PZC Minutes 06-20-2006 (3)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
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AVON- Meeting Minutes
CU L 0 R A D0 June 20, 2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm.
If. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
111. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
A. DOLA Planning & Zoning Commissioner 101 Meeting (12:00 pm - 1:30 pm)
Training course intended for new Planning and Zoning Commissioners with Andy Hill from the
Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). This will take place in the Council Chambers. Open to
the Public. Commissioners Struve, Goulding Foster, Lane, Green, and Evans were present.
B. Site Tour - 95 Avon Road (5:00 pm)
Description: Meeting at the Confluence Site to Review the mockup for the Westin Hotel and
Riverfront Lodge. Open to the Public.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Lane revealed a conflict of interest with Items XI,
Sketch Design - Commercial Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road and XII, Final
Design — Commercial, Property Location: Confluence /.95 Avon Road.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the June 6, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Struve moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
VI. Stonebridge Streetscape Improvements - CONTINUED
Property Location: Stonebridge Drive & Eaglebend Bridge, Eaglebend Subdivision
Applicant: Town of Avon
Description: Overview of the proposed streetscape improvement project on Eaglebend Drive and
Stonebridge Road for construction this summer. This project consists of installing curb and gutter,
bus pullouts, streetscape lighting, and a separated pedestrian/bicycle path on the south side of
Eaglebend Drive. Also included is the replacement of the rails on the Stonebridge Road bridge.
Jeff Schneider, Assistant Town of Avon Engineer, approached the podium to present this project. Mr.
Schneider began by giving historical data to the railing issue under discussion and the concerns of
Town Council. He began with a picture presentation of the project in 'before and after' format with the
two concepts that had been created. Scott Nunnery of Eric Smith and Associates was introduced by
Mr. Schneider to present the concepts for the bridge. Lighting and an additional bus stop were
discussed as well as the stone, railing and colors. Cost estimates of the two concepts were
Commissioner Evans inquired to the number of lights with the response that the monuments and the
lighting totaled eight. Commissioner Green questioned the fixtures and how the light shone. The
response was that the light would reflect down. Commissioner Goulding began commissioner review
with the glass to be used, lighting was for aesthetic value, questioned the guard rail for the bridge
itself and that the green rail was an auto rated rail, use of river rock with its roundness as not as easily
buildable, and commented his preference of Concept Two. Commissioner Struve questioned if Town
Council asked for the river rock and received an affirmative response, lighting was to be white per
Town Council suggestion, and he approved of either concept. Commissioner Foster leaned toward
Concept One, as did Commissioner Smith with her comment of not seeing the light bulb in the fixture.
Commissioner Lane preferred Concept Two and expressed that the fixture should be enlarged.
Commissioner Green preferred Option Two, commented that a non-river rock stone might work better,
suggested a cap to create a transition from the rock to the band on the monument, questioned
painting the concrete versus staining and the maintenance issue created. Commissioner Evans
questioned Concept Two that has a lantern that looks too small, with Concept One he questioned the
stone and how it would best be presented when build from grade up, agreed that river rock was out of
date as an architectural finish and perhaps sandstone squares could be a better product, confirmed
that the light fixture was copper and suggested the light bulb would be best as a bounced light to the
ground. Commissioner Green commented on the mass on Concept Two as more appropriate and
suggested a hybrid of the two concepts. Commissioner Foster was concerned with the height of the
monument as pedestrians walked under it. Commissioner Evans suggested taking the height of the
columns in Concept One with the overall mass in Concept Two and reduces the height.
Commissioner Smith commented that this suggestion might help.
Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the bridge design of Item VII, Stonebridge Streetscape
Improvements, Property Location: Stonebridge Drive & Eaglebend Bridge, Eaglebend Subdivision,
with the conditions that Concept One have the rock go to the ground and to the light, no sandstone
collar on the top, banner be organic, if possible the rock be something other than river rock, cement
not be painted and staining be investigated, intermediate massing between Concept One and
Concept Two, recommend the light fixture reflects up instead of reflects out, and an option not to
change the stone. Motion died with no second approval.
Commissioner Green motioned for a massing of the inner most monument adjacent to the river that is
in-between options One and Two, the stone on goes all the way to grade on all bile tasters, there will
not be river rock and the rock comes back to Planning and Zoning Commission for final review and
approval, the light fixture has a reflective, indirect light character to it with translucent glass, cement
stain or natural and not painted, the 'T' goes away, sandstone collar needs to transitioned.
Commissioner Lane seconded and the motion passed 6 —1 with Commissioner Struve objecting.
