PZC Minutes 05-03-2005 (2)" Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes AVON � o LMay 3, 2005 5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Didier. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item IX, Final Design — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 96, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision; and Item A, Other Business, A. Minor Project — Re -roof project, Applicant: Town of Avon, with Timberwood color sample selected unanimously by the Commission, were moved to Consent Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. V. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of the April 19th, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. B. Item IX, Final Design — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 96, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. C. Item XI, Other Business, A. Minor Project — Re -roof project, Applicant: Town of Avon. Commissioner Karow motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor. VI. Comprehensive Plan Update — (Public Hearina) Description: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed section 4 of the draft Comprehensive Plan. This section includes the Subarea Planning Principles and Recommendations along with the associated map. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Eric Heidemann began with presenting the staff memo and mentioned that comments provided by Mac McDevitt, Town Councilman were included in the Commission packet. Mr. Heidemann moved to the podium to assist with the visual presentation. The discussion began with Subarea 13. Subarea 13: West of Nottingham Lake area. Berms were discussed along with planting in CDOT right-of-way. Discussion revolved around the definitions of density, (i.e. Low, medium and high,) and the redevelopment of the trailer park into residential low density as it is currently zoned. The commissioners agreed upon a maximum of three stories and a change to "medium density" on the future land use map; and it should remain a low priority area. Subarea 14: Commissioners commented that this subarea is appropriate as written. Subarea 15: No comments. Subarea 16: Discussion revolved around upping the zoning and its relationship to water rights, infrastructure and traffic support. It was determined that the subarea policies were appropriate for this area. Subarea 17: Responses concentrated on moving it to a medium priority, changes to the planning principles for the area, including preservation measures for the area. Subarea 18: Remain as presented. Subarea 19: Suitable bike lanes separated from the road should be included in this subarea and formalizing paths to the open space parcels connecting for recreation purposes. Parking area on the top of Wildridge should be designated or completely eliminated. Subarea 20: No comments. Subarea 21: Remain as presented. Subarea 22: Remove the words "Examine the potential to" in first bullet point; and completely remove the second bullet point, were proposed. Subarea 23: No comments by commissioners. Subarea 24: Strong statement to add area into town, as presented in Mayor Wolfe's comments, page 10 regarding 24A: add subareas 25, 26, 27, and the West Avon Parcel as excluded from 24A since it is US Forest Service land, in agreement. No public comment. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED VII. Minor Project — Benchmark Shopping Center Painting Property Location: Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant: Description: The applicant is proposing to paint the body of the Benchmark Shopping Center building Castle Path Beige (Behr 730C-3) and paint the exterior columns, trim, entry doors of main building, and storefront of future Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub a Midnight Blue (Behr 570F-7). The applicant has applied the proposed colors to a small area at the entrance of Loaded Joe's and on the side of Finnegan's Wake for review. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report to the Commission and voiced that the applicant has made alterations since the report was generated. Anthony Cassar, owner of project, approached the podium to discuss the color selections. Robert Borg approached the podium to comment on the color selections and the owners desire to convey the project as an Irish pub. Commissioner Evans questioned the use of the blue color to identify an Irish pub. Mr. Borg responded that it was a Victorian character they were aiming for and the owner's first choice of color. Commissioner Struve asked regarding the light colors to be used. Mr. Cassar responded that the light beige was presented with the desired colors to show contrast and the blue was to be for trim, fascia and doors. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Karow commenting that the building was in need of paint and colors, colors were compatible with other stores in the area and that it met with design criteria. Commissioner Savage voiced that the building was too large for the blue color in the pattern presented, commented that as trim the blue was more appropriate, and mentioned that there was no consistency in the color flow. Commissioner Smith could not support the amount of blue color as proposed, as did Commissioner Savage, and agreed with the maroon color. Commissioner Struve favored the blue on the entrance portion of the front but not on the whole horizontal area of the front. Commissioner Evans expressed concern with the body color of the entire building and found it difficult to understand their true proposal. Commissioner Evans continued with his concern of the base color and expressed that the color was a mistake after having visited the site. Commissioner Evans continued that the mass with the light beige, which tends to bring out flaws of the structure, had the potential of being a huge mistake. He sited other buildings that had to color change after the paint was applied, (i.e. Chapel Square) and commented that the colors presented were not.appropriate. Mr. Cassar commented that the building was drab and wanted to use colors to bring the public in. He continued with the reflective context of the color and the intent to get the building to stand out. Commissioner Evans responded that he understood the desire for the building to stand out in the applicant's perspective but the commission needs to compliment the building with others in the area. Theresa Borg approached the podium and discussed the colors of the other buildings within the area as being beige, blue, and light gray and these colors would enhance the Town of Avon. Maggie Parker approached the podium to discuss the blue color by commenting that they wanted the building to look like a pub and not a storefront image or brown, as a cowboy bar. Commissioner Karow moved for approval as presented. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Commissioner Savage could not support the color scheme as presented. Commissioner Evans commented that he would rather see brass letters on the blue color than a lit sign in brown. Motion failed three to two. Commissioner Struve motioned to accept the "Lost Summit" color for the body, "Bison" brown and the "Midnight" blue for the trim for the front of the building and does not include the covered walkway. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. Ms. Parker asked about the deck color to remain its current brown. The motion passed 4 to 1, with Commissioner Karow disapproving. VIII. Master Sign Program Amendment Property Location: Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant: Maggie Parker, Finnegan's Wake Traditional Irish Pub Description: Maggie Parker is proposing new signage for the Benchmark Shopping Center building. There are three new signs proposed and they would be for a new tenant in the old Cassidy's "Hole in the Wall" space. Two building mounted signs and one freestanding sign are proposed with this application. One of the building signs would replace the existing oval Cassidy's sign, and the other one would be mounted on the west elevation near the entrance to the deck and the new tenant's main entrance. The freestanding sign would be located near the northeast vehicle entrance to the property. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Mr. Borg approached the podium to field questions. Commissioner Savage commented that the freestanding sign was not similar to other freestanding signs in the area. Commissioner Karow mentioned that the building footprint was almost a separate building and could qualify for the sign. Commissioner Karow was concerned with this sign's location. Commissioner Savage suggested that a monument sign with other tenants signage might be more acceptable. Mr. Borg commented that the other tenants have signage on Beaver Creek Boulevard and Finnegan's name should be addressed on this side of the building. Commissioner Evans commented that the sign was okay where it is and proposed that the satellite dishes be removed. Mr. Cassar commented that once ownership of the dishes was in his possession, he would remove them. Commissioner Karow mentioned that to eliminate the monument sign, removal of the dishes, and a sign on the building would be more beneficial. Commissioner Savage motioned to approve the sign design for Item VIII, Master Sign Program Amendment, Property Location: Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, to include staff recommendations 1, 2 and 3, and motioned to approve a third sign like sign number two, said sign may not be hung until the satellite dishes are removed. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. IX. Final Design — Duplex Property Location: Lot 96, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant., Phil Matsen .. . Description: Phil Matsen is proposing a duplex on this .46 -acre property. The lot is uphill and accessed off of Old Trail Road. All bordering properties are either developed or currently under construction. This application proposes two units, both measuring approximately 2,800 square feet. Building materials for this duplex include: stucco body, horizontal and vertical board on batten siding, stone base, and asphalt shingles. The sketch design for this duplex was reviewed at the Commission's April 5°, 2005 meeting. Moved to Consent Agenda. X. Amendments to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desiqn Review Guidelines — (Public Hearing) Applicant: Town of Avon — Community Development Description: The proposed resolution would amend the residential fencing requirements as well as many of the Commercial and Industrial Site Design and Building Design requirements (i.e. site access, building height, building materials and colors, roofs, etc). The proposed amendments would also add review criteria for all Commercial and Industrial design applications including 'building massing' and 'pedestrian frontages.' The proposed amendments were developed primarily by the Community Development Committee. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Memo and presented a light reflective color board to the Commissioners for review. Commissioner Struve questioned staff regarding page 2, first paragraph, the word "contemporary" needed a modifier and should be removed. All commissioners approved this change. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Jim Buckner approached the podium for comment. He mentioned that the word contemporary should be eliminated altogether. Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Karow mentioned that contemporary would be a general design and if the word was eliminated, it gives a broad definition. Commissioner Struve questioned the holiday lighting dates and Mr. Heidemann responded that the dates were part of the lightning ordinance. Commissioner Smith mentioned a typographical error under building massing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Karow brought up for discussion the section regarding Roofs and sought understanding. Commissioner discussion determined that Number 9 was designing by formula and it wouldn't always work, as it was open to interpretation. It was determined that Number 8 and Number 10 provided adequate criteria data. Commissioner Karow suggested removal of number 9 in full. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item X, Amendments to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines, for the Town of Avon. Commissioner Struve seconded, with the modifications to include: under Roofs, item 8 delete adequately, eliminate item #9, Item #10 the word scales to be changed to the singular scale. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XI. Other Business A. Minor Project — Re -roof project Applicant: Town of Avon Description: Due to an underlying asbestos application to the current Municipal Building's cedar shake roofing, the Town has determined that the application of a composite (stone coated steel) roofing product over the existing shake roof will be the safest and most cost effective alternative to a complete re -roof to the building. The proposed product is similar to a partial re -roof project that the Commission approved in February for a property on Flat Point in Wildridge. A similar product was also utilized in the re -roof of the Sunridge Apartments. Moved to Consent Agenda. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Karow motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Terry Smith Secretary