PZC Packet 032007Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Rvu MeetingAgenda for March 20, 2007 NAvon Town Council Chambers c O L oRAD o Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road I. Work Session (5:OOpm-5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Open to the Public - Regular Meeting - Call to Order (5:30pm) III. Roll Call IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda V. Conflicts of Interest VI. Consent Agenda 1. • Approval of the March 6, 2007 Meeting Minutes VII. PUD Amendment — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Buck Creek PUD, Buck Creek Road Applicant: Steve Isom / Owner: Oscar Tang Description: The applicant, Steve Isom, representing the owner of the property, Tanavon Corp, is proposing to amend the Cottonwood PUD Plan and Guide documents; and to further subdivide the existing Wildwood Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, and 3, into a total of five (5) lots and two tracts. The property is located on the northeast corner of Nottingham and Buck Creek Roads, is presently zoned as the Cottonwood PUD, and is platted as the Wildwood Resorts Subdivision. The proposed amendments to the existing plat and PUD are focused primarily on re -subdividing the Wildwood Subdivision from three (3) developable lots into four (4); to introduce a new, optional Montessori School use on the subject property; and to reallocate the \ existing, allowed uses amongst the newly subdivided lots. This application has been tabled from two prior meetings. VIII. Final Design Review- Residential Duplex- CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5178 Longsun Lane Applicant., Scott & Adrienne Czarniak/Owner: Bernard & Lynn White Description: Final Design review to add one additional unit onto an existing Longsun Lane single-family residence to create a duplex residence. There was a Sketch Design review which took place at the January 2, 2007 Commission meeting. The design has changed slightly since first review. This review was tabled from the March 6, 2007 meeting at the applicant's request. Posted on March 16, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions IX. Final Design - Commercial Timeshare Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision 1218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet / Owner. East West Resort Development XIV LOP LLP Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the "Timeshare West' building in the Riverfront Subdivision. The building would contain 34 timeshare units (39 at buildout) which are two bedroom units each with the ability to have lock -off units. At the ground level there is approximately 6,000 square feet of shell space to be commercial/retail and timeshare sales. First design review for this project took place at the December 19, 2006 Commission meeting. X. Minor Project - Landscape Plan Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant/Owner Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: The building for UV water treatment was approved on June 20, 2006 subject to conditions. The building has since been constructed on the south side of the main treatment facility. This is a follow-up review of a landscape plan, pursuant to the approval which required a Landscape Plan be submitted and approved prior to TCO or CO of the building. XI. Sketch Design - Single -Family Residential Property Location: Lot 4, Western Sage PUD, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: John G. Martin /Owner. Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: Sketch Design for a Single -Family residence of approximately 4,000 square feet in the Western Sage PUD. Lot is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The Design features a 2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large simple roof form. XII. Other Business XIII. Adjourn Posted on March 16, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board - • On the Internet at hftD://www.avon.ora.. / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions 40 ,0 01� F9, 1, Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission AVON VMeeting Minutes for February 20, 2007 Avon Town Council Chambers C 0 L 0 R A D 0 Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road - Work Session Agenda - Town Center East - Preferred Alternative Presentation Description: Design Workshop, the Town's consultant for the Town Center East master plan, will present and respond to comments and feedback received from the Open House held in January. There will be a presentation of a "preferred alternative" for the Planning District master plan. Open to the Public. Matt Pielsticker began with historical background of the Town Center East and introduced Rebecca Leonard, Design Workshop. Ms. Leonard demonstrated the four alternatives of the project by presenting their pros and cons, and discussed how parts of the four alternatives were used to make the project presented. Comments from the public included having a mix of residential, vehicle circulation and mixed use residential streets. Ms. Leonard continued with the need to maintain two access points off Avon Road, maintaining a dispersed circulation pattern throughout retail and residential to create a better environment and the need to keep residential streets as secondary and smaller. Pedestrian circulation was discussed next with the focus on convenient pedestrian access throughout the Town. Parking issues, underground and surface were addressed along with a connectivity of parking garages and way finding to identify parking locations. Views were reviewed, followed by architectural character. Ms. Leonard mentioned that there is 12 acres of pavement, height being necessary in the plaza area along with towers as visual cues, breaking away from the noises of 170; sun breaks within the plaza and the realignment of Beaver Creek Boulevard and Main Street. Commissioner Green wanted to see how the East Avon and West Avon visually work together. Commissioner Foster questioned the central square and its circulation and if there would be a safer alternative. Amy Phillips, Town Council member, suggested a square roundabout. Commissioner Struve questioned the square dimension of the plaza and its look of tradition. Commissioner Green voiced that Chapel Square seemed orphaned by its location. John Perkins, Architect, suggested that a road may be built to go under the plaza as opposed to around it. Conversation continued with comparisons to Vail's design. John Perkins commented that he thought the intention of the 80 foot height was to back it up to 170. Amy Phillips mentioned that a road by the railroad might be beneficial or the use of the railroad bridge as a connection between the two centers. Commissioner Foster mentioned that the access over Avon Road needed to be,functional for pedestrian use and that it was a critical issue. Public comments continued with how practical would the straightening of the road be if it wouldn't be constructed for over 30 years. Ms. Leonard responded that it would be best to shoot for what was wanted and time frame was not impossibility. It was mentioned that it was feasible when development would project into the future. Public comment continued with approval of the plan, with the road staying as it is, and that a study of connectivity was warranted. Ms. Leonard's next step would be to create a draft plan providing that this plan was the directive. Additional comments included a height study, parking spaces were underestimated, N sun analysis on the north side of the streets, incentives were needed for property owners, and a plan was needed as a foundation for the project and would begin its implementation. Flexibility was needed in the plan. Commissioner Struve complimented the stakeholders for their input, needed was workforce housing in the center of town and the need to move the Post Office to Town Center East. Council / Commission Presentation concerning Impact Fees Description. Tom Pippin from BBC Research will give a presentation to Council and the Commission regarding impact fees. His presentation will focus on the feasibility of impact fees as an alternative source of revenue for the Town to pay for new growth; the legal framework of impact fees in Colorado; how impact fees are calculated and implemented, and potential issues and problems that could arise Tom is currently working with the Eagle River Fire Protection District on their potential implementation of impact fees. Open to the Public. Impact fees would be generated through "only new parts of the pie" and to support capital infrastructure. Fees are calculated on the anticipated new construction and how to spread the fee fairly across. - Regular Meeting - III. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm. IV. Roll Call Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Goulding were not present for this meeting. V. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no Additions or Amendments to the Agenda. VI. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. VII. Consent Agenda • Approval of the February 20, 2007 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Green motioned to approve the February 20, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with all Commissioners in favor. VIII. Housing Joint Session - Council / Commission Description: Staff will make a presentation and foster discussion on a policy direction for new workforce housing regulations. Staff will request further input from the Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission on the best policy options for incorporating a workforce - housing requirement into the Zoning Regulations. Matt Gennett approached the podium to begin a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Gennett began with definitions, displayed affordable housing properties with a map, purpose and applicability was voiced, AMI, and development location. Jared Barnes demonstrated the payment in lieu calculation and suggested property in lieu as an option to payment in lieu. Mr. Gennett continued with accommodation units versus dwelling units via definition and commented that a Nexus Study was needed for commercial. Ron Wolfe, Town of Avon Mayor, approached the podium to comment on his objection to "workforce" housing, region wide should be used for stats, mitigation of 20% was too low, i suggested targeting average Area Median Income, generate an obligation, off-site employee housing should be discouraged, deed restrictions need to be dealt with, real estate commissions needed to be addressed, appreciation caps needed exploration, capital improvements needed definition, and net asset caps. Mr. Gennett voiced that the first step would be a draft form of this regulation. Brian Sipes, Town of Avon Councilman, voiced the need for diversity, to understand why people live where they do, target and value distance of where you live. Matt Gennett questioned the need for a Nexus Study and received an affirmative consensus. IX. Minor Project Application - Revised Modifications to Municipal Building Property Location: Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 400 Benchmark Road Applicant/ Owner: Town of Avon Description: The Town has submitted a design application for an expansion to the Municipal Complex building on the edge of Harry Nottingham Park. This expansion would be on the west side of the building between the building and parking lot. The plan was approved at the Commission's November 21, 2006 meeting, and this presentation is of minor modifications to that design for approval. Shane Pegram, Town of Avon Engineer, approached the podium to discuss the changes to this project. He continued that the proposed stick built structure would be less expensive than the modular but still over the initially approved budget and discussed the other changes per his memo. Commissioner Struve moved to accept Item IX, Minor Project Application - Revised Modifications to Municipal Building, Property Location: Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 400 Benchmark Road. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion passed with all Commissioners in favor. X. Residential Final Design Review - Czarniak Duplex Property Location: Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5178 Longsun Lane Applicant: Scott & Adrienne Czarniak /Owner. Bernard & Lynn White Description: Final Design review to add one additional unit onto an existing Longsun Lane single-family residence to create a duplex residence. There was a Sketch Design review which took place at the January 2, 2007 Commission meeting. The design has changed slightly since first review. Applicant and current owners requested this item be tabled. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item X, Residential Final Design Review - Czarniak Duplex, Property Location: Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5178 Longsun Lane. Commissioner Foster seconded and the motion passed 5-0 with all Commissioners in favor, XI. Other Business • Walking the Dog was putting the fence in shortly, chain necessary for area they can't use. Commissioner Struve heard the dog limit has been excessive. • Illegal signs on trucks for the consignment shop on Nottingham/Metcalf Roads and on Benchmark Road for G'Day Pies. • Timeshare west at next meeting X. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor with a 5 — 0 vote. , The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED. Terry Smith Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary Staff Report PUD Amendment V� N March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting C 0 L 0 R A 0 0 Report date March 15, 2007 Project type Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment, Preliminary Plan for Subdivision Legal description Wildwood Resort Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, 3; Tracts AA and BB Current zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address NA (No addresses assigned) Introduction The applicant, Steve Isom, representing the owner of the property, Tanavon Corp, is proposing to amend the existing Wildwood Resort PUD Plan and Guide documents; and to further subdivide the existing Wildwood Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, and 3, into a total of five (5) lots and two tracts as shown on the accompanying vicinity map (Exhibit A). The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Nottingham and Buck Creek Roads, is presently zoned as the "Wildwood Resort SPA" (Specially Planned Area), and is platted as the Wildwood Resorts Subdivision (Exhibit B). The proposed amendments to the existing plat and PUD are focused primarily on re -subdividing the Wildwood Subdivision from four (4) lots into five (5); to introduce a new, optional Montessori School use (and/or day care and professional offices) on the proposed Lot 3; to introduce a new Natural Science School use complete with a dormitory, a dining hall, a library, and administration offices, in a campus configuration on the proposed Lot 5; and to reallocate the existing permitted uses on the newly re -subdivided lots 1 and 2 as further detailed in Exhibit E. The current allowed uses for the potential development site are detailed in the governing zone document, Ordinance No. 85-4, Series of 1985 and are referenced below in Section II of this report. In addition to what is outlined above, the applicant is proposing to further define and modify the allowed uses that are detailed in the governing ordinance and the accompanying plat. After review by the Planning and Engineering departments, staff has identified substantial concerns with the applicant's proposal that include access, parking, water rights, and wetland degradation. Staff is recommending the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY the subject application, pursuant to the Subdivision and PUD Design Criteria found in Sections VI and VII of this report, respectively. Significant, unresolved issues include severely inadequate parking capacities, the unaddressed impacts of the proposed development upon traffic, and the overall level of intensity of the proposed development in contrast to the environmental sensitivity of the site. Sections VI and VII of this report detail each of staffs concerns with the proposed PUD amendment and relate them to the pertinent design criteria and standards for a PUD Amendment and a Preliminary Plan for Subdivision. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 of 10 Background In 1985, Section 36, Inc., a Colorado corporation, and Wildridge Development Company, a Colorado partnership, applied to the Town of Avon for certain amendments to the Zoning District Map and Zoning Code, and these amendments were eventually approved by Ordinance No 85- 4, which is attached to this report as Exhibit D. Pursuant to Ordinance No 85-4, the Town of Avon Zoning District Map was amended to permit the "following uses" on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Wildwood Resort Subdivision, respectively, in addition to specifying restrictions for Tracts "AA" and "BB": 150 hotel, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) units, together with accessory uses and related commercial uses as allowed in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zone district, to be located on Lot 1, Wildwood Resort. Private park and recreation and related commercial uses including clubhouse building for indoor and outdoor sports activities and customary support facilities. swimming pools, tennis courts, archery range, restaurantllounge, pro shop and other similar activities or services to be located on Lot 2, Wildwood Resort. 50 residential multiple family dwelling units, together with accessory uses, located on Lot 3, Wildwood Resort. The only uses permitted on Lot 4, Wildwood Resort, shall be open space, drainage, landscaping and signage. The only allowed uses permitted on Tract AA, Wildwood Resort shall be snow storage, landscaping, drainage, signage and open space. The only allowed uses permitted on Tract BB, Wildwood Resort shall be snow storage, landscaping, parking, drainage, signage and open space. These permitted uses are also listed "for information purposes only" on the final plat, attached hereto as Exhibit B, approved by the Avon Town Council on April 9, 1985, establishing the Wildwood Resort as an SPA (Specially Planned Area). Accordingly, the Wildwood Resort's current development rights exist as explicitly listed within Ordinance No. 85-4 and detailed upon the corresponding plat. Any proposed amendments involving additions or changes to the uses listed in Ordinance No. 85-4, and the reconfiguration of the subdivided lots depicted on the corresponding plat, constitute a fundamental rezoning of the subject property. Section 17.20.1100)(1) of the Town of Avon Municipal Code specifically states, with regard to .,precise or specific" development plans, " ...terms, conditions, and agreements contained within those PUDs' shall continue to be binding upon the applicants thereof and the Town". It is evident that the precise or specific terms of the Wildwood Resort development plan as a whole remain binding on both the Town and the developer as approved by the Town in the form of Ordinance No. 85-4 and the corresponding Wildwood Resort final plat. The uses listed as permitted in Ordinance No. 85-4 are subject to design review in accordance with the Avon Municipal Code. The Planning and Zoning Commission last heard this application at their regularly scheduled hearing on February 6, 2007, and provided the applicant with specific direction to address the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 of 10 concerns voiced by staff, in addition to providing more detail in terms of bulk, mass, and architectural detail via elevations of the proposed structures. The Planning and Zoning Commission also asked the applicant to build and submit a physical model at the typical scale (1" = 40') other project models have been produced for review by the Town of Avon. III Surrounding Land Uses: The existing land use and zoning for the surrounding properties are as follows: • North: Benchmark at Beaver Creek PUD • South: Lots 1,2,3, and 4 (Avon Coastal Mart— Golden Eagle Auto) • West: Benchmark at Beaver Creek PUD • East: Benchmark at Beaver Creek PUD & Tract V, Mountain Star Subdivision PUD (Open Space) IV Referral Comments The subject application is a noticed public hearing with written notice provided to property owners within 300' of the subject property. To date staff has received no public comments regarding the applicant's requests. In addition to the required public notice, staff has transmitted the application material to the following agencies, with their comments summarized below: Eagle Countv School District Comments To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Colorado Department of Transportation To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eaole Countv Plannino Department Reiterated the wetland concerns already expressed by staff. Eagle Countv Fire Protection District To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Colorado Department of Wildlife To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eaole Countv Health Services District To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. ECO Trails To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Suck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting V Proposed Amendments Page 4 of 10 Attached to this report is a summary of the requested amendments (Exhibits E and F) to the current PUD Guide document and the Development Plan as prepared by the applicant. The major amendments are detailed in the introduction section of this report. VI PUD Design Criteria According to the Town of Avon Zonino Code, Section 17.20.110, the following criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating a PUD. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following design criteria, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a particular development solution is consistent with the public interest. 1. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. The areas within the Comprehensive Plan that offer policy direction relative to the proposed land uses are the Future Land Use Plan, the District special area policies, and the General Goals and Policies of the Plan. The Future Land Use Plan designates the proposed site by the delineation of each existing, platted lot as follows: Lot 1 is Neighborhood Commercial; Lot 2 is Residential - low density; and Lot 3 is designated for Civic/Public land uses. The Neighborhood Commercial land use designation is described as follows: These areas are intended to provide neighborhood - focused retail and service uses (such as markets, childcare, restaurants, and cafes) that are conveniently located near and connected with surrounding residential neighborhoods. Residential low-density calls for a maximum density of 7.5 dwelling units per acre, and the applicant has proposed a maximum density of roughly nine dwelling units per acre, including the hotel use, on approximately nine acres (the proposed Lots 1 and 2) currently designated as Residential - low density at present. The Civic/Public land use designation, which the existing Lot 3 is categorized as under the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, does contemplate school uses within these areas, but also includes the following language: "Each proposed public use should be evaluated separately in terms of its land area and topographical constraints, as well as its compatibility with adjacent uses", such as hotel and commercial uses on the proposed Lot 1. The subject property is also located within District 13: Nottingham Road Commercial District under the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, which designates the area as a secondary commercial district and contains specific planning principles to be applied for this area. Goal C.1: Provide a balance of land uses that offers a range of housing options, diverse commercial and employment opportunities, inviting guest accommodations, and high quality civic and recreational facilities, working in concert to strengthen Avon's identity as both a year-round residential community and as a commercial, tourism and economic center. The changes proposed include the addition of two potential school sites on Lots 3 and 5 of the proposed Preliminary Plan for Subdivision plat submitted with the PUD Amendment application. For the sake of clarity, staff is referring to Lot 5 as the Montessori School site and Lot 3 as the Science School site, pursuant to the "Preliminary Plan — Amended Final Plat, Buck Creek PUD", and the Planned Unit Development Control Document, Buck Creek PUD, Town of Avon, Colorado, February, 2007". Lot 5 is also described in the PUD Control Document as possibly being used for "Office" and/or "Daycare" instead of a "Montessori Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 5 of 10 School' and staff has therefore calculated parking based on the most intensive use contemplated, which is the possible office use. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. In terms of the building envelopes, or footprints, depicted on the conceptual site plan, more detail is required related to improvements that seem to be located within the allowed minimum stream setback, and across delineated wetlands. Detailed architectural designs have not been submitted with this proposal, but sketch elevations and conceptual site plans, including landscaping, have been submitted with the application. Based upon the sketch elevations provided in Exhibit F, the applicant is proposing to use natural materials such as wood, stone, and metal in a combination of architectural themes as further discussed in the next criterion. