PZC Minutes 08-21-2007 (2)oil
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
'�� Meeting Minutes for August 21, 2007
AVON Avon Town Council Chambers
C O L U R A D O Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road
I. VAG, Inc. /Orion East Avon Concept Review
Pedro Campos, VAG, Inc, approached the podium to give the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the Town Council an overview of the potential benefits for the Town of
Avon with this project. His presentation included diagrams and pictures of the project.
Brian Judge, Orion Development, discussed the overall plan with existing structures,
demonstrated the layout of the proposed structures, shadow casting, pedestrian
accesses, building heights ranging from 6 to 10 stories, application of the Comp Plan;
and various comparisons in height to Sheraton, Avon Center and the Westin.
Commissioner Evans asked for comments from the audience. Ron Wolfe, Mayor,
commented the housing proposal and urban renewal contributions, that the project was
creative, questioned Mr. Judge's comment that they might not be able to commit to the
courtyard, project was monolithic and inconsistent with the East Town Center Plan,
suggested taking a third of the building out of the picture, plus the flat roofs. East Town
Center in a pedestrian scale was the object for Councilor Ferraro. Councilor Carroll was
concerned with the heights and that this project set a dangerous precedent in height,
size and mass. Councilor Phillips expressed a need for a connection to the gondola;
and, building walls needed variations to omit the straight 'up and down'. Councilor
Dantas troubled about heights, worried that this would cater more to businesses than
guests, and more thought to use by locals was needed.
Mr. Judge responded that they were interested in preserving the plaza. Councilor
Underwood would like to see some of the architectural interest to get a handle on the
project. Councilor Dantas asked on the phasing and Mr. Judge responded that it would
be three phases, south first and then north. Councilor Sipes commented that height was
troublesome and not in balance with the public benefit.
Commissioner comments included that the concept was to enhance the town square
and not turn our backs to it; north side pass breaks up mass, height an issue, drawings
give a downtown feeling, too much height, bulk and mass; comp plan did not envision
this on the east side of town; needed a town center and homey feel; more resident
useful; concern with how pedestrians are handled; character and nature of a town center
was a concern; too much volume, 10 —12 story buildings were inconsistent with Town's
plans; compared to 4 Westins being placed on this site. The Commission would like to
see a significant change in scope and scale.
II. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm.
III. Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance.
IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda.
V. Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest were revealed.
VI. Consent Agenda
• Approval of the August 7, 2007 Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Struve moved for approval of the Consent Agenda and Agenda as
amended. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion and the motion passed 6 — 0 with
Commissioner Evans abstaining due to his absence at the meeting.
VII. Duplex Final Design — CONTINUED
Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /540
Applicant/ Owner Jerald Wuhrman
Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via an access easement
from Lot 70 off of Nottingham Road. The design uses stucco, stone and wood siding as
well as a mansard and gabled roof forms. This application was tabled from the August
7, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report
Jerald Wuhrman, Applicant, approached the podium for his presentation. Mr. Wuhrman
began by discussing his changes to the project plans.
Commissioner Evans voiced that this project could not be approved as presented
because there was no consistency on the proposal. For example, shutters were only on
4 windows on one elevation and nowhere else and curved chimney caps did not match
other elements on the building. Commissioner Evans also stated that the building was a
giant box, a minimum of 24" overhangs on roof were required in the guidelines, and the
project needed to be completely reworked. Commissioner Lane questioned why the
building hadn't addressed the Design Guidelines. Commissioner Green commented that
the current design was not better than the original presentation.
Mr. Wuhrman voiced that his original application was far different from its current
presentation and discussed the changes he had made. Commissioner Evans voiced
that the Design Guidelines were not being addressed or taken into consideration.
Commissioner Goulding motioned to deny Item VII, Duplex Final Design, Property
Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /540 Nottingham
with the findings that it does not meet the architectural interest section of the design
guidelines. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously with all Commissioners in favor of denial.
VIII. Walkin' the Dog Special Review Use Review -,CONTINUED
Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 540
Applican6'Owner. Marisa Lahman
Description: Re -review of the Special Review Use Permit (approved by Resolution 06-
14), issued at the Planning and Zoning Commission's October 3, 2006 meeting. The
permit was approved for one year; subject to re -review no later than October 3, 2007.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission and began by giving a
historical review of the project. Mr. Pielsticker requested to amend the
recommendations of staff.
