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PZC Packet 061708 (2)
Pilo w6idifibm A111 Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission C. '21 Meeting Agenda for June 17, 2008 VO N Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public C o L o e A D O Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION WITH TOWN COUNCIL (3:00pm - 4:00pm) Description: Presentation by Jennifer Strehler, Director of Public Works and Transportation, concerning a conceptual design plan and PUD Amendment for the Swift Gulch Public Works facility to accommodate existing and future capacity needs. Open to the public. SITE TOUR WITH TOWN COUNCIL (4:00pm — 5:00pm) Description: Site Tour to the Avon Public Works Facility (500 Swift Gulch Road) to review the conceptual land use proposal. Open to the publ ic; however, there is limited bus capacity. REGULAR WORK SESSION (5:00pm — 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda Approval of the June 3, 2008 Meeting Minutes VI. Historic Preservation Committee Property Nomination — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Nottingham Power Plant Property Location: Tract A, Nottingham Station PUD / Hurd Lane Applicant: Historic Preservation Committee / Owner: Town of Avon Description: Kim Nottingham, on behalf of the Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, submitted a recommendation for a structure to be considered for Historic Landmark designation — the Nottingham Power Plant. All Historic Landmarks must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, prior to moving to the Town Council. VII. Minor Projects A. Seasons Color Change and Exterior Improvements Property Location: Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/ 137 Benchmark Road Applicant., Dave Kaselak, Zehren & Associates / Owner: Matt Trasen, Avon Partners II, LLC Posted on June 13, 2008 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at httD://www.avon.orci / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Description: Dave Kaselak, of Zehren and Associates, is proposing exterior modifications to the Seasons building. The proposed modifications include: complete stucco repaint with three new colors, addition of standing seam metal roofing on select roof forms, new railing supports on the south side of the surface ramp parki ng area, addition of stone veneer in place of stucco, remodel of the parte cochere, and additional landscaping. B. Beowulf Final Design Modifications Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD, Block 4, Wildridge / 5775 Wildridge Road East Applicant / Owner: Buz Reynolds Description: The owner and builder of this single-family residence (currently under construction in Wildridge) is proposing to change the approved retaining wall design, layout, and associated landscaping. Also included in the application is the addition of a single car garage. VIII. Avon 21 PUD Zoning Application — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 21, 65A, 65B, Tract Q, and Parcel TK -3, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 62, 68, and 182 Benchmark Road Applicant l Owner: Brian Judge, Orion Development Description: The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail Architecture Group, representing the owner of the property, EAH, LLC, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a concurrent 'Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on a new development site comprised of the properties listed above, which are currently zoned Town Center (TC). The proposed PUD is envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use development including retail space, office space, residential and lodging uses in three new buildings to be located on the site. IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Posted on June 13, 2008 at the following public places within the Town of Avon • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at hftD://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions WM Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Draft Meeting Minutes for June 3, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public C 0 L 0 R A D 0 Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION (5:OOpm - 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) - , e I. Call to Order n v y ti The meeting was called to order at 5:37 pm.+ II. Roll Call r All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Struve. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda y� Item VIA, Minor Project for Ticino Restaurant Vent Terminations - was moved to the Consent Agenda. There were no other additions or amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interested sclosed.` V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the May 20, 2008 Meeting Minutes • Item VIA, Minor Project for Ticino Restaurant Vent Terminations Commissioner Green requested clarification of the correct wording in the May 20, 2008 Meeiirig Minutes, Other Business, as follows: Commissioner Prince questioned the purview of his discretion as a Commissioner, not his 'rights". Commissioner Green moved to' approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Roubos seconded the motion and it passed with a 4-0 vote; Commissioners Lane and Goulding abstained due to their absence from the May 20, 2008 Meeting. , r VI. Minor Projects A. Ticino Restaurant Vent Terminations Property Location: Lot A, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 100 W. BC Boulevard Applicant/ Owner.• Daniel Description: The owner of the new restaurant is proposing to install mechanical equipment on the first floor roofs of the existing Avon Center building. The mechanical equipment that is proposed to be placed on the shed roof will be enclosed with a stucco dormer to match the existing building. Discussion: Discussion during Work Session. Action: Approved on the Consent Agenda. B. Ruggs Benedict Property Location: Lot 32, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 810 Nottingham Applicant: Mark Donaldson / Owner: Ester Wolff Trust Description: The applicant is proposing exterior modifications to the existing Ruggs Benedict building. The proposed changes are to architecturally enhance the entrances and windows on the south and east elevations, add a stone base to a portion of the south and east elevations, and repaint all of the elevations. Discussion: Victor Mark Donaldson approached the podium to explain that his firm is currently addressing comments from staff, and he would like to request a tabling of the application. Commissioner Evans asked if the north wall of the building and if it is being painted one color. He asked if it the north elevation could be broken up, and equal treatment be provided on all four sides of the building. The applicant explained that his firm is trying to address, those issues,'and that the tenant is doing the work and not the property owner. " Action: Commissioner Goulding motioned to table, and commissioner, Roubos seconds the motion. All Commissioners were in agreement and the'motion passed unanimously. VII. Minor Project Update Snow Run Townhomes Property Location: Lot 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 520 Nottingham Road Applicant l Owner. Sye Curtis 0 ' Description: This application is for work being done on Unit C of the}Snow Run Townhomes. The work has been previously approved, but the design app'roval�has expired. 5 Y Discussion: Jared Barnes updated the Commission with the status of this design application. The design approval expired on June 1; 2008. Commissioner Goulding questioned if the April 15`, meeting minutes were clear as,to the remedies;. and possible fines for non-compliance. Staff responded that the meeting minutes were explicit. Sye Curtis, applicant; approached the podium and explained that he has been working on the project, and would like to continue the project. The materials have been purchased and are to be delivered in the next week -or two. ' Sye`explained that he has a schedule for construction, and the weather has slowed progress for this'project with all of the snow this past winter. ComY missioner Evans questioned when the project would be complete, and why there has been' -seemingly minimal progress. How can the Commission be assured that the project be complete, and when? Commissioner Roubos asked if Sye was working on the project by himself. Sye responded affirmatively. Commissioner,, ommissioner. Prince asked how far along the project stands, and the applicant responded that approximately 50% of the project is complete. Commissioner Prince again asked how long it would take to complete the work. Sye presented a construction schedule for the pro�ect to the Commissioners. The construction schedule indicated a final inspection on October 6 h. Commissioner Prince questioned the legal remedy for this type of project and non-compliance. Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager for Community Development, explained that cash or letter of credit up to 125% of the estimated construction cost from a reputable contractor could be retained. If the timeframe allotted to finish the project was not complied with the Town could complete the work. A lean on the property could be the end of the line. Action: Commissioner Goulding clarified his position and made the following motion: Within ten calendar days from this meeting, or not later than June 13`h, a bid from a qualified contractor showing the cost estimated to complete work, will be provided to staff along with a cash security or letter of credit totaling 125% of said estimate. Additionally, the red tag will be lifted tomorrow in order to allow for continued work in the interim period. The completion date for the project is set to be Sept 2m Commissioner Prince clarified that the applicant will be required to find a reputable bidder, as determined by staff, and 125% of surety posted within 10 days. Prince asked the applicant what the ballpark number is and if he could produce the 125%. Discussion continued with respect to the remaining work, and that since the materials were already ordered the contractor simply schedules hours of labor. The letter of credit process could take one week. The motion was clarified that this is an extension to the design approval submittal; 125% bid of reputable contractor. If these conditions are not met in 10 calendar days, it will be a violation of Town Code and subject to remedies outlined therein. Commissioner Green seconds the motion and all commissioners were in favor. 