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. The site plan shows several building envelopes on Lots 2 and 3 located on the edge of delineated wetlands and the minimum stream setback. Concerns arise related to the excavation necessary to construct the proposed structures in such close proximity to environmentally sensitive wetlands. The access proposed for Lot 3 goes directly through a large delineated wetland area and will necessitate the destruction of a portion of a large aspen grove. As noted above, no specific or detailed architectural designs have been submitted with this proposal, however, upon review of the sketch elevations provided, it appears the applicant is proposing the use of predominantly natural materials with thematic elements indicative of alpine and contemporary mountain architectural vernaculars. However, the elevations of the hotel structure demonstrate a linear, monolithic building without sufficient articulation and breaks in the substantial bulk and mass depicted in these sketch drawings. Also, the proposed hotel structure does not appear compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffering, and orientation. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. As more specifically addressed in criterion 6, the traffic and parking impacts upon the Town generated by the land uses in this proposal will not provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activities. For further information and recommendations related to the proposed access points, please refer to the next section (Section VII) of this report. The surrounding uses and activities include Swift Gulch and Buck Creek Roads, Pizza Hut, the Goodyear building, and two gas station/convenience stores. These adjacent uses will be negatively impacted by longer wait times to enter and exit their sites, and the proximity of the Buck Creek PUD access points to their entrances. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 6 of 10 Additionally, the surrounding lands to the east, west, and north are primarily open space areas and the development of the northernmost portion of the subject PUD site will detract from the aesthetic beauty of the immediate natural environment. 5 Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. A wetland mitigation plan has not been submitted to address site improvements in and around wetlands. Development areas may not be adequately defined until the proper completion of a revised wetlands study, acceptance by USACE, and establishment of a mitigation plan as deemed necessary pursuant to the comments of the Engineering Department in the next Section of this report. The provided topographic survey dated December 8, 2006 does not properly depict the Mean Annual High Water mark for Buck Creek as detailed in the next section of this report. Subsequent correspondence from Isom and Associates received January 23, 2007 states that the mean annual high water line, and related setback were based upon the assumption that it is located two feet from the stream centerline. As further discussed in the Engineering department's comments, the mean annual high water line must be field verified because the channel may not be uniform as the assumption would suggest, particularly on the northern section of the site. Furthermore, a portion of the parking lot on Lot 1 appears to encroach into the minimum stream setback, and is therefore in violation of the provision requiring that the setback "shall be protected in its natural state 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The site plan depicts 92 surface parking spaces proposed for all of the uses listed in the PUD Control Document for Lot 1, which include a 20,000 square foot conference center and 20,000 net square feet of commercial retail uses. In accordance with Section 17.24.020(c), Off -Street Parking Table, Avon Municipal Code, the total parking requirement for Lot 1, as proposed, is a minimum of 310 parking spaces. As the plan does not contemplate the development of any underground, structured parking spaces, staff must analyze the plans as submitted. The minimum required parking for Lot 2, which is comprised of 32 dwelling units, is 72 parking spaces and the site plan depicts 23 surface spaces. Presumably, each duplex unit will have at least two enclosed parking spaces, so there may be enough parking capacity for Lot 2. Lot 3, the Natural Science School site, does not appear to conform to Town standards, especially considering the dormitory for 30 students, the dining hall, the caretaker's residence, the school, and library buildings. However, not enough information has been provided to make an accurate calculation. Lot 5, which is proposed for Office, Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 7 of 10 Daycare, and/or Montessori School uses, would require 25 parking spaces for the most intense of these uses, and it appears a total of 12 spaces are proposed. The proposed site improvements, particularly those associated with the school use on the northernmost lot, Lot 3, will have negative impacts upon the sensitive wetlands existent on the development site. As discussed above, the proposed school campus on Lot 3 will include buildings and roads that will be built directly on and across the existing wetlands. Likewise, the construction of the proposed access road for the entire PUD site is labeled as ending at the new boundary of Lot 3, but the road is depicted as continuing on through a delineated wetland area. No evidence of having applied for an Army Corp 404 permit has been provided to date. When Lot 3 is developed, wetlands will be disturbed and there is no plan for protection, mitigation, or restoration. 7. A. circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. Please see the Engineering Department's comments provided in the next section of this report for detailed comments on this criterion. The proposed densities and uses proposed for Lots 2, 3, and 5 exceed the requirements for service by a cul-de-sac per Avon Municipal Code. The roadway alignments and public transit demands have not yet been reviewed in sufficient detail to calculate the demands created by this development. 8. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases. No phasing plan has been submitted, and phasing of public improvements must be coordinated through the subdivision review process. Should a PUD amendment be eventually approved for this subdivision, staff would suggest the requirement of a phasing plan that corresponds to the development of the PUD on a lot -by -lot basis from South to North. The plan can then be sequentially evaluated as each lot is developed in an incremental manner and the relationship or connectivity to the remaining undeveloped parts of the PUD can be better understood. 9. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. Pursuant to the comments of the engineering department, it appears that the proposed uses in the PUD control document exceed the current water rights under the existing zoning. Existing zoning allows for a total of 102.5 residential SFEs (Single Family Equivalents) for the entire subdivision. The proposed zoning as detailed in the PUD Control Document require the acquisition of additional water rights based upon the provided maximum' densities and the intensity of possible uses. The applicant will need to provide additional water rights in order to subdivide and develop the property as submitted. While the appropriate public service entities have submitted letters stating that they are willing to service the areas subject to this amendment, there is not enough water to serve the uses contemplated with the applicant's proposal. The roadway alignments and public transit demands have not yet been reviewed in sufficient detail to calculate the demands created by this development. For further information related to this criterion, please see the Engineering Department's comments in the next section of this report. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 8 of 10 10. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. Please see Section VII of this staff report for specific comments pertinent to this criterion. As stated earlier, the proposed cul-de-sac configuration of the road is not optimal for the variety and intensity of the uses proposed. 11. That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose, which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. Should the school uses made possible with this proposed amendment be eventually developed, there is a public purpose inherent with educational facilities which is not currently possible with the existing zoning. B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. The potential adverse impacts of the proposed locations for the new school uses, when factored into the context of the hotel and residential uses, could adversely impact the future enjoyment of the natural, environmental attributes of the site. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. There does not appear to be enough flexibility afforded in the site design and location of buildings and roads to preserve the sensitive wetlands and natural vegetation present on the site in its existing condition. The public benefit currently enjoyed is the connection to the Swift trail, and the natural aesthetic beauty of the site. VII Preliminary Subdivision Pian Design and Improvement Standards Pursuant to Chapters 16.20 andl6.40, Avon Municipal Code, the application for Preliminary Plan has been reviewed by the Engineering Department for compliance with the appropriate design and improvement standards. The following comments pertaining to the applicant's Preliminary Plan (for subdivision) resulted from this review: 1. The submittal does not appear to include the improvements to Nottingham Road. All proposed improvements north of the Nottingham Road centerline shown on the Nottingham Road improvements Phase 1, prepared by intermountain Engineenng and dated June 8, 2001 should be constructed and included in the Preliminary Plan. 2. It appears that storm drainage from the proposed infrastructure is not adequately addressed by this submittal. Specific examples are drainage at the site access points, roadway drainage on access drives, and drainage facilities from the large amount of proposed surface parking. Further, per Avon Municipal Code 16.40.240, Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 9 of 10 the subdivider must ensure that the proposed development does not result in reasonably avoidable degradation of streams, applying to both the subdivider's development activities and the ultimate use of the land. 3. The culvert running beneath Buck Creek Road from Tract BB is shown on the topographic maps as 42" in diameter, whereas the proposed culvert beneath Buck Creek Lane is shown to be 18". Also, no drainage calculations such as riprap, etc. have been provided. 4. Additional information should be provided for the proposed bridge or box culvert over Buck Creek, showing that the proposed bridge has the hydraulic capacity to pass the maximum one -hundred -year flow; no hydraulic data has been provided. Moreover, any potential changes to the floodplain due to construction of the bridge should be addressed. 5. It appears that no guardrail has been provided for the approaches to the proposed bridge over Buck Creek. Guardrail should conform to all applicable AASHTO design guidelines and CDOT standards. 6. -It appears that a revised Preliminary Plat has not been submitted that reflects the changes in access configurations and additional drainage and utility easements. Detail has been added for shallow utilities, e.g. proposed hydrant and transformer locations, therefore the corresponding Plat must be provided to ensure that adequate easements are provided for all proposed utility installation. 7. The revised PUD guide continues to require more water rights than currently allocated for the site. Latest calculations show a shortfall of 13.83 SFE's. 8. It appears that sidewalk ramps meeting ADA requirements are not included on the proposed Preliminary Plan drawings for access drives. 9. The horizontal extent of access easements for access drives should include all cut and fill slopes supporting the roadway for maintenance and repair. Further, it appears that the conceptual building envelopes and parking shown on Lot 2 conflict with the roadway fill sections, e.g. from 2+22 to 3+88, and near locations 4+41 and 7+00. 10. It appears that parking access is shown adjacent to curb and gutter on Buck Creek Lane between 2+22 and 3+88. it also appears that access drive intersections do not have adequate means to convey road drainage. 11. It appears that the grade at the "Connecting Drive" at its northern terminus is 33.3%. 12. The Vicinity Map located on Sheet 1 does not comply with Town of Avon Municipal Code Section 16.20.160, which requires depiction of tract lines, map scale, names of abutting subdivisions, and clear indication of section, township and range. 13. Note 6 on Sheet 2 of 16 of Johnson, Kunkel & Associate's topographic survey does not conform with Avon Municipal Code Section 16.20.150(6), which states that all mapping shall meet National Map Accuracy Standards. 14. it appears that the match lines found on sheets 2, 3 and 4 and the accompanying Key Map does not reflect the current sheet numbering. 15. Note 5 on Sheet 13 of 16's "inspection Notes" does not apply and should be removed. 16. Note 16 on Sheet 13 of 16 does not apply and should be removed. VIII Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission DENY the subject pursuant to the criteria and findings listed in Sections VI and VII of this report. The major deficiencies with the application include a lack of appropriate parking capacity for the proposed Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 n Buck Creek, PUD Amendment March 20, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 10 of 10 uses in the Buck Creek PUD Control Document; a lack of required water capacity necessary for serving all of the proposed uses in the Buck Creek PUD (Exhibit C); and the significant, negative impacts to the wetlands and natural environmental elements existent on the development site as a whole. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748- 4002, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matthew R. Gannett, AICP Senior Planner IX Report Attachments: Exhibit A: Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Wildwood Resorts Subdivision Plat (1985) Exhibit C: SFE Demand Calculations Exhibit D: Ordinance No. 85-4, Series of 1985 Exhibit E: Proposed PUD Control Document Exhibit F: Reduced Set of Proposed Plans, Elevations, and Plat for the Buck Creek PUD Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Buck Creek PUD Water Rights Summary Based on PUD Control Document received February 26, 2007 Lot Proposed Use Lot 1, 3 Accomodation units w/ kitchenettes, 150 max units Commercial max 20,000 square feet Manager's Apartment Swimming Pool Conference Center Lot 2 Not to exceed 32 residential units Lot 3 School, library, admin, dining hall, dormitory Residential Educator facilities Caretaker Unit EXHIBIT C SFE'S Required Notes 75 1.5 1 1 2 1.5 1 32 1.5 1 1.33 1 Lot 5 Day care/Montessori School, possible professional office space 1.5 Total Anticipated SFE's for the Development 116.33 Current Allocated SFE's 102.5 SFE Deficiency 13_83 Notes: 1. Based on minimum 3/4" service line size 2. Pools based on meter size, or $2 per square foot of pool area. 3. Based on maximum residential uses and minimum commercial service line sizes. 1 3 0 E Ep J EXffiB fC D EXHIBIT D TOWN OF AVON 318164 ORDINANCE NO. 85-4 y�l Series of 1985 ''r"NN£TTE PHILLIPS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 83-21 AND PROVIDING .h^LE OTY. REOORW FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON BY THE AMENDMENT OF THE ORDINANCES ESTABLISHING SPECIALLY Am 3 11 MI GBS f� PLANNED AREAS IN THE BOCK CREEK AND SWIFT GOWN AREAS OF SAME AS THE TOWN OF AWN. ORIGINAL WHEREAS, Section 36, Inc., a Colorado corporation, and Wildridge Development Company, a Colorado partnership, have filed application with the Tow of Avon to wend the soning district map and the zoning code of the Tow of Avon by effectively transferring certain development rights from the areadescribedas Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, Swift Gulch Addition to the Tow of Avon, (hereinafter referred to as "Swift Gulch") to the area presently described as Lots 5, 52A and .52B of the Buck Creek SPA which, upon approval of the new Final Plat shall be hereinafter described as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Wildwod Resort Subdivision (hereinafter referred to as "Wildwood Resort"), through the amendment of the ordinances which previously established the development rights within each respective specially planned area; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held by the Planning and Zoning 'Commission of the Tow of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which the ;applicants and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions 'regarding the proposed amendments; and i WHEREAS, following such public hearings, the Planning and Zoning Commission .•forwarded reports and recommendations on the proposed amendment to the Tow L Qruncil; and WHEREAS, after notices provided by law, a public hearing was held before Wf this Council on the 9th day of April, 1985, at which time the applicants and the ..public were given an opportunity to express their opinions regarding the proposed • amendment; and ' WHEREAS, based upon the evidence, testimony, and exhibits, and a study of 5 f}the Master Plan of the Tow of Avon and the recommendations of the Planning and p(prr(! In ring Commission of the Town of Avon, this Council finds as follows: q 1. The proper posting, publication and public notice was provided as ''Jj ' iequi red by lav for the hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and , the Tow Council of the Tow of Avon. a• 2. That the hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Tow 04buncil were both extensive and complete and that all pertinent facts, matters and issues wre submitted at those hearings.3. That the proposed amendments to the Zoning District Map and Zoning Code 1"Of wn the Town of Avon are consistent with the Master Plan of the Toof Avon, t„trovided that certain limitations hereinafter set forth be established in 'association with the respentive specially planned areae. 4. That the requested amendment to the Zoning District and the Zoning Code •-af the Tow of Avon will be in the beat interest of the health, safety, welfare and morale of the citizens of the Tow of Avon. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, ,!COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Amendment to Swift Gulch SPA. 1' Section 1 of Ordinance No. 81-35 of the Tow of Avon as amended by Section I �11f Ordinance 83-21 shall be and hereby is amended to read as follows: (i The Zoning District Nap of the Tow of Avon shall be and hereby is amended i`fo reflect that the certain real property as more fully and legally described 'zreinabove, shall be and hereby is included in a Specially Planned Area Zone District as such term is defined and subject to all the terms and conditions EXHIBIT B b";iY�<=>'.r: -ey;2°ae'^�g�Q a Aa r V " W „ :b .� ~i Y-cY�•;Yq�BtY.."=� a�e�w� g p_ '.y`YeA -_g ' g�Y ddb �adYi<:iY;o6�4M�Ea_•t$a3oY1:'aNYE:��;„BW�Q�•b�g8^xa`iijY _•YI piyagy�� gbXta4E,gv9$, 8 � �y � � e� -� � �I � ��~4,b =�y-'� a�-�"w.^„ys��ay•z��=-"��� se p, v1><�a=1aa� ;� a_ tf"a- � �- - - - - b�®: _ b=a§eh<R• =$E yea�a �`s -_"«9 WgulA w aa Nie -19,' Y a m a _� Yy �y � Y 5� ?id Y � - b S`h^y� ^��4�-�:a`�§��q W��%g Bb`Ld�g •-����as��ylY� 1b bhts ❑d `'5 da Y-�'aa �E �_ W _:9R .b �a��-a3x=-_=N��p��- ¢a�`givaa�.°n ' �p �pI a.� d� �• 5 > aa@ g"�"�=�as:.a $ �--y�•;E 'a Y � Qa�6�3aa$g�dewg " A". a 6s YS��o� f�a. wilWStya?� •0<0'� > .:YEbmgW.��.... 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C J K \ `a� �d •i 'c \ h aa■ a J rA� A O ,I thereof set forth in the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon, as may from time to time be in affect, provided the uses permitted on such leads shall be limited to the following: , 105 residential multiple family dwelling mite and/or commercial as allowed in the SC (Shopping Center) zona district. Section 2. Amendment to Suck Creek SPA. (to be renamed Wildwood Resort SPA). Section I of Ordinance No. 82-20 of the Town of Avon as amended by Section 2 of Ordinance 83-21 shall be and hereby is amended to read as follows: The Zoning District Map of the Tow of Avon shall be and hereby is amended to reflect that the certain real property as more fully and legally described hereinabove, shall be and hereby is included in a Specially Planned Area Zone District as such term is defined and'subject to all the terms and conditions thereof set forth in the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon, as may from time to time be in effect, provided the uses permitted on such lands shall be limited to the following uses: A. 150 hotel, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) Nits, together with accessory uses and related commercial uses as allowed in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zone district, to be located an Lot 1, Wildwood Resort. B. Private park and recreation and related commercial uses including clubhouse building for indoor and outdoor sports activities and customary support facilities: swimming pools, tennis courts, archery range, restaurant/lounge, pro shop and other aimilar activities or services to be located on Lot 2, Wildwood Resort. C. 50 residential multiple family dwelling mite, together With accessory uses, located on Lot 3, Wildwood Resort. D. The only uses permitted on Lot 4, Wildwood Resort, shall be open apace, drainage, landscaping and signage. E. The only allowed uses permitted on Tract AA, Wildwood Resort shall be snow storage, landscaping, drainage, signage and open apace. P. The only allowed uses permitted on Tract BB, Wildwood Resort shall be snow storage, landscaping, parking, drainage, signage and open space. e Section 3. Effective Date. The amendment to the Zoning District Map and _ the Zoo ag Code of the Toon of Avon provided for herein shall take effect in accordance with the charter and the ordinances of the Tow of Avon, and the Mayor Pro Tem and the Tow Clerk are hereby directed and authorized to execute such documents as may be required to reflect the amendment herein authorized, and to file a certified copy of such documents with the county Clerk and Recorder of me Eagle County, Colorado. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, THIS 26th day of March, 1985 and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Two of Avon, Colorado, on the 9th day of ApF,i );,,,� 1985 at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Tow of Avon, Onfil 1" , J A}T" ,gr ac Tazt r Fro Tem Petr is is S:�,Doyle I Tooi;: Ck4w", .11111110 INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED this 9th day of April, 1985, _ .) rt . Mayor"Pro Tem el �cm- Tom Clerk{ i, SAME AS ORIGINAL V a EXHIBIT E RECEIVED PFR 2 6 2007 Community Development Planned Unit Development Control Document Buck Creek PUD 0 Town of Avon, Colorado February, 2007 Lot I — Hotel/Lodge/Accommodation (HLA) (a) Intention. The Hotel/Lodging/Accommodation Lot is intended to provide a Site for the development of HotcYLodge/Accommodation Units, along with accessory commercial uses, not to exceed a density of 150 units on the Lot. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the HLA District. (1) Accommodation Units with kitchenettes to a maximum of 600 square feet and 150 units. (2) Hotels and lodges, bed and breakfast lodges. (3) Retail shops, restaurants, service shops and other establishments located within a lodge or hotel and not occupying more than twenty percent (205/6) of the total gross floor area of the main structures or structures upon the site, or to a maximum of 20,000 net square footage exclusive of storage, hallways, restrooms and kitchen. (4) One (1) managers apartment of maximum 1200 square feet. (5) Parking per Town of Avon Standards. (6) Indoor or outdoor swimming pool. (7) Conference center not to exceed 20,000 square feet. (c) Development standards. (1) Minimum Lot size: 4 acres. (2) Maximum building height: sixty (60) feet to mid point of roof. (3) Minimum building setbacks. Front: twenty-five (25) feet from pubic right-of-ways Side: seven and one-half (7.5) feet Rear: ten (10) feet Buck Creek: Thirty (30) feet from 100 year floodplain as amended and shown on engineering drawings (4) Maximum site coverage by buildings: fifty percent (50%). (5) Maximum impervious site coverage: 80% (6) Minimum landscaped area: twenty percent (20%) Lot 2 — Multifamily/Duplex Dwellings (a) Intention. Lot 2 is intended to provide sites for multiple family dwellings and duplex dwellings at a density not to exceed thirty two (32) units. