PZC Packet 100306Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for October 3, 2006 AVON Meeting Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers C O L U N A C U Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road Site Tour - 95 Avon Road (5:00 pm) Description: Meeting at the Confluence Site to Review the mockup for the Riverfront Lodge. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - (ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED) I. Call to Order (5:30 pm) II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the September 5, 2006 Meeting Minutes VI. Special Review Use Applications A. Walkin the Dog CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision/ 281 Metcalf Road Applicant/Owner. Marisa Lahman Description: The applicant is seeking approval for up to 50 dogs at a time in a doggy day care facility. In addition to the increased dog capacity the applicant is requesting approval for a new fenced °exercise° area to be located on the vacant property to the south for use between the hours of 9am and 4pm. The outdoor dog walking area would be accessed from an at grade door leaving the unit as well as a paved drive in access off of Metcalf Road which would also serve as employee parking. B. L&H Auto body PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 411 Metcalf Road Applicant. Randy Massey, L&H /Owner.• David Svabik & James Lawrence Description: Special Review Use permit request to operate an auto body and vehicle service/repair facility on Metcalf Road. This property has long been used (over 25 years) for auto repair and has been operating under a Special Review Use permit held by Beaver Creek Automotive. VII. Minor Project - Commercial Exterior Modifications - CONTINUED Property Location: Unit 201, Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road Applicant/Owner Marisa Lahman Description: The applicant is seeking approval of exterior modifications to the Metcalf Commercial Park Building on Metcalf Road. Improvements are in conjunction with SRU expansion request and include a new door exiting Unit 201 on the south elevation of the building. This doorway would open directly to a new fenced area for outdoor dog run, part of Walkin' the Dog business renewal request. Posted on- September 29, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.oro / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions VIII. Final Design Plan -Duplex Residential -CONTINUED RAL Spec Duplex Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd. Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects / Owner: Robert B. Thomas Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of wood and stone veneer siding. Sketch review took place at the Commission's June 20, 2006 meeting and a Final Design Application was tabled from the Commission's September 5, 2006 meeting. IX. Final Design - Multi -Family Residential Property Location: Confluence / 254 Riverfront Lane Applicant. Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners Description: The applicant is proposing a Final Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. The proposed building is comprised of 75 whole ownership units with underground parking garage. This item was first reviewed by the Commission at their May 16, 2006 meeting. An on-site mockup review for this agenda item will take place at 5pm and is open to the public. X. Construction Staging Review Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / Gates on Beaver Creek Applicant. CFC Construction / Owner: CSC Land Description: Request for project staging on neighboring property to the east, known as 'Folson Annexation'. Review of proposed surety for restoration. Increased area for staging is required for this project to continue without utilizing C -Dot land and winter constraints. XI. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects B. Oct. 17th Joint Work Session - East Avon Financial XII. Adjourn Posted on September 29, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions .i - Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission iH AVON ' Meeting Minutes C O L 0 R A D O September 5, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:37 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Two letters of opposition and one letter of support were distributed at Work Session regarding Item VI, Special Review Use Applications, A, Walkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item VI, Special Review Use Applications, A. Walkin the Doggy Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road and B. General Commercial Offices & Personal Service Business, Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 0077 Metcalf Road and Item VII, Minor Project - Commercial Exterior Modifications, Property Location: Unit 201, Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road. V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the August 15, 2006 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Goulding motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner. Smith seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Foster abstained due to absence in last meeting. The motion passed 6-0. VI. Special Review Use Applications A. Walkin the Dog PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road Appiicant/Owner. Marisa Lehman Description: The applicant is seeking approval for 24-hour boarding services for up to 50 dogs at a time. In addition to the extended hours and increased dog capacity, the applicant is requesting approval for a new fenced "exercise" area to be located on the vacant property to the south for use between the hours of 9am and 4pm. The outdoor dog walking area would be accessed from a new proposed deck leaving the unit as well as a paved drive in access off of Metcalf Road. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Brian Woodel, Slifer, Smith and Frampton, approached the podium and requested tabling this agenda item to the next meeting and requested an extension to the next meeting of the currently in place Special Review Use for this location. OPEN PUBLIC MEETING Robert Dowie, 133 Mountain Sage in Avon, approached the podium to support this application by commenting that they were good neighbors and to permit additional parking. Paul Jardis, approached 1 the podium as the president of the Metcalf Commercial Business Association and supports the tabling of the current application and did not support this application as presented. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Goulding motioned to table Item VI, Special Review Use Applications, A. Welkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road, Special Review Use and extend the current Special Review Use for 45 days, Commissioner Lane seconded. Motion passed unanimously. B. General Commercial Offices & Personal Service Business PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision 10077 Metcalf Road Applicant/Owner. BBG Holding Corp. Description: Special Review Use permit request to operate an accessory office and facial (personal service) business in a recently remodeled building in the Industrial Commercial zone. The property is on Metcalf Road and contains a contractor office, daycare business, and other office space. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report and commented that no public response was submitted to date. Commissioner Goulding questioned the traffic levels at the area and Mr. Heidemann responded that he was aware of the level of service. Commissioner Goulding questioned if other retail was in the area and the response was affirmative. Mr. Evans, one of the owners of BBG Holding Corp, approached the podium to discuss the application. Mr. Evans commented on the lack of rental capability of the offices in the building. Construction offices are a Use by Right and that general commercial office is so similar to a Use by Right office. Mr. Evans continued that there is no need for retail use of the building due to the parking and traffic, but parking is to be increased. Commissioner review included questions regarding the parking lot traffic timing, the proposed hours for the anticipated educational leaming/tutoring and personal services, the parking capability with services on hourly basis, and it seemed to be an organized flow of traffic rather than rushes of traffic. Mr. Evans commented that the current leases are restricted in the number of spots permitted. There was concern with the trip generation of these uses at the intersection. OPEN PUBLIC MEETING No members of the public made comment. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Green moved to approve Item VI, B. General Commercial Offices & Personal Service Business, Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 0077 Metcalf Road, Resolution No. 06-15 for general commercial office on site and personal services in Unit 304. Commissioner Foster seconded. The motion passed 5-0 with one commissioner in opposition. VII. Minor Project - Commercial Exterior Modifications Property Location: Unit 201, Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road Applicant/Owner. Marisa Lahman Description: The applicant is seeking approval of exterior modifications to the Metcalf Commercial Park Building on Metcalf Road. Improvements are in conjunction with SRU expansion request and include three new windows on upper level of unit and new doors exiting unit on both levels. There would be a new stairway for employees and pets to leave both levels. Tabled with Item VI, Special Review Use Application, A. Walkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road. VIII. Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential A. RAL Spec Duplex Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd. Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects I Owner. Robert B. Thomas Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of wood and stone veneer siding. Sketch review took place at the Commission's June 20, 2006 meeting. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report. Commissioner Struve questioned the color scheme and remarked that it was very similar to the house next door. Discussion among the commissioners revolved on the comments of the size of the home, disregard of sketch design comments that the home was too large for the site, limitations of site coverage, suggested review of zoning codes and design review criteria, overhang is in setback, eave balancing, presents as one big structure, review as to the appearance and mass of the structure as seen by adjacent properties, and reevaluation of the landscaping.. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VIII, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential, A. RAL Spec Duplex, Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 12661 Beartrap Rd. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. New Residence Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD / 5775 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Bob Sutter /Owner. Buz.Reynolds Description: Final Design review for a single-family residence on this Western Sage PUD property accessed off Wildridge Road East on at the top of Wildridge. Matt Pielsticker commented on this application and its presentation. Staff concerns were its position to the road, the narrow driveway (14 ft to 20 ft), sight ability to road, and height requirements in excess of 35 feet. Commissioner Evans commented on the inability to read the plans and that there may be a better design. Buz Reynolds, owner, approached the podium and commented that he believed that he had a hardship due to the difficulty of the site and the excessive 2:1 grades leaving the driveway, and that replatting was in the works. Commissioner Green commented that he could not read the plans thus could not evaluate the project. Bob Sutter, applicant, approached the podium to discuss the site with the Commission with comments regarding the retaining wall height (lowered from 21' to 13'), garage location, distance from road, landscaping, access and retaining walls, and elevation heights. Commissioner Struve plans is one curb cut for the three houses. Evans commented that the commission was being asked to approve a site plan for three lots and a home on one and that the landscaping failed to be intense. It was suggested that the application might benefit from a model submission of the project. Commissioner Evans commented on the potential need for a guardrail and its functionality. Commissioner Smith motioned to table Item VIII, Residence, Property Location: Lot 6, Western Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. passed unanimously. IX. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential, B. New Sage PUD / 5775 Wildridge Road East, with All commissioners were in favor and the motion Ti: a. Pedro Campos, VAG, is planning on a joint work session presentation with Town Council regarding Christie Sport site. b. Riverfront Lodge final design applications have been submitted. XI. Adjourn Commissioner Goulding motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary I- V L, Staff Report WTvi SPECIAL REVIEW USE C 0 L O R A D 0 October 3, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction September 19, 2006 Doggy Day Care (PUBLIC HEARING) Lot 18/19 & Lots 20 & 21, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Industrial Commercial (IC) 281 Metcalf Road The applicant, Marisa Lehman, has been operating a doggy day care facility in Unit 201 of the Metcalf Commercial Building since receiving a Special Review Use (SRU) permit (Resolution No. 02-03) on May 7, 2002. The approval was for up to 25 dogs in the facility at any time, and the approval was limited to one year time subject to re -review. No dog walking was permitted outside of the unit. The SRU approval was reviewed again by the Planning and Zoning Commission in May of 2003 and extended for an additional three years (Resolution No. 03-13). The current review is not only for a permit extension but for outdoor expansion onto the adjacent Lots 20 & 21 to the south. The applicant is seeking approval for up to 50 dogs. In addition to the increased dog capacity, the applicant is requesting approval for a new fenced "exercise" area to be located on the properties immediately south for use between the hours of 9am and 4pm. The outdoor dog walking area would be accessed from a new proposed landing leaving the applicant's unit via a new exit door (see separate Minor Project Application report) as well as a paved driveway access off of Metcalf Road. The fence itself would be a 6' high game style fence with wood posts every 50'. Please see the attached photographs from the applicant. This application was presented at the Commission's September 5th meeting and the Planning Commission tabled action in order for the applicant to come back after making further reservations with the other property owners and association of the Metcalf Commercial Building. Since that meeting the applicant has altered the request and is no longer applying for 24 hour boarding. Additionally, there are no other interior renovations requested and the requested exterior building modifications are different. The property is zoned Industrial Commercial (IC), which is intended to "provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 18/19, Block I, Benchm_.., at Beaver Creek -Doggy Day Care SRU 2nd _ _ , iew October 3, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 storage facilities." Because the proposed use in not included in the list of allowed uses (Exhibit A), the applicant is requesting another SRU permit. The existing land use and zoning for the surrounding properties are as follows: • North: Industrial Commercial (IC) property with two buildings. • South: Two vacant Industrial Commercial (IC) lots and contractor office building with operating day care business further to the south. • West: Undeveloped 'Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage' (OLD) zoning. • East: Metcalf Road Right -of -Way & Power Substation. This application is a noticed public hearing with written notice provided to property owners within 300' of the subject property. To date staff has received numerous public comments regarding the applicant's expansion and extension requests. Attached to this staff report are the public input letters received as of this report date. Criteria for Review According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a Special Review Use permit: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements Imposed by the zoning code. This application appears to be in compliance with all other requirements of the Zoning Code. There are no parking standards in the Zoning Code for such a specialized land -use; however, it is known that there are three parking spaces assigned to the applicant's unit (#201) based on the size of their unit. Unfortunately Unit 201 is an end unit in the back of the building and there is limited area for turnaround and drop-offs. The new paved access proposed for the fenced exercise area would accommodate any required employee parking in the hope to free up more customer parking in front of the businesses unit. 2. Whether the proposed use Is In conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan. The property is located in District 11 in the Comprehensive Plan, the Metcalf Road District. This district is designated with a 'Medium' priority. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this area as Avon's only industrial center and puts emphasis on parking, access, and screening parking and storage areas. The Future Land Use map designates most of Metcalf Road as continuing with a 'Light Industrial' land -use pattern as current zoning warrants. Most of the planning principles in the Comprehensive Plan for this District focus on development and redevelopment on the 1-70 corridor with limited focus on Metcalf Road. There are principles that could be applied to this property such as: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 18/19, Block I, Benchm_.._ at Beaver Creek - October 3, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission Day Care SRU 2nd, iew 3of5 "require development that minimizes significant regarding, and provides for proper on-site parking and access." The applicant is proposing to perform limited grading and clean up in the proposed dog run area that would be fenced off to the south of the building. As part of these improvements the access to the fenced area and a few parking spaces (for employee parking) would be created. This could help to provide more parking in front of the unit for customers dropping off there pets. The applicant has a three year lease to use the property to the south for outdoor dog walking. There are no plans to plant trees to help screen this accessory use. Additionally, "concerns over the area's generally poor aesthetic characteristics are perceived as negatively affecting the image of the Wildridge and Wildwood residential developments located nearby (Comp Plan- Page 89)." While this statement is geared more towards traffic issues and this area's geography as a 'front door' to other subdivisions, the large fenced area does not appear to benefit the image of the area. The game fence was chosen by the applicant as a less offensive fence type since you can see through it. 3. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts Including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. This review criteria should be reviewed carefully. While there are some benefits to providing employee parking on another property thereby freeing up spaces for customer drop-off in front of the unit, the intensity of use and number of drop-offs with up to 50 dogs is unknown and could present conflict with- adjacent uses. The current business layout and operation appears functional and it is evident the applicant has put great effort into limiting potential impacts to neighboring tenants. The applicant has worked with neighboring businesses and the association to minimize negative impacts and to increase compatibility with adjacent uses. It is questionable whether the outdoor fenced dog run area has a beneficial appearance as viewed from adjacent properties and Metcalf Road. The Commission must determine whether the large 6' game fence is appropriate on Lots 20/21 to the south. Noise could also be present on neighboring properties. In the Industrial/Commercial zone district properties are permitted (by SRU. approval) up to four residential units. Although there are few residential units in close proximity today, "accommodating accessory residential development" in this district was a focus when the Comprehensive Plan was put together. Public Benefit Criteria According the Avon Municipal Code section 17.28.085, the granting of this special review use must provide evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions as outlined below. A. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 18/19, Block I, Benchn.__., at Beaver Creek - Doggy Day Care SRU 2nd _._ Aew October 3, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 5 This application is technically required by the Zoning Code since dog daycare and boarding are not enumerated as allowed uses in this zone district. It could be argued that there is a public demand for animal care in the valley and limited areas acceptable for such land use. A number of public supported letters are attached to this report for Commissioner consideration. Compatibility with neighboring property owners should be reviewed cautiously with this application. B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse Impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. Staff finds it hard to support this application due to the possible unfavorable impacts that can result from this expanded use. The increased intensity of this use and outdoor element may produce unnecessary impacts. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result In better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and Increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. As the business currently operates, there is no permitted dog walking outside of the unit. That was a condition when the applicant first received approval and was aimed at reducing conflict with other business and property owners on the property. Staff has learned that some dog walking has been taking place out front of the unit and the applicant has taken effort to make this a reasonable practice by cleaning waste. With more dogs (50 as opposed to 25) and permitting outdoor walking staff does not feel that there is 'better siting of development' or an increased amount of public benefit. Discussion Based on the limited available employee parking and the need for an increased number of quick in and out parking spaces for customers, staff finds it difficult to support this application. Perhaps the greatest concern to staff is the appearance of a large fenced area and the potential impacts of having a number of dogs outdoors in this area. This poses conflict with the review criteria for granting of a Special Review Use permit, particularly the Comprehensive Plan review that is required. While staff does not support the current request, there would be support for an extension of the current SRU approval for up to 25 dogs for an additional three years with no outdoor fenced area. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends denial of the proposed SRU expansion based on the required review criteria. Recommended Motion "I move to approve Resolution 06-14 thereby denying the request for outdoor dog exercise yard and increase in dog limit for the doggy day care business located on Lot Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 18/19, Block I, Benchm,... at Beaver Creek - Doggy Day Care SRU 2nd _ . iew October 3, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 5 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision due to conflicts with the following required review criteria: 1. Public Benefit Criteria B - Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. 2. Criteria #3 - Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. 3. The proposed use is in conflict with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: Exhibit A- Resolution 06-14 Exhibit B- Avon Municipal Code - 17.20.010 Exhibit C- Comp Plan - District 11: Metcalf Road District Exhibit D- Applicant's submittal Exhibit E- Aerial Vicinity Map, prepared by staff Exhibit F- Public Input Letters Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-14 A RESOLUTION DENYING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERNUT FOR FENCED OUTDOOR DOG EXERCISE YARD AND INCREASE IN DOG LIMIT FOR UP TO 50 DOGS AT DAYCARE SERVICE IN UNIT 201, LOT 18/19 AND 20/21, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Marissa Lahman has applied for a special review use permit for dog daycare, outdoor fenced exercise area, and increase in dog limit for up to 50 dogs at any one time, as described in the application dated July 31, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon on September 5th & October 3rd, 2006, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses; and D. That the granting of the special review use requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions: The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. 2. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. 