6-0 vote. VIII. Avon 21 PUD Zoning Application Property Location: Lots 21, 65A, 65B, Tract Q, andlParcel TK -3, -,Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 62, 68, and 182 Benchmark Road Applicant/ Owner., Brian Judge, Orion Development % 1161,1 Description: The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail ;Architecture Group, representing the owner of the property, EAH, LLC, is proposing a new Planned Unit Development' (PUD) and a concurrent Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on a new development site comprised of the properties listed above, which are currently zoned Town Center'(TC)\.,The'"proposed PUD is envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use development including' retail space, office space, residential and lodging in three new development buildings to be located on the site. Discussion: Matthew Gennett, Planning Manager, presented.Staff's report to the Commission. He explained that this is the first redevelopment!project,the'Town has ever reviewed. Mr. Gennett outlined the proposal and the development standards,'including but not limited to the building locations, parking, phasing, -and mixed=use vibrant character of development. The East Town Center plan was adopted prior to finding the application complete. The building height was presented, along with the street patterns and vehicular ways. The extension of Main Street is in line'wit0he Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Gennett explained that the purpose of this hearing is to introducethe.project to the Commission and the public. The bulk, height, mass, are being presented tonight. What we are looking at is the mix of uses, street patterns, footprints, and how these items address the principles in the East Town Center Plan and Comprehensive Plan. It was explained that Staff has identified some discrepancies with the plan set. Staff is reviewinethe phasing plan,' employee housing, traffic generation, engineering comments, financing mechanisms, and `are looking forward to the development agreement and how that might be'drafted. The recommendation to table a formal review to the June 17, 2008 meeting is to allow the applicationitime respond to Staff and Commissioner comments. Mr. Gennett continued to outline the packet materials. Page 2 of Staffs report goes through the nuts and bolts of the application. Page 6 outlines the goals and policies of the East Town Center Plan. Ttie report highlights each planning principle, and how this development responds to the plan. There needs to be a discussion as to what the Commission wants to see at the next hearing. Page 16 of the report contains the Comprehensive Plan goals. Mr. Gennett explained that Goals F.1 and F.2 merit discussion, to understand how attainable housing policies relate to this development plan. Page 18, Criteria 2, highlights the conformity with the design theme of the Town. Criteria 3 for review contemplates the adjacent bulk building height, etc. The theme of this project could set a tone for the rest of the district, and not simply the immediate surrounding properties Staff recommends tabling to the 17ti` i Pedro Campos, representing Orion Development, introduced the development team. Brian Judge, Orion Development, approached the podium to discuss the project's history. His team was encouraged over 2 1/2 years ago to look bigger, and to look at other redevelopment project possibilities in the area. He continued to explain that his team was been active in the financing districts, and participation in the processes involved with the East and West Avon workshops in the preceding years. Pedro Campos began a PowerPoint presentation. He reviewed the project goals, including: increased density, strengthened Main Street retail pedestrian environment, new multi -use landmark public space, enhancement of pedestrian circulation, clarification of auto circulation, and the elimination of surface parking lots that exist in the area. The background of the project was again highlighted' The 1996 Comprehensive Plan, and 2003 updated Comprehensive Plan both envision connecting ;west,and east town centers. Between 2005 and 2007, consolidation of parcel ownership has taken; place and the project site now totals approximately 5.4 acres of land. Duringfthe same time frame, the West Town Center Investment Plan, Urban Renewal Authority creation, and the East Town Center plan was being developed. Pedro explained that the development team has held four joint Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission work sessions in 2006 and 2007', Meetings with staff and representatives have ensued throughout this timeframe. The Comprehensive Plan Community Framework diagram was presented'to the Commission, highlighting the east -west Main Street configuration. Functionally extend Main Street into East Town Center was a goal of the Comprehensive Plan? The project site`is located in high priority district number two. *t � N. The existing and proposed parcel configurations were presented to the Commission. Tk3 and 65-A are the two TOA properties. The proposed reconfigured .86 acres of Right of Way land would be maintained with the new, parcel and resblting Right of Way configuration. It was again pointed out that the MaiA Street alignmerif would, effectively extend Main Street across Avon Road. The multi -event 'space in the middle of the development and sidewalk circulation were shown in the overall site plan' Service acid deliveries were to be located on tfie east side of the south building, and west side of the•north building, out of, the public domain. Public art opportunities have been identified by the applicant, and the general quality of the streetscape environment. iy b Building perspectives were presented in the Power Point presentation looking north through the north and east buildings (from south side of public plaza). The street level amenities and the mix of building materials were pointed out. A perspective looking south from above the Christie'lodge-property toward the railroad tracks was presented. Pedro explained that the goal of the=building orientation and mass was to optimize views and solar orientation • w Additional perspectiveswere presented, including: gateways of the project from major intersections, pedestrian oriented retail environment, place -making and public space studies, and solar orientation/shade studies. Chairman Evans opened the public hearing. Kent Beidel, owner of Loaded Joe's, approached the podium. Existing businesses and how these are built into the framework of the project was questioned. He explained his concern with limiting interruption of existing businesses during construction, and the phasing approach. Brian Judge explained that all of the tenants should approach him with those types of issues. Due to the straightening of Main Street, the current phasing shows the east building construction first. Brian's team is seeking other properties in the East Town Center for possible relocations. Kent continued that at grade parking is important to businesses such as Loaded Joes or Pazzos for quick pick-ups. Affordability of local businesses to lease the tenant spaces was a concern to Kent, as a local business owner. The public hearing was closed with no other comments. Commissioner Lane questioned how the public plaza would function. The intent of East Town Center plan is for view corridors to go straight through the plaza, and would like to keep the view corridor through the plaza. Pedro explained that a visual connection between East Town Center and West Town Center is one of the driving forces between the plaza and Main Street design. The plans indicate a 200' opening in the plaza to see across Avon road. Brian Judge re -iterated the teams concern with engaging the future park in front of the old Wal-Mart space. His team currently has Chapel Square under contract -with a short closing window. If the closing went through it could help assure,what type`of extension of Main Street into the park could be realized. apt1\ Commissioner Goulding commented on the following: the PUD press and evaluation of the criteria must be clear to the public and the Commission; the,Comprehensive Plan implications and principles must be clear, and how the project meets these principles;parking will be looked at in detail; 2bdrm units will require two spaces; and feedback will be sought from the Town, neighbors, public utilities, and the most importantly0from the'general public. Commissioner Green expressed concern with how this developmenttcompliments the Town, and how the mix, retail, residential, and what -we are getting. How is`the residential mix including or excluding local residents (i.e. how' big are the units)? How does this plan exceed or compliment the local environment. Commissioner,Green.mentioned that this is the time we determine mix of uses, and types of housing. Commissioner Evans explained that we are reviewing mass; height, and densities. Conflicts with the Design Guidelines were pointed out relating to roofs, and the massing/height of the buildings shown. Technicaljissues must Waddressed including water rights, utilities, engineering, etc. Mr. Evans A commented that the 12 employee housing units proposed are insufficient. Existing businesses must be maintained, and how the phasing affects the tenants must be addressed. The financial implications to the Town are extremely important to Commissioner Evan's. - He continued to explain` that the phasing plan is inadequate, and that the Town amenities need to be up front in the phasing. Who is EAH, LLC? Commr �. issioner Evans continued to explain that there has never been an obligation to develop with previous PUD approvals. He questioned what kind of guarantee the Town has if only a portion of the development isycomplete, and the developer leaves. What kind of burden would this produde,on the Town? `How do we ensure that this remains friendly to local ownership and businesses? f Commissioner Roubos expressed concern with precedent, and to be careful to keep the character of Avon and how the Town envisions it. Commissioner Roubos felt that the buildings are ugly, .and while we are not reviewing that now, the drawings have been presented and a eesponse is warranted. Commissioner Prince explained that a timeline must be established, and citizen input is important. What can the applicants do to solicit feedback? Commissioner Green would like to have the uses clearly identified and distinguished in the plan set. Eric Heidemann responded to the Commissioners comments and offered a strategy to address the items of concern Town Staff will meet with the applicants and develop new ways to disseminate the information, and public input strategies. He explained that the Stan Bernstein model is forthcoming and that the opportunity for an urban renewal authority is present. A development agreement