PZC Minutes 08-17-2004Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission August 17, 2004 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. 111. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were three amendments to the Agenda. Item VII, Final Design Plan — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 92, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2440 Old Trail Road, to the Consent Agenda; Item VIII, Final Design Plan — Single Family, Property Location: Lot 5B, Nottingham Station PUD/ 1910 Hurd Lane, to the Consent Agenda; and Item XI, Minor Project - Landscaping, Property Location: Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/70 Beaver Creek Place, Applicant: Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Owners: American National Bank., to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans disclosed a conflict with Item XI, Minor Project - Landscaping, Property Location: Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/70 Beaver Creek Place, Applicant. Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Owners: American National Bank. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Karow motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the August 3rd, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; Final Design Plan — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 92, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2440 Old Trail Road, for approval; Final Design Plan — Single Family, Property Location: Lot 5B, Nottingham Station PUD/ 1910 Hurd Lane and Minor Project - Landscaping, Property Location: Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/70 Beaver Creek Place, Applicant., Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Owners: American National Bank, be approved on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion and the motion passed 6 to 1 with Chairman Evans abstaining. VI. PUD Amendment - Public Hearing Property Location: Lots 54,55,89 &90, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5190 & 5196 Longsun Lane / 5767 & 5775 Wildridge Road East, Applicant/Owner.• Jay Peterson F.Tianning & Zoning Commission\Minules12004\081704.DOC Page I of Description: The applicant is proposing an_ amendment to the Wildridge PUD for the four residential properties listed above, all of which are located in Block 4 of the Wildridge subdivision. The subject properties are currently zoned to allow for a total of eleven (11) dwelling units of duplex and triplex zoning. The proposed PUD amendment is to change the zoning to single family and downzone the total dwelling units of the properties to eight (8) dwelling units on eight (8) separate lots. This application will not affect the original PUD access from both Longsun Lane and Wildridge Road East; however, will require a reconfiguration of the platted non -developable area. The Commission reviewed a previous application, which was withdrawn by the applicant after the Commission and the applicant, on the concept for this application, considered public input. Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Mr. Katieb disclosed a clarification on Condition 113 to exchange the word "maximum" for "minimum" for the record. Jay Peterson, applicant, approached the podium. He discussed the changes from his original application with 5 lots off Longsun Lane and 3 lots off Wildridge Road. Commissioner Trueblood asked about the turnaround situation of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Peterson responded that he would approach the Fire Department upon acceptance of his plan but he had briefly discussed it with them. Commissioner Didier questioned the setbacks and the driveway access. Chairman Evans questioned the Open Space and the building envelopes. No driveways will disturb the Non -disturb Areas. Commissioner Savage questioned the design of the homes as cottage style and Mr. Peterson, in his previous application, desired a cottage look in those lots that were steep, now it is more relaxed with fewer homes being built, he believed a commonality of materials and design would be most appropriate. He also said a homeowners association would be created for snow removal. He also disclosed that he would probably sell the upper three lots and he would develop the lower 5 lots. Commissioner Struve asked about the access easement to the Open Space and Mr. Peterson said he would develop it if the owners on Lot 53 were okay with it, as the access would be right next to them. PUBLIC HEARING OPENS Mark Marto, 5134 Longsun Lane, approached the podium to discuss the cul-de- sac and the size of it. The road extension would actually be a driveway for emergency vehicle turnaround and not an extension of Longsun Lane. The new driveway would cut the current cul-de-sac and be maintained as a private driveway. Michael Hayes, 5183 Longsun Lane, Lot 52, felt the current plan, as submitted tonight, met with his approval and support. Brian Nolan, 5161 Longsun Lane, RAPlanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004\081704.DOC Page 2 of 9 mentioned that today's plan meets with his support and approval and agreed with the removal of the 4,000 sq ft restriction of living square footage per home. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Karow did not support the 4,000 square footage limitation. Commissioner Didier agreed on retaining the limitation of the living square footage. Commissioner Smith believed Mr. Peterson did a good job on the revisions with the 4,000 square foot living space in place and stated it could be removed. Commissioner Struve remarked that the 4,000 square foot living area should stay with the top three lots and be removed from the bottom five lots. Commissioner Savage was in favor of the motion and that a limitation of square footage should be 4,500 square feet. Commissioner Karow brought to light that other developments weren't constrained to a limited living square footage. Commissioner Evans mentioned that with the non -disturbance areas, there should be limitations on the building size and the smaller lots would benefit from smaller footages. Commissioner Karow commented on the issue of size and value to fit the neighborhood in fairness to those existing similar lots. Commissioner Karow moved to approve Resolution 04-22, recommending to Town Council to approve the Western Sage PUD Amendment for Lots 54,55,89 &90, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5190 & 5196 Longsun Lane / 5767 & 5775 Wildridge Road East, specifically described application date of July 1911, 2004, with the inclusion of all staff recommendations except 1B. Commissioner Trueblood seconded the motion. The Motion passed 6 to 1 with Commissioner Didier opposing. Mr. Nolan brought to the attention of the audience that formal Public Notices were sent for the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to owners of adjacent properties and are not sent for the Town Council meetings. Should there be public concern, it can be addressed with Town Council at their next meeting. VII. Final Design Plan - Duplex Property Location: Lot 92, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2440 Old Trail Road, Applicant: Scott Turnipseed, Owner. • Greg Samson Description: Scott Turnipseed is proposing a duplex on the uphill side of Old Trail Road near the intersection with Draw Spur. The building is approximately 5,800 square feet in size and would include two (2) 4 -bedroom units. Proposed materials would include: cedar board on board siding, stucco, and asphalt shingles. The sketch design was approved on August 3, 2004. Moved to Consent Agenda. VIII. Final Design Plan — Single Family Property Location: Lot 5B, Nottingham Station PUD/ 1910 Hurd Lane RAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Minutcs\20041081704.DOC Page 3 of 9 Applicant: Architectural Services PC, Owner., Nancy & Mauri Nottingham Description: Architectural Services PC is proposing a single-family residence on Hurd Lane. The building is approximately 2,903 sq. ft. in size, with a 574 sq. ft. garage and 1919 sq. ft. unfinished basement. The style of this house will emulate a country farmhouse with 10:12 roof pitches, horizontal siding, shingle siding at the gable ends and a stone base. The sketch design was approved on June 1, 2004. Moved to Consent Agenda. IX. Final Design Plan — Duplex Property Location: Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/5039 Wildridge Road East, Applicant., Dantas Builders, Inc., Owner. • Dantas Builders, Inc. Description: Dantas Builders, Inc. is proposing a duplex residence with the two units totaling 9,012 square feet (living space and garage space). The building materials will include stucco siding, stone veneer base, decks with wood railings, and asphalt shingles. The proposed maximum height is 347. The sketch design was approved on June 1, 2004. Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Savage commented that bridge design was still present and had hoped it would have been hidden with larger trees or a facade. Commissioner Struve remarked that it was a bridging design with its bridge supports on the drawing and couldn't support it the project. Commissioner Smith voiced that no modifications to the design was apparent as requested at Sketch Plan. Commissioner Karow mentioned that it conformed to the Design Guidelines. Commissioner Didier agreed with Commissioner Karow but thought the trees needed to be larger to hide the bridge. Commissioner Evans agreed that there are other solutions for the drainage and the bridge, thought the closets were a good design; the tall trees couldn't fix the bridge issue as it would still be a bridge and questioned why there was excess parking to require a larger driveway. Commissioner Karow motioned for approval of the Final Design Plan — Duplex, Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision with staff conditions 1 thru 9 as outlined in the Staff Report with Commissioner Didier seconding. The motion failed 5 to 2 with Commissioners Evans, Smith, Struve, Savage and Trueblood opposing. Commissioner Savage motioned to deny the Final Design Plan, Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision due to the bridge design architectural feature. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Commissioner Savage amended his motion to table the Final Design Plan — Duplex, Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/5039 Wildridge Road East, pending revisions to the appearance of the bridge -like element as discussed in the Minutes of today's meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded this motion and the motion passed 6 to 1 with Commissioner Karow opposing. FAPlanning & Zoning Commission\Minules\2004\081704.DOC Page 4 of 9 X. Sketch Design Plan — Duplex Property Location: Lot 18, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5650 West Wildridge Road, Applicant: Eric Johnson Architect PC, Owner: Tripp Plavec Description: Eric Johnson, applicant, is proposing a 6,000 sq. ft. alpine style duplex. This duplex will be accessed via two driveway entrances. The north unit of this duplex will share a driveway entrance with Lot 17. Proposed materials include: asphalt shingle roof, cedar siding and trim, stucco and stone. The proposed maximum height is 35'. Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Commissioner Evans questioned the Staff's concern of the shared driveways on Lots 17 and 18. Mr. Kovalchik replied that the concern was with the access maneuverability of Lot 17 and the drainage issues. It was discussed that the south driveway would benefit from access off Coyote Ridge. Commissioner Trueblood questioned where off of Coyote would the driveway be placed and Mr. Kovalchik responded that since Coyotewould be a flatter access, it would have several possibilities. Commissioner Karow questioned item 4 and the 24-foot area and is defined by the guidelines of a clear back up to the retaining wall. Tripp Plavec, developer/applicant and owner/resident of Lot 17, next door, approached the podium. He discussed the 10-foot easement and the retaining wall, the elimination of massive retaining wall and the movement of the driveway from the intersection. He felt that the double driveway helps with creating a 6,000 sq ft duplex and allows for landscaping on the corner of the intersection. Commissioner Trueblood asked about the movement of the driveway to Coyote Ridge. Mr. Plavec responded with the road impacts and that this submitted design permits a backyard and enhanced views. Commissioner Evans requested the north arrows on the plans be in the correct direction and questioned the one car garage situation. Mr. Plavec responded that the garage would have a lift in it to garage multiple cars. Commissioner Trueblood requested that Mr. Plavec look at access from Coyote Ridge prior to Final Design. Jerry Herman, 5531 Coyote, house across the street from this project, would prefer the driveway from Wildridge Road rather than Coyote. He continued that the lot is very small and thought it should be a single - family home site. Commissioner Didier appreciated the design and mentioned that the south side driveway was tight. Commissioner Karow commented that this Sketch Plan adhered to the sketch plan considerations of the guideline, however, he voiced concerned with the maneuvering space. Commissioner Karow continued with the drainage issues and the building height. Commissioner Smith and RNPlanning & Zoning Commission\Minutcs\20041081704.DOC Page 5 of 9 Commissioner Struve voiced that the plan conforms to the town's design requirements. Commissioner Savage was concerned with the driveway on the south since it was close to the intersection and commented that it does meet the design guidelines. Mr. Kovalchik commented that grading is not permitted in Right of Ways as Commissioner Savage suggested grading the southern portion. Commissioner Evans commented that a concrete block retaining wall is not desired. Ken Kovalchik presented the technical issues that required consideration to Mr. Plavec. There were: 1. All retaining walls over 4 feet in height shall be structurally designed or certified by a Colorado Licensed Professional Engineer. 2. The survey shall be updated to indicate the location and grades for the existing driveway to Lot 17. The extent of the access easement shall be indicated on the survey. 3. Top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for the retaining wall along the entry walkway for the north unit shall be indicated on the Site Plan. 4. Retaining wall detail shall be provided for the wall between the entry walkway and driveway for the north unit. 5. No grading shall occur outside of the property lines. 6. A vicinity map and summary table shall be indicated on the site plan. 7. The finished grade shall be indicated on the north elevation. 8. As the design is proposed the following issues must be addressed in proceeding to final design: a. Drainage flows toward the north entrance and the entrance in located in a hole with no drainage outlet. Additional spot elevations on the driveway and stairway at the entrance to the North Unit need to be indicated and drainage needs to be directed away from the entrance. b. The retaining walls on the north side of the north unit appear to be structural and will need to be designed and construction certified by a Colorado Register Engineer. In addition, there appears to be an extra -proposed contour line at the north side of the property. c. The structural block wall along the driveway will need to be designed and certified by Colorado Registered Engineer. Wall design shall not allow encroachment into the 10' slope maintenance, drainage and snow storage easement. d. The proposed grading in the Right -of -Way is not acceptable and needs to be revised. In addition, the proposed grading along Wildridge Road does not direct drainage to the proposed culvert and the culvert appears to be ineffective. e. Guardrail along Wildridge Road may be necessary and will need to be determined at Final Design. 9. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in F.Manning & Zoning CommissionXMinutesUO04W81704.DOC Page 6 of 9 this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Staff requested tabling so that the concept of the driveway and technical issues would be reviewed and addressed. Commissioner Karow moved to approve Sketch Design Plan — Duplex, Lot 18, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, with all the memos, technical issues and discussion items to be satisfied by Final Design. Commissioner Didier seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously. XI. Minor Project - Landscaping Property Location: Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/70 Beaver Creek Place, Applicant. Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Owners: American National Bank Description: Remove approximately 17 mature trees and prune other trees and bushes to accommodate change of Mountain Medical Building back to a banking institution (as American National Bank). Reasons stated for removal of vegetation are: public safety, increased visibility for bank, and overall maintenance. Mr. Donaldson approached the podium and introduced the team working on this project. Commissioner Karow discussed the Consent Agenda placement and Mr. Donaldson requested the opening of the application with concerns on visibility and signage. He requested that the commissioners walk the site to thoroughly understand his concerns and the concerns of his team. Commissioner Struve moved to remove this application from consent with Commissioner Smith seconding and all commissioners were in favor. Mark Donaldson, applicant, requested discussion on this application. Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Tambi Katieb provided a full size plan for commissioner review. Mr. Donaldson proceeded to comment on the removal of the trees and addition of bushes and flowers. His need was to reclaim the site from the overgrown trees so that the entry feature, visibility and signage could fit appropriately. As a doctor's office, the serenity of the trees was beneficial. Mr. Donaldson continued that these trees were impacting and damaging the sidewalk, foundation, sewage and drainage of the building. The four trees proposed to be removed from the parking lot pose a security issue, one tree is half dead, another overhangs the roof and is causing roof damage, as stated by Mr. Donaldson. He mentioned that the conversion to a bank requires good commercial visibility to promote their identity. Andrew Podridcky, G.H. Daniels, approached the podium to discuss the trees as potentially dangerous due to its size and soft wood, he wanted to FAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Minutcs\2004\081704.DOC Page 7 of 9 install a drip system from the current spray system and use of bushes and flowers as an enhancement to the site. Commissioner Savage agreed that the trees are nice but messy, agreed that public safety was a consideration and agreed with the removal. Commissioner Smith agreed that the drive thru and parking area trees, as well as the root problem were a concern. Commissioner Savage discussed incremental tree removal, review of the site and further discussion. Commissioner Trueblood agreed with staff and their comments. He believed that the applicant should have presented the entire picture of the site to the commission. Commissioner Karow, agreed to the tree removal and the landscape plan supported the guidelines. Commissioner Didier was concerned with public response. Commissioner Savage motioned to approve Minor Project — Landscaping, Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, landscaping plan which is limited to the removal of 14 trees, addition of sod, pruning and planters. Commissioner Smith seconded and all commissioners were in favor. IX. Other Business (Other business as may come before the Commission) The Varecha residence, Lot 11, Block 1, Eaglebend Subdivision and the non- compliance with their approved landscaping plan. Recourse would be tearing out sod and replanting. Discussion revolved on the area to be irrigated and sodded. Neighbors complained about the hydro seed and not the sod. Suggested remedies included clarification of the area sodded. Commissioner Trueblood believed that permanent irrigation was the issue. The issue is that the sod is down, irrigation is installed, and is there a way to overseed the sod for the temporary irrigation or be removed. Commissioner Trueblood suggested that the owners find suggestions on this issue by contacting Mike Bauer, ERWSD Water Conservation Specialist. The Commission requested the owners return with a solution to the exceeded permanent irrigation of this property. Commissioner Evans shared with the commission a call from a neighbor in Wildridge regarding the neighborhood children building a tree house in the woods and its impact on fire danger. X. Adjourn Commissioner Didier made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Karow seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, P:\Planning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004\081704.DOC Page 8 of 9 Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Terry Smith Secretary F:APlanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\20041081704.DOC Page 9 of 9