PZC Minutes 10-04-2005 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting gipi AVON Minutes C 0 R A oo October 4, 2005 5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Buckner and Commissioner Savage. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were two items submitted at Work Session, one was a public letter of opposition to the Loc C PUD Amendment, the other was a Parking Lot Analysis distributed by the applicant for the Lot C PUD Amendment and staff would like to move Item VII. Sketch Design - Tabled from the September 20, 2005 Commission meeting, Property Location: Lot 10, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/ Wildridge Road West, for review prior to Item M. PUD Amendment / Sheraton Mtn. Vista. IV. Conflicts of Interest There are no conflicts of interest to report. V. Consent Agenda: • Approval of the September 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 — 0, with Commissioner D'Agostino abstaining due to absence at the meeting. VI. PUD Amendment I Sheraton Mtn. Vista - PUBLIC HEARING - Tabled from September 20, 2005 Commission Meeting Property Location: Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant/Owner. Points of Colorado, Inc Description: A request for an amendment to the Lot C PUD to modify the existing property rights and zoning for Lots 2C, 3, 4, and 5 (Phase 1C). This application proposes to eliminate a 125 - room hotel and restaurant, and increases the number of time-share units in the project's last phase of development. The Commission tabled this application from their August 16, 2005 meeting. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report after Commissioner Evans requested clarification of changes from the original submission to this current application. Mr. Heidemann began with the concerns from the Commission from the last meeting regarding the removal of retail space from the ground level, deficiency in parking, the height and the massing of the project for Phase 1C and 1B, the loss of pedestrian space at ground level and the water rights to serve the project. Mr. Heidemann continued that the applicant was now presenting additional, retaillcommercial space, however they were still short some 5,000 square feet of retaillcommercial space from the original PUD, they reduced the number of time share units by 12, massing has been reduced in Phase 1D on the north and south end by a floor on each side and there has been a verbal commitment to provide the necessary water rights to the project. A deficiency in parking remained. Ruth Borne, applicant representative, approached the podium for comment and introduced Alexandr Sheykhet, architect for Points of Colorado. Mr. Sheykhet provided explanation of the site plan with comments that more parking was added from the original submittal, reduction of units, and demonstrated the retail portion of the project with its increase in square footage. He continued with the Phase 1D office building reduction of the massing on two sides by eliminating the number of floors, reduction of density, introduction of new unit types to include a three bedroom with lock off potential, and provided visual presentation of the three buildings from various angles outside of the buildings, within courtyards, and from promenades. Mr. Sheykhet continued to explain how the project would tie in with the pedestrian mall concept for the town, along with presenting the additional retail and parking made available. Ruth Borne returned to the podium to continue the presentation. She began with describing a handout presented to the Commission. She requested a Special Review Use permit for 5 (five) years for the ground floor retail to convert to office until such time as the Main Street Plan was constructed and for the Town to give a 3 -year notice to such tenants for their vacation. Ms. Borne continued that the peak season for this site was June, July and August and not the ski season. The increase of parking was discussed with Commissioner Evans questioning the timing presented on the parking lot analysis provided to the Commission. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Andre de Lucinges, Falcon Point Resort General Manager, approached the podium to voice concern with oversized vehicle parking and where it was currently permitted and continued with issues of insufficient restaurant availability. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Evans believed that a discussion was warranted instead of Commissioner review comments. Commissioner Green began with the parking issue and 207 dwelling units were presented as both dwelling units and accommodation unit combinations and this increased the density as well the required parking. Ms. Borne commented that the PUD was being considered. Commissioner D'Agostino remarked on the adequacy of the dwelling units and accommodation units. Commissioner Green voiced that the issue was that 3 accommodation units equal a dwelling unit, and a dwelling unit required 2 parking spaces. Commissioner Green continued that within the dwelling unit was also an accommodation unit and therefore additional parking was required. Commissioner Evans brought to light the comments of the Town Council that discussed the difference of approach to the