PZC Minutes 091702Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission September 17, 2002 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Him. Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda No additions to the amendment, however, staff did make note that today at noon, the following Commissioners attended the color mockup review for Chapel Square (Item A: Under VI): Commissioner Smith, Macik, Wolfe, and McClinton. There was some discussion at our site tour regarding the color of the projected walls on Building C, the color of the cinder block protruding on top of the existing retail building, the cornice color as proposed, and the painting of all mechanical vents and stairwells along the back of the buildings. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda The Meeting Minutes from the September 3, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission were approved unanimously. Chairman Karow moved, Chairman Smith seconded. Motion carried 5 to 2, with Chairman Wolfe abstained from approval of the minutes. VI. Conditions of Final Design A. Chapel Square Modifications to Final Design Proposed colors Applicant: Timberline Management Staff made a brief presentation of the application. The applicant, Dominic Mauriello of Braun Associates and Greg Gastineau of Timberline Management, made a brief summary of the colors proposed and asked if there were any questions. Commissioner Wolfe asked for clarification of the fascia, soffit, and bands below the railing. The applicant said that those will be treated as the trim, remaining green. Clarification for Building A and C. Those areas that protrude will be light brown. On the retail building, the block courses will be light tan. The applicant confirmed this for the Commission. Commissioner Wolfe asked about the green cornice, and said that it would not compliment the proposed new colors. Commissioner Macik, Smith, and McClinton agreed with Commissioner Wolfe's comments. Commissioner McClinton asked for clarification about the recessed areas around the windows. Dominic Mauriello asked about the questions, and pointed out that the lightness of the cornice if left as is will disappear. The applicant prefers the green cornice. Also, Dominic said that they would not want to paint any of the freestanding units but will paint the vents attached to the building. Railings and doorways would remain green, anything affixed to building would be painted brown to match the new base color. e;, Elevated equipment that is attached to the building, such as that behind Masato's and Outback should be painted brown. Greg Gastineau said that the costs were prohibitive to paint to match the base brown on the mechanical equipment. Commissioner Wolfe moved that the painting and color scheme for Chapel Square is approved per the September 17, 2002 letter from Dominic Mauriello with the following clarifications: 1/ Fascias, soffits, and railings will be green. 2/ Areas referred to as recessed shall be the projected areas. 3/ On the back of the buildings, railings may remain green, but any mechanical equipment mounted or attached to the building be repainted brown to match the base. 4/Cornices will remain as they are and not repainted to match light tan. This includes Wal-Mart. Commissioner Smith seconds. Vote passes, with Commissioners Evans and Karow abstaining. B. Lot C, Phase 1 B, Block 2, ACBC Subdivision Final Design Details Staff made a brief presentation of the details submitted for approval. The Commissioners deliberated on the proposed details, saying that the metal is out of place on the building with the wood. Commissioner Macik likes the metal. Commissioner Karow said the detail meets all criteria for approval. Commissioner Wolfe did not feel that the detail was consistent with the building, saying that it did not appear to correlate to anything on the building. Commissioner Evans said the detail meets the criteria, but that the detail was not sufficient. Commissioner Karow moves to approve. Commissioner Macik seconds. The motion fails, 4 to 2 with Commissioner Smith, McClinton, Evans, and Wolfe voting against. Commissioner Wolfe made a motion to reject detail SKA-123, on the basis that the design shown is inconsistent with the rest of the building details. Commissioner McClinton seconds. The motion carries 4 to 2, with Commissioner Karow, and Macik voting against the motion. VII. Sketch Design Plans A. Lot 10B, Block 2 Wildridge Single Family Home Applicant: Mike Dantas The applicant was not present. The Commission recommended breaking up the elevations with a bellyband. Commissioner Wolfe said that several elevations would benefit from materials, particularly the west and north elevations. Commissioner Karow is fine with the approval as recommended. Commissioner Macik said that the dormers were a little out of scale and supports breaking up the elevations. Commissioner Smith agrees with staff comments and would like the height issue clarified. Commissioner McClinton agreed. Chairman Evans agreed with the recommendations and the Commissioner comments, and asked that the landscaping plan be revised since it is inadequate as proposed. Commissioner Karow moved to approve with staff conditions. Commissioner Macik seconded. The motion ties 3 to 3, with Commissioners Karow, Macik, and McClinton voting for and Commissioners Smith, Evans, and Wolfe voting against. The motion dies. Commissioner Smith made another motion for approval including all of staff recommended motions and adding: Minutes of PBZ Meeting September 17, 2002 Page 2 I/ Building height be clarified; and 2/ The elevations be broken up on north and west elevations. The motion passes 4 to 2, with Commissioners Evans and McClinton opposed. B. Lot 52, Block 1, Wildridge Duplex Residence Applicant: Scharpf Construction Staff made a brief presentation. The applicant, Tony Scharpf, asked if there were any questions. Commissioner McClinton asked if the band running across the South and East elevations was stucco and the applicant agreed. Commissioner Smith, Macik, Karow, and Wolfe agreed with the staff recommendation. Commissioner Evans agreed. Commissioner Karow moved to approve the plans with conditions as recommended. Commissioner Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. VIII. Other Business A. Lot 49, Block 4, Wildridge Deck & Room Addition B. Lot 37, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Nawojazyk Duplex Modified entry foyer, driveway widening C. Revocation of Compliance Deposit in Design Guidelines Ruth Borne explained that the Compliance Deposit is to be officially removed at the next Council meeting. Commissioner Wolfe asked about the rationale behind the removal of the deposit, and reminded the Commission that Council said that they would enhance Community Development's ability to enforce issues. Chairman Evans encouraged the Commissioners to attend the Council meeting with their thoughts on the matter. IX. ADJOURN Commissioner Smith made a motion to adjourn and the motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Tambi Katieb, AICP Acting Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Michael McClinton Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meeting September 17, 2002 Page 3