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted on Lot 2 (1) Multiple -family dwellings, including townhouses, duplexes, condominiums, or apartments and related facilities accessory to residential use. (c) Special review uses by Town of Avon (1) Home occupations (d) Development standards (1) Minimum lot size: 5 acres (2) Maximum building height: forty eight (48) feet to mid point of roof (3) Minimum building setbacks: Front: twenty-five (25) feet from public right-of-ways, five (5) feet from internal road easements Side: seven and one-half (7.5) feet to next building Rear. ten (10) feet (4) Maximum site coverage: sixty percent (600/*) (5) Minimum landscaped area: twenty-five percent (25%) (6) Maximum density: thirty two (32) dwelling units Lot 3 — School Site (a) Intention. A private or public school site. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted on Lot 3 (1) School (2) Library (3) Associated office uses, offices and administrative functions (4) Dining hall with associated food preparation area (5) Overnight facilities for maximum 30 students (6) Shared residential facilities for educators to a maximum of 4,000 square feet (7) Caretaker unit of 1200 square feet maximum (8) Temporary structures while school is being built (c) Development standards (1) Minimum lot size: four(4)acres (2) Maximum building height: forty five (45) feet to flat or mansard roof or to mid point of roof on a sloping roof (3) Minimum building setbacks: Front setback: from Bush Creek Road twenty five (25) feet. Side: seven and one-half (7.5) feet from the east and southwest lot lines Rear: ten (10) feet from the southeast lot line Buck Creek: Thirty (30) feet setback from 100 year floodplain as modified by the engineering drawings or the existing Buck Creek Drainage and Waterline Easement, whichever is greater. (4) Maximum site coverage by buildings: fifty percent (50%) of buildable site exclusive of wetlands and ponds. Parking and pavement may cover an additional 25% of the total site. (5) Minimum landscaped area: twenty-five (25%) including natural vegetation and wetlands. (6) Parking: one space per school staff member plus 15 additional spaces to accommodate visitors, student families, community and special events. Lot 4, Tract AA, Tract BB — Open Space (a) Intention. Lot 4, Tract AA, Tract BB shall be used for open space (b) Allowed uses (1) Open space (2) Snow storage (3) Landscaping (4) Drainage (5) Signage (c) Development standards None Lot 5 - Office/Day Care/Montessori School (a) Intention. Lot 5 is intended to provide a site for a Day Care/Montessori School with provisions for professional office space separate from the school or in place of the school. (b) Allowed uses. The following shall be permitted on Lot 5 (1) Montessori School (2) Day care (3) Professional offices (c) Development Standards (1) Minimum Lot size: 0.50 acres (2) Maximum Building Height: thirty five (35) feet to mid point of roof (3) Maximum Building set back: Front: twenty five (25) feet from public right-of-way, five (5) feet from internal access easement Side: seven and one half (7.5) feet Rear: ten (10) feet Buck Creek: Thirty (30) feet from 100 year floodplain (4) Maximum site coverage: sixty percent (60%) (5) Minimum landscaping area twenty percent (20) (6) Maximum density: 8,500 square feet of building (7) Parking: 12 parking spaces plus a drop off zone for school children. 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The property is located on the north (uphill) side of Longsun Lane in the Wildridge Subdivision, and either a single-family or duplex structure is allowed under existing zoning. This application was tabled from the previous meeting at the request of the applicant. As proposed, the additional unit would match the existing building with consistent materials (i.e. asphalt shingles, stucco, aluminum clad windows, and Doug Fir columns) and colors. There are minor modifications to the existing structure that would occur during construction, namely moving an existing utility meter to accommodate the connection. A new asphalt driveway area would be installed for access to the new dwelling unit and associated parking. The Town of Avon was approached several months ago by the applicant with the desire to subdivide the property and create a party wall prior to design approval. There was a need to gain ownership of the second development right at that time. It was determined that a subdivision would be difficult due to the uncertainty of a precise design plan for development of the second unit. The applicant was advised at the time that the structure would need to be fully integrated, making a subdivision inappropriate until current design plans are approved and construction begins. The additional unit would be attached on the lower and main levels near a utility meter located at the northwest corner of the existing structure. The connection measures approximately 11', which has been increased from 6' at Sketch Design review. Due to the insubstantial connection of the two dwelling units as presented, staff is recommending that the Planning and Zoning Commission TABLE this design until a fully integrated design is proposed. Further disturbance to the existing single-family home is likely necessary in order to bring the design into compliance with the Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Czamiak Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Design History T Page 2 of 6 AID Initial design review for the existing single-family residence took place in 1996, and the project received another Final Design approval in 1999. Shortly after receiving the second design approval construction commenced. Construction was complete in August of 2000. Subsequently, a design for an added dwelling unit was approved on September 21, 2000. That design was attached to the existing unit in a similar location as this current submittal; however, it was only attached at the main level of the home. The design reached further up the hillside towards the northern corner of the lot. After two years that design approval lapsed, • triggering the current submittal. A Sketch Design Plan, similar to the current Final Design Submittal, was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the January 2, 2007 regular meeting. At the Sketch Design meeting, discussion comments focused on the nature of the proposed connection. Please see the attached meeting minutes and elevation drawings. There were also questions as to whether or not the existing landscaping on site was the approved amount. The Commission advised the applicant to either come back for a revised Sketch Review or to proceed to a Final Design application. This was tabled from the last Commission meeting. Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code: • Allowed use: The proposed residential use is permitted given the duplex zoning. • Density: The lot is zoned for 2 units and the density is appropriate. • Lot Coverage: Maximum site coverage allowed for under the Wildridge PUD is 50%. The project is in compliance with the PUD with approximately 25% lot coverage. This coverage ratio is for all proposed impervious surfaces compared to the entire size of the property. • Setbacks: The setbacks for the property are typical for Wildridge with a platted 25' front setback and 10' side yard building setbacks. All building setbacks have been adhered to with this submittal. There is one deck support and two roof overhangs bordering the side yard setback on the west side of the property. An Improvement Location Survey would be required during construction to verify compliance with this zoning requirement if the design is approved. • Easements: Utility and Drainage Easements of 7.5' in width border each side of the property. There is also a 10' Utility and Drainage Easement bordering the Beartrap Road Right -of -Way. There are some trees proposed within the 7.5' Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Czarniak Final Design -.W March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 6 A10 N Utility/Drainage Easement. Staff does not recommend planting any landscaping in platted easements; however, it would be at the owner's risk. • Building Height: The maximum allowable building height is 35.' This design is in compliance with the applicable zoning with all ridge heights below 32.' • Grading/Drainage: All existing and proposed grades are indicated on the site plan. There are some site design concerns that revolve around the building placement and resulting drainage path. The drainage is proposed to run either west around the future dwelling unit via a graded swale, or east around the existing structure by way of a drain pipe and associated grading. • Parking: This design proposes 2 internal garage parking spaces and 1 open-air space per unit. For a single-family and duplex development the Town Code requires 2 spaces per unit, or 3 spaces per unit for units over 2,500 square feet. The Site Plan indicates 6 functional parking spaces total. Each dwelling unit is over 2,500 square feet. • Snow Storage: Two separate areas are called out on the site plan for snow storage. These areas appear to be functional and the majority of the driveway should benefit from sun exposure. 842 square feet are required and a total of 1,024 square feet of snow storage. The landscape plan is responsive to the snow storage areas. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project generally complies with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights exist on the property for up to two dwelling units. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: o Site Design: The Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design and state that structures should blend in with the natural settings, and to limit the need for extensive site grading and/or slope retention. From a 2-dimensional site planning perspective, the existing home was citied such that a future dwelling unit could be attached and placed immediately west of the existing home between the home and the west property line. However, the west side of the existing home is where the garage is accessed and where large windows are located. o Site Access: Site access is through the existing driveway, and the new proposed driveway would branch off into the new garage and an additional parking space on the west property line under a deck. The existing driveway is at approximately 10% grade between the road and the structure. This calculation is based off the provided survey. Tom of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Czarniak Final Design ,W March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 6 AVON o Site Grading: As mentioned above, drainage from the hillside above the structure poses some concern to staff. Positive drainage would need to be demonstrated during construction. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors: According to the Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines, "duplex developments must be designed... with the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, massing, detail, roof forms, and landscaping." The addition appropriately proposes to match the existing architecture with similar materials, windows patterns, materials, colors, belly band detail, and roof pitches. The proposed colors are earthtone and are intended to identically match the existing home. A colored elevation drawing and landscape color board of materials will be available at the meeting. The color board is the from original design approval. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest: The exterior walls are composed entirely of stucco siding. Cedar siding and Doug Fir wood details are added at the eaves and decking. There is a stucco belly band to add architectural interest. This design plan presents an interesting challenge. On one hand the new building attempts to match the existing structure and appropriately matches materials and architectural details; and on the other hand the existing home would likely not be approved today under the current Design Guidelines which govern the design of all structures built in the Town. By changing too much with the 2nd dwelling unit it would likely take away from the overall cohesive nature of the design. o Outdoor Lighting: There are two light fixtures: 1) Wall mounted incandescent fixture with oxidized finish, and 2) Recessed fixture. Attached to this report are fixture cut sheets. The Site Plan clearly indicates where each type of fixture is located. Both fixtures would have 40 watt output. C. Landscaping: o Design Character: At Sketch Design Review it was noted that the landscaping on the property today appears to be inadequate and possibly in conflict with the original approval. The architect found the currently established landscaping to be short 2 trees based on the original Landscape Plan provided by the owner. That Landscape Plan was minimal at best. The new Landscape Plan (Sheet 1-1.2) complies with the intent of the Residential Landscaping Guidelines by limiting irrigated areas and using drought tolerant species. The existing landscaping built upon and some new trees are proposed in front of the motor court to help blend the new Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision— Czarmak Final Design ,W, March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 6 AfuM landscaping with the old. There are 18 aspen trees and 9 blue spruce trees proposed, and a rain sensor will be used. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The design and building appear to be compatible with the site topography. The structure would be partially dug into the hillside with a portion of the lower level buried on the north elevation. Disturbance to the existing topography appears to have been minimized according to the limits of disturbance proposed. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The architectural style and orientation are consistent with the already constructed building. The proposed colors and quality of materials are consistent with existing. It must be determined whether or not the connection of the dwelling units will be perceived as a 'bridged' connection as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not feel that any monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted policies and is a use by right per the Wildridge Subdivision. The Design Guidelines should be reviewed carefully. Staff Discussion This design application appears to be in conformance with all Zoning Code requirements and a duplex would be an allowed use for the property. As presented the design conflicts with the 'Duplex Development' section of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. 'It is difficult to support this design due to its apparent conflict with the Guidelines. The Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desiqn Guidelines provide clear direction for what is envisioned to compose a duplex in the Town of Avon, and given the number of single-family residences in the Town that retain the ability to convert to a duplex at some time in the future, staff recommends that the Commission review this design carefully. It must be determined if the duplex connection proposed will be perceived as a 'bridged' connection as contemplated in the Guidelines. Also worthy of discussion is the amount of stucco proposed. While the existing home is entirely stucco, the home would likely not be approved under current design criteria. The Guidelines require each building to use a minimum of two materials with respect to siding. Perhaps further changes to the existing home are appropriate at this time. Town of Avon community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision— Czamiak Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 6101 Recommended Motion "I move to Table the Final Design plan for a single-family conversion to duplex on Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision due to conflict with the 'Duplex Development' Guidelines outlined on page 19 of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Guidelines. Specifically, 'Duplex developments must be designed in a manner that creates an integrated structure on the site. Two single-family residences 'bridged' by a breezeway or other non- structural and non -habitable connection does not meet the intent of a duplex design. Unified design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, massing, detail, roof forms, and landscaping. While 'mirror image' duplexes are not supported, the design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex from a single family home." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Matt Pielsti(_ Planner 11 Exhibits: 1. Reduced Plan Set 2. Sketch Design Elevations 3. Meeting Minutes from Sketch Design 4. Light Fixtures/Photographs of Existing Improvements 5. Aerial Map Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 //Z/O-.7. r>4 2: �4iMWET5 Commissioner Green. Commissioner Goulding questioned the stone frame on the east unit. Commissioner Evans questioned the fireplace chimney and the response was that it was a gas unit. Commissioner Green motioned to approve this design with staff conditions #1 and #2, amend staff condition #3 to include that the applicant must submit a clearly developed and defined landscaping plan that shows all materials and their placement as well as delineating the limits of construction and disturbance on the site and that if, at staffs discretion, the plan may be staff approved or returned to the Commission for final review and approval. The Applicant must resubmit an elevation plan showing what they are doing on the east side, with what materials they choose to use and how they are going to treat it with either a staff approval or a returned to the Commission for final review and approval. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. Commissioner Evans commented that any retaining walls were per C-1 and that the main driveway retaining wall was clarified to be a versalock and not an unfinished or unclad concrete. Condition #4 was also approved in the motion and, at the main height in the retaining wall; there will be increased height in the trees. The motion passed unanimously with a 6 — 0 vote. VII. Residential Sketch Design Review - Czarniak Duplex Property Location: Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 15178 Longsun Lane Applicant: Scott & Adrienne Czarniak /Owner: Bernard & Lynn White Description: Sketch Design review to add one additional unit onto an existing Longsun Lane single-family residence to create a duplex residence. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Green questioned the history of the lot and if there were subdivision issues and the nature of the prior approvals. Bobbie Ladd, architect for the project, approached the podium and began by describing how the connection was placed and with an attempt to not impact the existing house. Commissioner Struve was concerned with the artificial attachment and not a common wall as required. Commissioner Goulding agreed with Commissioner Struve and questioned if the structure would look as an integrated mass and commented that the detailing needed to be coordinated. Commissioner Green commented that in order for the structure to look as one unit, it would have to impact the existing unit and roof lines needed examination. Commissioner Smith had difficulty with the garage form and agreed about the connection. Bernard White, owner, approached the Commissioner Evans replied that it was to Mr. White that the structure needed to with a connection. Mr. Ladd questio Commissioner response was the need survived. VIII. Other Business podium to discuss the location of the utilities and up to the architect. Commissioner Green commented resemble a duplex unit and not two single-family units ied the landscaping plan for the existing site and io review the original plans and see what plants had A. Parking Code Review Matt Pielsticker began the discussion with some historical input, commented on street parking, loading requirements and mixed use criteria, compact car parking, and a need for the entire parking code to be reviewed. Eric Heidemann commented on the need to codify parking requirements. Commission discussion continued with issues regarding a compact car. Commissioner Goulding suggested review of parking uses from different valley towns and the issue with height for underground garages with rooftop carriers. Commissioner Foster mentioned that 20 years ago VALLNC1, -\ VS -7 shown with clear seedy (CS) glass and satin 61ack F7 (6K) metal finish 66 (--iw- V5.' VD -4 vl-I tl V5-7NR shown with rain mist (RM) glass and satin 61ack (BK) metal finisk Y VP -9 shown witk rain mist (RM) glass and bronze (BZ) metal finish VF -11 JAN 1 8 2007 _.....ntty poveloovoo MOUNTING MOUNTING FRAME WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH BASE CENTER TO TOP LAMPING UL VP -7 7-1/4" 15-3/8" WA N/A N/A 1-60W, Medium Incand. Wet VP -9 9-1/4" 19-1/4" N/A N/A WA 1-10OW, Medium Incand. Wet VP -11 11-1/4" 24-3/4" N/A N/A N/A 1-10OW, Medium Incand. Wet VS -7 7-1/4" 15-5/8" 9-3/8" 4'X 8-1/2" 10-13/16" 1-60W, Medium Incand. Wet VS -9 9-1/4" 19-1/4" 11" 4'X B-1/2" 13-3/8" 1-100W Medium Incand. Wet VS -11 11-1/4" 23-5/8" 12-3/4" 5" X 11" 16-3/16" 1-10OW, Medium Incand. Wet VS-7NR 5-1/8" 9-1/2" 8-1/4" 4" X 8-1/2" 4-3/4" 1-10OW, Medium Incand. Dry VS-9NR 6-1/4" 11-3/4" 9-1/2" 4" X 8-1/2" 5-7/8" 1-10OW, Medium Incand. Dry VS-11NR 7-5/8" 14-1/4" 11" 5" X 11" 7-1/8" 1-10OW, Medium Incand. Ory Y VP -9 shown witk rain mist (RM) glass and bronze (BZ) metal finish VF -11 JAN 1 8 2007 _.....ntty poveloovoo M ETA L L, ,'�-1 1 S H LS raw copper, mission brown, bronze and verdigris Patina are naturally oxidized finishes. MB - Mission Brown RB - Rustic Brown AB -Antique Brass Ilk I G W - Gold White Irid scent OP - Off Wbde AC -Antique Copper P - Pewter 5->I;nr. 5 K - Satin Blacf GLASS OF'TICDNS i Wo-Wbde Opa6cent r - Frosted C5 -clear Seedy RM - Rain M(st Cft-Cream TN -Tnn GWC- Gold white trideacentand REC- Real and white opa6cent w6eopa6serntw 6ination combination (ATYP In E1oi6, G6&yw, Kenne6ee Sant Clair, State Streak Yorktown offered in Glasgow, Sant Clair, State Street AM - Almond Mica BC - Blue and white Opalescent combination offered In Glasgow, Saint claiq State Street MC -amber /almond mica ` 6nabonRECEIVED i S 2007 Focus Industries - Specialty Liehts, SL -37 so F 211111IS = Bills OCU i itY ;L.7 �y p) � mary+ �y U J 7 R i 9 S HOME CONTACT LITERATURE APPLICATIONS SEMINARS TRADESHOWS ABOUTFOCUS el'J ' L• 1 • r •1•i r-;il LIGHT FIXTURES Area Directional Fluorescent Path Specialty BBO Lights Flex ,Lig "T"'.... 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CID E < u ------ - LL1 9 8 k ic: a w 944 ID uj Z co OV a �1 tv- og LLJ LL LLJ;, IF 0 Z (Y) ui z �1 og LLJ LLJ ui 'r .s +"easv.r,_ uvuyar^,'rv, Q r IL � r f_-,,.. s F .ri ` 0 N r N _ 1 y ML R d.$Ey gg� a00000e0000®p i 3 i! �p—C—p :0LU pQpi I 1 1 W I ti Ailgo, I ILI vt Y 1S .......... 001 I a 2 W CD c:D C -i CQ cc L.0 .......... 001 I a 2 uc O tilt► ����� y rvY ...0 ..,,ti•.. t s O i k 94 �O! p III// I Jul .10 IL �O! p III// I a , W tnlfq.'p[{-ausK Potii^117� M K M 96N VA m LU f 0 OQp(OOObgQ40Up Staff Report AVO Final Design Review COLORADO March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 14, 2007 Project type Timeshare w/ Commercial Legal description Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 218 Riverfront Lane Introduction The applicant, Aleksandr Sheykhet from Studio Obermeier Sheykhet, has submitted a Final Design application for the 'Timeshare West' building, located on Lot 3 of the Riverfront Subdivision. The 75 -unit whole ownership Riverfront Lodge would be immediately to the west, and public plaza and Westin hotel to the east. This building flanks the west side of the public plaza, just to the north of the gondola terminal. The Timeshare West Building consists of 34 -unit timeshare units with 6,000 square feet of shell space at the public plaza level. The shell space will be for commercial retail and timeshare sales. At buildout, a portion of the sales space on the ground level would be converted into 5 additional timeshare units and the total unit count would then reach 39 units. Each timeshare unit has 2 bedrooms with the ability to lock -off a unit. There are a total of 78 keys for this project, when the lock -offs are included in the unit count. There were two formal Sketch Design reviews that took place for this project. The first review took place on December 19th, 2006 and the second review was on January 16th, 2007. Meeting minutes are attached to this report from these two meetings. In order to gain additional input on the main entrance and elevations, the applicant approached the Planning Commission at the end of their February 6, 2007 meeting for comments. The building design generally conforms to the intent of the Riverfront Design Standards and the criteria in the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines. In accordance with the PUD Development Plan, "Final building design shall be established through the Town's design review process, based on the criteria established in the Town of Avon Residential,- Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. " Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 10 AYI N Design Review Considerations The Timeshare West is governed in part by the site-specific Riverfront Desian Standards, which were'adopted as part of the Riverfront PUD amendment. The expressed intent of the standards is to create high quality architectural design through the use of varied roof forms, wall plane articulation, and quality building materials. Attached to this report is a copy of the Riverfront Desian Standards. How this building interacts with the public spaces that it surrounds, including the public plaza, is important given its prominent location. The plaza is envisioned to be a high activity area of the project, with Commercial space, foot traffic, and the most direct public interaction. This building would also be visible from many locations in the Town Core as well. According to Section 7 of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with Setbacks, Massing, Access, Land Use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed Use: The proposed timeshare use is in accordance with the Riverfront PUD. According to the PUD Development Plan, "Standard Commercial; Incidental Commercial; Residential Lodging; Lodging Support Uses; Temporary Uses and Facilities; Public Uses" are allowed by right, and "Theaters; Churches; other Temporary Facilities" are listed as Special Review Uses. Time Share, vacation ownership, and/or fractional fee ownership uses are enumerated allowed uses for 'Residential/Lodging' in the Development Standards. The PUD Development Plan permits "Vacation Ownership/Time Share sales centers of up to 7,000 square feet within the Hotel or Vacation Ownership/ Time Share buildings are allowed for up to ten years from the issuance of the a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy of the first Vacation OwnershiplTime Share building." Density: The Timeshare West project is located on lot 3 of the Riverfront PUD Subdivision. In total, the. Riverfront PUD allows for up to 456 dwelling units. As proposed, the Timeshare West contains 39 "Dwelling Units" and the building is over 105,000 gross square feet, including the structured parking levels (P1 & P2). For the purpose of density calculations, a Dwelling Unit is "one (1) or more rooms, including cooking facilities, intended or designed for occupancy by a family or guests independent of other families or guests, or (2) An aggregate of Accommodation Units provided as follows a. Three (3) Accommodation Units shall be counted as one (1) Dwelling Unit, b. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3of10 _fBN Two (2) Accommodation Units in association with a dwelling unit shall be counted as one dwelling unit." This density is consistent with the approved PUD plan. Minus the already approved Westin Hotel and Riverfront Lodge densities and this proposed (39 Dwelling Unit) density, there are 213 remaining Dwelling Units in the subdivision. • Lot Coverage: Maximum building lot coverage allowed under the Riverfront PUD is 25% of the entire 18.5 -acre site. The applicant is proposing 61% (or .451 acre) lot coverage for Lot 3; which equates to 2.4% of the entire Riverfront Subdivision. • Setbacks: There is a front ten foot (10') setback from the Riverfront Lane Right -of -Way, zero foot (0') side yard setbacks, and all buildings within the Riverfront Subdivision shall be setback from the river the more restrictive of the following: 1) seventy five feet (75') from the Mean Annual High Water Mark, or 2) the northern property line of Tract A - the river park parcel. In this instance, the 75' setback will govern the location of improvements in this project. The building is located at least 140' from the river setback. According to the PUD Development Plan, encroachments for porches/decks/overhangs/eaves are permissible 'subject to design review approval. No encroachments are proposed with this design plan. • Easements: There are several easements associated with this property, including: View Corridor Easement, Roadway, 'Recreation Easement, Utility and Drainage Easement, Path Easement, Public Pedestrian Access and Plaza Area Easement, Utility Easement (coterminous with Recreation Easement), and Parking Facility Easement. Please refer to the Land Title Survey in the plan set to view Easements and their locations. At Sketch Design review there were some improvements located within the View Corridor Easement. The View Corridor Easement is now unobstructed from the ground level upwards. The Path Easement dies on the west side of the property and will be utilized for the future recreation path connection. Aside from a roof overhang and apparent 1' building encroachment on the northwest side of the building into the Path Easement; this design appears to be in compliance with all easements. The roof overhang encroachment should not inhibit perpetual public use of the future riverfront path connection. The building encroachment must be removed from said easement. It is staffs understanding that the construction of the recreation path is part of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) between the Town and the property owners, and will likely be in place prior to the construction of the Timeshare West building. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4of10 AM VI Gondola Easement borders the southern corner of Lot 3 but does not enter the property. • Building Height: There were a variety of building heights assigned within the Riverfront PUD. The maximum building height permitted for this lot is 105'. Currently, the proposed building measures 101' for the main east/west ridgeline and is in compliance with this zoning requirement. Maximum building height for the internal ridges is based off existing grade contours, which somewhat limited the design since there were descending grades towards the river. Parking: Based on the residential condominium unit type, a minimum ratio of 1.5 spaces per residential unit is required based on this land use, as outlined in the PUD Development Plan. The total required parking for the structure is 50 stalls. This calculation is based on 39 units x 1.5 spaces, minus the 15% (9 spaces) reduction allotted for development in Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the subdivision. There are 60 stalls provided on the two levels of parking, with all "commercial" parking located in the Westin Hotel. Of the 60 spaces provided, 2 are for handi-cap use. According to the ADA Accessibility Guidelines, 3 spaces are required when between 51 and 75 spaces are provided. Staff will require that 3 of the 60 spaces be designated on future building plans. As approved through the PUD process, all parking for Lots 1, 2, and 3 will be connected underground and jointly managed. • Snow Storage: The public plaza and the area connecting to the pedestrian entrance on the north side of the building will have matching pavement designs and be snow melted. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comorehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The Riverfront PUD was reviewed and found to be in accordance with the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. During PUD review the applicant voluntarily applied the then draft plan policies against the proposed Riverfront PUD. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. The proposed residential use is in accordance with the approved PUD plan and there are several remaining development rights existing. All temporary uses and permanent commercial uses are entitled to this property. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Design Guidelines: A. Site Development: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design Mamh 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 10 Y6N o Site Design: Lot 3 of the Riverfront Subdivision is bounded to the North by Riverfront Lane and the railroad crossing to the future Transit Center; to the South by the Gondola terminal with restrooms and riverfront park; to the West by the recreation 'path - extending from Riverfront Lane to the Riverfront Park Parcel - and the 75 -unit Lodge, and to the East by the public plaza and Westin Hotel. Minus .the platted building setbacks and various easements, the building footprint occupies the majority of the platted lot. The site design has changed little since the initial PUD review and subsequent sketch design reviews. The shape of the building and building' footprint is consistent with the PUD review and modeling done last year. For reference, there are two green pedestals on the southwest corner of the site today (also shown up on the plans) which, when observed in the field along with the gondola terminal, give a clear idea to the Timeshare West building's location on the site in comparison to existing improvements. o Site Access: Access from Riverfront Lane has not changed since Sketch Design review, and is located on the east side of the Westin Hotel's Port Cochere. o Parking and Loading: Parking appears to be in accordance with the PUD. As outlined above, the parking provided slightly exceeds that required and there will be joint management of all on-site parking for Lots 1, 2, and 3. Load ing'facilities for Timeshare West and East are accessed via two loading docks at the northeast corner of the Westin Hotel building. This loading was approved during design review for the Westin. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors: Design Criteria II.C.1.a from the Riverfront standards requires "rustic materials common in mountain towns and/or a more contemporary interpretation of these materials. " Final review of the building materials and colors should be reviewed against the existing Westin and Riverfront Lodge on-site mockups. Included in the reduced plan set there are multiple color representations for the proposed final material colors. Physical samples will be available for review at the meeting. According,to the Town of Avon Residential Design Guidelines, all walls and roofs of buildings, retaining walls, and accessory structures shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Design Criteria III.C.1.d from the Riverfront Standards states "Colors should be complementary to the site, and be comprised of Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of l0 ral greens, grays, golds, browns, and other earth -tone hues ... due to the desire for a highly activated retail experience at the Plaza level, colors used along the retail edges of the Public way may be more vibrant and active in nature." There are primarily greens and golds in the color palette in addition to stone veneer siding. The colors at the plaza level should also be reviewed carefully with this design submittal. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest: The design of this project is generally in conformance with the building form and massing standards. There was a design theme established for this PUD when the design for the hotel was approved. This subdivision could be considered a neighborhood within Avon with its own unique architecture. Architectural interest has been provided on exterior walls with different facade breaks, storefronts, and balconies and decks. It must be determined whether enough architectural interest has been provided in order to break up the mass of the building with sheer fagade walls up to 80' in height This design submittal appears to be in compliance with the following massing and architectural guidelines outlined in the Riverfront Standards: • III.A.4 - The middles of buildings will be more visually subtle, but broken by primary and secondary elevation features and material accents that help to avoid monotonous facades. On any given elevation of Lot 3 80% of the vertical wall area will be permitted to be within the same plan, with a minimum of 2 -foot offset for plane changes... stacked decks and balconies will be considered plane changes. 111.A.5 - Primary roofs will have pitches ranging 4:12 to 8:12. Secondary roofs, where pitched, shall be a minimum of 2:12. • 11LA.7 - Relatively small roof overhangs are encouraged for buildings on Lots 1 and 3, which are visually and compositionally related to the Hotel. At these locations the minimum roof overhang permitted shall be six inches. • 111.6.5 - The minimum setback for maximum allowable height from the Public Plaza will be 60 feet from building fagade fronting the Plaza. • III.C.2.a - At a minimum, 50% of the 1st level of building facades facing the plaza from the east and the west shall be glass. For this calculation the plaza shall be deemed to begin at the northeast corner of the timeshare west and shall terminate where the staircase down to the river begins. Criteria II.A.2 from the Riverfront Standards states that "massing of entries shall relate to the overall massing of the buildings." This was a discussion at the last design review meeting. There has been emphasis added, however, the entrance massing may not be Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting T1p Page 7 of 10 )110 1 appropriate, given the size of the surrounding buildings. While the entry is pedestrian only, it is one of the most visible elements of the project as pedestrians cross the future eastern railroad crossing. o Outdoor Lighting: Attached to this report are the proposed light fixtures. There are three different light fixtures proposed, including: 1) "HS2" - Lumiere 55 Watt Induction Lamp Bollard with bronze color. 2) "HSI" - Architectural Area Liahtina 85 Watt Induction powered Light poles with 30" square hood @ 14' tall, 3) "LSI" - Allure 12 Watt LED powered wall mounted step lights. A site lighting plan is included in the submittal on Sheet E1.02 and shows where all lighting is located on the site. There are two pole lights located on Riverfront Lane and two more on the public path on the west side of the property. The pole lights are similar in style to the currently installed streetscape lights for Riverfront Lane with an uplit hood design. The remaining lights are bollards for path lighting, and step lights at the stairs on the southwest comer of the site. Staff would recommend that the bollards match the "Bysted" 50 Watt bollards that were approved for the remainder of the subdivision. In order to respond to adjacent lighting approvals and locations and Municipal Code requirements, staff would recommend a revised, complete lighting plan be submitted which includes all existing approved fixtures and their type, luminosity, location, height, etc. clearly shown on the plan. The plan should include all existing approved lights including plaza, street, and path lighting. There are some discrepancies with the Lighting Plan. For example, it appears that the easterly HS1 fixture on Riverfront Lane is located less than 5 feet from one of the existing installed Riverfront Lane fixtures. C. Landscaping: o Design Character. The proposed Landscaping Plan, Sheets L0.00 and L2.00, contain a mix of native plant species of varying heights. All plant material appears to be tolerant of our climate, consistent with neighboring approvals, and appropriate for the project. During design review for the Westin and Riverfront Lodge there was a focus on the size of trees and the need to increase calipers and heights of select tree plantings in order to help break up the feeling of a tall new building and shorter vegetation that may have existing prior to the project being constructed. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 8 of 10 101 Given the perceived height of the structure, particularly from the south, staff would recommend a revised Landscaping plan to increase tree sizes. D. Miscellaneous: o Accessory Structures: There are no accessory structures proposed for this project. o Signs: The Master Sign Program for the Riverfront Subdivision includes one freestanding sign for the Timeshare West property near Riverfront Lane. 5. The compatibility of'proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. It is questionable whether the improvements are oriented with the existing slope. The building does not appear to step with the "existing" topography; however, it is important to note that the entire site has been disturbed and no longer presents "existing" conditions. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The improvements will be highly visible from neighboring properties, Town Center East, public ways including Highway 6, and the Eagle River. If the building were to stand alone on the property it would appear out of relationship with its surroundings, however, in the context of the entire Riverfront Village, the massing, height, and architectural style should be appropriate. The quality of the materials should be reviewed carefully with this submittal. Large amounts of stucco are proposed. At the meeting material/color samples will be available. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary values will be impaired with these improvements. It is likely that the Timeshare East building on the other side of the Westin hotel will mimic similar materials and color palettes. By doing so aesthetic values should not be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This design plan is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD—Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Staff Recommendation Page 9 of 10 ME, Staff is recommending conditional approval of this Final Design plan for Timeshare West, Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision, subject to the following conditions to be resolved prior to building permit submittal: 1. Final approval of materials and colors is subject to on-site review of a mockup. The mockup is to be physically integrated with the existing Westin and Riverfront Lodge mockups. 2. At least 3 designated handi-cap parking spaces total will be provided in the two levels (P1 & P2) of underground parking. 3. A revised Lighting Plan in accordance with Town Standards (Avon Municipal Code 15.30.050) will be submitted for review. The revised plan will clearly show all existing approved fixtures and their type, luminosity, location, height, etc. in the vicinity. The type and cut sheet for the balconies must be demonstrated. "Bysted" 50 Watt bollards will be utilized for path lighting. 4. All building encroachments at grade on the Path Easement on the west side of the building must be removed. 5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. In addition to the above recommended conditions of approval to be resolved prior to a building permit'submittal, the following Engineering Department comments must be addressed on any forthcoming plans submitted to the Town: 1. Please provide the rationale for extending the 8" DIP water line further to the south for servicing the building. Also, please provide details of connection to the curb stop and service line and/or approvals from ERWSD for any deviation from their standard specifications. 2. Sheet SL1.01 appears to show site access crossing over curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Access to the site should be shifted to eliminate the need to cross the curb, gutter, and sidewalk. In addition, the proposed ramp, if used to access foundation over - excavation, may interfere with the storm drainage facilities located along the western boundary of Lot 3. 3. Five units (One bedroom with lock -off efficiency) have been added to the proposed development since sketch design, totaling 39. This arrangement will require 58.5 SFE's, reducing the number of remaining SFE's currently available for future submittals in the Riverfront Subdivision. Town of Avon Community Development 1 (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Riverfront PUD — Timeshare West Final Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 10 of 10 TO If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, le Matt Pielsticker Planner II Attachments: • Plans • Riverfront Design Standards • Meeting Minutes • Lighting Details • Vicinity Map Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 RIVERFRONT VILLAGE Avon, Colorado DESIGN STANDARDS February 14, 2006 I. Vision Statement for Riverfront Village A. Scope of Design Standards 1) The following Design Standards for Riverfront Village have been established to ensure the overall quality and compatibility of the Village with the Town of Avon and its riverfront site. In general these Standards shall apply to all buildings and plaza areas within Riverfront Village, with the exception of the Hotel building, or as otherwise noted. 2) An important aspect of the Riverfront Village vision is responsible care for the environment and sustainability of the architecture and landscape. To this end, best efforts will be made to meet the principles set forth in the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building System for the Hotel. In addition, all other buildings within the Village will be designed with sensitivity to the sustainability aspects of site and architectural design. B. Architectural Theme 1) Riverfront Village represents an important interface between the Town of Avon and Beaver Creek Ski Resort. It is envisioned as a lively gathering place connecting the river, mountain and town- a pedestrian friendly environment where townspeople and guests can stroll from Avon's western Town Center, through the resort retail plaza, to ride the gondola up to the mountain or to step down to the river. 2) The village is situated on the seam between the town and the mountain landscape and should therefore strike a balance between the two environments, creating an architectural expression that captures both alpine and townscape traditions. To achieve this balance, the architecture shall take advantage of materials inherent to successful mountain resort architecture—such as stone, wood, and other natural materials, combined with more contemporary materials such as stucco, metal, and recycled products. 3) The Architectural Theme will also feature the use of large areas of glass, clean building forms based on pure geometries, strong, simple but honest detailing (not overly rustic, "heavy," or overstated), and the bolder proportions appropriate to the larger scale of the Town. C. Design of Public Spaces 1) A public plaza will be used to link the Town of Avon to the Eagle River. This link should be reinforced in both a physical and perceptual way through the use of x Riverfront Village February 14, 2006 ' Design Standards Page 1 of 6 paving materials, landscaping, and sensitive spatial planning. Spatial planning shall include components that reinforce the connectivity of the Town to the River, and avoid elements that act as barriers to this connection, such as planter walls that block pedestrian flow, landscaping that screens the visual connection between Town and River, etc. D. Pedestrian orientation 1) A pedestrian corridor, connecting the town to a retail plaza with gondola, will gracefully transition from the plaza to the riverfront promenade by way of a staircase and stepped terraces merging with the natural landscape. This transition will avoid barriers from the Town to the River, and include elements which reinforce this connection, including similar paving materials, wide pedestrian ways that encourage movement, active signage and wayfinding, and a gracious grand stair with oversized treads and minimal risers. 2) Pathways shall also create a network within the Village itself, linking the different buildings along the length of the site and providing pedestrian access to defined access/gathering points along the River. The Plaza and pathways within Riverfront Village should encourage a pedestrian -friendly environment. E. View Corridors 1) A primary southern view corridor to the mountains shall be maintained from the eastern railroad crossing through the public plaza to help reinforce the connection between the Town and the ski mountain. 2) An east -west view corridor along the Eagle Rivet will also be maintained through the preservation of a 75 -foot river setback throughout most of the site, with limited minor encroachments as allowed in the development plan. In addition, the Riverfront Park will act as a natural corridor along the river edge portion of the Village and act to enhance this view corridor. F. The Natural Environment 1) The Eagle River is a primary amenity for the Town of Avon and Riverfront Village. Links to the River shall be developed as special pedestrian ways to help activate this wonderful amenity. 2) The 75 -foot river setback will be largely left in its natural state, and certain defined river access and gathering points should be created along the linear riverfront path. 3) In general, additional plantings within the river setback will be riparian in character and relate to plantings indigenous to river edge environments. More formal planting areas -- such as small sections of lawn, however, are encouraged at special gathering and access points to highlight these more formal features. Formal plantings featuring annuals are not permitted within the 75 -foot setback. 4) In an effort to enhance the natural environment, site walls and site walkways should become more "organic" as they approach the river edge portion of the Riverfront Village February 14, 2006 Design Standards Page 2 of 6 Village. Any walls installed south of the bike path shall be limited to boulder walls. Accessibility shall be considered when designing walkways. II. Site and Village Guidelines A. Primary Building Entries 1) Primary building entries shall be emphasized as welcoming portals through careful attention to massing, scale, and materials. This will ensure that Riverfront Village will not turn its back to Avon. Portals will be scaled to encourage pedestrian movement through them—and avoid overwhelming or diminutive massing—and they will be treated with materials that enhance this experience. The front doors of buildings should be treated in interesting ways, either through the use of glass or special designs and materials that provide interest to these special areas of each building. 