PZC Minutes 04-04-2006 (3)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
AVON Meeting Minutes
CU La RA°O April 4, 2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Savage and
Commissioner Buckner.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Item VIII, Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gart Sports), Property Location: Tract B-1,
Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place and Item IX, Final Design Plan,
Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge /
2510A Old Trail Road placed on the Consent Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest to disclose.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the March 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes.
B. Approval of Item VIII, Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gart Sports), Property
Location: Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place
C. Approval of Item IX, Final Design Plan, Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A .
Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510A Old Trail Road
Commissioner Green brought to the Commission's attention an error on Page two, 4"'
paragraph from the bottom regarding the vote on the motion. The vote should have been 4-3
for denial. Executed March 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes reflect
Commissioner Green moved to approve the Consent Agenda with necessary corrections to
the Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in
favor and the motion passed unanimously.
VI. Transit Station Design Plan
Applicant/ Owner. Town of Avon
Description: Design review for the proposed Transit Center Design including: shelter, pavement and
sidewalk materials, landscaping, and lighting.
Tambi Katieb discussed the review of the project and introduced Steven Spears, Landscape Architect
for Design Workshop. Mr. Spears presented the Town Center West Plan and Transit Center Plan.
He began with explaining a Development Concept Diagram. Mr. Spears discussed the potential of
Light Rail in the future and its connection to the project and the Confluence along with the connection
of the Main Street project with the Confluence and the West Plan. He continued by discussing
historical uses and structures. Mr. Spears discussed how the concept of the Transit Building was
intentionally imaged after Lettuce sheds and its use of the sun for warm. Mr. Spears continued with
Way finding and Signage items along with the railroad connection, the materials to be used for the
road's construction and the bollards.
Commissioner Evans questioned the bus circulation in a pedestrian mall and Commissioner Struve
questioned the number of buses that is anticipated. Mr. Spears responded that it would require
additional land purchase to move the bus system away from the mall and the numbers of buses were
dependent on time of year. The use of pavers with snow plowing was discussed. Mr. Norman Wood,
Town Engineer, voiced that snowmelt and maintenance was being reviewed. Mr. Spears next
presented the suggested benches, trashcans, bollards and the material for the guardrail. He
continued with the streetlights and banners. Commissioner Green questioned the design of the bus
movement. Commissioner Evans questioned why it is so spread out, he liked the shelter design and
the passive solar, discussed the materials to be used, mentioned that snowmelt would be required,
questioned the bus drop-off situation, suggested using the shelter location with more buses for pick up
and staging.
Commissioners questioned moving the bus movement, agreed that snowmelt was mandatory, and
mentioned that the landscaping was well done. Commissioner Smith commented on the interaction of
pedestrians crossing the roadway with cars and buses in motion as a problem. Commissioner
D'Agostino voiced that transit center idea to be open was a great idea however the garage doors are
not the way to do it. She suggested that the garage doors would feel cluttered when opened, and the
east and west elevations were not correct, as well as the detail of the eave was not correct.
Additional commissioner suggestions included the use of barn doors on a track for the shelter, the use
of gutters on the shelter for the drip line, fascia details are needed, and what is controlling the doors.
Other comments included query to use part of the easement and allow the buses to cross the
easement, pedestrian was paramount and not subservient to buses and cars.
Commissioner Green moved to table this project with Commissioner Smith seconded. All
commissioners were in favor and the motion passed with a 5 — 0 vote.
VII. Riverfront Subdivision - Landscape Plan and Public Plaza Design
Property Location. Confluence PUD 195 Avon Road
Applicant. East West Resorts /Owner. Vail Associates
Description: East West Partners Inc. has submitted a master landscape plan for the Riverfront
Subdivision. The applicant has also submitted the Public Plaza Design plan for the Riverfront
Subdivision. Both of these items are required to be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning
Commission per conditions of the Confluence PUD Amendment.
Tambi Katieb presented the staff report.
Andy Gunion, East West Partners, approached the podium to reveal that the Sketch Design for the
hotel had cost issues that were being worked on and the landscape plan and public plaza design were
up for discussion tonight. Mr. Gunion detailed the full-scale plans provided to the Commission. Mr.
Katieb questioned the fencing and Mr. Gunion voiced that the fence would be eliminated and replaced
with landscaping to fence the area. Commissioner Struve asked about when the bike path would be
installed and Mr. Gunion responded that it would be built with the infrastructure. Discussion continued
with Mr. Gunion agreeing with the use of the same street lighting and bollards as suggested for the
Transit Plan. He continued that outdoor seating would be dependent on the retail space design,
which has not yet been qualified.
Commissioner Evans questioned the snowmelt and Mr. Gunion responded with Mr. Katieb showing a
snowmelt plan that was provided. Commissioner Green questioned why the steps were not snow
melted and was responded that it would dissuade people to get to the river in the winter.
Commissioner Green commented that access should be allowed. It was mentioned that the pavers
would continue in the design fashion begun for the Transit Plan. Plaza paving, the gondola terminal
and public restrooms were discussed next. Commissioner Green suggested that the gondola
building be seen, by the commission, in its true context.
