PZC Minutes 09-06-2005 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting AVON Minutes C O L O R A D O September 6, 2005 5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Buckner. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There was amendment to the to the Agenda for Item IX, Sign Design - Wells Fargo Bank Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/250 Chapel Place, Applicant: Billy Huff - RMD Signs / Owner: Timberline Commercial Management, to be placed on the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts to report. V. Consent Agenda: • Approval of the August 16, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. • Item IX, Sign Design — Wells Fargo Bank, Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/250 Chapel Place Commissioner Smith motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Green seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. VI. Comprehensive Plan Update - PUBLIC NEARING Description: Discussion on the proposed Goals and Policies. Discussion of regional land use issues with Eagle County Senior Planner Cliff Simonton. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Rebecca Leonard, Design Workshop, introduced Cliff Simonton, Eagle County Senior Planner, to discuss the Comprehensive Plan being produced for Eagle County by Design Workshop. Mr. Simonton commented on the housing portion of his plan and that the East end of Eagle County is almost built out and he voiced interest in the Commissions viewpoint of redevelopment in Eagle -Vail. He continued with the mean household salary, commuter workforce, and Baby Boomer housing projections. Commissioner Evans questioned the baby boomer demographics and Mr. Simonton commented on the 30 -year transition for the Boomers and the immigration situation with its changing the scenario to workforce housing from affordable housing. Deed restriction is the only way to cap the appreciation throughout the County. Mr. Simonton expressed the need for intergovernmental interchange of development and communication in the future. He continued with discussing the quality of life for Eagle County and how to address its density problems and the need for a change in mindset to accommodate for open space. He continued that Mintum was a missed opportunity with their railroad history and developing a museum or such as a focus for it. He said that a sense of place for Avon was warranted and would benefit to be captured in the Comprehensive Plan, as is the European style of Vail. Commissioner Green commented on the reciprocal planning review between Avon and Eagle County of future projects to develop in conjunction with one another rather than to isolate. Commissioner Struve questioned the BLM and Forest Service and their involvement in the future of Eagle County and the response from Mr. Simonton was that they were interested. Rebecca Leonard approached the podium and commented that it is a cultural change to move toward coordination with the County. Commissioner Evans commented on the 'why come and live in Avon'. Ms. Leonard commented on the "small town" aspect and how is it quantified and dealt with. She continued that it would require monitoring over time as the key to growth management. Commissioner Evans questioned who is to determine the quality of life. Pulse on the community, constant effort to be in touch with the community, variety of methods to get return of dialogue, and the capability of making ongoing changes through time to the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Evans commented on what makes Avon special to capture population by appeal to tourism. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Ms. Leonard discussed some changes made to the Plan. She discussed the groups in the community who will make use of the Plan and its concise comments. She continued with discussing 'headings' which will impact policies and goals. Commissioner Evans commented that more time was necessary to review the details of the plan through the eyes of a developer, planner, visitor, tourist, property owner, etc. Ms. Leonard voiced that 4 more hearing may be necessary either by hearings or commission meetings with Wednesday and Thursday evenings as preferred. Tambi Katieb asked the Commission what times would work best during the week, and informed the Commission that he would email them with dates for at least 2 special meetings to conclude the Commissioner review of the plan. VII. Sketch Design - Mountain Center Property Location: 910 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner. Mark Donaldson / Lund Capital Group Description: The applicant is proposing to renovate the existing Mountain Center building by adding architectural features to both the north and south elevations. The proposed modifications include: decorative crown molding, metal roof forms above storefronts, window trim, columns, and arcade over the existing staircase on south elevation. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Mark Donaldson, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, approached the podium and introduced the members of his staff and principals in attendance. Mr. Donaldson began that he is aware of the need to bring back a sign program, more detail on the colors and texture, a formal landscape plan and a complete lighting design for the exterior to include parking and building lighting. He is withdrawing the increase of parking for this project as calculations of parking reveal an excess of approximately 7 spaces. Commissioner Evans questioned the dumpster and its move to the alternative location. Mr. Donaldson commented that landscaping and dumpster location is still under operational review. Commissioner Green questioned the route of the trash trucks as going all around the property for pick up. Commissioner Savage questioned why the redevelopment of the property and Mr. Donaldson commented that the industrial commercial market has a need for this structure to be revamped with offices and return of stairways that were removed by the Vail Recreation District. Mr. Donaldson commented that they were directing the use of the building for retail, redesigning the landscaping to enhance retail and looking to reduce the cloning detail. Commissioner D'Agostino suggested a variation of detail rather than further detail. Commissioner Green commented that design would drive rental. Commissioner Evans agreed with Commissioner D'Agostino and voiced that variation of material with grouping of units or color changes from the existing along with the roofline design alternatives could enhance the