2) Massing of entries shall relate to the overall massing of the buildings but be presented as special forms different than typical building bays. Sensitivity to scale should be considered when transitioning from the overall larger building mass to the more intimate scale of the pedestrian visitor. Designers are encouraged to use materials in interesting ways at primary building entries to reinforce their unique tole as part of the building and as part of the overall Village streetscape. B. Solar Access 1) A solar access study shall be required for buildings exceeding 3 stories in height. These studies will convey shading impacts at summer and winter solstice Qun 21 and Dec 21), and at vernal and autumnal equinox (Mar 21 and Sept 21). C. Site Materials and Colors 1. Plaza materials a) Rustic materials common in mountain towns and/or a more contemporary interpretation of these materials such as cut stone pavers, colored concrete pavers, and stained or colored concrete slabs are appropriate to the Village. Colors shall be complementary to the site and its architecture, avoiding bright or brilliant hues that distract from the pedestrian experience. 2. Site walls a) Site walls shall make use of more contemporary materials such as colored concrete masonry, stained concrete, board -formed concrete, and similar materials, in colors complementary to the site and its buildings. Site walls shall relate to plaza materials and building bases to help visually merge the ground plane around the site. D. Site Signage — Design, materials, and colors 1) Site signage shall be designed to help animate the plaza and be consistent and compatible with the design and materiality of the buildings. Site lighting will also be used to enhance the pedestrian experience at the Plaza level. t Riverfront Village February 14, 2006 " Design Standards Page 3 of 6 III.Architectural Design Guidelines A. Building Form and Massing 1) In general the form and massing within Riverfront Village will follow the intent of the Town of Avon Design Guidelines by incorporating form articulation to avoid the monolithic. However, specific buildings within the Village shall be subject to less or more stringent requirements relative to building form and massing as identified within this document to form a coherent, pleasant composition for the entire neighborhood. 2) Smaller masses, such as portions of the building or elements such as Porte cocheres, etc, will be used to break up the apparent size of larger building forms. Smaller masses positioned in front of large masses will be used to reduce the visual dominance of the larger forms. 3) The development of building bases will help to tie together individual buildings within the Village and will also tie the Village to its riverfront site. Site walls, and other site features shall relate to building bases in a way that reinforces visual connectivity to the ground plane. The plaza and gondola terminal, with its cantilevered structure will stand out as an elevated element from the south, drawing people up from the river. 4) In general the middles of buildings will be more visually subtle, but broken by primary and secondary elevation features and material accents that help to avoid monotonous facades. On any given elevation at Lots 1, 3, and 4, 80 percent of the vertical wall area will be permitted to be within the same plane, with a minimum of 2 -foot offset for plane changes. Vertical forms comprised of stacked decks and balconies will be considered plane changes. At Lots 5, 6, and 7, 70 percent of the vertical wall area will be permitted to be within the same plane. 5) The roofscape of Riverfront Village is also critical to the success of the neighborhood and its relationship to the Town of Avon. The visual coherency of the Village should be reinforced through the use of similar roofing materials and colors throughout the Village, helping to knit the individual buildings together when seen from the Gondola or Beaver Creek above. 6) Pitched roofs expressive of an alpine tradition and the incorporation of dormers, shed roofs and chimney forms, should be employed. Primary roofs will have pitches ranging from a minimum of 4:12 to a maximum of 8:12. Secondary roofs—such as at dormers, Porte cocheres, building protrusions, and similar additive forms—may be flat, but only if they are finished in materials similar in quality to roof or wall materials on the building, such as pavers, colored stone, etc. When secondary roofs are pitched roofs, the minimum pitch required shall be 2:12. Flat roofs are not permitted for primary roof forms. Ideally flat roofs should be developed as terraces and other functional spaces. 7) Given the modem alpine character of the architecture at Riverfront Village, relatively small roof overhangs are encouraged for buildings on Lots 1 and 3, which are visually and compositionally related to the Hotel. At these locations the minimum roof overhang permitted shall be six inches. At other locations within Riverfront Village the minimum roof overhang shall be 24 inches for primary roofs and 12 inches'at secondary dormers. Riverfront Village Febmary 14, 2006 Design Standards Page 4 of 6 8) To help ensure that roof ridges for the Village remain interesting and contribute to the overall success of building massing, uninterrupted ridgelines shall be avoided. To this end, roof ridgelines are limited to 150 feet before a change in height (elevation above sea level) is required. These breaks (elevation changes) shall run horizontally for at least 101/6 of the overall building ridge length before returning to the prior elevation. Overall budding ridge length is defined as the sum of all primary ridge lengths for the entire budding. B. Building Height 1) Building heights for the Riverfront Village will be restricted to the heights described in the approved Development Plan, as measured according to the Town of Avon Code. Architectural features such as chimneys, cupolas, and other similar elements will not be included when calculating maximum building height. 2) In addition, the percentage of ridge height allowed at the maximum allowable building height for any given building will be limited to 25% of the overall building ridge length. Overall building ridge length is defined as the sum of all primary ridge lengths for the entire building. 3) The maximum height for building facades fronting the Public Plaza will be limited to 75 feet from the Plaza elevation. The only exception to this facade height limitation shall be for the western fagade of the central tower of the hotel, which shall be permitted to be as tall as 100 ft. from Plaza elevation. This central tower facade may run horizontally for up to 60 feet along the plaza. 4) The minimum horizontal setback required for building facades exceeding the maximum height for building facades fronting the Public Plaza will be 2 feet from the building facade fronting the Public Plaza. This shall only apply to the central tower portion of the Hotel. 5) The minimum setback required for maximum allowable height per the Development Standards from the Public Plaza will be 60 feet from building facade fronting the Plaza C. Exterior Materials, Detailing, and Colors 1. Materials and colors for walls and roofs at Riverfront Village will have a Light Reflective Value (LRV) not exceeding 60%. a) Materials inherent to the mountains, including stone and wood, will be used at lower levels of buildings in areas of direct pedestrian interface, as well as metals. These materials should be used in refreshing ways within the Village, reinterpreted for the urban nature of Avon towards a "mountain modern" character. b) Stucco conveys mass in a subtle, "quiet" way and is therefore a recommended material for building middles and tops. However, budding accents comprised of non -stucco materials, such as metal, wood and cement materials replicating wood, shall be allowed in building middles and tops to help provide interest, except as prohibited by Codes. When used, stucco shall be carefully detailed to ensure longevity when it comes near the ground plane at building walls. Riverfront Village Febmary 14, 2006 Design Standards Page 5 of 6 c) Roof materials will include rubber shingles, asphalt shingles and other materials suitable for mountain environments. Standing seam metal shall not be used for primary roof planes, but may be used for small and/or special roof features such as shed dormers, retail roof forms, Porte cocheres, and other selective roof elements. d) In general, colors used within the Village should be complementary to the site, and be comprised of greens, grays, golds, browns, and other earth -tone hues. However, due to the desire for a highly activated retail experience at the Plaza level, the colors used along the retail edges of the Public way may be more vibrant and active in nature. 2. Minimum window area at plaza level a) At a minimum, 50% of the V level of building facades facing the plaza from the east and the west shall be glass. For this calculation the plaza shall be deemed to begin at the northwest corner of the hotel and the northeast comer of timeshare west and shall terminate at the east -west plane where the staircase down to the river begins. This calculation shall exclude the gondola terminal, control booth and public restrooms. Riverfront Village February 14, 2006 ' Design Standards Page 6 of 6 / -1-/1 47/0 & Final Designs -RAL Duplex -CONTINUED Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 126 eartrap Rd. Applicant: d RAL Architects /Owner: homas Description: Design review lex r rap Road. The building is comprised of wood and stone veneer sidin c r w t kk place at the Commission's June 20, 2006 meeting and a F esign Application was table the Commission's September 5t October 3rd, 2006 meetings. to Consent Agenda. VIII. Sketch Design - Commercial Timeshare Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision / 218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet / Owner: East West Resort Development XIV LOP LLP Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the "Timeshare West" building in the Riverfront Subdivision. The building would contain 34 timeshare units (39 at buildout), which are two bedroom' units each with the ability to have lock -off units. At the ground level there is approximately 6,000 square feet of shell space to be commercial/retail and timeshare sales. Chuck Madison, East West Partners, approached the podium to present this Application for the West Timeshare Building. Mr. Madison began by describing how the timeshare buildings would flank the hotel, access to the river, and the deeding of the river access to the Town. Mr. Madison introduced George Boone, Westin Starwood Vacation Ownership. Mr. Boone touched lightly on the history of the project and introduced Jim McIntyre, architectural director for the project, and Aleksandr Sheykhet, and the Landscape Architect. Mr. Sheykhet approached the podium and began his presentation with Architectural Design Guidelines for the project, the timeshare building and discussed the materials to be used along with its placement alongside the hotel. Commissioner Struve asked if there were drawings of the timeshare building proposed for the other side of the hotel and received a response that it would be visible on the model that would be presented. Mr. Sheykhet continued by explaining the site plan and amenities to be provided, parking spaces, roof plan with an encroachment was presented, and ground level at full build out with 5,500 sq ft of retail space. Commissioner Evans questioned if the sales office for the Timeshare would later be converted to timeshares and was replied positively. Mr. Madison commented that East West Resorts agreement with the Westin was that East West would retain all retail spaces. Commissioner Struve questioned there being two sales centers with one at the Westin and one at the Timeshare Building and was responded that only one would exist with the sales center at the Westin moving to the Timeshare Building at an appropriate time. Mr. Sheykhet continued with a Parking Analysis and that parking would be in excess of requirements. Discussion continued regarding the parking uses relevant to sharing, and a need for the Commissioners to review the PUD details for the site. Commissioner Lane commented on the massing relationships of the building and the entry to the structure. Commissioner Green saw a heaviness of structure by its columns and proportions, commented that the hotel design was a lighter design than the timeshare, and wasn't enamored with the buttress at the decks. Commissioner Evans concurred with Commissioner Smith that the retail area does not have appeal from the street. Mr. Sheyhket agreed with the Commissioners that he had been struggling with this area and was looking for direction from the Commission in this area. Commissioner Evans commented that what was in front of the Commission did not work. Overhangs were needed for the secondary roof structures per Commissioner Evans and the look was early "Lionshead". Commissioner Foster questioned staff on ,parking requirements and Mr. Pielsticker responded that it was determined at PUD. Commissioner Struve remarked that the blue on the fascia and railing needed changing and was responded that by photocopying, it was not the accurate color, preferred a deeper shade, concerned with massive roof line, and no encroachment of the view corridor. Commissioner Goulding mentioned that the corridor coming from the north was a long corridor with no draw or excitement for the pedestrian, and character was missing from the building. Commissioner Goulding commented on the landscaping, its scale and size, landscaping on the upper deck,, blend the lines and provide potted trees/plants on the deck. Discussion continued regarding the guest check in experience and the logistics of access/entry. Commissioner Evans remarked that the entry looks "slapped on" and not substantial. Issues were with the low retail roof structure, general impression of a heavy structure, overhangs, stone versus wood siding at south elevation floors P1 and P2, entry, color detail was necessary, plaza/retail experience needed to be resolved. IX. Minor Project - Riverfront Function Lawn Property Location: Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision 1218 Riverfront Lane Applicant/ Owner. Andy Gunion East West Resort Development XIV LOP LLP Description: The applicant, Andy Gunion of East West Resorts, is proposing to expand the function lawn at the Westin Hotel Resort and Spa located at 126 Riverfront Lane. The expansion would entail improvements within the 100 -year floodplain and an application to make such modifications has been made through Eagle County. Moved to Consent Agenda. X. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects B. Draft Housing Needs Assessment C. Parking criteria to be discussed at the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on January 2, 2007. XI. Adjourn Commissioner Goulding motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary ALLURE IPHO'eMIX" General: The cast louvers on the Allure Bollard provide excellent downward light RECEIVED for pathway lighting. FEB 1 Housing: Cast aluminum tops, lamp 4 2007 chamber, base, etc. Bollard tube from extruded aluminum. All hardware is Community I)evelopment stainless steel. Lens: Opal glass lens is standard. Lamps: Accepts up to 10OW MH and HPS ED -17 lamps, 2642W compact fluorescent lamps, up to 10OW incandescent lamps and 55W induction lamp system. Ballast: Integral ballast mounted to Dome Top Cone Top lamp/socket plate for easy maintenance. 50W HID units standard with dual volt (1201277V) 60HZ ballast; 70W and higher units standard with quad volt compact fluorescent 60Hs ballast; compact fluorescent units standard with universal 120-277V 50160HZ electronic ballast; induction lamp units provided Flat Top Beveled Top with 120V system generator. C & N 1 LIM �--7 8:30"(780 mm) I SIZE ITBEVELEDN Ip.D(MD2 D/[IM'B' IM 6' FIAT 1 I1CONE l( mm 1mm 611//I1044mrtT1 "4/ m 101'1.'" MI OTE- 5TANDPR002'MODEL�1MEN$ION. cU OKICINRL 9J -MODEL. SUBTRACT 12' FROM DIMENSION W Finish: Textured polyester powder coat finish. Black standard. Bronze, gray, white, silver, and verde green options available. For custom colors, please contact factory. Gaskets: EPDM gaskets are standard Dimensions: Available in 6" diameter. 42" height is standard; 30" height option available. Tops: Four top styles available: beveled, cone, dome and flat. Mounting: Mount the fixture using the provided mounting template and 1/2" anchor bolt kit (4 bolts). Listings: UL Listed 1570, 1571 and 1572 for Wet Locations and suitable for mounting within 4' of ground. Indoor/Outdoor listed for use in Canada. ,o0j iNJE N IX { 111111' 6161 North 64th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53218-1543 USA • Phone: 414431-2300 Fax: 414-138-021', A w.phoenixproducts.com Commissioner Green motioned to approve and recommend to the Town Council approval of Vault Option No. 1 that was presented, with the vault located underneath the transit center shelter with the condition that the vent termination be copper or other "finished" appearance - not the factory finish termination. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and all Commissioners were in favor. The motion passed 7-0. VII. Sketch Design - Commercial Timeshare - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision / 218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet I Owner: East West Resort Development XIV LOP LLP Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the "Timeshare West' building in the Riverfront Subdivision. The building would contain 34 timeshare units (39 at buildout) which are two bedroom units each with the ability to have lock -off units. At the ground level there is approximately 6,000 square feet of shell space to be commercial/retail and timeshare sales. First design review for this project took place at the December 19, 2006 Commission meeting. Matt Pielsticker made a presentation highlighting changes that were made and all changes were on the exterior of the building. Aleksandr Sheykhet made the presentation and went over design changes since last meeting. There were eight specific changes to the building since last review: View corridor was now not obstructed, arcade level changes (i.e. more glazing), parapet roof form added above plaza, emphasis added to north elevation above main entrance, scale of the main entrance changed with more detail, accent roof overhang changed from 0" to 18", lower level of south elevation with material changes, columns for balconies have been downsized. Design changes were highlighted again on color boards as opposed to PowerPoint. Commissioner Green questioned the cedar application. Commissioner Struve questioned the north west corner of the roof and what the changes were. Mr. Sheykhet explained that there were no changes to this part of the roof but showed changes to the roof vent terminations. Commissioner Lane questioned the finish on the storefront and response was that the storefront would be matching that of the Westin storefront. The owner responded that the final colors have not been chosen yet. Chairman Evans pointed to the west elevation and the lack of attention, for example; there were fewer windows on this elevation. The applicant pointed to the "zipper" that was added to this elevation. Commissioner Evans commented, looking at perspective 2, three points that seemed unresolved included the thickness of wood banded roof eave below the shed roof (and lower second level patio on the south elevation levels 1 & 2) and its relationship with other materials and eaves on the building. As well, the buttresses and possibly a way to square out the "blockyness" of there appearance was mentioned. The east elevation material transitions above level 2 and the color change was questioned. Process was discussed and the consensus was to either come back with another Sketch Review or to come back with Final Design. The decision was up to the applicant. Mr. Sheykhet asked if he could bring back select portions that would be amended and the Commission responded that it did not want to see only small portions of the project. - Commissioner Goulding left the meeting - VIII. Sign Design — Falcon Point Resort Sign Program Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 340 Benchmark Applicant: Andre De Lucinges Owner: Falcon Point Resort PHOTOMETRICS AR6870MH* 70W Medium Base MH NEMA Type: 7x7 Lumens - 5500 ' Insert Top Style AR6B70MH' 70W Medium Base MH Lumens - 5500 Insert Top Style rion-ow-m- . tart `x0L m 1 s1 m l.t an �st son ssn AR6870HPS' 70W Medium Base HIPS Lumens - 6400 Insert Top Style AR6B32CFL` 32W Compact Fluorescent Lumens - 2400 Insert Top Style ORDERING INFORMATION Helaht Q- suod„d, 30” = 30" Overall Height C = Cone Top D = Dome Top OPTIONS DIAMETER WATT/ t LENS VOLTAGE HEIGHT FINISH t SERIES I„om;I MOUNT TYPE TOP STYLE (ep.1.Wd.Nf (42-s1en xn (nw.4ntl.,dj (nwMn.I lncMe (EI.cNd.ndvd) ExampleAR B� 70MH �D OL ELB — 30 — VGN AR 6 B 50MH B 220/240-50H 30 BRZ sox: d 70MH C 34TV WHIT GRY = Gray 100MH D ELS VGN ELB = Electronic Ballast (HID units) 50HPS F GRY 70HPS SIL 100HPS CC INC 26CFL 32CFL 42CFL 551L Lamp Wattagie7Tvpe 50MH = 50W Metal Halide (E017) 70MH = 70W Metal Halide (ED17) 100MH = 100W Metal Halide (E017) WHIPS = 50W High Pressure Sodium (ED17) 70HPS = 70W High Pressure Sodium (ED17) 100HPS = 10OW High Pressure Sodium (ED17) INC = incandescent (100w max.) 26CFL = 26W Compact Fluorescent 32CFL = 32W Compact Fluorescent 42CFL = 42W Compact Fluorescent 551L = 55W Induction Lamp System Mounting B = Bollard 10-1-99 '5610311-A PHOEi��X' Top We B = Beveled Top Lens rooal L.Ns stand.rm Helaht Q- suod„d, 30” = 30" Overall Height C = Cone Top D = Dome Top F = Flat Top Finish 191acx staedard, =110VIMF; sO He standard BRZ = Bronze =120rz0821wR77V ataMartl 7CFL1'11.277V; WHT = White 50!60 Hs xoneiird sox: d VGN = Verde Green 220/240-50H = 2201240V, 50HZ (HID units only) GRY = Gray 347V = 347 Volt (70W HID or higher units only) SIL = Silver ELB = Electronic Ballast (HID units) CC = Custom Colors (c"Ct factory) PN2EA 11 �r ♦Ill 111 !J" 6161 North 64th Street Milwaukee, WI 53218-1543 USA • Phone: 414431-2300 Fax: 414-438-0213 www.phoenixproducts.com Indirect page 1 of DATE 9/21/2006 TYPE H1 INDF INDA Reflector Adjustment The Indirect upper reflector can be tilted 15 or 30 degrees for an asym- metrical light distribution. The lock- ing clamp design insures a consis- tent tilt angle on all fixtures. The Indirect model INDA has an adjustable lamp head to focus the light beam onto the center of the shade, when the shade is tilted. This improves efficiency and minimizes any stray light beyond the reflector. Architectural Area Lighting 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714.994.2700 / fax 714.994.0522 / www.aal.net Ref: In it .ptll capyrgM 2005, tlesign patemt Construction • Integral ballast assembly in fixture for easy installation. • Lightweight aluminum composite upper reflector minimizes pole stress. • Stainless steel vertical struts. • Round or square upper reflectors available for both models. • Reflector tilts and locks at 0, 15 or 30 degrees. • Both models use the AAL Indirect Reflector System. The optics reduce uplight to less than two percent, improving efficiency while complying with dark sky ordinances. Indirect INDF-SO-IL-95-NO OPTIONS -CUSTOM COLOR & CUSTOM BASE FIXTURE REFLECTOR BALLAST OPTIONS 1 2 3 4 1 FIXTURE ❑ INDA Adjustable head T 28.4 in 720mm ❑ INDF Straight, fixed head _T 32 in 815mm NOTE: Fixture slips over a 5" o.d. pole 5 BALLAST ❑ INC For use with mini cand base, incandescent lamps up to 250 watts, 120 volts. ❑ CF Compact Fluorescent, electronic ballast 120 thru 277 volt. 180 C starting temperature. Use 4 -pin 26, 32 or 42 watt lamp. for INDA - 26 watts only. ❑ 70MH 70 watt metal halide 120/208/240/277 volt ball ast. Use a medium base, clear ED -17 lamps. For INDF models only. ❑ 70MHEB 70 watt electronic metal halide ballast 120 thru 277 volt. Use a medium base, clear ED -17 lamp. For INDF models only. ❑ 70MHT6 70 watt metal halide magnetic, multitap ballast 120/277 volt. Use a G12 base, clear T-6 ceramic MH lamp. ❑ 70MHT6EB 70 watt electronic metal halide ballast 120 thru 277 volt. G12 base, use a clear T-6 ceramic metal halide lamp. ❑ 100MH 100 watt metal halide 120/208/240/277 volt ball ast. Use a medium base, clear ED -17 lamps. For INDF models only. ❑ 15OMH 150 watt metal halide 120/208/240/277 volt bal last. Use a medium base, clear ED -17 lamps. For INDF models only. ❑ 15OMHEB 150 watt electronic metal halide ballast 120 thru 277 volt. Use a medium base, clear ED -17 1 amp. For INDF models only. El150MHT6 150 watt metal halide magnetic multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt. G12 base, use a clear T-6 ceramic metal halide lamp. ❑ IL -55 55 watt, Phillips Induction Lamp system with transformer. Specify 120, 208, 240 or 277 volt. For INDF models only. ❑ IL -M 85 watt, Phillips Induction Lamp system with transformer. Specify 120, 208, 240 or 277 volt. All ballasts are factory wired for 277 volts. Lamps not included. SOLD TO PO # / Architectural Area Lighting 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714.994.2700 / fax 714.994.0522 / www.aal.net Ret rxdioo.pdf copyright 2005, design patented page 2 of 4 DATE 9/21/2006 TVPE H1 COLOR ARM 5 6 2 REFLECTOR - UPPER ❑ RD 30" Round BASE -POLE 7 ❑ SO 30" Square 5 COLORS ❑ WHT White ❑ LGY Light Grey ❑ MAL Matte Aluminum ❑ MDG Medium Grey ❑ ATG Antique Green ❑ VGR Verde Green ❑ WRZ Weathered Bronze ❑ DGN Dark Green ❑ CRT Corten ❑ BRM Metallic Bronze ❑ DBZ Dark Bronze ❑ BLK Black ❑ MTB Matte Black ❑ RAL # Provide a RAL 4 digit color number ❑ CUSTOM Please provide a color chip for matching JOB NAME Approvals / Avon Westin Riverlront TS Indirect 4 OPTIONS CDC Center deflector cone for round reflector (RD). Provides a wider light distribution. page 3 of 4 DATE 9/91/2006 TYPE iii ❑ SR Two aluminum rings attached to the fixture, for INDA (adjustable model) only. Factory installed. ❑CFH Color finer holder attached to the fixture, for INDA (adjustable model) only. Factory installed. I LAMP70 Philips® 70 watt clear T-6 ceramic metal halide lamp, CDM70/T6/830 LAMP150 Philips® 150 watt clear T-6 ceramic metal halide lamp, CDM70/T6/830 F347 120/277/347 magnetic ballast for the 150 watt metal halide lamp. AD5 Cast aluminum adapter for the PMAT arm to slip over a 5"/127mm pole 6 ARMS FOR WALL OR POLE MOUNTING ❑ WMA Wall mounted arm, 10 lbs. F—] PMAT Twin pole mount arm, slips over a 4"/100mm pole or tenon. 