exhibits Exhibit A — Written Comments from the Engineering and Public Works & Transportation Departments Exhibit A Enaineerina Department Comments on the Avon 21 PUD Submittal The following comments are in response to the Engineering Department's review of the subject PUD application. General Comments: 1. The project is proposing to add traffic to Plaza Way. The location of the Plaza Way intersection with East Main Street is only sixty feet (60') from the Avon Road/Main Street roundabout. The existing median must be extended to make the Plaza Way intersection with East Main Street right in/right out because of its close proximity to the Avon Road roundabout. 2. The geotechnical report indicates that there will be spread footings. The footings must be located on private property. 3. Please refer to the comments from the Public Works Director, Jennifer Strehler, regarding the need for a transit stop. 4. The decorative plaza improvements with have to be maintained by the property owners and not by the Town of Avon. Water Rights: 1. The project is allocated 141.9 Single Family Equivalents (SFE) from the Town of Avon's existing water rights allocation, which is based on existing zoning entitlements. The developer will need to obtain the additional water rights required of a project with the density and uses proposed. 2. Engineering Staff reviewed the applicant's PUD Application Development Summary Table against the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) water demand worksheet and several discrepancies between the two worksheets were discovered which require clarification and correction. 3. The method preferred by the applicant for obtaining the additional water rights must be identified before the project is scheduled for Town Council. 4. The additional water must be obtained before Final Plat approval and before any permits are to be issued for the site. Public Improvement Drawinas Preoared by Marcin Ehaineerina Sheet 1.01: 1. Include the benchmark, datum and basis of bearings in the General Notes. 2. Remove the reference to the Lake Street project in Note 27. Sheet 1.07: 1. All existing easements that are to be vacated and rededicated must be completed by Final Plat or as part of the Final Plat. 2. The Preliminary Plat should include the easements that will be vacated as part of the plat, dedicated as part of the plat and other easements that will exist at the time the plat is expected to be recorded. 3. The Preliminary Plat should include the property lines to be abandoned in grey. 4. All public improvements, including sidewalks, must be located in easements or right-of-way (ROW) dedicated to the Town of Avon. Sheet 1.09: 1. Permission must be obtained from Union Pacific Railroad for any grading that may be required within the railroad ROW. 2. The parking space proposed on the south side of Main Street at the east end must be clearly delineated with curb and gutter. It can not be combined with the parking garage entrance. 3. The sidewalk must be shown on the grading plan. 4. Several of the parking spaces are too close to an intersection. They must be a minimum of twenty feet (20) away from any intersection. 5. The project proposes to add a service and delivery access to Plaza Way. Please demonstrate that all service vehicles will be able to maneuver onto Plaza Way, and into and out of the proposed access drive. 6. Please demonstrate how service and delivery vehicles will access the South Building. Vehicles must be able to maneuver into the access drive without obstructing the East Main Street and Benchmark Road intersection. 7. The intersection of Plaza Way and East Beaver Creek Blvd will have to be reconstructed to accommodate the proposed layout. 8. The exit to the new parking garage is proposed to be located on Plaza Way. It currently is a one-way traveling south. The proposed exit must be modified to account for the one way traffic. 9. It is preferred that the exit to the parking garage be located on Beaver Creek Place so that a minimal amount of additional traffic is added to Plaza Way Sheet 1.12: 1. The water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer need to be at least 10 feet apart from one another as measured from the outside of each pipe. 2. The deep utility pipes need to be at least ten feet (10) from the property line or an easement must be granted. There must be at least a twenty foot (20) wide easement/ROW for the storm sewer and irrigation pipe. 3. The deep utility mains must be at least ten feet (10') from any building. Sheet 1.14: 1. Plot the hydraulic and energy grade lines on the storm sewer profile. Sheet 1.15: 1. The storm sewer must be RCP not HDPE in the right-of-way. 2. There does not appear to be adequate clearance between the irrigation pipe and storm sewer pipe. Please verify that there is adequate clearance once the pipe's outer diameter is determined and taken into account. Sheet 1.18. 1. The invert out of the existing Metcalf Irrigation Ditch Pipe on the west side of the property must be surveyed in order to appropriately design the Metcalf Ditch. Sheet 1.21 1. The easterly and middle road cross section does not match what is shown on the proposed grading plan. 2. Please tie the cross sections to horizontal road stations. Marcin Drainaae Report: 1. The roofs are 100% impervious and not 90% impervious. 2. Include the hydraulic grade line and energy grade line as part of the pipe sizing calculations. 3. Provide a map outlining the delineation of the off-site basin. The storm sewer shown as starting at the north side of Beaver Creek Place actually starts on Benchmark Road near City Market and American National Bank. 4. A portion of the Railroad ROW and the Chapel Square subdivision drain to the west and should be included as part of basin 211. 5. From the east, the Metcalf ditch runs underneath the rail road tracks in the rail road ties box culvert, then through the rock lined ditch into the 24" pipe. The drawings need to be modified to reflect the accurate layout 6. If requested, a copy of the Drainage Report for Tract B-1, Chapel Square, can be made available for reference. The drainage plan accurately reflects the infrastructure in the southeast corner of the project. 7. In order to waive the storm water detention requirement, it must be demonstrated that there will be not be a negative impact to downstream properties as a result of the non -detained flows. 8. Identify the type and potential location of the proposed underground water quality facilities. 9. Please verify that the capacity of the proposed Metcalf Ditch alignment is the same or an improvement upon the existing Metcalf Ditch alignment. Kimlev-Horn Traffic Impact Studv: 1. A westbound right turn lane on Benchmark Road must be added at the intersection with East Main Street pursuant to the recommendation in the traffic study. 2. The right-of-way must be dedicated for an eastbound right turn lane on East Beaver Creek Blvd at the intersection of East Beaver Creek Blvd at the intersection of Beaver Creek Place pursuant to the recommendation in the traffic study. 