VII. Minor Project - ERWSD Building - CONTINUED
Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Applicant/Owner.• Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District
Description: Design review for a new building at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation building fronting
the Eagle River between the bike path and the railroad tracks. The building is required for UV water
treatment and would have a 28' x 44' footprint and is located on the south side of the main treatment
facility. The building would have cedar sided walls and a metal roof.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Mr. Ronald Siebert, project manager for the Water Department, approached the podium to address
commissioner queries. Commissioner Struve questioned the slats in the fence. Mr. Siebert expressed
that the slat would eliminate the need for landscaping by hiding the site.
Commissioner Goulding suggested more native landscaping and revealed that the fencing did not
conform to Design Guidelines. Commissioner Smith requested to see a landscape plan.
Commissioner Green suggested moving the current fence behind the existing landscaping. Mr.
Seibert commented that the screening and moving of fences would be cause for him to pull the
application from consideration. Commissioner Struve voiced no problem with fencing but with the
landscaping needed to be addressed.
Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item VIII., Minor Project - ERWSD Building, Property
Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision for the building with Staff
conditions as presented in the staff report and required a landscape plan be provided and approved
prior to occupancy TCO or CO. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. All commissioners
were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Minor Project - Commercial Design Modifications
Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 63 Nottingham Rd
Applicant. Rich Keeren, Deer Creek Corp. /Owner: Suncor Energy
Description: Design review for a new lighting plan, canopy fascia, and building stucco color change for
the Phillips 66 gas station on Nottingham Road. This application was received in February and the
application has updated the application with revised plans since that time. A sign application is being
reviewed in conjunction with this Minor Design application.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve questioned if signage would be on
canopy and the response was negative.
Rich Keeren, Deer Creek Corp, approached the podium to answer commissioner concerns. Mr.
Keeren voiced that he could reduce the light fixtures to 12 to reduce the lumens of the site. Mr.
Keeren continued with the history of the site and that the merger of Conoco and Phillips 3 years ago
brought the need for change of the colors, lighting, fascia and stucco to comply with corporate policy.
Commissioner Foster motioned for approval of the canopy lighting plan and building fascia change for
Item VIII, Minor Project - Commercial Design Modifications, Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 63 Nottingham Rd„ with the following conditions that must
be resolved prior to submittal of a building application: there will not no more than 12 ECTA Flat
Lens fixtures at no more than 175 watts, the red strip on the building fascia will be removed from the
building with this fascia color change, and landscape plan will be submitted for commissioner review
within 60 days in order to provide landscaping on the west side of the property as well as a revised
lighting plan. Commissioner Green seconded. Motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner Goulding
opposing approval.
IX. Sign Designs
A. Phillips 66 Gas Station
Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/ 63 Nottingham Rd
Applicant: Marti Powell, Aspen Sign Cc /Owner: Suncor Energy
Description: Sign Design application for a new monument sign at the Phillips 66 gas station.
This application is to replace the existing pole mounted sign. The existing building mounted sign
would remain in place.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Rich Keeren, Deer Creek Corp, approached the podium to present this application and began with
discussing the two options of either a dual -pole mounted design similar to the current sign or a
monument sign on a brick base both with visible pricing. Mr. Keeren mentioned that should either
design being presented not meet with commissioner approval, he would withdraw this application and
keep the current sign.
Commissioner review consisted of discussing the options, colors, pricing display, and materials.
Commissioner Green motioned for approval of Item IX, Sign Designs, A. Phillips 66 Gas Station,
Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/ 63 Nottingham Rd, for the
monument sign with a stucco base and with gas pricing required on the sign. Commissioner Goulding
seconded and all commissioners were in favor.
B. Trees of Colorado
Property Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision/ 0095 Post Boulevard
Applicant: Paul Doughty /Owner. Traer Creek, LLC
Description: Sign Design application for a new freestanding sign at the Trees of Colorado location on
post Boulevard. This business location was approved with a Special Review Use application and is
limited to the 2006 calendar year. The sign is unlit and constructed of painted plywood.
Matt Pielsticker presented staff's report.
Commissioner review discussed the orientation of the sign to traffic and to the property,
Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the sign design Item IX, Sign Designs, B. Trees of
Colorado, Property Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision/ 0095 Post Boulevard, with the
following conditions: 1. If the SRU is not renewed or extended, the sign is removed at the end of 2006,
2. Landscaping will be installed at the time of sign placement, and 3. The sign not be lighted.
Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with all commissioners in favor.
X. Sketch Design Plans- Residential
A. RAL Spec Duplex
Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd.
Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects / Owner. Robert B. Thomas
Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of stucco with
wood and stone veneer siding. Asphalt and metal roofs are proposed with varying roof pitches.
Matt Pielsticker presented staff's report.
Bobby Ladd, project architect, presented the project from the podium.
Commissioner Evans expressed concern with an 11 -foot retaining wall and that looping the garage
doors creates excessive disturbance, and suggested a model be presented to the commission.