14 lbs, EPA: .83 4 in/100mm it 34 in/865mm O 34 in/865mm >I IM Ar&0h ,:�ctural Area Lighting it :•.t 14249 .`rteaa Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90636 • "�' 714.994.2700 / fax 714.994.0522 / www.aal.net '.n z%,.- Re'.: lm, V n'f copyn9M 2005, aasign pateme Specificns UPPER REFLECTOR The upper reflector shall be a light weight aluminum composite. The reflector shall be finished in a white, fluo- ropolymer finish. The reflector shall be attached to the cast aluminum pivot joints and secured with four stainless steel bolts. Two cast aluminum, adjustable knuckles shall con- nect the reflector assembly to the vertical, stainless steel struts. The struts are #316 stainless steel with a minimum .250" wall thickness. The struts shall have threaded con- nections for attachment to the upper reflector and the lamp module. LAMP MODULE The reflector shall be enclosed in die cast aluminum housing. The front cover is secured with four cap screws for relamping and internal access. The front glass element is clear, tempered glass. The front cover and electrical module are sealed with a memory retentive, molded sili- cone gaskets. The parabolic reflector shall be prefocused to illuminate the upper reflector with no stray light beyond the reflector. The fixture shall be IES rated as a cutoff luminaire with less than 2% uplight with the upper reflector in the horizontal position. The INDA model lamp module swivels, to center the beam on a tilted reflector, by loosening two stainless steel cap screws. All internal and external hardware is stainless steel. HOUSING The INDA and INDF post top models shall slip over a 5" o.d. pole. 4.rrhitectr,ra1 Area Lighting Aiiesi^ Bivd / La Mirada, CA 90638 n.3L's.` is i rax 714.994.0522 / www.aal.net Fa:. lyd=.;xnght 2005, design Patented page 4 of 4 u; ;,1 ELECTRICAL MODULE '-^, P2 --.`- The . _. The ballast is mounted on a prewired plate with a quick disconnect plug. Magnetic metal halide ballasts are high power factor, rated for -30°F starting. Electronic metal halide ballasts are rated for -30°F starting, sound rating A, 120 thru 277 volt. Sockets are pulse rated porcelain, bi- pin, G12 for T-6 lamps. A porcelain screw base for the mini-cand T-4 halogen lamp. The compact fluorescent shall have an electronic transformer, 120 thru 277 volt. FINISH Fixture finish consists of a five stage pretreatment regi- men with a polymer primer sealer, oven dry off and top coated with a thermoset super TGIC polyester powder coat finish. The finish shall meet the AAMA 605.2 perform- ance specification which includes passing a 3000 hour salt spray test for corrosion resistance. The reflector shall be painted white. The vertical struts are #4 brushed stainless steel. All other fixture parts shall be finished in the same specified color. CERTIFICATION The fixture shall be listed with ETL and U.L. for outdoor, wet location use, 1_11_1 598 and Canadian CSA Std. C22.2 N0.250.IP=66 EPA: INDA or INDF with round upper reflector at 0 dearee tilt: 3.65 with square upper reflector at 0 dearee tilt: 4.40 with round upper reflector at 30 degree tilt: 6.52 with square upper reflector at 30 dearee tilt: 6.62 WARRANTY Fixture shall be warranted for three years. Ballast com- ponents carry the ballast manufacturer's limited warranty. Polos - 2P DATE TYPE v2a/tom H1 CONTEMPORARY DUAL -POST POLE 21`- 14 - CUSTOM COLOR POLE / OPTIONS CATALOG NO. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EPA (MPH) POLE OAH WT 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 ❑ 2P8_ _ 8' (2.5m) - 44 24.9 22 17.4 14 11.4 9.4 7.8 6.5 - �, ❑ 2P10 to -(3.1m) - 50 19.1 16.7 13.0 10.3 8.2 6.6 5.3 4.3 ❑ 2P12 12' (3.7m) - 55 15.0 13.0 9.9 7.6 5.9 4.5 3.4 2.6 ❑ 21`14 14' f4.3m) 62 11.9 10.2 7.5 5.5 4.0 2.9 2.0 1.2 ❑ 2P16 161(4.9m) - 67 9.3 7.9 5.5 3.8 2.5 1.5 0.7 0.07 'I ❑ 2P18 18'(5.5m) - 72 6.8 5.5 3.5 2.1 1.0 0.13 ❑ 2P20 20' (6.2m) - 77 4.6 3.5 1.8 0.57 - - - - .� Note: Overall height is measured to post top adapter, or top of pole cap. 14', 1e', 19 8 a)' OAH 10, a 12 SPECIFICATIONS OAH Base shall be cast aluminum #356 alloy, free of any porosity, foreign materials, or cosmetic fillers. Base casting shall be heat treated to a T-6 condition, and of uniform wall thickness, with no warping or mold shifting. WARNINGS Caution must be exercised in the selection of a design wind speed when the pole is to be installed in a special wind region (as indicated by the wind map) or in an arae where wind speed is unpredictable. AAL recommends consulting a local engineer when the pole is to be installed in an area that may be subject to extreme weather and exposure. Poles installed on structures such as buildings and bridges may be subjected to vibration, oscillations, and other fatigue effects which are not covered by the AAL warranty. The use of banners or other appendages can severely affect the loading of a pole. No banner or other appendage should be attached to an AAL pole unless approved by AAL. BOLTCIRCLE:7"X4.5 00I.T PRGJECTION: If the products are to be used on an existing foundation or on other structures, the customer assumes all 4 BOLTSP", " responsibility for the structural integrity of the existing foundation, anchorage or structures and all the consequences arising therefrom. CAUTION Poles should never be erected without the luminaire installed. Warranty is voided if the pole is &acted without the luminaire. The warranty is voided if the pole is not grouted under the entire base after installation. (INDICATES POLE IS LAYING DOWN ANCHOR BOLTS are 3/4" x 24" x 3" hot dip galvanized steel. Eight galvanized hex nuts and flat washers, WMA HMIDHOLE FACING UP) and a bolt circle template are provided. OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES ❑ RBC Cast aluminum receptacle housing, integrally welded to the pole. Includes a NEC approved clear weath- erproof cover. Does not include a receptacle or internal wiring. ❑ TA Tenon adaptor for SP2 SOLD TO PO # JOB NAME Approvals / / Westin Riverfront Resort ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714.994.2700 / fax 714.994.0522 / www.ad.net Ref.2P.pdf Copyright 2006, daeign petWed DESCRIPTION Rig architectwal.steI!!ghts provide beauty, performance and durability. TrSrisitidnal s(yl�dg, tdw profile deli n and no visible fasteners provide seamless integration with arct / YeX14tyles of all kinds. Logical, modular t.l}�tig�pebplgrlts e�j'ldate fast 4 - of roof installation in all types of wall surfaces including drywall, concrete pour or brick/masonry. All models include IPq rated outdoor protection, but are also suitable for indoor will-mounteb applications, including those with direct insulation contact (IC). All models are ADA complia�t. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A... Construction Back box and painted fascia are die-cast from corrosion -resistant Type 393 aluminum alloy. Back box is painted white. Natural metal fascia is precision -machined from solid brass or stainless steel. B ... Finish Back box and fascia are double protected by a chromate conversion undercoating and polyester powdercoat paint finish. Machined, natural finish brass or stainless steel fascia is unpainted to reveal the natural beauty of the material. Brass will patina naturally over time in outdoor environments. C ... Electrical Fixture includes integral, electronic ballast, transformer or LED driver mounted to Lumiere's factory - assembled POWER-TRAY(TM) optical/electrical module. The POWER-TRAY(TM) module plugs directly into the back box providing fast, easy installation. Wall Roughln Opening L»� D ... Mounting Back box is available to ship in advance for rough -in purposes. Back box includes four 14) 3/4" conduit entry ports, concrete pour cover, UP arrow and two level vials to facilitate proper alignment. Fixture also includes the patent pending FASCIAlign(TM) fascia alignment system which provides rotation of the fascia +/- 10 degrees (total of 20 degreesl, insuring proper alignment. E ... Classification ! Code Compliance UL and cUL listed, standard wet label. IP66 rated. Also suitable for indoor recessed wall -mount applications, including insulation contact (IC). Manufactured to ISO 9001-2000 Quality Systems Standard. IBEW union made. F ... Lamp Lamp for LED source included as standard. Lamps for other sources not included (available from Lumiere as an accessory - order separately). --�•Im.x.l lan.nl 1737 -RD 1237E -RD SAME AS ORIGINAL LUMIEREO 1237-: ��•'- '-'_c�-' 2: ,,.': _. . Westin Ai ExteriorStapUgk a" Mike Roger, MAE G:opp 12/3/2307 G ... Warranty Lumiere warrants its fixtures against defects in materials and workmanship for three (3) years. Auxiliary equipment such as transformers, ballasts and lamps carry the original manufacturer's warranty. Recessed Housing Recessed housing is available to ship in advance of complete fixture for rough -in purposes. Specify option -LBS and order separately accompanying recessed housing from below: 1237 -BB -C 7" back box and pour cover for concrete pour wall 1237 -BB -D 7" back box and pour cover for drywallfframe construction wall 1237 -BB -M 7" back box and pour cover for masonry wall OSS 1110mm1 1237C -RD / Ua' 1181mm1 /ss• uwnml 12374RD RIO 1237 -RD 1237C -RD 1237E -RD 1237L -RD 12W (max.) LED 20W (max.) T3 Halogen Low Voltage 13W (max.) CFL Line Voltage 20W (max.) T4.5 Metal Halide STEP LIGHT EAVRF68-1 Call Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. ADL^60929 vmw.c000enignnng cox,...11.......-1.,,,mmerre1,.aanona axiom ane enlsnee. - DOW/2075 4.M:?9 PPP ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number 1237E -RD M-CF13-03DNSS 1 11 11 11 11 I I Model Well Type source' 1237 -RD' 7" rcu W, open fascia w/ C' CIXICIete Four 12V Hahmm or LED clear, diffused lens D= Drywall 2073: 20W I T3 G4 1237C -RD' T'rc nd, aysalguard M: Masonry 121-112W I LED (LED lamps Included) fascia w1 dear, diffused lens Cam ens Ruewcmll CF13L 13W 1 triple WIN, l GX4q-1 1237E -RD' T'round, eyelid fascia wl dean, di0used lens Main flallde 1237.RD77",cold, louvered fascia MH20T4' 2M 174.5/08.5 W dear lens 120/12' 12W12V elscunnicaandomler 277112: 27711ZV electronic transformer lFQ 12111 120V elecvwc LED drive li9most Fl--., m NM Kdide 120:12W Mecimnic ballast 277` 277V Mecbonlo beuast Knout unless nand ohewiee, lamps na included. Rio 1237 -RD 11237C -RD / 1237E -RD / 12371 -RD II II Finish opeons Palo, Lae= Housing and Pour Cover Shipped SK; black in Advance,(select LBB oplion 62 bronze and order recessed hotneW separately) CS: city silver VES verde Reassessed Horden lord., Ii White separably) Moral Select bo.W from Recessed NRR` brass Housing section on prevqus page NSS= milli., ss steel Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without ootice., . ADLO60829 vnvw.coopedyhting.mm Lumlere a Customer First Center • 1121 Hghwey 74 South • Peachtree City, GA 30289 • TEL 770.480A9W • FAX 770.486.4801 DB/30/2008 4:00:30 PM Westin Riverfront Resort Timeshare West Riverfront Village Final Design Review Board Submittal Exterior Materials & Color Selection March 20, 2007 Exterior stone veneer: Material: "Natural Stone" Finish: Cleft Application: Dry stacked Size: varies LVR: Dull Exterior Cut Stone Ledger: Material: "Colorado Buff' Finish: Cut Application: Sills, copings Size: 4" High LVR: Honed finish Primary Roofing: Manufacturer: Ecostar Material: Rubber Name: Titus Tile Size: 21 "w x 30'9 Color: Blend, Earth Green, Federal Gray, Midnight Gray Location: Primary High Roof LVR: Not Available Secondary Roofing: Manufacturer: UNA-CLAD Material: Sheet metal Roof 24 GA Galvalume Color: Earth tone Location: Flat seam metal roofing at Retail Roof, balcony accent roofs, Metal Parapet Caps, Adjacent flashing, Eave, soffits and integral gutter Chimney Shroud LVR: 0.09 (0.00-1.00) -1- Board Siding Horizontal: Manufacture: James Hardie Siding Products Material: Fiber Cement Siding Application: Horizontal siding Finish: Beige earth tone (color -1), LVR less than 20% Stone earth tone (color -2), LVR less than 20% Texture: Cedarmill Storefront Windows: Material: Aluminum Storefront Finish: Kynar 500 LVR: 12-18 Estimated Metal Clad Wood Doors and Window: Material: Finish: LVR: Metal rail supports: Manufacture: Finish/Color: Applications: LVR: Cement Plaster: Manufacture: Applications: Finish/Color: Aluminum Clad Painted 11-14 Estimated PPG Metal rail supports 18 Estimated EI Ray Stucco Exterior walls, columns Elastomeric Finish coat Color l: Earth tone Color 2: Earth tone 2- F �gill oaddo1OO `Nona Soo 3AI80 108JUMH 8Z E 10l o � oS N w6 oG oE Cc o �z w•• W F— cc Cf)W Z� OW GC � LL W = R� W Z O c O Q Z o LL ��1/jN Z Lu C6 V/ T �: o 0 OQ t faa •� F : 2 t C S 1 i F Q a t t Cl) .Y Co ? i s R p jgj i � ji � 14 Q a r6ey 1 t,4.. R t,, cn - - �° rz 6a O Jill ' z N c u u i z ¢ 5 5 H o xJill C) a L'z e} 3 Y q; o a�a�tBL5 i ¢ °6 a— U V W ¢� ny WVj�� �<U a ua-11 a E ri �� @ loll 1 3@@ 8 �1 H11'1- i 6 8 �' g $4 L_J C7 @ If � E i 11 h! 111 11 11,11 1,111 1. ! 11, 1131 ! f 1 11Q1.ooetl@@@1i1a011 1 H 1 1111,111,011111 .Naive tNO61511 aaY.t@tlsall IthI2Nete@Ehe 101AII"At hal .1011heetl .NNS61tl91rt�icQ@e N W p CE ' E �„.Mw. 115.1911111m #9n .rate _l9AaeeeS 93ii�Y�@li.iIQSNQE9 ooS9 F J CL r6ey 1 t,4.. R t,, cn - - �° rz 6a O Jill ' z N c u u i z ¢ 5 5 H o xJill C) a L'z e} 3 Y q; o a�a�tBL5 i ¢ °6 a— U V W ¢� ny WVj�� �<U a ua-11 a E ri �� @ loll 1 3@@ 8 �1 H11'1- i 6 8 �' g $4 L_J C7 @ If � E i 11 h! 111 11 11,11 1,111 1. ! 11, 1131 ! f 1 11Q1.ooetl@@@1i1a011 1 H 1 1111,111,011111 .Naive tNO61511 aaY.t@tlsall IthI2Nete@Ehe 101AII"At hal .1011heetl .NNS61tl91rt�icQ@e N W p CE ' E �„.Mw. 115.1911111m #9n .rate _l9AaeeeS 93ii�Y�@li.iIQSNQE9 Or y J4 1. il... 1. I I�;1 1 dr s=•, � i �'k� r. � - _r _ 0 , 1 _ ' � I 1 rl �. I all I• I• I Y J W I _ L 6: hk u ii u W F- F x ¢ w p W 3 Or J4 1. il... 1. I�;1 1 • •��• i• r. , 1 - {„x,.11!4 �. I all I _ L 6: hk u ii u 46 p :l LM - s r , Y� i i i I t TT"FF.[ • ! IL • 1 � YY• e�.l'.���iu..9�,1��, �i1�� ��. I t as•i� of �.�j� .I'� 44` r I u ■ u 4�.luaI�ii ' .,.�.. - ,-, .{H IA Pterow— �•3. ..n • •, - LL r wi bill .ti N O W N N C7 0 z 0 J N m W W Q cU = W cn °- W N w _ W a y ~ N O W O N 1./ y ~ N O W O N N Z Q J � cr9 m W > W F— Q V a � LLJ y w 0 t— a a 11,11,1111 1111111 4 Ntlrm 'M Lt+*9V:M 90OZt£Zt£ '6mp•uejd-;uewdoj8nap-pnd\831.! 0 QO aw F -Z zQ .0 OD >0 w d m X w 0 0 N d� a ea P Fi Li Nt rni `Wt/ L£:8ti:04 9002/£Z/£ '6mp•ueld-juawdoIenep-pnd r N J / J,arc as % M1 J% M �+ti l,'L'.l'�••''ri;.`.�1.1J�t``:•s•yl . yr;aTo.,=.r::.' �-, 0 " 0 ry , 44 Nvrn-i `Wd £v I.Z: L L 9002/£Z/£ `6mp•ueld-luewdo1enep-pnd\aa EXH/BlT DESCRIBED r� rI 0 W PARCEL O rico W (SHADED) Q1 I w 0 W al {s! N N86'18'28"E rn NO3 41-32"W 26.83' 5.00' POINT OF BEGINNING - 52.81 r s86.18'28"W N86-18'28, E 150.06 31.83' " NO3'41'32"W I 6.13 rt 1"=40' LAND DESCRIPTION PARKING FACILITY EASEMENT REC. NO. 200615950 LOT 2 RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION A parcel of land located on Lot 3, Riverfronl Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, and wholly within an existing Parking Facility Easement; both as recorded at Reception No. 200615950 in the records of Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence along the southerly line of said Lot 3 S86'18'28'•W, 52.81 feet to the southwest corner of said Parking Facility Easement; thence along the westerly line of said Parking Facility Easement NO3'41'32"W, 6.13 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing along the line of said Parking Facility Easement the following three (3) courses: 1) NO3'41'32"W, 5.00 feet; 2) N86'18'28"E, 26.83 feet; 3) NO3'41'32"W, 106.36 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 3; thence along soid northerly line 5.85 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 325.00 feet, a central angle of 01'01'50", and a chord which bears S62'29'24"E, 5.85 feet; thence deporting said northerly line of Lot 3 S03'41'32"E, 108.33 eet; thence S86'18'28"W, 31.83 feet to the Point of Beginning, ,�t lutft+t The described parcel contains 683 square feet more or less. • s • , r T.. /,rfr Robert S. Lee State of Colorado =.: 23048 > PLS No. 23048 a %f eeea +�•'`\. ti JOB`% 16290.3.13 cif i +•o•a•♦ CJV ��, NOTICE: According to Colorado Low you must commence any legal action 77rr�jtkli>;111HN��+ based upon any defect in this exhibit within three yeas after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect _ in this exhibit be commenced more than ten years from the dole of the a certification shown hereon. EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER UNIT A9, P.O. BOX 97 +! EDWARDS. 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LU Ui Q z �> Q GD J w z O Q w w J J LU Q Cl U W Cn O H Z Z 11111 uIN II�IIM1'1 I11 InIl lA 1111 JIIJ i4 iii it llil�•,i w 0 LU -j J w Z q -O w a a 0 T II CL N T J W W U Cl fn d� g v coo W Z 0 dz z z o� — o' oto J `L.i W J _ LLJ Q � Z W U W co LL O 0 LU (Q 0 Z w t=n I� w U z H z w co — z a - z a � O O J LL H e7 Q.' u. o O t - O W J Z U Z w U � F¢ Z w z LU 0 m W W L U) x ti U [n U a M LL M V J lu 110,6 i .i Hull .e co 2 z O Q J Q� w } d' H M z Lu p w U w CL it w aw ' J Z CO UJ O z~ 0 [\IF3- It n KM L KM � o Q N m � r L N O o O V L O L- CD CD K W Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner I Date March 16, 2007 Re: Minor Project - Follow up to Conditional Approval Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Summary: AVON C O L O R A D O At the June 20, 2006 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a minor project application for a new UV water treatment building on the river side of the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District property. The Commission approved the application with the, following conditions: 1. A landscape plan will be approved by the Commission prior to issuance of a building permit for new UV Building. 2. A 6:12 roof pitch will be utilized with this building. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. The building has been constructed and a Landscape Plan has been submitted for approval to fulfill condition No. 1 of approval. A 6:12'pitch roof was utilized in construction to comply with condition No. 2. Please refer to the color coded Landscape Plan attached to this Memo in the applicant's submittal. Also included in the applicant's submittal are several letters of correspondence related to the riverfront path and associated landscaping. The Landscape Plan shows existing/proposed landscaping in close vicinity to the new UV building. New landscaping would include 2 Aspens, 2 Spruce, 48 (8" - 12") Sage plantings, 20 (12" x 24") Sage Plantings, and Red Snitch grass up to 48" tall at the building edge. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Landscape Plan for Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision subject to the following conditions: Minimum sizes of plantings will meet or exceed the minimums outlined in Appendix 1: Recommended Plant list, Town of Avon. Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines. March 20, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 1 of 3 Tract N, Block 3, BMBC - ERWSD UV Landscape Plan 2. Permit of the UV Building (A-BP2006-22) will not close until all landscaping is installed per plans. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval Exhibits: • Site Plan, dated June 20, 2006 . Meeting Minutes . Letter to Planning and Zoning Commission, dated March 2, 2007 (with attachments) 3/16107 March 20, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 Tract N, Block 3, BMBC - ERW SD UV Landscape Plan -- _I _ �j -- '. - t , ��. , e "f fes. _ so.;! ~�sa :� i _ _ _ \ , _ ` �� _ � .vJ, ,`. � � _ ,. � O,' .,�,. •� �; �� .,' Town of Avon Design Modifications V� Commercial Staff Report June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 13, 2006 Project type New Building & Fence Modifications - Minor Project Legal description Tracts O & N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (ERW&SD) Zoning GPEH (Government, Park, & Employee Housing) Address 945 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Ron Siebert, project manager for the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, is proposing a stand alone building on their property between the railroad tracks and the Eagle River. The footprint of the proposed building measures 44'x 28' and is situated between the main plant building and the bike path. This building would match the "odor control building" which was approved and installed last year, with building materials including horizontal wood siding, green metal roofing, and metal doors. There would be skylights similar to the odor control building as well. This agenda item was reviewed twice by the Planning Commission, most recently on May 16, 2006 where the Commission tabled the application in order for the applicant to produce a landscape plan for the new building. In lieu of a landscape plan the applicant is proposing to install 'slats' for a total length of approximately 450' on the existing black chain link fence. The slats in effect help to screen the property as viewed from the bike path; however, the view of the new building from Highway 6 & 24 would not be impeded. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. The proposal is in compliance with all of the requirements imposed by the Town of Avon Municipal Code. Total site coverage for the property, including Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 the new proposed building, would be approximately 28% with an allowed 50% coverage. 2. The general conformance with Goals"and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The property is located in District 20: River Residential District, according to the Comprehensive Plan and is labeled as a Low Priority District.- According to the Comprehensive Plan "the major design influences are U.S. Highway 6, the riparian environment along the Eagle River, and public access to the river." The Comprehensive Plan puts emphasis on residential development and redevelopment in this district and the need to be sensitive to the riparian environment. One of the planning principles that staff would like to highlight is: • Use Sensitive site planning, architectural detailing, articulation, and appropriate setbacks, color, and scale of structure to preserve the character of the river and its associated natural habitat. This building will be highly visible from US Highway 6 and therefore should blend in with the river environment. The Commission should determine if having the entire south fence line screened with the installation of slats is appropriate in place of a landscape plan to address the visual impact of a new building. Staff recommends a landscape plan be submitted for approval by the Commission before a building permit submittal. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Not applicable. No density is proposed on this property. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: A site plan is attached to this staff report to show the location of the building on the property in relation to other existing structures. Some grading is required for the piping to this new building and the pipes would ultimately be buried underground. A site plan showing the extent of the proposed fence screening and existing installed slats is attached for review, as well as some pictures showing the slat design. B. Building Design: The guidelines require that all colors shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60 percent and this application appears to comply with the Guidelines. The Guidelines limit roof pitches to 6:12 - 12:12, except for limited roof areas for mechanical, etc. This application proposes a 4:12 roof and staff would recommend that a 6:12 roof be utilized in order to fully comply with the Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 C. Landscaping: The Commission tabled this request for a new UV building so the applicant could produce a landscaping plan to address the new building. There is some existing landscaping on this side (river side) of the property and a length of the fence'already has slats installed. Please refer to the attached photographs to see the existing improvements. D. Miscellaneous Items: The Design Guidelines require accessory structures on the building site "to be compatible with the design and materials utilized for the main building structure." 