3. The Flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby denies a Special Review Use permit for increased dog capacity and outdoor exercise area, as described in the application originally dated July 31, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Unit 201, Lot 18/19, and Lots 20 & 21, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. Public Benefit Criteria B - Approval of the zoning application does not provide long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights: and 2. The proposed use is incompatible with existing planned and approved adjacent uses. 3. The proposed use conflicts with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. Adopted this 3rd day of October, 2006 Signed: Chair Attest. Secretary Date: Date: FAI'lmming & Zoning Commission%ResolutionA-1006\Res 06-14 Watkin tog F_rpansion SRU..dor Zoning — 7une District Regulations CHAPTER 17.20 Zone District Regulations 17.20.010 Industrial and Commercial — IC. EXHIBIT B (a) Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale out- lets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: (1) Warehouses; (2) Laboratories; (3) Electrical substations; (4) Light manufacturing plants; (5) Wholesale sales outlets; (6) Showrooms; (7) Industrial, construction and wholesale offices; (8) Additional uses determined to be simi- lar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. (c) Special review uses. The following uses gas shall be permitted in the IC district subject to the a issuance of a special use permit: I da (1) Four (4) residential units per lot in con- junction with business operation; (2) Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair strops; (3) Retail sales and other personal service outlets; (4) Restaurants; Supp. 3 Section 11.20.010 (5) Public uses; (6) Outside storage areas; (7) General commercial offices. (d) Development Standards. (1) Minimum lot size: one-half (.5) acre; (2) Maximum building height: forty-eight (48) feet; (3) Minimum building setbacks: Front: twenty-five (25) feet; Side: seven and one-half (7.5) feet; Rear: ten (10) feet; (4) Maximum site coverage: fifty percent (50%); (5) Minimum landscaped area: twenty percent (20%); (6) Maximum density: four (4) dwell... is per lot when approved as a special review :. (Ord. 75-08 §§1, 2; Ord. 91-10 §I(part)) RFiation he Town Center District is to pipme sites for a variety of uses such ercial establis offices in an tly pcde tvirom t In accor- th the rehensive ter Plan, these e intended to Ovide development stingttisIt the wn Center from other areas within the 17-18 The (2) Specialty shops; be °+ Town District Planning I2-nles 1111101 3IT C i It provides light industrial and commercial service uses as well Elscreening Steep Slopes Vehicular and Pedestrian Crossing Nottingham and Metcalf Roads are intensely developed, with large buildings on small sites; generally with insufficient landscaping; inadequate access; and unscreened parking, storage, and trash containers. The area's high visibility from I-70 makes it important to the Town's image. Concerns over traffic safety issues as well as the � t a� negatively affecting the image of the Wildridge and Wildwood 1yy{{ Yet, it is also recognized that these businesses provide an important component to Avon's overall economic health. APA AA A' �. N4JY �� Potential 1.70 Underpass • land uses. °+ District 11: Metcalf Road District 1111101 The Metcalf Road District is the Town's only industrial center. It provides light industrial and commercial service uses as well as accessory residential development. During any redevelopment effort, long-term issues such as parking and access should be addressed. Existing light industrial uses on Nottingham and Metcalf Roads are intensely developed, with large buildings on small sites; generally with insufficient landscaping; inadequate access; and unscreened parking, storage, and trash containers. The area's high visibility from I-70 makes it important to the Town's image. Concerns over traffic safety issues as well as the area's generally poor aesthetic characteristics are perceived as a� negatively affecting the image of the Wildridge and Wildwood residential developments located nearby. Yet, it is also recognized that these businesses provide an important component to Avon's overall economic health. Opportunities should be encouraged to develop livelw'ork developments that allow for light manufacturchridustrial uses that do not possess significant conflicts with other surrounding land uses. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Page 89 Town District Planning Principles Planning Principles: • Accommodate limited/accessory residential development that supports primary industrial/cmployment land uses. • Develop a pedestrian connection linking West Beaver Creek Boulevard to Nottingham Road. • Coordinate with CDOT to introduce trees on uphill slopes in the I-70 right-of-way and along Metcalf Road to partially screen buildings and other accessory uses. • Require development that minimizes significant re -grading, and provides for proper on-site parking and access. • Require development and encourage existing development to add architectural or landscape screening of storage areas, HVAC equipment, loading docks, and trash containers. • Site buildings to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk. • In the event of a major redevelopment of this area, add traffic lanes on Metcalf Road to accommodate truck traffic. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Ar�r 0N. Page 90 BMBC - BIk1, Lots 18119 and Lots 20121 QLots 18119, and Lots 20121 v=EProperty Boundaries o as ra i• EXHIBIT F METCALF COMMERCIAL PARK ASSOCIATION, INC. September 5, 2006 Recording Secretary Town of Avon P. 0. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Application for Special Review Use Permit for Marisa Lahman / Walkin' the Dog Unit 201, Metcalf Commercial Park To: Planning and Zoning Commission I am writing this letter on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Metcalf Commercial Park Owners Association as well as a number of individual property owners within Metcalf Commercial Park. The Board objects to the renewal of the existing Special Review Use Permit for Dog Day Care previously granted to Marisa Lahman operating as "Walkin' the Dog". We believe that this is an inappropriate use for units within Metcalf Commercial Park and creates a nuisance for owners and workers in adjacent and nearby units. We have received complaints of excessive noise caused by dogs barking; high tu;nover of traffic with owners delivering and picking up dogs; and dogs, when being delivered by their owners urinating on vehicle tires, urinating on doors to adjacent units and the building itself. The continuous process of dogs being walked and relieving themselves in our parking area creates an unpleasant, and possibly unhealthy, odor. The current population of 25 dogs creates negative impacts and is a nuisance to other owners. Increasing that number to 50 dogs and increasing operations to include 24 hours per day would only increase the nuisance and negative impacts. Therefore, we also object to the proposed expansion, both in terms of number of dogs and hours of operation. Ms. Lahman had previously approached the Board of the Association for approval to make certain alterations to the exterior of the building in an attempt to mitigate some of the problems discussed above. At no time did she inform us that she intended to double the number of dogs from 25 to 50. We have given conditional approval to those alterations, however not all of the conditions of that approval have been met. Furlhermure, had she advised that she intended to increase the dog population from maximum of 25 to a maximum of 50 dogs at any one time, and if she had advised that she intended to increase the hours of operation to 24 hours per day, it is unlikely that the Board would have given its consent. 1 (;olnln111,6 !' ., . "i , .., The Board of Directors acting on behalf of the Metcalf Commercial Park owners requests that you: 1. Deny renewal of the existing Special Review Use Permit. 2. Deny the request for expanded use. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul W. 7 di ,President Metcalf Cd ercial Park Owners Association Commuwly Nvi"',tnnent FROM : FAX No. :9709265749 11/20/2503 00.:40 u 4803602705 o/u•�[oua +4i v/ btrWU8955 Spfaubet 1, 2006 Town of Avon kemrdiog PO Boz 971 Avon, Colorado 01620 UNIGLt.0 RCA SeP. 05 2006 02:12PM P1 UNICUME COLOI ADOt LLC 20I Melealf ftosd, Udt 202 Avers, Calaredo 81620 97,11",",4 1 FAX -7o -M-"35 dllun ir �eleptember 5, 7006 281 Metcalf 1mcl Avon, Colorado Dear Staso PAGE 02 -PAGE 01 In response to the Doti. of Public Hearin', se much as f like the owners of Walkin the Dog paSO271uY1 I Must oppase both the proposed nreva1 and e3WUIQn of the Use Pi runt thryhava !e4' ed, unless the fillav/!ng condlttena m utiafxd. 1) That addhlo W pvtng for their "loym and cua cmora be ProWded and 2) that ernaw proofing bb +wtalled in their speea to elimLub the noise tsmimission outside their unit. Tire ownus have been good neighbor, however, their custamm have no regard for rhe seffi property and between the W11%,Isaacs crestod by the dogs as tbey came and go, the preuse is %' noise nerd safety PrOMW by the otbcr owners and theft ewtomera and se the debirgental to the Wo of the value of property In the business ped* potential to adversely impact the AlIkough evldmaedw� the �g hm occupied 1ha property for sit yam, their business has oat es unless the above n1 pqusoo to are and they ate no longer a comMble tree in tha prop" the expense of the other buainesaes and owners in �r desire to expItem fo their an r eu, but not at Town of Avon deny the inquest to both resew, sed Prof is ePenW f mint regrte a that the unless umptAble atrarrgemants am made to addms the Use Pmadf !bt Wdkio r}so Dc>s Your Consideration, and plass contact me with ser tmo flo sad noise Issuss. Thank you for Y questloar. Sincerely, Matic Unlnune l:orvmuruty lJ.tv., ,,.,r, ,.,r A/05/2006 16:55 6029998855 RCA UNICUME COLORADO, LLC 281 Metcalf Road, Unit 202 Avon, Colorado 81620 970-845-0034 t FAX 970-045-0035 September 5, 2006 Town of Avon Recording Secretary PO Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Public Hearing September 5, 2006 Walkin the Dog 281 Metcalf Road Avon, Colorado Dear Sta$ PAGE 81 Over the past couple days we have met with the owners of Wallin the Dog and based on those conversations and their commitment to address our concerns, we would like to clarify our position on their request. We do not oppose their renewal of their existing Use Permit under the town guidelines, but feel the town should allow construction of the proposed dog run and access to the dog tun directly from the loft in their unit Those improvements will significant reduce the impact on the property and will satisfy our concerns. We still however can not support the request for expansion of the business, without addressing the parking/traffic issues and implementing noise control measures. Thank you for your consideration and please contact me with any questions. RECEIVED SEP 2 12006 Community Dovolopment IO I'I czY�1�1 C6 �;� I,t?a1k•, N " rG\ �. �q �'x�rr.•Is� E7c��k �Y ��Dtj , �y9 -,Ir«LL) ves UJ i T� -iv Jou ar c.f-((evs Ld,rih Sv .v\.p do acJr�er� heY� GJe �rrC4 cripnl a( 0('k- c�o s . �Jrkh a"Ye-s" -+d -{�,� �X��r���5� QYea, tkc r�)rce� L�� r,�1G�v�Ct'a E?J I c\� E nG�{. � � �, ��.� f� 1 �_cz:ieG� • �xL�C��i SI•S-F•_ �'�ea`, .� (t'�`�' Spp ik co�� 4�aJ1�� u►J , �``,�� �xc��stSe f7.r\� al -`U t J0, 1-'1 c IEc� : 11 1 , �{\t�11�( �. SAME AS ORIGINAL Comcast Message Center From: 'Rich CaPIW <rkh76pvall.neb To: <walldnthedog7@comcastneb Subject: RE: Watkin The Dog- Feedback from Metcalf unit owners Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 20:39:44 +0000 Marisa„as your neighbors for the last 2years we support walkln the Dog. You've been good at rectifying any of the small problems that have come up. We hope to be able to attend the meeting in your support Rich Caples _Q@H Construction Suite 203 --Original Message— From: MIhInthedoa7f QM= net [maiko:walklIIihed_o3Z@!gond] Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 10:37, AM To: Robert Midfield; Audrey Patillo; Margaret parks; Cory Caristead, Richard Caples Subject: Walkln The Dog- Feedback from Metcalf unit owners Page 1 of 2 METCALF COMMERCIAL PARK ASSOCIATION, INC. September 11, 2006 Recording Secretary Town of Avon P. O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Application for Special Review Use Permit for Marisa Lahman / Walkin' the Dog Unit 201, Metcalf Commercial Park To: Planning and Zoning Commission On Friday, September 8, 2006 the Board of Directors of the Metcalf Commercial Park Owners Association met along with a number of its individual property owners. There are differing opinions as to whether the use currently permitted under the Special Review Use Permit is appropriate for the Metcalf Commercial Park, but there is widespread belief that Marissa Lahman has attempted to control the various problems and has done her best to be a good neighbor. There is also unanimity that her proposed alterations to the south side of her unit that would allow her to walk and exercise dogs on the property to the south of Metcalf Commercial Park ate desirable and that such action would mitigate a number of issues with her business. Ms. Lahman explained that the requested increase from 25 to 50 dogs maximum at any one time was not, in fact, an increase over the population that has actually been accommodated by her business because she has been accommodating more than the 25 dogs currently permitted, and the requested increase was just to cover actual past practice. Our previous objection was based on our understanding that what was being proposed would double the number of dogs that would be housed there. If it is just maintaining past practice, then we can continue to live with that. She has agreed to withdraw her request for 24 hour operation, has agreed to work with the adjacent property owner in an attempt to mitigate the noise impact on him, and has agreed to try to educate her customers relative to the issues that have been created when some of them pick up or drop off their dogs. Based on the above, the Board supports her request for an increase in the maximum number of dogs permitted to 50, so long as that number is adhered to and somehow enforced. Furthermore, we think that approval of her plan for alterations to the south side of her unit so that she can use the land to the south of our building is an integral part of that support and would encourage you to approve her request. We understand that she will present a greatly scaled down version of those plans that should have much less visual impact than the plans that you had previously reviewed. If you are not able to approve the alterations to the building so that she can utilize the land to the south, then the position of our owners and board is not clear, and we would request that you: delay extension of her Special Review Use Permit until we could reevaluate the situation to determine if there were some other way that the negative impacts and nuisance could be mitigated. The Board of Directors acting on behalf of the Metcalf Commercial Park owners requests that you: 1. Approve her request for alterations to the south side of Metcalf Commercial Park to better accommodate her business and mitigate impacts on property owners within Metcalf Commercial Park. 2. Based on approval of the alterations, approve her request to increase the maximum number of permitted dogs from 25 to 50 at any one time. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul W. J i , President Metcalf Commercial Park Owners Association Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: William F. Pierce (bill@vailarchitects.com) Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 11:35 AM To: Matt Pielsticker Cc: walkinthedog7@comcast.net Subject: Fenced yard and renewal of special use permit, Walking the Dog, 281 Metcalf Road. Planning Commission, Town of Avon Town Council, Town of Avon Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that you will favorably review and approve: 1. The proposed installation of a fenced play yard south of the existing facility at 281 Metcalf Road 2. Installation of a deck that will provide direct access to the yard 3. Renewal of the special use permit that will allow continuation of and improvement to the much needed service provided by Walking the Dog. The fenced yard will provide a non -intrusive use of this otherwise difficult site. The services provided by Walking the Dog are a significant asset to the community and the location of this facility is compatible with surrounding land uses. In closing I am certain that you will reach a positive conclusion on these matters. Sincerely, William Pierce, Architect Prior Chairman, Planning Commission, Town of Avon Lynn Fritzlen, Architect Prior Planner, Town of Avon 9/11/2006 Robert J. Alexander PO Box 5559 Avon, CO 81620 Tel. (970) 748-4778 facsimile (970) 949.6455 e-mail: bob@momtaincapitalgroup.com September 11, 2006 Recording Secretary Town of Avon P. O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Application for Special Review Use Permit for Marrisa Lahman / Walkin' the Dog Unit 201, Metcalf Commercial Park To: Planning and Zoning Commission I believe that the proposed alterations to the south side of unit 201 would allow Walkin the Dog to walk and exercise dogs on the property to the south of Metcalf Commercial Park are desirable and that such action would be an improvement to the property. Further in reviewing the plans I think the new view from Metcalf Road would be very attractive. As a property owner, member of the Metcalf Commercial Park Board and a homeowner above the property (I pass the property daily as I drive home) I feel that approval of her plan for alterations to the south side of her unit so that she can use the land to the south of our building is appropriate and would encourage you to approve her request. Sincerely, Alexander 207 FZFC- -11ir f i �i�(^,I7alid(q V.�yyr"11t1e.. Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Robert Dowie [rodowie@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:01 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Cc: Welkin The Dog Subject: 281 Metcalf Road, Avon, CO Matt Pielsticker, Planner Town of Avon, Colorado Reference: Application of Marisa Lehman for an SRU Modification/Extension My wife and I are property owners in Avon. Over the past several years we have periodically utilized Walkin The Dog for short and long term dog care. They are located at 281 Metcalf Road, Avon, a good central location. We have found them to be the best dog sitting service available in the Vail Valley and feel they provide a useful community service. We have reviewed their application for a SRU ModificatiordExtension and looked at the site where they are located. It appears to us that if their application is granted they will be able to function more effectively and to be even better neighbors than they have been in the past. If they are permitted to construct the fenced -in dog exercise area south of their building they will: (a) have less interface with their immediate neighbors in the Metcalf Commercial Building Complex, (b) free up parking spaces in their complex (c) reduce the number of pickups and dropoffs in their complex since much of this activity can be done from the new road they will build to access the new fenced -in area The only substantive architectural impact to the area is fencing. While one might regard fencing as undesirable, it is a feature that is prominent in this Commercial/Industrial area. It certainly would be less visually objectionable than the electrical substation immediately across the street In summary we think this could be a Nvintwin" situation. A valuable community service will be preserved. the Metcalf Commercial Building Complex will function more smoothly, and with no negative impact on the surrounding area. We urge you to approve this application. Robert & Barbara Dowie 133 Mountain Sage Avon, CO 81620 9/13/2006 September 12, 2006 To The Avon Town Council: I would personally like to recommend Walking the Dog for renewal of their Special Use permit, along with approving the play yard that they have proposed. They have gone above and beyond my expectations, and have surpassed other dog walkers that I have used. Their commitment to me and many others in the valley are above reproach. On their walks, I know that they personally clean up after each and every dog, and do the same at their facility. Walking the Dog is a much needed service in this valley. There are many of us who are unable to walk our dogs on a daily basis. Were it not for the service they provide, my dogs would not have adequate exercise, thus enabling them to be as healthy and socialized as possible. There are a slew of dog owners from Vail to Gypsum, who love their dogs and desire nothing but the best for them. Merrill and Marisa provide that for them. I ask you to consider approving their play yard and renewal of their Special Use Permit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 970-376-2314. Thank you. Sincerely, Patti Telling RECEIVED gEP 1 3 2C:�: Oumntun,.� Comcast Message Center From: "Allan Vandeford" <vandeford@msn.com> To: walkinthedog7@comcast.net Subject: petition for property use Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 23:47:47 +0000 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Watkin' The Dog petition for property use It has come to our attention that Walkin' The Dog has petitioned the Avon Town Council for permission to expand their operation onto a lot adjacent to their existing business. We support this next step in a growing Vail Valley enterprise. As longtime clients of Walkin' The Dog we have watched a young entrepreneur grow their business Into -an admirable and necessary product for our community. Their dedication to ethical business practices and product development Is exactly what we have heard the Valley promoting for the past 17 years that we have lived here. Their business plan for the adjacent lot will be of little visual Impact for an area that is already designated to house garage and storage facilities, and a far from attractive electrical station. In a community where our K-9 citizens seem to equal our human populace, I would think that this would have support from the majority of the neighborhood. Sincerely, Allan and Mary Vandeford [ oasis l ® 2006 Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. rage l v, 1 RECEIVED SEP E 12006 Community Development http://mailcenter2.comcasLnet/wmc/v/wm/450898780002FE3200001E542207020653C90... 9/13/2006 To: The Town of Avon Re: Walkin' the Dog Please approve the request from Walkin the Dog for a play yard next to their shop on Metcalf. This is a great business that is helpful to the dogs and owners of Avon and the Vail Valley. Thanks, Elaine Lundblade 9/18/06 RECEIVED SEP 1 9 L000 Community Development September 19, 2006 Walking the Dog To: The Town of Avon This letter is in support of Walkin' the Dog's request for a fenced in play area and access to the play area from the existing building. I ask the Town of Avon to support this local owned and operated business. Merrill and Marisa have worked tirelessly in growing this business from the ground up. I would hope the Town of Avon would support these entrepreneurs and grant their request. This business helps locals and their pets. It provides a safe place for local dogs to play while their local owners are working to keep this resort town operating. Please help Walkin' the Dog and local business by granting the requested permits. Thank You Josh Davis 970-331-5380 RECEIVED SEP 1 9 2006 Community Development Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Bart [bmsbart@vail.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:25 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: FW: Walkin' the Dog From: Bart [mailto:bmsbart@vail.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:19 PM To: 'mpiesticker@avon.org' Subject: FW: Walkin' the Dog Avon Town Council, I purchased Metcalf Commercial Park # 206 in April 2004. For the next year I operated my business as a neighbor and not a customer of Walkin' the Dog. I encountered no difficulties during this time and found the owners and customers of Walkin' the Dog to be quite pleasant. In June 2005 I became a customer of Walkin' the Dog. I believe the service is wonderful to have so close by. As a customer anda neighbor, I support their efforts to expand their business to the south of the Metcalf Commercial Park building. I am in favor of allowing them to go forward with their proposal to add an exterior entrance, fencing and parking. I believe the expansion would improve the service for their customers and reduce any issues for neighbors. Bart Barnett President Base Mountain Sports Tel: 970.949.1420 Cell: 970.376.1462 RECEIVED SEP 19 2006 Community Devf lapraent on onnn6 September 18, 2006 Matt Pielsticker From: Kari [kari@vailvalleypdnGng.comj Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:59 PM To: Matt Pielsticker subject: FW: September 18.doc From: Kari [mailto:kari@vailvalleyprinting.com] Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 4:45 PM To: 'wmw1999@aol.com'; 'mpiesticker@avon.org' Subject: September 18.doc To Whom It May Concern: Page I of 1 Rlaosweo e 1910 mmuridy vevsloPmgPt CA September 18, 2006 We are announcing our approval and support for Walkin' the Dog, our respectful neighbor to the south. After sharing a parking lot with them for 4 years, we have noticed an increase of success for ourselves. They bring in a light traffic flow of high-end clientele, which in tum gives us free visual advertising. They also supply a service that is necessary for our community. Walkin' the Dog has explained their plans to create a play yard in and entrance into the vacant lot directly south of their business. We think their plans would only improve the Metcalf Commercial Park, both visually and spatially. Parking is very limited in this commercial park, and any space that can be freed will help us all. Their guests never use any one parking spot for an extended period of time. They are strictly a pick-up and drop-off business, perfect for this park. We have never had a problem with this company, and with their new proposal, we never expect to see one. It is clearly a great opportunity for them to offer better services for their clients, and a way to help out the entire Metcalf Commercial Park. We look forward to seeing these changes in the near future, and hope to see our neighbors flourish and prosper in the years to come. Thank you for your time and consideration, Vail Valley Printing & Graphics, Inc. Kari J. Koehler 970.949.6763 9/19/2006 Christian & Julie Knapp 491 Metcalf Rd. E13 P. O. Box 6674. Avon, CO 81620 September 19, 2006 RECEIVED SEP 21 2006 Community Development We would like to express our support of Walldn' The Dog's expansion allowing for a fenced in play yard south of their business. As residents of the Wildridge area, we do not feel adding the play area would be undesirable. The north end of Metcalf already consists of visual blights, including several commercial buildings and a transformer station. A recreational area in support of a popular, local pet care business would be welcomed. We would like to see the fenced in area created tastefully and are confident that the owners will adhere to the standards of the special use permit Please feel firee to contact us with any questions at 970-949-1631. Sincerely, Christian & Julie Knapp Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Cocomaclean@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:03 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: Special use permit for Walking the Dog As a homeowner in Arrowhead, we have been pleased and relieved to find a place where we can leave our dog and she is perfectly happyl Anytime a pet owner who loves his animal has to go away, there can be a sense of unease at the safety and happiness of the pet during the absence. Walking the Dog has been an absolute Godsend for us and for many of our friends. Our dog, Mystic, eagerly arrives with her tail wagging at the friendly people and fun atmosphere. Marisa and Merrill are responsible business