PZC Minutes 11-06-2007 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission VON Meeting Minutes for November 6, 2007 Avon Town Council Chambers C 0 L 0 R A D O Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building] 400 Benchmark Road REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. IL Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance. Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Minutes from October 16, 2007 were withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and Item X, Minor Projects - Wildridge Subdivision, A., Lot 1, Western Sage Subdivision Color Change, Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage Subdivision / 5201 Longsun Lane was moved to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Green disclosed a conflict with Item IX, A, Property Location: Lot 69, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5351 Ferret Lane. Commissioner Evans revealed conflict with Item IX, C, Final Design Applications, A and B, Courtyard Villas of Wildridge, Property Location: Lot 12 and 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/4080 Wildridge Road West. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of Item X, Minor Projects - Wildridge Subdivision, A. Lot 1, Western Sage Subdivision Color Change, Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage Subdivision / 5201 Longsun Lane Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Foster seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a 7 — 0 vote. VI. Site Tour Follow-up / Timeshare West - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision 1218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet I Owner. Starwood Vacation Description: Follow-up to Final Design approval condition for the Timeshare West project. This design was approved at the May 1, 2007 Commission meeting, and an on- site mockup review for this item is now required. Matt Pielsticker commented that all Commissioners were present with Commissioner Struve arriving late. Jim Maclntyre, representative of Starwood, discussed the project from the podium with Aleksandr Sheykhet, architect, present for technical queries and response. The Commissioners discussed and commented on the windows, the painting done after the site tour, how the presentation of windows did not accurately portray the finished product, the trim around the metal panel and its intent, and the pop rivets and their visibility on the finished product. The Commissioners also were concerned with the discrepancies between the metal panels on the mock-up and the packet, the front soffit materials, the edge detailing on all panels, no lack of attention to flashing on the decks, and the color palate of the building. Commissioner Struve moved to table Item VI, Site Tour Follow-up / Timeshare West, Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision / 218 Riverfront Lane with Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. After the motion was seconded and before the vote took place more concerns were brought up by the Commissioners including: concerns with the metallic detailing; how the elevations and mock-up did not match properly; how the gutters and drains were functioning; how the eave returns were not consistent with the plans; and how the details and color inconsistency were paramount issues. Commissioner Green recommended that if the motion to table was passed, that we give the applicant one more chance to get it right. Commissioner Green also stated that the Commission has tabled this item 4 times in the past. The motion to table passed 6-1. VII. Lake Street Design Update Description: Review of the current Lake Street construction drawings. This project is scheduled for commencement in the Spring of 2008. Matt Pielsticker mentioned that Staff would be deferring the presentation to Justin Hildreth, Town of Avon Engineer. Mr. Hildreth commented on the project and presented the Town Center West Plan with discussing Lake Street and its configuration. Commissioner Goulding questioned the impact to the volleyball court and told that the courts would be eliminated, but the soccer field would remain. Commissioner Smith questioned the library parking and Justin Hildreth responded that the parking would be eliminated. Ashley, working for Design Workshop, discussed the Site Plan functional aspects, the natural history design aspects, and the landscape bands which celebrate the concept of four -seasons. Next, design features were presented along with examples of entrance art. The presentation also included the discussion of the four season garden, street furnishings, plant palette, snow storage, and wayfinding tools and signs. The definition of bosque was requested by the Commissioners and Ashley clarified the treatment of the edge near Buck Creek. Commissioner Green remarked that the staircase entrance to the park needed to be more of a focal point for Main Street than the concepts presented. He also stated that the safety parking sites for the Recreation Center was a concern along with drainage from the parking sites. Commissioner Evans commented that the sundial was to be placed on a grander set of stairs with the idea that it could be used as an amphitheatre such to present awards. VIII. PUD Amendment / Hamel — CONTINUED