PZC Minutes 10-21-2003 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
October 21, 2003
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
It. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Chris
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There was one amendment to the agenda for Item VII, A Lot 45C, Block 2, 2520
Old Trail Road, Wildridge Subdivision, to be moved as the first item of discussion
on the agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Him disclosed a conflict with item VII, A, Lot 45C, Block 2, 2520
Old Trail Road, Wildridge Subdivision.
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Him motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the
October 7, 2003, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner
Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
VI. Special Review Use Application
A. Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern
Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
411 Metcalf Road
Resolution No. 03-17
Applicant/Owner: David Svabik
Existing Beaver Creek Automotive is seeking approval for a restaurant and
tavern in an industrial/commercial zone district.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report, which recommended denial. David
Svabik, applicant/owner, approached the podium to discuss his position. Walter
Gus, Dawn DeLucia, Elaino Valez, Steve Nelson, Steve Smith, Bob Mach, Chris
Lucier, and Paul Benacoff offered their words of support of this application. An
email received by staff was opposed to this application, signed by four Town
residents Jane and Howard Leavitt, Shelly Miller, and Allan Sandburg.
Vice Chairman Karow took a moment to disclose the three criteria for review in
order for the public to focus their comments on these areas. 1). Whether the
proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Town
Zoning Code; 2). Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the Town
Comprehensive Plan; and, 3). Whether the proposed use is compatible with
adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance,
architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse
impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. These three
criteria are the considerations for this Special Review Use Application.
Tom Boni, Knight Planning Services, employed by Mr. Svabik to discuss the
compliance and conformance of this project with the Master Plan made a
presentation: He discussed the Town of Avon mission statement that discussed
its sense of community, as this project would create an enhanced sense of
community. Visual, quality of urban design to help the area develop, to maintain
Avon's sense of Identity with having said establishment in closer proximity to
residential areas would balance land use in this area. Landscaping plan exceeds
and parking requirements are met by this project. The lack of residential uses in
this commercial/industrial area removes local/residential impact. Tom continued
to mention how Mr. Svabik continuously has worked to appease the parameters
as set by the Town of Avon.
George Rosenberg, Mr. Svabik's attorney, approached the podium. He began
with mentioning the support presented by Mr. Svabik. Three focal points are the
"Cheers" concept in a tourist town to accommodate locals primarily, better use of
the property, increased revenues to the Town, assessed value would increase
and it would bean amenity to the area. Mr. Svabik is prepared to commit to a
bike path and walkway on his property as mentioned in theftster Plan.
Commissioner review begins. Commissioner Neville in his review had difficulty
with A3.3 that discussed traffic and D1.4 dealing with safety of site, E1.2
regarding the location of this use relative to existing transit routes, E1.4 to
minimize in town vehicle traffic and E1.6 which deals with bicycle facilities, all
traffic accessibility and access issues. No transit service or pedestrian pathways
exist in this area as well as the parking is still not.adequate. All restaurants have
transit or sidewalk access in the Town of Avon. Plus, Commissioner Neville is
skeptical of the parking provided since it calculated to only 37% of the building
being used as seating area. He was curious as to why so little seating is being
provided if the use is going to be successful.
Commissioner Smith concurred with Commissioner Neville in the concerns
regarding traffic, parking and safety issues. She believes that Metcalf Road is
dangerous already and this would encourage more traffic. She does not believe
that opening the area to retail and additional pedestrian use is compatible with
the area, to the contrary of the presentation and what those in support think.
Commissioner Him mentioned the lack of support from the immediate
neighborhood and does not feel that alcohol at this site is the best use for the
public as traffic is quite an issue here. He mentioned a restaurant on this site
may be okay but that this type of business would cause increased conflicts with
traffic and parking. He agreed with Commissioner Neville's concern of the
parking numbers as well as the site's steep grades, driving access and existing
street curves.
Commissioner Didier voiced his support of this application, reiterated the support
from the neighbors, and believed it is compatible to its location but agreed that
the traffic was a serious issue.
Commissioner Trueblood brought to light that the liquor license petition included
names of business owners in the area that were not residents of Avon and
mentioned that handing out a petition not reviewed by staff at the hearing was
inappropriate. He stated that it is a great concept, but not at this location. He
was concerned that one could not walk to this location. He believes it is just
dangerous with the road design already in place.