Commissioner Goulding asked for date clarification of preceding events related to this
Marisa Lahman, applicant, approached the podium and apologized for not
understanding process and she would work more closely with the property owner.
Commissioner Green asked of staff if there was anything in place to return the site to its
original condition should the business leave this location and the response was
affirmative. Commissioner Evans voiced to the applicant the conclusions that were
available and that the Commission wanted the hillside revegetated. Matt Pielsticker
voiced the need for $18,000 cash surety on the project for its completion.
Commissioner Goulding commented that this SRU had 10 months of unresolved issues,
total disregard of deadlines and no sense of urgency; work should begin on 8/27 and
completion on 10/1. Commissioner Struve wanted action now, protection to the
overhanging Juniper, different style of fence and to be completed by 10/1/07, and the
direction of forgiveness and not permission will not work with this Commission.
Commissioner Smith agreed with Commissioner Evans to get the work done.
Commissioner Green moved to extend the permit, Item VIII, Walkin' the Dog Special
Review Use Review, Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision / 540 Nottingham, with the following conditions:
1. The applicant will supply cash surety of not less than $18,750 to the Town of
Avon to cover the expense to complete all reseeding and irrigation work necessary to
revegetate and stabilize the results of clearing portions of Lots 20 and 21, Block 1,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, no later than 5pm on Friday, August 24,
2007. If the cash surety is not received by August 24, 2007 at 5pm, the SRU permit
will be revoked and the Town will pursue measures to reclaim the site to its natural
state at the owner's expense.
2. The applicant will complete all work indicated on the engineered drawings and
Landscape Plan, including revegetation and stabilization, no later.than October 1,
2007. The fence will also be installed by October 1, 2007. Failure to comply with the
October 1, 2007, deadline mandates immediate revocation of the SRU permit.
3. The application will be re -reviewed at the October 2, 2007 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting for compliance with these conditions.
4. Adequate surety will be supplied to the Town when the use vacates the property
in order to ensure the site will be restored to its original condition.
5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations
made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public
hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval.
The Planning and Zoning Commission placed the above-mentioned conditions on
your Special Review Use permit and cited the following findings:
1. There have been 10 months of unresolved issues regarding grading and
disturbances which were not approved.
2. The applicant has willfully disregarded the conditions of approval.
3. The condition approved at the July 17, 2007 meeting, which required a
Landscape Plan to be submitted prior to the August 7, 2007 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting, was not met.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Goulding and passed unanimously with 7-0
Property Location: Village at Avon PUD
Applicant. Dominic Maudello, MPG/ Owner Traer Creek
Description: Amendment request to reconfigure the planning area boundaries of
Planning Areas H, Neighborhood Center, I, Neighborhood Center, E, Village Residential;
and F, Village Residential, in order to create a larger buffer between commercial uses
and the adjacent existing Eaglebend drive residential neighborhood. Also part of the
request is a text amendment to the PUD guide that will result in a modification to the
current percentages and ratios of commercial -to -residential uses in order to permit more
residential density in areas that are presently planned for more commercial square
Commissioner Evans motioned to table the public hearing of Item IX, PUD Amendment,
Property Location: Village at Avon PUD, to the September 18, 2007, Planning and
Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion and the
motion passed 7-0 with all Commissioners in favor.
X. Final Design Plan — Western Sage PUD/Wildridge
Property Location: Lot 3, Western Sage PUD / 5205 Longsun Lane
Applicant. John G. Martin /Owner. Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC
Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot
is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The Design features a
2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large
roof forms. Currently under construction in this PUD are lots 1, 2, and 6.
Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Struve questioned the height calculations and was advised that height
calculation was close to the maximum and that this figure will be verified during the
construction process.
Jeff Manley, applicant, commented on changes to the design from the original
submission highlighting the color differentiation and continued with a visual presentation
of the site with approved structure from Lots 1 and 2.
Commissioner Lane commented on the high quality of the architecture and good
elevation form. Commissioner Smith liked the design and Commissioner Foster agreed.
Commissioner Green asked if the entire project could be moved south on the project so
that the hammerhead could fit within the building envelope. Mr. Manley responded that
the height and driveway grades limited this project to its current spot.
Commissioner Green moved to approve Item X, Final Design Plan — Western Sage
PUD/Wildridge, Property Location: Lot 3, Western Sage PUD / 5205 Longsun Lane, with
staff conditions. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.
XI. Minor Projects
A. Shed Addition
Property Location: Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 14330 Flat Point Road
Applicant: James G. Downs, Tuff Shed, inc. / Owner. Tony Prior
Description: Construct a shed in the side yard of the subject property. The shed exterior
finish will match the existing residence.
Jared Barnes offered the staff report to the Commission.
Commissioner Struve questioned if it would be on slab or piers and Mr. Barnes
responded that it would be on slab, and all exterior colors and materials would match the
existing structure. Commissioner Green questioned where the site plan, elevations,
color, and materials were for review. Mr. Heidemann requested the Commission to table
this application to the next meeting and that the packet should be more complete. The
applicant could not be present.
Commissioner Foster moved to table Item XI, Minor Projects, A. Shed Addition,
Property Location: Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4330 Flat Point Road, with
Commissioner Smith seconding the motion. The motion passed 7-0 with all
Commissioners in favor.
B. Color Change
Property Location: Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2643 Bear Trap
ApplicantlOwner. Patrick McKenny
Description: Change materials and colors on one half of an existing duplex. Siding,
Stucco, and Deck railings will be modified by this application.
Jared Barnes offered the staff report to the Commission.
Commissioner Foster asked if better pictures were available.
Patrick McKenny, applicant, approached the Commission and distributed a packet. Mr.
McKenny stated that due to staffs verbal approval, he has already ordered the
materials. Mr. McKenny continued by giving historical detail of previous projects on the
duplex residences and of the discussion of this proposed color change with his duplex
neighbor, Mr. Casey Frehe.
Commissioner Green began that he had no problem with the look but voiced that the
Commission was not in the position to mediate neighbor conflicts and suggested they
work it out. Commissioner Evans proposed that the two neighbors go out in the hall and
discuss the project.
Casey Frehe, neighbor, commented from the podium that his side of the duplex was up
for sale and preferred that the new buyer have the option of color choices, but Mr.
McKenny did not want to wait. The discussion continued with Mr. Frehe stating that both
neighbors were not in agreement therefore a color change cannot be approved. The
Commission once again stated that they had no problem with the siding or the pickets.
Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item XI, Minor Projects, B. Color Change,
Property Location: Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2643 Bear Trap, with the
following conditions:
1. Existing wooden pickets be changed to vertical black metal pickets;
2. The existing vertical siding be changed to horizontal siding with the color
to remain the same; and
3. The current color of stucco is to be maintained, upon agreement of the
duplex neighbor the stucco can be repainted to the proposed mocha color
and the siding colors can be changed as shown in the rendering added as
an exhibit to the file.
Commissioner Foster seconded the motion and it was approved 7-0.
C. Deck and Pavilion Addition
Property Location: Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2190 Saddleridge Loop
Applicant/ Owner. Chadd Ziegler
Description: Proposal to construct a 37' x 20' deck addition. Within the perimeter of the
proposed deck addition would be a 10' tall "pavilion" structure.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Green voiced that he does not have enough information to approve and
that the submittal was about 75% complete. Struve agreed with green and voiced
concern with the stilts and questioned the need for additional landscaping. Mr.
Pielsticker mentioned to the Commission that for a Minor Project the submittal
documents were minimal and not subject to more detail.
Chadd Ziegler, applicant, approached the podium and commented that a rendering was
not offered until he knew what the Commission wanted to see. Commissioner Foster
commented that she could not envision what existed and what was being proposed.
Commissioner Struve could not imagine approving a structure on top 'of a deck. Mr.
Ziegler stated that the walls were there for protection from the wind and was looking for
direction from the Commission. Commissioner Green questioned what the existing deck
was and Mr. Ziegler commented that the new deck would be part of the old, and being
on the side of a hill, therefore the need for stilts.
Commissioner Evans requested a section of the deck from the architect. Commissioner
Green voiced that it may not be the best way to address the issue of windblock for this
structure. Commissioner Foster revealed concern for the height and Commissioner
Struve questioned lighting.
Commissioner Struve moved to table Item XI, C. ,Deck and Pavilion Addition, Property
Location: Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2190 Saddleridge Loop, to the next
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting with Commissioner Foster seconding the
motion. All Commissioners were in favor
XII. Other Business
• Duplex Guidelines Revision — Community Development Commission approved
the guidelines at their last meeting.
• Snow Run Town homes (update) — discussed earlier in the evening with one of
the owners, Ron Tribelhorn.
• Urban Renewal Plan and the Investment Plan were approved by Town Council.
XIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Smith motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion.
All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Phil Struve