Commissioner review included asking about the elevation drops to the plaza space from the transit
center, suggestions for another material from wood and concrete for bollards, gondola building should
reflect the entire view of the hotel, a landscaping fence instead of a true fence, not to overdo the trees,
look to snowmelt the stairs, and the impact of the plantings and landscaping leeching to the river, and
encouraged bank edging.
Mr. Katieb mentioned that the listed issues to be part of the approval for this project:
■ All lighting submitted is only conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a site
lighting plan in conformance with Chapter 15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting Standards") prior to
final approval. Street lighting fixtures will match those selected for use in the Town Center
project. The Tract A bollard option shall be resubmitted (both concrete and wood are not
approved as submitted). Lighted bollards shall be used at the pedestrian crossing of
Riverfront Lane.
■ Bollard alignment between Riverfront Lane and railroad to be curved to match the auto
lane curve on the western side of this intersection.
■ Concrete pan extending from Riverfront ROW to western edge of auto lane shall be
deleted. Concrete shall be flush with material at this area.
■ Stamped or scored concrete to be utilized at crosswalk with no greater than a 2' score to
create a material difference of the crosswalk. The crosswalk will be elevated at least 2
inches in 2 feet at the transition from both approaches.
■ Traffic calming devices such as a flower box shall be introduced in the Riverfront ROW at
the crosswalk. The approach to this pedestrian crosswalk shall be designated as a 15
MPH speed limit at locations noted in this report.
• Concrete from terminus of public plaza to river path shall be stained or colored to
compliment retaining wall and plaza color and material palette.
■ The restroom/gondola operations building will be resubmitted in context with the hotel
design review. Snow shedding will be incorporated and reviewed as part of the snow
management plan for this building.
■ Minimum quantities for landscape plan shall be increased to 6-8 trees for each 650
square feet of landscape plan to conform to submitted plans shown for public areas
(Riverfront Lane & Entrance and below retaining of plaza). One tree and three shrubs per
650 square feet (ten shrubs may be substituted for one tree) is approved as the minimum
for each individual lot, and shall be reviewed separately during design review for each
■ Fencing along Railroad ROW will be specified and approved separately.
■ Additional evergreen trees shall be introduced at the base of the retaining wall below the
public plaza and the minimum height of these trees shall be 15' tall at time of installation.
■ The crosswalk at Riverfront Lane shall be installed by the opening day of the gondola.
■ Snowmelt down the stairs of the public plaza to the river access trail shall be reviewed
with the hotel design review.
■ Use of Spruce trees behind the Avon Transit Directional Sign shall be slightly tapered and
pulled to the east to avoid obstruction of view.
Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item VII, Riverfront Subdivision - Landscape Plan and
Public Plaza Design, Property Location: Confluence PUD / 95 Avon Road with the conditions as
modified by Tambi Katieb. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. All commissioners were in
favor and the motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gart Sports)
Property Location: Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place
Applicant: Pete Whalen - Sports Authority / Owner. Traer Creek, LLC
Description: The applicant is proposing a new sign to replace the existing Gart Sports sign in the
Chapel Square PUD. The sign is 12 square feet smaller than the existing sign and utilizes Pan -
Channel letters, extremely similar to the Office Depot Sign. This sign is required as part of a
corporate identity change.
Moved to Consent Agenda
IX. Final Design Plan
Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge /
2510A Old Trail Road
Applicant. Michael Sanner/Owner Trent Hubbard
Description: Final review for a single-family home approximately 4,000 square feet in size for the first
(southern) lot in the Dry Creek PUD. The design is 'craftsman style' with the following materials: lap
cedar siding, board on board cedar siding, dry stacked Telluride Gold stone, cor-ten steel roof
accents, 40 -year elk prestige composite shingles for main roofing material, and stucco.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
X. Sketch Design Plan
Property Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge / 5141 Longsun Lane
Applicant: Rick Dominick, Aker Architects /Owner. Tanavon Corporation
Description: Sketch design review for duplex on the downhill side of Longsun Lane. The building
would be comprised mainly of stucco and wood and is situated on a steep lot.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Kirk Aker, Aker Architects, approached the podium to address the project for the Commission. He
began with the difficulty of the driveway due to the steepness of the slope and the methodology to
bring the house up to retain the slope with a single access driveway. Commissioner Evans
commented that the house was somewhat mirror imaged, suggested a variance application for a dual
access as something that might make more sense for the site. Commissioner Smith voiced that the
project has the perception of an apartment and doesn't fit the neighborhood. Commissioners agreed
that hardship should be reviewed for this site.
Staff would like to review if a variance is required for this project. Commissioner Green commented
that in order to get relief from the setback, it would require a variance and suggested examining
architectural shape and materials.
Rick Dominic approached the podium to discuss the challenges of the site. The issue of height
variances was discussed and mentioned that it has never previously been presented to the
XI. Future Agenda Items
A. April 11, 2006 Planning Commission invited to Housing Needs Work session with Town
Council. Eric Heidemann addressed this session and that the Commission is being invited
to attend. It would be a work session item.
B. April 25, 2006 - East Avon Area Plan Community Work session at Town Council
XII. Adjourn
Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:58 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Vice Chairman
Phil Struve