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is limited site grading required and the area where the foot print of this building is proposed is relatively flat. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. As mentioned, this building would be highly visible from Highway 6 and could be viewed from the bike path adjacent to the Eagle River. As addressed in the Town Comprehensive Plan, the high visibility of this property should be acknowledged. The fence modifications, instead of tree plantings, could help mitigate some of the properties appearance concerns with the nearby river environment. Fence changes would help screen other non -desirable views of the property if installed as proposed. The colors and materials of the building appear to be appropriate and consistent with others on the property. The applicant originally proposed masonry walls instead of wood siding, and altered the proposal following staff's recommendation. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. While this building would be extremely similar to the odor control building, no monetary or aesthetic values should be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Additional landscaping would help the overall appearance of this addition and project in total. Recommendation Staff is recommending conditional approval of the proposed UV Building on Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Recommended Motion "I move to approve the UV Building for Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. A landscape plan will be approved by the Commission prior to issuance of a building permit for new UV Building. 2. A 6:12 roof pitch will be utilized with this building. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. ;Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: Plans and Photographs Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 0 Ll m N Oti N • v 'S N ' a g r 0 in "�6p, in 16 N 5 •0 i Uri it R d G wMq" O 0 Ll aesthetics, cedar fence indicated a junk shop, and a visual of how it would be a sh9wcfte. mmissioner Smith commented that it has been a junkyard for a long time and querie w would the reen'ng look. Commissioner Lane agreed with Commissioner Smith on the sc Hing and was conte d with the look in the community. Commissioner Green agreed with hi ow commissioners comments, w was the environmental situation of fluids and such bel t with, and the site was the entry to A and the architectural was important to the co ssion. Commissioner Evans remarked that the si uld embellish the building. Commissioner Struve motioned ble Item VI, Spe eview Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Be ark eaver Creek Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd, with Commissioner Foster seconding the m_o II commissioners were in favor and the motion to table was approved unanimously. Vlll. Mockup Design - Ws on Beaver Creek - CONTINLIEp Property Locati of 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision JJ 4 Highways 6 & 24 Applicant: ven Heinen, Ivins Design Group Description: T is to discuss the on-site mockup. Action is required on the up design panel, and appr of this mockup must take place prior to May 31, 2006 in order forth pro to remain in co lance with its current Development Agreement. This item was moved to the Consent Agenda. IX. Minor Project - ERWSD Building - CONTINUED Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant/Owner: Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: Design review for a new building at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation building fronting the Eagle River between the bike path and the railroad tracks. The building is required for UV water treatment and would have a 28' x 44' footprint and is located on the south side of the main treatment facility. The building would have cedar sided walls and a metal roof. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Tim Reitz, ERWSD, approached the podium to address commissioner concerns of this application. He presented some photos to the commission to show the trees and berms proposed to hide the site. Commissioner Struve voiced concern regarding the bike path, lack of trim on the roof, which makes it look industrial, and would prefer more bushes and trees. Commissioner Goulding was concerned with light from the top of the building's skylights. Mr. Reitz responded that the facility typically functions only during the day. Commissioner Foster remarked that landscaping would make it visually appealing. Commissioner Smith agreed with the landscaping. Commissioner Lane agreed Commissioner Green that architectural continuity would be ideal but landscaping plan would be appropriate. Commissioner Evans agreed with his fellow commissioners. Commissioner Green moved to table Item IX, Minor Project ERWSD Building, Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, until a landscape plan was back from the applicant. Commissioner Goulding seconded the tabling and all commissioners were in favor. Sketch Design Plans - Residential rt..v Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge / 5141 Applicant:Rick Uuiiiinie rArch itects/Ow i Description: Sketch design review forup downh would be comprised mainly of stucc wood and is siMrc from the Commission's April 4 meeting. Matt Pielsticker_�sented to the commission the staff report. - CONTINUED ion Corporation side of Longsun 9-no_asteep lot. Lane. The building This lot was tabled itself and that the green rail was an auto rated rail, use of river rock with its roundness as not as ea y buildable, and commented his preference of Concept Two. Commissioner Struve questioned H own Council asked for the river rock and received an affirmative response, fighting was to be ite per Town Council suggestion, and he approved of either concept. Commissioner Foster Is ed toward oncept One, as did Commissioner Smith with her comment of not seeing the light b in the fixture. Ga ssioner Lane preferred Concept Two and expressed that the fixtures nlarged. Commis er Green preferred Option Two, commented that anon -river rock a might work bettor, suggested a p to create a transition from the rock to the band on monument, questioned painting the rete versus staining and the maintenance issue ted. Commissioner Evans questioned Conc Two that has a lantern that looks too small, Concept One he questioned the stone and how it wo est be presented when build from gra up, agreed that river rock was out of date as an architectural i i h and perhaps sandstone sq s could be a better product, confirmed that the light fixture was copp r and suggested the ligh b would be best'as a bounced light to the ground. Commissioner Green ommented on the son Concept Two as more appropriate and suggested a hybrid of the two c ncepts. Commi oner Foster was concerned with the height of the monument as pedestrians walk under it. missioner Evans suggested taking the height of the columns in Concept One with Qv I mass in Concept Two and reduces the height. Commissioner Smith commented that t ' on might help. Commissioner Struve motioned f9K.OprovalIthe bridge design of Item VII, Stonebridge Streetscape Improvements, Property Loca X. . Stonetin g rive R Eaglebend Bridge, Eaglebend Subdivision, with the conditions that Co pt One have the roc to the ground and to the light, no sandstone collar on the top, banns a organic, if possible the rock something other than river rock, cement not be painted and,Oooeaining be investigated, intermediate assing between Concept One and Concept Two, re mend the light fixture reflects up instead o eflects out, and an option not to change the sto . Motion died with no second approval. Commis,podher Green motioned for a massing of the inner most monument ad ja nt to the river that is in -be en options One and Two, the stone on goes all the way to grade on all ?'Ns la -ter-, there will no a river rock and the rock comes back to Planning and Zoning Commission fo final review and proval, the light fixture has a reflective, indirect light character to it with translucen lass, cement stain or natural and not painted, the 'T" goes away, sandstone collar needs to toned. Commissioner Lane seconded and the motion passed 6— 1 with Commissioner Struve objecting) VII. Minor Project - ERWSD Building - CONTINUED Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision ApplicanUOwner.Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: Design review for a new building at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation building fronting the Eagle River between the bike path and the railroad tracks. The building is required for UV water treatment and would have a 28'x 44' footprint and is located on the south side of the main treatment facility. The building would have cedar sided walls and a metal roof. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report, Mr. Ronald Siebert, project manager for the Water Department, approached the podium to address commissioner queries. Commissioner Struve questioned the slats in the fence. Mr. Siebert expressed that the slat would eliminate the need for landscaping by hiding the site. Commissioner Goulding suggested more native landscaping and revealed that the fencing did not conform to Design Guidelines. Commissioner Smith requested to see a landscape plan. Commissioner Green suggested moving the current fence behind the existing landscaping. Mr. Seibert commented that the screening and moving of fences would be cause for him to pull the application from consideration. Commissioner Struve voiced no problem with fencing but with the landscaping needed to be addressed. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item VIII., Minor Project - ERWSD Building. Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision for the building with Staff conditions as presented in the staff report and required a landscape plan be provided and approved prior to occupancy TCO or CO. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. Alt commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Xapplica nor Project - Commercial Design Modifications perty Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision ! 63 Nottingham Rd plicant: Rich Keeren, Deer Creek Corp. !Owner: Suncor Energy n: Design review for a new lighting plan, canopy fascia, and building St co color change for I 66 gas station on Nottingham Road. This application was receiv in February and the has updated the application with revised plans since that time. sign application is being n conjunction with this Minor Design application. Matt Pielstic r presented the Staff Report. ComZStruvee q tioned if signage would be on canopy and th response was negative,Rich Keeren, De Creek Corp, approached theswer commissioner concerns. Mr. Keeren voiced that a could reduce the light fixteduce the lumens of the site. Mr. Keeren continued wi the history of the site and of Conoco and Phillips 3 years ago brought the need for ch ge of the colors, lighting,co to comply with corporate policy. Commissioner Foster motto d for Item Vlll, Minor Project - m Benchmark at Beaver Creek S be resolved prior to submittal of Lens fixtures at no more than 175 building with this fascia color than within 60 days in order to provide lighting plan. Commissioner G` opposing approval. f val of a canopy lighting plan and building fascia change for Dgeign Modifications, Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, II/ 3 Nottingham Rd„ with the following conditions that must 9 application: there will not no more than 12 ECTA Fiat the red strip on the building fascia will be removed from the J landscape plan will be submitted for commissioner review aping on the west side of the property as well as a revised fended. Motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner Goulding IX. Sign De/Gas A. PhilliptalionPropertyt i,Block1,Benchm k at Beaver Creek Subdivision/ 63 Nottingham Rd Applicanll, Aspen Sign Co /O er.• Suncor Energy Descriptisign application for a ne monument sign at the Phillips 66 gas station. This applicatione the existing pole mount sign. The existing building mounted sign would remain in Matt Pielsticor presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Rich Ke en, Deer Creek Corp, approached the podium to prose this application and began with discus ` g the two options of either a dual -pole mounted design sf ilar to the current sign or a mono ent sign on a brick base both with visible pricing, Mr. Keeren rationed that should either desi n being presented not meet w th commissioner approval, he would with aw this application and ke the current sign. review consisted of discussing the options, colors. pricing display, and Commissioner Green motioned for approval of Item IX. Sign Designs, A. Phillips 66 Gaslf Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/ 63 Nottingham,Rd, monument sign with a stucco base and with gas pricing required on the sign. Commissioner G. seconded and all commissioners were in favor. EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 • FAX (9701476-4089 March 2, 2007 Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission RECEIVED MAR 0 5 2007 Community l)ovglgpment Subject: Landscaping for the ERW&SD UV Disinfection Building, Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Dear Planning and Zoning Commission: At the June 20, 2006 meeting the Minor Project Application for the new UV Disinfection Building was approved with the condition that a "landscape plan be submitted for review prior to building final (TCO or CO, whichever is first)." One of the directives by the Commission was that Eagle River Water & Sanitation (ERWSD) was to provide landscaping for the berm area between the existing fence and the bike path. The Deed of Easement for the bike path that was constructed on ERWSD property, enclosed, dated April 22, 2002 and recorded on April 29, 2002 between the ERWSD and the Town of Avon (TOA) outlines who is responsible for the landscaping. Item 3(b) states "Town agrees to provide for the installation, at its expense, of an irrigation system and landscaping adjacent to the bike trail, which is the subject of this easement. The irrigated landscaping shall extend from Owner's fence adjacent to the bike path to the high water line of the Eagle River. The irrigation system shall be installed so as to be part of Owner's existing irrigation system and shall be maintained by Owner. The Town shall maintain the landscaping in a manner similar to Town's maintenance of its other landscaping." Also, ERWSD has communicated with the TOA on several occasions to correct the above landscaping, see enclosed letters dated September 20, 2004, and September 27, 2004. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the attached landscaping plan, which addresses the screening of the new building from the bike path on the west side of the ERWSD property and the south side of the new building that can be seen from Highway 6. Sincerely, Ron Siebert Project Manager Enclosures c: File . RS/rs AVWATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES ,\\ F:\15WSD4ENG\PROJMGRIPROJEC S' AWWTP2006 IMP\FORMSV.ETTERSTOADRB.DOC 0 Z 0 w 1 N�� EAGLE RIVER AIM0 1NATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 • FAX (970) 476-4089 April 22, 2002 Mayor Judy Yoder Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Bike Trail Easement Deed Dear Mayor Yoder: `-t tt: 15,60 1Zr'a�u�-r 3 Enclosed is an executed Easement Deed which conveys an easement across the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District's Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant property to the Town of Avon. We are please to have been able to donate the necessary land and contribute $33,297 to the design of this important recreation/transportation project. We will also construct a fence along the Bike Trail, expected to cost about $18,000, at District expense. In the discussions that led to the final wording of the Easement Deed there were two topics that were of great concern to the District. The first was a concern that allowing the public in close proximity to an area where odors might be present could work to the detriment of the District. I think the wording we settled on resolves the District's concerns about this matter. The second matter was the future appearance of the landscaping which will be installed adjacent to the Bike Trail as it crosses District Property. The District's conveyance of an easement is made with the expectation that the landscaping adjacent to the Bike Trail will be maintained so that we can all be proud of it for many years to come. In Avon's climate, vegetation on a south -facing slope requires a great deal of both water and care to be attractive and weed -free. The District will provide the required amount of water. We want to be sure you understand that we expect the Town to provide the care necessary to maintain the landscaping so we both can take pride in its appearance. This understanding may not be worded quite adequately in the Easement Deed, so I wanted to be sure I personally conveyed the District's thoughts to you. We appreciate the cooperation of your staff in developing the Easement Deed; it has been a pleasure to work with them. Sincerely, g�tx1 Rick Sackbauer Chairman oc: Bill Efting Dennis Gelvin AV WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES A\ 2it) 5 - IZZ---61g0-- Iara IIIIIIIIIIIIer IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII00 959854:53P D 0.00 DEED OF EASEMENT THIS DEED, made thisK.flOrday of 4Y J, , 2002, between Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (the Owner), whose(address is 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657, and Town of Avon, whose address is P.O. Box 975, Avon, CO 81620. WITNESSETH: 1. For and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein set forth, the sum of ten ($10) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the Town to the Owner, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the Owner hereby grants, sells and conveys to the Town, its successors and assigns, a perpetual non- exclusive easement and right-of-way to install, operate, maintain, repair, reconstruct, replace, inspect and remove, at any time and from time to time, a bike trail across those certain lands which are situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, being described more fully on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. The Owner reserves the right to use said easement for purposes which will not interfere with the Town's full enjoyment of the right hereby granted subject to the conditions in Section 3; and the parties further agree that the uses of said easement by the Owner and the agreements concerning those uses shall be as follows: (a) The Owner shall not erect or construct any building or other structure, or construct any permanent obstruction, or subtract from or add substantially to the ground level, or allow the installation of other utilities in said perpetual easement without'obtaining the specific written permission of the Town, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld; (b) The Owner shall take no action which would impair or in any way modify the earth cover over, or the lateral, or subjacent support for the aforementioned bike trail within the perpetual easement without obtaining the specific written permission of the Town, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld; 3. Town acknowledges that the easement runs adjacent to a wastewater treatment plant, and in the vicinity of a water pump station, and that conveyance of this easement is outside of the original intended use of the property by Owner, but that Owner desires to be a cooperative party subject to the following acknowledgements and conditions: (a) Town agrees not to allow the path to interfere with the wastewater or water operations of Owner, and to cooperate in reasonable accommodations to avoid such interference. 1939X5 y S&ra J Fisher Eagle. CO R 40. Of 0 0.00 (b) Town agrees to provide for the installation, at its expense, of an irrigation system and landscaping adjacent to the bike trial, which is the subject of this easement. The irrigated landscaping shall extend from Owner's fence adjacent to the bike path to the high water line of the Eagle River. The irrigation system shall be installed so as to be a part of Owner's existing irrigation system and shall be maintained by Owner. The Town shall maintain the landscaping in a manner similar to Town's maintenance of its other landscaping. (c) Town expressly acknowledges that Owner uses adjoining property as a sewage treatment plant, and recognizes that despite Owner's efforts to minimize the emissions of any odois, such odors are released. Town recognizes that during times of maintenance and expansion of the plant, it is likely that odors will be emitted from the plant within the area of the bike trail, which is the subject of this easement. Town is aware of this potential for odors, and chooses to locate the bike trail on Owner's property in spite of the potential for such odors. Town agrees to make reasonable efforts to disseminate information to users of the bike trail regarding the potential for emission of odors from Owner's sewage treatment plant. In the event any members of the public overly criticize Owner for such odors as the odors relate to the bike trail use, Town agrees to cooperate with Owner in making any public statement deemed necessary. (d) Town acknowledges that Owner may close the bike path temporarily or otherwise in the event traffic on the bike path is deemed to present an undue risk to the security of Owner's sewage treatment plant. 4. Grantee agrees that construction of the bike trail shall be in accordance with the plans for the 2001 Eagle River Recreation Path 11 construction project. S. The parties hereto agree that neither, has made, or authorized any agreement with respect to the subject matter of this instrument other than expressly set forth herein. 6. The Owner warrants that it has full and lawful authority to make the grant hereinabove contained and promises and agrees to defend the Town in the exercise of its rights hereunder against any persons claiming by, through or under the Owner, but not otherwise. 7. All of the covenants herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. IIII VIII IIIIIII III IIIIII IIII IIIIIII III II II IIII IIII 7939854.saa Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 149 R 40.00 D 0.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their hands hereto on the day and year first above written. EAGLE RIVER WATER ANDS TATION DISTRICT By:it1�e t'T Frederick P. Sackbauer, President TOWN OF AVON By: ��rl1lil% J Yode " t or STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) This Contract was acknowledged before me this �J2 day of APea- 2002, by Frederick P. Sackbauer, as President of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission KATHY A, r} GAPIAISG ,� W-1) ) Notary P licl� STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) This Contract was acknowledged before me thisy tt� by Judy Yoder as Mayor of the Town of Avon. Witness my hand and official seal. day of cr, cY''i 0,f2E'�Q02 My commission expires'71 , 2002, EASEMENT PARCEL DESCRIPIiUN: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN A PART OF TRACT H. BLOCK 3, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, PER THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 566 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID TRACT H; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT H S89'50'48"W 156.69 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY S89'50'48"W 31.41 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID BOUNDARY 8.67 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 01'54'35" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N46'55'44"W 8.67 FEET; THENCE 51.35 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF K CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 240.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 12'15'33" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N52'06'13"W 51.25 FEET; THENCE N58'14'00"W 79.71 FEET; THENCE 41.54 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 90.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 26'26'42" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N71'27'21"W 41.17 FEET; THENCE 30.51 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 110.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 15'53'31" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N76'43'56"W 30.41 FEET; THENCE N68'47'10"W 60.48 FEET; THENCE 32.27 FEET ALONG THE .ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 07'06'38" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N65'13'51"W 32.25 FEET; THENCE N61'40'33W 61.71 FEET; THENCE 15.82 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 30.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 30'12'40" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N76'46'52"W 15.64 FEET; THENCE 588'06'48"W 18.26 FEET; THENCE 28.59 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 85.