PZC Minutes 07-01-2008 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
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Meeting Minutes for July 1, 2008
V0 Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
c o L o R A D O Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
WORK SESSION (5:OOpm — 5:30pm)
Description: Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:38 pm.
Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no amendments to the Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest. Commissioner Green clarified that he does not have a
conflict of interest for Item VII.
V. Consent Agenda
Approval of the June 17, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Green moved to approve the consent agenda, and Commissioner Lane
seconded the vote. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote; Commissioners Goulding and Evans
abstained due to their absence from the June 17, 2008 meeting.
VI. Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan Update
Property Location: Tract G, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Description: The Vail Architecture Group is to present conceptual master plan materials,
findings and recommendations from the community charrettes and surveys.
Discussion: Matthew Gennett presented staffs memorandum.
Mariana Boldu, VAg, Inc, and Sherry Dorward presented a PowerPoint presentation which
focused on the process currently completed, the next steps, and a draft plan.
Sherry continued with a summary of the results from the two design charrettes. She also
highlighted the Park Survey that was completed by Linda Venturoni. Sherry commented that
the most frequent comments from the public meetings were to keep the passive uses of the
park, improve the lighting on pedestrian paths, and add a venue for performing arts and similar
events. Sherry also stated that the survey produced similar desires for the park.
Commissioner Green asked what the concern was with funding for year round uses versus
seasonal uses. Sherry Dorward stated that the seasonal uses would be items like ice skating
on the lake and cross country skiing during the winter months.
Commissioner Evans asked why there are discrepancies between the West Town Center
Investment Plan and the Nottingham Park plan and whether both presented at the public
design charrettes.
Sherry Dorward stated that she has heard that there is not much support for an inn on the
current Municipal Complex parcel. She stated that the draft plan will address the inn by stating
that the plan does not recommend the inn in that location but rather that back-of-house/service
uses and limitedparking would be a better alternative.
Commissioner Green asked where the lack of support for an inn originated and what the plan
was for the intersection of Main and Lake Streets.
With regard to the first question, Matt Gennett stated that staff has received comments from
numerous members of the public and immediate neighbors of the park that an inn would not
be in the best interest of the community.
Justin Hildreth responded to the second question stating the steps for Lake Street that went
into the park at the intersection with Main Street are to be removed from the construction of
Lake Street. The reason is that a design for that intersection will be a part of the Main Street
construction plans and possibly built next year in accordance with the Park Plan and the Main
Street design.
Sherry then continued her presentation by outlining some of the ideas that were brought forth
that did not seem to work in the park. These included a skate park, a dog park, cross country
ski trails, and improvements to the beach. Sherry then outlined the concept master plan
depicting the proposed improvements and phasing.
Commissioner Evans asked what the bullet about the skating on the soccer field meant.
Sherry commented that there was potential to flood the soccer field to provide ice skating on
the field. It would provide a lesser liability and longer season of use.
Commissioner Evans stated he doesn't understand why we would flood the field when we
have a lake that suffices.
Commissioner Green asked what the reason is for having two separate treatments for the lake
edge. Sherry stated the need for boulders exists only around the dam portion of the lake for
engineering/support reasons.
Commissioner Struve asked staff whether the parking situation would be fixed if the parking
garage was built. Matt Gennett stated that it could but the parking garage is not going to be
built in the near term and would likely not accommodate future capacity needs. He also
commented that if Main Street develops the way the town envisions, parking capacity could be
consumed by Main Street and more would be needed for the park.
Commissioner Struve asked if demonstration gardens would be programmed into the plan.
Sherry did state that community gardens and demonstration gardens could be provided in the
park but there is not an abundance of space for those uses.
Commissioner Prince asked if the play area was to be moved. Sherry Dorward stated that a
second play area would be provided on the western portion of the park and upgraded
equipment would be needed on the east side.
Larry Brooks commented that there is a possibility to put a trail to the south of the water
treatment plant. He thinks that we should put a trail in the plan and that it be included as a
Commissioner Lane wanted to see more "pocket parks" within the larger park. He wants some
semi -private areas. He also wanted to see Main Street branch into the park instead of die at
the park. He liked that edge comments that were made by the design team for the lake.
Commissioner Goulding questioned the upgraded lighting comments. Sherry responded that
the lights should be sustainable and she said that it could be either bollards or pole lights but
the objective is to only light the paths enough to ensure safety.