Commissioner Karow agreed with Commissioner Neville on the parking issues
and Comprehensive Plan issues. The building use meets the consideration of
the plan; mixed-use development is warranted in the area, no concerns with
noise, dust or odors, or lighting. The roads are designed to handle the traffic and
safety is not an issue in his opinion. Commissioner Karow was in support of this
Commissioner Trueblood motioned for denial of this project, with the staffs listed
recommendations in Resolution 03-17. Commissioner Smith seconded this
motion. Mr. Rosenberg then approached the podium for recourse.
Mr. Rosenberg mentioned the petitions would be avoided in the future. He
mentioned that the traveling public would benefit from this use. He stated that
traffic was based on the residents of Wildridge and not the industrial and
commercial area. He mentioned that traffic issues such as speeding and
drinking and driving are not under the control of the applicant, and precedent has
been set for mixed uses by the Barrancas development in the immediate area.
Mr. Rosenberg stated that the character of the light industrial and storage area
will change slowly, and that this business will help bring in retail and commercial
business. He said that restaurant type uses go well with all other types of retail
uses. The character of the area will change as a result of this project, and that
the Commission should consider this area will change and not remain the same
as it is today.
Tom Boni approached the podium to discuss safety and pedestrian issues. He
mentioned that if someone is unable to drive, they should be the responsible
party and that line of sight is not an issue for this access drive.
David Svabik, applicant, approached the podium to "problem solve" this issue.
He defined commercial uses from the Comprehensive Plan. He requested
reconsideration of the motion.
The motion carried 4-2 with Commissioner Didier and Commissioner Karow
opposing denial of the resolution.
r VII. Final Design '
A. Lot 45C, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2520 Old Trail Road
Revised Elevations
Applicant: Bob Mach
This single-family residence is modifying the exterior to comply with Planning and
Zoning Commission recommendations and design review. Sketch Plan was
approved at the October 7, 2003, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting with
the condition that Final Design be improved. Bob Mach, applicant, complied with
conditions as stated at Sketch Plan by adding banding to the stucco, revision to
roof eave and another window on the North elevation. Commissioner Didier
motioned for approval with Commissioner Trueblood seconding the motion. The
approval included the 7 conditions from the Staff Report. The motion carried
VIII. Minor Project Approvals
A. Lot 94, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2390 Old Trail Road
Re -roof with asphalt shingles
` Applicant: Keith Harrison
B. Lot 47, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2540 Old Trail Road
Additional parking space
Applicant/Owner: Vincent Guercio
IX. Other Business
A. Lot 61 Update - This is an overview on the planning process with
the developer for a new transit center and revised development
Current development rights expire in February 2004. Michael Hazard and Stuart
Borne, representing the developer, have been working with staff to reconfigure
Lot 61 to make it a transit center and accommodate a development plan.
Considerations were being made regarding the movement of pedestrians through
the transit center via a pedestrian bridge to access theJconfluence site for future
gondola access. This would allow this area to be more viable with the
Confluence access. Staff showed a two level structure and how is would impact
the site. Parking area would be underground and transit service above. An older
model of Town Center was presented for visualization of the current project
Developer is looking for additional height for its design concept. Staff is working
to provide both the developer and the pedestrian with maximum of access via
transportation in a viable design. Consideration for the railroad tracks in the plan
for pedestrian access is still up for discussion. A gateway to the Mall is
envisioned and the Town of Avon currently owns the property with restrictions on
the site. Staff have also submitted for federal funding to assist with this
development through the Federal Transit Authority. This money is available to
the Town and contemplated in the approved Capital Improvement Program
budget. 'Staff is still working through issues with the developer but noted that if
the g ondola n ever w ere t o happen, a n e xpanded and a dequate t ransit c enter,
new alignment to. benchmark road, and active retail mall area would be a great
benefit to the Town and it's residents and guests.
There will be an upcoming work session with Town Council to address the Lot 61
issue. Developer will bring to P&Z an amended PUD for this site after severs`
more issues are worked through. The Commission generally supported the work
and thanked the developer for working with staff on this project.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Him
seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Andrew Karow
Vice Chairman
Terry Smith
FAPlanning & Zoning Co mmissionWinutes12003%102103.doc