and agency comments will be presented as Staff receives them. Action: Commissioner Green motioned to table the application to the June 17'h, 2008 Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Roubos and all Commissioners were in favor. The application was tabled unanimously. IX. Other Business • July 15, 2008 DOLA training • Commissioner Lane questioned the approved monument signs at Boat Building • Commissioner Lane felt that development of outdoor spaces in PUDs is extremely important, instead of just the numbers • Process Discussion with regard to PUD applications. X. Adjourn 4- . + n Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:50pm d, q. 0 i 1 Memo _�� June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting c U L u a A Q 0 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Jennifer Strehler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Transportation THRU: Community Development Department REGARDING: Work Session on Swift Gulch Site Improvements for Town of Avon NOTE: Site tour following presentation Introduction The applicant, the Town of Avon, has requested a conceptual review by the Commission and staff of an upcoming municipal project. This project involves construction of new public works and transportation facilities at the Town -owned Swift Gulch Site. The Parcels involved are: 1, 2 and Tract AA. These parcels are surrounded by open space and are well -screened from view from most locations in and around Avon. The underlying zoning currently in place for the proposed development site is PUD. A PUD amendment was executed in 1998 (see Exhibit A) which requires further amendment to correct irregularities in the previous amendment and to substitute a new site plan for the 1998 plan. The new site plan (see Exhibit B) is consistent with the Town's recent master planning and space needs analysis. New facilities will provide workspace for the Town's Public Works Department (Road and Bridge Division, Parks Division, Facilities Division) and Transportation Department (Fleet Division and Transit Division) through at 2040. Facilities to provide Eagle County's ECO Transit with a satellite hub are also included. The total area of the proposed development site is approximately 15 acres and is comprised of the three parcels listed above. The proposed project is detailed, on a conceptual level, in the attachments. The Town's engineering and architectural consultant will make a presentation and host a site tour of the existing facility during this work session. Existing Condition { This existing PUD provides for the following permitted uses: • Offices • Mechanical Shops and Associated Storage Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 of 5 Outdoor storage yards for uses associated with Municipal Services, Water, Transit, and Fire to include but not limited to: o Cinder and sand piles o Snow plow and street equipment o Transit vehicles o Town vehicles o Bad Order Parking o Horticulture Compound o CDL Drivers Course o Fuel Pumps Snow storage Retaining walls Development standards include: • Maximum building height allowed of 48 -feet • Minimum building set backs of: o Front 25 -feet o Side: 7.5 -feet o Rear: 10 -feet Retaining walls are exempted from setback requirements Maximum site coverage of 50% Minimum landscape area of 25% Proposed Condition The revised PUD would substitute a new site plan for the 1998 version. The current plan does not accurately depict existing buildings, graded or paved areas, and structures. Because the project is only starting design, and because the Town may need to phase the project over several years for budgetary reasons, it is best if the amended PUD was less "site-specific" and more prescriptive in nature. One key correction needed is that the revised PUD should explicitly include parcel AA. This parcel is identified within the "limits of disturbance" in the 1998 PUD amendment, but was not properly listed in Ordinance 98-4 nor included in the legal description. To support the project, the revised PUD would include the same list of allowable uses but would add these additional permitted uses: • Indoor storage for uses associated with Municipal Services, Water, and Transit, to include but not limited to: o Vehicles o Heavy Equipment o Fuel dispensing Vehicle wash (already constructed on the property) Employee housing Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 of 5 Note that the applicant does not wish any changes be imposed to the current development standards. Conceptual sketches of the two largest buildings in this project are included in Exhibit C. This site is very well screened from view from most locations within town. A photo looking north at the site from the center of Chapel Square, approximately three stories above the ground (taken from a bucket truck) is provided in Exhibit D. This Exhibit shows the areas which would be occupied by the new buildings. Most of the existing vehicles, equipment, suppliers, and bulk materials (which are currently stored outdoors and in full view) will be removed from this view, hidden behind the proposed bus barn and administration building. As a result, the project will result in improved views of the site. Staff Comments The project is being designed to provide needed facilities for approximately 130 public works and transportation employees (including ECO Transit), storage for over 100 vehicles and major pieces heavy equipment, fabrication shops (e.g., signs, electrical, wood), plus storage for minor equipment, materials, and documents. A detailed list of space needs was identified in 2007 and recently updated. The resulting facility will include about 120,000 sf of indoor spaces and about 475,000 sf of exterior storage and vehicle circulation areas. The Community Development Department and the Engineering Department have been included in meetings regarding this project, including the consultant selection, kick-off meeting, architectural charrette, and internal discussions about land use, grading, and other project details. It is clear from the 1998 PUD Amendment that the intended use for these parcels is to house the Towns operational facilities for public works, parks, transportation, police, and other municipal services. Although the Town's design standards do not specifically address this type of land use, it seems most consistent with our industrial development standards. To this end, minimalistic design requirements are applicable. The proposed architecture shown in the Exhibits appears to exceed the requirements of the Town's development standards for the designated industrial/commercial (IC) zone. Regarding employee housing, staff recognizes that the Town is conducting this project in order to provide facilities needed to match the projected development and re -development within Avon. The project does not generate jobs but is reacting to local growth by increasing the municipal facilities needed to support this growth. Therefore it is staffs opinion that the development -oriented employee housing requirements should not be applied to this project. However, staff believes it would be wise to add employee housing as a future allowable use Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-0100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 4 of 5 in an amended PUD in case the Town wishes to build such housing as a separate future project. Site circulation and functionality drive the site plan in this project, considerably more than most commercial projects. To use and develop the site for the purpose for which it is allowed, retaining walls and soil stabilization walls will be required. This is due to the large vehicles and heavy equipment and associated turning radiuses involved. The Applicant is proposing retaining walls which are incorporated into structures, and rockery -type soil stabilization walls for along roadways, paved areas, and behind buildings. The rockery walls would be terraced and landscaped. Section heights are up to 10 -feet are proposed, with up to three terrace sections in some places (i.e., for short sections, the total wall height could approach 36 feet); see Exhibit B for locations. Discussion Items The Applicant seeks feedback from the Commission on the following items: 1. PUD Amendment — What challenges should be anticipated to amend the existing PUD for this project? 2. View Corridor — Are there any concerns with the proposed use of site grading, building location, and retaining walls with respect to views? 3. Retaining walls — Terraced rockery -type stabilization walls are proposed, nearly all will be screened from view from off -property. What is the maximum height of retaining walls that will be allowed in this project? 4. Architectural Character — Is the conceptual -level character of the buildings depicted in the Exhibits and in the presentation appropriate for the immediate vicinity? 5. Employee Housing — Does the Commission agree with the proposed approach with respect to employee housing? The Commission will take no formal action at this time. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into a formal zoning application. If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact me directly at 748-4115. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer L. Strehler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Transportation Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 5 of 5 Attachments: Exhibit A: Existing PUD Development Plan (Drawing 2 only) Exhibit B: Preliminary Project Site Plan Exhibit C: Preliminary architectural concept sketches Exhibit D: View corridor photo mock-up Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (070) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 II� a art { = x d Y d d C7 O t7 _ y m R aL Q o U�..i:. O• •_ U) _ cn d UJ (Drn m C a Y i 01 " O' �, O 3 U m in J in CO Q W W i "oil'f I A Q) d m CO Y a cn o U m a n m m m 0) c 0 a 0 m m UI fn N W V c L LLI 0)0 ` 5 o E d o o = 3 O — 6 L U1 Qa > s fn > m v d cxti P4 7 X U g O 41 O 10 W N O ro u O u 3 v A A A k W N O 3a 4 O O U `1 co W VJ vJ CL Memo 01, To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners AVON- Thru: Matthew R. Gennett, Planning Manager, AICP c 0 L 0 a A o 0 From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner�e Date: June 17, 2008 Re: Historic Preservation Committee Property Nomination Nottingham Power Plant Introduction: Kim Nottingham, on behalf of the Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, has submitted a nomination for a structure to be considered for Historic Landmark designation. Please consider this nomination and act in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 17.50 of the Avon Municipal Code (Exhibit C). Once a site or structure is found eligible by the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee for designation, the Committee makes a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. After a public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall then recommend to the Town Council the site or structure. A majority decision of the Council is then required for final approval. Please find the nomination attached to this Memorandum (Exhibit A), which includes several photographs of the subject property. It is important to note that the Nottingham Power Plant was listed in the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties in 2006, and has met several review criteria at the state level. This is the first nomination from the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee since Ordinance No. 08-04 was approved. At your May 20, 2008 meeting, this nomination was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Pursuant to direction from the Commission, public notices were mailed to all property owners (or designated representatives) within 300' of the subject property. Please see the map and mailing list of adjacent property owners attached for your review (Exhibit D). To date, Staff has not received any public input on this nomination. Historic Committee Background: The Town Council expressed a value in historic preservation and stewardship of historic sites when the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee was established in 2005. The Historic Preservation Committee was formed by Resolution No. 05-13 on May 10, 2005, and serves as an advisory Committee for the purpose of promoting historical preservation in the Town. The Committee meets quarterly and is charged with recognizing and recommending historic landmark structures and properties to the Town Council. When the Committee was formed, a "Heritage Fund" was created to fund their operation. The Historic and Cultural Preservation Ordinance was approved on March 25, 2008 by the Town Council upon second reading. The Ordinance establishes the processes involved with nomination, and sets forth requirements for when a site or structure is designated as a Historic Landmark. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve Resolution No. 08-05 (Exhibit B), recommending approval of the Nottingham Power Plant as the first Town of Avon listed Historic and Cultural Landmark. Recommended Motion: "I move to approve Resolution No. 08-05, a resolution recommending approval of the Nottingham Power Plant as a Historic and Cultural Landmark to the Town Council, with the findings listed in Resolution No. 08-05." Attachments: Exhibit A: Nomination, dated April 28, 2008 Exhibit B: Resolution 08-05 (draft) Exhibit C: Ordinance 08-02 Exhibit D: Public Notice Information Town of Avon Historic Propertv Nomination Exhibit A Name of Property: Nottingham Power Plant Location of Property: Town of Avon parcel, North of Eagle River, South of Canyon Run condominiums on Hurd Lane Location Status: Original location Present Owner: Town of Avon Original Owner: Emmett and Myrtle Nottingham Source of Information: Nottingham Family Eagle Valley Enterprise, 11 Dec 1980, p.17 Year of Construction: 1928 Source of Information: Eagle Valley Enterprise, 11 Dec 1980, p.17 Historic Use of Property: Built in 1928, generated electricity until 1942 Current Use of Property: Vacant/Not in use Access to Property: No public access currently without crossing through Canyon Run property. Future public access may be possible with extension of the river recreation path. Designer/Builder: Emmett and Myrtle Nottingham Requesting Historic Landmark designation based upon the following criteria: a) has been in existence for over 50 years b) is a point of interest reflecting the economic and cultural development of the Town of Avon C) is associated with important individuals who contributed significantly to the cultural life of the community Historic Significance Statement: The 1928 Nottingham Power Plant is one of the few surviving remnants of the pioneer and agricultural history of Avon. As such, it is one of the most important historic resources left in Avon. In recognition of this facility's design and construction, and its role as the source of electrical power for both the Nottingham family ranch and the adjacent Avon depot of the Denver Et Rio Grande Railroad, this nomination seeks the Historic Landmark designation for the Nottingham Power Plant. Although the facility is in ruins today, the waterwheel (its most defining feature) remains standing and two of its walls and the floor are deteriorated but remain in place. The structure is unoccupied and surrounded by numerous artifacts related to its original construction, layout, and operation. An archaeological assessment, completed in 2006, is on file with the Town of Avon Community Development department. The Nottingham Power Plant was utilized from 1928 until 1942, when rural electrification came to Avon. History of the Property: Emmett and Myrtle Nottingham were married in 1923 and settled in Avon on 35 acres of land owned by Emmett. In the summer of 1927 the town of Eagle received electricity from the Eagle River Electric Company. Avon was a much smaller ranching community and would not receive electricity until 1942. In 1928, 35 -year-old Emmett and 30 -year-old Myrtle decided they were tired of waiting for electricity and the conveniences it provided so they took matters into their own hands. With no formal training in engineering, they designed and built a privately -owned hydropower plant, which generated enough electricity for their ranch and the nearby depot. The Nottinghams utilized the power of the current of the Eagle River and creatively engineered the plant on the north bank of the river. The power plant was originally designed for AC power but with the fluctuating water flows it was converted to DC power generation in order to provide more consistent electricity. The Avon Depot paid $5 per month for electric power. Other Historic Designation: 30 November 2006 - Nottingham Power Plant site was listed in the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties in recognition of the property's contribution to the heritage of the State of Colorado. Nomination Submitted by: Kim Nottingham on behalf of the Avon Historic Preservation Committee PO Box 888, Eagle, CO 81658 Phone: 328.4970 09 June 2008 IL Ll� � -_ _ � -Tw• r ,; _- L S i j „�- ���I -� � ��,,� , , 1 R � v ��� � , � 1,�„ A 1 ,� One of the wooden paddles, Eagle River beyond 10. ] 7.07 game Plate on Original Generator Exhibit B TOWN OF AVON AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION C O L O R A D O RESOLUTION NO. 08-05 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE NOTTINGHAM POWER PLANT AS A HISTORIC AND CULTURAL LANDMARK, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 17.50 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee was established in 2005 for the purpose of promoting historical preservation for the Town of Avon, to promote public health, safety and welfare through the protection and preservation of the Town's historic and cultural heritage; and, WHEREAS, the Nottingham Power Plant was listed in the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties in 2006 thereby giving formal recognition of the property's contribution to the heritage of the State of Colorado; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council approved Ordinance 08-04, adding a new Chapter to the Avon Municipal Code, 17.50, titled Historic and/or Cultural Preservation Designated, setting forth a process to nominate Historic and/or Cultural Landmarks within the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan contains the following policies related to the Historic and/or Cultural Preservation Ordinance: Policv D.3.6: "Maintain existing elements that contribute or reflect the heritage of the community and include forms and materials that reflect this heritage in new designs." Policv E.3.2: "Strengthen the tourism potential within Avon by working collaboratively with organizations through the community to capitalize upon Avon's unique recreational and cultural assets and heritage." WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee submitted a nomination to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the Nottingham Power Plant (the Plant) to be listed as a Historic and Cultural Landmark, citing the following findings: 1. The Plant has been in existence for over 50 years, 2. The Plant is a point of interest reflecting the economic and cultural development of the Town of Avon, and 3. The Plant is associated with important individuals who contributed significantly to the cultural life of the community; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing at their June 17, 2008 meeting, as required by the Avon Municipal Code, to consider the Nottingham Power Plant as.a Historic and Cultural Landmark; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds the Nottingham Power Plant eligible for Landmark Designation, meeting the eligibility requirements outlined in Section 17.50.20 of the Avon Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon hereby recommends approval to the Avon Town Council of the Nottingham Power Plant for listing as a town Historic and Cultural Landmark. ADOPTED THIS 171h DAY OF JUNE, 2008 Signed: Chair Attest: Secretary Date: Date: EXHIBIT C TOWN OF AVON ORDINANCE NO. 08-04 Series of 2008 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17, MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER, 17.50, AND ADDING DEFINITIONS TO CHAPTER 17.08, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO NOW THEREFOR, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO: Section 1. Amendment. Section 17.08, "Definitions" of Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is amended by the addition of the following definitions: Historic Preservation Committee means a five -person advisory committee appointed by the Town Council to make recommendations and findings regarding historic sites, structures or features in the Town of Avon. Historic and/or Cultural Landmark means a site and/or structure designated as an Historic landmark by the Historic Preservation Committee within the Town of Avon. Section 2. Amendment. Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is amended by the addition of a Chapter 17.50 as follows: CHAPTER 17.50 Historic and/or Cultural Preservation Designated 17.50.010. Intent and Purpose. The purpose and intent of this Chapter is the promotion of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Avon through the regulation of historic and/or cultural sites and structures in order to: (a) Foster civic pride in the beauty and accomplishments of the past; and, (b) Protect and enhance the Town's attraction to tourists and visitors and increase the quality of life of the residents; and, (c) Promote the use of historical or architectural sites, structures and objects for the education and welfare of the residents of the town; and, (d) Promote and encourage private ownership, stewardship and utilization of such sites, structures and objects; and, (e) Integrate historic preservation with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan; and, (f) Maintain the Town's unique character by recognizing the importance of preservation and renewing the Town's legacy for present and future generations; and, (g) Discourage the unnecessary demolition of historic and/or cultural resources; and, (h) Provide incentives for the continued use of historic and/or cultural resources and facilitate their appropriate stewardship and reuse; and, (i) Encourage the conservation of historic settings and landscapes; and 0) Promote retention of historical integrity in the context of proposed land use. 17.50.020. Landmark Designation. A site or structure may be eligible for Historic and/or Cultural Landmark designation if it has been in existence for at least 50 years or meets any of the following criteria: (a) Historic significance: (i) Has character or is a point of interest that reflects the heritage and political, economic and/or social history or cultural development of the Town, the state or the nation; and, (ii) Is associated with historical persons or groups or represents important events in national, state or local history; and, (iii) Is associated with an important individual or group who contributed in significant ways to the political, social and/or cultural life of the community; and, (iv) Has prehistoric interest or information (b) Architectural significance: (i) Characterizes a style associated with a particular era; and, (ii) Has a strong or unique relationship to other areas potentially eligible for preservation; and, (iii) Is architecturally unique or innovative; and, (iv) Has visual symbolic meaning or appeal for the community or, due to its unique location or singular characteristics, represents established and familiar visual features of the neighborhood or community. FN 17.50.030. Procedure for Landmark Designation. The Historic Preservation Committee shall recommend Historic and/or Cultural Landmarks to the Planning and Zoning Commission. A public hearing is required with the Planning and Zoning Commission, who will then recommend to Town Council sites or structures for Historic and/or Cultural Landmark designation. The recommendation shall identify the criteria forming the basis of the recommendation, and shall include all pertinent information related to the site or building supporting the designation. The Town Council will approve or disapprove Historic and/or Cultural Landmark designation after public hearing, at which the owner of the site or structure and interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard. A majority decision of the Town Council is required for nomination. 17.50.040. Incentives. The benefits of Historic Landmark designation may include the following (a) Waiver of building permit fees; and, (b) Local property tax credits; and, (c) Preservation, maintenance or relocation assistance, and other incentives as deemed necessary by the Town Council; and, (d) Other appropriate incentives, also as determined by the Town Council. 17.50.050. Review of plans for sites and structures having designation. Any application for any permit which includes the exterior alteration, relocation or removal of a site or structure designated as a Historic and/or Cultural Landmark must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation of approval or disapproval to the Town Council on the basis of the following criteria. The Town Council shall approve or disapprove the application after public hearing at which the landowner and interested persons have an opportunity to be heard. (a) Criteria for alteration of a site or structure: (i) Whether the architectural or historical character will itself be materially altered so as to negatively impact the Historical Landmark; and, (ii) Whether the architectural style and arrangement and the texture of the exterior surface materials of the existing structure and the proposed alteration appropriately relate to each other and to other structures in the vicinity; and, (iii) Whether the alteration will negatively change or destroy the exterior architectural features and details of the structure; and, (iv) The effect of the proposed alteration on the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of the Historic Landmark. (b) Criteria for relocation of a structure: (i) Significance of the original site; and, (ii) Whether the structure can be rehabilitated or used on its original site consistent with the reasonable and beneficial use of the property; and, (iii) Whether the proposed site is compatible with or detracts from the importance of the Historic Landmark; and, (iv) Whether the structure can be moved without causing significant damage to its physical integrity; and, (v) Whether the relocation of the structure is necessary to prevent undue hardship on the property owner. (c) Criteria for removal of a structure: (i) Whether the structure presents an imminent hazard that cannot otherwise be properly mitigated; and, (ii) Whether the structure can reasonably be rehabilitated and maintained in its present location and the significance of the original site; and, (iii) Whether relocation of the structure is reasonably possible or practical; and, (iv) Whether the structure can be rehabilitated or used on its original site consistent with the reasonable and beneficial use of the property; and, (v) Whether the removal of the structure is necessary to prevent undue hardship on the property owner. 17.50.060. Standards governing approval of development plans for sites and structures having designation. 4 Any approved development plan including the alteration, relocation or removal of a Historic and/or Cultural Landmark shall be deemed to incorporate the following standards except to the extent they are determined not to be applicable by the Town Council: (a) The most current version of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for rehabilitation of Historic Structures, as amended, shall be used as a guideline in carrying out any plans involving the alteration of Historic Landmarks; and, (b) The Historic and/or Cultural Landmark shall be continue to be used in a manner consistent with its original purpose or a compatible purpose, so long as such use does not violate any of the provisions of this Code; and, (c) The historic character of the Historic and/or Cultural Landmark shall be maintained by avoiding the removal or alteration of features important to such character; and, (d) The use of original materials is encouraged. Distinctive and unique features, finishes, materials and examples of craftsmanship should be retained and preserved. Repairs and replacement of such features should match the original in color, shape, texture and design. Replacements should be fully documented with pictorial or physical evidence and a copy of such evidence filed with the Town; and, (e) Where possible, additions and expansions shall be differentiated from the existing structure so as to protect the Historic Landmark's historic integrity. Additions and expansions shall also be undertaken in such a manner that their removal in the future would not destroy the form or integrity of the original structure. 17.50.070. Removal of Historic Landmark designation. The Town Council, after public hearing at which the owner of the Historic and/or' Cultural Landmark and interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard, may remove Historic and/or Cultural Landmark designation from a site or structure, based upon one or more of the following findings: (a) The Historic and/or Cultural Landmark designation creates undue hardship for the owner; and, (b) The structure is an imminent hazard to the health and safety of the public despite the owner's efforts to properly maintain it; and, (c) The structure is structurally unsound despite the owner's efforts to properly maintain it. '5 INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the 11th day of March, 2008, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on the 25`h day of March, 2008, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. NOFA�ON C. Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor U SEAQ,: ATTEST: Patty ]jcKe , own Clerk INTRODUCED, SECOND READING, AND -M.ACt�- .2008. A77EST 2-11 Patty AVaN� CMny, To Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: I �A J�W . Dunn, Town Attorney FINALLY APPROVED, AND PASSED ON ORDERED POSTED the 2 S�— day of inald C. Wolfe, Mayor #4k3§@353[3 U)4EEE%EESr0 \ 0 �\u3-i§§§)\ Uow><O<<<x< )Lu( (G w 22 § w / [� Q0 Gc �a§w/g§/2§( U)«oxxoxxxax w>Moo0000=o ■o==m====n= 27§EE)EEE§E � 0 } D z L F- LU 0 w ) } z / ( § = z �2 z z (0 0 z 00 ■ 0 LLI CL z / x 2 o z 7 0 $ \ § [] 0 ? =u0 G ] LLI a z ` cot= ( §z§ 2zo 0 «ooz§@Lu J / e�LL0 =z �]~g.0-&-`® opok_=u) �=&Luo Zk}33)p00L0 o�J)yz 3:wo <m9<<w> 00z>wuU-e2�« NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING O N colo Rn oo TO: Whom it May Concern: You are hereby notified pursuant to provisions of Section 17.50.03 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a Public Hearing on the designation of the Nottingham Power Plant as a "Historic and Cultural Landmark" will be held and considered at the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, on June 17, 2008 at 5:30 PM in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. APPLICANT: Historic Preservation Committee Kim Nottingham, Secretary 400 Benchmark Road / PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: This Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee has nominated the Nottingham Power Plant for designation as a Historic and Cultural Landmark. Once a site or structure is found eligible by the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee for designation, the Committee makes a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. After a public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall then recommend to the Town Council the site or structure. This structure produced electricity and dates back to 1928. DEADLINE: If you wish to be heard on this matter, you may appear personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on June 17. 