PZC Minutes 08-16-2005 (2)0 fl -
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
r ov O o August 16, 2005
5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:37pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Savage.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts to report.
V. Consent Agenda:
• Approval of the August 2, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Smith motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Struve
seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner Buckner abstaining due to his
absence at the last meeting. ,
VI. PUD Amendment I Sheraton Mtn. Vista - PUBLIC HEARING - Tabled from August
2, 2005 Meeting
Eric Heidemann made a presentation. Packet contents were presented, including a massing
model with existing and proposed buildings. The history of the project, phasing, and the
surrounding land uses were outlined by staff. Elimination of restaurant, hotel space, and
commercial space was highlighted as it relates to staffs recommendation.
Commissioner Green questioned the water rights. Norman Wood explained how the original
development rights from the Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision relate to the current
PUD plan. Commissioner Evans questioned if there is enough water for this development.
The response in short was that yes, there is Town water to negotiate for what is proposed.
Commissioner D'Agostino asked staff about the use by right for office and/or retail space.
The existing PUD permits retail space on the ground floor. The applicant would like to add
'office' as a use by right to the definition of retail. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned why
the applicant did not want to take part in a joint work session with Council.
The applicant, Ruth Borne, made a PowerPoint presentation to the Planning Commission
showing other timeshare properties operated by Starwood. Alexander Sheykhet (architect)
and Jim McKnight (Starwood Vacations) were introduced. Mr. Sheykhet made a detailed
presentation of the project.
Ruth Bome outlined the existing and proposed entitlements including number of units, uses,
and parking requirements. There was discussion of hotel versus timeshare use. The
applicant stated that the current Sheraton averages almost 78% occupancy, with 20% being
Commissioner Green questioned whether the "hotel° occupancy would be higher in the
proposed situation opposed to the mixed hotel/timeshare mix. Commissioner Evans spoke to
the parking in Section 5 of the proposal — Parking Standards. The definition of dwelling unit
versus timeshare unit and how parking is and has been applied to the project was discussed
at length. The Commission was in general agreement that the parking standards needed to
be clarified by the next meeting.
Commissioner Green asked about how the subdivision for the current project took place, and
if it was contemplated with the original approval whether the 2 bedroom units could be
subdivided into two separate units. The applicant explained the rational for the phasing.
Commissioner Evans asked about Phase 1D and 1E and how they relate to the Main Street
plan. Alexander pointed out the building architecture and how the buildings step down from 7
to 6 to 5 stories as it approaches Main Street. Additionally, the architectural features the
building would contain. Commissioner Green questioned how this project is pedestrian
friendly. Alexander explained how ground level features such as well-proportioned canopies,
retail space, and natural materials would benefit the pedestrian experience.
Commissioner Struve asked if the other Starwood properties have a standard for the ratio of
Commercial space for these projects. Mr. McKnight responded that the geographic area is
assessed and there are no set standards.
Commissioner Evans asked if Alexander could point out with the massing model what the
existing entitlements would look like opposed to the proposed massing.' Alexander showed
the Commission how the project would look in both scenarios. Commissioner Buckner
questioned the proposed massing and if it was the economics that were driving the
appearance. He asked if there was consideration in keeping with the existing building
The relationship of the project's massing and Main Street was discussed. Alexander
described how pedestrian vitality could be strengthened with density, and not just the amount
of retail/commercial space provided. The Commission wanted to focus on the pedestrian
experience and how the proposed buildings may affect this experience.
Commissioner Green voiced the uninviting pedestrian environment as it relates to the 1996
Comprehensive Plan. Ruth Borne discussed the westerly elevation and how its architecture
was driven by the need to accommodate delivery vehicles and trash services during original
approval. Way finding from the Avon Recreation Center to the project and visa versa was
commented on, and the feeling of closing in the Courtyard with the buildings.
Commissioner Evans opened the Public Hearing to any interested members of the public
There were no public comments.
Commissioner Evans summarized his issues with the application as it stands. Ruth Some
explained their feelings on other projects in Town and the need for flexibility in the lot C PUD
application. Commissioner Buckner was concerned with water. He felt that the mixed-use
aspect and project massing could benefit from discussions through a work session. The
underground access for Lot B was questioned. Ruth Some responded that water would be
brought to the Town instead of buying from the Town, Commissioner Buckner was
uncomfortable with the massing of Phase 1D specifically and the resulting phasing proposed
with this application. A work session possibility was discussed and whether a
Council/Commission session could happen. Tambi Katieb responded that this type of work
session could no longer happen with a live application.
Commissioner Struve wants to see water worked out, parking fixed, smaller retail spaces,
additional landscaping, and is concerned with the massing of the project as a whole.
He felt that the project would benefit with some sort of attraction in the courtyard to help draw
people in, instead of turning its back.
Commissioner D'Agostino was not in support of application as it stands. Specific points to
highlight included: the hotel to timeshare was o.k., disappointed with the loss of pedestrian
spaces at ground level, the parking definition and loss of spaces needs to be worked out, the
water issues must be resolved, massing of the project as it is a barrier and not a gateway
which is against the goal of creating a place. Two main issues; height and massing. The
building's new proposed phases do not appear to step down to Main Street. Scale could be
perceived better from all angles if the project were built with the current phases. More detail
fenestration needs to be added.
Commissioner Smith has no problem with timeshare opposed to hotel land -use. She had a
problem with the perceived massing of Phase 1 D and it is not an inviting element to enter the
property. The Benchmark side is an issue and retail needs to be incorporated into the new
phases. Parking is a big issue even with existing phases. * Underground parking is not
pleasant for guests who arrive by car and is not in support as presented. Commissioner
Green discussed issues relating to pedestrian orientated spaces. Massing does not step
down in a graceful matter. Commissioner Green referenced page 32 in the Comprehensive
Plan as it relates to public spaces. Parking was a concern to Commissioner Green and he
felt that the restaurant use may not be removed with the new phases.
Commissioner Evans stated that he is willing to accommodate a timed approach to
retail/office uses as part of a resolution with. He would like to retain the ability to have those
spaces there with carefully crafted language while still maintaining flexibility. Parking and
massing were also an issue to Mr. Evans.
Alexander stated that there seemed to be three general areas that the Planning Commission
had issues with that included: the retail space, massing, and parking. Ruth Some followed
by requesting for a tabling to see if they can balance their needs and Commission's with
more time. Eric Heidemann asked for a two meeting tabling to allow staff for time to review
and evaluate any revised information that staff would receive.
Tambi Katieb requested a strikethrough draft Development Agreement to assist with the
review of this application. Ruth Some stated that this is not the appropriate time since there
may be some major revisions between now and Council review. The Commission discussed
phasing and the desire was for one more phase instead of two. Mr. McKnight's response
was that only one more phase would not be economically feasible. Commissioner Evans
stated that if the remainder of the project did not happen all at once than what is the
compromise. The timing of the development agreement before going to council was
Commissioner Green motioned to table the application until the regular meeting on
September 20d' meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and all Commissioners
were in favor. The motion passed 6-0.
XII. Other Business
Commissioner Green questioned the parking and widening of Old Trail Road. It was
commented that there is no shoulder now. The next council meeting on the 23rd will include a
presentation by Design Workshop to follow up with the design charret and open house.
Discussion may include what the first phase of project will be.
Tambi Katieb gave update on the Gates project and stated that all approvals are now void and
expired. The Commission's decision on Lot 12 was upheld by Council.
XIII. Adjourn
Commissioner motioned to adjourn; Commissioner seconded the motion. All Commissioners
were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Pielsticker
Community Development
Chris Evans
Phil Struve