PZC Minutes 06-21-2005 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting AVON Minutes June 21, 2005 C 0 L 0 R A 0 0 5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Evans. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. Eric Heidemann remarked that during Commissioner work session, three letters of protest were distributed Item VII, Final Design — Tabled at the June 6"' Commission meeting (REQUESTING TABLING TO JULY 57H MEETING), Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Beaver Creek Blvd, and one letter of support for Item VIII. PUD Amendment / Preliminary Subdivision Plan Review I Subdivision Variance - Dry Creek, Property Location: Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision/2510 Old Trail Road, Applicant(Owner. Blue Bird Meadows, LLC. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Buckner voiced conflict with Item VII, Final Design - Tabled at the June 6w Commission meeting (REQUESTING TABLING TO JULY 57H MEETING), Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Beaver Creek Blvd. V. Consent Agenda: • Approval of the June 7h, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. VI. Comprehensive Plan Update — PUBLIC HEARING Description: Present the High Priority Subarea section of Comprehensive Plan. Work through Draft Plan Observation Summary as it pertains to the High Priority Districts, and general discussion of style and content. Rebecca Leonard approached the podium to discuss subareas and districts in Comprehensive Plan with the Commission. Ms. Leonard gathered commissioner input on the format and presentation to date. She continued with the Avon Town Center Plan and its incorporation into the Comprehensive Plan as an appendix in the Comp Plan. The area of Planning Principles was addressed next with Commissioner Green questioning how sun studies would be presented within the Plan. Eric Heidemann mentioned that buildings over 3 stories are required to provide sun studies and its been adopted in the Guidelines. Discussion continued with height issues, make it definitive or permit varying rooflines for greater architectural creativity. The matter of the word "contemporary" was addressed and its specific definition. Commissioner Green mentioned that architectural diversity would be beneficial. Pedestrian orientation was the next focus. Parking was discussed. District Two was addressed. The crossing of Avon Road was targeted, how to flow east and west "Main Street", and how to clarify the issue. Ms. Leonard felt it would be best addressed as a goal. District 3, Confluence District, conversation began with the removal of the word 'gondola" from the plan as there may be other modes of transportation to Beaver Creek Village from the Confluence site. The development of the river as a public amenity and marketed as such should be encouraged in the Plan. The bullet point regarding trees would need revision to eliminate the word "all" as some trees would need to be discarded. District 4: Avon Road Corridor — stronger pedestrian interaction and bringing multiple methods of connection would be encouraged. Sample Comprehensive Plans were distributed for Commissioner review. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING No members of the public approached the podium. Rebecca Leonard stated that she would work with staff on completing the balance of subarea reformatting, hoping to bring back the medium subareas for final review at the next meeting. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING VII. Final Design - Tabled at the June 6t' Commission meeting (REQUESTING TABLING TO JULY 5m MEETING) Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Beaver Creek Blvd. Applicant/Owner. Davis Partnership Architects/Daniel Ritsch Description: The applicant, Davis Partnership Architects, is proposing a 13 unit residential project on this lot. The proposed materials include a combination of stone veneer and wood siding with a maximum building height of 60' and maximum lot coverage of approximately 48%. The subject property measures approximately .69 acres and is currently undeveloped. Eric Heidemann voiced that the applicant was present and looking for direction/comments from the Commission. Daniel Ritsch, applicantlowner, approached the podium to initiate conversation and his desires for comments and direction for this project. Commissioner Struve commented that blocking the Nottingham Lake from the viewer on 1-70 was not a concern. Commissioner D'Agostino mentioned that the project has potential but there are massing issues. Commissioner Green agreed but questioned if this project could inspire the redevelopment of the older buildings in the area and maximizing the site with massing wasn't appropriate. Commissioner Smith concurred. Commissioner Struve motioned for the tabling of Item VII, Final Design - Tabled at the June 7t' Commission meeting (REQUESTING TABLING TO JULY 5"' MEETING), Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Beaver Creek Blvd. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion to table and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. PUD Amendment I Preliminary Subdivision Plan Review I Subdivision Variance - Dry Creek - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision/2510 Old Trail Road Applicant/Owner. Blue Bird Meadows, LLC Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single-family residences in place of a four dwelling unit (one four-plex) structure. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the property. Vehicular access would be through an access easement on the neighboring property on Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application and a Subdivision Variance application to allow for the creation of lots within the proposed Dry Creek PUD that do not meet the minimum street frontage requirement of twenty-five feet. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. George Ruther, developer representative, approached the podium. Mr. Ruther began by stating that this project was a down -zoning of the area, the site would be better preserved with less density, home sizes would be restricted to 5000 sq ft, and increase to landscape requirement to 35%. Mr. Ruther continued by addressing the denial aspect of the Staff Report. Trent Hubbard distributed a memo to the commission, which outlined the applicant's response. Mr. Ruther continued by addressing each item of the memo, justification of his position and sought approval of his presentation by the Commission. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Trent Hubbard, 2618 Bear Trap Road resident, mentioned that he has a contract to purchase this project from the developer and is a long time resident of Wildridge. He asked the commission to consider approval of this project as single family homes would be beneficial to Wildridge as opposed to multi family housing to the site. Mr. Hubbard continued by reading letters, not provided to the commission, regarding their approval/support of the single-family project. Henry Lucinges, adjacent homeowner to this project Lot 45A, approached the podium, gave his support to the down zoning, voiced concern regarding traffic and the unpleasant childcare situation in this residential neighborhood. Patrick Zimmerman, 5768 Wildridge Road, commented at the podium regarding traffic in the area and supported any measure to reduce traffic by down zoning density. Michael Linhof, Suncrest triplex Unit C owner, agreed that down zoning density was a good idea and gave his full support to this project. Mike Farr, Flat Point resident, gave his support to the density and to the project. Karen Oberholtzer, 3165 Wildridge Road — Lot 42, would like to see three single-family homes, with a maximum of 4,000 sq ft, as they would be more similar to homes in the area. Andrew Karow, soon to be Wildridge resident again, gave support to this project and began his comments by discussing the over supply of low cost rental housing such as Buffalo Ridge and Eagle Bend in Avon and staffs comment for the need of single family residences in Wildridge. He continued with the need in Wildridge for small single-family projects. Mr. Karow continued that shared access minimizes the asphalt in the area, greater landscaping, and shows neighbor's working together. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Eric Heidemann discussed the potential problems of the shared access referencing the average daily trips from this site and adjacent sites, and the adjacent day care site. He continued by mentioning letters of protest for the daycare SRU in the area and the potential impact of such a shared access with children playing in the area and leaving their toys all around. Mr. Heidemann believed it was the responsibility of the Town's planners to raise housing issues and the intent to maintain a balance of housing and not focus on property value and compatibility. Commissioner Buckner complimented the applicant for his research into the project, voiced concern with the traffic access, mentioned that 4,000 sq ft home was more than adequate and single-family homes would be appropriate in the area. Commissioner Struve questioned the berm, which is an issue of Certificate of Occupancy for Lot 45, agreed with the limitation of 4,000 sq ft, and mentioned the movement of the lot lines might be beneficial. Commissioner D'Agostino agreed with Commissioner Struve's comments regarding lowering the access to Lots 2 and 3, additional access is not warranted but that widening would be beneficial to assist with emergency access, and a 5,000 sq ft home is not realistic for the neighborhood. Commissioner Green commented that housing diversity is important, the fire issue must be addressed, minimum standards are not wide enough since 12 feet is just not wide enough, the parking issue by modifying setbacks might compromise parking, agreed that 5,000 sq ft was too big, encouraged more appropriate sq footage as smaller sizes are less expensive to