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PZC Packet 080106
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission AVON / I Meeting Agenda for August 1, 2006 Meeting Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers C O L U R A D O Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building /400 Benchmark Road Work Session (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm) Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - (ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED) I. Call to Order (5:30 pm) II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the July 18, 2006 Meeting Minutes B. Minor Project Location: Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 11060 Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant: TAB Associates / Owner: Sharon Primmer Description: The applicant is requesting to change the base, trim, and accent colors for the existing Sunridge Building Phase II. VI. Special Review Use Application (5:35 pm — 6:00 pm) - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd Applicant: Jeff Reddy, Architect/ Owner., Qwest Communications Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The property is located within the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district, and accordingly 'outdoor storage' is enumerated as an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This is the second public hearing. VII. Sign Application Qwest Communications (6:00 pm — 6:15 pm) Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd Applicant: Jeff Reddy, Architect /Owner. Qwest Communications Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a sign at the new Qwest location on Metcalf Road. The sign would be south facing and is 18 square feet in size. Sign construction is with Black Poly Carbonate Plastic and no lighting is proposed. VIII. Final Design - Single -Family (6:15 pm — 6:35 pm) Property Location: Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail Road Applicant: Michael Sanner/Owner. Trent Hubbard Posted on July 28, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Description: Review of Final Design Plan for the third and final single-family home in the Dry Creek PUD. The home is approximately 4,500 square feet with cedar siding, stucco and stone veneer walls. Sketch Review for this application took place at the Commission's June 20th meeting. IX. Sketch Design Plans - Residential Duplex (6:35 pm — 7:15 pm) A. Property Location: Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2470 Old Trail Road Applicant: Rick Dominick, Aker Architects / Owners: Tanavon Corporation Description: The applicant is proposing a duplex on Old Trail Road in Wildridge. The units are moderately sized: west unit is 2,810 square feet, and east is 2,730 square feet. The proposed building materials are wood siding, stucco, and stone chimneys. B. Property Location: Lot 48, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5151 Longsun Lane Applicant. Rick Dominick, Aker Architects / Owners: Tanavon Corporation Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for a 7,500 square foot duplex residence. The proposed building materials include vertical and horizontal wood siding. X. Minor Project Amendment (7:15 pm - 7:30 pm) Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge) Applicants/Owners: Charles Frey, Manager Description: The applicant is requesting to waive the condition of approval requiring an outdoor lighting plan associated with a prior request to replace the existing canvas awnings from the current rust color to a forest green color. XI. Other Business (7:30 pm - 7:35pm) A. Update of Various Projects XII. Adjourn (7:35pm) Posted on July 28, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission VONMeeting Minutes CU La NA D July 18, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. il. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with Commissioner Green arriving a few minutes late. 111. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda None IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Goulding revealed a conflict with Item IX, Final Design Plan - Residential Property Location: Lot 24, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Coyote Ridge. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the June 20, 2006 Meeting Minutes. • Stonebridge Improvements: proposed stone for columns. Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the June 20, 2006 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes and the stone proposed for the Stonebridge Improvements. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion. All commissioners were in agreement and it passed unanimously. VI. Special Review Use Application - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd Applicant: Dennis Pappas /Owner. Randy Massey Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) application for an automotive repair land -use on Nottingham Road. The property is located within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone district, and accordingly 'automobile service and repair is allowed only with a SRU permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission along with Resolution 06-10 which sought denial of this application. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING No members of the public came forth to comment CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Struve moved to deny Item VI, Special Review Use, Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd, to operate as stated in Staffs May 5", 2006 original report with findings one, two and three. Commissioner Smith seconded and the motion passed with 6-0 with Commissioner Green abstaining due to his late arrival for this meeting. VII. Special Review Use Application — PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 5, Filing Block 1, Village at Avon Applicant / Owner., Stone Creek Elementary School/ Town of Avon Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for a temporary school site. The property is located within the Village at Avon PUD, and accordingly a school site is an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve questioned ownership of the lot in question with a response that ownership was with the Town of Avon for snow storage and this use would be temporary. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING No members of the public made comment. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Foster motioned to approve Resolution 06-13, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot 5, Filing Block 1, Village at Avon. Commissioner Smith seconding with findings in resolution and findings. Jim Pyke, Charter School Applicant, commented on the parking lot that blacktopping was difficult to procure with the busy schedule of local contractors. Commissioner Evans responded that it would be an issue with the Design Review Board for the Village at Avon and its design was a Village at Avon matter. All commissioners favored the approval and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Sign Design Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision / 820 Nottingham Road Applicant: Corporate Identity Solutions / Owner. • U -Store -IT Description: Sign Design application to replace the existing "Self Storage" pan channel sign with a new pan channel "U -Store -It" sign on Nottingham Road. Town Code requires that all signs not part of an approved Master Sign Program be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Commissioner Green questioned the light diffusion and had staff seen it. Mr. Pielsticker responded that it had not been reviewed but it was the most diffused material offered by 3M. Commissioner Struve mentioned a need for a condition to the approval to retain the trees in their current condition. Commissioner Goulding commented on the need for such a sign with conversation revolving around its size, reference to the lighting plan and its impact on 1-70. Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of Item VIII, Sign Design Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision / 820 Nottingham Road, with following conditions: 1. Lettering will utilize "3M Vinyl Diffuser Film" with 30% light transmission, 2. No trees will be removed or significantly altered, and 3. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all -material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. The vote carried 6-1, with Commissioner Goulding opposing. IX. Final Design Plan - Residential Property Location: Lot 24, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Coyote Ridge Applicant: Andrew Abraham /Owner. • Mike Farr Description: Andrew Abraham is proposing a single-family home on this Coyote Ridge property in Block 4 of the Wildridge PUD. The home is large with approximately 9,000 square feet of livable space with 7 indoor garage parking spaces. A Sketch Design plan was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their May 16, 2006 meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Evans commented on the Development Rights for this site. It was determined that the apartment was considered the use of the second Development Right on this property. Commissioner Green revealed that he spoke with the architect of record and also spoke with a neighbor whose questions needed to be presented at the Planning and Zoning Meeting and he did not provide comment. Commissioner Green also questioned the maximum height and Mr. Pielsticker responded that the height of the barn and another corner were at 34 feet. Commissioner discussion revolved around ridgeline height, view corridor considerations for the neighbors and advised Mr. Farr of his development rights on the property. Commissioner Lane was concerned with grades, Commissioner Smith concerned with size of the house overall, Commissioner Foster agreed with Commissioner Smith on the size. Mr. Farr mentioned that the corncrib was authentic in design. Andrew Abraham, applicant, approached the podium to reveal to the Commission how the project was reduced in size. Commissioner Evans commented that the project was well designed and . appropriate for the size of the lot. Neighbors adjacent to this site voiced concern of the size of the home and its impact but liked the project. Commissioner Green motioned to approve the design of Item IX, Final Design Plan — Residential, Property Location: Lot 24, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Coyote Ridge, as submitted with the following qualifications: Applicant needs to bring back a roof plan that shows compliance to height restrictions and present it to staff for verification of height prior to building permit submittal. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion and the motion passed 6-0 with all commissioners in favor. X. Minor Project - Residential Modifications Property Location: Lot 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 520 Nottingham Road Applicant: Ronald Tribelhom /Owner. Ronald Tribelhom Description: The applicant is requesting an extension to the design approval that was granted in August of 2004 for exterior improvements. The project is incomplete and the applicant has provided a summary of progress and is requesting a 15 -month extension for design approval. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Two of the property owners were present and explained frustrations with the situation and 3rd property owner and lack of progress. The Commission did not feel a performance bond was appropriate in this situation and estimated completion dates were presented. The applicant desired a 15 month extension in order to have all next building season to complete the approved work. Unit A property owner (not present) has stated the desire to refinance and be able to start work on their portion of the building. Commission discussion focused on the compliance by homeowners to perform repair and modifications to their properties, duration of time for performance and surety bonds to ensure completion of project. Commissioner Goulding asked what assurance does the commission have for the project's completion. Steve Smith, owner of Unit B, voiced the time of repairs have taken and the basic condition of the townhomes. Commissioner Goulding motioned to approve Item X, Minor Project - Residential Modifications Property Location: Lot 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 520 Nottingham Road, with an extended period of 15 months or October 316`, 2007 and eliminate the performance bound recommendation from staff. Commissioner Struve seconded with all commissioners in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XI. Sketch Design Plan - Residential 1 Is Lot 6, Western Sage Subdivision, Block 4, Wildridge / 5775 Wildridge Road East Applicant. /Owner.• Bob Sutter/Buz Reynolds Description: The applicant is proposing a single-family home on lot 6 of the Western Sage PUD. The sketch review also includes the review of a shared access proposal with the adjacent lot 7. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report to the commission. Buzz Reynolds, applicant, approached the podium to discuss this project and presented a new design alternative for the commission to entertain which was not in their packets. After review, Commissioner consensus was that it was not the job of the commission to design the project for the applicant. The commission suggested that the applicant return with a finished project for their review. Commissioner Lane suggested a sunshade study for the project. XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects a. PUC Trial for the railroad crossing is on Monday. b. Town Center East Charette — Workshop and Open House this week. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary b� Town of Avon Design Modifications Residential Staff Report August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date July 26, 2006 Project type Building Color Change - Minor Project Legal description Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Sunridge Phase II) Zoning RHD (Residential High Density) Address 1060 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Tab Associates Inc., representing the owners of Sunridge Phase ll, is proposing a color change to all the existing buildings. Sunridge Condominiums was platted in 1980 and includes 18 condominium buildings, some of which are clustered in groups of two or three buildings. The applicant has presented two color options for review. Option "A" includes 5 different colors types with a combination of colors used on the clustered buildings. Option "B" includes 4 color choices with a single color for clustered buildings. The applicant has submitted a photo color rendering of all the color option as well as a site plan illustrating the color combination by option type. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The proposal is in compliance with all of the requirements imposed by the Town of Avon Municipal Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The property is located in District 20: River Residential District, and is labeled as a Low Priority District. According to the Comprehensive Plan "the major design influences are U.S. Highway 6, the riparian environment along the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Eagle River, and public access to the river." One of the planning principles that staff would like to highlight is: "Use sensitive site planning, architectural detailing, articulation, and appropriate setbacks, color, and scale to structure to preserve the character of the river and associated natural habitat." The proposed color changes are an improvement that furthers these goals and policies. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. There are no planned improvements that affect the development rights. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: There are no planned changes to the site plan with this application. B. Building Design: The guidelines require that all colors shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Because the property is a residential property, the requirement for colors not exceeding a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60 percent does not apply to this application. Nonetheless, the colors appear to comply with this standard. C. Landscaping: There is no landscaping being proposed with this application. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is no site grading required. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. As mentioned, this building would be highly visible from Highway 6 and could be viewed from the bike path adjacent to the Eagle River. As addressed in the Town Comprehensive Plan, the high visibility of this property should be acknowledged. The proposed colors would be an improvement and appear to be appropriate with others in the property. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary values should be impaired with the planned improvements. . 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 V . This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Recommendation Staff is recommending approval of the Option "B" color change on Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, also know as Sunridge Phase Il. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the Option "B" color change on Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4009 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann Senior Planner Attachments: A. Minor Project Application B. Site Plan and Photo Rendering C. District 20 of the Comprehensive Plan Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 AYON_ Y O �_ C O L 0 R .\ t) 0 `MINOR PROJE i-Stl.tl V CU JUL 11 2006 and/or Fees: Resintial.MINOR MODIFICATION Mixed Use/Other: oA ,b9- 6-4( Address Telephone Fax 748- N 71 Cell Name (Last) (First) . Address pD > lox two Acrl (street) (city) (state) (DP cod Telephone 8716- 24%0 Fax 26 -OO Cell 90r{-517`1 c .��Nx O � 7. Lot—A2:`: Block Subdivision 5SM P- fie 71:Street Address 10(-00 6C $1vr;Q- Type of Design Change requested: ❑ Fence ❑ Window(s) ❑ Addition ❑ Deck ❑ Modification to Final Design Approval Color Change ❑ Material Change[] Landscaping [3 Other: Project Description (materials, colors, height, unique features, arch. style, etc)s� TAUaZe�#L ro AIA 145 �F}. �artiJ eo f'dt K,ME 'fis#.y SIL a...� raJ rtiL � (�gN � 1 z�n LLL Y1 D MRCS �S M A•ms J Psi 6-E SUV -76015q V fETVM--rAVT:V Submit the following items with app lication:,t-FlM SW &p I33 Ss18L� --Q-Site Plan•-2-Sets� "444 Zo MA-P�FI I:D Elevations - 2 Sets S W 6:3z6 r (of'Wefp �`t'16419 SAAV(1ht1J (� Colors BrMaterials• S W 6 ;5 cuPP1Ue r c ucr�fi:f2 I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that I (we) understand the Town o Avon regulations applicable to this project, and understand that incomplete submittals will delay ap l tfon r view. Owner designates 'Applicant' as indicated to act a owner's representative in all application subMlqfftr project. Applicant _ Own (Print Name) �,�(Print Name) Date Date l' f 1'q '�' ,tea•. �! Oz �1 IN4 •OKr 1' i ,aT � ' f •1 X1.1. -r '�•. i. L ,`- �- J, �; •»: �+ 'o'er -''`S_� f •' `r . ' Y' l' , '�' ,tea•. �! • = 4•U � r- • 1' i ,aT � ' f •1 X1.1. '�•. i. - ,`- �- J, �; •»: �+ -''`S_� f •' `r . ' \ I . � J tY - .-......�-•.._.._�r..x� �.-- -.. . _ .�.. __........._. _.. L r , i A .04+.,..x. , r CIS z O , ol �o c O ' a � CL _ n f = f • , UJ o C syr{' 4� b •i � ♦ b1 > N 1 f/ 1� �• I UCl aqLu lir 1 rz 1 ' f y ( ! O rra y f CL 0 -- � �o c ' a r• f � r ' a � CL _ f = f • , UJ o C syr{' LL l > N 1 UCl aqLu rz 1f fa CL 0 -- � W ^'�•--ti-w.A � �.''- rte"` '���., ��` T s• ��' t1 y� f? ria � �'. T (. cirs+ �': 3,t►ICC .pClr Y J Ll ' a r• f � r ' a � CL _ f = f • , ,, / n`,^�. syr{' LL l 1 rz Y J Ll ' a r• f � r ' a � CL _ f = f • , ,, / n`,^�. syr{' l 1 -- � ^'�•--ti-w.A � �.''- rte"` '���., ��` T s• ��' t1 y� f? ria � �'. T (. cirs+ �': Y J Ll � r 1 -- � ^'�•--ti-w.A � �.''- rte"` '���., ��` T s• ��' t1 y� f? ria � �'. T (. cirs+ �': 3,t►ICC .pClr BMBC - Blk 3, Lots 1 -nd 2 Staff Report I SPECIAL REVIEW USE VON C 0 LORA D O August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date July 25, 2006 Project type Use: Outdoor Storage (PUBLIC HEARING) Legal description Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Industrial Commercial (IC) Address 451 Metcalf Road Introduction The applicant, Jeffrey Reddy (Reddy and Reddy Architects), is requesting a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit to allow 'outdoor storage' of materials at this Metcalf Road property. The lot was recently bought by Qwest Communications for a contractor office. According to the Avon Municipal Code "Industrial, construction and wholesale offices" are uses by right in the IC zone district, and therefore the new contractor office is allowed under current zoning. The new Qwest operation will require outside storage of equipment and parts and "outside storage areas" are only allowed by way of a SRU permit. The property has long been used for automotive repair work, which operated under a SRU permit - that permit has since expired. This property is approximately 1 acre and is located on the west side of Metcalf Road below the Barrancas condominiums. The existing building includes service bays and an upstairs office floor plan. There is currently an interior remodel taking place with a Tenant Finish building permit. The property is zoned Industrial Commercial (IC), which is intended to "provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities." Because the proposed storage use in not included in the list of allowed uses (Exhibit A), the applicant is requesting a SRU under the category of "outdoor storage." The existing land use and zoning for the surrounding properties are as follows: • North: Open Space immediately north, and Barrancas residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) further to the north. • West: Platted Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage (OLD) zoning. Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark , _eaver Creek - Quest Outdoor Storage SRU August 1, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting (2nd Hearing) Page 2 of 5 • South: D'Agostino & Beaver Creek Automotive buildings. Industrial & Commercial (IC) Zoning. • East: Metcalf Rd Right -of -Way. This application is a noticed public hearing with written notice provided to property owners within 300' of the subject property. To date staff has been in contact with owners of Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Beaver Creek Auto) property. They are not opposed to the use of the property as a contractor office, however, access and snow storage were some of their concerns. Criteria for Review According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a Special Review Use permit: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code. This application appears to be in compliance with all other requirements of the Zoning Code. Adequate parking is provided on-site for employees (i.e. one space per employee), and no public parking is needed at this location. According to a letter received from Qwest there will be no more than six employees working out of this location at any given time. Snow storage was one of the concerns brought forth at the first hearing, and has been demonstrated on a revised site plan. The site plan indicates storage near the entrance to the property and this location appears functional. 2. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan. The property is located in District 11 (Exhibit B), the Metcalf Road District and is designated with a 'Medium' priority. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this area as Avon's only industrial center and puts emphasis on parking, access, and screening parking and storage areas. The Comprehensive Plan 'Future Land Use' map designates most of Metcalf Road as continuing with a 'Light Industrial' land -use pattern. And while many of the Metcalf Road District planning principles relate to development and redevelopment along the 1-70 corridor, the following principles could be applied to this application: • "Require development that minimizes significant re -grading, and provides for proper on-site parking and access." Staff Response: No grading is required for this new business to operate and on- site parking is provided. The existing access is adequate for the proposed use. "Require development and encourage existing development to add architectural or landscape screening of storage areas, HVAC equipment, loading docks, and trash containers." rown of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 3 Lot 11, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek - Quest Outdoor Storage SRU August 1, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting (2nd Hearing) Page 3 of 5 Staff Response: Staff is recommending that a new fence be installed on this property in order to help the general appearance of the property and to screen all storage areas. The applicant has provided a landscape plan (since last review) to help address the landscaping concern. Additional landscaping in the form of 10 aspens (2" caliper), 3 Colo. Blue Spruce (8), and 6 shrubs have been incorporated on the outside of the fence along the Metcalf Road ROW and wrapping around the comer of the fence by the vehicle entrance to the property. There are also goals and policies from the Comprehensive Plan which may be relevant to this application. Following are some goals and policies which can be used to evaluate this application. • Policy C.5.1 - "Require that service commercial and light industrial uses, including warehousing and light manufacturing include effective vehicular access and circulation .... and encourage effective screening from adjacent uses and public ways." Staff Response: The applicant has provided a new site plan to show that provisions have been made to accommodate up to a 45' straight body truck, though most of the deliveries would come by way of UPS deliveries which are 28' straight body vehicles. Staff requested that an auto -turning diagram be presented to show both the movements for the straight body truck and also a WB -67 semi -trailer. A WB -67 is the standard tractor trailer semi that is frequent on the interstate highway. It is has a 53' trailer and is 67' long in total. The applicant does not intend to use a WB -67 trailer at any time and staff made this request for the turning movements to better understand the site constraints and to see why a WB -67 might not work given the site limitations. • Goal C.5 - "Encourage redevelopment of existing light industrial and manufacturing uses that conform to existing plans and design standards." Staff Response: A contractor office would conform to the existing zoning and the 'future land use' map from the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. The proposed outdoor storage use should be compatible with adjacent uses if adequately screened. Please see the attached photographs of typical equipment that would be stored on the site. The attached site plan drawing provided by the applicant indicates that items may be stored on the majority of the property. The Qwest operation might be less intense than the previous land -use (auto repair) and no adverse impacts such as dust, odor, or safety issues are anticipated. The appearance of the property should be looked at in detail. Particularly the existing wood fence that has been used to help screen junk vehicles in the past and its current state of disrepair. The property would benefit from a new fence and additional landscaping incorporated into the fence design to help the visual Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 11, Block I, Benchmark -eaver Creek - Quest Outdoor Storage SRU August 1, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting (2nd Hearing) Page 4 of 5 appearance of outdoor storage. No changes to 'site design' are being proposed. The applicant has stated that they are willing to repair the existing fence as needed. A new fence, possibly taller than existing would benefit the appearance of this property. The applicant proposes to repair the existing fence. According to the applicant, all deliveries would arrive by a 45' straight body ("SU") truck and all turning movements would occur on site. As stated above, most deliveries would arrive by a UPS type vehicle (28) and a WB -67 would never be used at this property. The turning studies are attached for your review (Exhibit F). Public Benefit Criteria According the Avon Municipal Code section 17.28.085, the granting of this special review use must provide evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions as outlined below. Please find the applicants response to this review criteria attached for your review. A. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. This application is technically required by the Zoning Code since 'outdoor storage' is a SRU use only. The applicant stated that 'outdoor storage' and the "efficiency, it provides will enable Qwest to better respond to the public's demand for the best communication support possible" and "a greater long term economic benefit to the Avon Community." B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. Adverse impacts should be mitigated if a new fence and additional landscaping were required to improve the properties appearance. Please see staffs recommended conditions of approval. The landscape plan is attached for review. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. No site plan changes are proposed with this application. The entrance drive and building remain in their current locations. Storage locations are somewhat similar to the previous locations used to store vehicles for auto repair. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of the proposed SRU based on the required review criteria. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 11, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek - Quest Outdoor Storage SRU August 1, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting (2nd Hearing) Page 5 of 5 Recommended Motion "I move to approve Resolution 06-11 thereby approving the request for outdoor storage at the new Quest facility located on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. No WB -67 or WB -50 truck deliveries or staging on Metcalf Road are permitted for this property. In the event the property receives one delivery by a WB -67 or WB -50 truck it shall be considered a violation of this permit and subject to immediate revocation proceedings. 2. A new fence design will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. No outdoor storage until new fence and landscaping are in place. 