PZC Minutes 06-07-2005 (2)klli,-), Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting AVON Minutes c o June 7, 2005 5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance. Patty McKenny, Town Clerk, swore in Christy D'/Agostino, Chris Green and Jim Buckner as newly appointed Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Ron Wolfe, Mayor, congratulated the new commissioners on their appointment by Town Council to the Planning and Zoning Commission. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Buchner revealed a conflict of interest with Item VII, B. Final Design Multi - Family, Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Beaver, Creek Blvd, Applicant/Owner. Davis Partnership Architects/Daniel Ritsch. V. Consent Agenda: Approval of the May 17'h, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Vice Chairman Appointment, Commissioner Smith nominated Commissioner Struve, he declined. Commissioner Savage nominated Commissioner Smith to the position of Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. Commissioner Smith accepted the position of Vice Chairman for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Savage nominated Commissioner Struve for the appointment of Secretary, Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and Commissioner Struve accepted. All commissioners were in favor of these appointments. Commissioner Savage motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All commissioners who were present at the previous meeting were in favor. VI. Comprehensive Plan Update — (PUBLIC HEARING) Description: Summarize process for adoption of the plan (action to date, roles and responsibilities, next steps). Rebecca Leonard approached the podium to address the Comp Plan and its focus. She presented the commissioners with several questionnaires to get a feel for the vision and to give her direction. Discussion continued with bringing up to date the three new commissioners to the Comp Plan process, what has happened prior to their appointment and their anticipated involvement. It was determined that at the next Planning and Zoning meeting, subareas will be discussed. In the next two weeks, the new commissioners are requested to review pages 21 thru 33, there will be a draft distributed prior to the next meeting for commissioner review, certain consensus items will need to be additionally reviewed for current commission input and consideration for writing style of the Comp Plan. Ms. Leonard commented that the Comp Plan seemed to be on track as a good plan. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING r. There was no public input. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING VII. Final Designs A. Belle Fare Property Location: Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/222 Chapel Place (Chapel Square, Building A) Applicant/Owner.• Belle Fare of Vail Valley, LLC/ Timberline Management Description: Belle Fare of Vail Valley is proposing various exterior building modifications and a complete remodel of Building A (formerly Panda City) in the Chapel Square PUD. Exterior modifications include: new enclosed entrance, addition to Chapel Alley side of building, and new roof for outdoor seating area on south elevation. The sketch design for this remodel was reviewed at the Commission's February 1, 2005 regular meeting. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Commissioner Savage questioned the 400 sq ft area and parking. Mr. Heidemann responded that additional parking was not required for this project. Scott Conrad, Forstmann Development Group, approached the podium to respond to the Staff Report. Mr. Conrad voiced that the intent is to use similar materials to maintain consistency with the existing building and the covered patio opening will not part of the initial build out but it is being planned currently to be constructed and its approval was still sought. Mr. Conrad continued that when they finish the patio, they would use black epoxy paint on the exposed steel or metal on the exterior and if a rolled canvas awning is selected, a variety of products are available. The translucent panel was discussed and Mr. Conrad responded that other materials were being investigated, as well, the cedar fence was addressed for the east and west sides of the patio. Commissioner Struve questioned if Mr. Conrad was seeking patio approval at this time. The response was affirmative but that it would not be part of the initial build out. Commissioner Green questioned the exact proposal for the patio area. Mr. Conrad responded that a covered awning was proposed that would abut the loading area as a dogleg look from the south southeastern side. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Savage and his concerns with the canopy wall and its lack of compatibility with the surrounding uses. Commissioner Struve recommended that canopy and drop wall be denied. Commissioner Smith agreed with previous commissioner comments. Commissioner Buckner agreed with Commissioner Savage's comments regarding the canopy and recommended its review in the future for a separate approval. He continued that the cedar fence had a warm feel but the size might be better served by being more open and light. Mr. Conrad responded that alternative materials are worth consideration. Commissioner D'Agostino concurred with the previous comments and voiced concern with the entry gable, the stairway area and its mass on the pedestrian level. Commissioner Green commented on the sense of entry by creating height differentials might be beneficial and concurred with the other commissioners and their comments. Commissioner Evans suggested the cedar fence should be incorporated with the existing fencing, having the cooler in the southern exposure may be a mistake. Commissioner Savage motioned to approve Item VII, Item A, Belle Fare, Property Location: Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/222 Chapel Place (Chapel Square, Building A), . ApplicanbOwner: Belle Fare of Vail Valley, -LLC/Timberline Management, to incorporate staff recommendations 1-4, highlighting that the applicant provide samples of the polycarbonate, maintenance of the fencing around the cooler and denial of the canvas canopy. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. An amendment to the motion to include condition number 5 that the canopy, canopy structure and roll down canvas sides are not approved at this time but are encouraged to be brought back for specific review should the applicant decide they want to go forward, and condition number 6 that a detailed section be provided showing the fence, the materials and their relationship to the existing metal fence for guard rail be presented to staff for approval. Condition number 7 articulation between the two roof planes either match or be further articulated. All commissioners were in favor. B. Final Design Multi -Family Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Beaver Creek Blvd. Applicant/Owner.Davis Partnership Architects/Daniel Ritsch Description: The applicant, Davis Partnership Architects, is proposing a 13 unit residential project on this lot. The proposed materials include a combination of stone veneer and wood siding with a maximum building height of 60' and maximum lot coverage of approximately 41%. The subject property measures approximately .69 acres and is currently undeveloped. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Scott Evan, Davis Partnership, and Daniel Ritsch, owner, approached the podium. Mr. Evan addressed the changes made to the design in order to accommodate commissioner concerns from Sketch Design. Mr. Ritsch commented that this project could be the state of things to come. Commissioner Green questioned massing and the applicant's process of design. Mr. Evan responded that the intention was to break down mass with roof forms and the movement of the building. Commissioner Evans questioned the Phase I and Phase 11, Mr. Evan commented it was just a matter of schedule. Commissioner Savage began review with his disapproval of changing the duplex structure to a triplex structure. Mr. Evan responded that staff required the change to a triplex. Commissioner Struve agreed with Commissioner Savage. Smith voiced concern with the triplex/ duplex issue. Commissioner D'Agostino appreciated the design of the building and its scale to the surrounding area but expressed concern regarding the maxing out of the site. Commissioner Green voiced concern that Nottingham Park area is a challenge in its design and this project sets a precedent for the area. Concerns of creating a wall around the park were discussed. Commissioner Evans agreed with Commissioner Green's comments and revealed his concerns with the massing and future developments based on this project. Maxing out of the site to the technical limits of the property's dimensions was mentioned by Commissioner Evans and what is the reasonable balance for the site. Commissioner Green motioned to table this application to the next meeting. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Eric Heidemann requested clarification for the tabling. Mr. Ritsch mentioned that it was his opinion that tabling is beneficial at this point and Mr. Evan suggested that the commissioners meet as a group and clarify their position on the project. The motion carried 5 to 1 with Commissioner Struve denying tabling. VIII. Sketch Design - Long Spur Duplex Property Location: Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/2160 Long Spur Applicant., Gerald Meremonte Owner., Patrick Campbell Description: Gerald Meremonte is proposing a duplex on this Long Spur property. The proposed structure is southwestern with adobe styled architecture (i.e. stucco, parapet walls, flat roofs). The structure totals approximately 6,500 square feet. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Commissioner Savage questioned the use of the term "architectural interest" and Mr. Pielsticker responded with the need for styling. Jerald Meremonte, applicantlarchitect, approached the podium and discussed the project. Patrick Campbell, owner, commented that the project was not intended as a "southwestern" scheme. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Buckner's comments of the project being more a contemporary structure than southwestern and he appreciated the move away from the southwestern look but suggested a variation in the roof heights. Commissioner D'Agostino agreed with Commissioner Buckner's comments and voiced that the sea of asphalt in the project could use some break up with landscaping. Commissioner Green commented that a more elegant structure could be produced by the minimalism of the project and the rooflines could assist to make it happen. Mr. Meremonte voiced that the rooms within the project were designed to avoid the vision of the other homes and look up and over the other structures. Commissioner Smith voiced that according the guidelines, this project is not compatible with the area. Commissioner Struve appreciated the architectural statement but as Wildridge is built out, it might not fit. Commissioner Savage was concerned with neighborhood compatibility, "shadow shades" to off set the flatness of the project, and Mr. Meremonte voiced the walls and their depth. Commissioner Evans felt the project was compatible to its neighborhood. Mr. Meremonte expressed the budget restraints for the project and amount of asphalt was to address sufficient parking on the site. Mr. Campbell questioned if landscaping could assist the asphalt concerns. Commissioner D'Agostino suggested the use of landscaping islands to break up the two sides of the duplex. IX. Master Sign Program — Petrohut Property Location: Lot 67-68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant. Tom Davies Description: The applicant is proposing to amend the Master Sign Program (MSP) for the Petro -Hut property on Nottingham Road. The amendment would allow for a new sign (replacing the current Talbot Insurance Sign on south elevation) to utilize a text color not permitted in the current MSP. This would be the second amendment proposed for the property s MSP. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff's report to the commission. Commissioner revolved around changing the sign program to accommodate Talbot Insurance and their corporate color changes and its impact on the other tenants in the building. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the other tenants on the other levels and their sign coloring. Commissioner Evans commented that the existing signs would then have to be changed to comply with the new sign program. The goal is for a consistent sign program without variations in colors. Commissioner Green motioned to accept the request for Item IX, Master Sign Program — Petrohut Property Location: Lot 67-68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with the following caveat; if they choose to pursue this direction, condition number 6 would be all building signage would be brought in to conformance with )he new program. And, condition number 7 that all signs must be changed out within thirty days to conform to the program. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. X. Sketch Design — Walsh Residence Property Location: Lot 10, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: Jim Jose, Owner: Karen Walsh Description: The applicant is proposing a sketch design plan to add a second dwelling unit onto an existing single-family residence on Wildridge Road East. The application would utilize the existing entrance to the property and all materials are proposed to match the existing structure with a stone base and stucco. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Jim Jose, Applicant, approached the podium for commissioner questions. Elevations were shown on the plans incorrectly according to Commissioner Struve. Mr. Jose distributed a reduced southern elevation plan to the Commissioners to demonstrate the new units' integration to the existing structure and will look into Commissioner Struve's concerns. Commissioner Green began commissioner review commenting on the grading of the driveway, and concerns with backing out of the driveway and the back patio. Commissioner Green continued that the project may benefit from being dropped down but it would impact the retaining wall. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the retaining specs and its proximity to the property line and commented on the corner grade by the garage and its problem. Commissioner Green requested sections to be brought to Final Design of the driveway. Commissioner Struve complimented Mr. Jose on his design and its integration to the existing structure. Items of discussion included: driveway grades exceeding 10%, retaining wall design and construction, vehicle movements, window design, massing, and the need for building sections. XI. Other Business Minor Project - Lot 86, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5749 Wildridge Road East, Applicant, Eric Baldwin. Proposal is for moss rock added to the front entry and garage. Commissioner review revealed that the application met, with design guideline criteria. The project was accepted by the commissioners The Confluence will be having an open house in the Municipal Chambers by East West Resorts on 6/23 at 3 pm and ail 1 am on 6/24. A joint work session for 6/28 with Town Council is planned. The Gates mock up will be presented on the 6/21. An injunctive relief is being pursed on the Ferret Lane hotel. Commissioner Green suggested a meeting of the Commission regarding the tonight's tabled item. Tambi Katieb suggested reviewing performance issues. Mr. Katieb will review the issues associated with meeting, consult legal counsel and determine process of meeting outside of commission meeting schedule to discuss outstanding issues and impacts of such a project on future development. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Buckner motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: n Terry Smith Vice Chair Phil Struve1'�/6J{,1/�li jr Secretary