PZC Minutes 01-18-2005 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
January 18, 2005
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Savage.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Karow disclosed a conflict with Item VII, Chateau St. Claire (The
Gates on Beaver Creek), Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire
Subdivision/38390 Hwy 6 & 24, Applicant: Parkhill-Ivins, P.C., Owner: CSC Land,
LLC and Commissioner Didier disclosed a conflict with Item VI, Sketch Design —
Single-family Residence, Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge
Subdivision/4250 Wildridge Road West, Applicant/Owner: Erich Burkhard.
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Karow motioned for the approval of the Minutes from the January
4th, 2005, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; Commissioner Struve
seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner Smith
abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
VI. Sketch Design — Single-family Residence
Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/4250 Wildridge
Road West
ApplicanUOwner.• Erich Burkhard
Description: The applicant, Erich Burkhard, is proposing is single-family
residence with a first floor caretakers unit on this duplex -zoned lot. The size of
the residence is 4,227 square feet, which includes garage space and a proposed
maximum height of 32'. Proposed materials include western red cedar, colored
concrete to match existing stones on-site, aluminum window frames, and asphalt
Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Laddy Clark, friend of the applicant, approached the podium as Mr. Burkhard's
representative. Mr. Burkhard communicated to Mr. Clark specific responses to
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issues in the Staff Report. Those issues included the following: (1) Entrance -
Mr. Burkhard will conform to whatever it is you would like him to do; (2) Drainage
— there is an 18" pipe under the driveway as shown by page 2.S.B.1 Driveway
Entrance Detail; and (3) he will have a Colorado Registered Engineer handle the
retaining wall issues to satisfy the requirements.
Commissioner Evans questioned the overhangs on the west elevation. Mr. Clark
was not prepared to answer and assumed Mr. Burkhard's drawings would have
addressed Commissioner Evans' concerns. Commissioner Evans continued by
explaining to the Commission that his confusion stems from looking at the west
elevation and where it turns on the right hand side and starts the south elevation,
one can see the dash lines at the roof line where it depicts an overhang.
However, on the north elevation, on the last page, and look at the right side, west
elevation, it appears that the edge of the roof is right in line with the wall plane.
Commissioner Evans continued that he may be mis-reading it or it might be
stepping back, it is hard to tell from the drawings provided.
Ken Kovalchik remarked that he had difficulty interpreting the drawings, as stated
in his Staff Report, he was unsure if the west property line was a foundation line
or a roof overhang located within a setback. Overhangs and setbacks could not
be deciphered from the drawings.
Commissioner Struve also had difficulty interpreting the drawings and visualizing
what the house would look like. He felt the caretaker unit was difficult to access
and concerned that the unit had no garage space. Commissioner Struve
continued that the north elevation had a massive roof and the west elevation side
of the house is hard to tell if it is all the same surface and needs more detail.
Commissioner Smith agreed with Commissioner Struve's comments that the set
of plans were difficult to read and felt clarification was warranted.
Commissioner Karow commented that the bulk and mass met Design Guidelines;
the north, south and east elevations were compliant with the Design Review
Guidelines; the west elevation sticks out and looked rather large and could
benefit to look like the other elevations. Commissioner Karow continued with
agreeing with Staff's report that the primary concerns are get the building out of
the setback, curb cuts need to comply with the 18' maximum length, and the 18"
overhang/eaves as required.
Commissioner Trueblood commented that parking, driveway and garage did not
have a separate identity with the caretaker unit in the event the project would be
Commissioner Evans expressed that the overhangs could help to break up the
massing especially on the west elevation. He also asked for some clarification
on the left side of the east elevation and the right side of the west elevation, as
there seems to be a column stuck up in mid air. Commissioner Evans continued
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that the stone veneer on the base of the house is not stone veneer but it is
colored concrete with an Ashler stone patterned concrete form liner. It was
Commissioner Evans' interpretation of the Design Review Guidelines that this
product does not meet the requirements.
Mr. Clark asked for clarity on the points Mr. Burkhard needed to address: (1)
overhang and potential encroachment on the west elevation; (2) west elevation's
need to more closely adhere to architectural standards; (3) two living spaces and
not enough parking to accommodate appropriately; (4) the stone veneer made of
concrete meets Building Code but not Design Guidelines unless it receives
specific approval by the Commission; and (5) the column(s) needs clarification.
VII Old Business - Chateau St. Claire (The Gates on Beaver Creek)
Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision/38390 Hwy 6
Applicant: Parkhill-Ivins, P.C. Owner. CSC Land, LLC
Description: Michael Stornello of Parkhill-Ivins, P.C. has submitted a color
rendering of the Chateau St. Claire (The Gates on Beaver Creek) per a condition
of the Minor Modification approval heard by the Planning and Zoning
Commission on December 7th, 2004.
Eric Heidemann presented an update memo to the Commission.
Mike Stornello, Parkhill-lvans representative on behalf of the owner for the
project, provided to the Commission the current plan rendering as requested by
the Commission in the December 7th, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting. Mr. Stornello also provided the summer of 2003 rendering in order to
present the changes in the project. Mr. Stornello continued with discussing the
elevation modifications that included changing some of the stucco colors, the
deletion of planter boxes, canvas awning at the north side of the building
deletion, roof tiles were changed from a composite material to a concrete tile, the
stained window head and sills were replaced with cement stuccos detailing, and
the turret at the round element in plan changed from a Baroque piece to a more
outlined type of detailing.
Commissioner Evans voiced that this presentation was not in lieu of a mock up.
Mr. Stornello agreed. Eric Heidemann mentioned that the mock up was due to
the commission on April 30th, 2005. Mr. Stornello requested to meet with the
Commission prior to the construction of the mock up in order to make sure it will
be designed according to the Commission's concerns and guidelines.
VIII Other Business
Commissioner Trueblood inquired regarding the policy of leaving the room when
a Commissioner had a conflict of interest with an agenda item. John Dunn,
Town Attorney, had requested that commissioners leave the room.
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Commissioner Trueblood questioned the Eagle County's Revised
Comprehensive Plan and the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the
concept of putting both plans in the same room for discussion. Tambi Katieb
responded that Eagle County's draft is in our possession and under review by
Eric Heidemann mentioned to the Commission that Bill Van Curen appealed the
Commission's decision on the fence and was remanded back to the Commission.
An application and a landscape plan are expected to be submitted in the near
Tambi Katieb stated that Town Council had commented during the last Council
Meeting that motions made by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any file
need to be based on the criteria of the Design Review Guidelines.
Commissioner Evans responded that there is a need to reference the Guidelines
in the motions.
Commissioner Trueblood opened the discussion on the recent Town Council
handout regarding the 10 -point checklist for a commission position.
Commissioner Karow mentioned that greater communication and dialogue
between the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council would be
useful. Commissioner Didier commented on the checklist presented in that
meeting. Commissioner Karow mentioned that a prepared agenda would be
beneficial along with a round table format. Commissioner Struve commented
that any meeting with an agenda and objective was a more productive use of
time. Commissioner Evans voiced that a meeting later than 3:30 pm might be
better timing.
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Trueblood discussed the Metcalf Road
parking/traffic/truck issue. Commissioner Evans mentioned the difficulty in
locating commercial/industrial-zoned property in this end of the valley and its
VIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Smith
seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
6:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
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Chris Evans
Terry Smith
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