3. Additional asphalt will be installed where required for a WB -50 truck to perform deliveries completely on asphalt, as indicated by letter from Dave Ruble (dated July 10, 2006), prior to any deliveries taking place. 4. Outdoor storage is permitted exclusively on the areas indicated on the submitted site plan (date stamped July 12, 2006). This area may not be expanded without prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: Exhibit A- Staff Proposed Resolution 06-11 Exhibit B- Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit C- Avon Municipal Code - 17.20.010 Exhibit D- Comp Plan - District 11: Metcalf Road District Exhibit E- Applicant's submittal (Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Digital Photographs, Public Benefit, and Letters from Quest, Anderson & Hastings, Reddy & Reddy) Exhibit F- Truck Turning Analysis Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 ip' TOWN OF AVON AVO N PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-11 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE ON LOT 11, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Jeff Reddy on behalf of Qwest, Inc. has applied for a special review use permit for outdoor storage, as described in the application dated May 3, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and W HEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and W HEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; and C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. D. The proposed use provides evidence of compliance with the public purpose provisions of the Zoning Code as specified in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code. F..'Planning & Zoning Commiuion'Resolalionsl20061Res 06.! l Ll! 81 BMBCQueai Storage SRUdo NOW, GW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves a Special Review Use permit for 'outdoor storage', as described in the application dated May 3, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon MunicipalCodefor Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: That the proposed use conforms to the requirements as imposed by the Town Zoning Code. 2. That the proposed use conforms to the Town Comprehensive Plan, 3. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses as planned and approved through the design review process. 4. The proposed use provides substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions of the Zoning Code. APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. No WB -67 or WB -50 truck deliveries or staging on Metcalf Road are permitted for this property. In the event the property receives one delivery by a WB -67 or WB -50 truck it shall be considered a violation of this permit and subject to immediate revocation proceedings. 2. A new fence design will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. No outdoor storage until new fence and landscaping are in place. 3. Additional asphalt will be installed where required for a WB -50 truck to perform deliveries completely on asphalt, as indicated by letter from Dave Ruble (dated July 10, 2006), prior to any deliveries taking place. 4. Outdoor storage is permitted exclusively on the areas indicated on the submitted site plan (date stamped July 12, 2006). This area may not be expanded without prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. F—Planning& Zoning Commission. Resalutiows2006iRea06-11 Ll1111 BMBC Quest Storage SRUdoc 5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. ADOPTED THIS FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 2006 Signed: Attest: Date: Chair Date: Secretary F..' Banning & Zoning Commizion.Resolutions:2006:Res 06-I1 Lll BI BMBCQuest Stomge SRU.dw CHAPTER 17.20 Zone District Regulations 17.20.010 Industrial and Commercial— IC. (a) Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. (b) Allowed uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: (1) Warehouses; (2) Laboratories; (3) Electrical substations; (4) Light manufacturing plants; (5) Wholesale sales outlets; (6) Showrooms; (7) Industrial, construction and wholesale offices; (8) Additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. (c) Special review uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district subject to the issuance of a special use permit: ' (l) Four (4) residential units per lot in conjunction with business operation; (2) Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair shops; (3) Retail sales and other personal service outlets; (4) Restaurants; (5) Public uses; ---) (6) Outside storage areas; (7) General commercial offices. (d) Development Standards. (1) Minimum lot size: one-half (.5) acre; (2) Maximum building height: forty-eight (48) feet; (3) Minimum building setbacks: Front: twenty-five (25) feet; Side: seven and one-half (7.5) feet; Rear: ten (10) feet; ca O� caQc �Sl Town District Planning Principle R1% Screening Steep Slopes Vehicular and Pedestrian Crossing Potential 1-70 Underpass j .....�'•••» nf.g'" net to wile. District 11: Metcalf Road District The Metcalf Road District is the Town's only industrial center. It provides light industrial and commercial service uses as well as accessory residential development. During any redevelopment effort, long-term issues such as parking and access should be addressed. Existing light industrial uses on Nottingham and Metcalf Roads are intensely developed, with large buildings on small sites; generally with insufficient landscaping; inadequate access; and unscreened parking, storage, and trash containers. The area's high visibility from I-70 makes it important to the Town's image. Concerns over traffic safety issues as well as the area's generally poor aesthetic characteristics are perceived as negatively affecting the image of the Wildridge and Wildwood residential developments located nearby. Yet, it is also recognized that these businesses provide an important component to Avon's overall economic health. Opportunities should be encouraged to develop live/work developments that allow for light manufacture/industrial uses that do not possess significant conflicts with other surrounding land uses. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Page 89 Town District Planning Principles Planning Principles: • Accommodate limited/accessory residential development that supports primary industrial/cmployment land uses. • Develop a pedestrian connection linking West Beaver Creek Boulevard to Nottingham Road. • Coordinate with CDOT to introduce trees on uphill slopes in the I-70 rigbt-of-way and along Metcalf Road to partially screen buildings and other accessory uses. • Require development that minimizes significant re -grading, and provides for proper on-site parking and access. • Require development and encourage existing development to add architectural or landscape screening of storage areas, HVAC equipment, loading docks, and trash containers. • Site buildings to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk. • In the event of a major redevelopment of this area, add traffic lanes on Metcalf Road to accommodate truck traffic. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan �� Page 90 June 8, 2006 Jeffry S. Reddy Reddy & Reddy Architects 1666 S. University Denver, CO 60210 RE: SPECIAL REVIEW USE APPLICATION -TABLED BY PLANNING COMMISSION LOT 11, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION 451 METCALF ROAD Jeffry: At their June 6, 2006 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission tabled your Special Review Use (SRU) request for 'outdoor storage' at the above mentioned property. Please be advised that this application will not move forward until staff receives additional information that was requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The following items must be received prior to rescheduling this application for another public hearing: 1. Truck turning diagram certified by a professional engineer for a WB -67 truck to show all movements entering and leaving the property. 2. A complete landscape plan to demonstrate compliance with the Town Municipal Code and Commercial Design Review Guidelines. The plan must clearly demonstrate existing and new proposed landscaping. 3. Snow storage is to be demonstrated on a site plan with an area equal to or greater than 20% of the paved surface. 4. Sign application for any proposed signage. Please elaborate further on Quest's proposed operation and intensity of use in this location. Specifically, how many employees will be in this location and what area will this property serve? Please give clarification on exactly what items will be stored on site. Thanks again for your application Jeffry and we look forward to further information before revisiting this application at another meeting. /'.1. Olt", yin 4: 11-' )d-•ll;n! , '�,'n-.14?•: X1.1 11 ; F.• Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting letters 2006:060606VI BI BMBC'Qmtst"grSRU T.Ibkddx Feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding the processing of your application at 970.748.4413. Kind Regards, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Cc: File (S-RU2006-3) REDDY CADDY AIA June 15, 2006 Town of Avon Community Development PO Box 975 Avon, CO Attention: Mr. Matt Pielsticker RE: Special Use Application 451 Metcalf Road Dear Mr. Pielsticker, Fallowing you will find responses to the Staff Report Dated May 29, 2006, Comments made by the zoning Commission during the June 6, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting and your letter dated June 8, 2006 regarding the Special Use Review Application for outdoors storage for Qwest Communications at 451 Metcalf Road. Per the report dated May 29, 2006: Note 1: The building's previous owner used a portion of the site as outdoor storage as part of his auto repair operations. It is understood that the City may require additional measures to mitigate impacts of any special use and as a condition of Issuance of a Special Use Permit. Qwest's operations have a similar need of outside storage under essentially the same parameters as the prior owner. Qwest currently has no plans for new exterior lighting. Given this, we have not submitted a lighting plan. Qwest however, does have concerns about being a good neighbor and the appearance of their facilities. In this light they have agreed to an upgrade of the landscaping appropriate to the context, use and the intent of the city of Avon's landscaping standards. See the attached landscape plan, marked exhibit W. Note 2: An existing 6' feet high solid fence, compliant with the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Review Guidelines already exists on the site. The fence is complementary to the design of the basic wood frame structure onsite. To teardown and rebuild the same fence would create and undue financial burden on the owner. Qwest proposes to repair the existing fence as needed in lieu of removal and re -build. Note 3: Per the response in note two, Qwest will provide additional landscaping and repair the existing fence. See Exhibit W. The turn -around area of the truck has been clarified to indicate that it will be able to turn around on-site without infringing on the parking area. The on-site storage area has been modified to not infringe on the turn around area. See Exhibit 'B'. JUN Ih Conditions Stated in Town of Avon Planning and Commission Resolution No. 06-11 1. Per note two above, a landscape plan is submitted with this letter and the fence will be repaired as opposed to replaced. 2. No new lighting is planned. 3. There are no current plans to re -paint the building. Letter Dated June 6, 2006 1. The truck that will be used by the client is not a WB -7 semi -tractor rig. The truck movement is indicated by Exhibit 'A' and makes provisions for a 45'-0" straight truck. Further correspondence indicates that the Avon Facility is a satellite of the larger Silverthorne Facility and deliveries via UPS and a 28'-0" straight truck are the primary means by which the facility will be supplied, Le. -only strait trucks. 2. A landscape plan is attached per earlier in this letter. 3. Snow removal at 20% of paved surface is demonstrated on exhibit 'b'. 4. The client proposes to re -use the existing sign from its former location. Attached is a sign application with the pertinent data. The maximum number of employees in this location will be six. These technicians get their assignments in the morning and work offsite in Qwest service trucks, returning in the aftemoon/evening. Attached you will find exhibit 'C', a letter from Qwest listing materials stored on-site. Per Exhibit'C' there will be no construction equipment stored on-site. Very truly yours, Jeffry, . Re dy, AIA Architect REDDY _REDDY A R C H 1 T C l T S AIA Qwest Avon Garage Renovation 451 Metcalf Road Special Review Use Application Pursuant to Article 17.28.085 of the Avon zoning Ordinance, the public Benefit criteria for the Special Use Application: In order to keep up with the demands of maintenance of the existing Qwest service and upgrade and expand their communication infrastructure, materials must be readily available. Indoor storage is not available in this new Qwest Facility. The outdoor storage of material is required to provide the most efficient access to the needed material by Qwest Maintenance personnel. The outdoor storage and the efficiency it provides will enable Qwest to better respond to the publics demand for the best communication support possible. This will ultimately result in a greater long term economic benefit to the Avon Community. RECEIVED MAY 3 l "+ f�0(Il;lil)(flty liP,ye 'n;. •. .:�� Qwest. Spirit of Service June 13, 2006 Jeffry S. Reddy, AIA Reddy & Reddy Architects 1666 S. University Blvd. Denver, CO 80210 Re: Special Review Use Application Qwest Avon Facilities On -Site Storage — 451 Metcalf, Avon, CO Dear Mr. Reddy, Per City of Avon Planning comments, I offer the following clarification of Qwest's planned use of the referenced facilities: The maximum number of employees in this location will be six. These technicians get their assignments in the morning and work offsite in Qwest service trucks, returning in the aftemoonlevening. Any material stored in our current yard will be stored in the 451 Metcalf site. Materials being stored are cable reels, phone pedestals with concrete bases, and conduits. Please see the attached pictures from our current Avon Facility. This facility will serve the greater Avon area from Vail to Gypsum. The vehicle to service the facility will be a 28'-0" straight body truck. No use will be made of a WB -67, or semi -trailer truck given the site conditions. They will be no construction equipment stored on-site. I hope this letter serves to clarify the Town of Avon Comments. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Dan Gleason Project Manager Qwest Communications 1801 California Street, Suite 4600 Denver, Colorado 80202 �t SAO,'T '7 S 1, h, A ORIGINAiL 0 k, . GIUGINAL t -tl' Y' 4 iy F to C.cS 4 �ra �' .akgrf S ti `i r• �� ��K, Mg } P ��� t,.,i FF �� t ri'p ''{..� TA •-r ,*�, >. /.t Y, ' {F�1 J19� a •�x . Y F r ' 7 F J AS S-JUWE AS ORI(G-ENAL M r a �5 Y 9 y dp t �{ t 46 t d� SANT E AS OjtlC�;-,r Air -L�AL MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2006 TO:im s FROM: 7tave u e, Jr., P.E. LSC TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. 