PZC Minutes 120506 (2)a
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
`.. �Minutes
C 0 L U R A o 0 December 5, 2006
(5:00pm - 5:30pm) Discussion of regular meeting agenda items. Open to the Public.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
IL Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Foster.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest to report.
V. Consent Agenda:
• Approval of the November 21, 2006 Meeting Minutes
• Resolution 06-19, Trees of Colorado permit extension (MEMO ONLY)
Commissioner Smith motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Green
seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 5 — 0 with
Commissioner Goulding abstaining due to absence at last meeting.
VI. Transit Center Snowmelt— CONTINUED
Property Location: Benchmark Court, Avon Transit Center
Applicant: Design Workshop / Owner. • Town of Avon
Description: Follow up to condition of approval by Planning and Zoning Commission to provide
snowmelt at the new Avon Transit Center location.
Steven Spears, Design Workshop, approached the podium with Dan Koelliker from Beaudin
Ganze Consulting Engineers. Beaudin Ganze is the mechanical, electrical and plumbing
engineer for the project. The presentation will discuss the specifics of a proposed snowmelt
system. Tonight's presentation revolved around the logistics of the snowmelt vault, how it came
to be, the sizing, the mechanical requirements, International Mechanical Code for Public
Spaces, other systems reviewed, and energy efficiency of the units.
Dan Koelliker began with describing the three options in the design documents for bid -
alternates. One option was no snowmelt, another was a centralized snowmelt system and the
third option was a snowmelt vault with three potential locations.
Commissioner Evans questioned the intent of the snowmelt system, and whether it will also
address the Main Street Plan. Mr. Koelliker responded that the intent was to service this project
area; about 32,000 sq It of hardscape. Commissioner Green asked if the 15 boilers were to
service just this area and the response was affirmative.
Mr. Koelliker continued by explaining wall mounted boilers in detail and their typical uses.
Commissioner Evans questioned the BTU numbers and it was determined to be a 6 million BTU
load. Commissioner Evans continued that the Commission was seeking to understand the 9 ft
deep, floor to ceiling vault, underground, that is sized 15' X 15', and what required this type of
space. Mr. Koelliker replied with the manufacturer names of boilers they had evaluated and the
selected model had the largest capacity of all with a reasonable size and a wall pack.
Commissioner Lane discussed operational issues of the boilers and how the stacks would be
presented. Commissioner Green voiced concern over the design attention to the vent stacks in
a public place. Commissioner Lane commented on the need to have the stacks aesthetically
pleasing. Mr. Spears responded that they needed to know the right location and that stacks
would be coming out of the earth. Commissioner conversation continued with specifics of the
wall mounted boiler option, stacking boilers on a wall, fans for venting, access to the vault,
exhausts venting on a roof, and landscaping. Mr. Spears commented that they began with 12
vault location sites and they narrowed it down to the four options that were being presented.
Commissioner Evans questioned why the vault was not situated under the Transit Center. Mr.
Spears responded that there are two existing storage detention facilities underground at the site
for the existing development. Norm Wood, Town Engineer, remarked that they were filtration
galleries and moving them was not an option.
Commissioner Goulding wanted to understand why it couldn't be put on the eastern side and
chased over to the Transit Center, and exhaust it out as a chimney element.
Norm Wood requested that this item be tabled for further review.
Commissioner Struve moved to table Item VI, Transit Center Snowmelt, Property Location:
Benchmark Court, Avon Transit Center. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously with all Commissioners in favor.
VII. Master Sign Program
Property Location: Lot 56, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 15
Applicant. Nick Campbell, The Sign Gallery/ Owner.- Avon 56, LP
Description: Sign Design application for replacement of all "WestStar Bank Center" signs on this
Benchmark Road/Avon Road property to now read "US Bank." This change is required as part
of a nation wide corporate identity change.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Hugo Ernst, The Sign Gallery, took to the podium to discuss this application. Mr. Ernst had a
problem with the tower sign being eliminated. He discussed the need for USBank to have sign
exposure. Commissioner Struve mentioned that what is up there now was nice, unique, and
organic; a box sign was not appropriate and Commissioner Smith agreed. Dan Godec, US
Bank, expressed his agreement with the box sign issue. Alternatives to the box sign will be
reviewed for approval by Staff.
Commissioner Green motioned to accept Item VII, Master Sign Program, Property Location: Lot
56, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 15 Benchmark, the US Bank sign
program, as submitted with the modification that signs 1, 2, and 5 will be resubmitted to staff for
approval as a modification and 7 is not approved for installation as submitted and the lighting
will be halo lighting on the sign with the individual letters on the tower signs. Commissioner
Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with all Commissioners in favor.
VIII. Other Business
A. Update of Various Projects
a. 12/19 P&Z Agenda will have Timeshare West
b. 12/19 P&Z Agenda Cottonwood Amendment has been advertised but
submittal data remains missing
c. Bobby Ladd final design is coming back
B. Housing Assessment Open House on Thursday from 5-7pm
Data will be presented by RRC, the Housing consultant. New draft to be created.
C. 12/1206 - VAA PUD to Town Council.
XIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Goulding motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. All
Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Phil Struve