PZC Minutes 06-03-2003 (2)I
Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
June 3, 2003
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no Additions or Amendments to the Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no Conflicts of Interest.
V. Consent Agenda
Chairman Evans opened for a motion for the approval of the Meeting
Minutes from the May 20, 2003, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
Minutes; Commissioner Trueblood disclosed a typographical error on Page
6 "Motion carries unanimously." be stricken from record.
Commissioner Him made the motion for approval with changes to Page 6
and Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The Consent Agenda
passed unanimously with Chairman Evans abstaining as he was not
present for the May 20th, 2003 meeting.
VI. Final Design Plan
A. Lot 52, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
4686 North Point
Applicant: Kate O'Connor
Staff recommends approval with the landscaping plan revised and
clarification of the shingle color. Commissioner Karow questioned the
landscape plan as he felt it was marginal at best. Staff would be happy to
discuss with the client to revise the landscaping. Commissioner Karow
moved to approve with Staff conditions 1-7, condition number 8 regarding
shingle colors must be verified by staff and number 9 landscaping to be
brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for approval
prior to Building Permit issuance. Commissioner Smith seconded the
motion; all Commissioners were in favor and the motion carried
VII. Planned Unit Development Amendment
A. The Village at Avon Planned Unit Development
PUD Amendment for Zoning Plan of Tract N, Tract G, RMF -1, &
Tract M
Applicant: Traer Creek LLC
Tambi Katieb presented for Staff Traer Creek's amended uses and
modifications to the Planned Unit Development for the Village at Avon. As
well, the chart on page 3 had been revised from those provided in the
Planning and Zoning packets that were distributed the previous Friday.
Staff does not have recommendations at this time but was open for
Tim Losa, Zehren and Associates, approached the podium to present their
engineers designs for the off ramp of the highway. Per a meeting with
engineers today and the size of lots were decreased. Buffalo Ridge has
244 units; Parcel M discussion of density arose. Approval for density was
originally for 2400 units. Affordable housing originally on Tract RMF4 but
marketing studies are currently being conducted for its feasibility. Public
transit concerns will remain per the original PUD Amendment. Tract N park
and trail design and amenities are being devised with trails to remain in
their current status. Current PUD development plan has 1 acre designated
for fire protection. Discussions with the Ambulance district have increased
the fire protection district's size by'/z acre.
Questions to the applicant include from Chairman Evans regarding the
school district location if it was discussed with the school district and noting
their preference to be located in a residential area and not directly off the
interstate highway. Applicant increased the acreage for the school from 7
to 9 acres and placed on "prime land". Commissioner Didier questioned
approval of easements from the Forest Service prior to PUD approval.
Chairman Evans opened the hearing to the public and closed due to lack of
public comment.
Chairman Evans voiced the possibility of having residential uses further off
the highway location and to move commercial use elsewhere. Applicant
suggested that the Village is the hub of commercial and residential and
Minutes o/ P&Z Meeting
June 3, 2003
Page 2
local commercial may be best served. Applicant prefers that RMF1 remain
single family residential. Tract M's access issue will first be resolved via
forest service access however Commissioner Karow voiced the possibility
that the school is developed with road access but the developer is not
required to developed the infrastructure to get there. Shane Bohart stated
that the forest service doesn't give access easements but wants a land
exchange. Commissioner Didier questioned the percentage of usable
space with Mr. Bohart commenting that only 15% is usable. Mr. Bohart
further mentioned that the development of the park as an amenity and
attraction for the single family RMF -4. Staff presented the broad definitions
of park and open space by reading the following into record. Tract N is
considered the real park asset. "Community park allowed uses are
equestrian, pedestrian, bicycle path, landscape improvement, indoor and
outdoor recreation facilities, lakes, ponds, reservoirs and irrigation ditches,
parks, picnic facilities, and temporary entertainment for special events,
public or private roads and utilities including but not limited to utility
improvements, lines and mains, facilities, services and buildings". It is very
broad in terms of what it could be use for. Mr. Losa stated that portions of
the park were originally dedicated to fire protection. Shane Bohart
1 mentioned that they are creating Swift Gulch with a 10 -foot bike path to go
under the road to RMF -1 and will come around, over bridge, for kids and
bikers not to cross roads for their safety.
Commissioner Didier comments on the 48 -foot height restriction, as he
believed that there was a 35 -foot height restriction. Staff commented that
there are two standards with commercial use having the higher height
VIII. Other Business
Minor Project Approvals:
A. Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2643 Beartrap Road
Landscaping and Retaining Wall work
Applicant: Patty McKenny
B. Lot 47A, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
2420 Saddleridge Loop
Deletion of bellyband from final design approval
Applicant: Tom Marcin
Minutes of P&Z Meeting
June 3, 2003
Page 3
XI. Adjourn
Commissioner Trueblood made a motion to adjourn, with Commissioner
Karow seconding. The motion is approved unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Chairman /]
Terry Smith.
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Minutes of P&Z Meeting
June 3, 2003
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