1889 York street Denver, Colorado 80206 (303(333-1105 FAX:(303)333-1107 e-mail: lscOacdenver.com SUBJECT: Qwest Avon Turning Movement Analysis (LSC #060960) Per your request, I have completed a turning movement analysis for three vehicle types, single - unit truck, W13-50, and WB -67, at the Qwest Avon building. The analysis used the software program, AutoTurn. This program provides information on the wheel path that each vehicle type takes. A single access is provided for the Qwest Avon parking lot, and the parking lot provides a hammerhead area for trucks to use to access the loading dock. The results of the turning movement analysis are depicted in Figures 1, 2, and 3 for a single -unit truck, WB -50 truck, and WB -67 track, respectively. As can be seen in these three figures, only the single -unit truck is able to access the loading dock and stay within the limits of the parking lot. The single -unit truck does leave the asphalt near the entrance. Figure 1 also shows the vehicle going beyond the wood privacy fence. This was done to avoid the vehicle leaving the edge of the asphalt. If the vehicle is not permitted to go beyond the wood fence, the vehicle would not be able to stay on the existing asphalt. This would require some additional asphalt be laid out within the parking lot. It is recommended that additional asphalt be added where the wheel path leaves the existing edge of asphalt. The WB -50 and WB -67 trucks are not able to use the existing parking lot for accessing the loading dock. Please call should you have any questions regarding this analysis or if you need any additional analysis. DLR/wc Enclosures: Figures 1-3 tl:\LSC\Proleats\2006\060960\ArWynisM=o - Qwca Amn.wpd oa � �cza L L JZ 0 [ oa � -� a O Q Ca MEMORANDUM DATE: July 12, 20go-"a L. TO: FROM: , P.E. SUBJECT. Qwest Avon Tu�rh rfl ement Analysis (LSC #060960) LSC TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. 1889 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 (303) 333.1105 FAX: (303)'333.1107 e-mail: 1. c(, Kcdenver.cam Per your request, I have completed a turning movement analysis for three vehicle types, single - unit truck, WB -50, and W13-67, at the Qwest Avon building. The analysis used the software program, AutoTurn. This program provides information on the wheel path that each vehicle type takes. A single access is provided for the Qwest Avon parking lot along Metcalf Road, and the parking lot provides a hammerhead area for trucks to use to access the loading dock. I am attaching the official survey of the existing site conducted by Archibeque Land Consulting, dated February 28, 2006. The results of the turning movement analysis are depicted in Figures 1, 2, and 3 for a single -unit truck, WB -50 truck, and WB -67 truck, respectively. It should be noted that on Figures 1, 2, and 3 the edge of asphalt is also depicted as a green line. As can be seen in these three figures, only the single -unit truck is able to access the loading dock and stay within the limits of the parking lot. The single -unit truck does leave the asphalt near the entrance as well as at the entrance. It is recommended that additional asphalt be added where the wheel path leaves the existing edge of asphalt. The WB -50 and WB -67 trucks are not able to use the existing parking lot to access the loading dock. Please call should you have any questions regarding this analysis or if you need any additional analysis. DLR/wc RECEIVED Enclosures: Existing Site Survey dated February 28, 2006 ,uL 1 % 2'306 Figures 1-3 elopment Community OeN \\Scmcr_0\fie server\LSC\projreta\2006\060960\RI-Annlysi3Memo-Qwest Mon.wpd 6L[L'82['OL6a3 '6ZLVSZVOL6Hd IMBOX-ft 2001-n'Od uol,onnsuo:) ■ ulisoo an 3'dnIO3.LIHDbV 3dVOSaNVI AQVHS _ o OpLI.IOIOD `UOAV PLIOI AtIolow I St, MOIZV2IOdOO ZSHMO Z Z a LU LU w I— w C9 9 z 0 UI w O w CL W w 0 Z D LU w W W cc CD O CV ry .Z cc ss a L) o £'d r_ ogl I '4-J 0OD C QE V 1 I1 Metcalf Road � , / / 6p•.Nide of- WaY / R}9ht-_ �e� public , �� 0 'I i Yom_®\L•-• °, � / _ F _ ��'bN\ i� — _ �0--' — ( cam/ .' )'ss�� - - - Y� � /• meg• ri.7 !IC d/— L,L. 1 / � I I 1' —_-' It 00 IL IN 2 m� O O z 0 N 0 N r W U U Y m LLI Sm S qm S Y To 06 a o CO J Iu v w w to � {..{� LL z W U D 0 0 ppp O ij 10 c gp S W O ®® OpLI.IOIOD `UOAV PLIOI AtIolow I St, MOIZV2IOdOO ZSHMO Z Z a LU LU w I— w C9 9 z 0 UI w O w CL W w 0 Z D LU w W W cc CD O CV ry .Z cc ss a L) o £'d r_ ogl I '4-J 0OD C QE V 1 I1 Metcalf Road � , / / 6p•.Nide of- WaY / R}9ht-_ �e� public , �� 0 'I i Yom_®\L•-• °, � / _ F _ ��'bN\ i� — _ �0--' — ( cam/ .' )'ss�� - - - Y� � /• meg• ri.7 !IC d/— L,L. 1 / � I I 1' —_-' It 00 IL IN 2 m� O O z 0 N 0 N r W U U BMBC, Block 1, Lot 11 y pY~ J♦ ; w��� I� f 4 4 I ��1�}¢tk tr t �v� ,}� •� P yy�yi1, q7 1 Yr Pit' l�y'y as T' r •'aj `ti'��'4 ` Y�'•3"rw.'y 'tom '.r —j All to .s07 a � TRW r eOLot 11 AV1U R Property Boundaries _ „ ,1111_ 0 823 125 m.x.v..mi�...�. a Staff Report SIGN DESIGN ATVON CO LO R AU1) August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Sign type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction July 26, 2006 Building Mounted Sign Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Industrial Commercial (IC) 451 Metcalf Road The applicant, Jeffry Reddy, is proposing a sign for the new Qwest Location on Metcalf Road. The sign would be recycled from the former Eagle -Vail Qwest location. The sign design is an 18 square foot building mounted sign to be centered above the two bay doors on the south side of the building. It is a polycarbonate plastic material with black unlit lettering. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sion Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this sign design application: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The Sign Code encourages quality sign materials, and this sign should be appropriate in this application. The material is long lasting and should hold up in this weather and orientation. There used to be a sign for the previous tenant (Dowlings) on a freestanding monument sign at the property corner's entrance. 2. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. The proposed material is appropriate for the project. 3. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. The visual impact would be subtle with this sign, partly due to it being non -lit. It would be visible from the Metcalf Road Right -of -Way and from the building to the Town of Avon community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 11, Block I, Benchmark a, Aver Creek Subdivision, Quest Sign Design August I, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 south. There°is no need to draw much attention to the property since it is a contractor's office and 'public' access to the site is unnecessary. 4. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. There will be no monetary or aesthetic values impaired with this sign. Most of the signs in the area are lit box cabinet type construction. 5. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The sign would be approximately 18 square feet. For an individual business property the Sign Code permits one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of building front. The lineal frontage of the building is 120 square feet. Color would be semi -gloss jet black in color and should be appropriate for the project. 6. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign Is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic which is appropriate given its proposed location and orientation. This is appropriate Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the sign design application for Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to approve this sign design application for Quest on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as submitted." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectf I submitte Matt Pielstick Planner I Attachments: o Sign Design (site plan, elevation, spec sheet) Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 d a3 EXISTINGi BUILDING SA' :". A.S ORIGINAL pkvf�a�>�t� N 8674'03' E .. 145.00 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVE[ I fJUN 19 : 1'!') Com). eurity Develour I I I I I I I i t 1 ` ..I h. I ( � A R C H I T E C T S A.I.A. RM S06TH I+NR ERSITY ROLLE VARD DENVER. COL OUDO b0310 PHONE 307-733.}717 F\X303-777.7491 __ EM.\14 WvYW.RE00YPNOREDOY COM 1 / / / / / / / 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECEIVE[ I fJUN 19 : 1'!') Com). eurity Develour I I I I I I I i t 1 ` ..I h. I ( � A R C H I T E C T S A.I.A. RM S06TH I+NR ERSITY ROLLE VARD DENVER. COL OUDO b0310 PHONE 307-733.}717 F\X303-777.7491 __ EM.\14 WvYW.RE00YPNOREDOY COM SAME AS oFj(;INAL RECEIVED JUN 1 9 2006 Community Development 1,1 .o i v ,f t - � 1 I i SAME AS oFj(;INAL RECEIVED JUN 1 9 2006 Community Development 1,1 .o i v `J t - � SAME AS ORIGINAL ..,. . -; d y '•Y.Y J' t ' Stir M 1 •.. 1R L r L`• 4i,�•. � �� _ . .P �y � e 0 Staff ReportrVi FINAL DESIGN PLAN coL0RAD0 August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date July 17, 2006 Project type Single -Family Residence Legal description Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD - Single Family (4,500 sq. ft. maximum) Address 2510 Old Trail Road Introduction Michael L. Sanner is proposing a Final Design application for a 4,497 square foot single-family residence in the Dry Creek PUD. The subject property was created by approval of a PUD Amendment and subdivision application last summer. The approval down zoned the property from a fourplex structure to three (3) single-family residences. This design review is for the uppermost lot, and building permits have already been issued for Lots 1 and 2 of this subdivision. The proposed home is three stories with two enclosed parking spaces. The building's exterior would be comprised mainly of wood siding (vertical board/batten) with generous amounts of stone on the lower level. More stucco has been introduced to this design, and the cooling tower feature was removed from the plans since sketch design review. Sketch review for this design plan took place at the Commission's May 16, 2006. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The proposed single-family residence is a permitted use on the site. Density. The lot is zoned for a single-family home not to exceed 4,500 square feet in size. This design is in compliance and just below the maximum allowable square footage requirement proposing 4,497 square feet (including garage area). Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, Wik..._ge Subdivision -Final Design Plan August I, 2(X)6 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 • Lot Coverage: Maximum building coverage allowed under the Western Sage PUD is 40%. This project is in compliance with the PUD proposing 17% building lot coverage. • Setbacks: There are 10' setbacks all the way around this property, which is unique to this PUD. Typically there is a 25' front setback and 10' side and rear yard setbacks on most Wildridge properties. At sketch design review some of the building improvements encroached upon the front setback and has since been removed. The stairway entrance was moved out of this setback, and this project now complies with all platted building setbacks. • Easements: In addition to the typical Utility and Drainage Easements of 7.5' in width bordering the property, there is an Access, Utility, and Drainage Easement for the benefit of access to Lot 2 and Lot 3 of this PUD. The driveway and 22' diameter turnaround area appear to be located completely within the Access Easement. The Access Easement is approximately 55' in width along the eastern property line of Lot 2 in order to provide a small cul-de-sac in front of Lot 3. Building Height The maximum allowable building height for this property is 35' and this design is in compliance with zoning with a 31' high ridge at the highest portion. Grading/Drainage: The grading and drainage appear to be functional, and there is adequate room on either side of the building to provide drainage swales. The drainage plan for the subdivision was reviewed during the PUD approval process and was considered at that time. • Parking. The Dry Creek PUD zoning requires a minimum of 4 parking spaces, with a minimum of 2 enclosed spaces. This design is in compliance with the applicable zoning proposing 2 indoor parking spaces and the ability to park 2 additional spaces outside of the garage. The garage is larger than a typical 2 -car garage with additional storage space. A bump out turnaround area was added near the cul-de-sac since sketch design review. • Snow Storage: There are general areas called out on the site plan for snow storage. At least 204 square feet (20% of paved surface) of storage area must be provided, and there appears to be about 300 square feet of area provided - with one small area to the west of the entrance on the cul-de-sac and another larger area to the east of the driveway area. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The Comprehensive Plan puts limited emphasis on the Wildridge PUD, which is referred to as 'Sub area 24'. This design plan is in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights exist on the property for one dwelling unit. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3. Dry Creek PUD. W ildi,..te Subdivision - Final Design Plan August I, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 5 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: o Site Design: The Residential Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design, sensitivity to solar orientation, and sensitivity to existing and potential buildings in the vicinity. Structures should blend in with natural settings and the need for extensive site grading and slope retention should be avoided in all designs. The presented design appears to conform to the intent of the design guidelines and takes advantage of views towards Beaver Creek by pushing development as far east as possible on the site. This site design avoids the 40% slopes at the northwest corner of the site. o Site Access: Access to Dry Creek is accomplished by widening the bottom portion of the existing driveway on Lot 45 (developed property with one duplex and one single-family residence immediately to the west) to 17' and entering Lot 44 before an existing landscaping berm and planted trees at the property division. The entrance drive winds between both single-family homes below (lot 1 and lot 2) before entering directly towards the garage. According to the Design Guidelines (Table 1.0), driveway grades should not exceed 10%, and no more than 4% entering the site and garages. The access drive is composed of a 14' asphalt section with 1' gravel shoulders on either side. The grades for the access drive are 9% and the driveway for this property is between 3-4% leaving the garage towards the turnaround area. o Parking and Loading: The minimum parking standards have been adhered to with this design. At sketch design review there were comments on parking and the possibility of adding a 'bumpout' turnaround space for vehicles leaving the garage doors so vehicles are not required to back into the small cul-de-sac at the properties entrance. This has been addressed. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors: There is a variety of high quality materials proposed. The home has cedar siding, stucco, and stone veneer siding with about 1/3 of the exterior in each material. A material/color board will be available for Commissioner review at the meeting. Both approved designs for this PUD have similar materials and colors, with subtle differences. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest. As with the designs of Lot 1 and Lot 2, the roof pitches vary with 6:12 pitch for the main ridgelines and a 3:12 pitch for the areas of corrugated metal roofing. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3. Dry Creek PUD. wilo. .e Subdivision - Final Design Plan August 1. 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of Exterior walls benefit from varied planes and materials. The resulting massing appears appropriate and architectural interest has been added to each elevation of the project. o Outdoor Lighting. A lighting cut sheet has been provided for up to four types of light fixtures. There is one low wattage path light fixture for walkways (Type A), a building mounted fixture (Type B), recessed fixture (Type C), and (Type D). C. Landscaping: o Design Character. The Landscape Plan proposes 6 Colorado Blue Spruce trees ranging in size between 8' and 10' in height. In addition there are 3 Ash trees (2.5"-3" caliper), 5 aspens and 1 crabapple. There would be a mixture of shrubs, and Kentucky Bluegrass sad is proposed to surround the structure. All disturbed areas would be revegetated with native grass and sage brush and would receive temporary irrigation until established. This site design attempts to leave as much of the site undisturbed, however, much of the site has already been disturbed with utility installations. The PUD requires at least 35% landscaped area, and this project proposes approximately 77% landscape area. The Design Guidelines allow 20% of the landscaped area to be permanently irrigated, and this project proposes 18% irrigated area. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The improvements appear to conform to the site topography, without the need for significant alteration of the existing topography or large retaining walls. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. This project will be visible from the other future homes in this PUD, from the Canyon Oaks development to the south, and the existing duplex and single-family home on Lot 45 in the Grandview PUD immediately to the west. The applicant has proposed high quality materials and earth tone colors that should make this project compatible in scale and appearance with the surrounding environment. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. This project should not effect or impair aesthetic or monetary values in the neighborhood. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3. Dry Creek PUD. Wildr,,.Ee Subdivision -Final Design Plan August 1. 20(M Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 5 The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies and is a use by right per the Dry Creek PUD. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending this final design application be approved with some minor conditions to be addressed prior to submitting a building permit application to the office of Community Development. Please refer to recommended motion below. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the final design plan for the single-family home on Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) with the following conditions to be resolved prior to a building permit submittal: 1. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicants representative in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413 or stop by the Community Development Department in the Municipal Complex. Respectful) subriZ ed, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: Materials/Color Schedule Lighting Cut sheets Reduced Plans Aerial Vicinity Map Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 t �ECElV1=C' . JON 2 9 200c Materials and Colors for Dry Creek Residence- Lot,j,nmun(tyr)0veje,,,,,8��r June 9.2006 Roofing -- Main Roofs: Elk Prestique Grande, 40 year composite shingle, Dimensional Shingle, Class A, Weathered Wood color. Low Roofs and Cupola: Corrugated Corten Steel. Main House Porches -- Corrugated Corten Steel House Siding -- Cedar Lap Siding with 6" exposure. Cedar Rough Sawn Plywood without plugs and Ix6 Cedar Battens, Behr #DP -535, Tugboat, semi -transparent stain. Comer Trim -- 2x6 R.S. Cedar, Behr #DP -535, Tugboat, semi -transparent stain. Roof Beams-- Wood. Behr # DP -358, Coffee, semi -transparent stain. Fascia-- 2x4over 2x 10 R.S. Cedar. Behr # DP -358, Coffee, semi- transparent stain. Porch Beams and Columns-- Rough Sawn Wood, Behr # DP -358, Coffee, semi -transparent stain. Eave Soffits-- Ix6 T& G, Behr #DP -535, Tugboat, semi -transparent stain. Door and Window Trim-- 2x8 Cedar at head and 2x6 at jambs, and sills. Behr #DP - 535, Tugboat, semi -transparent stain. Garage Doors and Gable Vents and Trim-- Insulated Rough Sawn Masonite Door with Lap Siding per detail. Cedar Trim. Behr #DP -535, Tugboat, semi -transparent stain on Door and Trim. Windows-- Clad wood windows, Bronze color. (Sierra Pacific) r 0 Materials and Colors for Dry Creek Residence- Lot 3 June 9, 2006 page 2 Porch Soffits-- 1x6 T&G, Behr 9DP-535, Tugboat, semi -transparent stain. Porch Railings-- Black Wrought Iron with Trex top plate. Stone-- Telluride Gold, Beaver Blend (Gallegos #6) Doors -- Wood w/ semi -transparent stain, Moorwood Natural Cedartone 45. Stucco-- Porter "Antique Velvet" D, 6892-1. Exterior Electrical Fixtures: (0) `A' -- Path Lights-- Kichler # K-15015, Verdigris (12) `B' -- Exterior Wall Lights --Brass Light Gallery, EX -5107 -A10 -WP, Rust Metal, White Gold Glass. (3) `C'-- Recessed Can at Garage Soffit (14) `D'-- Step Light-- Kichler # K-13074 AZT 1:5a75 k=� a� A K-15015 K-15222 Side Mount Path and Spread Lighting These Kichler fixtures feature side mounting that allows for direct illumination over lighting task. For controlled lighting along pathways, use our K-15698 cut-off shield with K-15015 12 -VOLT fixture. This creates a linear beam cut-off to project light precisely onto paths and eliminate spill light onto surrounding areas. Larger spread units available in line voltage. K-15015 AZT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15015 BKT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15015 VGT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15222 VGT line Voltage (120 -volt) SPECIFICATONS Housing Durable die-cast aluminum. K-15015 housing base has 1/4 NPSM thread. (Adapter included to allow mounting 1/4 NPSM stem to 1/2 NPSM accessories.) Larger housings have 1/2 NPSM threaded base. K-15222 provided with clear polycarbonate shield. Finish Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black or Textured Verdigris. Socket 12 -VOLT, S-8 wedge. 120 -VOLT porcelain, medium base nickel plated screw shell. Wiring 12 -VOLT fixture wired with 42' of 105°C #18-2, SPT- I -WA leads.'QUIC DISC" coble connector supplied with each 12 -VOLT fixture. 120 -VOLT fixture wired with 30' of 150°C 18 AWG wire leads. 12 -VOLT System Lamp type: 3156 (supplied with fixture, could also use 3155 bulb at 18.5 watts) Wattage: 24.4-W (nominal at 12 -volts) 120 -VOLT System Lamp type: A-19 Wattage: 75-W Size 6' wide, 3%.' tall (K-15015) 1 VA' wide, 5h' tall (K-15222) u.a. rowa nio. Ues. Jsu.ouu Canada Patent No. 69176 Korea Design Regishation N \3/.' K-15015 K-15222 K- 15015 illustrated with K-15695 lens. UL listed and CSA certilied. MOUNTING ACCESSORIES 70 KICHLER'LANDSCAPE LIGHTING A Carnage Lantem (a The Carriage Lantem We like the Carriage Lantern for its simplicity of style, straightforward design, and versatility of use. Our customers have installed the Carriage Lantern in a wide variety of American vemacu- lar home styles, including New England saltbox, Midwest farmhouse, and Shaker -inspired dwellings. Available with choice of several mounting styles and three overlay design options. larger lanterns available with optional decorative multi -socket lamp cluster. Please call for further information. See page 2 for another application of the Carriage Lantern. SANTE AS ORIGINAL 6 • BRASS LIGHT GALLERY To Order Direct Call 1-800-243-9595 (M -F 8:30-5:00, Sat 10:00-3:00 CST) K-15070 K-15072 Acrylic Lens Step Light Accent & Step Lighting Kichler's "step lite" fixtures add safety and security to stairways, paths or patio areas. Fixtures offer a choice of louvered faceplate or white acrylic lens. K-15070 AZT LOUVER FACE Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15072 AZT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15072 WHT Low Voltoge (12 -volt) SPECIFICATIONS Housing Stamped aluminum faceplates with steel housing. Finish Faceplates. hatred thermoset oawder coat. made inside junction box. 12 -VOLTS stem Lamp ype: 1) Q10T3 halogen (supplied with fixture) Wattage: 10-W (nominal at 12 -volts) Size 9'W wide, ,C tall U.S. Patent pending am - Heat -resistant glass lens KICHLER'LANDSCAPE LIGHTING louver taco M15K-0�7 RECEIVED JUN 2 9 21,P6 :sistant glass lens. Communw.. <welopmc. c6t Vire connection must be SAME AS ORIGINALNI ---�Lovvcr face . oaann c 0 CD E w co C=) O 'AINI, CV W U *-I W E > Mo N _ 2. n 0 SU1-9Z6-OL6XCd 9ZIl-9Z6-OL6 OJwonV'�P!IPI!M , OJ'uonV'a8p!Ip!!p{ OJ'uonV'o8 r ZE918 OJ'SPIRMP3 '801 xo8'O'd P!fiI.M u011e30dfoD !euo!SSaJad V 'aY1'd n—J ba It m 'O'n'd �!oolJ IUO'Z IC9 'O7l'd > OOJO tiO' 1 107 1�a�igoid `tauueg Z �azyJry� AVI i aQ an Iaua 31DUD Ala anei�l� as aQ 2 O!8 / / / IIjI/•,I'�7 j. iii t ^ y1 L \ —O 0 'k,hl � S / r �I c 0 CD E w co C=) O CV W U *-I W E > Mo N _ 2. 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F ry� 3 rq 7 '� t o 3 y�, � R ft I � ;v $E � •� U11 G Staff Report Sketch Desi VON nCOLORADO August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date July 20, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning 2 Units — Residential Duplex Address 2470 Old Trail Introduction Rick Dominic of Aker Architects is proposing a duplex on this uphill Old Trail Road property in Wildridge. The units are moderately sized: west unit is 2,810 square feet, and east is 2,730 square feet. Both units would feature 3 bedrooms and 2 car garages on the ground level, with master bedroom suites, living/dining areas and kitchens on the second level. The proposed building materials are typical for the area with mainly wood siding, stucco, and stone chimneys. Background On one prior occasion a design review application was reviewed for a duplex on this same property. That design was unanimously denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their April 17, 2001 meeting due mainly to incompatibility with the neighborhood, site topography, the architectural style, site disturbance, and bridged design. The design was for a "bridged" duplex design unlike anything in the neighborhood, and was in conflict with the design guidelines. Site Characteristics The property is less than 1/2 acre and is situated on the uphill side of Old Trail Road near the intersection with Draw Spur. There is a developed duplex on either side of this property. The provided land survey indicates that existing topography is gradual and consistent, with grades in the 20% - 25% range. The site currently contains native sage brush and grasses, and there are no significant trees on the site. This presents a much more buildable property compared to some of the other remaining lots in this subdivision. An updated survey (stamped and signed no more than 3 years old) must accompany the final design submittal. This is a standard for all surveys accepted by the Town. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 91, Block 1, Wildr' Duplex Sketch Design August 1, 2006 Planni.,, & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 Development Standards Front setback: 25 feet Side & Rear setbacks: 10 feet Maximum Building Height: 35 feet Maximum Site Coverage: 50% Minimum Landscaped Area: 25% Maximum Density: 2 Dwelling Units Staff Comments This design plan is in broad conformance with the Residential Design Guidelines and should blend in with the neighborhood well. The site plan concept is simple and functional with a near perpendicular driveway opening up to a motor court area in front of the building. One garage door faces to the south and the other one faces west towards the street. Much of the backside of the structure is buried on the uphill side of the structure as viewed from the back, and few retaining walls are required with this design. The presented design appears to be in minor conflict with some of the standards within Table 1.0: Residential Access, Parking, and Engineering Guidelines, including: curb cut is 20'(1 8'maximum), 5% grade proposed for first 20' off road (4% maximum). These are minor variations from the engineering standards, with the other standards such as parking size and stall requirements in compliance. It is somewhat unclear what the proposed grade contours are with this site design, however, it appears to be a functional design with a limited need for large retaining walls or extensive grading. In this respect the site improvements are designed to conform to existing site topography. At final design staff will request existing contours be dashed lines and proposed contours be solid lines as required by the Guidelines. Items such as snow storage and landscaping will be reviewed in detail at final design review. Although conceptual at this review, the type and size of trees proposed is unclear; the quantity of trees proposed may be inadequate. The design of the building itself may conflict with some of the Design Review Guidelines. Particularly, the massing as a result of the linear roof design without many breaks in roof plane. The roof pitches are 7:12 for the primary forms and 4:12 for the secondary roof forms. The general massing of the building may benefit from further articulation in the roof and building wall planes. While the building is effectively dug into the hillside in the rear, the design appears to be a 'mirror image' as viewed from the back (east) side of the project. As mentioned there are three main building materials: stucco, wood siding, and stone accents. In order to come into complete compliance with the Guidelines staff would recommend at least three building materials on each elevation. For example, the rear elevation only has wood siding as the elevations are drawn. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 91, Block 1, Wildri Duplex Sketch Design August 1 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 Design Review Considerations The Commission shall evaluate the design of this sketch plan for Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision by using the following criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design should be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into a final design application. Staff will provide a full plan set for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your August 1 st meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt, Planner I Att: Reduced Plan Set Aerial Photograph Town or Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 S��a�II��JL oav�+o,ov'rionv � � ee99=01exr4 wis W, r CO) 0 V a g 0M0 mco) 0 vw0 C) V w 1.00 O Q .a SpaiII� me OOVWOIOIP Wonv ZM1900 ��•°-d � xa�dna a9ai�a�iM 0 H O J 2 g 8110 yag moromncexvd spajgme OaVVOI"� zmtc at Uwma3„Ian �y �9alilailM 'I 7h01G 'il. 1C1 auz)lDey � xa*idno as)a No-t m � o S��a�Il�J.I� � oarra+o-too'Honv � , ►poprouoraxva p Mil e/ �d �9GIiiC11M'I �I'701G'IL 10'1 1 zcu�a�oa 1 X�idf1Q �9QIZIGIIM � � �a ', -- -- ----o -------- - } - ----------- - ---- --- --- - ---- ------------ -- -- - - -- - ---0 ------------------ --------- ------ 00 0 II 0 II ! a r --------------- 4 ��c�ucsxva UKV NW ,Za a9a111a�IM'I �{70'iG'II..LO'1 ! �{ od Xaldnc -39CIIZIaiIM N I I IL I � I O N I ——— — — ---- - L------ Z I I � I I Ofi -"-Zi*- I I I � I I I i I I I I I I , I I I I - l I I I I I I L� I I I I I I I I I I I I N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I - — I I I I � ,. o-, L I I � I I I I I I L----�j----JF :nT F -I --------- I---- z -- N I � I i OZYWO101) NOnv ►ewro�oiexva � Mg oa %MMM,Za �aia+a�IM '� �oo-ia 'Ii. lo -i �d xa-icina ava Na'i IM O5 U �IIQ Z 0 Q LU L B D� 1QAo'Yi6'0IA XVd Y wig oovmma3 lwy L4 I I o B •.� "cif Ti loo r f `h K e / t ' a g �.r B Staff Report Sketch Desi AVON nCOLORADO August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date July 26, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 48, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning 2 Units — Residential Duplex Address 5151 Longsun Lane Introduction Aker Architects is proposing a duplex residence measuring approximately 7,500 square feet: west unit is 3,684 square feet, and east is 3,835 square feet. The property is on the downhill side of Longsun Lane and bordered by a developed duplex to the north, a vacant duplex parcel to the south, and an Open Space parcel at the bottom of the property. The proposed building materials include horizontal and vertical, and some wood accents. Below is a list of development standards applicable to this site, all of which have been adhered too: • Front setback: 25 feet • Side & Rear setbacks: 10 feet • Maximum Building Height: 35 feet • Maximum Site Coverage: 50% • Minimum Landscaped Area: 25% • Maximum Density: 2 Dwelling Units Staff Comments Although in general conformance with the Design Guidelines, this application appears to conflict with some of the requirements included in the Guidelines, particularly the 'duplex development' guideline. This guideline states "while 'mirror image' duplexes are not supported, the design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex from a single family home." Architectural interest is provided to distinguish this structure from a single-family home; however, it appears to be a mirror image design. A perpendicular access from Longsun Lane is proposed opening up to a shared motor court area between each unit of the duplex. The Guidelines state "the blending of access with the natural contours of a site ... is important in Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 48, Block 4, Wildde ')uplex Sketch Design Z August 1, 2006 Plannil, - Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 establishing a successful access." The proposed access is contrary to this design philosophy. The site plan includes tiered retaining walls on both sides of the structure. Staff would request the applicant provide details of the walls to evaluate the proposed drainage. Drainage must be demonstrated at final design in the motor court area to show how water will be taken from the driveway around the structure. It appears that a swale will be used to take water off the driveway. Parking should be reviewed since there are limited areas to park and/or turnaround outside of the two garages. Six parking spaces and their maneuvering must be demonstrated at final design. The roof plan indicates that all roofs will utilize south facing 4:12 pitches. The Commission must determine whether this roof type is appropriate for the neighborhood. The roofing material must be called out at final design submittal. Building height is difficult to determine with this sketch submittal and appears to approach the maximum allowable. No exceptions to the height requirement will be made except for penetrations that add architectural variety such as with the chimneys. In preparation for a subsequent Final Design application, staff would ask that the applicant address the following areas prior to Final Design submittal: the mirror image design, sufficient turning movements and parking area, details of the proposed retaining walls, drainage, the variation of building materials, and building height. Design Review Considerations The Commission shall evaluate the design of this sketch plan for Lot 48, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision by using the following criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design should be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into a final design application. Staff will provide a full plan set for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your August 1st meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 48, Block 4, Wildridc iplex Sketch Design August 1, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann Senior Planner Aft: Reduced Plan Set Aerial Photograph Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 �I , SKETCH Lot: Block: q Subdivision: W r' i✓i n Project Street Address: LQk)Q5UY1 Project Name ❑ Addition ❑ Ingle Family IW Duple: ❑ Multi -Family Q Commercial Q Industrial ❑ Other. Please Describe Your Project (arch. style, sq. B., height, materials, colon, unique features): G/C5f buh(`Pr�[ �lzy s T � VCv '40 f J I (v;e) mp=nt dun all infomation provided to the Town of Avon in convection with this application as vile and eorrce4 that 1(ao) undastmW the Tovn of Avon regulations applicable to this project. WW undastand that 11wotnplete.nrbminals udll delay application m•irw. Oevacr ek:signates Applicant as irnlicated to ad as owners • cta P%v i all applicgtiw ubmitals mlated to this ja Applicant: d, / Owiter: (Print game): /Zt7.lC /-)am )116A (Print Name):,r4'GK har)til9j(.�C Date :Z4g14q(o Date: RECEIVL_ JUL 19 2006 Community peyebPment R ato�'-- /'1 C,W=ky, pe,,+Vax•r.O.Dm47$A.oa.COR1470i`ro)74&400Fnlv7UfA9.37a9 (r .W -W(13) Pogo l ur2 lqq3f1 0-� E)(( Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines Page 56 Adapted November 6, 2001 / January 10, 2006 RECEIVEI) JUL 1 9 200b Community Development Reviewed by: O Complete O Incomplete Date: Cmn icy Devcbp=4PO.eo[97SAvon,C081620(970)7484030 Fu(970p49.5749(mv.911o120072 Page2or- Town of Avon Residential, Commerdal, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines Page 59 Adopted November 8, 2001 / January 10, 2006 S�Ja�l l��.i� oavWOloo 'NOAYMI t�ruerouxvs ' a III I I I I s uaw � H ,talLl ayalalalu 'b � =16 '4t J.ol i9LZmB'0'd �C xa-tdna 390ia(2111M � o OGYWO'IO2'NOAV 29criwa,m '$1 Nww'" 101 xm-Wna M901walliM 0 ' ' 4 slJal!q./JG mw'GiE'O[9)fVd °�W°0° Zf0{9 0.1'90W/YA3 ,zap ZYIZ �+B'0'd OGYWO'IO2'NOAV 29criwa,m '$1 Nww'" 101 xm-Wna M901walliM 0 oaeoazsors Oil 00%MM03 jaw ZO WWO'dIII IF1 11, 9 MWWOLOXVAs OW U212 03'SMma3 7Alb �9'0'd ®R ,EG0'W76ULAXYd S�Ja�il��.lE ' ' oarrafo-roo'rtonv L Moll 03 �Mmcs .zap �,fvo a 'Qf .10, � Xa"Idf1C MIPGI?JG'IIM �o z �III'�� fi W K: S millilifflil ME 0111111111101 r- Wildridge - Blk 49 Ls.. 48 eQLot 48 f�1un c Property Boundaries � zs zc auma money Dore al YSo6 Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Eric Heidemann, Senior Planner Data July 26, 2006 Re: Lot 25, Block 2, BMBC Subdivision - Christie Lodge Minor Project Amendment Summary: HEART of the VALLEY s � � . The applicant has requested a waiver of condition of approval that was attached to a Minor Project application for the Christie Lodge Building. On June 6, 2006 the Commission approved an application allowing a change in color of the canvas awnings and standing seam metal roof subject to several conditions. The condition the applicant is seeking relief from is: 1. "The applicant shall submit an outdoor lighting plan within 60 -days demonstrating compliance with the Town's Outdoor Lighting Ordinance." The condition was recommended by staff and noted in the original staff report. Please refer to the attached June 6t' staff report and meeting minutes for clarification. Discussion: Staff maintains its original recommendation requiring the property owner to demonstrate compliance with the Town's Outdoor Lighting ordinance. The support for this recommendation lies in the sections of the ordinance provided below. 15.30.030 Applicability. The lighting standards of this Chapter shall be applicable to all exterior lighting within the Town of Avon. All exterior lighting installed after the effective date of this Chapter shall conform to the standards established by this Chapter. All existing lighting installed before the effective date of this Chapter shall be brought into conformance with the Chapter within five (5) years from the date of adoption of this Ordinance, or by November 2009. 15.30.050 Lighting Plan. An outdoor lighting plan shall accompany all design and building permit applications and shall be submitted separately from other drawing information. All lighting plans (except single family and duplex applications) shall be subject to approval through the design review process by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A August 12006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 1 of 2 Lot 25, Block 2, BMBC user's guide with examples of compliant light fixtures is available in the Community Development office. Those projects not requiring design review by the Town shall be required to submit a lighting plan that conforms to the standards outlined herein at the time of building permit for new construction. The lighting plan and/or specifications shall show: A. The type and luminous intensity of each light source and wattage (eg. Incandescent, halogen, high-pressure sodium); B. The type of fixture leg. floodlight, full -cutoff, lantern, coach light); C. Fixture location and height above of all proposed and existing light fixtures; D. Shielding and all mounting details; E. Manufacturer cut -sheet and/or specification materials with scaled drawings or photographs including: initial lumen rating, color rendering index, and wattage of each lamp; F. Any other information deemed necessary by the Community Development Inspector to document compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. Staff Recommendation: Base on the intent of the ordinance, as well as the language include in the provided sections, staff recommends that the Commission uphold their original recommendation and DENY the applicant's request to waive the condition. Recommended Motion "I move to deny the applicant's request to waive the requirement to submit an outdoor lighting plan within 60 -days demonstrating compliance with the Town's Outdoor Lighting Ordinance on Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, also known as the Christie Lodge. Exhibits: A — Letter from applicant dated July 26, 2006 B — Planning Commission Meeting minutes dated June 60, 2006 C - Staffs report, dated May 5, 2006 August 12006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 Lot 25, Block 2, BMBC NLLo4 n „ 47 E. Beaver Crmk BNC. P O. Box 1196 Awn CO B 16761 196 Pho c: 9769497700 Fax: 9769447765 Mr. Eric Heidemann Town of Avon Office Avon, CO 51620 July 26, 2006 Dear Mr. Heidemann: As per our discussion this morning I am herewith requesting a relief from the lighting plan as requested by the Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting held on June 6, 2006. 1 understand that you will be able to put this on the agenda for the meeting to be held on August 1, 2006 and, unless I hear otherwise from you, I will be there at 5:30 p.m. With best regards, Charles Frey Dir. of Operations " dye 47 E. Beaver Crmk BNC. P O. Box 1196 Awn CO B 16761 196 Pho c: 9769497700 Fax: 9769447765 Mr. Eric Heidemann Town of Avon Office Avon, CO 51620 July 26, 2006 Dear Mr. Heidemann: As per our discussion this morning I am herewith requesting a relief from the lighting plan as requested by the Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting held on June 6, 2006. 1 understand that you will be able to put this on the agenda for the meeting to be held on August 1, 2006 and, unless I hear otherwise from you, I will be there at 5:30 p.m. With best regards, Charles Frey Dir. of Operations Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission VON Meeting Minutes C O SUR A O° June 6, 2006 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. It. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Green and Commissioner Goulding. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Approval of Resolution 06-12, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510 Old Trail, Applicant /Owner Wildridge TLC, Jennifer Mach. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item VI, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivison/451 Metcalf Rd, Applicant/Owner. Quest Communications. VI. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the May 16, 2006 Meeting Minutes B. Approval of Resolution 06-12, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510 Old Trail Applicant/ Owner Wildridge TLC, Jennifer Mach Description: A Special Review Use Application was approved for a children's daycare at the Commission's July 5, 2005 meeting. A condition of approval was that the permit be re- reviewed in 12 months. Staff has received no complaints and is recommending a 3 -year extension of the permit. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. VI. Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC NEARING Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd Applicant/ Owner Qwest Communications Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The property is located within the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district, and accordingly 'outdoor storage' is enumerated as an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report to the Commission. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Dave Svabik, owner of property two doors to the south of this property, approached the podium and began with comments regarding truck turnaround issues for the site, and continued with the 5 employees and their parking needs with only 10 spaces on the property, the lack of snow storage on the site, the need for a nicer job of a landscaping plan, the area was for light industrial commercial, and has issue with traffic and trucks. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Andrew Mitchell approached the podium as employee of Reddy and Reddy Architects, architects for this project, and addressed landscaping. Commissioner Struve asked for clarification on the fence as it will be straighten and not replaced; was the fence high enough to screen cable spools and boxes. Mr. Mitchell replied that it storage was low level. Commissioner Struve asked what area client was servicing and Mr. Mitchell didn't know the response. Parking on site was one per employee; Commissioner Struve questioned trucks parking overnight and the number of technicians to service Eagle County. Clarification was required on the number of proposed technicians on site and how the parking would be allocated. Commissioner Struve queried if construction equipment is to be stored in the yard and Mr. Mitchell did not know answer. Commissioner Foster questioned truck turning radius and site storage and would storage need to be clear for trucks. Mr. Mitchell responded that it should not be a conflict. Commissioner Lane requested review of a landscaping plan and Mr. Mitchell responded that it was an existing site and that R didn't require additional landscaping per code. Commissioner Struve voiced that a SRU allowed for changes to the site. Eric Heidemann commented that the new Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan allowed for changes to an original SRU. Matt Pielsticker asked for clarification on truck movements on site was necessary. Mr. Mitchell revealed that trucks would pull up past intersection entry and would back into site. Commissioner Struve moved to table Item VI, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd, Applicant / Owner. Qwest Communications, to seek answers to snow storage, landscaping, fencing, parking (are techs included in the five in terms of parking?), signage and storage of construction equipment. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion to table. The motion passed unanimously with all commissioners in favor. Mr. Svabik returned the podium to comment that the Eagle -Vail Qwest location was twice the size of the Avon location and suggested the Commission be careful with this application. VII. Minor Projects A. Wildridge Fence Property Location: Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5129 Longsun Lane ApplicanUOwner. Sam Ecker Description: A rounded wood rail fence located in the rear/side yard of this Longsun Lane property. The fence is 4' tall and would have a wire mesh to contain dogs. The Planning Commission must review all fences not meeting specific staff approval criteria. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Commissioner Evans asked staff to discuss the reasons why it does not comply with the conditions for staff approval of a fence application. Mr. Pielsticker responded that it does delineate a property line, the fence area is more than 2,000 square feet, it is more than a two -rail design — it is a three -rail horizontal rail design. Mr. Pielsticker continued that the application meets the intent of the guidelines but not the literal. Commissioner Struve commented on the height and round rails versus split rails. Commissioner Evans was concerned with the area size by moving fence in by bringing into compliance Commissioner Smith pull in the fence to setback line. Commissioner Lane responded that size was an issue Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item VII, Minor Projects — A, Wildridge Fence, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5129 Longsun Lane, Applicant/Owner. Sam Ecker as submitted with the condition that the fence be moved from the southeastern side property line to the setback and that the area inside not be more than 2,000 square feet. Commissioner Smitl seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Eaglebend Fence Property Location: Lots 8 & 9, Filing 2, Eaglebend Subdivision / Eaglebend Drive Applicants/Owners: Amy & Bill Phillips and Joan Sorensen Description: A request for multiple lengths of 6' tall dog-eared cedar fencing on these Eaglebend Drive properties. Since the fencing does not meet the required staff approval criteria, it can only be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker addressed the staff report to the Commission. Amy and Bill Phillips, owners, approached the podium to discuss the fence. They began that there are 6 or 7 properties in the neighborhood with similar picket fences. Ms. Phillips continued that the Eaglebend area was different from Wildridge for which the fence guidelines were created. An 8 -foot fence is situated to the north of the property by the railroad tracks. The fence is for privacy and their dogs. Kathleen Walsh, owner of Lot 7, approached the podium to address this application. Her one concern was the 8 foot fence in her rear, the fence on Lots 6 and 7 are different styles, and when she fences in the remainder of her property which style of fence does she follow and that her yard would exceed the 2,000 square foot guideline criteria. Commissioner Evans said the commission strove for consistency and the guidelines are written more towards Wildridge and Wildwood: Ms. Walsh was also concerned with the three pit bulls on the Phillips' property and the fence's ability to hold in the animals. Mr. Phillips continued that the dogs were chained and Thomas, Ms. Walsh's son, has played with the dogs. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve, Item VII, Minor Projects — B, Eaglebend Fence, Property Location: Lots 8 & 9, Filing 2, Eaglebend Subdivision / Eaglebend Drive. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. C. Christie Lodge Color Change Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge) Applicants/Owners: Charles Frey, Manager Description: A request to replace the existing canvas awnings from the current rust color to a forest green color. The applicant also requested to paint the standing seam metal roof along the first level of the building a matching forest green color. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report to the commission. Charles Frey, director of operations for the Christie Lodge, approached the podium for application review. Commissioner Evans questioned the durability of the product so that a high quality durable fade resistant was used. Mr. Frey quoted the manufacturer's spec sheet with 8 -year warranty against fading. Commissioner Struve asked about the change of color and Mr. Frey responded that the last color was for 25 years. Mr. Frey commented on the lighting that no changes were planned. Commissioner Evans was concerned with the color fastness of the product. Commissioner Evans voiced concern for the long-term durability of all the products proposed. Commissioner Lane would be more comfortable with a cut sheet of the product. Mr. Frey first came to a work session for input by the commission, and then tabled at the last meeting, Commissioner Evans would be fine to leave durability up to staff. Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item VII, Minor Projects — C, Christie Lodge Color Change, Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge), subject to the following conditions; Condition #1 - the applicant submit an updated lighting plan within 60 days, Condition #2 of the Staff Report, Staff review the products that are going to be applied and agree or disagree to their durability, and include the first choice color. Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Sign Design - U -Store -It Self Storage Facility Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 850 Nottingham Road Applicant. Corporate Identity Solutions/ Owner., U -Store -It Description: Sign Design application to replace the existing "Self Storage" pan channel sign with a new pan channel "U -Store -It" sign on Nottingham Road. Town Code requires that all signs not part of an approved Master Sign Program be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Struve questioned the large tree and if it would be damaged. Matt Pielsticker responded that he was not aware of any action towards the tree and that the sign would be "pretty bright". Commissioner Smith motioned to deny Item VIII, Sign Design - U -Store -It Self Storage Facility, Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 850 Nottingham Road, with findings in staffs report. Commissioner Struve -seconded and the motion for denial passed unanimously by the Commission. IX. Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex A. Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5712 Wildridge Rd East Applicant/Owner. Jim Jose Description: Final Design review for an 8,400 square foot duplex residence proposed on Wildridge Road East property. The proposed materials include stone, vertical and horizontal siding, and timber detailing. The lot contains steep existing grades and limited access opportunities. A sketch design application for this project was reviewed at the Commission's February 21, 2006 meeting. Eric Heidemann provided the staff report. Jim Jose, representing Holy Cross Building and Design, spoke from the podium on commissioner concerns regarding height, driveway approach, square footage, and neighbor concerns. Commissioner Struve commented on the lot and its steepness. Commissioner Foster voiced concern with height. Commissioner Smith concerned with driveway, garage and parking situation. Commissioner Lane acknowledged that the site was a challenge and good job of architecture was done but parking and driveway design was an issue. Commissioner Evans had concern with the landscaping plan for buffering and softening the site. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item IX, Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex — A, Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5712 Wildridge Rd East with the condition that lighting cut sheets and a revised landscape plan are provided for staff approval. Commissioner Foster seconded and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. B. Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant/Owner. George ("Tripp") Plavec Description: Final Design review for a new duplex structure on Wildridge Road East in the Wildridge Subdivision. Proposed materials include stucco, bev lap siding, stone, and heavy timbers. The sketch design review for this duplex was reviewed at the Planning and Zoning Commission's May 16, 2006 meeting. Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report. Tripp Plavec showed a visual demonstration of his project to the commissioners to include the landscape design. Commissioner Struve questioned the trees on the adjacent lot line and asked for them to be protected and spruces to be moved as screening. Commissioner Foster motioned for approval of Item IX, Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex — B, Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Applicant/Owner. George ('Tripp") Plavec with following conditions to be resolved prior to the building permit submittal: 1 - positive drainage must be demonstrated; 2 — a revised landscape will be provided with the irrigated area not more than 20% of the landscaped area, sage plantings will blend with the lot to eliminate a harsh cut line, 3 — all technical corrections are addressed as identified by Staff; and 4 — Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects a. Comcast Cable: Matt Pielsticker will be riding with technician to do locates b. Gates will be staging on the adjacent Folsom property c. Widening of Wildridge Road between Old Trail and Bear Trap d. Next meeting — Final Design of the Westin e. Lot 6 Block 4 Wildridge - check landscape plan f. 520 Nottingham Road - siding issues XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary SAME AS ORIGINAL Town of Avon Design Modifications Commercial Staff Report June 6, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date May 30, 2006 Project type Minor Project Legal description Lot 25, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge) Zoning TC (Town Center) Address 47 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Charles Frey, manager for of the Christy Lodge, is proposing to change the color of the canvas awnings and standing seam metal roof along the first level of the Christy Lodge building from the current rust color to a forest green color. The applicant has submitted two alternative colors (both green), with one labeled their preferred color. The modifications would not affect the existing signage for the commercial tenants along the first level, nor would it change any of the existing lighting beneath the canopies. In addition to the proposed building maintenance, which (same off-white color). The building maintenance and not the report is a current photo proposed colors. modifications, the applicant has also performed included a complete re -painting of the building repainting of the building is permitted as general part of this minor project application. Attached to of the building, and photo renderings of the two According to the Commercial Design Guidelines, the minimum design considerations in this application are the quality or durability of the canvas material as well as the Light Reflective Value (LRV) of the proposed color. These guidelines should represent the minimum standard to achieve this goal, without being so cumbersome as to not allow varied high-quality design that meets this intent. Staff has asked the applicant to provide a sample of the canvas material during Commission review and a brief description of it's durably and tolerance to expected UV exposure. Staff would also request the applicant demonstrate compliance with the minimum LRV standard of 60%. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria:. , 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The Minor Project application does not include any changes to the use of the land or modifications to the building structure. Currently, the development is in compliance with all of the requirements imposed by the Town of Avon Municipal Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The subject property is located within the District 3 planning area. This area is considered a high priority district with heavy emphasis on mixed-use development and pedestrian orientation. The planning principles within this district encourage the use of architectural detailing on the ground level in the form of display windows, appropriate lighting, and other pedestrian amenities. As presented, the proposed material change would not detract form the existing canvas detailing along the ground level. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Not applicable. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: B. Building Design: The guidelines require that all colors be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60 percent and this application appears to comply with the Guidelines. The applicant has indicated that the LRV of the proposed alternatives ranged form 7-13%, which is well with the acceptability range. Staff has asked the applicant to verify these levels during Commission review The existing building color, however, does not appear to meet this standard. Understanding that the applicant is within their right to repaint their building the same color without design approval, staff is recommending that the next re -painting of the building go through a formal design review process in order to eliminate the non -conforming nature of the building color. C. Landscaping: There is no landscaping proposed with the design modification. . Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The site is developed and thereof no alteration of the existing topography is required. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. This building is located in a prominent and highly visible area of Town and could be viewed from Interstate 70. Accordingly, the proposed color and type of material should blend well with the existing building and be compatible with nearby properties. . The proposed colors are both a dark forest green and appear to meet the minimum LRV standard. Staff has no object to either of the two colors, as they have both been used in other areas of Town. The applicant has a preferred option (see attached), which, if approved, would match the color for the metal roof. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The proposed modifications to the building would not impair the monetary or aesthetic values of properties within the vicinity. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. However, staff has added two conditions of approval to ensure full compliance with Town policies. The recently adopted Outdoor Light Ordinance requires the submission of an outdoor lighting plan for all commercial projects requesting a building permit or design review. Staff is unsure to what degree the building is in compliance with the ordinance and therefore is requesting the applicant demonstrate compliance with the ordinance within 60 -days. Furthermore, the building color appears to be an off-white color with a relatively high reflective value. Staff has added a condition requiring the next application of paint to eliminate the non -conforming color. Recommendation Staff is recommending conditional approval of the proposed on Lot 25, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Recommended Motion "I move to approve the proposed modifications to Lot 25, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek subject to the folioing conditions. 1. The applicant shall submit an outdoor lighting plan within 60 -days demonstrating compliance with the Town's Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review all future painting of the building for compliance with the LRV standards. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4009 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann Senior Planner Attachments: Existing and proposed photographs Outdoor Lighting Ordinance Aerial Photo Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Aar -05-2006 12:20pm From -TOWN OF AVON COWUNITY DEVELOPLENT 9709495749 t: 11 L ii F. A U 0 ,MINOR PROJEC'. T-709 P.003/003r-997 G-4 and/or Fees: MINOR MODIFICATION IReizdUslot r: 5250 (Last) v Address 4 7 (sveeU Telephone 89�� ()R aZOG `i (First) Fax �N<s' • I/L // Cell (Lest) (i lFlrst Address 4z7 (streav (city) Telephone Fax . Cell cc (ro 190,1600 Lot-2-'5Block-J2= Subdivision W119 `'r'18C Street Address�f7 �. Type of Design Change requested: ❑ Fence ❑ Window(s) ❑ Addition ❑ Deck ❑ Modification to Final Design Approval Color Change ❑ Material Change El Landscaping E] Other: Pro'ect Description (materials, colors, height, unique features• arch. style, etc) s ,/ �l...J....li ,Gv tip ia-t ��_„/ s.. --.do l aZ � - m e _41.AaA 2)t Submit the following Items with ❑ Site Plan - 2 Sets ❑ Elevations - 2 Sets C' Colors & Materials set RECEIVED APR 1 3 ?006 I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that I (we) understand the Town of Avon regulations applicable to this project, and understand that incomplete submittals will delay application revie ,Owner designates 'Applicant'as indicated to act as owner's representative ir all application submitt'51 related to thi project. Applicant /� (Print G)— Name)Ck4_,O y Date 6f — /Z - oG Owner (Print flame) Date Winston Corporation Painting -Construction Services 14 Inverness Drive East - Bldg H-120 Englewood, Colorado 80112 303.799.4685 • 800.419.5312 • Fax 303.799.4686 services@wlnstonooM=fion.com - www.winstoncorporation.com To: Christie Lodge From Ryan Norris Attm Charles Frey page= Fwc 970.949-7700 CC: ❑ Urrmt X For Review Please Carnrrprt 0 PkReply 0 Please Recycle Charles, I wig overnight more samples. The LRV varies from 7 to 13 depending on the COW. Here are some samples Sherwin-Williams—Hunt Club LRV 7 Sherwin-Williams—Rock Garden LRV 9 ICI Paints — Olde Hunter LRV 7 Ryan Norris D•rrectDr of Marketing 303.408-6830 This fax is confidential and cannot be used with out Permission of the Winston Corporation SGZ-3 LOOMS 016-1 -WOU ZS:LL 90. -SO -OE f, 0 rM'I "I 0 y 1, a j . T . Pa . ORDINANCE NO. 04-19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 15, MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, AS IT RELATES TO OUTDOOR LIGHTING STANDARDS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON,COLORADO: Section 1. Amendment. Title 15, Avon Municipal Code is amended by the addition of a new Chapter 15.30 as follows: Chapter 15.30 Sections: 15.30.010 Intent and Purpose 15.30.020 Definitions 15.30.030 Applicability 15.30.040 General Outdoor Lighting Standards 15.30.050 Lighting Plan 15.30.060 Violations 15.30.070 Figures and Diagrams 15.30.010 Intent and Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to reduce offensive lighting sources and reduce light trespass beyond property lines, including unnecessary upward lighting. The Town of Avon is experiencing a significant increase in the use of exterior illumination. Town residents and guests value small town character and the qualities associated with this character, including the ability to view the stars against a dark sky. They recognize that inappropriate and poorly designed or installed outdoor lighting causes unsafe and unpleasant conditions, and limits their ability to enjoy the nighttime sky. This Chapter is intended to help maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Avon through the regulation of exterior lighting in order to: A. Promote adequate light for safety and security; B. Prevent inappropriate and poorly designed or installed outdoor lighting; C. Reduce glare; D. Reduce nighttime light pollution and to protect and reclaim the ability to view the night sky by restricting the unnecessary upward projection of light; E. Phase out existing non -conforming fixtures that violate this chapter, including those owned by the Town; and In order to determine the effectiveness of the ordinance, staff shall develop and implement the "Avon Dark Sky Preservation initiative' program to measure observable lumen counts at fixed points on the valley floor. Baseline monitoring shall take place on an annual basis, and five (5) years after the implementation of this ordinance, the findings shall be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council to determine whether or not the intent and goals of this chapter are being satisfied. 1 S 30 020 Definitions, Exterior Lighting. Temporary or permanent lighting that is installed, located, or used in such a manner to cause light rays to shine outdoors. Luminaires that are indoors that are intended to light something outside are considered exterior lighting. Fixture Height. The vertical distance from the ground directly below the centerline of the fixture to the lowest direct light emitting part of the fixture. Full cut-off fixture. A fixture designed and installed where no direct light (as opposed to scattered light) is emitted at or above a horizontal plane running through the lowest point on the fixture. Fully shielded. The luminaire incorporates a solid opaque barrier (the shield), which permits no light to escape through the barrier. Glare. Stray, unshielded (including reflected) light striking the eye that may result in (a) nuisance or annoyance glare such as light shining into a window; (b) discomfort glare such as bright light causing squinting of the eyes; (c) disabling glare such as bright light reducing the ability of the eyes to see into shadows or (d) reduction of visual performance. Holiday (Seasonal) Lighting. Temporary festive lighting intended to celebrate the winter season and the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's holidays. Light Pollution. Any manmade light that diminishes the ability to view the night sky. Light Source. The source of the light emitted by the fixture. Also referred to as 'bulb.' Light Trespass. Light falling on the property of another or the public right-of-way when it is not required to do so. xtia. u0s, usM tt.rw J LT - Controlled source and good aiming prevent light trespass Light trespass from uncontrolled source 15.30030 Applicability, The lighting standards of this Chapter shall be applicable to all exterior lighting within the Town of Avon. All exterior lighting installed after the effective date of this Chapter shall conform to the standards established by this Chapter. All existing lighting installed before the effective date of this Chapter shall be brought into conformance with the Chapter within five (5) years from the date of adoption of this Ordinance, or by November 17, 2009. 15 30 040 General Outdoor Liahtina Standards. The following lighting standards shall apply to all properties located within municipal boundaries: A. The style, color, and design of the fixtures shall be compatible with the overall design concept and use of materials for the building, and site area of the lighting plan. B. All lighting shall be shielded such that the source of illumination (filament, frosted bulb or the reflection of those from a shiny surface) is not visible from the property line thereby reducing glare and interference with boundary streets and adjacent properties. Light fixtures near adjacent property may require special shielding devices to prevent light trespass. C. All lighting (including, but not limited to street, parking lot, security, walkway and building) shall conform with the definition for full cut-off fixtures with the light source downcast and fully shielded, with the following exceptions: 1. Holiday lighting from November 15th to March 1". 2. Sensor activated luminaries, provided: a. It is located in such a manner as to prevent glare and lighting onto properties of others or into the public right-of-way. b. The luminaire is set to only go on when activated and to go off within five minutes after activation has ceased. c. The luminaire shall not be triggered by activity off the property. 3. All temporary emergency lighting needed by the Fire and Police Departments, or other emergency agencies. 4. Floodlights with external shielding can be deflected up to twenty five (25) degrees from a vertical plane as measured through the central axis of the light beam from the luminaire, only if the luminaire does not cause glare or light to shine on adjacent property or public rights-of-way. Compliant floodlight angle 5. Uplighting for flags, address markers, trees, architectural features, and low - voltage landscape lighting provided the luminaire is located, aimed, and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the object and away from adjoining properties and the public street right-of-way. Architectural features may be illuminated by uplighting, provided that the light is effectively contained by the structure. In all cases, uplighting must not cause glare or light trespass. 6. Luminaires (light fixtures) that have a maximum output of one thousand lumens per fixture (equal to one sixty [601 watt incandescent light), regardless of the number of lamps, provided: a. The bulb of the fixture is not visible; and b. The fixture utilizes frosted, opalescent, clear. or iridescent glass; and c. The fixture has an opaque top or is under an opaque portion of the building structure; and d. If the fixture utilizes clear glass, the output of the fixture must be shielded by the architecture of the structure; and e. All fixtures must not cause glare or light trespass beyond the property. 7. Temporary (2 days or less) high intensity discharge floodlighting may be used for sports lighting and Town sponsored events provided that the lighting be turned off no later than one hour after the event is concluded. The fixtures must be aimed so that their beams are directed and fall within the primary playing or performance area. B. All permanent sports and event lighting shall be equipped with a glare control package (louvers, shields, or similar devices) and the fixtures must be aimed so that beams are directed and fall within the primary playing area and light trespass is minimized. 15.30.050 Lighting Plan, An outdoor lighting plan shall accompany all design and building permit applications and shall be submitted separately from other drawing information. All lighting plans (except single family and duplex applications, whose lighting fixtures and locations are reviewed under the Design Review Guidelines) shall be subject to approval through the design review process by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A user's guide with examples of compliant light fixtures is available in the Community Development office. Those projects not requiring design review by the Town shall be required to submit a lighting plan that conforms to the standards outlined herein at the time of building permit for new construction. The lighting plan and/or specifications shall show: A. The type and luminous intensity of each light source and wattage (eg. Incandescent, halogen, high-pressure sodium); B. The type of fixture (eg. floodlight, full -cutoff, lantern, coach light); C. Fixture location and height above all proposed and existing light fixtures; D. Shielding and all mounting details; E. Manufacturer cut -sheet and/or specification materials with scaled drawings or photographs including: initial lumen rating, color rendering index, and wattage of each lamp; F. Any other information deemed necessary by the Community Development Inspector to document compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. t S 30 060 Violations. It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the requirements'of this Chapter. If the Community Development Inspector finds that any provision of this Chapter is being violated, the Community Development Inspector shall give notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of such violation to the owner and/or to the occupant of such premises, requesting that the violation be abated within sixty (60) days of the date of mailing of the notice. The Community Development Department staff shall be available to assist in working with the violator to correct said violation. If the violation is not abated within the sixty (60) day period, the violator shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for each and every day during which the violation of any provision for any single fixture of this Chapter is committed, continued, or permitted. 15 030,70 Futures and Dia rams. The following figures illustrate examples of acceptable and unacceptable types of outdoor lighting fixtures. Note that even those types of fixtures shown as "acceptable-," must be installed and aimed properly to comply with this chapter. Unacceptable Acceptable Area Floodlights 9 LF7 YES NO ' Pro or alming Is etlg requimd to pmvent flow fmspass. tSoo Ilahts Amok or YES NO ' Pwoerelm is ed9 reguftd M pmvent ffW tree eea. Wall Packs ev W NO YES Clecorative a '[hex 6atwn my beO ceptable if ming a low YES watuge bulb. Street Liahtina Vi NO YES INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the 26th day of October. 2004, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be 004, at 5e 30 P.M. nmeeting Council Chambers, Avon tune day of held at thregular P l Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. �,,y� Gw •, i ATTEST: 4Pa4e- Ljr�(2u nvy, Town er Q4� Albert D. Reynolds, Mayo INTRODUCED, FINALLY APPROVED, PASSED ON SECOND READING AND nRDERED POSTED the `c M- day of n � _> 2004. Q3 � Patt eKenny, T lerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Iohn W, Dunn, Town Attorney Albert D. Reynolds, Mayor Ordinncc No. 04.19 Lighting Ordinance Page 7 of 7 �• iy } r " i a ATTEST: Q3 � Patt eKenny, T lerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Iohn W, Dunn, Town Attorney Albert D. Reynolds, Mayor Ordinncc No. 04.19 Lighting Ordinance Page 7 of 7 BMBC, bock 2 - Christie Lodge rondos, Lots 25 K v 97 ' [✓' ♦♦ •„i !"� ' � ` � \ � -3s. \ a ^.ate Rr rL t�'r g• qty ...+°i r.� � F>p ., vl s +ice.' . ♦ !: iN. • eon`. Loi 25 Property Boundaries :sfte ';Iii