2008, OR you may file a written statement with the Recording Secretary, Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620. In order to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, such written statement must be received in the Town offices no later than 4:00 PM, Tuesday, June 17, 2008. PUBLIC REVIEW: Detailed information with regard to the Nottingham Power Plant is available for review by the public in the Community Development Office during regular business hours. For further information, call (970) 748.4413. POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON: • AVON MUNICIPAL COMPLEX • AVON RECREATION CENTER • AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY • ALPINE BANK Mailed and posted on: Mav 29. 2008 by The Town ofAvon Commumty Development Department � "41 Town of Avon% Design Modifications VON C O L O R A D O Mixed -Use Staff Report June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 12, 2008 Project type Color & Material Changes Legal description Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Town Center (TC) Address 137 Benchmark Road Introduction Dave Kaselak of Zehren and Associates, is proposing exterior modifications to the Seasons building on behalf of the owners. The proposed modifications to the property include the following: • complete stucco repaint with three new colors • addition of standing seam metal roofing on select roof forms • new railing supports on the south side of the surface parking ramp area • addition of stone veneer in place of stucco in select base areas • remodel of the porte cochere • removal and addition of landscaping Attached to this staff report is a reduced sized plan set which illustrates both the existing conditions and the proposed changes. A color board will be available for your review at the meeting. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desion Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. The improvements would be in conformance with all provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code, and are primarily cosmetic in nature. It should be noted that a Variance was granted in 1990 for two items: Lot 62163, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Seasons Building Modifications �' B June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 1) Construction of the Porte Cochere to within 6" of the front (south) property line; and 2) Parking spaces within the front 10' of the south property line. The processing of this application has no apparent implications on this Variance. The proximity of the redesigned Porte Cochere canopy to the property line would not change with this proposal. Staff would ask that the applicant confirm compliance with this Variance by way of a survey. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. Comprehensive Plan: The subject property is located in District 1: West Town Center District. This district is recognized as the common ground between part time and full-time residents, with substantial infill and redevelopment opportunities. Some of the pertinent planning principles include: • Use architectural detailing on ground level/first floor to enhance the pedestrian environment that includes human scale...and other pedestrian amenities. • Create inviting storefronts with retail, restaurant, and entertainment uses on ground levels and offices, lodging, and residential uses above. • Use signage, streetscape design, landscaping, points of interest, and other way finding elements to help orient visitors to important destinations within the district and the larger Town Center. The proposed improvements to the exterior of the building would further these planning principles. Additional detail is being added at the ground level, and pedestrian circulation should be improved with the new stairwell connecting building occupants to Benchmark Road and public transportation beyond. Avon West Town Center District Investment Plan: This sub -area plan is the primary review document for all development and redevelopment in this district. While this application is neither new development nor redevelopment, this design must be reviewed against the Design Guidelines from the Avon West Town Center District Investment Plan. This application appears to be in conformance with the Design Guidelines, and would provide for a building more in line with the intent of the Design Guidelines. At such time the property redevelops, staff will require the property to come into full compliance with the Design Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Seasons Building Modifications -. June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 5 NN Particularly, improvements to the Lettuce Shed Lane (east) side of the building will be required when building additions or major interior remodels are proposed. The Investment Plan also envisions substantial infill and improvements to the Main Street (north) side of the building. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. This criterion does not apply to this application. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desian Guidelines. A. Site Development: Site changes are limited to the new metal stair to the sidewalk on Benchmark Road. The stairway is completely covered by the port cochere canopy. The Design Guidelines require "a strong pedestrian connection to the street edge to promote connectivity to transit." B. Building Design: This application is in compliance with this subsection of the Design Guidelines. The Design Guidelines state that "building entries and public spaces should be treated with special design emphasis, easily identifiable, and visible from the public realm." This application is in conformance by enhancing the building entrance, and increasing visibility from the public realm. The Design Guidelines require prioritization of the "base", and "roof form". The increased detail at the base level should strengthen the pedestrian experience. The minor roof material change would help bring the building further into compliance with the Guidelines. Colors will also help to prioritize the different levels of the building. The color changes proposed will undoubtedly improve the appearance of this prominent West Town Center District building, and will bring the structure into full compliance with the Design Guidelines. The Guidelines require earth tone colors to blend in with the natural setting, and colors shall not exceed a light - reflective value (LRV) of 60 percent. This application proposes three new stucco colors: State Olive (lower portions of building), Providence Olive (middle portions of the building), and Sanville Tan (upper portions of the building). Exposed flashing will be painted Peanut Shell. The metal roofing and chimney caps would be Antique Copper -Cote in color, and all railings would be painted Brown Horse. All of the colors have a LRV less than 60%. Stone veneer siding will be applied near parking entrances, towers, port cochere, and limited areas of the retaining wall facing the railroad tracks. These applications should enhance the ground level detail and pedestrian experience. The Design Guidelines state that in the Town Core, standing seam metal is an acceptable material, as long as snow and ice will not accumulate or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas, and drives. The standing seam Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 rl Lot 62163, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Seasons Building Modifications p' June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 5 VON roofing proposed, and its locations, are acceptable. The expanse of roofing above the parking entrances is minimal, and shedding should not cause danger to those using the garage. C. Landscaping: Two eighteen (18) foot spruce trees would be removed from underneath the port cochere if this application is approved. One new eighteen foot evergreen tree is proposed near the easterly parking garage entrance. A mix of Spireae and Barberis shrubs would be added to the sod area that exists between the retaining wall and the Benchmark Road sidewalk. Approximately 150' lineal feet of shrubs is being proposed. S. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. This criterion has no implications with this application. S. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Given the high visibility of this project, and the prominence of the Seasons building, this criterion must be reviewed carefully. By introducing high quality materials and a more conformable color selection, the appearance of the proposed improvements would enhance the curb appeal of the property. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not feel that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the approval of this application. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. General conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs of the Town of Avon is achieved. Recommendation Staff is recommending CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the design application for Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with the following findings: 1. The application is in conformance with the Town of Avon Zonino Code Regulations. 2. The project is in general conformance with the Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and the Avon West Town Center Implementation Plan. Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Seasons Building Modifications '4W p June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 5 3. The application is in general conformance with subsections A through D of the Town of Avon Industrial, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the design modifications proposed for Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, subject to the following conditions: 1. A Sign Program Amendment application must be processed for any new proposed signage. 2. A Survey will be provided to staff demonstrating compliance with the 1990 Variance approval. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, • Matt Pielstick Planner II 1] Exhibits Vicinity Map Reduced Plans Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 t V/N V/N •auI saint—V g uafNaZ,(9 8002 ® lifffuCdoD Z m Tv N �va�i5fa/N 0GVX010:) 'N0AV 0 ;0 1d INHH IA-F5b ~ w 0 m V r-- z ZO L"96 (SOB) XVd 0689'£96 (SOO) M L-6116 (OL6) XVi LSZO.6r6 (OL6) N O i VAO N 321 21012131X3 p 8 LOLE6 TIWOJIIeJIvivy"eweS OZ9L8 OPe-I00'—V-9L6LxO9'Ud ° Pa4S 0PIW2d uOULJ IM E£Z EOE WS "PAIS >—D --g=30 w Q w w g JNI"'SIIVIJOSSV3(INb N 321 H 3 ZO NOAV iV SNOSd3S 3H1 oe ° _ Ig � � a CL o S W �J 0 m ° U u urc aw N �z N3� w � W ��_7pQ � p� � Qa•Q w � Z. ° 04 3ftZ E wQ 3Wqq3 O a OiU W g-3 Y'N2Xa NJ WZ 81 ) - w3 ll�-L � ua.