Property Location: Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5032 & 5040 Wildridge Road East, Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 3087 Wildridge Road Applicant. Land Planning Collaborative/ Owner: Frank Hamel Description: The applicant is proposing an amendment to the Wildridge PUD. The proposal is to rezone Lot 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision from the currently entitled 3 duplexes (or 1 duplex and 1 four plex) to five single-family residences. The five newly platted lots are proposed with building envelopes, ECO build Standards, and restricted to 5,000 square feet. This application was tabled from the June 19, 2007 and July 17, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Commissioner Green questioned a code reference for public benefit and was responded that it was addressed in the Staff Report as the last review criteria in Section #5. Commissioner Green commented that by citing this provision that the PUD Amendment was positively affecting these criteria. Tambi Katieb, applicant, approached the podium to present this application. Frank Hamel, owner, was not able to be present however, Mr. Katieb read into the record the letter from Mr. Hamel and continued by displaying comments and site plan options presented to date to the Commission. Gerry Miramonte, architect, approached the podium to discuss accesses particularly by using Tract O, Town of Avon property, with 4 dwelling units having 3 car garages under 5,000 sq feet, homes are proposed to be under the 35 ft height limit, two story, linear in design, 30 foot setback from west property line, 55 to 60 feet between buildings. The retaining wall was reviewed with no greater than 10 foot wall height on the roadway between the lots. Mr. Katieb continued with the Tract O access plan. Commissioner review questioned the points needed for ECO build standards. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Leslie Roubos, 5039 Wildridge Road East, approached the podium and began her presentation by commenting that she had built her home two years ago, researched the project she was undertaking and does not believe that the applicant deserved to change a PUD to "make more money". Ms. Roubos continued with the height of the retaining walls as excessive, size of the homes were too large, its impact to her neighbors, commented that having the homes as duplexes would be more viable and that 5 - 7 years of construction was unacceptable as well as drainage and staging was an issue. Scott Rella, 5024 Wildridge Road, adjacent neighbor to the west, commented to the Commission that the 7 -year duration of construction was excessive; a natural deer path would be destroyed by the plan, close proximity to his home out his kitchen window, and requested denial by the Commission. Ann Clark, 5021 Wildridge Road, resident below the property in question, objected to the number of buildings. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner review began with Commissioner Green questioning the duration of construction and the intent of building. Mr. Katieb responded that the start date would be 2009 with utilities and an end date of 2014. Commissioner Green questioned the original development rights of the site and mentioned that duplexes could be huge with the square footage desired by the applicant. Commissioner Lane commented that there was nothing wrong with single family homes. Commissioner Foster mentioned duplexes would be just as expensive as the single family home. Commissioner Smith agreed with Commissioner Green that the single families would be better than a huge duplex. Commissioner Struve commented on the construction timetable as it was difficult but there was no way to get around it; building was not going to be affordable as prices in Wildridge are; concerned with wild life movement; roads should have extensive amounts of landscaping. Commissioner Goulding asked the applicant what the public benefit is with Mr. Katieb responding that by breaking up the massing was better than duplexes, design standards and single access; green building would be a model for Avon, consistent architecture that does not exist in current standards. Commissioner Goulding mentioned that the largest issue was current zoning, was struggling with the changing of the site and what was best for the area. Commissioner Evans remarked that he could not support this application due to: 20 foot retaining wall, agreed the site was tough to build on but felt there were other scenarios to explore, driveway to Lot 38 would bring structure down the site; approval of this PUD Amendment would grossly impact the neighboring lots. Gerald Miramonte mentioned that this project was described to the Commission. Commissioner Evans was specifically concerned with Lot 38E as it towers over other properties and the cut across the property, impact on the property and the retaining walls. Commissioner Green remarked on the precedent setting nature of the decisions made by the Commission and does this approval set precedent for future Wildridge developments? Matt Gennett commented that this application would not set a precedent but an example. Commissioner Evans motioned to recommend denial of this PUD Amendment to Town Council based on the findings that the impacts to neighboring properties are excessive and could be avoided by not approving the PUD Amendment, and the site disturbance as currently proposed is excessive and not in keeping with the Design Guidelines of the Town of Avon. Commissioner Foster seconded. The motion was tied 3 to 3 with Commissioner Struve abstaining. Commissioner Struve motioned to table to give the applicant a chance to come back to demonstrate that the road was not visible and that the way to mitigate the impact on Lot 37. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. The motion to table passed 4 to 3. IX. Final Design Plans — Wildridge Duplexes - CONTINUED A. Property Location: Lot 69, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5351 Ferret Lane Applicant/Owner: David Forenza Description: Final Design for a duplex residence on the last vacant lot on Ferret Lane in Wildridge. The design features a total of square foot building with wood, stucco, and stone siding. Sketch review for a duplex on this property took place at the July 17, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. This Final Design application has been revised since being tabled from the October 2, 2007, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Green reclused himself from this application due to the fact two realtors, the applicant, an architect and the applicant's financing agent had queried him on this application and he refused to comment since it was an active application. Commissioner Green felt to recluse would avoid any conflict of interest.. Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report and demonstrated the changes to the application from its original submittal. Bobby Ladd, project architect, commented from the podium that he had researched structures in the area and that 7 homes fit the dimensions of this proposed project, the mix was duplex and single family, the home has no retaining walls as the house aids in retention, shortened the structure, enhanced the landscaping with clusters of trees, added a dormer, and eliminated the gable/dormer and the connection of the units was widened for greater integration. Commission review began with Commissioner Goulding commenting appreciation of the quantity increase in landscaping but commented that the tree heights needed to be greater, greater variety to the trunk dimensions, expressed that it was a good looking home and revealed that culture stone was more a veneer look. Commissioner Struve concurred with Commissioner Goulding. Commissioner Smith appreciated the drop down, had no issue with the culture stone and appreciated the work on the deck lighting. Commissioner Lane had no problem except the culture stone. Commissioner Evans voiced that the connection was better, believed that real stone would sell better but it was up to the applicant, landscaping quantities were great with 1", 2" and 3" were fine, agreed with the diversity of heights and sizes would help to blend the project in to the site. Commissioner Goulding motioned to approve Item IX, A, Final Design Plans — Wildridge Duplexes, Property Location: Lot 69, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5351 Ferret Lane with the following conditions for landscaping as discussed and the use of real stone as a recommendation. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 — 0. B. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge Property Location: Lot 12, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West Applicant. Michael Hazard / Owner. • Advanced Home Technologies, LLC Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale. Discussed concurrently with Item C. C. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge Property Location: Lot 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4090 Wildridge Road West Applicant: Michael Hazard / Owner: Advanced Home Technologies, LLC Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale. Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Michael Hazard, applicant, approached the podium to present the increase in landscaping for buffering purposes, to demonstrate the distances between the duplexes to decrease massing, changes to accent colors for diversity, lowering and diminishing of chimney masses, changed the design to the hot tub decks, and encroachments have been corrected. Peter Warren, 4181 Little Point, approached the podium to comment with concern on the massing and its appearance as a single structure and suggested the removal of the courtyards to decrease its size and create a smaller footprint; two driveways would create a division of the duplexes. Mr. Warren continued that the buildings are very consistent in their architecture and overpower adjacent developments; and voiced concern for the lighting impact in the neighborhood. Mr. Warren suggested that if one of the duplexes was substantially different from the other would create the perception of two separate buildings and compliment the area. Ernie Atlas, 4151 Little Point, approached the podium to ask of Mr. Hazard the structures for the hot tub were over the 35 foot height limit and was responded affirmative and were more massive than the original chimneys from his point of view. Commissioner Goulding began Commissioner