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 19'16'07" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N82'15'09"W 28.45 FEET; THENCE N72'37'06"W 29.55 FEET; THENCE 14.41 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 20'38'47" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N82'56'30"W 14.34 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT H; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY N00'05'48"W 24.02 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID BOUNDARY 21.73 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 64.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 19'27'28" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S82'20'50"E 21.63 FEET; THENCE 572'37'06"E 29.55 FEET; THENCE 20.51 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 61.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 19'16'07" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S8715'09"E 20.42 FEET; THENCE N88'06'48"E 18.26 FEET; THENCE 28.47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 54.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 30'12'40" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S76'46'52"E 28.14 FEET; THENCE S61'40'33"E 61.71 FEET; THENCE 29.29 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 236.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 07'06'38" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S65'13'51"E 29.27 FEET; THENCE S68'47'10"E 30.68 FEET; THENCE S21'12'50"W 4.00; THENCE S68'47'10"E 29.80 FEET; THENCE 24.96 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 90.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 15'53'31" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S76'43'56"E 24.88 FEET; -THENCE 50.77 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 110.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 26'26'42" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S71'27'21"E 50.32 FEET; THENCE 558'14'00"E 79.71 FEET; THENCE 55.63 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 12'15'33" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S52'06'13"E 55.52 FEET; THENCE 31.28 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 240.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 07'28'03" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S49'42'28"E 31.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. uuiiiuidgiG��xiuoWi��� 8 s3sa, QLr UNAWN: SL PLC JOB/: 1009 DATE: 8/28/01 SHEET loft SCALE: 1 " = 100' sC1�=Of Cel �LJj 9! TRACT H, BLOCK 3 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK \ R a M'50'48"W - 1027.03' (OVERALL) C, TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING me.ew THE CONFLUENCE (RECEPTION No. 677376) iiuAwAioiuuuoamiiiiaixm �s.�a° .. L}NAWN: lit PLC JDs/: 1009 LATE: 8/28/01 2of2 CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH I RADIUS IDELTA BEARING I CHORD I Cl 8.67 260.09'-54'35- N4E'55'44'W 1 8.67' 1 C2 51.35' 1240.00' 1 12'15'33' N52'O6'13"W 51.25' 1 C3 1 41.54' 90.00' I 2fi'25:42: N71',27'21"W 41-1?' 1 1 LINE TABLE 1 C4 130.51' 110.00' 15'53'31" N76'43'56"W 1 30.41'1 1 LINE LENGTH ' BEARING I C5 132.27` 1260.00' 7'08'38" N6V 13'51"W 32.25' 1 ( Lt I 79.70 N58'14'00"}W I C6 15.82' 1 30.00'30'12'40" 119'15'07' 1 N76 -46'52"W 1 15.64' 1 L2 1 60.48'1 N68 -47'10';w I C7 128.59' i 85.00' 1 N82'15'09W 1 28.45' I N51'4 114.41' 40.00' 120'38'47" N82'S6'30"W 114.3' J 1CB SSSO 6'4R)N C9 127.73' 164.00' 79'2T28" I S2'20'"21.63' i 28.55' N72'37 '06 "W C10 24.51' 61 QQ; I 19'i6'O7" S8$'75'.QQ-E 1.20.42') I LB 29.55'1 S72'37'06"E I C11 28.47' 54.00` 30'12'4O" S76 -46:52"E 2814' 1 i L7 18.28') N88'06'48_"E l C12 1 29.29' 236.00'1 7.06'38" 1 S65 -13'51"E 129.27' 1 I L8 61.71'1 561'44'33"E I C13 1 24.96' 90.00' j 15'53'31" S76'43'S6,`E 1 24.8Q' 1 L9 30.6811 568'47`70"E C14 150.77' 110.00'+ 26'26'42" S71'27'21"E 150.32' I I Lt0 I 4.Q0'I, C15 1 55.63' 260.00'{ 12'15'33" I 552'06'13"E 55.52' 1 ( L71 29.80° $521'1J2'S0"W I Sfi8'+T10 E C16 1 31.28' 1240.00'1 7'28'03" 1 S49'42'28"E 1 31.26' 1 I L12 I 79.71'1 S58'14'00'E 1 L}NAWN: lit PLC JDs/: 1009 LATE: 8/28/01 2of2 EASEMENT PARCEL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN A PART OF TRACT N, BLOCK 3, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, PER THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 566 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID TRACT N; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT N N05'09'28"W 16.83 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BOUNDARY N05'09'28"W 34.09 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID BOUNDARY N67'41'50"E 41.57 FEET; THENCE N58'35'53"E 8.74 FEET; THENCE 28.20 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 61.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 26'29'06" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N45'21'20"E 27.95 FEET; THENCE 69.32 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE W TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 89.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 44'37'27" Cs7 AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N54'25'31"E 67.58 FEET; THENCE N76'44'14"E 45.54 p+ FEET; THENCE 11.31 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A [� RADIUS OF 236.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 02'44'48" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N75'21'50"E 11.31 FEET; THENCE N73'59'26"E 33.87 FEET; THENCE 21.39 W FEET ALONG.THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 264.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 04'38'34" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N76'18'43"E 21.39 FEET; THENCE N78'38'00"E 79.76 FEET; THENCE 16.39 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 89.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE W OF 10'32'55" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N83'54'280E 16.36 FEET; THENCE N89'10'56"E 38.56 FEET; THENCE 8.50 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE d W LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 36.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 13'32'08" AND A Z CHORD WHICH BEARS N82'24'52"E 8.48 FEET; THENCE N75'38'48"E 50.87 FEET; D U THENCE 21.24 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS E" a OF 164.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 07'25'12" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N79'21'24"E 21.22 FEET; THENCE N83'04'00"E 19.62 FEET; THENCE 27.05 FEET ►��+ GT." ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 236,00 FEET, AN U Z INTERIOR ANGLE OF 06'34'00" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N79'47'00"E 27.03 FEET; Z THENCE N76'30'00"E 19.12 FEET; THENCE 12.76 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE W W 0 TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 64.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 11'25'26" C U AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N82'12'43"E 12.74 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY E BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT N; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY SOO'05'48"E 24.02 en FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID BOUNDARY 7.15 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE 1G TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 10'14'07" U AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S81'37'03"W 7.14 FEET; THENCE S76'30'00"W 19.12 W FEET; THENCE 29.80 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 06'34'00" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S79'47'00"W 29.78 FEET; THENCE S83'04'00"W 19.62 FEET; THENCE 18.13 Z FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 140.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 07'25'12" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS 579'21'24"W 18.12 U FEET; THENCE S75'38'48"W 50.87 FEET; THENCE 14.17 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A d CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 60.'00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF Ccr 13'32'08" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS 582'24'52"W 14.14 FEET; THENCE E", 589'10'56"W 38.56 FEET; THENCE 11.97 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 10'32'55" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SB3'54'28"W 11.95 FEET; THENCE S78'38'00"W 79.76 FEET; THENCE 19.45 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 240.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 04'38'34" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S76'18'43"W 19.44 FEET; THENCE S73'59'26"W 33.87 FEET' THENCE 12.46 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 260.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 02'44'48" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S75'21'50W 12.46 FEET; THENCE S76'44'14"W 45.54 FEET; THENCE 50.62 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 44'37'27" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S54'25'31 "W 49.35 FEET; THENCE 39.29 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 85.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 26'29'06" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S45'21'20"W 38.94 FEET; THENCE 0"AW: SL 558'35'53"W 54.86 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PLC JOep 1DO9 DATE: 6/26/01 793985 VIII IIIIIsII IIII I i IIIIII IIII I VIII III VIII Iher Easle, CO 149 III IIII 00 4929/20.00 04:53PSara J SHEET lof eCN lF3LT" "A' 206.78' TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 225.51' POINT OF BEGINNING \Ol.V7 -A, -CJ.' /CLQ' �\OWN �6 C6 C �-� C11 / Ci CN'Cl I ��4/ 1♦ � Li>� 10 J 11 -CJ 15 C,15 i` �� v f C2/ cl /C1B9"E' A75g7• N76'0] 2 m a u N89'24'20'W 52.08' iml�llllllb'Vti1111iNIII�II.WI@ISIAm ;:=°,'P; ... F OJ ye w x W U I OXAM: U PLC JOBik 1009 ,^ATE: 8/28/01 SHEET 2of2 LINE TABLE I I CLIVE TABLE UNE LENGTH ) BEARING I I CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD 1 Lt 41.57'1 N67'41'50"E i Cl 28.20' 61.00' 26'29'08" N45'21';C°E 27.95' L2 8.74'1 NSS'35'53"E I I C2 69.32' 89.00' 44'37'27" N5425'31"E 67.58' 1 L3 45.54') N76 -44-14"E I C3 11.31' 236.OD' 2'44'48" N7¢'21 ;jQ'E 11.31' ' L4 3.}QZ, C4 1 0 ' 4'38'4" N7 '1 '4 " LS 79.76', N78'38 00 CS 16,39' 89 00' 10'32'55"_ N63'54'28' LS 38.56; S6" N89'10'E I I C6 8.50' 36.00' 13'32'08" N82'24'52'E 8.48' L7 50.87) N75'38'48"E I C7 21.24' 164.00' 7'25'12" N79'21'24"E 71.22' LS 19.671 N83.04'004E I C8 27.05' 236.00' 6'34'00" N79'47;00'E 27.93'1 L9 19.12' N76'30'00"E C9 1;.76' 64.00' 11'25'26" NO2-12-4"3"E 12.74' ' L10 19.1 7 ' C10 I 7.15' 40.00' 1x14'07' $8)'37' L11 19.62' S63'04'00"W C11 211 RD' 0 4' 7 ' ' L12 50.87'1 S75'38'48'W I I C12 18.13' 140.00' 725'12" 579'21.24W 18.12' L13 38.56' S89'10'56"W I I C13 14.17' 60.00' 13'32;08" S82'24'52"W 14.14' L14 79.76' 578'38;00"W 1 1 C14 11.97' 65.00' 10'32'55" S63'54'28"W 11.95, L15 Z3 871 S73'59;26°W I I C15 19,45' 240.00' 4'36; 34" S76'18'43"W 19.44' Lib 45.54' S76'44'14"W C16 12.46' 260.00' 2'44'48" S75'21'50'W 12.4Q.- 2.4Q-L17 L17 64.86'1 S58'35'53"W 1 C17 6 0; 44'37';7" 55¢'25,311M 49_35' CIS 39.29' 85.00' 26'29'06" S45'21'20'W 38.94' 206.78' TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 225.51' POINT OF BEGINNING \Ol.V7 -A, -CJ.' /CLQ' �\OWN �6 C6 C �-� C11 / Ci CN'Cl I ��4/ 1♦ � Li>� 10 J 11 -CJ 15 C,15 i` �� v f C2/ cl /C1B9"E' A75g7• N76'0] 2 m a u N89'24'20'W 52.08' iml�llllllb'Vti1111iNIII�II.WI@ISIAm ;:=°,'P; ... F OJ ye w x W U I OXAM: U PLC JOBik 1009 ,^ATE: 8/28/01 SHEET 2of2 SCALE: 1 = 100' TRACT N, BLOCK 3 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK N84.3B'32"E - 208.78' 793985 Page: a or a 04/29/2002 04:53P Sara J Fisher Eagle, Co 149 R 40.00 D 0.00 GY" 1 P':2LT "&A i" UNAWN: SE PLC JOBy: 1009 DATE: 8/28/01 SHEET 1 of 1 ' TRACT 0, BLOCK 3 W n BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK U D*U - 3P03'48' rt R- 25.00' aJ T. 7.42' L- 14.43' CN- .11.23' CB- N7S07'4e'E 478'7T 29"E I 0 M°?tom Njeos 4 �''3C'3H'E �tO%32' 588'2027 rE N15'52'35'w80.12' H 100'00 N8924'20'W - 225.51' N89R4'20"W POINT OF BEGINNING 5208' H 0.l FUi '}I Q Z Z;:: EASEMENT PARCEL DESCRIPTION:Z W A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN A PART OF TRACT 0, BLOCK 3, BENCHMARK AT = p U BEAVER CREEK, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, PER THE F PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 238 AT PAGE 41 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; V W BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID TRACT 0; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT 0 N15'52'36"W 78.77 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID Qa BOUNDARY S41'38'45"E 33.72 FEET; THENCE S81'58'38"E 101.32 FEET; THENCE S88'20'21"E 80.12 FEET; THENCE 14.43 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET, AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF 33'03'45" AND A E—. CHORD WHICH BEARS N75'07'46"E 14.23 FEET; THENCE N6741'50"E 27.98 FEET TO U A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT 0; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY S05'09'28"E 50.92 FEET; THENCE N89'24'20"W 225.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF F+ BEGINNING. 793985 Page: a or a 04/29/2002 04:53P Sara J Fisher Eagle, Co 149 R 40.00 D 0.00 GY" 1 P':2LT "&A i" UNAWN: SE PLC JOBy: 1009 DATE: 8/28/01 SHEET 1 of 1 AVON C O L O R A D O September 20, 2004 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Attn: Dennis Gelvin 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Facsimile: (970) 4764089 Re: Landscaping along Eagle River Recreation Path Dear Dennis: RECEIVE[' SEP 2 1 2004 This is a follow-up letter in regards to the irrigation system along the berm at the Avon Sewer Treatment Plant. On Friday, August 27, 2004, Mike Bauer (ERSWD) and myself met on site to confirm that the irrigation system is operating to the satisfaction of the District. The irrigation system had been adjusted to water the "native" landscaping on both sides of the berm. It is my understanding that the landscaping and irrigation issues along the berm have been resolved. Please advise the Town of Avon prior to October 11"', 2004 is this in not correct. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 748-4114. Sincerely, �"_ Anne Martens Assistant Town Engineer CC: Norman Wood Avon Municlpal Court Post Office Boz 975 400 Benchmark Road Awn, Colorado 81620 970-748-4001 970-949-9139 Fal'Engineering\CIREagle River Rec 1118.0 Complebw\ERWSD Memo 092004.doc 970-845-7708 TTY EAGLE RIVER / WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 • FAX (970) 476-4089 September 27, 2004 Anne Martens, Assistant Town Engineer Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Landscaping Along Eagle River Recreation Path Dear Anne: I think the meeting between you and Mike Bauer established that the irrigation issues are resolved. The appearance of the landscaping is still well below our expectations. We suggest a seed mix of drought tolerant wildflowers be hydroseeded on the berm on both sides of the fence above the bike path. The District would, of course pay for seeding north of the fence. After a season with proper irrigation we can evaluate the result and decide what to do next. Anne, it is very clear from the correspondence that was exchanged when the easement was . granted for the bike path that "native" grass was not what was intended. The fact that Avon and the District agreed to irrigate the area above the bike path is ample evidence that this area would be different than other bike paths. Let's try the wildflowers, to see if they give us the appearance we can be proud of, which is what we described as our goal when the easement was granted. Sincerely, j a Dennis Gelvin, General Manager cc: Rick Sackbauer JMike Bauer WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES A\ 41 I Staff Report sSketch Desi L0 D0 n g COLORR ADO March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 13, 2007 Single -Family Residence Lot 4, Western Sage Subdivision PUD — 1 Dwelling Unit 5207 Longsun Lane The applicant, Jeffrey Manley, has submitted a Sketch Design application for a single-family residence on Lot 4 of the Western Sage PUD. The proposed residence measures approximately 33 feet in height and would be off of the private road easement that serves Lots 1-5. The total floor area of the proposed residence is 4,507 square feet (includes 550 square foot garage). The residence is designed in an old world European style and utilizes wood siding and stucco on the exterior walls. Included in the attached plan set are a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Attachment C). The drawings clearly show all existing and new proposed improvements on the property. History The Western Sage PUD was approved by Ordinance 04-15 and effectively down - zoned Lots 54, 55, 89, and 90, Block 4 Wildridge from an allowed density of 11 dwelling units to 8 single-family lots (Lots 1-8 Western Sage PUD). The lots contain platted building envelopes as well as defined non -buildable areas. Lots 1-5 are accessed from a platted access easement extending from the Longsun Lane cul-de-sac; and Lots 6-8 will be accessed from Wildridge Road East. When the PUD was adopted, additional design guidelines titled the Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Develoament and Landscape Desitin Guidelines, were created to regulate the development of single-family residences in the subdivision. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4, Western Sage PUD, Wildridge Subdivision, Manley Single -Family Sketch Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 , Staff Comments The design of the proposed building appears to be in conformance with the intent of the Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development and Landscape Desion Guidelines in terms of architectural style and use of quality building materials. Many of the site development guidelines involve siting improvements to complement the existing topography and limiting the extent of site disturbance. The presented design appears to conform to the design guidelines and takes advantage of views to the south toward Beaver Creek. Staff has concerns about the roof orientation and snow shedding onto the driveway. According to the Design Guidelines (Table 1.0), driveway grades should not exceed 10%, and no more than 4% entering the site and garages. The driveway does not appear to be in compliance with the required grades but the width of the driveway is questionable. The driveway grade for the entire 40 ft length of the driveway is a 5% grade. The Residential Desian Guidelines control the curb cut with a 14 ft to 18 ft range. This design indicates that the curb cut is approximately 30 ft with a driveway width of 20 ft. The Western Sage PUD Guidelines encourage the use of high quality, durable building materials. This proposal is consistent with the guidelines since it proposes quality materials such as wood siding and stucco. The materials are consistent with others used in this PUD and colors will be reviewed at final design submittal. Architectural interest has been added to this home with varying materials and areas of application and varying roof pitches. Items such as lighting, landscaping, and snow storage were not addressed in this application and will be reviewed in detail with a final design application. All other zoning standards (i.e. lot coverage, landscaping) must also be clearly demonstrated at final design. It should be noted that it is the intention of the applicant to create an identical product on each of the subsequent vacant lots in the Western Sage PUD to achieve a certain rustic cluster effect. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; B. General conformance with Western Saoe PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Desian Guidelines; and C. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 r ,. Lot 4, Western Sage PUD, Wildddge Subdivision, Manley Single -Family Sketch Design " March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. At the meeting the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a final design application. .t A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the March 20, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4023, or `stop by the office of Community Development. 4 Respectfully submitted, Jared Barnes Planner I Attachments: . Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Site Photographs Exhibit C: Plan Sets r Town of Avon Community Development (970) 746-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Wildridge - Western Sage Sub, Lot 4 ,. Property Boundaries 0 ,•�. 4MImJM lDY ONIY EXHIBIT B Staff Report 7vi RSketch Desi n Design C O L O R A D O March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 13, 2007 Single -Family Residence Lot 4, Western Sage Subdivision PUD — 1 Dwelling Unit 5207 Longsun Lane The applicant, Jeffrey Manley, has submitted a Sketch Design application for a single-family residence on Lot 4 of the Western Sage PUD. The proposed residence measures approximately 33 feet in height and would be off of the private road easement that serves Lots 1-5. The total floor area of the proposed residence is 4,507 square feet (includes 550 square foot garage). The residence is designed in an old world European style and utilizes wood siding and stucco on the exterior walls. Included in the attached plan set are a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Attachment C). The drawings clearly show all existing and new proposed improvements on the property. History The Western Sage PUD was approved by Ordinance 04-15 and effectively down - zoned Lots 54, 55, 89, and 90, Block 4 Wildridge from an allowed density of 11 dwelling units to 8 single-family lots (Lots 1-8 Western Sage PUD). The lots contain platted building envelopes as well as defined non -buildable areas. Lots 1-5 are accessed from a platted access easement extending from the Longsun Lane cul-de-sac; and Lots 6-8 will be accessed from Wildridge Road East. When the PUD was adopted, additional design guidelines titled the Western Saae PUD Architectural Site Develooment and Landscape Design Guidelines, were created to regulate the development of single-family residences in the subdivision. Tom of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4, Western Sage PUD, Wildndge Subdivision, Manley Single -Family Sketch Design March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 �. Staff Comments The design of the proposed building appears to be in conformance with the intent of the Western Saoe PUD Architectural Site Develooment and Landscaoe Design Guidelines in terms of architectural style and use of quality building materials. Many of the site development guidelines involve siting improvements to complement the existing topography and limiting the extent of site disturbance. The presented design appears to conform to the design guidelines and takes advantage of views to the south toward Beaver Creek. Staff has concerns about the roof orientation and snow shedding onto the driveway. According to the Design Guidelines (Table 1.0), driveway grades should not exceed 10%, and no more than 4% entering the site and garages. The driveway does not appear to be in compliance with the required grades but the width of the driveway is questionable. The driveway grade for the entire 40 ft length of the driveway is a 5% grade. The Residential Desian Guidelines control the curb cut with a 14 ft to 18 ft range. This design indicates that the curb cut is approximately 30 ft with a driveway width of 20 ft. The Western Sage PUD Guidelines encourage the use of high quality, durable building materials. This proposal is consistent with the guidelines since it proposes quality materials such as wood siding and stucco. The materials are consistent with others used in this PUD and colors will be reviewed at final design submittal. Architectural interest has been added to this home with varying materials and areas of application and varying roof pitches. Items such as lighting, landscaping, and snow storage were not addressed in this application and will be reviewed in detail with a final design application. All other zoning standards (i.e. lot coverage, landscaping) must also be clearly demonstrated at final design. It should be noted that it is the intention of the applicant to create an identical product on each of the subsequent vacant lots in the Western Sage PUD to achieve a certain rustic cluster effect. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; B. General conformance with Western Sale PUD Architectural Site Develooment & LandscaDe Desian Guidelines; and C. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4, Western Sage PUD, Wildridge Subdivision, Manley Single -Family Sketch Design, March 20, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting r Page 3 of 3 The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. At the meeting the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a final design application. , A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the March 20, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4023, or stop by the office of Community Development. Respectfully submitted, Jared Barnes Planner Attachments: Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Site Photographs Exhibit C: Plan Sets Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Wildridge - Western Sage Sub, Lot 4 e QLot4 AYUII F� Property Boundaries I,, •_--•_ nixna .uwxr oe�e ovraro� J►' �W Z Q Lp"' iia SS3a`� ;Spp{StA�it t0 Z N 2 N to y\-�\ o rn I F�Tt'$S l ♦ , M"OQ,SO.QLN ,£9'9tt04 51 101, o. 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