� zNz �rcm 'n Ua mU RU a Q YS�- NU�j 60 I� �U ww jUN oJ 0ww -LI 6 w iLL}' Z A4 Q U a - ] WAS-- O z� LLLL� °Uw jN " P/1--131131 o o a i?aa���a LL W - h m Y i11 111 P � W �l N Q U u LL \Vn LL U _ ap X _ r U 0' x a a a a z N 3 L z z ? z z N LLIp ZZ Z W °mp m 13 0 LaIWLLC � m 7�rW Q wpNNx WmUQZNW ~O JI CX� WLL J O N3 w a s W N 3 LL Z a4 Z a W JJ w p��SiS�Nw $$l'S�aa �NJ m VLLw3 m T. z a W�' as ��a oo�Z rrrc: . mw ww4o z° w » >� >>wMz WWa Qaaa w »»»> 33 3333 N WW apLLZ 6> ,6> 6r> 6> 66- 0 > > u/ ZL 6� ZW wwwwwww a Wwwwwwww X W O p O 3 3p � >� W 0 Z w w w w w w w ¢x a 8Ht ui wwwwwww Z z w W lz tua=MZ zed_ _ n-nmos�u aa�w g � w a am O— pm 'O a a u° a s as a s aaa °.wQ °m w? a w J m p ap a o� �� Y 5500v Ha ZU g�yaj �p ��� �ILL�'°d(w°Qw W° wLL'0 wJJ�j°IC-NQ,�Q, x�_x 2p� �ICwapJ Ua�uZ Z°WJLLW Z I NN-LL�>° xU W-�a 41 a�aQ�W� N W W a W W W W W W O a LL'R'O'LLmwfk!'R'w R'LL'LL'KR' UI�N NNNNN d,NNNNNNNNNN a' N NN NNN N NNNNNd,NNNN� gU a ? 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The first application, by Buzz Reynolds, proposes to modify the location, height and number of retaining walls -on the site, the stone material on the exterior of the subject residence and on the retaining walls, and the driveway material. The second application, by Terry Cammon, proposes an additional garage space to be placed in the southwest corner of the approved driveway. The additional garage space is proposed to be approximately two hundred and forty (240) square feet in area and is planned to match the approved building materials. Attached to this Staff Report are a Vicinity Map (Exhibit A), the previously Approved Site Plan and Elevations (Exhibit B), and the Proposed Site Plan and Elevations (Exhibit C). Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desian Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. This application meets all of the applicable provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. The proposed garage height appears to conform to the zoning requirements by having a maximum height of thirty-five (35') feet. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision 1, June 17, 2008 Planning 8 Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 Alli 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. and any sub -area plan which pertains. The property is located in District 24: Wildridge Residential District which is designated as a Low Priority District. The proposed modifications appear to be in compliance with the Town of Avon Comorehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights do exist on this property for the planned improvements. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: The first application proposes modifications to alter the site layout through the addition of more retaining walls. The approved plan set, Exhibit B, has three (3) retaining walls on the west side of the structure that range in height from seven (7') to eight (8') feet and two (2) retaining walls on the east side of the structure that range in height from six (6') to nine (9') feet. The proposed site plan utilizes three (3) retaining walls on the west side of the structure and five (5) retaining walls on the east side of the structure. These retaining walls vary in maximum height from five (5) to fourteen (14') feet and are similar or larger than the previously approved plan sets. The guidelines state that retaining walls should be avoided when alternative grading could be used. As stated in the current Final Design Review approval for this structure, the excessive site slopes require the use of some retaining walls. The Guidelines also state that excessive grading and the use of engineer -designed retaining walls are discouraged when an alternative site layout would minimize disturbances. The proposed site modifications clearly use a greater number of engineered retaining walls and create a greater level of site disturbance when compared to the previously approved plans. Staff has determined the site plan from the previously approved plan set is a more desirable option, but the applicant has stated to Staff that the approved grading plan shown on the site plan is unbuildable. This application also includes a driveway material change. The applicant, Buzz Reynolds, is proposing concrete pavers which are allowed by the Design Guidelines. A specific pattern hasn't been finalized but the Design Guidelines do not regulate the pattern concrete pavers are laid into. The second application also alters the site plan with a proposal for an additional garage measuring approximately two hundred and forty (240) square feet. The new garage is to be placed in the southwest corner of the approved driveway. The proposed additional garage space requires a change to the driveway which, subsequently, causes the removal of a portion of a designated snow storage area. The approved plan sets appear to have provided more than the minimum required snow storage area and staff will Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 5 AlloH require that the applicant prove that the proposed modifications still meet the minimum snow storage requirements. B. Building Design: The first application, by Buzz Reynolds, only modifies the building design by utilizing stone instead of cultured stone on the exterior walls, as shown on the elevations. The second application, by Terry Cammon, modifies the building design by proposing an additional garage. The proposed garage will use colors and materials similar to those that were approved during the Final Design review and, as previously stated in this report, is at thirty-five (35') feet in height. The roof will have asphalt shingles and stucco will be applied on the exterior walls to match the approved building design. The proposed modifications appear to meet the Building Design criteria as they match the approved project's materials and colors. C. Landscaping: The first application modifies the retaining walls as stated earlier in this report. The landscaping portion of the design guidelines also regulates retaining walls with the following language: The limited use of retaining walls is encouraged. Whenever possible, retaining walls should be utilized only in those areas of a site where finished grades cannot meet recommended standards. Small retaining walls using natural stone boulders are encouraged for use and design with site landscaping. Minimum Requirements: 1. Retaining walls shall be constructed of permanent type materials such as concrete, gabions, reinforced earth, etc. Railroad ties (6x6 treated timbers) are not acceptable. Retaining wall design details may be required for design review. 2. Walls over 4 feet high shall be structurally designed or certified by a licensed engineer (P. E.). 3. A series of lower retaining walls with landscaped terraces is preferable to a high wall with an unbroken vertical face. The retaining walls will be built using keystone instead of the concrete walls with a stone veneer as originally approved. The keystone will match the general color of the proposed stone on the exterior of the building and is a durable material. It appears that the keystone and stone are similar in general color, but will still appear different when viewed. Based on requirement number three (3), as listed above, the modified site plan depicting a larger number of and higher retaining walls, staff cannot recommend approval of this portion of the application. As stated previously, the proposal also requires three (3) additional retaining walls on the east side of the approved structure. One (1) of the additional retaining walls is to be placed in-between the two (2) approved retaining vaalls, and two (2) others will be placed down slope from the approved Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 5 A�X retaining walls. These retaining walls will range in height from between six and one-half (65) feet to ten (10) feet. In addition, one (1) of the two (2) approved retaining walls is proposed to be slightly taller. Staff has concerns about the amount of retaining walls and how they will be viewed from adjacent properties. The landscape plan is not being modified with this proposal and staff has concerns about the approved plan's ability to properly provide screening for the new retaining walls. Once again staff cannot recommend approval of the proposed additional retaining walls due to the lack of proper landscaping and screening. The second application, by Terry Cammon, also modifies the approved landscaping plan. The proposed garage is placed in an area that was landscaped with trees and shrubs in the approved plans. Staff recommends that the landscaping plan be revised so that the trees and shrubs that are to be removed with this proposal are to be placed elsewhere on the property. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The proposed modifications do not increase the site disturbance but do create more benching through the installation of more retaining walls. Due to the steep nature of the lot, these elements may be necessary but staff has not seen evidence of such. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Staff has concerns about the lack of vegetation on the east side of the building which would help screen the improvements from neighboring properties. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Recommendation Staff is recommending Denial of the site modifications, and Conditional Approval of the building improvements proposed for Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting TMW Page 5 of 5 AVON • Recommended Motion "I move to deny the site modifications for Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed modifications do not meet the purpose and intent of the Town of Avon's Residential, Commercial and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines as outlined in sections 4A and 4C of this staff report. and I move to approve the building improvements for Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. The landscaping plan be revised to show additional landscaping to compensate for the lost landscaping due to the proposed additional garage; and 2. The applicant provide staff with documentation that the snow storage areas meet the minimal requirements of the Design Review Guidelines; and subject to the following findings: 2. The proposed modifications meet the purpose and intent of the Town of Avon's Residential. Commercial and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines as outlined in sections 4A, 4B and 4C of this staff report." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4023 or stop by the Community Development Department. • Respectfully submitted, W \� Jar arnes Planner I • Exhibits A. Vicinity Map B. Existing Site Plan and Elevations C. Proposed Site Plan and Elevations Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 `jkQ Ity Maps - Lot 6, Wester Sage Exhibit A e—Residential Streets AW Property Boundaries rv�u. ��moi� N a�w. iwr wnm o-. — a..xacv�+n ow.M^rnoa.