PZC Minutes 04-18-2006 (3)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2006
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Work Session
Call to Order
Called to order at 5:35pm
U. Roll Call
All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner D'Agostino.
Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
III. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
Approval of the April 4, 2GG6 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Green moved to approve as submitted, Commissioner Smith seconded the
motion. The motion passed with Commissioners Savage and Buckner abstaining due to
VI. Stonebridge Streetscape Improvements
Property Location: Stonebridge Drive & Eaglebend Bridge, Eaglebend Subdivision
Applicant: Town of Avon
Description: Overview of the proposed streetscape improvement project on Eaglebend Drive and
Stonebridge Road for construction this summer. This project consists of installing curb and gutter,
bus pullouts, streetscape lighting, and a separated pedestrian/bicycle path on the south side of
Eaglebend Drive. Also included is the replacement of the rails on the Stonebridge Road bridge.
Town Engineer Jeff Schneider presented the proposed Town improvements for Eaglebend and
Stonebridge Drive to include curb and gutter, separated bike path, and new bus stop, and new rails on
Stonebridge Drive Bridge. Mr. Schneider requested input on three specific elements including:
monuments, color, and lighting. He explained that the schedule was to begin bids in June after
gaining CDOT approval.
The Planning Commission review began with Commissioner Struve questioning the size and design
of the monuments and lighting. Color of the fixture was discussed and there were no color options
presented to the Commission. Commissioner Green requested a complete elevation of the bridge
(with human figures for scale) instead of individual details of the columns and re -iterated that the
lighting with HPS would not be approvable and that Metal Halide was the preference.
Commissioner Evans questioned the monument size and proportion in relation to the bridge. There
was further discussion on the light fixture design, what type of rocks being used for bases, and the
color and material of the rails of the bridge.
+ y:
Commissioner Green move to table this item until next meeting in order for more details to be
presented, with Commissioner Smith seconding. All commissioners were in favor and the motion
carried with a 6-0 vote.
VII. Sketch Design Plan - Single-family
Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510
Old Trail Road
Applicant: Michael Sanner, Architect
Description: A sketch design for the second of three single-family homes in the newly created Dry
Creek Subdivision on Old Trial Road. A final design application for the first lot was approved at the
Commission's April 4th meeting. Materials include cedar siding, asphalt and metal roofing, stucco,
and stone exterior.
Eric Heidemann presented staff's report to the Commission highlighting the three main areas of staff
concern: drainage and culvert design as it relates to future Lot 3 development, the maximum square
footage of 4,000 square feet including garage requirement and possible exceeding, and the
architectural design as it relates to the design approved for Lot 1 that was approved earlier this year.
The main discussion revolved around the 'similar yet not identical' issue. The architect was not
present but the property owner and developer, Trent Hubbard, approached the podium to address
issues raised by staff. Mr. Hubbard clarified the square footage issue and stated that it was a drawing
error and would be corrected for the lower level. The culvert would be installed on the downhill side
as identified on the approved subdivision grading and drainage plan. The limits of disturbance and
undisturbed area to northwest side of structure would be undisturbed. Mr. Hubbard read a statement
written by the architect concerning the similarity in designs between Lots 1 and 2. Roof colors and
fascia are different, while windows and siding are the same.
Chairman Evans further discussed the similarity issue, and asked for elevations for all three structures
to better understand the development as a whole. He explained that the towers and the massing are
too similar with the two structures. Mr. Hubbard challenged the Commission with the idea of keeping
the cooling towers and making other changes and if that would be acceptable. Commissioner Green
suggested possibly keeping the towers, yet making modifications to the tower design.
There was no action required for sketch design plans.
VIII. Transit Station Design Plan -CONTINUED
Applicant / Owner. Town of Avon
Description: Design review for the proposed Transit Center Design including: shelter, pavement and
sidewalk materials, landscaping, and lighting. This item was first review by the Planning Commission
at their April 4, 2006 meeting.
Steven Spears made a presentation to the Commission to explain how he arrived at the current bus
layout given the parcels we have to work with, and after review of four different design options.
Alternative #2 was identified as the preferred design option for the site plan layout. The carpet
connection was highlighted and the visual energy moving north/south. The water feature and the
gondola were the anchoring points.
The comments received by staff, Council and the Commission were presented to the Commission.
Changes to the proposal since the beginning included: exterior siding was changed to cedar, arch
bracing added to match lettuce sheds, gutters and downspouts were added, stone entrances were
slightly modified, the EastNVest gable windows and ventilation were added, and a color concrete band
was provided around the interior edge of the shelter to hold the trench drain.
Mr. Spears presented more design changes and updates for this project. The soils report has been
received, snowmelt was currently under heavy review, there was coordination happening with the
Confluence developers, and a temporary shelter on Lot 61 was being contemplated.
Commissioner Green questioned the bus route and asked why the buses couldn't use West Beaver
Creek Boulevard in a counter clock wise circulation instead of doing a loop back around on
Benchmark Road. Mr. Spears explained the transportation planning reasoning for the proposed route
and the ECO bus preferences. Norman Wood mentioned making the Roundabout fully functional.
Tambi Katieb addressed the Commission concerning bus routes and the long range planning aspect
of this project. Discussion continued with the bus turning movements, timing of bus routes, and the
location of the transit center being situated between two high activity nodes in an ideal location.
Commissioner Green questioned the light fixtures and commented on the battered walls of the
shelter. The stone should not be angled with the step fashion of the walls; rather the stone should be
horizontally faced and stacked. Mr. Spears stated that this was the intent of the design presented.
Commissioner Savage did not agree with the design for the shelter since there was no relation to the
other buildings in the area. Commissioner Buckner appreciated the transit design and commented on
the areas where the glass would meet the ground and how they should be lined up on the short and
long sides of the building with matching heights.
Commissioner Evans moved to approve the transit center design plan as presented with staff
recommended conditions:
1. All lighting submitted is only conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a site
lighting plan in conformance with Chapter 15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting Standards") prior to
final construction document approval.
2. Seating in the Transit Shelter shall accommodate a minimum of 20 people.
3. A speed table/crosswalk at the entry to the Transit Center from both east and west
approaches shall be included in the plans prior to final construction document.
4. Signs shall not be internally illuminated cabinet signs. Signs will be fabricated out of
wood or metal, and illuminated only by the light fixture.
5. The road plan for railroad crossing from the Transit Center shall be revised to be
consistent with final approval of the material and paving concept.
6. A 15mph speed limit shall be posted for the extent of the Transit Center from both east
and west approaches.
7. A temporary connection shall be installed from the Transit Center to the existing Town
mall until final approval of design plans for the Benchmark Court connection.
8. Modifications shall be provided as necessary to assure ADA compliance.
and the addition of the following conditions:
9. All paved areas added as part of this project to be snow melted.
10. Gable vents to match 12:12 roof pitch or be integrate into the siding field.
11. Lighting fixtures at shelter to be approved at later date.
12. Angle bracing to be one plane parallel to garage doors.
13. The cap at top of stem walls to be approved at a later date.
14. Colors to be approved at a later date.
15. End window mullions to match garage doors with bottom panels to be spandled metal
or non -clear glass.
Commissioner Green seconds the motion and all Commissioners were in favor with the exception of
Commissioner Savage. Motion passes with a 5-1 vote.
IX. Other Business
A. East Avon Work session with Council - April 2e
B. Commissioner Appointments at Council.
X. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Pielsticker
Chris Evans
Vice Chairman
Phil Struve