construct and that the fire district needs to be addressed. Commissioner Savage believed that this area is actually a cluster project from an appraiser point of view, but it is a good use for the area. He continued by questioning the 4-plex square footage in this neighborhood and its impact on the site and mentioned that the applicant is not meeting the housing policy by proposing 5,000 square foot homes, a need for a lower maximum sq footage, and the fire district concern. He voiced that to put million dollar homes in a location that was designed for a 4-plex of approximately 2,200 sq ft each unit, was not the intent of the original Wildridge PUD. Commissioner Smith agreed with the access and square footage as presented by the other commissioners. Andrew Karow mentioned several parcels that have been down zoned, the precedent they have set, and their assistance to the housing policy. Commissioner Struve mentioned that affordable housing in Wildridge passed by about two years ago in the market. Mr. Ruther summarized the issues with this application as being revision of the maximum building square footage to less than 5,000 sq ft, minimizing the asphalt, expansion of the driveway width, resolution of the fire protection issues, and addressing parking comments. Commissioner Struve motioned to table the discussion. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. IX. Master Sign Program Amendment— Wells Fargo Property Location: Lot 22A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245 Chapel PI. Applicant. RMD Signs / Owner. Chapel Square LLC Description: The applicant, RMD Sign Company, is proposing signage for Wells Fargo on Lot 22A of the Chapel Square PUD. This MSP amendment application proposes one building sign and four freestanding directional signs. A previous sign application for the same building (and tenant) was denied at the Commission's April 19"', 2005 meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented Staffs Report to the commissioners. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Savage who agreed with staffs recommendations as being incompatible. Commissioner Struve commented that his review of Chapel Square revealed the current signage, as oval in appearance and this application does not address compatibility. Commissioner Struve mentioned the monument signs in the area, signs should not block views, and this sign presentation on stilts was not compatible. Commissioner Buckner commented that the large sign was appropriate on the large signage. Commissioner Smith voiced that a sign on the building was compatible with other business's have signs on their buildings even though the building was not solely leased by Wells Fargo. Commissioner Smith voiced that the 7 foot signs were not necessary and stated that small directional signs would be more appropriate to get people into the drive thru. Greg Gastineau approached the podium for comment and that the landlord was in agreement for the signage on the building. Commissioner Buckner mentioned that the Weststar Bank building is identified by their name even though there are other clients in the building Commissioner Green motioned for denial of Item IX, Master Sign Program Amendment— Wells Fargo, Property Location: Lot 22A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245 Chapel Place. Commissioner Struve seconded the denial motion. All commissioners were in favor with Commissioner Buckner opposing denial. X. Sketch Design Plans A. Wells Fargo Drive Thru Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245 Chapel Place Applicant: Greg Gastineau, Timberline Commercial Management Description: Greg Gastineau is proposing a sketch design plan to add a canopy and associated drive through lanes for a drive up banking facility. The proposed drive through would be located on the former "chapel" site, behind the City Market grocery store. Materials and colors of the canopy would match the existing building to the south (Building C), and the bank will be occupying the entire first floor of the building. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Savage questioned Town Council's input of the previous design. Commissioner Green commented that one of the bays was eliminated; the archway is over one of the bays and saw improvements made. Commissioner D'Agostino expressed that the new proposal was more compatible and that there was room to drop down the height. Greg Gastineau commented that 12 feet was a Wells Fargo minimum. Commissioner Buckner questioned the parking along side of the triangle, by the transformer, would a walkway be constructed? Mr. Gastineau commented that there exists a sidewalk and it was not scheduled for removal. Commissioner D'Agostino requested the applicant to verify the height of the arch and arcade, provide a revised site plan, verify the sidewalk, trees remaining and their relationship to the site. Mr. Gastineau commented on the three bullet points of the staff report. Commissioner Buckner voiced that banks typically have standards for the clearances. B. Wuhrman Duplex Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner. Jerald Wuhrman Description: Jerald Wuhrman is proposing a duplex development on Nottingham Road immediately east of the Bristol Pines Condominiums. The building is proposed at three stories tall, and construction. would be predominately stucco. This application follows the denial of a variance application for building encroachments into the 7.5' Utility and Drainage Easement and building setbacks. At the Commission's September 215`, 2004 meeting the variance application was reviewed in conjunction with a sketch design plan for a duplex. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Jerald Wuhrman approached the Commission and distributed a rendering of the site. He commented on the changes made from his last Sketch Design denial. Commissioner Struve commented on the style and its need to be either one or the other. Christy voiced that the southwest style is not compatible with Nottingham road and that stucco and wood is the primarily look for the neighborhood, she had difficulty reading the site plan for drainage and how it is sited in relationship to the other properties in the area, and the hammerhead seems inadequate for turning on the site. Commissioner Green wanted to see site sections of the site to help identify the relationship to existing conditions, garage and floor levels in relation to the topography of the land, wanted to see the relationship of the adjacent properties, specific on drainage, the lack of movement for parking and a more compatible architectural statement for the project. Commissioner Savage voiced concern that it seems similar to the Night Star project on Nottingham and its history of poor resale; agreed with the other commissioners about the hammerhead and the drainage; commented that mirror images were not encouraged. Commissioner Buckner expressed the capability of the project to maximize the views and he agreed with the global comment on style and the need to see the relationship (context) of this site with the existing conditions in the immediate area. XI. Minor Project -Fence Application Property Location: Lot 19 and 20, Eaglebend Subdivision/5297/5325 Eaglebend Drive Applicant/Owner. Deborah Gallen Description: The applicant is proposing to construct a 5' high Cedar Dog Ear fence around the perimeter of the backyard of the two subject properties. The width of the proposed cedar pickets is 1 X 6 with a natural finish. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Green questioned the term existing fencing in the neighborhood Commissioner Buckner motioned to approve Item XI, Minor Project - Fence Application, Property Location: Lot 19 and 20, Eaglebend Subdivision/5297/5325 Eaglebend Drive, Applicant/Owner. Deborah Gallen, with the approval of the adjacent property owners, Lot 18 and 21. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. XII. Final Design — Mock up Review Property Location: 38374 Highway 6, Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision ("The Gates") ApplicantlOwner. JMJ Development / Ivins Design Group Description. Review discussion and action on the mock up elevation from noon site tour. Eric Heidemann presented the memo to the commission and requested feedback to provide to the applicant. Commissioner Savage approved of the mock up as presented and staffs recommendations. Commissioner Green commented that the fascia would benefit to be made of %" thickness or of wood for the profile instead of the 7/16" off the shelf material. Commissioner D'Agostino's comments included that they didn't have a secondary roof material and she would like it made clear, deck materials must be rough on wood, the pickets posts horizontal trim and the base of the deck should be of rough material. Roof fascia, soffits were boring and at a minimum should be 3/4" soffit was disappointing as hardy panel and would encourage a grooved material to enhance the visual. Copper flashing and gutter discussion of pre -finished copper and would like to see a bronze instead of a copper patina. Commissioner Green suggested that the copper be reexamined. Commissioner Struve mentioned that they were coming back with a lighting plan and the yellow on the bottom will require a landscaping plan, and the roof tile looks great. Commissioner Buckner commented that the metal railing everywhere would be appropriate. Commissioner Smith voiced that the yellow color was scary and an earth tone shade would be beneficial. Staff would follow up with the applicant and transmit the review of the mock up next week. XI. Other Business Tambi Katieb announced the upcoming Town Center Plan Design Charette scheduled for July 11-15, 2005. July 15th is the public open house. Confluence is scheduled for July 7"' and 8"', with July 12u for a joint session with Town Council. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Terry Smith Vice Chairman 0 / Phil Struve Secretary