owners who want to keep and improve their location with the addition of an area where the dogs can be exercised outside. We support their efforts and request that the City of Avon recognize what a service their business provides to the Vail Valley. Please renew their special use permit and also allow them to fence an exercise yard adjacent to their business. Thank you, John and Carol MacLean REGEIVE� SEP 2 p 2006 community Delletopment onnnnnF Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Mike Neff [mike.neff@affordableamericaninsurance.comj Sent: • Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:09 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Cc: walkinthedog7@comcast.net Subject: Walkin' The Dog / Land Use Proposal To whom it may concern: The application before the Town to allow Walkin' The Dog to fence the area adjacent to their facility seems to me to be a very good use of the property. I am very familiure with the owners making the application to the Town and can assert with confidence that the area will used and maintained in a very professional manner. I urge you to approve their request as filed. I should note .that I am a resident of Wildridge and this drive past the property every day. If you would like additional comment, please feel free to contact me at my office. Best regards, Mike Neff Michael Neff Agency, Inc. Affordable American Insurance 970-949-5633 CC: Marisa & Merrill Lahman 9/76/2006 Matt Pielsticker rom: Nima R. Patel [NimaP@colmtmed.coml Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:09 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Importance: High Dear Town of Avon: > > > > This letter is in regards to the request from Walking the Dog. This > > request > is for the use of 2 acres on Metcalfe Road towards a "dog play area". > This area > will be fenced in and monitored cl osely by the employee/owners of Walking the > Dog. > > > > As a dog owner, I feel that this proposed area would be very > > beneficial. This > area would be fenced off. It would not deter from the way the > commercial park > looks at the present time. The dogs would be confined to a very specific area > and not roaming free. This would ensure that the surrounding areas would be > clean and free of dog stool. This would also mean that only the privately held > and enclosed are would show signs of use. the surrounding grassland would have > no adverse effects and show no signs of wear and tear. > > > > This is very important feature that should be made available to the > > public. > The use of public access trail on forest service land was already > denied to > Walking the Dog. This does not make sense to me as it is public access land. > It seems strange to me that the forest service wo uld de em it alright for > motorized vehicles and it occupants to ruin the topography of our forest, to > litter it with their waste, and to pollute the air with toxic gases. Yet, they > were not amenable to allowing nature's creatures to be part of their own land. > > > > By approving this area, the Town of Avon would be, in essence, > > helping to > improve the community by allowing the dogs to have their own area in > which to > become a part of their surroundings without cusing any difficulty to the people > in the comunity. it would provide a much needed service. It would give our > pets the opportunity to run free within a monitored space, especially since that > option is denied to homeowners in the way of refuisng us the right to build our > own fenced in back yard. it definitely wouldn't detract from that particular > area as the commercial park is hardly representative of "natarul landscapi ng". < BR>> The business is only open during the day, so noise pollution would also not be > an issue. > > I, as a resident of Wildridge and Avon, as a taxpayer, vote in favor > > of the > proposed area. There really is no good argument against it. > > Sincerely, > > Nima Patel 1 Matt Pjelsticker From: ANDREA RISCH [am6sch@msn.comj Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:05 PM To: Matt Pielsbcker Cc: walkinthedog7@comcast.net Subject: STRONG SUPPORT OF THIS BUSINESS! To Whom It May Concern: I am the owner of Unit #109 and am currently leasing#107 with the option to buy. We are Textures Soft Furnishings and Upholstery and our clientele is the same as Walkin' the Dog. I strongly support any efforts to expand their business in any capacity as it increases flow to my business. As their client's drive by our store front, we get free exposure. I have never had any concerns with the functioning of their business. I strongly support small, local business owners in their continued success. Whatever their (Walkin' the Dog)needs are from the Metcalf Commercial Park, or Town of Avon I support them. I will try to attend the town meeting on 10/3/06 ® 5:30 to lend my support. Call me directly with questions 970-376-2711 Sincerely, Andrea Risch, owner Textures Soft Furnishings and Upholstery 1 Pagel of 2 Matt Pielsticker From: Jim Horan [Vaiimtneer@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 2:40 PM To: Matt Pielsticker subject: Walkin' the Dog Special Use Permit Dear Matt: I understand that you are the Avon Community Development Planner who is overseeing the processing of a Special Use Permit requested by Walkin' the Dog. Please excuse the email vs. a letter, but in this day & age email is more time sensitive. My wife & I have been residents of Avon since 1990, and specifically Wildridge since September, 2002. I have been acquainted with Marisa Lahman for the past 6 years, but I am not a client of Walkin' the Dog. Marisa and her husband Merrill provide a huge and necessary service for all the animal owners of Avon and the surrounding area. They are very responsible business owners and devote almost 24/7 to their operation. When they were denied use of surrounding Forest Service land to exercise their animals, I attempted to intercede on their behalf to convince the Forest Service and BLM officials that Walkin' the dog employees were more responsible than most of the homeowners up here in Wildridge. Unfortunately, my attempt fell on deaf ears. Now they are seeking a Special Use Permit to use approximately 2 acres on the west side of Metcalf Road as an exercise area. I am sure one of your concerns is the visual impact this may have on the "gateway" to Wildridge. I actually think this addition would be an improvement over some of the other eyesores on Metcalf Road. Specifically, the auto repair shop, body shop and Holy Cross substation that are on the east side. The two shops always have more vehicular traffic than they can handle, occasionally creating some traffic conflict. I know we will never have a "gateway" like Beaver Creek or Bachelor Gulch, but do the Wildridge homeowners really want something so "sterile"? I'd rather look' at dogs romping and having fun than an electric substation. As an Avon resident and Wildridge homeowner I have no objection to your approval of the Special Use Permit. I plan on attending the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd and voice my opinion. Thanks for listening. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further comments are needed. Sincerely, Jim P.S. As a sidelight, I met you, Paul and my pal Brian Houlihan as you were hiking up to Lake Charles on August 26th. My friends & I were on the way down. Jim Horan P.O. Box 7480 2165B Saddle Ridge Loop Avon, CO 81620 gnionn6 Jim and Kim Foos 104 Rabbit Brush Avon, Colorado 81620 September 23, 2006 Dear Avon Town Council; My husband and I are home and land owners in Avon and Edwards. We moved to the Vail Valley about five years ago because of its' regard to enviomment, life style and values. One of the values we find so appealing is the love of nature and animals, especially pets. We have two dogs that are every much a part of our lives as any other member of our family. We have been taking our dogs to Walkin' The Dog for several years now and find that they provide one of the best services in the Valley. We were exstatic to hear that they may be able to add a fensed in play yard to their facility. The location, we feet is a perfect location and condusive to the life style of the area residents. The majority of our friends and neighbors have -dogs and also agree with our feelings on this matter. We are writing this letter to convey the importance that Walkin' The Dog plays in our house hold and would be very disheartened if they were not able to continue their services and to also enhance their services with a new dog yard. Both Merrill and Marisa have been so wonderful to work with. They both always illustrate such a unparrelleled work ethic as well as a passion for their customers. This, we find is not easily found in a business! We would sure hate to not have their services. We ask that you please consider the importance that a fenced in dog park would play in our community. We will he anxious to share our thoughts with you at the Tuesday, October 3 d town council meeting. Sincerely, Kim Foos Comcast Message Center From: "Peter Dunning" <petedunning@comcast.net> To: <waikinthedog7@comcast.net>, <mpielsticken@avon.org> Subject: Special Use Permit & Fence Request Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 16:00:00 +0000 I am a customer of Walkin the Dog and would like to strongly support their efforts to renew their special use permit, add an exterior exit to their leasehold and to be able to fence the property to their south. The changes would generate more parking in the area which is certainly a positive benefit. The land that would be fenced could be made to be quite attractive with appropriate landscaping. Most important, I believe it is necessary for local government to support small business. If you are going t be to permits to get business started, you should continue to offer suppo hope able to continue as a good customer of Walkin the Dog. Pete Dunning Vail [ Back 1 ,.. 1006 Cnnn.nst C. rile Contmuno M01 5, Ii,,.. rill rights re�.rrved. httn•/lrnailcenter2.comcast.netlwmc/v/wm/451825DA000098A200006D422202888744C9... 9/25/2006 Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Peter Warren [pgwarren@comcastnet] Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 10:08 AM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: Special Use Permit for Walkin' the Dog Matt — We have met briefly, crossing paths while hiking the Lake Charles trail on August 26s'. Pam and I were with Jim Horan at the time, on our way back to the Peter Estin Hut. Please consider this letter an endorsement for Marisa and Merrill Lahman, Owners of Walkin' the Dog and their Special Use request for land adjacent to their current business establishment on Metcalf Road. First and foremost, they are true professionals, operating a necessary and important service business in the Community. They do so with sensitivity for the dogs under their care and attention to detail for their (human) clients. We first met them while walking our dog in the open space area near Beaver Creek Road. They and their employees always ensured the areas where they walked were picked -up and left as they found it Since they no longer use this area, their request for access to some acreage adjacent to their offices becomes that much more necessary and important. I see no'downside' to any enhancements they may make to this property in order for it to serve their needs. While we have only obtained their services for overnight boarding, I believe the community should support this - change to ensure the Merrill's ability to provide these important pet services. Thank you for your consideration and please feel free to contact me either by email or phone to discuss this further. Regards, Peter G. Warren PO Box 8295 4181 Little Point Rd Avon, CO 81620 970-445-0120 (Office/Cell) 970-845-0796 (FAX - call first) G9 wdrreR@coIIC�_St Les 9/26/2006 4j F j0AW 0011 W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. p.0. BOX 5270 AVON, COLORADO 81620 970.94"100 September 25, 2006 Town of Avon Avon Town Council P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter in support of our good customers Walkin' The Dog, Inc. and Merrill and MarisaasLahman. Both have beenfexcellent customers of our bank for the p and and ability to complete their proposed expansion plans of a play y exterior exit for their existing space. Additionally, Walkin' The Dog provides our community with a professional and quality pet daycare operation. I have personally used their services over the past three years, and I could not be any more satisfied. Merrill and Marisa know their business and should be given permission to expand their operation. Sc rely c�� Rog t A. Behler President RAB/km RJ Limousines, Suburbans & Sedans of % Onc. P.O. Box 858 Avon, Co. 81620 1800 887-9643 970 926-0111 970 845-0710 fax September 5, 2006 To Town of Avon, This letter is in regards to the Special Use Permit that Walkin'The Dog currently obtained thm the Town of Avon. My businesses are below the industrial condominium at Metcalf Commercial Park owned by Marisa Lahman. I do not have any complaints regarding the location of her Business. We have been neighbors for more than four years. I think The use of the special use permit would be satisfactory. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email me. Sincerely, Robe'rt C. Milfeld RECEIVED SEP 2 1 2006 Community Development www.limovail.com info@hmovail.com Sept. 5, 2006 To whom it may concern: RECEIVED SEP 21 2006 Commun" pev©Iupmom I am a current resident of the Wildridge area of Avon and a regular client of Walkin' the Dogs' hiking and daycare services. I understand Walkin' the Dog has an interest in setting up a fenced play and hiking area iffthe parcel of land between their current location on Metcalf Road and Ruggs Benedict. I support the use of this property for a fenced dog play and hiking area and would not view this use as a detriment to the natural beauty or topography of the area. In fact, I would prefer such a use over other possible "light industrial" developments that could be put up in this area. Please feel free to contact me at 970-331-1770 should you have any questions or need additional information. Kathryn Rosica 2401 Saddle Ridge Loop PO Box 3622 Avon, CO 81620 Sep OS 06 03:07p Jill Orsatti Tuesday, September 5, 2006 To the Town of Avon: 970-746-OGtly r•. RECEIVED SEP 2 12006 Community DONW O"t As a Wddridge Resident of 5 yews, I have been cawemed over the development of our valley and the Uafriic increase on Metcalf Road due to the trucks for construction and commercial industry duuugb the area. When I saw the yellow tape on Metcalf road for a proposed construction site, I was Saddened and upset due to the &a that MGM of our open BLM land was to be on Metcalf developed for commtxcial that increase the traffic and congestion When I learned that the proposed site.yss for an outdoor pen area for the beloved dogs of Colorado, I was pleased for the people of Avon and for myself as I have a black lab that goes to Walkin' The Dog in Avon and I know that my dog and the others would love it It would be mote attractive and cause less traffic overall if we had this outdoor pen area for our dogs. You know we all love our dogs like children and want the best for them Pbts the outdoorpen would be tame in. keeping with the r-vuml WWSOWc. My next door nmghbor, Melinda Miller agreed that she too would rasher see an outdoor play arse than another ugly commercial building, Please cen ida our opinions as we are the tax payers of this town and valley. Thank You. Concerned residents of Wiildridge, • . ter+ Melinda Miller To Whom It May Concern: Hello, my name is Will Cummings. I have lived in Eagle -Vail for five years and in the Vail Valley for 26 years. Let me start out by saying I have never written a letter, no even to my mother, so please, bear with me. I have known Marisa 17 years and Merrill 10 years. I remember when she wanted to open a dog -walking business. Who had ever heard of such foolishness. And yet look at their business today, who could have imagined. It is no small coincidence that their business is doing so well. Marisa and Merrill are the most hard working, trustworthy, loyal and loving people you are ever going to find. Now I don't know much about the politics involved with their expanding but obviously the service that they provide the town of Avon is greatly needed. As fas as where the proposed dog run area is to be built, lets take a look at the surrounding businesses: Holy Cross Electric, various warehouses, Vail Valley Tire and Automotive, two storage facilities, and a body shop. So will a dog run area look so bad? No, it will look better. Take a walk into their facility someday. Look and see how clean and kept . up their business is. In closing I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out to hear what I have to say. Thank you again, Will Cummings RECEIVED SEF 21 2006 Community Development Comcast Message Center From: "Jason Mullins' <jmwoodcratter*centurytel.net> To: "Merril Lahman" <walklnthedog70comcast.net> Subject: letter of support Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 04:34:51 +0000 To all concerned, This letter has been written in support of Walkin' the Dog. First off, I (Jason Mullins) and my wire ()amie Mullins) would like to thank Walkin' the Dog for providing a place for people to bring their canine companions while they are fulfilling life's many mundane realities, such as... work, school,unexpeeted events, etc. Watkin' the Dog's service isgread.9 apprecL.qtcd. I understand that not all people share the views that •pets° arc an important part of people's lives. That is fine. Many people do feel an important need to Gave furry friends, and, unfortunately in this day and agc of constant work and the o6ligations of life in this "valley arc strained to make it home after a long day at work and a long commute to spend quality time with their. pet's' on an everyday basis. That is why the services provided 6.9 Watkin' the Dog arc so greatly appreciated 69 those of us who love our animals enough to make sure they receive proper exercise and socialization, rather than isolation and confinement.Walkin' the Dog in this respect is a excellent business to have in this community, providing a service which is greatly needed 6y many people here. With this in mind that is what a good business does, provide a service for a fee that meets some need or want in a community. Tbeir business is a humane business, they have always provided us with excellent service and it would 6e a great loss for those or us which use -&s service to have them out of 6usiness. Walk n' the Dog is in a way the same as a child day care, except for four legged children. I hope the Town of Avon will allow this 6usincss to continue and to grow, it is a greatly appreciated service for many in this community. They are honest and hardworking entrepreneurs and that is an asset for any community to have in it's economy. Jason and Jamie Mullins ® 2006 Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. http://maUcenter2.comcasLnet/wme/v/wm/4518256600OB338D000062CO2202888744C90... 9/25/2006 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I AMA CLIENT OF WALKIN' THE DOG. I AMAWARE THAT WALKIN' THE DOG IS APPLYING TO USE THE LAND DIRECTLY SOUTH OF THEIR BUILDING TO ESTABLISHAN EXERCISE YARD FOR THEIR DOG CLIENTS. I AM IN FAVOR OF HAVING WALKIN' THE DOG'S REQUEST TO USE THIS LAND APPROVED AND FIND NO ADVERSE IMPACTOR IMAGE FOR THE COMMUNITY. MERRILL AND MARISA LAHMAN HAVE OFFERED AN IMPORTANT SERVICE FOR THIS COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS NOW, IT WOULD BE GREAT TO SEE THEM CONTINUE TO GROW AND IMPROVE THE CARE THEYALREADY GIVE TO OUR PETS THEYPROVIDEA SERVICE THAT IS VERY VALUABLE FOR ALL DOG OWNERS AND ONE OFA KIND SERVICE AS THIS IS ZONED FOR COMMERCIAL USE, I DON'T SEE HOW IT COULD BEA PROBLEM FOR HOMEWOWNERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. KIKI SCHMIDT RECEIVED SEP 2 6 2006 Community Development TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I AMA CLIENT OF WALKIN' THE DOG. I AMAWARE THAT WALKIN' THE . DOG ISAPPLYING TO USE THE LAND DIRECTLYSOUTH OF THEIR BUILDING TO ESTABLISHAN EXERCISE YARD FOR THEIR DOG CLIENTS. I AM IN FAVOR OF HAVING WALKIIV' THE DOG'S REQUEST TO USE THIS LAND APPROVED AND FIND NO ADVERSE IMPACT OR IMAGE FOR THE COMMUNITY. MERRILL AND MARISA LAHMAN HAVE OFFERED AN IMPORTANT SERVICE FOR THIS COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS NOW, IT WOULD BE GREAT TO SEE THEM CONTINUE TO GROW AND IMPROVE THE CARE THEYALREADY GIVE TO OUR PETS THEYPROVIDE A SERVICE THAT IS VERY VALUABLE FOR ALL DOG OWNERS AND ONE OFA KIND SERVICE AS THIS IS ZONED FOR COMMERCIAL USE, I DON'T SEE HOW IT COULD BEA PROBLEM FOR HOMEiVOWNERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. RECEIveo SEP 2 9 2991, Corrmar,Ry 0°'', '�n! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 1 AMA CLIENT OF WALKIN' THE DOG. I AMA WARE THAT WALKIN' THE DOG IS APPLYING TO USE THE LAND DIRECTLYSOUTH OF THEIR BUILDING TO ESTABLISHANEXERCISE YARD FOR THEIR DOG CLIENTS I AM IN FAVOR OF HAVING WALKIN' THE DOG'S REQUEST TO USE THIS LAND APPROVED AND FIND NO ADVERSE IMPACT OR IMAGE FOR THE COMMUNITY. MERRILL AND MARISA LAHMAN HAVE OFFERED AN IMPORTANT SERVICE FOR THIS COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS NOW, IT WOULD BE GREAT TO SEE THEM CONTINUE TO GROW AND IMPROVE THE CARE THEYALREADY GIVE TO OUR PETS THEYPROVIDEA SERVICE THAT IS VERY VALUABLE FOR ALL DOG OWNERS AND ONE OFA KIND SERVICE. AS THIS IS ZONED FOR COMMERCIAL USE, I DON'T SEE HOW IT COULD BEA PROBLEM FOR HOMEWOWNERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SKIP KINSLEY RECE-lytt. SEP 2MftT" y%'0Pmem TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I AMA CLIENT OF WALKIN' THE DOG. I AMAWARE THAT WALKIN' THE DOG IS APPLYING TO USE THE LAND DIRECTLY SOUTH OF THEIR BUILDING TO ESTABLISHAN EXERCISE YARD FOR THEIR DOG CLIENTS. I AM IN FAVOR OF HAVING WALKIN' THE DOG'S REQUEST TO USE THIS LAND APPROVED AND F17VD No ADVERSE IMPACT OR GE FOR THE COMMUNITY. MERRILL AND MARISA LAHMAN HAVE OFFHE ERED AN IMPORTANT SERVICE FOR THIS COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS NOW, IT WOULD BE GREAT TO SEE THEM CONTINUE TO GROW AND IMPROVE THE CARE THEYALREADY GIVE TO OUR PETS THEYPROVIDEA SERVICE THAT IS VERY VALUABLE FOR ALL DOG OWNERS AND ONE OFA KIND SERVICE AS THIS IS ZONED FOR COMMERCIAL USE, I DON'T SEE HOW IT COULD BEA PROBLEM FOR HOMEWO'VNERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. DEREKSCHMIDT REcE1Vgp SEP 2 a 2006 ��tly �o;�Rmeni Page 1 of I Matt Pielstjcker From: Matt Wadey [wadey@alpinecivil.comj Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 9:03 AM To: Matt Pielsticker Cc: walkinthedog@comcast.net Subject: Expansion Support Dear Avon Town Council, I am a resident of Wildridge subdivision in Avon. I would like to voice my support for the approval of the private land acquisition by Walkin' the Dog. As anyone that lives in the Eagle Valley knows, there is a great need for pet care. I would hazard a guess that there are more pets per capita and less facilities to care for these animals than in most places in the country. Therefore, the proposed expansion of a GREAT pet care facility (Walkin' the Dog) only seems logical. As a professional engineerlland planner, the proposed area in question seems like a great location for a fenced play yard. It is adjacent to the current facility providing concentrated growth. More importantly, the location would be difficult for any type of commercial building to be built. The excavation and retaining wall costs would make this marginally buildable location very costly. Thanks for listening, Matt Wadey, P.E. Alpine Engineering Inc. Project Engineer P-(970) 926-3373 Fax (970) 926-3390 wadey@alpinecivil.com ononnnF Staff Report 14 ��'' L�REVIEW USE A7YUN SPECIA COLORADO October 3, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date September 28, 2006 Project type Special Review Use (PUBLIC HEARING) Legal description Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Industrial Commercial (IC) Address 411 Metcalf Road Introduction The applicant, L & H Auto Body Inc., is requesting a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit to operate a vehicle service and repair facilityon Metcalf Road. The types of service to be preformed on site include: tire changes, oil changes, various filter changes, wiper blade and batteries, and body repair such as replacement or repair of bumpers, fenders and touch-up painting. The subject property, currently being occupied by Beaver Creek Automotive, is approximately 1 acre and located on the west side of Metcalf Road. The former business has been operating successfully in the same location for over 25 years. In fact, Beaver Creek Automotive was the first business license issued in the Town. Although the proposed use by L&H Automotive is quite similar to the previous business, the new SRU permit is required per Municipal Code Section 17.48.050, which states that "No approved SRU may be modified.... unless such modification receives the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission, which shall be obtained by repetition of the same granting procedures". The property is zoned Industrial Commercial (IC), which according to the purpose statement for that zone is intended to "provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices, and storage facilities." Because the proposed land use in not included in the list of allowed uses (attached), the applicant is requesting a SRU under the category of "Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair shops (AMC 17.20.010 (c) 2)". Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 13, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Automotive Repair SRU October 3, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 Criteria for Review According to section, 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating this application for a Special Review Use permit: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements Imposed by the Zoning Code. This application appears to be in compliance with most other requirements imposed by the Zoning Cade. One item that must be addressed is the absence of a paved parking area. The "lower parking area" referred to in the application has been used for long term storage of vehicles and a temporary structure for several years. This gravel parking area is bordered by retaining walls on two sides. The applicant does not intend to pave this lot at this time, only the apron - entrance to upper parking and building. While re -paving the entrance would be an immediate visual and functional improvement, the Avon Municipal Code requires "all open, off street parking areas be surfaced with asphaltic concrete, concrete or other approved hard surface (AMC 17.24.020 11 (C))." This is an excellent opportunity to bring the entire property into compliance with this code requirement. The off street parking code requires all open parking areas containing more than six (6) parking spaces to contain at least 5% of the area in landscaping. The lot would have 36 striped parking spaces, and the applicant is proposing to plant eight evergreen trees in addition to an 80' length of new fence on the north border of the lower parking area to help mitigate any visual impacts of storing vehicles on the site. The proposed trees should help to achieve compliance with this 5% requirement. 