PZC Minutes 06-15-2004Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission June 15, 2004 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. It. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Chris Evans, Commissioner Terry Smith and Commissioner Bob Trueblood. Commissioner Terry Smith arrived at 6:10 pm. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Amendments to the agenda include Item VI, Final Design Plan, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5720 Wildridge Road East, Applicant Eric Johnson Architect PC, Owner. • Charlie Viola and Item VII, Final Design Plan, Property: Lot 24, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/2100 Long Spur & 2250 Saddle Ridge Loop, Applicant/Owner. Phil Matsen, both moved to Consent Agenda. As well, moving of Item X, Minor Project — Duplex Design Change, Property Location: Lot 16, Filing 1, Eaglebend Subdivision/4040 Eaglebend Drive, Applicant: Eric Johnson Architect PC Owner. • Todd Grzywinski, for presentation prior to the Mountain Sage PUD, Item IX. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Struve recused himself from Item IX, PUD Amendment, Lots 54,55,89 &90, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5190 & 5196 Longsun Lane / 5767 & 5775 Wildridge Road East, Applicant/Owner: Jay Peterson. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Didier motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the June 1st, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; movement to the Consent Agenda of Item VI, Final Design Plan, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5720 Wildridge Road East, Applicant Eric Johnson, Architect PC, Owner., Charlie Viola and Item VII, Final Design Plan, Property. Lot 24, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/2100 Long Spur & 2250 Saddle Ridge Loop, Applicant/Owner. Phil Matsen. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. VI. Final Design Plan Property Location: Lot 11, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5720 Wildridge Road East Applicant.. Eric Johnson Architect PC Owner., Charlie Viola P:\Planning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004\061504.doc Page 1 of Description: Eric Johnson is proposing a custom single -family residence on Wildridge Road East. The building has approximately 3,500 square feet of livable space and features a 3-car garage. The proposed design makes use of boulder retaining walls to access the site and a structured wall extending from the easterly garage door. Proposed materials include: asphalt shingles, copper flashings, stone, stucco, wood, and stamped concrete. The sketch design plan for this home was approved at the May 18, 2004 Commission meeting. Application moved to the Consent Agenda. VII. Final Design Plan Property: Lot 24, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/2100 Long Spur & 2250 Saddle Ridge Loop Applicant: Phil Matsen Owner. Phil Matsen Description: Phil Matsen is proposing a duplex residence at the intersection of Long Spur and Saddle Ridge Loop roads in Wildridge. The corner lot under review is quite flat compared to the other remaining developable lots in Wildridge. Proposed materials include stucco siding, wood trim, stone, fieldstone, and asphalt shingles. A Sketch Design Plan was approved at your June 1, 2004 meeting. Application moved to the Consent Agenda. VIII. Sketch Design Plan Property., Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/5039 Wildridge Road East Applicant. Dantas Builders, Inc. Owner. • Dantas Builders, Inc. Description: Dantas Builders, Inc. is proposing a duplex residence with the two units totaling 9,012 square feet (living space and garage space). The building materials will include stucco siding, stone veneer base, decks with wood railings, and asphalt shingles. The proposed maximum height is 347. Ken Kovalchik presented the staff report. He discussed the site topography. Railings for driveways were discussed and would be addressed at Final Design. Michael Pukas, architect for the project, approached the podium for commissioner questions. Commissioner review included conversation of the steepness of the site, the view of the breezeway as a duplex connection, parking/driveway issues, and additional landscaping to enhance open area. Commissioner Didier motioned for approval with the five conditions as mentioned by staff. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion to include the conditions: 1). Retaining wall would be structural and registered engineer designed with three cross sections along the driveway; 2). Below elevated party wall, engineering on the retaining wall and proposal on railing; and 3). Retaining walls cannot encroach along the 10-foot drainage easement without application for a variance, 4). Sloping, snow storage and drainage easement shall be indicated on RAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes52004\061504.doc Page 2 of 6 the survey and site plans, and 5). The window plans shall match the floor plans. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. IX. PUD Amendment - Public Hearing Property Location: Lots 54,55,89 &90, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5190 & 5196 Longsun Lane / 5767 & 5775 Wildridge Road East AppiicantlOwner Jay Peterson Description: The applicant is proposing an amendment to the Wildridge PUD for the four residential properties listed above, all of which are located in Block 4 of the Wildridge subdivision. The subject properties are currently zoned to allow for a total of eleven (11) dwelling' units of duplex and triplex zoning. The proposed amendment is to change the zoning to single family and downzone the total dwelling units of the properties to eight (8) dwelling units on eight (8) separate lots. The Commission has tabled this application at the applicant's request to this date to seek additional input from the neighborhood and the Commission before proceeding with a revised application. He would like to receive input on several different concepts as discussed with the neighbors before proceeding with this application. Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Report. He read into the record three fax letters: Carol Tyler for support, Michelle Mayne for denial and Carol Morton for denial of this application. Jay Peterson, applicant, approached the podium and discussed the 3 changes to his original concept and encouraged direction from the public as present to get feedback on his designs. He began with presentation of Plan #1 that shows the current zoning of 11 units. Plan #2 was for 8 lots and single-family lots with access from Longsun Lane. Plan #3 (the proposed concept) would have 3 single-family lots off of Wildridge Road and 5 single-family homes on Longsun Lane with the road no longer an extended cul-de-sac but a private driveway to the homes. Public Hearing Opens Mac McDevitt, Lot 54, approached the podium. He felt the new plan was better than the other two and could see salvaging the plan by eliminating Lot 5, and secondly, he would have Lot 5 on the east side of the driveway (up the hill), and thirdly, truncate the lower area. Rick Petrillo, owner of Lot 62, liked the proposed concept better and suggested similar square footage for each lot size. Dave Power, Lot 51, was against any extension of Longsun Lane. Bernard Black believed 7 units would be better than 8. Buz Reynolds stated that the three singles on Wildridge Road would stick out and felt the nestled look would be preferred in the neighborhood, and,mentioned that value in the property was preferred with single-family units rather than a triplex. Michael Haze, Lot 52, cannot support the application due to increased traffic although the new plan with single-family homes on Longsun with less FAPIanning & Zoning Commission%MinutesUO04N061504.doc Page 3 of 6 density by the Wildridge Road access was positive. Lynn Young, 5161 Longsun, voiced the new plan was better and voiced concern regarding the non - developable land and preferred the lesser density on Longsun Lane. Barbara Bright, representing Michelle Mayne, discussed the traffic, the breakdown and extension of the existing cul-de-sac and was opposed to the development. Genita Mayne voiced opposition to the increased traffic. John Schwartz, 5160 Longsun Lane, was strongly opposed to Plan A, the original application. Tami Marto, 5134 Longsun, was opposed because building in an un - developable area leads to precedent and was opposed to additional traffic. Brian Nolan, 5191 Longsun Lane, Lot 53, asked why un -developable land exists in Wildridge. Buz Reynolds responded elimination of switchbacks was on lots defined as un -developable. Mr. Nolan preferred the single-family units to the original Wildridge PUD Zoning. Grant Rogers, Lot 59, 5164 Longsun, was concerned with the increase of traffic on Longsun Lane and is opposed to the application as originally presented and is encouraged with Plan #3. Jay Peterson mentioned that the original plan would create greater asphalt, it would be the extension of Longsun, create parking in the road, as the road is an access easement but preferred the single-family units. Bernard Black stressed consideration for un -developable lots. PULBIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner review began with discussing traffic, use of un -developable land as a precedent, pursing the new concept (Pian #3) to minimize the traffic and seemed more acceptable to the neighborhood. Concerns with the non - developable land and the use of the original plan were discussed. Jay Peterson asked for tabling of the original application in order to work on the new plan. Norm Wood, as Acting Director of Community Development, voiced that the application is either withdrawn on the application or acted upon by the commission. Jay Peterson proceeded to withdraw the application in consideration of the residents of Longsun Lane's comments. As the application was withdrawn, the commissioners took no action. X. Minor Project — Duplex Design Change Property Location: Lot 16, Filing 1, Eaglebend Subdivision/4040 Eaglebend Drive Applicant. Eric Johnson Architect PC Owner., Todd Grzywinski Description: The Final Design for this project was approved at your May 20"', 2003 meeting. The applicant is proposing a duplex at 4040 Eaglebend Drive. FARanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004\061504.doc Page 4 of 6 The residence is approximately 6,200 square feet in size, includes bridges and decks, and sits on the Eagle River on Eaglebend Drive. Some of the materials proposed include: lap siding, asphalt shingles, and stucco. The applicant submitted plans for Building Permit on June 2"d, 2004 and there have been design and architectural changes made to the residence since the approval of Final Design. Application has been moved to the Consent Agenda. XI. Minor Project — Additional Parking Spaces & Landscaping Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/3078 Wildridge Rd Applicant. Fred Hiller ' Owner: Fred Hiller Description: The application under consideration requests approval of 3 additional parking spaces and landscaping modifications. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Fred Hiller, applicantlowner, approached the podium and defined the lot in question. Home occupation standards for the use of the premises as a limo service needs to be addressed as it is not permitted in Wildridge. Commissioner Didier moved to deny based on the commission review criteria outlined in the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. Motion for denial passed unanimously. XII. Comprehensive Plan Update and Public Input Topic: Comprehensive Plan Update Applicant: Town of Avon Description: Staff will update the Commission on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan project. The public is invited to attend and submit oral and written comments on what issues they consider important to address. Mapping and information received at Steering Committee Meeting #3 and #4 will be reviewed. Tambi Katieb discussed the Comprehensive Pian Maps as presented to the commissioners. The maps presented alternative land use of areas within the Town of Avon. June 29th is a Public Open House and the progression of the plan to date. It is intended to take the plan to the neighborhoods for comment and public understanding. Xlll. Other Business (Other business as may come before the Commission) A. Update on Anticipated Amendments to Design Guidelines, Zoning, and Review processes. Tambi Katieb discussed the design guideline changes and changes to format. There were changes to the technical direction of the plans that will be submitted. FAPlanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004X061504.doc Page 5 of 6 XV. Adjourn Commissioner Smith made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Didier seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Andrew Karow Acting Chairman A Terry Smith /I Secretary % FAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004\061504.doc Page 6 of 6