calculations for parking and commented on the issue that parking was deficient from studies done and should the project go as it was presented, cars would be a huge problem. Commissioner Struve raised an exacerbating factor of large vehicles and the lack of space to house them. Commissioner Evans continued with the pedestrian aspect of the walkway of Phase 1D and the potential of a restaurant by a bus stop. Commissioner Green expressed the commission's request of greater pedestrian penetration along the Recreation Center side of the project. Commissioner Smith commented on the S canyon effect that the project's buildings were creating. Mr. Heidemann brought to the commissioners attention the additional commercial/retail as opposed to restaurant use space. Ruth Borne mentioned that a restaurant was proposed in the current Sheraton between Banglz and Charter Sports. Mr. Heidemann expressed that it could be 8 years before a restaurant was positioned. Commissioner Evans stated that the elimination of amenities and constant chipping away of original approvals provided less to the Town; more was needed for the pedestrian. Ms. Borne commented that it was the only project that complied with the Main Street Plan and the need for flexibility was necessary with the restaurant and the retail issues. Commissioner Green questioned the flexibility issue with the tenants but expressed difficulty with how the project worked with the Main Street Plan, problems with pedestrian penetration, and acknowledged that the Town needed to address flexibility. Commissioner Evans commented that if the zoning seemed not to work for the developer than an alternative might be to wait on the project so that the goals of the Main Street Center could be met. Commissioner Struve commented that whatever restaurant was to be currently built would take away from Main Street, he agreed with the changes made to the retail space, and had no problem eliminating the restaurant for a greater use of retail/commercial. Alexandr Sheykhet commented that parking was increased; changes were made, and began to read the PUD comments regarding parking. He continued that the numbers of units were decreased, 2.5 parking spaces per unit was an industry standard, and the parking analysis verified the parking as adequate. Eric Heidemann interjected that 20 employee -housing units on site, 3 are sold and 17 employee units are preferential and occupied. Commissioner Struve suggested a contingent plan for overflow and oversized parking, whether convenient or not. Tambi Katieb remarked that the Town would like the project to be parked sufficiently, despite the existing definition of density and suggested to the applicant a pay -in -lieu district. Alexandr Sheykhet continued with presenting the appeal of the pedestrian level to the Commissioners. He continued that they are responding to Main Street Plan and to West Beaver Creek to enhance pedestrian access. Commissioner Smith commented that the hotel building has grown significantly; massive walls were still apparent and unwelcoming to pedestrians. Commissioner Evans brought to attention of the Commission the feel of Rockefeller Center in New York City as a prime example of the movement of massing to hide its massing and Commissioner Smith commented that the exterior walls created a huge barricade. Commissioner Green expressed that a sense of space was the issue and that there was a difference of .8 parking spaces between the developer and the Town, and massing was a design issue. Ruth Borne remarked that there were 414 dwelling units, with 2 parking spaces per unit; the developer was just 29 parking spaces short of staffs calculations. Commissioner Evans remarked that pay in lieu does not solve the massing problem, none of the massing or the parking solves the pedestrian -issue and the engagement of the pedestrian and that Phase 1 D needed two floors eliminated to address the massing and parking issue, and a gradual buildup was needed in the building design. Commissioner Green was addressing specific aspects of the design guidelines. Ms. Borne mentioned that a zoning application was also in front of the Commission, and Commissioner Evans voiced there was credibility to bring it into the resolution at this point. Commissioner Struve suggested a general statement of the code as opposed to a definitive. Commissioner Green expressed that specificity was warranted. Commissioner Green motioned to accept the Resolution 05-10, Series of 2005, as submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Staff with the following amendment: add an Item E to read; This PUD Amendment application does not adequately respond to design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation; and that the phasing plan does not clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional, and efficient with out relying upon completion project phases. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VII. Sketch Design - Tabled from the September 20, 2005 Commission meeting Property Location: Lot 10, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/ Wildridge Road West Applicant/Owner. Daniel Ritsch Description: Stephen Richards is proposing a Sketch Design application for a 9,080 square foot duplex residence in Wildridge. The subject property is relatively steep and would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Approximately 28% of the lot contains 40% or greater slopes. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Ms. Katie Butters approached the podium as representative for the project and continued by presenting to the Commissioners a Color Selection Plan and a Materials Data Sheet. She commented that the project might benefit from a breezeway and Commissioner Evans responded that a breezeway was not acceptable. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Struve questioning the 7 parking spaces required. Ms. Butters responded that the two spaces within the garage were taken into account and she counted 9 spaces for the project. Commissioner Struve continued with the danger of construction vehicles on the road, the house was basically only visible from the home above it, the dormers would benefit by being more popped out and the driveway would be difficult to maneuver in the winter. Ms. Butters responded that the driveway was south facing and would melt the snow and Commissioner Struve responded that cars would still slide down the driveway. Commissioner D'Agostino voiced that there are design elements that need development such as an entry design, lines are linear and encouraged Ms. Butters to break up the sides, western side with a blank wall of the bedroom can be worked on and continued that a resubmission of Sketch Design was warranted. Commissioner Smith concurred the difficulty of the driveway, too much mirrored image and the parking difficulty presented. Commissioner Green began with his agreement of Staffs comments, expressed that the design was bland, greater articulation was needed, prominence of the site should be considered and concern with the retaining walls behind the house along with drainage of the walls. Commissioner Evans expressed agreement with commissioner comments, grading issue were apparent, parking was a problem, as well as maneuvering concerns primarily on the eastern side of the house, agreed with the color selection on the data sheet but not on the Color Selection sheet. Eric Heidemann questioned the Commissioner direction for return and Commissioner Evans responded that the Commission would leave the next submittal to Staff discretion of final design capability. VIII. Lighting Plan Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245 Chapel Place Applicant: Greg Gastineau Description: Greg Gastineau is proposing a Lighting Plan to fulfill a condition of Final Design approval for the Wells Fargo drive through bank in Chapel Square. A Lighting Plan is required by the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance to accompany all design and building permit applications. This plan proposes all 'full cutoff' light fixtures. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Questions from the Commissioners included location, elimination or replacement of certain posts, were lighting decisions made for security reasons, wattages were discussed, and changes to driveway entry to identify the driveway. The issue was for the drive lights and not the canopy lights. Commissioner Struve motioned to approve the Lighting Plan for Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following six conditions: 5h condition - pole lights be 175 versus 250, and the 6"' is where lights are removed there be no evidence that lights or fixtures were there. Commissioner Smith seconded. Commissioner Evans requested a revision to last condition that any cover plates installed in lieu of light fixtures removed be painted out to match the adjacent surfaces. Commissioner Struve agreed and Commissioner Smith, seconded, agreed. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XI. Other Business A. Eric Heidemann brought to the attention of the Commission the color changes to the Mountain Center for their review and consideration. B. The Comprehensive Plan from Rebecca Leonard was not yet received and it will be packaged as soon as it arrives for distribution. C. Next packet will include Comp Plan, Confluence and discussion of the range of issues and concepts of the Confluence. Agreement of the Commission was sought. D. Tambi Katieb continued to be tuned into the PUC decision. The appeal process was not looked upon favorably. The West Beaver Creek Crossing case was a leverage issue for this case and the hearing hasn't even been set yet and it was hoped that it would be withdrawn. E. Commissioner Struve questioned the condemnation of the land for the transportation center. F. Commissioner Evans questioned the construction being performed in Council Chambers. G. The Gates had a MOU signed with 90 days granted to pour the last pour and winterize the site. They had the time to resubmit a PUD Amendment for the Development Agreement to clarify the mix of units. There will be no design review or changes. A $250,000 bond or letter of credit was required. H. An application has come in to move the School Site at the Village at Avon. 1. Tenant finishes will be coming in for Lot 2 in the Village at Avon. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Terry Smith Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary �lPrtn� �Ykt�L�. U