2. Whether the proposed use Is in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan. The requested use appears to be in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Pian. This property is located in District 11 (Exhibit B), the Metcalf Road District and the Plan designates this district as a 'Medium' priority. The Comprehensive Plan puts emphasis on screening parking areas, and speaks to having efficient access. The Comprehensive Plan 'Future Land Use' map designates most of Metcalf Road as continuing with a 'Light Industrial' land -use pattern. Policy C.5.1 states that the Town should "require that service commercial and light industrial uses including light manufacturing include effective vehicular access and circulation .... and encourage effective screening from adjacent uses and public ways." A site plan has been provided that shows the location of a new fence and eight evergreen trees to screen from adjacent properties and Metcalf Road. Due to the land topography and the location of improvements on the site, much of the property is screened from view while moving north up Metcalf Road. The fence and evergreens would help mitigate any negative visual impacts that could be produced with parked vehicles as residents pass by the property heading south. 3. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance, architectural scale and Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 13, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Automotive Repair SRU October 3.2IX06, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 5 features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. The existing land use and zoning for the surrounding properties are as follows: • North: D'Agostino Building and Qwest contractor offices. • West: Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage (OLD) zoning. • South: Vail/Avon Commercial Park (AAA Building), with mini storage, contractor offices, auto repair, and showroom uses. • East. Metcalf Rd Right -of -Way. The proposed use appears to be generally compatible with adjacent land uses. Appearance has been addressed, and the applicant proposes to clean up and paint the building and retaining wall to further benefit the appearance of the property. The site design does not change from the currently functioning layout, with a lower parking area and upper portion with building and parking spaces. No changes are being proposed at this time to the building footprint. Details of the interior demolition and modifications have been provided for Commissioner review - these plans are attached to this report. Noise is a concern to staff; however, the level of noise produced by this operation should not be exceeding that of the previous (current) businesses that operate on the property. Increased traffic may result from this business and a newly paved entrance would help customers and deliveries. The entrance off Metcalf Road is shared by three properties and there have not been any conflicts to staff's knowledge with this shared access layout. No large delivery trucks (i.e. WB -67) are anticipated and staff would recommend holding this condition to the applicant if approved. In the application there is mention that "our shop will be well lighted for safety but it is unlikely that this will bother anyone. It is understood that additional lighting will be desired by the applicant and safety and security should be of high concern. However, staff would recommend that the Commission carefully review any new proposed lighting for the property. There is limited exterior lighting today and staff would anticipate new proposed lighting for the lower parking area in addition to the building. The potential for glare if pole mounted lights are desired is increased since the property sits above Metcalf Road. Public Benefit Criteria According the Avon Municipal Code section 17.28.085, the granting of this special review use must provide evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions as outlined below: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. There is clearly a demand for auto collision repair in the valley, and this specific use is contemplated only as a Special Review Use per the Avon Municipal Code. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 13, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Automotive Repair SRU October 3, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. Some of the adverse impacts have been mitigated with the proposed installation of a fence and trees. As mentioned above, lighting is a concern to staff and should be reviewed carefully when the applicant is ready with a lighting plan. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. The siting of development is identical to existing, and the proposed property improvements are consistent with the Town Comprehensive Plan. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of the proposed SRU based on the required review criteria. Recommended Motion "I move to approve Resolution 06-16 thereby approving the request for an automotive service and repair facility located on Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Fence and landscaping must be installed prior to operations. 2. The entire lower parking area will be paved with asphaltic concrete or other approvable material and striped prior to operations, as required by the Avon Municipal Code. 3. A Lighting Pian in conformance with AMC 15.30.050 will be submitted for staff and Planning Commission review. 4. Sign permit will be required prior to installing any exterior signage. 5. No WB -67 Semi Trailer Truck Deliveries are permitted on this property. 6. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Piels ' r Planner I Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 13, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Automotive Repair SRU Page 5 of 5 October 3. 2006. Planning & Taming Commission meeting € Attachments: • Staff Proposed Resolution 06-16 • Avon Municipal Code - 17.20.010 • Comp Plan - District 11: Metcalf Road District • Applicant's submittal • Aerial Vicinity Map Tawn of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 J TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-16 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A AUTO BODY SERVICE AND REPAIR FACILITY ON LOT 13, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, L & H Auto Body Inc. has applied for a special review use permit to operate a auto body service and repair facility, as described in the application dated July 18, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses; and D. That the granting of the special review use requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions: 1. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. 2. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. 3. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves a Special Review Use permit to operate a auto body service and repair facility, as described in the application dated July 18, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. That the proposed use conforms to the requirements as imposed by the Town Zoning Code; and 2. That the proposed use conforms to the Town Comprehensive Plan; and 3. The proposed use is compatible with existing planned and approved adjacent uses. Approved with the following conditions: Fence and landscaping must be installed prior to operations. 2. The entire lower parking area will be paved with asphaltic concrete or other approvable material and striped prior to operations, as required by the Avon Municipal Code. 3. A Lighting Plan in conformance with AMC 15.30.050 will be submitted for staff and Planning Commission review. 4. Sign permit will be required prior to installing any exterior signage. 5. - No WB -67 Semi Trailer Truck Deliveries are permitted on this property. 6. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval Adopted this 3rd day of October, 2006 Signed.- Chair igned: Date: Chair Attest: Date: Secretary C Zoning— Mobile Home Parks and Subdivisions Section 17.52.030 CHAPTER 17.20 Zone District Regulations 17.20.010 Industrial and Commercial — IC. (a) Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: (l) Warehouses; (2) Laboratories; (3) Electrical substations; (4) Light manufacturing plants; (5) Wholesale sales outlets; (6) Showrooms; (7) Industrial, construction and wholesale offices; (8) Self -storage; (9) Additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. (c) Special review uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district subject to the issuance of a special use permit: (l) Four (4) residential units per lot in conjunction with business operation; (2) Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair shops; (3) Retail sales and other personal service outlets; (4) Restaurants; (5) Public uses; (6) Outside storage areas; (7) General commercial offices. (d) Development standards. (1) Minimum lot size: one-half (.5) acre; l7- (2) Maximum building height: forty-eight (48) feet; (3) Minimum building setbacks: Front: twenty-five (25) feet; Side: seven and one-half (7.5) feet; Rear: ten (10) feet; (4) Maximum site coverage: fifty percent (50%); (5) Minimum landscaped area: twenty percent (20%); (6) Maximum density: four (4) dwelling units per lot when approved as a special review use. (Ord. 06-04 §2; Ord. 75-08 §§1, 2; Ord. 91-10 §1(part)) 17.20.020 Town Center—TC. (a) Intention. The Town Center District is intended to provide sites for a variety of uses such as lodges, commercial establishments and offices in a predominantly pedestrian environment. In accordance with the Comprehensive Master Plan, these regulations are intended to provide development which distinguishes the Town Center from other areas within the Town. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the TC District: (1) Retail stores; (2) Specialty shops; (3) Restaurants, excluding drive-through windows; (4) Cocktail lounges; (5) Personal service shops; (6) Professional offices; (7) Hotels; (8) Lodges; (9) Apartments; (10) Condominiums; (1 l) Indoor recreation andlor entertainment facilities; (12) Theaters; (13) Financial institutions; (14) Bed and breakfast lodge; Town District Planning Principles F1Screening ❑ Steep Slopes IVehicular and Pedestrian Crossing �� • Potential 1.70 Underpass „�.�'^"" Diwpam rona tole. District 11: Metcalf Road District The Metcalf Road District is the Town's only industrial center. It provides light industrial and commercial service uses as well as accessory residential development. During any redevelopment effort, long-term issues such as parking and access should be addressed. Existing light industrial uses on Nottingham and Metcalf Roads are intensely developed, with large buildings on small sites; generally with insufficient landscaping; inadequate access; and unscreened parking, storage, and trash containers. The area's high visibility from I-70 makes it important to the Town's image. Concerns over traffic safety issues as well as the area's generally poor aesthetic characteristics are perceived as negatively affecting the image of the Wildridge and Wildwood residential developments located nearby. Yet, it is also recognized that these businesses provide an important component to Avon's overall economic health. Opportunities should be encouraged to develop livelwork developments that allow for light manufacture0industrial uses that do not possess significant conflicts with other surrounding land uses. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan I Page 89 i I Town District Planning Principles Planning Principles: • Accommodate limitediaccessory residential development that supports primary industrial/employment land uses. • Develop a pedestrian connection linking West Beaver Creek Boulevard to Nottingham Road. • Coordinate with CDOT to introduce trees on uphill slopes in the 1-70 right-of-way and along Metcalf Road to partially screen buildings and other accessory uses. • Require development that minimizes significant rc-grading, and provides for proper on-site parking and access. • Require development and encourage existing development to add architectural or landscape screening of storage areas, HVAC equipment, loading docks, and trash containers. • Site buildings to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk. • In the event of a major redevelopment of this area, add traffic lanes on Metcalf Road to accommodate truck traffic. VON Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Page 90 ,r Est. 1948 Expert Unibody, Frame & Finishing 4790 Independence Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • (303) 424-2565 • Fax (303) 431-5202 September 6, 2006 Dear Eric: After our initial meeting with the City of Avon it became clear that the 147 Nottingham location simply would not be the best location for L & H Auto Body. That first meeting with the planning commission was very helpful in understanding what the top concerns for the board members were. The result of that meeting was that our universal concern was the visual impact. With that in mind we continued to search for a new location for L & H Auto Body we believe we have found the perfect location. The property is located at 411 Metcalf. The Metcalf location is not as visual to the public. Therefore, the concerns of damaged and disassembled vehicles will not be an issue. We have a few improvements in mind that I believe will make this property work even better for the community. Building an eighty (80) foot privacy fence and planting eight evergreen trees along the north broader of this property in the lower parking area will offer a discrete area for those vehicle that need to be out of the public view. Painting the retaining wall that presently exists will help lessen the impact of the wall. Removing the temporary structure from the lower level will clean up the visual impact for the traffic coming from the Wild Ridge Subdivision. Repaving the entryway will finish off the curb appeal of the lower parking area. The existing upper lot and building are in good condition. The building and lot are in need of minor cleanup and some painting. Inter Mountain Sign Company is in the process 3f drawing up options for the monument sign where the old automotive sign presently was. Along with the sign will be landscaping the entire area around the sign. We believe with the listed improvements and cleanup this property is a much better fit for Avon and L & H Auto Body. The fact that this property is just one building south of the old Dowling building and the fact that 411 Metcalf is not as visual as Dowling once was makes for a better location than the Nottingham location. This location also gives both Avon and L & H Auto Body time to generate sales and revenues while exploring options to build a new building on the lower site in the future. When L & H Auto Body first contacted the City of Avon we understood that securing the SRU would take time. Through the meetings with Tambi, Erick and the other board members 1 believe we have come up with the best fit for Avon its residents and L & H Auto Body. With fall fast approaching, we will need to start soon on all the outside cleanup and minor construction not to mention the installation of pertinent equipment for our operations. I remain hopeful that the time we have spent and the thousands of dollars invested show to you the City of Avon the integrity and quality of L & H Auto Body. L & H Auto Body is a company that Avon will be proud to have. Our company will generate revenues for the city, offer jobs to the community, and serve its community proudly. L & H Auto Body is dedicated to have Avon as one of our premier locations. I hope you will take this information and agree that this property will work and that our SRU can be quickly expedited. Thank you for your time and consideration. ��V, President. Answers to the Planning and Development Commission Questions Pertaining to a Special Review Use: RECEIVED JUL 18 2006 Review Criteria for Special Review Use: Community Development Question #1 L & H Auto Body, Inc. believes that the use that we are proposing for the aforesaid property does indeed meet the qualifying conditions for a Special Review Use. At one time (several months ago) there was in fact another body shop across the street and it operated for a number of years at that location but was not what we would consider a good neighbor. The site was not clean and junk vehicles were readily seen from the road, both of which are not tolerated by L & H and its staff. This proposed location will allow for the automotive repair that we need to do to make this a profitable venture for both us and the town of Avon. Question #2 L & H Auto Body believes after reviewing the Avon Comprehensive Plan that we will be a model business that fits your plans and perhaps will surpass your expectations. It is our belief that after looking over your area and the business' that encompass your boundaries, we will be welcome addition that will alleviate a lot anxiety that has been generated in the past. Presently there are few employees on the site and tax revenue is being lost. Sales and income in the town for automotive work are to a large part going to other communities. Residents cannot get quality service with guarantees unless they travel a great distance from their community. When reviewing the land use section of your plan we believe that we fit the requirements and the land will be used as prescribed. We will offer service to both the residents and the traveling public. Our services that we will offer are services that are limited in the city now but demand for those services locally is very high. Presently we will conform to all of the land use requirements and should surpass the esthetics Listed in the plan. r L & H Auto Body will probably hire between ten to twenty employees once we are in full operation. The plan is for two hired right away and before the end of the year four additional employees will be added. These employees will be earning and average of $50,000.00 per year. This could amount to a sizable sum for the city in terms of taxes. Add to this the fact that many parts and services that we will use will be purchased locally and that will raise the income to the local economy. Conservatively estimated to be $500,000.00 per year, our business will not only draw people from surrounding communities to Avon, we will be servicing a large number of tourists who come to Avon for the recreation. Question #3 L & H Auto Body, Inc. believes that the requested SRU request is one that would meet the criteria as being compatible for the area. The use clearly would fall into the Commercial/ Industrial use and L & H feels strongly that we could redesign and dress up the area that would in fact embellish it. With the proper maintenance of the open area, some grass and ornamental foliage we believe that this kind of activity will instill others to do the same. We believe, that our business will meld into the character and the ambiance of the area with adjacent businesses and that they may even profit from our presence. Each of us will bring a level of customer into Avon proper that will lend to the positive economic development that the town seeks. Since we are a business that is generally low noise and no high traffic, there is virtually no odor we should not be a hindrance to our neighbors. Our shop will be well lighted for safety but it is unlikely that this will bother anyone. Synopsis of Request: L & H Auto Body is an elite automotive service center. Our main stay is of course collision repair, however we will have an emphasis on service in Avon. The area is short of auto and truck service facilities and the population in and around Avon has a great demand for this business. We did not come to Avon by accident, our marketing pointed us to it because it could be the next nuCleus for high business activity in the area. A growing town that wants to attract additional patrons from other areas, to their economy and to service local populations needs these duality services. They also want to be convenient. By the same token, we believe that Avon wants a good neighbor who will contribute substantially to the economic base with both local money and surrounding community's money. We can do this because we offer service that many people travel as far as Denver to get. There will be no environmental impact at this location because only business office, automotive servicing and light collision repair will be done at this location. Medium and heavy repair work will be trucked to our other locations that are set up with the equipment and personnel that can handle it. We look forward to being a part of the Avon community and are willing to listen to work with you in securing this special use request. Thank you. Compliance for 17.28.080 RECEIVEn Public Benefit Criteria JUL 18 200b Required for Special Review Use Community Development 1.) Present zoning allows certain specified businesses that certainly would be a benefit to the community i.e.: warehouses, laboratories, light manufacturing, Industrial construction and wholesale offices. As an additional use listed in the Zone District Regulations it is specifically listed to include automobile sales or other vehicular sales and repair shops. Since our focus is on light repair it would appear that we would clearly fall within this category L & H Auto Body is a premier company with a rich history dating back to 1948. We do not look like an average auto body shop and we do not act like an average auto body shop. We have every intention and we are willing to spend the dollars necessary to insure that a showcase site will happen. We will update the building. and professionally landscape the area so that it will reflect our image similarly to our other shops. All of these things add to the professional image and aesthetics that L & H is known for carrying out. The public purpose therefore is that the public will benefit from the fact that the property will be under responsible care and that an upgrade will take place that will elevate the aesthetics of the area. We will add and enhance, indeed embrace the town's concept of area compatibility. L & H will provide a much-needed service that will draw both Avon residents and customers from outside Avon proper. 2.) L & H presence at this property will provide long-term economic benefits to the community because its presence will serve as a benchmark to other business that will come into the area over time. Setting the example will go a long way to insure that other businesses follow suit and in fact will help and support each other in this endeavor. In a nutshell, support begets support and the community is better as a result of the joint efforts. This property needs a strong business in it and having such will support neighboring businesses. In terms of cultural and social community benefits it is a fact that the Avon community is poorly served in the area that we specialize. This statement is based on the community response to our services thus far. Our customers, your residents are telling us that the quality of service, and the amount of time to get a vehicle repaired goes anywhere from weeks to months before they get their vehicle back. Since vehicles are generally the second most expensive purchase most households have, two very prominent questions arise: one, the value of the vehicle must be preserved, and two, time without a vehicle becomes a major issue. We serve the community. Fast service, quality repairs, at a fair price. That is an important community benefit. By granting this Special Review Use, you are assisting the public by making this service available. 3.) We are certain that the Special Review Use will be granted because responsible people in the development department of Avon seen that a viable business at this location is a real asset to the community in many ways. Increased consumer traffic, more needed services and an income stream to the Town of Avon that is greater then an empty lot. L & H Auto Body' plan for the area fits very nicely with the community master plan because it is an environmentally friendly operation. It provides a much-needed service whereby that service now is somewhat short in supply. It'will substantially add to the economic base of the community through taxes paid by both the business and the employees. Together this proposal makes a lot of sense in that there are more positives in support of L & H then negatives in this Special Review Request. T k ;7 .,......:..•si:'+`��' Est. 1948 Expert Unibody, Frame & Finishing 4790 Independence , • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • (303) 424-2565 • Fax (303) 431-5202 A VON SCOPE OF OPERA TIONS FOR B UILDING DEPARTMENT Remove existing wall between first and second overhead doors and third and fourth overhead doors. 2. Remove offices and bathrooms in units one through four. 3. Remove interior walls in North end unit. 4. Cut a 10' opening in wall between North unit and fourth unit. Install fire doors in walls between welding room and adjoining rooms. 6. Construct office and new bathroom walls. Construct mixing room. 8. Install radiant tube heat. 9. Install exit lights and emergency lighting. 10. Install new lighting in office and shop. 11. Assemble paint booth. 12. Excavate along foundation at rear of building for drainage. 13. Erect eight feet by six feet cedar privacy fence on lower lot north end. 14. Pave lower lot apron. 15. Plant eight evergreen trees north of the eighty foot fence. 16. Projected employees will be five. RECEIVED JUL 18 2006 Property Owners Listed with the County Community Developmei Surrounding the 411 Metcalf Property S & G Partnership C/O Oscar Tang 600 5th Avenue New York, NY 10020 Mountain Star Associates C/O East West Resorts PO Box #5480 Avon, CO 81620 ABSC Limited Partnership 9909 Hall Road Potomac, MD 20854 Concept Mechanical Inc. P.O. Box #1165 Avon, CO 81620 David B and Karen A. Shaw P.O. Box # 1451 Avon, CO 81620 Town of Avon P.O. Box #975 Avon, CO 81620 Qwest Corporation 1801 California Street 46th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Cardom Holdings of Colorado, Inc. 3880 Pierson Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Town of Avon Design Modifications Commercial WTVi C 0 L 0 R A D 0 Staff Report October 3, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date September 28, 2006 Project type Exterior Modifications - Door Legal description Unit 201, Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning IC (Industrial Commercial) Address 281 Metcalf Road Introduction Marisa Lahman is proposing to add a door out the south side of the Metcalf Commercial Building on Metcalf Road. This door should be reviewed in conjunction with the Special Review Use permit since it is directly related to the request to expand the SRU permit and this door would open directly to the fenced outdoor dog run area. Staff is recommending denial of the SRU permit, and therefore denial of this application. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design, Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The proposal is in compliance with all of the requirements imposed by the Town of Avon Municipal Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. This application appears to conform to the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Not applicable. No density would change with this application. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 A. Site Development: No changes to the site plan are proposed with this application. The only changes proposed are the fenced dog run area as part of the Special Review Use application. B. Building Design: The guidelines require that all colors shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. The door detail with stucco surround would match other features on the building. C. Landscaping: No landscaping is proposed with this application. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is some grading required for the proposed SRU permit to use the property to the south for dog exercise during daytime hours. Some of that grading would extend towards the door entrance/exit since the hillside is quite steep in this area. These disturbances would be highly visible from Metcalf Road. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. As mentioned, these building improvements would be highly visible from Metcalf Road. As addressed in the Town Comprehensive Plan, the high visibility of this property should be acknowledged. 7. The objective that no Improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others In the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be Impaired. No monetary values should be impaired. Aesthetic values could be impaired with the grading and other improvements required for the SRU expansion request to function. 8. The general conformance of the proposed Improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Recommendation Staff is recommending that action for this project be congruent with action taken with Special Review Use permit. Recommended Motion "I move to deny of the exterior modifications to Unit 201, Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision." Resp*id,,,� Matt lel Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Memo7vi To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director c O i. o R A D O Date September 28, 2006 Re: Final Design Update Memo Lot 34, Black 2, Wildridge At the September 5h, 2006 Commission meeting, the Final Design application for the above referenced property was tabled. Although the applicant was not present for Commission review, staff had relayed the outstanding items of concern to the applicant. Those items included: 1. Color rendering and material boards don't match; 2. More differentiate between units; 3. Overhangs removed from setbacks; 4. Excessive site disturbance; 5. Massing too much; and 6. °Bolster" landscaping Since the September 5"' meeting, the applicant has corrected the color rendering (available at meeting), removed the overhangs from•the setbacKs, and increase the amount of landscaping. However, there have been no substantial adjustments to the overall massing of the building or the extent of the site disturbance. Based on a prior conversation with the applicant, staff expects the applicant to provide a massing model at the time of hearing to demonstrate the relief provided in the wall planes and differentiation of each units. Staff has provide the meeting minutes from the last meeting, as well as the prior application packet which includes original plan set and staff report for your review. Exhibit $: A: Revised plan sets; B: Staff report and Plan sets dated September 5'" 2006 October 3, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting fabled with Item VI, Special Review Use Application, A. Walkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road. VIII. Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential A. RAL Spec Duplex Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd. Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects / Owner Robert B. Thomas Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of wood and stone veneer siding. Sketch review took place at the Commission's June 20, 2006 meeting. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report. Commissioner Struve questioned the color scheme and remarked that it was very similar to the house next door. Discussion among the commissioners revolved on the comments of the size of the home, disregard of sketch design comments that the home was too large for the site, limitations of site coverage, suggested review of zoning codes and design review criteria, overhang is in setback, eave balancing, presents as one big structure, review as to the appearance and mass of the structure as seen by adjacent properties, and reevaluation of the landscaping. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VIII, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential, A. RAL Spec Duplex, Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. \offWil dence ation: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD / 5775 Wildridge Road East b Sutter /Owner. Buz Reynolds DescripDesign review for a single-family residence on this Western Sage PUD property accessge Road East on at the top of Wildridge. Matt Pielsticker com ted on this application and its presentation. Staff concerns were its position to the road, the narrow iveway (14 ft to 20 ft), sight ability to road, and height requirements in excess of 35 feet. Commi loner Evans commented on the inability to read the plans and that there may be a better design. Buz Reynolds, owner, approache he podium and commented that he believed that he had a hardship due to the difficulty of the si nd the excessive 2:1 grades leaving the driveway, and that replotting was in the works. Commis -. Green commented that he could not read the plans thus could not evaluate the project. Bob Sutter, licant, approached the podium to discuss the site with the Commission with comments.regarding the taining wall height (lowered from 21' to 13'), garage location, distance from road, landscaping, a\thae ning walls, and elevation heights. Commissioner Struve plans is one curb cut fuses. Evans commented that the commission was being asked to approve a sitets and a home on one and that the landscaping failed to be intense. It was suggeplication might benefit from a model submission of the project. Commissioner Evansthe potential need for a guardrail and its functionality. Commissioner Smith motioned to table Item VIII, Residence, Property Location: Lot 6, Western Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. passed unanimously. IX. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects Final Design Pla Wildridge Residential, B. New Sage PUD / 577k Wildridge Road East, with All commissioners ALe in favor and the motion Staff Report ` FINAL DESIGN PLAN AVON C O L O R A D O September 5, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 30, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning 2 Units — Residential Duplex Address 2661 Bear Trap Road Introduction RAL Architects is proposing a Final Design application for a duplex residence on Beartrap Road. The property is an uphill lot with consistent 20% grades and steeper grades towards the road and the eastern portion of the site. The proposed building measures approximately 8,225 square feet, with a maximum building height of 34Y. The proposed building materials include wood siding, cultured stone base, and asphalt shingles. During the initial Sketch Design review, both staff and the Commission commented on the size of the structure and excessive site disturbance. It was noted during the meeting that the entire site would be disturbed with the proposed site plan configuration and that the Design Guidelines encourage minimizing excessive site disturbance if another design option exists. The meetinf minutes from the June 200' meeting are attached for your review. Since the initial Sketch review, the applicant has made significant alterations and the proposed Final Design Plan incorporates much of the comments and concerns previously expressed. The access drive is the most notable change, which instead of traversing the site and looping around behind the structure, the access drive has been reduced substantially. This has also changed the layout and to some extent the design of the structure. Attached to this report is the site plan from the Sketch application which illustrates these points. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of -this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The proposed residential use is permitted given the duplex zoning. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 34. Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design September 5.21x16 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 • Density. The lot is zoned for a duplex and the density is appropriate. • Lot Coverage: Maximum site coverage allowed for under the Wildridge PUD is 50%. This project is in compliance with the PUD, proposing 25% lot coverage. This coverage ratio is for all impervious surfaces compared to the entire size of the property. • Setbacks: The setbacks for the property are typical for Wildridge with a 25' front setback and 10' side and rear yard building setbacks. All building setbacks have been adhered to with the exception of the roof overhangs on both side yards. Staff is recommending a condition which requires the applicant remove this area from the minimum 10' side yard setbacks. • Easements: Utility and Drainage Easements of 7.5' in width border each side of the property. There is also a 10' Utility and Drainage Easement bordering the Beartrap Road Right -of -Way. • Building Height The maximum allowable building height for this property is 35.' This design is in compliance with the applicable zoning with ridge heights equaling 34'9". A framing Improvement Location Certificate will be required and staff does not advise pushing the height requirement with any development. • Grading/Drainage: All existing and proposed grade are indicated on the site plan. Drainage appears to be functional and little finished grading is required with this site layout as the building works well with existing grades. • Parking: This design is in compliance proposing 4 internal garage parking spaces and 4 open-air spaces. • Snow Storage: Four separate areas are called out on the Site Plan designated for storage adjacent to the driveway. The areas on the site plan for snow storage appear to be functional and the majority of the driveway should benefit from sun exposure. 612 square feet are required and the areas provided total 1077 square feet. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project generally complies with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed Improvements. Adequate development rights exist on the property for up to two dwelling units. 4. The Final Design plan is In general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: o Site Design: The Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design and state that structures should blend in with natural settings and limit the need for extensive site grading and slope retention. Additionally, buildings should be stepped in appearance where practical. The applicant has Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 34. Black 2. Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design September 5, 20(6 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 minimized the extent of site disturbance since the initial Sketch Design application. o Site Access: Access to the site is provided with a 12' wide driveway which starts at a 4% grade and ranges from 8% to 10%. The Design Guidelines require no more than 4% grade for the first 20' of the driveway entering a' site and leaving a garage door and this design appears to be in compliance. It should also be noted that the extent of the driveway has been reduced substantially from the previous design. o Parking and Loading: The minimum parking standards have been adhered to for this project. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors: A variety of high quality building materials are proposed with this application including: Aluminum clad windows, cedar trim and siding, and cultured stone base. In addition, the proposed colors are earthtone and blend well with the site. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest The building's massing is broken up with varying building materials and roof planes and pitches. The roof pitches vary throughout the project with 4:12, 6:12, and 8:12. o Outdoor Lighting. The applicant has submitted a single style wall mounted light fixture which appears to comply with the guidelines. Attached to this report is a cut sheet of the fixture. C. Landscaping: o Design Character: The provided Landscape Plan appears to comply with the intent of the Residential Landscaping Guidelines. There are various islands of native grass- surrounding boulder retaining wall terraces. In terms of plantings there are a total 8 Blue Spruce and 18 Quacking Aspen. All of the plant species are drought tolerant and should comply with the Residential Landscaping Guidelines. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The design and building appear to be compatible with the site topography. The structure would be dug into the hillside with a portion of the lower levels buried on the north elevation. Much of the upper limits of disturbance should not be visible with the size of the structure. 6. The appearance of proposed Improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The project could have somewhat of a dominate appearance from the roadway stretching from setback to setback. Although the proposed structure will be highly visible from Beartrap Road, the scale of the development is similar to other duplex structures in the neighborhood and is in compliance with all applicable zoning Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Y, IV Lot 34. Block 2. Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design September 5, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission m 4or4 standards. The applicant has proposed high quality materials and earth tone colors that should make this project visually compatible with the surrounding environment. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not feel that any monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies and is a use by right per the Wildridge Subdivision. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending conditional approval of this final design plan for Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Recommended Motion I move to approve the final design plan for a Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision with the following condition: 1. Remove encroachment of roof overhangs from the minimum 10' side yard setback. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann Director of Community Development Exhibits: 1. Reduced Plan Set 2. Light Fixtures 3. Aerial Map 4. Planing and Zonign Commsiion Meeting Minutes June 20, 2006 5. Skecth Design site plan Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 RECEIVEb •T Printed August 16, 2006 AUG 1 6 2006 For" ' \ immunity Development CM How to print without a print button Td print this page, click on the File menu. then choose Print i - Hampton Bay Small Craftsman Exterior Series 1 Light Wall Fixture Model EL2010OBR InterneUCatalog # 100323245 Store SKU# 466354 This beautiful exterior wall mount light fixture in an oil rubbed bronze finish and iridescent art glass will add that unique touch to your home. This one light fixture comes with a 100 watt bulb Craftsmen series matching pieces induce a post light. hanging light, small wall mount light, medium wall mount light, and landscape path light. • Craftsman Series • Art Glass • Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish • Bulb included Price: $79.00 WARRANTY AND SAFETY For warranty information on this product, please call our Internet Customer Service Center at 1-800.435.4654 20002006 Homer TLC. Inc. All Rights Reserved, Use of this site is subject to certain terms of use which constitute a legal agreement between you and the Home Depot, Inc. Usually arrnes in 5 - 7 business days SPECS . InterneUCatalog M 100323245 . Brand, Hampton Bay . Model #: EL2010OSR . Color/Finish ° Oil Rubbed Bronze . Material, Metal . Assembled Depth (In Inches) 8 27 . Assembled Height (In Inches): 12.8 . Assembled Weight (In LBS): 3.48 . Assembled Width (In Inches). 9 25 . Hardwired or Plug-in. Hardwired . Maximum Wattage Per Bulb 100 . Number of LighWBulbs. 1 . Shade/Glass Type Art Glass . UPC CODE: 008938420174 Hampton Bay Small Craftsman Exterior Series 1 Light Wall Fixture Model EL2010OBR InterneUCatalog # 100323245 Store SKU# 466354 This beautiful exterior wall mount light fixture in an oil rubbed bronze finish and iridescent art glass will add that unique touch to your home. This one light fixture comes with a 100 watt bulb Craftsmen series matching pieces induce a post light. hanging light, small wall mount light, medium wall mount light, and landscape path light. • Craftsman Series • Art Glass • Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish • Bulb included Price: $79.00 WARRANTY AND SAFETY For warranty information on this product, please call our Internet Customer Service Center at 1-800.435.4654 20002006 Homer TLC. Inc. All Rights Reserved, Use of this site is subject to certain terms of use which constitute a legal agreement between you and the Home Depot, Inc. ; ! \§ km K2 \ m2 j _%,AeG�,Ago §oz91gA Oem]0]U , A1LNV S litul®to B. Trees of Colorado erty Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision/ 0095 Post Boulevard App i aul Doughty /Owner: Traer Creek, LLC Description: Sign application for a new freestanding sign at the Trees of Colorado location on post Boulevard. This b ' ss location was approved with a Special Review Use application and is limited to the 2006 calendar y The sign is unlit and constructed of painted plywood. Matt Pielsticker presented staff's report. Commissioner review discussed the orientation of theLtto traffic and to the property, Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the sign desig m IX, Sign Designs, B. Trees of Colorado, Property Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivisio Post Boulevard, with the following conditions: 1. If the SRU is not renewed or extended, the sign is r d at the end of 2006, 2. Landscaping will be installed at the time of sign placement, and 3. The s not be lighted. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with all commissFCPA&p in favor. X. Sketch Design Plans- Residential A. RAL Spec Duplex Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd. Applicant., Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects / Owner: Robert B. Thomas Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of stucco with wood and stone veneer siding. Asphalt and metal roofs are proposed with varying roof pitches. Matt Pielsticker presented staff's report. Bobby Ladd, project architect, presented the project from the podium. Commissioner Evans expressed concern with an 11 -foot retaining wall and that looping the garage doors creates excessive disturbance, and suggested a model be presented to the commission. Commissioner Foster agreed with Commissioner Evans' comments on the wall, it's being in the setback line, and the front entrances look mirrored suggesting changes should be made. Commissioner Struve agreed with previous statements, agreed the doors should be varied, and the driveway design needs to be revisited. Commissioner Goulding revealed a clipped gable. Commissioner Smith commented that the house next door has similar garages, concerned with the setbacks, lot was too small for rear garages, and building height was an issue as well as the height of the retaining wall. Commissioner Green agreed with Commissioner Lane that the building was too big for the site, light reflectivity of the home was a concern, and elevations needed massaging. B. Hubbard Single Family rty Location: Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdiv 25100 Old Trail Road Applicant: Mic anner, Architect / Owner. Trent Hubbard Description: Sketch Design w for the third (upper most) single-family home in the newly created Dry Creek PUD. The building is c sed of stucco, wood and stone veneer siding, asphalt and cor- ten metal roofing. A building permit has issued for Lot 1 of Dry Creek, and Final Design approval was rece nted to Lot 2 of this subdivision. Matt Pielsticker presented the report by staff. Michael Sanner, architect, took to the podium for commissioner questions. Commissioner Struve commented on the interesting design, Commissioner Smith had is ith the height of the chimney. Commissioner lane questioned deck design. Commissioner Green qlliwiQ Riverfront Lodge Building Program Summary Final DRB Submittal - September 1, 2006 Floor Floor Saleable Public Vertical ;Meeh/ Parking (Level) (Datum) (SF) Space (SF) (Description) Circ (SF) Elect (SF) (SF) Level P2 77'-6" 0 2,882 (Owner Lockers) 552 2,490 17,332 Level 111 89'-0" 0 300 (Trash Room) 907 1,285 28,292 Lobby Level 100'-0" 23,492 1,898 (Lobby/Family) 682 250 0 338 (Ski Lockers) 205 (Maid/Storage) 3,612 (Corridors) Level Two l l l'-6" 26,035 205 (Maid/Storage) 682 250 0 3,618 (Corridors) Level Three 123'-0" 26,035 205 (Maid/Storage) 682 250 0 3,618 (Corridors) Level Four 134'-6" 26,035 205 (Maid/Storage) 682 250 0 3,618 (Corridors) Penthouse/ 146'-0" 36,656 205 (Maid/Storage) 682 500 0 Lofts 157'-6" .3,392 (Corridors) TOTALS 138,253 24,301 Saleable Public Number of Dwelling Units: Building Height Allowed:Y . Building Height Proposed: Off -Street Parking Required: Off -Street Parking Proposed: Garage and Surface Parking Proposed: 75 Units 95 -feet 95 feet (in limited locations only) 1.2 spaces per Unit = 90 Spaces 1.2 spaces per Unit = 90 Spaces Same as Above. 4,869 5,275 Vert Circ Nlech/Elect 45,624 Parking 218,322 Total C Staff Report Final Design Review AV 0 N C O L O R A D O October 3, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date September 20, 2006 Project type Residential Condominium Legal description Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision Zoning PUD Address 254 Riverfront Lane Introduction The applicant, Dave Kaselak of Zehren and Associates, is proposing. a Final Design application for the Riverfront Lodge in the Riverfront Subdivision. This Final Design application follows two prior Sketch Design review meetings; the initial meeting was on May 16th and subsequent meeting on June 20th. Attached to this report you will find the meeting minutes from both Sketch reviews. An on-site mock up is available for review during the upcoming Commission Site Tour on the meeting date. The mockup is physically attached to the Westin Hotel mockup and is located on Lot 1 of the Riverfront Subdivision. The Riverfront Lodge parcel, Lot 4, was conceptually reviewed in massing through the PUD approval process, and this application has incorporated some of the comments and feedback received during the sketch review meetings earlier this spring. This is a whole ownership condominium project with seventy-five dwelling units. The building is five stories (plus loft for penthouse units) and features underground parking, small reception area at entrance, outdoor landscaped spa area, and the property owners of this project will have direct access to the amenities available in the Westin Hotel. Since sketch design review changes have been made to the design of this project, namely the introduction of architectural tower elements on the main ridgeline of the building. Design Review Considerations The design of this project is subject to the review with the Riverfront Design Standards in addition to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. According to Section 7 of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with Setbacks, Massing, Access, Land Use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. Town of Avon Community Dcvclupmcnt (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4. Riverfront PUD- miverfront Lodge Final Design October 3. 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 7 • Allowed Use: The proposed residential use is in accordance with the Riverfront PUD. According to the PUD Development Plan, "Residential Lodging Uses; Lodging Support Uses; Temporary Uses and Facilities; Public Uses" are allowed by right, and "Bed and Breakfast; Home Occupation; Other Temporary Facilities" are listed as Special Review Uses. • Density: The Riverfront Lodge is located on lot 4 of the Riverfront PUD Subdivision. In total the Riverfront PUD permits 456 dwelling units. As proposed, the Riverfront Lodge contains 75 Dwelling Units and the building is over 218,000 gross square feet including parking. This residential density is consistent with the approved PUD plan. Minus the already approved Westin Hotel density and this proposed (75 Dwelling Unit) density, there are 259 remaining Dwelling Units in the Riverfront Subdivision. • Lot Coverage: Maximum building lot coverage allowed under the Riverfront PUD is 25% of the entire 18.5 -acre site. The applicant is proposing 33% (or 32,162 sq. ft.) lot coverage for Lot 4, which is approximately 7% of the entire Riverfront Subdivision. • Setbacks: Lot 4 does not contain standard building setbacks. There is a front building setback of ten feet (10') from the Riverfront Right -of -Way, zero foot (0') side yard setbacks, and all buildings within the Riverfront Subdivision shall be setback from the river the more restrictive of the following: i) seventy five feet (76) from the Mean Annual High Water Mark, or ii) the northern property line of Tract A - the river front park parcel. In this instance, the 75' setback will govern the location of improvements in this project. According to the PUD Development Plan, encroachments for porches/decks/overhangs/eaves are permissible subject to design review approval. Additionally, subterranean encroachments are permitted into the front ten foot.(10') setback on Riverfront Lane. The Riverfront Lodge borders the northern front ten foot (10') setback with a corner roof overhang. There is an encroachment on the southern most corner of the building into the seventy five foot (75') river setback with a small potion of an at grade patio and roof overhang. This encroachment can be permitted only if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. • Easements: There is a Sewer Easement on the west side of the property and a Utility & Drainage Easement on the east end of the property. Additionally, there is a "Path Easement" connecting Riverfront Lane Right - of -Way to the Tract A on the Eagle River. This perpetual Path Easement was dedicated to the Town of Avon through the platting process for purposes of pedestrian, bicycle and other non -motorized access to the River. The Gondola Easement borders but does not enter Lot 4 at the south east corner of the property. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-3030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4. Riverfront PUD — Riverfront Lodge Final Design October 3. 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 7 • Building Height: There were a variety of building heights assigned within the Riverfront PUD. The maximum building height permitted for this lot is 95'. Currently the proposed building measures no more than 95' for the main ridgelines, and some architectural tower features reaching over 1001 . Maximum building height for the internal ridges is based off existing grade contours, which somewhat limited the design of this project since there were some dramatic descending grades towards the river. • Parking. Based on the residential condominium unit type a minimum ratio of 1.2 spaces per dwelling unit is required based on this land use category outlined in the PUD Development Pian. The total required parking for the structure is 90 stalls (75 units x 1.2 spaces) and there are 92 stalls provided in the two levels of underground parking plus 3 added parking spaces provided in front of the building at the entry turnaround area abutting Riverfront Drive. Within the parking garage, there are 2 handicap spaces located nearest the elevator on the main level of garage parking. • Snow Storage: The applicant has submitted a snow storage detail for entrance sidewalk areas on Sheet C006. Snow melt will be utilized for the driveway, and this plan adheres to the Town's minimum 20% impervious surface requirement. The roof plan indicates snow guards to be placed at various locations. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The Riverfront PUD was reviewed and found to be in accordance with the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. During PUD review the applicant voluntarily applied the then draft plan policies against the proposed Riverfront PUD. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. The proposed residential use is in accordance with the approved PUD plan. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Design Guidelines: A. Site Development: o Site Design: The site design has changed little since the initial PUD review and subsequent sketch design reviews. The shape of the building and building footprint is consistent with the PUD review. The building sits between the gondola terminal, which has recently been constructed, and the temporary sales center building. The Design Guidelines speak to site layout and require improvements to consider the use of passive and active solar use. There are generous south facing windows for views that may help Town nr Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4. Riverfront PUD — m verrront Lodge Final Design October 3.2(X)6 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 7 with active solar use. A solar sunshade analysis was performed during review of the hotel design. o Site Access: Access from Riverfront Lane has not changed since sketch design review. The parking garage entrance is still located near the front entrance to the lodge and appears functional. There is a 48' diameter turn -around area at the port cochere that will allow for emergency access. The garage entrance (20' wide) branches off this turn -around drive and drops down at a steep grade to enter the garage. Grades exceed 13% in this entrance to the parking garage and would be snow melted. While this area is north facing and will be shaded in the winter, snowmelt should provide a functional access. Snow guards would stop snow from falling off the roof in this area. o Parking and Loading: Parking appears to be in accordance with the PUD. As outlined above, the parking provided slightly exceeds the required amount by the PUD which is 1.2 spaces per dwelling unit. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors: The Design Guidelines require buildings to be designed as a composition of mass elements rather than larger single 'blocks' that appear unrelated in form and context. While the building is substantial in massing, attention to detail and the relationship with other buildings in this master development has been considered. Building materials and colors will be available for review on the mockup, and a breakdown has been attached to this report. All materials and colors appear to be complimentary and appropriate for this project. Earth tone colors are being proposed for the most part. The stucco portions of the building would be a lighter "moonlight sand" color and this color should be reviewed carefully. This would be on limited portions of the structure. Roofing color would match the Westin with a 2 color 'Titus' system. The metal clad windows would be a "Hartford Green" color. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest: According to the Town of Avon Residential Design Guidelines, all walls and roofs of buildings, retaining walls, and accessory structures shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Given the colors proposed and the earth tone colors of the stone veneer, the reflectivity value should be relatively low, and therefore the applicant appears to have satisfied this requirement. There was a design theme established for this PUD when the design for the hotel was approved, and this Riverfront development is considered a neighborhood within Avon with its own unique architecture. Architectural interest has been provided on exterior Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 4, Riverfront PUD — Riverfront Lodge Final Design October 3. 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 7 walls with different facade breaks, angled storefront windows systems, and skewed balconies and decks. There was a focus during sketch review on the roof design with an emphasis on breaking up the long linear roof plane of the structure. Since last sketch design review, there has been further articulation added to help break up the perceived linear quality of the main east -west ridgeline. Perhaps most noticeable are the tower features in the central portion of the main ridgeline. Above the main entrance on the north elevation leading up to this tower features there have been variations added with materials and roof forms. o Outdoor Lighting. Attached to this report is an Exterior Lighting Fixture schedule for landscape lighting. A photometric study is included in this submittal and appears acceptable. Staff would recommend that the Bysted bollards match the already approved Bysted 50watt bollards. This design proposes 100 watt fixtures. C. Landscaping: o Design Character. The proposed landscaping contains a mix of native plant species of varying heights. All plant material appears to be tolerant of our climate and appropriate for the project. Another focus at sketch review was the area of the site where there exists a stand of trees which have been contemplated in two scenarios: adding tiered retaining walls to save the trees, and removing the trees and tapering finished grading towards the Riverfront recreation path. Commissioners will remember this area from the initial site tour which took place in May. A cross section of both scenarios is provided on Sheet C006. D. Miscellaneous: o Accessory Structures: There are no accessory structures proposed for this project. o Signs: The Westin hotel design plan was approved with the condition that a Master Sign Program (MSP) be submitted and approved prior to occupancy. Staff would recommend that this required MSP include provisions for all signage within the Riverfront Subdivision in order to gain consistency within the site. 5. The compatibility of proposed Improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The building is designed in a linear fashion to work with the existing site topography. Due to the extent of construction required to develop this project, the entire (Lot 4) property would be disturbed. The finished grading tapers towards the recreation path on the river with gentle grades. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4. Riverfront PUD — ktverfront Lodge Final Design October 3. 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 7 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The project is well developed and -attention has been paid to all elevation perspectives. This building and associated improvements will be visible from various locations in the Town Core, gondola, and recreation path. High quality materials and earth tone colors are being proposed. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others In the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The proposed improvements to lot 4 will not impair the monetary or aesthetic values of other properties in the vicinity. The proposed improvements appear to add value to the area. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This proposal is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending approval of this final design plan for the Riverfront Lodge on Lot 4, Riverfront PUD subject to the following conditions to be resolved prior to building permit submittal: 1. Stamped plans to be provided by Professional Engineer for Shoring and Driveway retaining walls. 2. An ILC (Improvements Location Certificate) is required at foundation and framing in order to verify compliance with height requirements. 3. Provide data that supports design of drainage structures. 4. Final fire department connections shall be provided. 5. Final approval of materials, colors and details subject to review and approval of the site mockup. 6. A Master Sign Program is to be submitted for all project signage on building. 7. Cor -ten ("Bysted") bollard style fixtures will utilize 50 -watt Metal Halide bulbs to be consistent with adjacent Riverfront path lighting approval. 8. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 4. Riverfront PUD — Riverfront Lodge Final Design October 3.2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of 7 In addition to the above recommended conditions of approval to be resolved prior to a building permit submittal; the following technical corrections should be addressed on any forthcoming plan sets submitted to the Town: 1. Sheet A1.06 shows unit 108 details can be found on A1.16, but A1.16 fails to list 108. A1.16 should also list units 216, 316, and 416. 2. Sheets A1.19 and A1.20 details both list 105, 205, 305, and 405. It appears sheet A1.20 is incorrect and should have 107, 207, 307 and 407 listed instead. 3. Sheet A1.24 lists unit 109, but 109 is already detailed on A1.19. It appears sheet A1.19 is the correct detail. 4. Sheet 1-1, Irrigation plan, has the lots incorrectly labeled. 5. The layout and orientation of the proposed sidewalk ramp on the east and west corners of the cul-de-sac connection to Riverfront Lane appear to be inconsistent with details shown on sheet CO 15. 6. It appears that the area immediately south of the cross pan at driveway centerline station 0+00 may require a striped or otherwise delineated crosswalk since ADA -compliant curb ramps are present to the northeast and southwest. 7. It appears that constructing the portion of the driveway from 0+00 to approximately 0+20 with concrete rather than asphalt would be beneficial since adequate compaction in the area noted 'Begin Driveway, South Lip of Curb" could be difficult to obtain. If'you have any questions 'regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pie s er Planner I Attachments: • Reduced Plan Set • PUD Development Plan • Riverfront Design Standards • June 20, 2006 Sketch Design Report • 5/16/06 & 6/20/06 Meeting Minutes • Unit Mix, Lighting, & Color/Material Board, Mockup Detail Town of Avon Community Development (970) 74&4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 RIVERFRONT VILLAGE Avon, Colorado DESIGN STANDARDS February 14, 2006 I. Vision Statement for Riverfront Village A. Scope of Design Standards 1) T7te following Design Standards for Riverfront Village have been established to ensure the overall quality and compatibility of the Village with the Town of Avon and its riverfront site. In general these Standards shall apply to all buildings and plaza areas within Riverfront Village, with the exception of the Hotel building, or as otherwise noted. 2) An important aspect of the Riverfront Village vision is responsible care for the environment and sustainability of the architecture and landscape. To this end, best efforts will be made to meet the principles set forth in the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building System for the Hotel. In addition, all other buildings within the Village will be designed with sensitivity to the sustainability aspects of site and architectural design. B. Architectural Theme 1) Riverfront Village represents an important interface between the Town of Avon and Deaver Creek Ski Resort. It is envisioned as a lively gathering place connecting the river, mountain and town- a pedestrian friendly environment where townspeople and guests can stroll from Avon's western Town Center, through the resort retail plaza, to ride the gondola up to the mountain or'to step down to the river. 2) The village is situated on the scam between the town and the mountain landscape and should therefore strike a balance between the two environments, creating an architectural expression that captures both alpine and townscape traditions. To achieve this balance, the architecture shall take advantage of materials inherent to successful mountain resort architecture—such as stone, wood, and other natural materials, combined with more contemporary materials such as stucco, metal, and recycled products. 3) The Architectural Theme will also feature the use of large areas of glass, clean building forms based on pure geometries, strong, simple but honest detailing (not overly rustic, "heavy," or overstated), and the holder proportions appropriate to the larger scale of tau Town. C. Design of Public Spaces 1) A public plaza will be used to link the Town of Avon to the Eagle River. This fink should be reinforced in both a physical and perceptual way through the use of Riverfront Pillage Febmim 14, 2006 Dcsign Standards Pagc I of 6 paving materials, landscaping, and sensitive spatial planning. Spatial planning shall include components that reinforce the connectivity of the Town to the River, and avoid elements that act as barriers to this connection, such as planter walls that block pedestrian flow, landscaping that screens the visual connection between Town and River, etc. D. Pedestrian orientation l) A pedestrian corridor, connecting the town to a retail plaza with gondola, will gracefully transition from the plaza to the riverfront promenade by way of a staircase and stepped terraces merging with the natural landscape. 'flus transition will avoid barriers from the Town to the River, and include elements which reinforce this connection, including similar paving materials, wide pedestrian ways that encourage movement, active signage and wayfinding, and a gracious grand. stair with oversized treads and minimal risers. 2) Pathways shall also create a netwotk within the Village itself, linking the different buildings along the length of the site and providing pedestrian access to defined access/gathering points along the River. The Plaza and pathways within I; iverftont Village should encourage a pedestrian -friendly environment. E. View Corridors 1) A primary southern view corridor to the mountains shall be maintained from the eastern railroad crossing through the public plaza to help reinforce the connection between the Town and the ski mountain. 2) An east -west view corridor along the Eagle River will also be maintained through the preservation of a 75 -foot river setback throughout most of the site, with limited minor encroachments as allowed in the development plan. In addition, the Riverfront Park will act as a natural corridor along the river edge portion of the Village and act to enhance this view corridor. F. The Natural Environment 1) The Eagle River is n primary amenity for the Town of Avon and Riverfront Village. Links to the River shall be developed as special pedestrian ways to help activate this wonderful amenity. 2) The 75 -foot river setback will be largely left in its natural state, and certain defined river access and gathering points should be created along the linear riverfront path. 3) In general, additional plantings within the river setback will be riparian in character and relate to plantings indigenous to river edge environments. More formal planting areas -- such as small sections of lawn, however, are encouraged at special gathering and access points to highlight these more formal features. Formal plantings featuring annuals are not permitted within the 75 -font setback. 4) In an effort to enhance the natural environment, site walls and site walkways should become more "organic" as they approach the river edge portion of the Riverfront Pillage Febmiry 14, 2006 Design Standards Page 2 of 6 Village. Any walls installed south of the bike path shall be limited to boulder walls. Accessibility shall be considered when designing walkways. II. Site and Village Guidelines A. Primary Building Entries 1) Primary building entries shall be emphasized as welcoming portals through careful attention to massing, scale, and materials. This will ensure that Riverfront Village %%;ill not turn its back to Avon. Portals will be scaled to encourage pedestrian movement through them—and avoid overwhelming or diminutive massing—and they will be treated with materials that enhance this experience. The front doors of buildings should be treated in interesting ways, either through the use of glass or special designs and materials that provide interest to these special areas of each building. 2) Glassing of entries shall relate to the overall massing of the buildings but be presented as special forms different than typical building bays. Sensitivity to scale should be considered when transitioning from the overall larger building mass to the more intimate scale of the pedestrian visitor. Designers are encouraged to use materials in interesting ways at primary building entries to reinforce their unique role as part of the building and as part of the overall Village streetscape. B. Solar Access 1) A solar access study shall be required for buildings exceeding 3 stories in height. These studies will convey shading impacts at summer and winter solstice (Jun 21 and Dec 21), and at vernal and autumnal equinox (Mar 21 and Sept 21). C. Site Materials and Colors 1. Plaza materials a) Rustic materials common in mountain towns and/or a more contemporary interpretation of these materials such as cut stone pavers, colored concrete pavers, and stained or colored concrete slabs are appropriate to the Village. Colors shall be complementary to the site and its architecture, avoiding bright or brilliant hues that distract from the pedestrian experience. 2. Site walls a) Site walls shall make use of more contemporary materials such as colored concrete masonry, stained concrete, board -formed concrete, and similar materials, in colors complementary to the site and its buildings. Site walls shall relate to plaza materials and building bases to help visually merge the ground plane around the site. D. Site Signage — Design, materials, and colors 1) Site signage shall be designed to help animate the plaza and be consistent and compatible with the design and materiality of the buildings. Site lighting will also be used to enhance the pedestrian experience at the Plaza level. Riverfront Village February 14, 2006 Design Standards I'agc 3 of 6 III.Architectural Design Guidelines A. Building Form and Massing 1) In general the form and massing within Riverfront Village will follow the intent of the Town of Avon Design Guidelines by incorporating form articulation to avoid the monolithic. However, specific buildings within the Village shall be subject to less or more stringent requirements relative to building form and massing as identified within this document to form a coherent, pleasant composition for the entire neighborhood. 2) Smaller masses, such as portions of the building or elements such as Porte cocheres, etc, will be used to break up the apparent size of larger building forms. Smaller masses positioned in front of large masses will be used to reduce the visual dominance of the larger forms. 3) The development of building bases will help to tie together individual buildings within the Village and will also tie the Village to its riverfront site. Site walls, and other site features shall relate to building bases in a way that reinforces visual connectivity to the ground plane. The plaza and gondola terminal, with its cantilevered structure will stand out as an elevated element from the south, drawing people up from the river. 4) In general the middles of buildings will be more visually subtle, but broken by primary and secondary elevation features and material accents that help to avoid monotonous facades. On any given elevation at Lots 1, 3, and 4, 80 percent of the vertical wall area will be permitted to be within the same plane, with a minimum of 2 -foot offset for plane changes. Vertical forms comprised of stacked decks and balconies will be considered plane changes. At Lots 5, G, and 7, 70 percent of the vertical wall area will be permitted to be within the same plane. 5) The roofscape of Riverfront Village is also critical to the success of the neighborhood and its relationship to the Town of Avon. The visual coherency of the Village should be reinforced through the use of similar roofing materials and colors throughout the Village, helping to knit the individual buildings together when seen from the Gondola or Beaver Creek above. G) Pitched roofs expressive of an alpine tradition and the incorporation of dormers, shed roofs and chimney forms, should be employed. Primary roofs will have pitches ranging from a minimum of 4:12 to a maximum of 8:12. Secondary roofs—such as at dormers, porte cocheres, building protrusions, and similar additive forms—may be flat, but only if they are finished in materials similar in quality to roof or wall materials on the building, such as pavers, colored stone, etc. When secondary roofs are pitched roofs, the minimum pitch required shall be 2:12. Flat roofs are not permitted for primary roof forms. Ideally Flat roofs should be developed as terraces and other functional spaces. 7) Given the modern alpine character of the architecture at Riverfront Pillage, relatively small roof overhangs are encouraged for buildings on Lots I and 3, which are visually and compositionally related to the Hotel. At these locations the minimum roof overhang permitted shall be six inches. At other locations within Riverfront Village the minimum roof overhang shall be 24 inches for primary roofs and 12 inches at secondary dormers. Riverfront Pillage February 14, 2006 Design Standards Page 4 of 6 S) To help ensure that roof ridges for the Village remain interesting and contribute to the overall success of building massing, undntermpted ridgelines shall be mloided To tltis end, roof ridgelines are limited to 150 feet before a change in height I (elevation above sea level) is required. These breaks (elevation changes) shall''0run horizontally for at least 10% of the overall building ridge length before returning to the prior elevation. Overall building ridge length is defined as the sum of all primat ridge lengths for the entire building. B. Building Height 1) Building heights for the Riverfront Village will be restricted to the heights described in the approved Development Plan, as measured according to the Town of Avon Code. Architectural features such as chimneys, cupolas, and other similar elements will not be included when calculating maximum building height. I 2) In addition, the percentage of ridge height allowed at the maximum allou7able building height for any given building will be limited to 25% of the overall building ridge length. Overall building ridge length is defined as the sum of all primary ridge lengths for the entire building. 3) The maximum height for building facades fronting the Public Plaza will be limited to 75 feet from the Plaza elevation. The only exception to this facade height limitation shall be for the western farade of the central tower of the hotel, which shall be permitted to be as tall as 100 ft. from Plaza elevation. This central Liver fagade may inn horizontally for up to 60 feet along the plaza. 4) The minimum horizontal setback required for building facades exceeding maximum height for building facades fronting the Public Plaza will be 2 feet the building fagade fronting the Public Plaza. This shall only apply to the cei tower portion of the Hotel. 5) The minimum setback required for maximum allowable height per the Development Standards from the Public Plaza will be 60 feet from building fronting the Plaza C. Exterior Materials, Detailing, and Colors 1. Materials and colors for walls and roofs at Riverfront Village will have a Light Reflective Value (LRV) not exceeding 60%. a) Materials inherent to the mountains, including stone and wood, will be used at lower levels of buildings in areas of direct pedestrian interface, as well as metals. These materials should be used in refreshing ways within the Village, reinterpI etcd for the urban nature of Avon towards a "mountain modern" character. b) Stucco conveys mass in a subtle, "quiet" way and is therefore a reeommendo material for building middles and tops. However, building accents comprised of non -stucco materials, such as metal, wood and cement materials replicating wooc shall be allowed in building middles and tops to help provide interest, except as prohibited by Codes. When used, stucco shall be carefully detailed to ensure longevity when it comes near the ground plane at building walls. Riverfront Village Fel ntarp 14, 2006 Desip Standards Paige 5 of 6 e) Roof materials will include rubber shingles, asphalt shingles and other materials suitable for mountain environments. Standing scam metal shall not be used for primary roof planes, but may be used for small and/or special roof features such as shed dormers, retail roof forms, Porte eocheres, and other selective roof elements. d) In general, colors used within the Village should be complementary to the site, and be comprised of greens, grays, golds, browns, and other earth -tone hues. However, due to the desire for a highly activated retail experience at the Plaza level, the colors used along the retail edges of the Public way may be more vibrant and active in nature. 