�.x 9 Iml 41 o v ` a�ar� GoW.n zcrlo i Q " 4WFL6'OCd- f091 agl'O'd O ,. a all tj k 6• ��� Ux <a MI Mfilly w jg I 1 <�� «. a * Q I I I N! sp 6 <Wilma 11 H W 0111010 fill +-gill 1111 is F+aal N, kn is 'J `Of'N ryt wn .'�• ts7 - . gill wile Or Imo' /! �,.,� r,:I✓`'�� /r !!� /"� r/ !� � � � gill ISHI� !/ r/ !/ /" �/ ✓ ! ✓/ � l,,,'• !!-' /I!''�!l�..'' r✓! rte_'„"%' •✓i,��,-' �,/;�✓�.,//!/-' !/ 0� o� g1��� 6 ��� too 51 oy \ / ; I '�-c—,l- � r ! � J ''4� "' ,�n�,il� ..�+ ` S•M�y�`�C�� G•"'T ��'•-: 'i• '� �'y •.f�� .4� i n / / /� / ✓ I �? -kill, � / e Y`�!`[y i ; ¢ P.+A� f ��rs"liyY isl � :f r, `. Y r r ✓ . r / / / � \ / / r i ✓ / � /�r r ,O' � /'� ,��' ... 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Of LJJ CD Ls O M Staff Report Rezoning to a New P U D June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting „k AVON C O L O R A D O Report date June 13, 2008 Project type Planned Unit Development (PUD) Application Legal description Lots 21, 65A and 65B; Tracts Q & R; And Parcel No. TK -3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Current zoning Town Center (TC) Address 182 Benchmark Road, 68 and 82 Beaver Creek Blvd (respectively) Introduction: The applicant, Pedro Campos of the Vail Architecture Group, representing the owner of the property, EAH. LLC, has proposed a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a.concurrent Preliminary Plan for Subdivision on a new development site comprised of the properties listed above, which are currently zoned Town Center (TC). At the June 3, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, after the applicant presented the overall vision and layout of the project, the applicant and Staff received direction to simplify the approach used to deliver the information on the subject proposal to both the Commission and the public due to the complexity of the application materials. In this regard, the applicant and Staff are proposing to cover the following topics during the presentation for the Avon 21 PUD agenda item on June 17, 2008: - Overall Project Zoning and Density Analysis — Existing vs. Proposed; - Overall review of Proposed Land Uses & Mix, comprehensively and building -by -building (using the attached Spread Sheets); - Site Coverage / Bulk / Mass / Height Analysis, overall project and also by building on each new Lot being created, plate -by plate; and, - Review Process - Topics to cover at next meetings July 1, 2008 and July 15, 2008, Analysis of project based on Comprehensive Plan and East Town Center District Plan Goals, Policies and Principles, then Economic Impacts and Financing Models. Attached to this report are supplemental materials provided by the applicant to address each of the major topic areas listed above. Additionally, a reduced copy of the proposed PUD Development Guide has been attached which outlines all of the proposed development standards for this new PUD zoning designation. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon 21 New PUD Application June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Summarv: Page 2 of 2 The proposed PUD is envisioned to be a contemporary mixed-use development including retail space, office space, residential and lodging in three new buildings to be located on the site. More specifically, the PUD would consist of a maximum of 105,860 square feet of commercial, retail and guest -oriented space; 118 Lodging Units, 237 Residential Units, and twelve (12) "Professional Employee Housing Units" that would collectively comprise approximately 759,150 square feet. The parking proposed with this project consists of a combination of surface and structured, underground spaces totaling 628 parking spaces, the majority of which are to be below -grade structured spaces. The proposed PUD is purported to be a vibrant, year-round attraction for residents offering a mixed-use, pedestrian oriented development with the potential to become a key architectural landmark and a focal point of community activity. While the tallest of the three new buildings (East Building) would be eight (8) levels above grade, the maximum height proposed is 110 feet due to ceiling -to -floor plate heights of at least fourteen feet (14') in all at -grade commercial / retail space. The application states the overarching intent of the proposed PUD is to create a cohesive community core with visually intuitive street patterns and pedestrian walkways in a manner consistent with the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the East Town Center District Plan. Numerous discrepancies related to technical details such as increased traffic generation, provision of employee housing, technical engineering concerns, parking calculations, fiscal impact analysis, and an appropriate development agreement will be reconciled as this proposal continues to move forward through the development review process. On June 10, 2008, Staff provided Council with an update of the Avon 21 PUD application and encouraged the public to participate in the review process and further encouraged the applicant to make a concerted effort to engage their tenants in the existing buildings on the proposed development site to assuage concerns by providing a plan to temporarily relocate their businesses when they are displaced by construction activities. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Commission TABLE the subject applications to the July 1, 2008 Commission meeting to allow the applicant time to adequately respond to the comments made by Staff, and the feedback provided by the Commission and members of the public during the first two hearings for this large rezoning and redevelopment project. Copies of the comprehensive Staff Report written for the first hearing of this application on June 3, 2008, will be available for reference for each subsequent hearing throughout the review process. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748- 4002, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Planning Manager Attachments: Supplemental Material Packet (as outlined above) Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 R r COMPLETE ZONING ANALYSIS - 17.20.110(D) AVON TOWN CODE Please refer to attached Preliminary Development Summary Matrix for complete breakdown of areas, unit quantity and types, parking calculations, and gross floor area totals. Existine Conditions Analvsis Lots and oarcels included in Avon 21 PUD / Subdivision: Lot 21, Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek - 0.928 acres Lot 65-A the Annex at Avon* - 0.613 acres Lot 65-B the Annex at Avon - 1.496 acres Tract Q Benchmark at Beaver Creek - 2.131 acres Tract R Benchmark at Beaver Creek - 0.060 acres Parcel No. TK -3* - 0.256 acres * Denotes parcels owned by the Town of Avon included in PUD / Subdivision Application Total Area (all land) = 5.484 acres EAH LLC owned land = 4.615 acres Town owned land = 0.869 acres Town Center (TC) Zoning Desienation Development Standards: Minimum Lot Size: 30,000 sf Maximum Building Height: 80' Minimum Building Setbacks: 25' front, 7.5' side, 10' rear Maximum Site Coverage: 50% Lot Coverage Minimum Landscaped Area: 20% Maximum Density: 30 dwelling units per acre of buildable area or 90 accommodation units per acre Maximum Allowable Develooment Riahts (Parcels in EAH LLC Ownership onlv): Site Coverage: 2.308 acres (or 100,536 so Gross Floor Area: 603,087 sf (6 stories at 50% Site Coverage) Density: (138) dwelling units OR (414) accommodation units Current Land Uses: Retail Shops; Professional Offices; Personal Service Shop; Restaurants; Cocktail Lounges; Medical Center Current Land Use / Density Breakdown Lot 21: 14,314 sf Gross Floor Area (7,386 sf Retail, 6,928 sf Office) Lot 6513: 13,940 sf Gross Floor Area (11,540 sf Retail, 2,400 sf Office) Tract Q: 24,521 sf Gross Floor Area (6,824 sf Retail, 6,479 sf Office, and 11,218 sf Restaurant) Total All (3) Parcels: 52,775 sf Gross Floor Area (25,750 sf Retail, 15,807 sf Office, 11,218 sf Restaurant) No residential or lodging present (no density of dwelling or accommodation units is present). Avon 21 11131) / Subdivision Application Page 9 of 23 3/5/2008 3/5/2008 Proposed Conditions Analvsis Lots resulting from Avon 21 PUD / Subdivision: Lot 1 East (1.104 acres) Lot 2 North (1.515 acres) Lot 3 South (1.935 acres) Lot 4 Main Street Right of Way* (0.868 acres) * To remain under Town of Avon ownership Total Area (all parcels) = 5.484 acres EAH LLC Parcels = 4.615 acres Town Parcels = 0.869 acres Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning Desianation Site Development Standards: Minimum Lot Size: Not applicable. Maximum Building Height: 110' Minimum Building Setbacks: varies, close to zero lot line in some cases. Maximum Site Coverage: 3.260 acres (59% of Total PUD Area) Open Space: 2.164 acres (41 % of Total PUD Area) Impervious Open Space: TBD (Main Street, Other Streets, Sidewalks, Hardscape Plaza) Pervious Open Space: TBD (Lawn areas / Planting areas) Structured Open Space: TBD (Outdoor Terraces / Patios within Site Coverage) Proposed Gross Floor Area: 865,012 sf above grade Maximum Density: 50 dwelling units / acre Maximum Allowable Development Rights if aDDlving straight TC Zonina Designations Site Coverage: 50% Gross Floor Area: 603,087 sf (6 stories at 50% Site Coverage) Density: (138) dwelling units OR (414) accommodation units Maximum Density: 30 dwelling units per acre of buildable area or 90 accommodation units per acre Elnplovee Housing Calculation Applicant proposes Professional Housing scheme geared to keep professional employees living in Avon year round and permanently. Parking Calculation Please refer to the attached Preliminary Development Summary — Full Build Out chart for parking calculations Avon 21 PUD / Subdivision Application Page 10 of 23 W 2 W V N I N H z W a. O J W ZC� D z O 0 ' z _ N _ z J H 2�. O NwN W L!. O 2 Q d z lL W 0 LL W O 0 m a w 0 LL 00 J w m z 0 J II I� 01Cl) j O II. O (ND (ND (ND (ND O,O' M' O O D) O 10 N ^ I luiuivvlvv m co N Cl) N N NIN t O N w N I I I M C N '� N ^000OrN a to ( 00 g N O'M �j0 O O Oi010 O M N N I I, w mmwwww�ww co O m I - Fw- g , a LL (O O r- (1) 0 (O(OMMMMM p^j 000000 MQ �N(DM(D(D nMCM(ONNNNN 0 � 1 I MI I M O'O O (pl0 O0 0 !� � � fel ^ I I U- -t---�---�----r -I— LU U) I f W 0 OO;OOCD000 0 LL O 0' �J LLFa- P 0100.0 O 010 O cr 'M "co EI v w a. I G - F V) - r w „ Cl * O+�Oi010 O O 010 O 1 I d 0) im O to Q OIO!O O O,O,OIr ti aN N N J + i {j m ik C). C) O O O,OIOIN N w--,-i--i_ -�- �mac OOoc1c3OO;rn m i O I I I 3 i! 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