review with his concern over landscaping which was addressed, change of colors was appreciated, proposed roofs on top of hot tubs was not appropriate, no issue with the size of the homes but was concerned with the lack of diversity between the duplexes. Commissioner Struve was not in favor of roofs with hot tubs, architecture and style was interesting, color changes were better, landscaping plan needed to be concentrated on the west side of Lot 13. Commissioner Foster commented appreciation for the architectural style, concerned with massing, architectural style was different from those in the vicinity, concern with the compatibility of the structure to the area, and site disturbance was a concern. Mr. Hazard responded that the courtyards provide a relief between the homes, demonstrated pictorially duplexes in the area and their diversity. Commissioner Lane voiced a preference to a good design, preferred chimneys, color too light, and massing was large due to the courtyard. Commissioner Green commented on the lot coverage, creative duplex design. Commissioner Smith remarked that the hot tub enclosures become a focus to the structure and differentiation was needed as the elements created commonality, architecture was great. Commissioner Green asked of the Commission if the hot tubs were enough to table the application. Commissioner Green motioned to table with the following suggestions: take more time to evaluate the landscaping, 2) address roof structures, hot tub and stairway assemblies, and 3) see more information on the lighting of the project with cut sheets and how it relates to the night sky ordinance, 4) evaluate the penetrations to allow for as much opening between the structures. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-2 to table this application. X. Minor Projects - Wildridge Subdivision A. Lot 1, Western Sage Subdivision Color Change Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage Subdivision / 5201 Longsun Lane Applicant. Matt Dietz / Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: A color change application for a single-family residence. The proposed change includes the use of reclaimed materials stained with a dark brown hue. Moved to Consent Agenda B. Driveway Extension Property Location: Lot 81 B, Block 4, Wildridge / 5717B Wildridge Road East Applicant/Owner. Bill Hubbard Description: An application to expand the driveway parking area to the east and construct a MSE retaining wall approximately 11 feet tall. Jared Barnes presented the report by staff. Bill Hubbard, applicant, approached the podium to address his application. Mr. Hubbard commented that the revision was to provide a tum around and extra parking for the site. Mr. Hubbard continued that there were two retaining walls of this nature in the neighborhood and he was awaiting response from a local structural engineering firm. Commissioner Evans questioned the rock wall. Green queried the drainage from the snow melt system, voiced concern for the stairway, and remarked of the landscaping to be removed but no indication of the landscaping to be replaced. Commissioner Lane agreed with Commissioner Green and commented that the retaining wall needed to be buffered. Commissioner Smith understood the need. Commissioner Struve reiterated the need to buffer the wall. Commissioner Goulding commented that input from neighbors would be valuable. Commissioner Struve motioned to approve with the following conditions: Landscaping plan to buffering the wall come back to the Commission and a letter of approval from the neighbor to the east. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed 5 to 2. C. Snowrun Condominium Modifications Property Location: Lot 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 520 Nottingham Road Applicant: Ronald Tribelhorn / Owner. Sye Curtis, Unit A; Steve Smith, Unit B; and Ronald Tribelhom, Unit C Description: The applicant is requesting design approval for exterior modifications that were applied for in August of 2004. The project was granted a 15 month extension on their approval in July of 2006. The project is incomplete and the applicant has provided a summary of progress. Commissioner Evans discussed the notion of a bond for the project at past meetings. Commissioner Evans continued that the Commission was willing to extend the application another 6 months and then have the Building Department red tag the project. Commissioner Foster motioned to approve the extension of 520 Nottingham Road to June 1' (2008) at which time the project must be 100 percent complete. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion'passed 6 to 1. XI. Other Business A. Resolutions Resolution No. 07-03, A Resolution Recommending Approval of the Lot C PUD Amendment Application, application dated May 4, 2007. Resolution No. 07-04, A Resolution Recommending Approval of the Village (at Avon) PUD Amendment Application B. Future Agenda Items • Madison Partners Revised PUD • Next Tuesday at Town Council will have the housing amendment, the Village at Avon, presentation by Dan Richardson regarding the climate plan. X. Adjourn Commissioner Evans motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Green seconded. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve j Secretary