3. The traffic counts at the Avon Road/Benchmark Road intersection appear incomplete. Please provide an explanation of the discrepancies shown therein. 4. In Figures 4 and 5, no growth is shown for several of the traffic movements between 2010 and 2030. Please provide an explanation or correct these figures. 5. Please label the intersection legs for the intersection legs depicted on intersection 4. It is not possible to discern which leg correlates to which street. 6. Please provide a justification for the statement that the conference space will be used exclusively by Avon 21 guests. 7. The Avon 21 trip distribution does not reflect that the access onto Beaver Creek Place is only an entrance and not an exit. 8 The Avon 21 trip distribution does not reflect that there is only a parking garage exit and service entrance on Plaza Way. 9. The ITE trip generation for condo units is 5.84 trips per day, not 5 5. To: Matt Gennett, Planning Manager CC: Justin Hildreth, P.E. Town Engineer From: Jennifer Strehler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Transportation Date: June 25, 2008 Re: Follow-up on "Avon 21" Project This is a follow-up to my earlier memo dated May 28, 2008. Since that time I have had the opportunity to review the Traffic Study submitted by the Applicant. I am providing comments on this Traffic Study which impact the Town's operating and maintenance costs for public works and transit. These comments also impact the traffic and transit infrastructure costs to support the project (e.g., capital investments in streets and rolling stock) and should be addressed by the Applicant. TRIP GENERATION — The Applicant states that the project will only increase the existing trip generation by 1,565 trips per day on average. To arrive at this conclusion, the Applicant has selected high unit ITE factors for the traffic associated with the existing development and low factors for the proposed development. There also appears to be a discrepancy in the number of dwelling units assumed. In addition, no add-on has been included for the tourist -seasonal peak we observe during the winter months here in Avon (i.e., the ITE method alone does not account for seasonal peaks). Evidence of Avon's winter peaking effect can be observed in several places. Ridership on the town routes (i.e., red, blue, and black combined) in the winter months of January, February, and March of 2007 was nearly triple the ridership observed in the summer months of June, July and August that same year. Note too that flow records from the Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant show that winter months produce wastewater flows about 125% of the annual average rate. Both of these facts support the need for a winter peak seasonal add-on to be included in the Applicant's trip generation calculations. The Department of Transportation believes that the attached estimates better reflect the impact of this project. Our calculations estimate a net increase of 7,591 day trips (during winter season) from these parcels. Since the Applicant's Traffic Study assumptions are in question for the average daily number of trips, the peak hourly trip generation assumptions are also likely to be in error. The specific type of development can have a large impact on trip generation (e.g.. movie theaters and fast-food restaurants would have high trip generation while specialty retail and certain types of Page 1 of 3 services would not). The Applicant should correct the Traffic Study for all parameters as noted, provide as much detail as reasonably possible at this time about the types of retail and commercial development, and re -submit the revised Traffic Study so that the Town can better determine the real traffic impacts of this project. 2. TRANSIT SYSTEM IMPACT — The Town will continue to provide bus service in both directions from Roundabout #4 at the same level of service as current. In other words, buses will travel both eastbound and westbound on the new East Main Street through this project area, with one stop in both directions. The Comprehensive Plan specifies for this area, and the project itself purports to be, a transit -oriented development project. The Applicant must provide sufficient right-of-way for bus stops on either side of East Main Street within the project area. Avon's Department of Transportation has estimated approximately 9,063 additional annual operating service hours at a cost of about $607,000/year (2008 dollars) will be necessary to service this project with an integrated transit system. (See calculations and assumptions on last page). There will also be additional costs to add rolling stock and maintain 1 additional bus stop as compared to current conditions. 3. PUBLIC WORKS IMPACT — It is difficult to estimate the Town's approximate cost for operation and maintenance of the public rights-of-way adjacent to the parcels in this project because many important variables have not yet been determined (e.g., surrounding sidewalk locations and maintenance responsibilities, parking garage easement details, surface materials, extent of on-site snow storage, etc.). We recommend that the following key assumptions be noted to the Applicant and town staff involved in design review: (a) Snow removal will be performed on the public right-of-way on East Main Street using heavy equipment which may operate throughout the night and early morning hours with back-up safety alarms in use. (b) Sufficient setbacks (i.e., 10 -feet snow easement) will be provided on-site to allow for snow storage along E. Main Street and the surrounding street frontages. (c) The back of sidewalk should be located at the public-private property line such that the responsibility for sidewalk maintenance is in accordance with AMC 12.17 (consistent with similar properties throughout Avon today). (d) Maintenance of the "Pedestrian Alley", as well as areas outside of the public right-of- way, is the responsibility of the property owner. (e) The Town is not responsible to install, operate, or maintain snow melt systems in the public right-of-way. If snow melt is proposed, the Applicant will be responsible for the capital and long-term operating costs of said snow melt system. (f) The road section of E. Main St. includes asphalt and standard curbs. No bollards and no brick pavers (except select crosswalks) are included in the public right-of-way which will require special maintenance by Town staff. If all of the above assumptions are held true, the annual incremental cost for public works operations and maintenance (O&M) of this project would be approximately $250,000 per year (2008 dollars). If any of the above assumptions are not conditioned upon the project, the cost to the Town for public works O&M will increase. All cost estimates herein should be escalated annually to account for inflation. 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