PZC Minutes 090302Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission September 3, 2002 6:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road AGENDA I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. II. Roll Call All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Wolfe. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. V. Consent Agenda The Meeting Minutes from the August 20, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission were approved unanimously. Chairman Evans made a motion to move the following three Final Design projects to the consent agenda: 1. Lot 47A, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 2. Lot 47C, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 3. Lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Commissioner Karow motioned for approval of the consent agenda, Commissioner Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Beth Christiansen, a member of the public spoke on behalf of Linda Ouring, the property owner of Lot 35, Block 1, Wildridge, which is directly behind project 47A and 47C, Block 1, Wildridge. Beth noted that Linda has been unable to sleep and eat since the project has begun. She feels she should have been contacted personally before work started in her back yard. She also expressed concerns with the deer that habitually migrate through the yard. She is upset that there is development on this lot, for had she know this, she would have purchased the land many years ago. Linda came up to speak as well commenting that she has been deeply disturbed spiritually and can hardly stand to be in her house now Cr that all of this development is taking place. Commissioner Evans thanked Beth and Linda for their comments and agreed that people should be better informed. He noted that maybe it would be a good idea to post notices on adjacent properties prior to building in addition to posting the sign on the lot and sending letters certified mail. VI. Final Design A. Lot 47A, Block 1 Wildridge Single Family Home Applicant: Tom Marcin [Tab 2] Moved to Consent Agenda. B. Lot 47C, Block 1 Wildridge Single Family Home Applicant: Mike Dantas [Tab 3] Moved to Consent Agenda. C. Lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge Single Family Home Applicant: Andrew Abraham [fab 4] Moved to Consent Agenda VII. Conditions of Final Design -Approval Chapel Square PUD Modifications to Final Design Proposed colors and Wal -mart fagade Applicant: Timberline Management [Tab 5] Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development gave a brief presentation on the file and noted that the fagade and the paint could be treated as two separate applications and the commission had the right to make two separate motions. It was noted that Commissioner Macik could not vote on the colors because he was not at the 5:30pm work session. Tom Braun of Braun Associates gave brief presentation showing some colors of green and beige that were painted on the backside of Wal-Mart. Commissioner Karow noted he is fine with the color selection. Commissioner Him feels the colors are too light and wants to make the lightest color darker with a more beige tint. He wants to get more a theme of colors to blend from the roof down to the green colored base. Commissioner Smith agreed that the colors were too light and would prefer to see a color similar to the Starbucks building. Commissioner McClinton would also like to see something more visual. Chairman Evans feels the color choices are down to one color. Commissioner Him would like to get a poster board with selections of base colors to be posted on Chapel Square to decide on the color. Commissioner Macik commented that the colors didn't really look good once they were painted on the building. He wants the colors to be as neutral as possible trying to adjust the lower and upper colors so they are not so shocking. Chairman Evans doesn't want to hold anyone up; he noted that everyone would be comfortable with a color choice if they see it first painted on some portion of the building. Commissioner Smith made a motion to decide at the next meeting Commissioner Karow seconds. Mr. Braun addressed the Commission and asked if they posted colors before the up coming Council meeting, would P&Z be willing to provide feed back. Chairman Evans noted that the Commission would be willing to provide feedback to any new colors that were painted on the building. The applicant will be responsible for notifying staff, which in turn will contact P&Z to review the colors. Commissioner Smith made a motion to table the color selection until the P&Z meeting on September 17, 2002. Commissioner McClinton seconded the motion. The motion to table until the next meeting passed unanimously. Commissioner Macik abstaining from the vote, because he was not present for the on site mock-up. The next issue was the fagade improvements to Wal-Mart. Commissioner McClinton noted that there should have been fines levied against the applicant but they were willing to waive those in an effort to help support the project. However he would like to seethe complete arcade for the facade improvements. He is in favor of an arcade that ties into building A from Wal-Mart. Commissioner Smith agreed as well. Commissioner Him requested that the archways be included in the fagade improvements and Commissioner Macik agreed that the original submittal showing the arcade should be the one that is constructed. Commissioner Karow asked staff if P&Z denies the applications, could Council overrule? Chairman Evans points out we have to operate within the guidelines and zoning code. Ms. Borne responded by saying the applicant can appeal to Council. Commissioner Karow doesn't feel comfortable with this action. Chairman Evans agrees. Commissioner Karow again asked staff if the applicant could appeal an approval, Ms. Borne said it is possible. Ms. Borne noted that the Town is very concerned about the appearance should the building become vacant. Chairman Evans agreed and said it is in the best interest and anticipate the worst in order to protect the future of the building. Chairman Evans says the next step is to find a front facade that works and matches Chapel Square. Commisioner Smith motioned to approve a facade improvement with arches and stone columns that connect with Building A. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed. Commissioner McClinton denied the motion. y6r VIII. Staff Approvals A. Minor Project Approvals: a. Landscaping Improvements Lot 17, Block 2, Wildridge Stonebriar Townhomes Ruth Borne gave a brief presentation noting the applicant was proposing to build a berm in response to the new duplex being built adjacent to his property. Staff recommends approval of this project. b. Propose Garage Extension Lot 42B, Block 2, Wildridge Garage Extension (Denied) Ruth Borne gave a brief presentation noting that the applicant would like to extend their garage. The current property has a variance to be within the 25 -foot setback. Chairman Evans supported the decision. IX. Other Business Commissioner Smith noted she has not received a paycheck from one of her meetings. Ms. Borne noted she would address the issue with finance and report back to P&Z. Commissioner Smith also commented that Lots 47A and C, Block 1, WR began working before 7:OOam on Saturday, August 31, 2002. IX. Adjourn Commissioner Karaw motioned to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McClinton and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm. Respectfully Submitted, Wally Sheata, Planning Technician Chris Evans Chairman Mike McClinton Secretary