project. VIII. Final Design — Walsh Residence Property Location: Lot 10, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5730 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Jim Jose / Owner. Karen Walsh Description: The applicant is proposing a final design plan to add a second dwelling unit onto an existing single-family residence on Wildridge Road East. The application would utilize the existing entrance to the property and all materials are proposed to match the existing structure with a stone base and stucco. A sketch design plan for this project was reviewed at the Commission's June 7, 2005 meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Jim Jose, applicant, approached the podium to answer staff concerns. Commissioner D'Agostino sought clarification of the changes as proposed in sketch review. Mr. Jose commented that the existing home would not be changed with the exception of some stone removal and commented that the driveway was too deep even with the snowmelt feature. Mr. Jose responded that the steep drive was driven by the elevation within the structure. The discussion continued with Commissioner D'Agostino detailing issues with the boulder wall, timber beams, the desire for additional landscaping, bump outs and fascia distinctions, stairway consideration and entry design. Commissioner Struve voiced concern with the retaining wall, the need for the existing structure to harmonize with the new structure, concern with drainage in the back patio, overhangs on the existing structure were 6 foot and the new was 4 foot. Commissioner Savage concerned with the drainage, impact to neighbors, and he agreed with Commissioner D'Agostino's comments. Commissioner Green voiced a problem with the roof and its elevation, tub location between plan sheets, and Mr. Jose responded that they were his oversights. Commissioner Green expressed that the landscaping should mitigate the construction edges thus softening it; commented that the hammerhead was too short for the site, agreed with the stone removal on the existing structure, and he had concerns with the south elevation and its stone; and suggested that the back patio be equipped with snowmelt. Commissioner Smith voiced concern with maneuverability in the driveway. Commissioner Evans preferred the vertical wall to be eliminated, commented on a window discrepancy on the sheets presented, back patio could not be day lighted and suggested taking the drains to the sanitary sewer with minimal expense, plus accessibility for wheelchair use could not be done as the bathrooms are currently configured, and the unification of the two structures to include light fixtures and to enhance the landscaping plan. Mr. Jose commented on the staffs conditions. Charlie Viola, neighbor to the east, approached the podium with concerns with the property line and the vertical wall with children present. Commissioner Evans suggested that the two parties speak in private to come to a common ground. Commissioner Green moved for approval of the plans as submitted with the five conditions of the staff report and with the following conditions: 1) The existing stone on the existing residence, above the balconies, including the existing fireplace, be removed and replaced with stucco and painted to match the existing building; 2) all light fixtures are changed out to match the new light fixtures, 3) the landscape plan as submitted is not approved and must be brought back for re -review; 4) the stone walls at the east property line be reviewed, negotiated with neighbor and brought back to with a solution to give more turning room and landscaping plan, when it comes back, has some manner in addressing the hard hair cut edge of the construction line limit on the back of the house; and 5) make sure the roof works with the elevations. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Green requested the changes be brought back to the commission as soon as possible. IX. Sign Design - Wells Fargo Bank Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/250 Chapel PI Applicant: Billy Huff - RMD Signs I Owner: Timberline Commercial Management Description: The applicant is proposing two exterior signs for the new Wells Fargo Bank location in Chapel Square. The two signs would be similar in design to the existing oval shaped business identification signs in the Chapel Square PUD. Moved to Consent Agenda. X. Town Zoning Code Additions & Amendments - PUBLIC HEARING Applicant. Community Development Description: The Commission to review a proposed Ordinance to amend Section 17.08 of the Avon Municipal Code as it relates to the definition of "Use" Section 17.08.820, "Accommodation Unit" Section 17.08.050, and "Kitchen' Section 17.08.400. The proposed Ordinance would add Section 17.08.285 to the Avon Municipal Code for the definition of an "Efficiency Kitchen". Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve suggested a change to the definition of 220 and 110 voltage and change it to amperage. Commissioner Green suggested removal of the voltage altogether and use of stove/oven/cook top or combination thereof. The discussion continued that the density was the driver for the resolution and the definition of an efficiency kitchen. Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item X, Town Zoning Code Additions & Amendments, Applicant. Community Development, with the following corrections to the Zoning Code Ordinance: Kitchen — a stove and/or cook top and/or oven powered by either natural gas or propane or electric hookup; and on Efficiency Kitchen it will be stove, cook top or oven and, leave 220 in and the accommodation unit will be 400 square feet instead of 600 square feet. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XI. Other Business A. Lot C PUD Amendment scheduled for September 20, 2005 Commission meeting. The applicant has requested a site tour and Mr. Heidemann will relay the comments of the commission to the applicant. B. The Gates project came to the last Town Council meeting and the Town Attorney was not prepared to discuss. They plan on attending the next Town Council meeting to present their case to reactivate their building permit. C. The Folsom property may come in as an independent project. D. The Confluence will be revising some of their modeling and should be presented to the Commission around mid October. E. The Ferret Lane Hotel is challenging the short-term rental situation as approved by Town Council. F. Commissioner Evans commented on the Metcalf Road parking issue and parking nj the western shoulder of road. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary