PZC Minutes 09-05-2006 (3)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Ii Meeting Minutes
C ° L ° R A ° ° September 6, 2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:37 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Two letters of opposition and one letter of support were distributed at Work Session regarding
Item VI, Special Review Use Applications, A, Walkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19,
Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item VI, Special Review Use
Applications, A. Walkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark
Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road and B. General Commercial Offices & Personal Service
Business, Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 0077 Metcalf Road and
Item VII, Minor Project - Commercial Exterior Modifications, Property Location: Unit 201, Lot
18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the August 15, 2006 Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Goulding motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner. Smith
seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Foster abstained due to
absence in last meeting. The motion passed 6-0.
VI. Special Review Use Applications
A. Walkin the Dog PUBLIC HEARING
Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road
Applicant/Owner. Marisa Lahman
Description: The applicant is seeking approval for 24-hour boarding services for up to 50 dogs at a
time. In addition to the extended hours and increased dog capacity, the applicant is requesting
approval for a new fenced "exercise" area to be located on the vacant property to the south for use
between the hours of 9am and 4pm. The outdoor dog walking area would be accessed from a new
proposed deck leaving the unit as well as a paved drive in access off of Metcalf Road.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Brian Woodel, Slifer, Smith and Frampton, approached the podium and requested tabling this agenda
item to the next meeting and requested an extension to the next meeting of the currently in place
Special Review Use for this location.
Robert Dowie, 133 Mountain Sage in Avon, approached the podium to support this application by
commenting that they were good neighbors and to permit additional parking. Paul Jardis, approached
the podium as the president of the Metcalf Commercial Business Association and supports the tabling
of the current application and did not support this application as presented.
Commissioner Goulding motioned to table Item Vl, Special Review Use Applications, A. Walkin the
Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road, Special
Review Use and extend the current Special Review Use for 45 days, Commissioner Lane seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
B. General Commercial Offices & Personal Service Business PUBLIC NEARING
Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision 10077 Metcalf Road
Applicant/Owner. BBG Holding Corp.
Description: Special Review Use permit request to operate an accessory office and facial (personal
service) business in a recently remodeled building in the Industrial Commercial zone. The property is
on Metcalf Road and contains a contractor office, daycare business, and other office space.
Eric Heidemann presented the staff report and commented that no public response was submitted to
Commissioner Goulding questioned the traffic levels at the area and Mr. Heidemann responded that
he was aware of the level of service. Commissioner Goulding questioned if other retail was in the
area and the response was affirmative.
Mr. Evans, one of the owners of BBG Holding Corp, approached the podium to discuss the
application. Mr. Evans commented on the lack of rental capability of the offices in the building.
Construction offices are a Use by Right and that general commercial office is so similar to a Use by
Right office. Mr. Evans continued that there is no need for retail use of the building due to the parking
and traffic, but parking is to be increased.
Commissioner review included questions regarding the parking lot traffic timing, the proposed hours
for the anticipated educational learning/tutoring and personal services, the parking capability with
services on hourly basis, and it seemed to be an organized flow of traffic rather than rushes of traffic.
Mr. Evans commented that the current leases are restricted in the number of spots permitted. There
was concern with the trip generation of these uses at the intersection.
No members of the public made comment.
Commissioner Green moved to approve Item VI, B. General Commercial Offices & Personal Service
Business, Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 0077 Metcalf Road, Resolution
No. 06-15 for general commercial office on site and personal services in Unit 304. Commissioner
Foster seconded. The motion passed 5-1 with one commissioner in opposition.
VII. Minor Project - Commercial Exterior Modifications
Property Location: Unit 201, Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road
Applicant/Owner. Marisa Lahman
Description: The applicant is seeking approval of exterior modifications to the Metcalf Commercial
Park Building on Metcalf Road. Improvements are in conjunction with SRU expansion request and
include three new windows on upper level of unit and new doors exiting unit on both levels. There
would be a new stairway for employees and pets to leave both levels.
Tabled with Item VI, Special Review Use Application, A. Walkin the Dog, Property Location: Lot 18/19,
Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road.
VIII. Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential
A. RAL Spec Duplex
Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd.
Applicant. Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects / Owner. Robert B. Thomas
Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of wood and
stone veneer siding. Sketch review took place at the Commission's June 20, 2006 meeting.
Eric Heidemann presented the staff report.
Commissioner Struve questioned the color scheme and remarked that it was very similar to the house
next door. Discussion among the commissioners revolved on the comments of the size of the home,
disregard of sketch design comments that the home was too large for the site, limitations of site
coverage, suggested review of zoning codes and design review criteria, overhang is in setback, eave
balancing, presents as one big structure, review as to the appearance and mass of the structure as
seen by adjacent properties, and reevaluation of the landscaping.
Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VIII, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential, A.
RAL Spec Duplex, Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd.
Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. New Residence
Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD / 5775 Wildridge Road East
Applicant. Bob Sutter /Owner. Buz Reynolds
Description: Final Design review for a single-family residence on this Western Sage PUD property
accessed off Wildridge Road East on at the top of Wildridge.
Matt Pielsticker commented on this application and its presentation. Staff concerns were its position
to the road, the narrow driveway (14 ft to 20 ft), sight ability to road, and height requirements in
excess of 35 feet. Commissioner Evans commented on the inability to read the plans and that there
may be a better design.
Buz Reynolds, owner, approached the podium and commented that he believed that he had a
hardship due to the difficulty of the site and the excessive 2:1 grades leaving the driveway, and that
replatting was in the works. Commissioner Green commented that he could not read the plans thus
could not evaluate the project. Bob Sutter, applicant, approached the podium to discuss the site with
the Commission with comments regarding the retaining wall height (lowered from 21' to 13'), garage
location, distance from road, landscaping, access and retaining walls, and elevation heights.
Commissioner Struve plans is one curb cut for the three houses. Evans commented that the
commission was being asked to approve a site plan for three lots and a home on one and that the
landscaping failed to be intense. It was suggested that the application might benefit from a model
submission of the project. Commissioner Evans commented on the potential need for a guardrail and
its functionality.
Commissioner Smith motioned to table Item VIII, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Residential, B. New
Residence, Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD / 5775 Wildridge Road East, with
Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion
passed unanimously.
IX. Other Business
A. Update of Various Projects
a. Pedro Campos, VAG, is planning on a joint work session presentation with Town
Council regarding Christie Sport site.
b. Riverfront Lodge final design applications have been submitted.
XI. Adjourn
Commissioner Goulding motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans Wv
Phil Struve