PZC Minutes 01-21-2003 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission January 21, 2003 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm. II. Roll Call All current Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Commissioners Mc Clinton, Didier and Smith visited the site which is the subject of the Special Review Use Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, during their Noon Site Tour. Staff recommends moving Items A, under Final Design Plan, and Items 1 and 2, under Other Business Sign Permits, to Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. V. Consent Agenda Chairman Evans motioned that the Meeting Minutes from the January 7, 2003 Planning & Zoning Commission be approved; Final Design Plan approval for Lot 47B, Block 1, Wildridge; Sign Permit approvals for Lot 21, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek and Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision be approved. Commissioner Karow motions for approval and Commissioner Him seconds the motion. The motion passes unanimously. Commissioner Macik was not present at the last Planning and Zoning Meeting and abstained his vote. VI. Final Design Plan Lot 47B, Block 1, Wildridge 2424 Saddleridge Loop Single Family Residence Owner: Michael Dantas Applicant: Kate O'Connor— moved to consent agenda Moved to Consent Agenda. VII. Special Review Use (PUBLIC HEARING) A. Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 281 Metcalf Road, Unit 211, Mountain Center Resolution 03-03 Indoor Skate Park Applicant: Valerie Stanton Staff made a brief presentation of the file. Meeting was opened for public comment. One member of the public came to the podium with comments of the Skate Park's positive recreational use. Seeing as there was no public comment, the public hearing portion of the meeting was closed.. The Skate Park came to Staffs attention by an inquiry and Code Enforcement reviewed the situation. Staff was concerned with its compliance with codes of Land Use Approval and Fire Safety Codes as the skate ramp was constructed and in use. Commissioner Didier questioned the use of the parking space and its availability. Applicant responded that the park is used in the evening and the adjacent business are daytime parking users. Chairman Evans commented that Special Review Use focused on concerns of life safety issues, impact on parking and on neighboring properties. This application meets the three criteria for Special Review Use; 1- use does comply with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code, 2- the proposed use is in conformance with the Town's Comprehensive Plan; and 3- proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Commissioner Karow moves to approve Resolution 03-03 granting a Special Use Permit to operate an indoor skate park in Unit 211, Lot 18119, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, 281 Metcalf Road (Metcalf Commercial Park), with conditions 1- 4 as stated in the Staff Report dated January 15, 2003. Commissioner Didier seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. VII. Other Business A. Sign Permits 1. Lot 21, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 182 Avon Road "Earth Wireless" Applicant: Earth Wireless Moved to Consent Agenda. 2. Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard "Narayan's Thai" Applicant: Narayan's Thai Moved to Consent Agenda. Minutes of P&Z Meeting January 21, 2003 Page 2 B. Design Workshop Presentation on Convey. Collect, and Connect: Transportation Alternatives in the Colorado Rockies Pedro Campos, Design Workshop Students and interns given an assignment to focus on the 1-70 corridor to provide alternative transportation. Students identified communities as tourist, residential or year round. They were to find locations to place stations for a monorail. They selected the Confluence site as an optimum location for a station. Station to include housing and an ice rink and significant parking. Paper to be presented in the United Kingdom. C. Lot C — Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision 0160 Beaver Creek Blvd. Final Design Modifications Applicant: OZ Architects Applicant has submitted modifications to the Time Share Building, Lot C. Staff recommends approval, from a letter to Staff dated January 15, 2003, of Items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 and will return Item 5 regarding louvers to the architect to have them more compatible with the building. No motion required on the above issue. Larry Kilstrup has filed an appeal on the denial of his Sign Application Variance. Community Development Committee has presented to the Town Council and Town Council has endorsed the Town Center Plan as it relates to implementation of the Town Center Plan and Lot 61. IX. Adjourn Commissioner Pat Him made a motion to adjourn, with Commissioner Greg Macik seconding. The motion is approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Andrew Karow. Q2,G Vice Chairman Michael McClinton Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meeting January 21, 2003 Page 3