Commissioner Goulding stated that it could be difficult to get young kids to Scope C and he
would want that programmed for the correct age group. He also stated that he has not heard
responses from the Avon Recreation Center and what is the need for better athletic fields or a
change in the size and configuration of the athletic fields.
Commissioner Struve thanked the design team on the quality job they have done thus far.
Commissioner Roubos does not want to see structures placed in the park.
Commissioner Prince stated that the park is heading toward passive recreation. He also
thinks a disconnection exists between the east and west parts of the park. He stated that
better signage and information about what is allowed for public use in the park would be a
good improvement. He also wanted to hear about how tourists and second homeowners use
the park.
Matt Gannett stated that the survey contains the information and it can be cross tabulated to
extract the pertinent data.
VII. Sketch Design Review — Residential Single -Family
Property Location: Lot 7, Western Sage PUD / 5771 Wildridge Road East
Applicant: The Reynolds Corporation / Owner. Beowulf Lot 7 LLC
Description: Sketch Design review for a single-family residence on a Western Sage PUD
property, accessed off Wildridge Road East at the top of Wildridge.
Discussion: Matthew Pielsticker presented staffs report.
Sean Reynolds outlined a few items from the staff report. He stated that the building does
step with the lot slope and reduces the amount of retaining walls by building a platform for the
house to sit on.
Commissioner Struve asked the height of the two retaining walls to the south of the building
and what the approximate height was? The applicants responded that those walls have
heights of 6 feet and 4 feet tall, respectively.
Commissioner Lane asked about building height calculation and perceived height due to
retaining walls.
Buzz Reynolds stated that the easement has already been given for Lot 7 across Lot 6.
Commissioner Evans asked what the height of the retaining wall is by the driveway. Sean
Reynolds responded that the height was 10 feet on the lower side and 2 to 4 feet on the upper
Commissioner Evans questioned the 3D model and how it is different from the site plans
provided. He also stated that the garage elevation is quite repetitious and needs to be
Commissioner Green stated that there are inconsistencies between elevations on the building.
It appears that there are some elevations that have certain elements and there are others that
are missing the same elements. He also stated that the windows appear to be placed in the
walls and there are no indications that the windows are operable.
Commissioner Lane stated that many of the issues that are arising now most likely would
snowball into larger issues down the road and they need to be addressed at an early stage.
Commissioner Evans stated that he has no issues with the size of the home, but stated that
this lot many not be a good location for a house of this size.
Commissioner Prince stated that he would like to see the heights of each retaining wall.
Commissioner Evans stated that he would like to see the studies that prove this is the option
with the least amount of retaining walls.
Commissioner Struve asked what colors were planned for. Buzz stated that the colors of the
rock are the samples shown and the windows would be a gray hue.
Commissioner Roubos stated that she was concerned about the size of the proposed house
and square footage.
Commissioner Goulding stated he doesn't have a problem with the size, but does have a
problem with the massing. The building needs to be stepped down not up the hillside. He
also wanted to see a parking study to show proper movement in the driveway.
As this is a Sketch Design application, no formal action was taken.
Property Location: Lots 21, 65A, 65B, Tract Q, and Parcel TK -3, Block 2, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek Subdivision / 62, 68, and 182 Benchmark Road
Applicant/ Owner. Brian Judge, Orion Development
Description: The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail Architecture Group, representing the
owner of the property, EAH, LLC, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a
concurrent Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on a new development site comprised of the
properties listed above, which are currently zoned Town Center (TC). The proposed PUD is
envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use development including retail space, office space,
residential and lodging uses in three new buildings to be located on the site.
Matt Gennett, Planning Manager, presented the outline for the meeting and staffs report
included in the Commissioner packets. The Staff report outlines the policies from both the
Comprehensive Plan and East Town Center District plan.
Commissioner Struve questioned Planning Principle #14, maximizing solar exposure, and
whether that meant limited shaded areas. Mr. Gennett responded that while vague, this
planning principle can imply limiting shaded areas.
Pedro Campos, representing the owners of the property, introduced the presentation and the
outline of his presentation. Pedro went through the Planning Principals stated in the
Comprehensive Plan in an attempt to show how the proposed PUD complies with each
Commissioner Evans questioned how the floor plates, specifically the plaza level, related to
the current grades on the site.
Pedro continued the presentation by illustrating how the proposed PUD complies with the East
Town Center Plan.
Commissioner Evans asked how the proposed project compares to the number of floors from
illustrated in the East Town Center Plan.