Commissioner Foster agreed with Commissioner Evans' comments on the wall, it's being in the
setback line, and the front entrances look mirrored suggesting changes should be made.
Commissioner Struve agreed with previous statements, agreed the doors should be varied, and the
driveway design needs to be revisited. Commissioner Goulding revealed a clipped gable.
Commissioner Smith commented that the house next door has similar garages, concerned with the
setbacks, lot was too small for rear garages, and building height was an issue as well as the height of
the retaining wall. Commissioner Green agreed with Commissioner Lane that the building was too big
for the site, light reflectivity of the home was a concern, and elevations needed massaging.
B. Hubbard Single Family
Property Location: Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge
Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail Road
Applicant: Michael Sanner, Architect / Owner. Trent Hubbard
Description: Sketch Design review for the third (upper most) single-family home in the newly created
Dry Creek PUD. The building is comprised of stucco, wood and stone veneer siding, asphalt and cor-
ten metal roofing. A building permit has been issued for Lot 1 of
Dry Creek, and Final Design approval was recently granted to Lot 2 of this subdivision.
Matt Pielsticker presented the report by staff.
Michael Sanner, architect, took to the podium for commissioner questions.
Commissioner Struve commented on the interesting design, Commissioner Smith had issue with the
height of the chimney. Commissioner Lane questioned deck design. Commissioner Green queried
the vehicle turnaround and the size of the hammerhead, size of the chimney was an issue, and some
minor design issues were apparent. Commissioner Goulding agreed with his fellow commissioners
and mentioned the dormers. Commissioner Evans voiced that the chimney needed architectural
integrity as the massing does not look right, snow storage needed to be demonstrated at Final
Design, and revealed concern for a lock -off.
XI. Sketch Design - Commercial - CONTINUED
Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road
Applicant. Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners
Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. The
proposed building is comprised of approximately 75 whole ownership units and has a maximum
building height of approximately 95'. This item was first reviewed by the Commission at their May 16,
2006 meeting.
Eric Heidemann presented the staff report to the Commission on the Riverfront Lodge
Jim Telling approached the podium to address the project and its changes. Dave Kaslak, Zehren and
Associates, discussed the site, its elevations, draws and landscape options, new entry design and
demonstrated the design changes from the original lodge design to the current presentation.
Commissioner Goulding queried Mr. Telling about the tree issue and it was recommended that the
trees be kept. Commissioner Goulding supported Option One to save the trees, recommended
widening the gables, balance of the cantilever with the stone, and perhaps a railing by the large
Commissioner Struve voiced to save the trees providing the barrier doesn't block public access,
questioned material of the roof and ski storage availability. Commissioner Foster requested to view
specific presentation from the bike path to understand the trees and walls to the lodge. Commissioner
Green commented on the long and high view of the roof, appreciated the central gable and voiced
concern of the continuous long high ridgeline. Commissioner Smith preferred to see the trees stay if it
will work. Mr. Telling agreed to revisit the roof design as long as it did not impact the number of units
as units drive the hotel.
Commission and staff agreed that the applicant could return as Final Design.
XII. Final Design - Commercial
Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road
Applicant. East West Partners / Owner. East West Partners
Description: The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the
Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The proposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a
condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices. Several reviews of
this application have taken place, with the most recent sketch review being at the Planning and
Zoning Commission meeting on May 16, 2006.
Eric Heidemann presented the report by staff to the Commission and handed out a revised Addendum
to the Staff Recommendations as presented in the staff's report.
Andy Gunion, East West Resorts, presented a visual mock up on the screen for commissioner review.
Andy White, Oz Architecture, discussed changes as discussed at Sketch Design. Commissioner
Gould asked if the pre -cast panels are painted and the response was they come color treated.
Commissioner Goulding questioned the rust color, as it was not presented at the on-site mock-up.
Burt Miller responded with how the materials and colors were to be used on the public level to give it
greater depth and richness to the retail area. Commissioner Goulding continued with questioning the
two pipes from the gondola building and their purpose with the response that they were plumbing
vents and gave greater composition to the gondola building to project a cabin -like feel. Discussion
continued with the shrouds on the rooftop and its purpose was not for chimneys but for venting.
Commissioner Struve questioned the fireplace venting and the response was that some were in
recess or side walls to minimize impact and would be painted to match their wall. The maintenance
issue of the vents and the soot was discussed.
Commissioner Green motioned to approve Item XII, Final Design — Commercial, Property Location:
Confluence / 95 Avon Road, with staff recommendations per the Addendum handed out.
Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and the motion passed with all commissioners in favor.
XII. Other Business
A. Update of Various Projects - Nothing to report at this time.
XIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was
adjourned at approximately 10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Phil Struve