2. Minimum window area at plaza level a) Ata minimum, 50% of the l" level of building facades facing the plaza from the east and the west shall be glass. For this calculation the plaza shall be deemed to begin at the northwest corner of the hotel and the northeast corner of timeshare west and shall terminate at the cast -west plane where the staircase down to the river begins. 'Phis calculation shall exclude the gondola terminal, control booth and public restrooms. Riaerfront Pillage February 14, 2006 Design Standards Page 6 of 6 Staff Report Sketch Desi AVON nC O L O R A 0 0 June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction June 12, 2006 Residential Condominium The Riverfront PUD PUD 0095 Avon Road The applicant, Zehren and Associates Inc., have submitted a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. Riverfront Lodge is a 75 -unit whole ownership condominium building located on Lot 4 of the Riverfront Subdivision, formerly know as the Confluence. The Riverfront Lodge Is governed by a set of site-specific design review standards that were adopted as part of the Riverfront PUD amendment. The expressed intent of the standards is to create high quality architectural design through the use of varied roof forms, wall plane articulation and quality building materials. .It's Important to note that the Town of Avon Residential and Commercial Design Guidelines may augment these standards where necessary through the final design approval. Attached are copies of the guidelines, which are also referenced in the application material submitted. On May 16th, 2006, the Commission reviewed the initial Sketch Design application for the Lodge. At that meeting specific comments included: • Exterior materials would include duplication materials from the Westin with attention to consistency but not duplication. • This building was phased to be erected after hotel completion. Commissioner Green began comments that the intent of the guidelines was not being met, a color rendering would be beneficial, articulation of the fagade was necessary, needed more interest in the structure, would like repetitiveness eliminated, entry seemed disproportionate and needed attention, and the hot tub area could use landscape element. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 74&4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Riverfront Lodge Ski Oesign - 2nd Review June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission 2of5 Commissioner Foster commented that dormers don't solve issue of a long plane, needed image of retaining walls to determine if trees should be saved, and the hot tub needed to be addressed. Commissioner Struve voiced that the challenge was to be complimentary but not the same, walls between the bike path and retaining walls cannot be an unwelcome look in the project, save the tree, use pavers and not stamped concrete. Commissioner Goulding stated that the trees and spa area are codependent on what the best look for the tubs location can be; elevations show no soft comers as desired in the guidelines, stone along the decks and patios needs balance, east exterior elevation stone foundation stops at the window bottom, and to consider rich colors and texture. Commissioner Smith voiced that the entryway was blah, and a better illustration would be encouraged Attached to this report is a letter from the applicant dated May 30, 2006. This narrative outlines the changes to the plans since first review and also highlights the new sheets added to the plan set. Further Information on the landscaping and grading near the bike path (with and without the trees) has been studied by the applicant and is provided in the new plans. At the meeting the applicant will have perspective vignettes showing both options as well as the entrance canopy. Staff Comments The design of the proposed building generally conforms to the intent of the Riverfront Design Standards. As the applicant has stated in their application, the architectural style does appear to blend or balance between an urban architectural style found in the Town and the mountain architecture found at Beaver Creek. The proposed building also blends well in terms of style and material with the proposed Westin Hotel (similar roof material, pitched roofs, stepped facades, and recessed windows). Site design Lot 4 of the Riverfront Subdivision is bounded to the north by Riverfront Lane and to the south by the Eagle River, which has a 75' building setback (measure from the mean annual high water mark). In addition, the site is further constrained by steep topography that steps down towards the river along the western property line. Therefore, the proposed east -west orientation of the building responds well to both the natural and manmade constraints on site as well as takes advantage of solar exposure. The site grading and drainage appears to be well developed. All drainage appears to drain away from the structure and the use of retaining walls has been minimized. There is one area on the site where a retaining wall is required and another area where retaining walls may be utilized to save existing trees. There Town of Avon Community Development (970) 74&4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Riverfront Lodge Skeu :atgn - 2nd Review June 20 2006 Planning & Zoning Commissior 3of5 is an area located around the bend of the bike path and another near the access point to the parking structure. The area of retaining walls immediately north of the recreation path along the river would be constructed with boulders in two 4' tiers. The bottom two walls will have a 4' planter bench to screen the upper wall. For clarification, the applicant has provided two sections, one saving the tree near the bike path (with retaining walls), and the other with removal of the trees and 3:1 grading in place of walls. Also included in the site design is a recreation path along the eastern end of the building. The recreation path would traverse the site from the north to the south and tie into the existing recreation path along the river with Riverfront Lane. It is staffs understanding that the construction of the recreation path is part of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) between the Town and the property owners, and will likely be in place prior to the construction of the Riverfront Lodge. Circulatlon Plan The proposed parking and circulation plan includes two levels of below ground parking which would be accessed from Riverfront Lane by way of a circular drive. The entry grades range from approximately 4% to 9%. The proposed grade and access conditions are reasonable given the proposed snowmelt system for the access drive and the demonstrated snow storage area (see sheet C005 or C006) along the circular drive at the entrance of the building. The minimum parking required for the whole ownership condominium units is 1.2 spaces per unit. The applicant is proposing 1.28 spaces per unit for a total of 96 spaces (75 units ® 1.28). All proposed parking stalls appear to be standard dimensions; however, staff would request the applicant confirm the number of compact spaces (if any) and recalculate the minimum required handicapped spaces. The minimum number of handicapped spaces appears to be deficient. Building design The proposed building is 5 floors (including penthouse) with a maximum building height of approximately 94'. The maximum allowed building height is 95', which is measured from existing grade. The range in building height for the top ridgeline is between 84' and 94'. Staff's concern with the building height is that although no point on the building meets or exceeds the maximum allowable height, the ridgeline elevation (7502') is carried across the roof with only minor interruption in elevation. According to the Riverfront Design Standards "to ensure the roofiines are interesting and contribute to the overall success of the building massing, roof ridgellnes are limited to 150' before they change in height". The two ends of the building step down approximately 20', which meets this intent. There have been modifications to the roof design in the middle portion of the building since last Town of Avon Community Development (970) run mw • Riverfronl Lodge Skeh sign - 2nd Review June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commissiot 4of5 review including hip dormers and gable roof forms to help further articulate the main east -west ridgeline. There is a range of roof pitches including 3:12, 4:12, 6:12, and 8:12. ' The facades of the building include skewed balconies and deck to further break up the mass and add interest. The standard described in the guidelines include "on any given elevation, 80% of the vertical wall plane can be on the same plane, with a minimum of 2' offset for plane change." The exterior walls of the building are articulated through the use of different materials, patterns, textures, color, and angled porches. There is one area where the building encroaches into the minimum 75' setback. The area is located on the south east corner of the building where a deck/balcony Iles a couple of feet with that boundary. However, according to note 9.a on the approved PUD Development plan, minor encroachments for decks and balconies are permitted subject top design review. Snow shedding is a concern that must be carefully considered during Commission review. Building entries must be located out of the path of shedding snow. Because there appears to be areas where snow and Ice may accumulate, staff would ask that the applicant address these areas during Commission review. A snow shedding plan will be a requirement at final design. The guidelines also suggest the use of roofing materials that are durable, weather resistant and suitable for environmental conditions encountered in this area. The applicant is proposing the use of 'Titus" recycled rubber roof as the primary roof treatment as well as areas of standing seam metal. Recycle rubber roofing, along with the concrete composite siding, wood trim, and stone base help tie together this project with the overall Village design. This product can be reviewed on the Westin Hotel mockup panel. Solar Access Study As required by the guidelines, a solar access study has been provided for Commission review. The study shows the conceptual shade analysis for the entire property at two times of the day, 10am and 2pm, at four times of the year: March 21st, June 21st, September 21st, and December 21st. While it appears that there is minimal effect on adjacent properties to the north, during the shortest days of the year shadows would cast on some buildings on the other side of the railroad tracks. The orientation of the hotel building appears to take advantage of the solar exposure and views to the south and is in compliance with the Design Guidelines. Landscaping With the exception of the Master Landscape Plan (right-of-way, and linear river park), the landscaping requirements for the entire Riverfront PUD will be reviewed by staff and the Commission in a lot -by -lot basis. The applicant has Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Riverfront Lodge Skt._.. Design - 2nd Review June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meetin provided a landscape plan for Lot 4 (sheet L-1). Staff has made a cursory review of the plan, but more detailed comments will be provided during Final Design review. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. Riverfront Design Standards C. General conformance with Commercial Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in a final design application. Staff will provide full plan sets for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your June 20, 2006 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: '/z size plan sets Narrative Letter form the applicant, dated May 30, 2006 May 16th, 2006 Planning Commission meeting minutes Riverfront PUD Development Plan (w/ Design Standards) Perspective Drawing from South Aerial Photograph of Riverfront Subdivision Town or Men Community Development (970) 748.400 Fax (970) 949.5749 would be an important aspect, to review eliminating the bridge e/eaecreate a single st cture, erhaps by pulling the house closer to the barn. XI. Final Design Plan - Residential Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (Asion Lot 44, Block 2, ridge Subdivision)/ 2510B Old Trail Road Appi nt: Michael Sanner, Architect/Owner. Trent HubbDescription:Th applicant is submitting a final design plan for mily residence in the Dry Creek PUD on Trail Road. The sketch design review perty took place at the Commission's April h, 2006 meeting. A final design plan was r a single-family home on Lot 1 of the Dry Creek D at the April 4th, 2006 Planning and Zission meeting. Moved to Consent Agenda. XII. Sketch Designs - Comme lal - CON] A. Confluence - Riverfront Su ivision He Property Location: Confluence/ Avon F Applicant: East West Partners / O er. Description: The applicant, East West Partn Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The p p condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting spac resta continued from the Commission's Mar 7, 2006 West Partners , is proposing a Sketch Design application for the hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a it, retail, and professional offices. This item is Commissioners Evans and Lane ave reclused themse\Dec nda item due to conflict of interest. Eric Heidemann presented a Staff Report and discussd structural changes to the project. Commissioner ruve questioned the shading a 21" presentation and Staff addressed the applica to respond. The response was tural firm would review it. Andy Gunion, Ea est Partners, began his presentation with historical data f the project in order to bring the newt appointed commissioners up to date. Andy White took over a presentation and discussed t new elevations, the darkening of the exterior colors, less glass by ving the showers in the un' , and changing the window design, the upper most floors were no long iron clad but change to stucco. The south elevation had changed by color, extension of the shed mer by 20 feet d the change to the top story material. Conversation arose regarding the chang to the ext for color and what had prompted said changes. Mr. White continued by presenting eac oor to of the structure and voiced that parking was appropriately adjusted to the changes inr�it numbers. B. Confluence - Riverfront Lodge Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. The proposed building is comprised of approximately 75 whole ownership units and has a maximum building height of approximately 95'. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Jim ?, East West Partners, presented the project and began that there are 75 whole ownership condominiums for sale with two and three bedroom units primarily and larger units on the top floor. There would be a small check-in and lobby area, 2 or 3 hot tubs and the amenities at the Westin would be a the owner's disposal. Exterior materials would include duplication materials from the Westin with attention to consistency but not duplication. This building was phased to be erected after hotel completion. Tim Losa, Zehren and Associates, approached the podium to continue the discussion of the project and present preliminary details. Commissioner Green began comments that the intent of the guidelines was not being met, a color rendering would be beneficial, articulation of the fagade was necessary, needed more interest in the structure, would like repetitiveness eliminated, entry seemed disproportionate and needed attention, and the hot tub area could use landscape element. Commissioner Foster commented that dormers don't solve issue of a long plane, needed image of retaining walls to determine if trees should be saved, and the hot tub needed to be addressed. Commissioner Struve voiced that the challenge was to be complimentary but not ttie same, walls between the bike path and retaining walls cannot be an unwelcome look in the project, save the tree, use pavers and not stamped concrete. Commissioner Goulding stated that the trees and spa area are codependent on what the best look for the tubs location can be; elevations show no soft corners as desired in the guidelines, stone along the decks and patios needs balance, east exterior elevation stone foundation stops at the window bottom, and to consider rich colors and texture. Commissioner Smith voiced that the entryway was blah, and a better illustration would be encouraged XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects Tambi Katieb, Director of Community Development, updated the commission on the Town Center Study looking at new development and infill development, what was possible and what were the goals, and this final portion was financial and would be presented to council on Tuesday, June 13'h, at 2:30 pm. for two hours. Color renderings should be provided to the commissioners in the packets and a conceptual landscaping plan provided at sketch design review. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjoum. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary vehicle turnaround and the size of the hammerhead, size ney was an issue, and some minor design t arent. Commi ou ding agreed with his fellow commissioners and mentioned the dormers. vans voiced that the chimney needed architectural integrity as the ma es not look right, snow eeded to be demonstrated at Final oesion. ealed concern for alock-off. XI. Sketch Design - Commercial - CONTINUED Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road Applicant. Zehren & Associates / Owner. East West Partners Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. The proposed building is comprised of approximately 75 whole ownership units and has a maximum building height of approximately 95'. This item was first reviewed by the Commission at their May 16, 2006 meeting. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report to the Commission on the Riverfront Lodge Jim Telling approached the podium to address the project and its changes. Dave Kaslak, Zehren and Associates, discussed the site, its elevations, draws and landscape options, new entry design and demonstrated the design changes from the original lodge design to the current presentation. Commissioner Goulding queried Mr. Telling about the tree issue and it was recommended that the trees be kept. Commissioner Goulding supported Option One to save the trees, recommended widening the gables, balance of the cantilever with the stone, and perhaps a railing by the large windows. Commissioner Struve voiced to save the trees providing the barrier doesn't block public access, questioned material of the roof and ski storage availability. Commissioner Foster requested to view specific presentation from the bike path to understand the trees and walls to the lodge. Commissioner Green commented on the long and high view of the roof, appreciated the central gable and voiced concern of the continuous long high ridgeline. Commissioner Smith preferred to see the trees stay if it will work. Mr. Telling agreed to revisit the roof design as long as it did not impact the number of units as units drive the hotel. Commission and staff agreed that the applicant could return as Final Design. II. Final Design - Commercial Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road licant: East West Partners / Owner: East West Partners Description. a applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch D ' n application for the Westin Riverfro esort and Spa. The proposed hotel building inclu a hotel programmed as a condo -tel, a spa fact' meeting space, restaurant, retail, and pro conal offices. Several reviews of this application have to place, with the most recent s review being at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting ay 16, 2006. Eric Heidemann presented the reportb ff e Commission and handed out a revised Adoendum to the Staff Recommendations as prese a staff's report. Andy Gunion, East West Reso a presented a visual m up on the screen for commissioner review. And White, Oz Architec , discussed changes as disc d at Sketch Design. Commissioner Y g Gould asked if the �ppr -cast panels are painted and the res was they come color treated. Commissioner oofding questioned the rust color, as it was not pres ed at the on-site mock-up. Burt Miller r onded with how the materials and colors were to be used o e public level to give it greater d6pth and richness to the retail area. Commissioner Goulding continued with questioning the tw tpes from the gondola building and their purpose with the response that they ere plumbing f RIVERFRONT LODGE Buidling Area Summary by Unit Final DRB Submittal - September 1, 2006 RECEIVED Unit No. Type or Use Saleable Other Bedrooms SEP 0 1 2006 (Other) SF SF Community Development Park ing;Ievc1P2177'-6 (Public) Parking 0 17,332 0 (Public) Owner Storage Lockers 0 2,882 0 (Public) Circulation - Vertical 0 552 0 (General) Mechanical / I,Icctrical 0 2.490 0 Subtotals Level 7T-6' 0 23,256 0 Parking,Level_ El (89,';.0") +• , p . Typical 2 -Bedroom (Public) Parking 0 28,292 0 (Public) Trash Room 0 300 0 (Public) Circulation - Vertical 0 907 0 (General) Mechanical / Electrical 0 1,285 0 Subtotals Level 89'-0" 0 30,784 0 Lobbyl.evel(100'.0;�).�'x• �.1,. 0 . 4v, Vit' Via.' ,:>.��tP�c:t t,�, (Public) Lobby/Family) (Public) Owner Ski Lockers (Public) Circulation - Vertical (Public) Circulation - Corridors (General) Maid/Storage (General) Mechanical / Electrical Unit 101 3 -Bedroom East (Main) Unit 102 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 103 Typical 3 -Bedroom Unit 104 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 105 Typical 3 -Bedroom Unit 106 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 107 3 -Bedroom Comer Unit 108 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 109 Typical 3 -Bedroom Unit 110 2 -Bedroom Comer 0 1,898 0 0 338 0 0 682 0 0 3,612 0 0 205 0 0 250 0 1,991 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,760 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,760 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,919 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,760 0 3 1,366 0 2 060901 Unit Areas - DRB.xIs Building Area Summary by Unit Page I of Subtotals Level 100'-0" Lepel Tlvo (111'-61')« (Public) RIVERFRONT LOD69 (Public) Circulation -Corridors Buidling Area Summary by Unit Maid/Storagc (General) Final DRB Submittal - September 1, 2006 Unit 201 Unit No. Type or Use Saleable Other Bedrooms (Other) SF SF Unit 204 Unit 1 I 1 2 -Bedroom West 1,415 0 2 Unit 112 Typical2-Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 113 3-Bedroom+TV 1,952 0 3 Unit 114 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 115 3 -Bedroom West (Main) 2,015 0 3 Subtotals Level 100'-0" Lepel Tlvo (111'-61')« (Public) Circulation - Vertical (Public) Circulation -Corridors (General) Maid/Storagc (General) Mechanical / Electrical Unit 201 3 -Bedroom East (Typ) Unit 202 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 203 Typical 3-Bcdroom Unit 204 Typical 2 -Bedroom ' Unit 205 Typical 3 -Bedroom Unit 206 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 207 3 -Bedroom Comer Unit 208 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 209 3 -Bedroom w/ Den Unit 210 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 211 3 -Bedroom w/ Den 2 Unit 212 2 -Bedroom Comer Unit 213 3-Bedroom+TV Unit 214 Typical 2 -Bedroom Unit 215 3 -Bedroom West (Typ) Unit 216 Typical 2 -Bedroom Subtotals Level l 11 '-6" Level Three (123'-0") 23,493 6,985 37 0 682 0 0 3,618 0 0 205 0 0 250 0 2,108 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,760 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,760 0 3 1,259 0 2 1,919 0 3 1,259 0 2 2,051 0 3 1,259 0 2 2,194 0 3 1,366 0 2 1,952 0 3 1,259 0 2 2,112 0 3 1,259 0 2 26,035 4,755 40 (Public) Circulation - Vertical 0 682 0 060901 Unit Areas - DRB.xls Building Area Summary by Unit Page 2 of 4 51 ItIVERFRONT LODGL Buidling Area Summary by Unit Final DRB Submittal - September 1, 2006 Unit No. Type or Use Saleable Other Bedrooms (Other) SF SF (Public) Circulation - Corridors 0 3,618 0 (General) Maid/Storage 0 205 0 (General) Mechanical / Electrical 0 250 0 Unit 301 3-Bcdroom East (Typ) 2,105 0 3 Unit 302 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 303 Typical 3-13edroom 1,760 0 3 Unit 304 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 305 Typical 3 -Bedroom 1,760 0 3 Unit 306 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 307 3 -Bedroom Corner 1,919 0 3 Unit 308 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 309 3 -Bedroom w/ Den 2,051 0 3 Unit 310 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 311 3 -Bedroom w/ Den 2 2,194 0 3 Unit 312 2 -Bedroom Comer 1,366 0 2 Unit 313 3-Bedroom+TV 1,952 0 3 Unit 314 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 315 3 -Bedroom West (Typ) 2,112 0 3 Unit 316 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Sublotals Level 123'-o" 26,035 4,755 40 IlevelFou'rr,(l3d'-6)'iH�SL�1TF f).tn51-i'lyl'tr' (Public) Circulation - Vertical 0 682 0 (Public) Circulation - Corridors 0 3,618 0 (General) Maid/Storage 0 205 0 (General) Mechanical / Electrical 0 250 0 Unit 401 3 -Bedroom East (Typ) 2,108 0 3 Unit 402 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 403 Typical3-Bedroom 1,760 0 3 Unit 404 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 405 Typical 3 -Bedroom 1,760 0 3 Unit 406 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 407 3 -Bedroom Comer 1,919 0 3 Unit 408 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 060901 Unit Areas - DRB.As Building Area Summary by knit Page 3 of 4 Subtotals Level 134'-6" 26,035 4,755 40 Level Five (Penthouse) + Loft (146'-0t1'/ i57'-6" ) (Public) RIVERFRONT LODGe; (Public) Circulation - Corridors Buidling Area Summary by Unit (General) Mechanical / Electrical Final DRB Submittal - September 1, 2006 Unit 502 Unit No. Type or Use Saleable Other Bedrooms (Other) Unit 505 SF SF Unit 506 Unit 409 3 -Bedroom %v/ Den 2,051 0 3 Unit 410 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Unit 411 3 -Bedroom w/ Den 2 2,194 0 3 Unit 412 2 -Bedroom Corner 1,366 0 2 Unit 413 3-Bedroom+TV 1,952 0 3 Unit 414 Typical 2-13edroom 1,259 0 Z Unit 415 3 -Bedroom West (Typ) 2,112 0 3 Unit 416 Typical 2 -Bedroom 1,259 0 2 Subtotals Level 134'-6" 26,035 4,755 40 Level Five (Penthouse) + Loft (146'-0t1'/ i57'-6" ) (Public) Circulation - Vertical (Public) Circulation - Corridors ( (General) Maid/Storage (General) Mechanical / Electrical Unit 501 Penthouse 501 + Loft Unit 502 Penthouse 502 + Loft Unit 503 Penthouse 503 + Loft Unit 504 Penthouse 504 + Loft Unit 505 Penthouse 505 + Loft Unit 506 Penthouse 506+Loft Unit 507 Penthouse 507 + Loft Unit 508 Penthouse 508 + Loft Unit 509 Penthouse 509 + Loft Unit 510 Penthouse 510 + Loft Unit 511 Penthouse 511 + Loft Unit 512 Penthouse 512 + Loft Subtotals Levels 146=O" / 157'-6" TOTALS 0 682 0 0 3,392 0 0 205 0 0 500 0 3,124 0 4 2,365 0 3 3,179 0 4 2,374 0 3 2,970 0 4 3,330 0 4 3,339 0 4 3,109 0 4 3,191 0 4 3,223 0 4 3,411 0 4 3,041 0 4 36,656 4,779 46 138,253 80,069 203 TOTAL BUILDING AREA 218,322 060901 Unit Areas - DRB.xis Building Area Summary by Unit Page 4 of 4 AV Riverfront Lodge Coverage Table 8/21/2006 ALPINE ENGINEERING INC Area (112) % of Lot 4 Lodge 32,162 33.21645 Spa 1,605 1.65845 Driveway, Sidewalks and 9,546 9.859% Front Entry Recreation Path 4,006 4.137% Landscape 49,509 51_131% Lol4 96,8.28_ 100.000% Greater than 40% slope 719 0.74345 8/21/2006 ALPINE ENGINEERING INC l RIVERFRONT LODGE Riverfront Village at Avon Material and Color Selections Final Design Review Board Submittal September 1, 2006 EXTERIOR STONE VENEER Material: "Colorado Buff Natural Stain Strip." Finish: N/A. Application: Drystacked application. BOARD SIDING, HORIZONTAL Material: James Hardie Siding Products, "Select Cedarmill" 12" -wide. Finish: Olympic Stain Color 700. Application: Horizontal lap siding. BOARD SIDING, VERTICAL Material: James Hardie Siding Products, "Select Cedarmill" 8 -1/4" -wide. Finish: Olympic Stain Color 705. Application: Vertical butt siding. METAL PANEL SIDING Material: Aluminum architectural panels by Berridge Manufacturing Co. Finish/Color Baked metal, "Aged Bronze." Application: Vertical wall panels and soffits at Storefront window walls and columns. STOREFRONT WINDOWS Material: Anodized aluminum by Vistawall or equal. Finish: "Medium Bronze, 710." Application: N/A. o1 RIVERFRONT LODGE Riverfront Village at Avon Material and Color Selections, Cont'd Final Design Review Board Submittal September 1, 2006 STANDARD WINDOWS Material: Jeld-Wen Windows, with custom lites. Finish/Color: Metal -clad wood units, "Hartford Green" Application: All non -Storefront windows and patio doors. METAL PIPE RAILINGS Material: Sherwin Williams Paint or equal. Finish/Color "SW -2042." Application: N/A. PRIMARY ROOFING Material: "Ecostar" by Carlisle "Titus" rubber shingles (recycled). Finish/Color: Green -Gray blend ("Riverfront Blend"). Application: All roofs except dormers. SECONDARY ROOFING Material: Aluminum panels by Berridge Manufacturing Co. or equal. Finish/Color: * "Medium Bronze." Application: Standing -seam, 24" panels. FASCIA AND TRIM Material: Rough -sawn cedar boards. Finish/Color: Olympic "707' stain or equal. Application: Primary (not Storefront) fascias, window trim, and door trim. Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners AVON From: Eric Heidemann, Community DeveloprAent Director c o L o e A o n l Date September 28, 2006 Re: Request for temporary construction staging on the Folson property Introduction CFC Construction, the general contractor for the Gates on Beaver Creek, has requested the use of the Folson property for temporary construction staging. The Folson property is the undeveloped land immediate east of the Gates property (see attached map). Attached to this memo is a grading plan which describes the proposed area of disturbance, the proposed use on the site, and mitigating condition to restore the property to its original condition. The grading plan also includes an authorization letter from the property owner allowing CFC the use of the property, as well as a breakdown of the restoration costs. As you are aware, the construction activity on the Gates property has been on and off over the last several years. Currently, the construction activity has been moving forward and the steel framing of the building is nearing completion. Unfortunately, due to the size df the building area relative to the size of the structure, there is minimal space available to stage construction material and equipment on site. It is also important to note that a formal staging plan was never submitted as part of the Gates construction approvals. Staff has been informed by CFC that once the balance of subcontractors arrive, there will be no available space on site for their materials and equipment. It has also been brought to staffs attention that CDOT will no longer allow parking of vehicles within their right-of-way, and that as winter nears the conditions may become dangerous. Background The Folson property was annexed into the Town (Ordinance 85-7) on May 2e, 1985 and was automatically zoned as Planned Unit Development (PUD). Although the property is zoned PUD, the property does not currently hold any development rights. Staff's primary concern with the request is allowing the site to be disturbed without a clear understanding of if, or how, the site will be developed. The initial request by CFC to stage on the Folson property was rejected by staff for several reasons. The most notable reason was the initial area requested was larger in size and the amount of the proposed surety was, in our opinion, inadequate to restore the site to its original condition and not based on a realistic estimate to restore the site. October 3, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting The proposed staging area would be located at the northwest comer of the lot, which is also the flattest part of the lot. The area would be accessed from the existing access point onto the Gates property, and then directly onto the Folson property. Therefore, there would be no requirement for a right-of-way permit or subsequent curb cut. The plan depicts 36 parking spaces, and two construction trailers. The plan also includes provisions for temporary erosion and sediment control, minimal cut and fill slopes, and sufficient snow storage area. Further east on the site are two areas where excess cut storage and top soil storage will be placed. Discussion Staff suggests that the Commission consider whether the staging area is appropriate in terms of size, location, and mitigating conditions. More importantly, the Commission should consider whether any activity should take place on site knowing that there are currently no development rights for the site. The estimated restoration costs ($41,023) are provided on the plan and staff feels confident that these numbers are realistic. Furthermore, staff has added an additional 50% of that cost, which is our standard policy, which brings the total restoration amount to $61,535.55. Staff Recommendation Staff believes there is sufficient protection for the Town with the surety amount proposed and therefore recommends approval of the Staging Plan dated September 13"', 2006 on the Folson property subject to the following conditions: 1. The staging area shall be restored to its original condition prior to the issuance of a TCO (Gates on Beaver Creek) based on the plans and conditions provided; and 2. No material shall be removed from or imported to the site; and 3. CFC Construction shall provide a letter of credit in the amount of $61,535.55 as security to restore the site; and Exhibits: A: Staging Pian dated September 13, 2006; B: Letter dated September 13, 2006 from CFC Construction October 3, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ► CFC construction September 13, 2006 Town of Avon Department of Community Development PO Box 975 Avon CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Erie Heidemann RE: The Gates on Beaver Creek Project # 56001 Folson Property Construction Staging Request Mr. Heldemann: CFC Residential Constructors (CFCRC) respectfully requests reconsideration of the enclosed construction staging proposal on the Folson Property immediately adjacent to the construction site now known as The Gates on Beaver Creek. CFCRC had earlier requested Town of Avon approval of a similar plan, however it was not previously approved . CFC had substantively counted on the availability of the adjacent land when generating both it's Master Construction Schedule as well as the Site Specific Safety Plan. Subsequent to initial rejection of staging request, CFCRC has accelerated progress on the twenty-nine million dollar project with minimal staging and parking available. This has necessitated the off loading of construction materials from the shoulder of US Highway 6. As the western portion of the jobsite is In Gose proximity to the round about, a virtual blind corner condition is present. As ski season arrives, the combination of Increased vehicular/pedestrian traffic, snow removal operations, diminished daylight, and the presence of tourists unfamiliar with winter driving conditions, will only increase in danger and has the potential for creating a life threatening situation. Based upon my thirty-four years of experience building in the Colorado mountains, I truly believe that the best remedy to this pending problem is the approval of the attached staging and parking plan on the adjacent Folson Property. CFCRC has incorporated all of the Town df Avon requirements and comments into this plan. CFCRC believes that approval of the submitted plan is in the best interests of the Town of Avon, CFCRC, and the general public. Please contact me directly should you require any additional information or clarification while making your decision. The only outstanding requirement set forth by the Town of Avon, is the submission by CFCRC to the town, of an acceptable letter of credit by CFCRC's bank. CFCRC shall await the approval of the plan itself as well as the Town Engineer's approval of the cost to re -vegetate the site, prior to submitting this documentation. Thank you in advance for your careful consideration of this matter. Respectful CFC RQsfd �st=�nc. Norm Wood, Town of Avon Craig Folson, Folson Exploration Tim Barton, CSC Land Development Ron Wood, Steere CM File A9 mots" 31Y0 'ON ="W -)'W U101°°'NOLiWII N13Ln5'°Y 3UTA1°T'INJNWlOJ2M y��,w UDiW°fU 1Y 11911 OJ'NOAV tL %01IIJ °VOtl JIYJl9„ft1 wr •i w°w wa w11. «n •wrw •wr •a w w.1 .w vaw rrn r n 0OV210100 'J.1Nn00 310V3 _ au rP�I�aww14 9 vwY «4slws wnrmwl4 tw w Iwrresr ru evwrvl•J V ��L: • @�q� aa JMw . 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D.V ik ♦' y `t ' 1'0 �M. .11'1 rlh,J��,'4 •'S,~t rFtJ ,� Y I J ' J 1t q9 ti #,Jf 06 ' i �y it 44 f 3r 71 .#!,N, iI • r � �• fJ l 17I +i F � � ,t'��p ,.ayf!'• yJy � $� J '� •� . :. � , � ��T _ P;;�f •• , .;fit �. oeN au uo u4:uop MAK15A LAHMAN (970)-949-1607 p.2 Candace Langager P.O. Box 201 Gypsum, CO 81637 970-524-1164 September 29, 2006 Dear Avon Town Council Members: I am writing in support of the proposal being presented to you by Merrill and Marisa Lahman, owners of Walkin The Dog, Inc. Their business offers a wonderful service to all pet owners in the valley and this proposed expansion would be a great benefit to "all" customers who patronize the businesses within the Commercial PArk, and especially the pets that they care for. Your vote in support of this proposal and the renewal of their current special use permit will be greatly appreciated by many. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance In this matter. Best regards, Candace Langager RECEIVED OCT 0 2 2006 commudty pevetopmefl, tiep :tU U6 U4:09p MARISA LAHMAN (970)-949-1607 p.4 Marx D. FwrY P.6.T.S, Inc '345oo Hwy b, Gto P.O, box Edwards. co. 51tin 970-124.-1551 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in regards to Marissa & Meryl with "Walkin the Dog." I have worked with them for years. I send people and their dogs to them for many reasons. I believe that the service they offer is a needed asset to the pets in the valley. Their business helps people to have a choice not to leave their pets at home all day which is healthier for the dog than staying home alone all day. Pet owners have a choice to take their pet to day-care of on a long dog walk. I refer to "Wallin the Dog" shy dogs, dogs that need to learn to play, dogs, dogs that need socialized, and dogs with separation anxiety. I am very impressed with what they do at "Walkin the Dog." They are "dog people" with an understanding of dog behavior and training. I hold them in high regard. I truly believe that what they do is invaluable to the pets and people in this valley. If they need to expand their business, I believe it will be a benefit to the people and pets in the area. Please approach this issue with an open mind. `y7l `I� /G� u..d Mark Ruark Dog Trainer, PETS Inc. RECEIVED OCT 0 2 2006 community Development Sep 30 06 04:09p MARISA LAHMAN (970}949-1607 p.5 Kristopher Schweitzer P.O. Box 2145 Avon, CO. 81620 970.948.0026 (Cell) September 29, 2006 Town of Avon RE: Special Use Permit for Walkin the Dog, Inc. Metcalf Commercial Park — 281 Metcalf Rd. Unit 201, Avon, CO 81620 To Whom It May Concern: I am currently a resident of Wildridge and am a 4 year resident of the Vail Valley. I work in Edwards so I pass the land proposed for the Wallin the Dog play yard and parking area on a daily basis. I would love to see open space and dogs playing versus another commercial plaza. Please consider the approval of the Special Use Permit in question and the new play yard and necessary building modifications to connect the play yard with Unit 201. Kind ygards k'sistopher Schweitzer RECEIVED OCT 0 2 2006 Community OWGIOPmOnt Sep 30 06 04:10p MARISA LAHMAN (970}949-1607 p.6 Rebecca A. Barton P.O. Box 401 Avon, CO. 81620 970.331.9632 (Cell) September 29, 2006 Town of Avon RE: Special Use Permit for Walkin the Dog, Inc. Metcalf Commercial Park— 281 Metcalf Rd. Unit 201, Avon, CO 81620 To Whom It May Concern: I am currently a resident of Wildridge and am a 6 year resident of the Vail Valley. lam also an employee of Mountain Capital Group, Inc., which occupies Unit 207 of the Metcalf Commercial Park. We have been in this unit for over 2 years and have never had any negative feelings toward the daily operations of Wallin the Dog. Though I do not use their services, I enjoy seeing the dogs daily. 1 would encourage the approval of the Special Use Permit in question and would also enthusiastically support the approval of the new play yard and necessary building modifications to connect the play yard with Unit 201. Your consideration is appreciated. jRegards, � cbecca Barton RECEIVED OCT 0 2 Z006 Community Development U- Sep 30 06 04:08p MARISA LAHMAN (970)-949-1607 p.3 Sept, 29, 2006 Dear Town of Avon, I'm writing in support of the Special Use Permit sought by Walkin7 the Dog. i have been using their services for many years, even before they moved to Avon. Marisa and Merrill Lahman are responsible and reliable business owners, and are an asset to our community. We have many full time residents in the Wildridge, Wildwood and Avon area, and I feel they provide a much needed service for us. Walkin the Dog is a perfect compliment to the Avon Pet Center, around the comer, which I and many in the area patronize. The addition of a fenced area play yard is a very responsible action for their business. Access of course is necessary. It would have minimal traffic impact on Wildridge Road and be more aesthetically pleasing than a large building. I hope you will grant a Special Use Permit to Walkin the Dog as they are a benefit to our community. Marisa and Memll Lahman have a long trustworthy history in our area They provide a much needed service, and dogs hiking under supervision in a fenced in area is the responsible thing to do. Thank you, Gail Day 3033B Wildridge Rd Avon, Co 81620 970-845-8704 RECEIVE[, OCT 0 2 /i1(,,, Community Devaj,)Prrmy,; Matt Pielsticker From: Carel Slatkoff [cmackco@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 1:02 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: Walkin' the Dog Special Use Permit Dear Matt, As a full-time Wildridge resident and a dog owner, I am writing in support of Merrill and Marisa Lahman's request for a Special Use Permit for a fenced play yard. We have used the services of Walkin' the Dog for several years and have found them to be responsible business people. I have no doubt that they will do things in a way that minimizes the effect on drivers using Metcalf road. I believe that the sight of dogs playing in a fenced environment will be as pleasing as the commercial buildings that we have at the moment. I do not believe that this will detract from the area in the least. In fact I think it will be an added bonus for those of us that use this invaluable service. I hope that the council will rule favorably on this request. Sincerely, Carel Slatkoff 4191A Little Point PO Box 1137 Avon, CO 81620 Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Sally Clair (sally@airclair.org] Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 2:28 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: walkin the dog I am writing in support of the business, Welkin the Dog. I support them for wanting to expand their business so they can have a play yard for all the dogs they work with. They have a very professionally run business. They are conscientious about the impact their business has on others. I see no reason why they should not be able to continue to grow the business by expanding to a play yard. They will make sure the dogs do not create any problems for the businesses in the area. Nor will the business growth impact the parking or traffic on Metcalf road. I see no reason not to approve their request: I have been a client of Walkin the Dog since they started. I trust them with my pet. I also know that they provide a valuable service in our community. Sally Clair 10/2/2006 Matt Pielsticker From: simone homess [simonehomess@msn.com] Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 5:01 PM To: walkinthedog7@comcast.net Matt Pielsticker Subject: special use permit for walkin the dog To whom it May Concern at the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commision, My husband and I have lived in the Vail Valley since 1994, and have owned our home in Wildridge for 1 1/2 years. we love living in the mountains, and in such a dog -friendly community. I have used Walkin' the Dog's services many times in the last few years. As most people who live in the area know, there are few homes with yards for our dogs. This makes it difficult for us to properly take care of our dog, Ruca's, needs while we are at work. I work twelve hour shifts at the hospital, and am unable to leave for a lunch break, let alone to let Ruca out to relieve herself. This also leaves little daylight for me to give her a good walk before or after work. Fortunately, we have a reliable dog -walker and doggie daycare in the area. Marisa and Merrill have been a god -send when no one else was around to care for our baby. We would love to see a Walkin' the Dog add a play yard to their daycare. It is so nice for the dogs to be able to get outside and play with each other. This would allow them to get more exercise and quality time while at daycare. This would be a good use of the land around the businesses in the area, and should have little to no impact on the homeowners in Wildridge and Wildwood. Please support this wonderful business and all they are trying to do to help the local dog owners give quality care to our loved ones. Thank you. Sincerely, Simone and Dan DeVine The next generation of Search—say hello! http://imagine-windowslive.com/minisites/searchlaunch/?locale=en-us&FORM=WLMTAG Od 02 06 04:26p MARISA LAHMAN September 20, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: (970)-949-1607 p.2 I am a Wildridge resident and an Avon voter. I do not use Wallin' The Dog personally but have known of their business for years now, and have many friends that use their service. I believe they provide a service very much needed for this community where people treat their dogs like they are children. I have watched the WTD business grow from a small business years ago to what it is today, and I think it's great! I am in full support of the proposed use of the land to the south of their facility. As stated above, I live is Wildridge and drive by the site and have no negative reaction to the idea of a dog play yard. I hope to see it soon! Thank you for hearing me. Wildridge resident, voter, and non -client of WTD, Oct 02 06 04:27p MARISA LAHMAN Comcast Message Center From: 'Karin Weber" <trekkerglH@earthllnk.net> To: <walkinthedog7@comcastnet> Subject: play yard for Walkln the Dog Date: Mon, 2 OR 2006 20:10:16 +0000 (970x949-1607 p:a Page 1 of 1 We are writing in support of Merrill and Marisa Lahman's request to fence the approximately 2 acres adjacent to 77 Metcalf Road, Avon. Additionally, their request to add an exterior exit and decking would be beneficial to patrons and proprietors alike. Walkin' the Dog is an extremely well run business, the Lahmans are conscientious business people, sensitive to their commercial neighbors' needs. For additional %edback, feel free to contact us. Karin Weber (trekkergirf@earthlnk.net Robert Weber reweber@earthlink.net Sincerely, Karin and Bob Weber October 2, 2006 f Rack C/ 2006 Comcast Carle CommunlQuions. fnc. Al riahls reserved. �Fo October 3, 2006 (� V6' v To: The Town of Avone�r Re: Support for Request from Walkin' the Dog I am writing this letter in support of Walkin' the Dogs request for a fenced in play yard adjacent to their shop on Metcalf Road and a building modification to access the yard from the existing location. I wish that the Town of Avon will support this request and provide a safe environment for local dogs to play and exercise. Please support local business. Thank You Sarah Townsend Davis Oct 03 06 12:04p MARISA L.AHMAN Steve &Nancy MacDonald From, -Steve & Nancy Mar -Donald" <smac@vail.netr To: 'Marisa Lehman" 4wa§dnthedog7®comcaaLneri Sent: Tuesday. October 03, 2000 927 AM Subject Town of Avon Meeting Madsa, (970}949-1607 p.'s Page 1 of t it was nice to talk to you yesterday aftemoon. I wanted to write this letter In support of your Watkin the Dog operation in Avon. As the owner of Lot 20 & 21, which Is where you propose to expand your putdoorfaciltly, I believe this is a much needed business in our community, My involvement with your operation started when a mutual friend asked If I would be willing to assist In your operation. He is a real estate broker, but was would for no allow youtoexpand yoou rservi s onto my property. Aftercause he believes there Is a reviewing youfor your r operation I said yesice In Avon. He d me, for a minimal fee. if I I would urge the coundt to support your operation. In reviewing the staff report they expressed concern relative to your fencing surrounded try a�metal chain link lance.ink a well done wood Theronce a Is also fencing around otheld enhance the area. r Currently, properties along Methese sites overlook a tcalf Road.ub tis Good luck with your application. Again, I urge the council to support you. Sincerely, Steve MacDonald 10/3/200 Od 03 06 01:50p MARISA LAHMAN (970)-949-1607 p.2 PA s 1161 VAa, CO 81658 PHtm= 970949.7090 D� FA= 97094990 [ ! e e • I . g, t < c. CAW" -UFNVL47lRT—O.VDVlALJZVG.4-7hZ—Sl1AVa— WA 7FARW.WGCRE570XATMN RECEIVED To Whom It May Concern: OCT 0 3 2006 Community Nvelopment This is a letter of support regarding the Walkin' the Dog's proposed use of adjacent land and special use permit renewal. We are the owners of Unit 106 in Metcalf Commercial Park. Marisa and her business, Watkin' the Dog, have always been conscientious neighbors. I do think it important for you to approve the building modification if there is going to be an increase in the number of dogs allowed. Adding an exterior exit and decking off the south side of their unit into the play area would free up additional parking and decrease the amount of traffic our building sees on a daily basis. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at my business line above. Sincerely, Lars Hutchinson Owner of New Dimension Cleaning, Inc. Oct 03 06 01:50p MARISA LAHMAN TO: Town of Avon, Planning Commission RE: permit to expand Walking The Dog DATE: October 3, 2006 (970}949-1bU/ 1 p•,3 Please be it known that as condo owners in the Metcalf Commercial Park, Unit 205/305 we support the expansion of Walking The Dog. They have been exceptionally good neighbors and are very mindful of the mess and smell that their business can generate. They go to great lengths to keep the walking area clean, sanitized and tidy. Additionally, they provide and much needed and necessary service to our community. To have an area south of their unit to exercise the dogs is a logical addition to their service and should be approved. Sincerely, Christine LaVenture Thomas LaVenture, owners LaVenture Fine Art, Ltd. RECEIVED OCT 6,3 2006 C�411,IIt I"I1 ,(D1.t;,�.� a nnl AVON C O L O R A D O Applicant: SIGN DESIGN APPLICATION Em One Sign: $97.50 Each Additional Sign: $50.00 Master Sign Program: $200.00 All fees are due %virh aaalice Mailing Address: 15h X qq 5 1 City: 4V&c State: Ccs Zip: Phone #: / y $ - q QQQ Fax #: 7 (IV- 1/07,5 Cell #: Owner of Property: I t n U F /+V 6n Mailing Address: Ckm-Ql City: Phone #: Fax #: Lot: a Block: Subdivision: Physical Address of Property: 9(W rrL d)6A11khL8at2, 5Jcdew4 Type of Sign: Freestanding & Hanging Master Sign Program (MSP) ❑ Linear Frontage of Building: TS State: Zip: Cell #: e-1 I c IvilitiyK o Gk/ -P c7.naf /o r ❑ Building Mounted Amendment to MSP ❑ Total Sign Area Proposed (In square feet): 32- = y I X 2� / Number of Signs Proposed: Square Footage of Each Sign: Sign 1: 32- Sign2: Signa: Sign4: F (If more than4 individual signs, please attach the square footage of each sign on a separate sheet) Community Development, P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 (970)748.4030 Fax (970)949.5749 (rev. 12/27/01) Page i or 3 Material of Each Sign: fl L mu'Lam t� 1'Y11� Ciil�nt� — -�tnt�hv�4 t.tl2a.i.2 �� Pi�A�mP1 I—Wo Yx4_cPda.r0('3fS Type of Lighting: Identify Colors of Signs and Submit Samples:Q Additional Attachments Included? Yes ❑ No Please describe attachments: I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that I (we) understand the Town of Avon regulations applicable to this project, and understand that incomplete submittals will delay application review. Owner designates Appli- cant as indicated to act as owner's representative in all application submittals related to this project. Applicant: e I(� Q �(l i ,fir, " , Owner: �l ()(l QT AVl h (Print Nam : (}�( G)Ikl= t �t v�u�l -r (Print Name): -r6_Jh U -P &m Date: 16 • 2 • d (v Date: /a • 62. A Community Development, P.O. Bos 975 Avon, CO 81620 (970)748.4030 Fax (970)949.5749 (rev. 12/27/01) Page 2 or 3 lill 1IF=ITIS `] skin Ili_'1►'fius] Afill Its no -f Ao O y xituRID