Pedro stated that the proposed project complies in most instances as the buildings vary
between 6-8 stories.
Commissioner Evans stated that he believes the residential street designation in the East
Town Center Plan is intended to drive the street size but not the use on the street level.
Commissioner Evans informed the applicant that he believes the uses there should still be
commercial or retail.
Pedro referred Mr. Evans to the section detail of the residential street side of the project
depicted in the ETCD Plan and the "residential" label on the detail for the whole building.
Commissioner Evans asked how the revised traffic study is progressing. Pedro responded
that their traffic engineer is reviewing their work to ensure that it is correct.
Commissioner Evans asked about acquisition of water rights and sewer rights. He asked
where they were currently in the process of acquiring these rights. Brian Judge asked that the
Planning and Zoning Commission only look at the uses so that the applicants can determine
their exact requirements.
Commissioner Evans opened the Public Hearing for Public Comment.
Kent Biedel, owner of Loaded Joe's, wanted to reiterate his comments from previous
meetings. He did determine that by code he would need about 10 parking spaces, but during
peak hours the number of parking spaces can grow to the 20-25 range. He stated that the
surface parking is a lifeline for his business and wouldn't occupy a location without that
adequate parking. He offered his business as a place to hold a public outreach meeting if the
Town and Applicant wanted a place to hold additional meetings.
Commissioner Evans stated that the current parking code is flawed, but is unsure what the
amounts should be. He stated that parking would be dealt with on a project by project basis.
Kent stated that the affordability issue related to tenant spaces is another concern and that he
would like to see rent controlled retail spaces.
Commissioner Evans closed the Public Comment portion of the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Evans stated that he has concerns about the price ranges of the units proposed
in the proposed PUD. He asked how the vibrancy and critical mass of downtown is to be
benefited by the proposed price ranges.
Brian Judge responded that the need is for a professional housing price range for households
that can afford to live in these homes and frequent the local business.
Commissioner Evans asked if the phasing is negotiable. Brian Judge responded that phase
one provides 99% of the public benefit by realigning the roads and utilities.
Brian Judge asked for clarification of what Commissioner Evans is asking for.
Commissioner Evans is asking for the developer to guarantee to the town that once a phase is
undertaken that the Town will receive the public benefit that the developer is representing to
finish at the completion of that phase.
Commissioner Goulding stated that he feels the applicant did not fully address the principals of
the East Town Center and the compliance of the proposed PUD.
Commissioner Evans stated that he wanted to understand why every planning goal and policy
of the Comp Plan was not addressed. Matt Gennett responded that only the applicable
principals were included in the staff report as determined.
Commissioner Green asked if the Commissioners could make comments without public
feedback. He acknowledged that the proposed PUD meets the sun shading and Main Street
alignment and that the architectural design is irrelevant at this time.
Commissioner Lane asked if this is a building that we want to see in town now and later. He
stated that he does not think he can see this in town now.
Commissioner Green asked the other Commissioners how the lower end of the housing and
commercial are attainable by locals. He also asked how the town would be obligated to assist
so that locals can occupy the units affordably.
Commissioner Goulding asked his fellow Commissioners to provide the applicant some
feedback on what their stance is on many issues so that the applicant can adequately respond
to those issues. Commissioner Evans responded that he agrees, but would like to see more
information so that he can make comments that are substantive.
Commissioner Evans commented that he understands the fabric of the East Town Center area
and he does not feel that this project meets that fabric due to costs associated with residing in
the proposed PUD.
Commissioner Goulding asked the Commissioners to provide staff and the applicant with
direction needed to be taken so that they can provide the applicant with feedback so that he
can determine what is going to work for them.
Matt Gennett stated that there are still eleven (11) other PUD Design Criteria that need to be
reviewed to provide recommendation for the PUD. He suggested that the next meeting and
staff report focus the discussion on those criteria.
The Commissioners agreed that it would be a good approach and logical next step.
Commissioner Roubos moved to table the application. Commissioner Struve seconded the
motion and it passed with a 7-0 vote.
IX. Other Business
• Andy Hill from DOI_A will beat the next meeting to do Commissioner Training.
• During the August 5"' meeting, a discussion on Financial Impacts and Fiscal Analysis with
Stan Bernstein will be held.
• Matt Pielsticker asked about having a greater level of detail for Sketch Design Applications.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Struve moved to adjourn at 10:40. Commissioner Goulding seconded the
motion and it passed 7-0.
Phil Struve