PZC Minutes 07-19-2005 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
� o July 19, 2005
5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Evans.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts to report.
V. Consent Agenda:
• Approval of the July 5th, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. An
addition to these minutes was voiced by Commissioner D'Agostino regarding Lot 34,
Block 2 that conditions about parking, although it will be officially documented in the
PUD Amendment, need to be put in place.
Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner
Buckner seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 to 0 with Commissioner Green abstaining due
to his absence at the last meeting.
VI. PUD Amendment I Sheraton Mtn. Vista - PUBLIC HEARING- REQUEST FOR
Property Location: Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140 West Beaver
Creek Boulevard
Applicant(Owner. Points of Colorado, Inc
Description: A request for an amendment to the Lot C PUD to modify the existing property rights
and zoning for Lots 2C, 3, 4, and 5 (Phase 1C). This application proposes to eliminate a 125 -
room hotel and restaurant, and increases the number of time-share units in the project's last
phase of development. Eric Heidemann presented the request for tabling and indicated that the
applicant desired a tabling to the next hearing date. The Commission opened the hearing to
public comment.
Open Public Meeting
No public comment was voiced.
Closed Public Meeting
The Commission questioned the reasoning for the tabling, asking if the applicant was present,
and Mr. Heidemann responded that the applicant preferred to discuss the application in greater
detail with staff and required another two weeks to do so.
Commissioner Struve motioned to table to the next hearing date Item VI, PUD Amendment /
Sheraton Mtn. Vista, Property Location: Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140
West Beaver Creek Boulevard, with Commissioner Savage seconding the motion to table and
all commissioners were in favor.
VII. Final Design — Wells Fargo Drive through
Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245
Chapel Place
Applicant: Greg Gastineau, Timberline Commercial Management
Description: Greg Gastineau is proposing this final design plan to add a canopy and drive
through lanes for a drive up banking facility. The proposed drive through would be located on
the former "chapel" site, behind the City Market grocery store. Materials and colors of the
canopy would match the existing building to the south (Building C), and the bank occupies the
entire first floor of the building.
Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report to the Commission.
Commissioner Green began the review by questioning the exterior synthetic coating and its
need to match the existing building stucco color. Commissioner Green continued by discussing
the existing landscaping weeds and trees and commented that he would prefer to see new
native grasses or drought tolerant plant materials used and that there should be a conscious
effort to relocate the existing trees, however should they perish, they must be replaced.
Commissioner Green voiced that curb cuts were warranted. Commissioner D'Agostino
continued on the issue of landscaping and commented she would like to see the area between
driveway and the property line on the south side be re -vegetated and have temporarily irrigation
installed and sought clarification with the flat roof drains and their drainage. Matt Pielsticker
commented that a final landscaping plan was forthcoming. Commissioner D'Agostino
commented on the lights and if they are on a timer as they were numerous and bright,
clarification of usage was requested. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the four new
windows and their scale and proportion. Mr. Pielsticker responded that the drive thru windows
were at issue as the other two were approved previously and they were 4 by 7. Commissioner
D'Agostino sought clarity with the trees to be provided and Mr. Katieb voiced that they must
conform to the guidelines with at least 6 feet. Commissioner Struve commented on the
landscaping need. Commissioner Buckner questioned the wheel chair accessible parking
spots and the need for curb cuts and/or additional handicapped spots. Commissioner Smith
mentioned concern with vehicle egress from the turning lane of the drive thru. Commissioner
Savage commented on the need to adhere to the Master Landscape Plan for Chapel Square.
Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of Item VII, Final Design — Wells Fargo Drive
through, Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245
Chapel Place, with the following 9 conditions; the first 6 as listed on the Staff Report, #7 - north
parking area be ADA compliant and wheel chair accessible for all parking spaces; #8 -
landscape plan be reviewed by staff and meet the criteria for Chapel Square master
landscaping plan and any vegetation that dies in the first two years must be replaced; #9 - staff
review with applicant regarding the timing of the Halogen lights. Commissioner Green amended
for another condition that the colors of the new exterior materials match the existing colors for a
visibly uniform appearance. Commissioner Green seconded the motion with all commissioners
in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Minor Project- Grzywinski Duplex Material & Color Changes
Property Location: Lot 16, Block 1, Filing 1, Eaglebend Subdivision/4040 Eaglebend
Drive Applicant/Owner. Todd Grzywinski
Description: The applicant is proposing a change to the approved siding color and to replace
portions of stucco with moss rock veneer. Also proposed is a change to the stucco color and
driveway material from asphalt to concrete. The duplex is currently under construction.
Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report.
Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the aluminum window cladding color and commented that
it did not look maroon.
Todd Grzywinski, applicantlowner, approached the podium to address commissioner concerns.
Commissioner Savage asked why Mr. Grzywinski changed the colors, and Mr. Grzywinski
responded that the moss rock changes would look nicer with the green stain.
Commissioner Struve was interested in what the alternatives would be for color as this color is
too dark. Commissioner D'Agostino voiced that the change to rock and the columns were good
changes, but the colors were too dark and needed to be lightened. Commissioner Green
commented the project needed to be lightened up. Commissioner Savage stated that the color
is too dark and the stone was a nice change. Commissioner Smith agreed with the comments
of her fellow commissioners that the color was too dark and needed to go, and the stone was a
good change.
Chris Ekrem, Eaglebend property owner, Lot 15, approached the podium to comment that the
home's color was darker than intended but looked well against its stucco; and there is a gray
home in the neighborhood that resembles a battleship and that the colors selected to this home
were in good contrast and looked well.
Commissioner D'Agostino motioned to approve Item VIII, Minor Project - Grzywinski Duplex,
Material & Color Changes, Property Location: Lot 16, Block 1, Filing 1, Eaglebend
Subdivision/4040 Eaglebend Drive, the modification of a stone wainscot and column deck
support to moss rock as presented and approved the minor color change on the stucco and the
change on the driveway from asphalt to concrete and the snow melt is not to exceed the
property line, maroon clad windows are approved, and not to approve the evergreen siding as
submitted but to return with samples of the lightening of the siding to the commission.
Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. Commissioner Green began recourse of the
motion, as this motion was defeated 4 to 2. Further discussion focused on the impact to the
neighborhood and the possibility of getting approval from four property owners, two on either
side of the project.
Commissioner Struve made motion to approve all items with the exception of the stain color and
the acceptance of the color is with the approval of the neighbors on both sides, four signatures,
two lots on each side. Commissioner Struve continued that if he could not get approval from the
neighbors and if it going to be re -stained within the next ten years, approval by the
commissioners is required. Commissioner Green seconded. Commissioner Buckner thought
one neighbor on either side needed to approve the color and that return for coloring was
unnecessary. Commissioner Struve amended the conditions to include the neighbor approval
with Commissioner Buckner seconding for one neighbor on each side and the motion tied, 3 to
Commissioner Savage motioned to table for a seven member commission. Commissioner
Buckner questioned Mr. Grzywinski on the signatures and Mr. Grzywinski responded that he
could get three out of four as the neighbor to the west would not sign off anyway.
Commissioner Struve motioned for approval with the conditions as listed on the Staff Report
and the return of the applicant with a solution for the color issue. Commissioner Savage
seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor.
IX. Other Business
A. Moehring Landscape Modifications
Property Location: Lot 58, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision /5170 Longsun Lane
Applicant. Robert Moehring, RMI Vail / Owners: David and Kathy Ferguson
Description: At the Commission's June 1, 2004 meeting, a final design plan was approved for
the subject property with the condition that additional landscaping shall be included on a revised
landscape plan to be submitted and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A
revised plan has been provided to staff and the Commission will review this revised plan.
Matt Pielsticker discussed the staff report to the commissioners. Commissioner Green
questioned the plans and if an engineer reviewed the planting plan in response to an October
2004 letter.
Commissioner Green commented that there were major technical issues regarding root
structure and their growth over a twenty-year period. Commissioner D'Agostino voiced that a
geotechnical engineer and a landscape engineer are necessary to comment on the root issues
and the irrigation situation on a long-term basis so the structural integrity of the wall is not
compromised in the future.
Commissioner Struve motioned to table until the applicant is present at a Planning and Zoning
Commission Meeting. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and all commissioners were
in favor.
Commissioner Green questioned receiving the results of the Charette, Eric Heidemann, senior
planner, voiced that it would be presented to Town Council. All public comments were present
to the planners. Mr. Heidemann continued that that Lot 12 has appealed to Town Council and
will be present at the first Council Meeting in August.
Bear comments were discussed in the Wildridge areas.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Savage motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All
Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
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Terry Smith
Vice Chairman
Phil Struve