PZC Minutes 061802Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
June 18, 2002
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Karow.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
The Sketch Plan submittals for Lot C; Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Lot 10C, Block 2,
Wildridge, and Lot 42C, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision were moved to the Consent
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
The Meeting Minutes from the June 4, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission, the Sketch Plan
applications for Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek (office), Lot 10C, Block 2, Wildridge and lot
42C Block 4 Wildridge (item VII) were approved unanimously. Commissioner Wolfe motioned
for approval of the consent agenda, Commissioner Smith seconded. The motion passed
VI. Sketch/Final Designs Plan
A. Lots C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek
160 Beaver Creek Boulevard West
Sheraton Mountain Vista Phase 1 B - Office
Applicant: OZ Architect
Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development made the Staff presentation. Staff is
recommending approval with several conditions as stated in the staff report with the additions:
#8 " ... of a building permit, which shall include access to pedestrian path of sidewalk on
Benchmark Road side, and adding #8: Grading onto Lot B must be approved prior to the
issuance of the building permit."
The applicant declined to make a presentation. Commissioner Wolfe asked about mechanical
equipment on the roof. The architect confirmed that no mechanical equipment shall pass the
height of the ridgeline. Commissioner Wolfe agrees with staff recommendations, but requires
more detail for the underside of the canopy and the comers as well as the sizing of the columns
and cables. All Commissioners agreed with Commissioner Wolfe's comments, as did the
applicant. Commissioner Evans also added that materials should not change as they turn the
Commissioner Wolfe moved for approval with conditions: #1-5, including #6 and #8 as stated by
Ms. Borne, and adding #9: Details of beaming, support, and underside of canopy, corner
pilasters, materials, and columns all be presented back to the Commission for further review
and approval. Commissioner Macik seconded. Commissioner Evans added condition #10: "No
changes of material at exterior corners". This amendment was accepted by Commissioners
Wolfe and Macik. The motion carried unanimously.
B. Lot 10C, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2861 O'Neal Spur
Single Family Home
Applicant: Mike Dantas
Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, made the Staff presentation. Staff is recommending
approval, adding condition #6: The applicant will revise the color board and resubmit them for
staff approval prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Commissioner Macik asked about orientation of the building and why it is across the contours.
Dave Dantas explained that it was oriented because of the views to BC. Commissioners had no
problems or questions.
Commissioner Wolfe motioned for approval with the conditions in the staff report and adding
staff recommended condition #6. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion
carried unanimously.
VII. Sketch Designs
C. Lot 42C, Block 4, Wildridge
5113 Longsun Lane
Duplex Home
Applicant: Charlie Acevedo, JMP Architects
Moved to Consent Agenda.
XIII. Other Business
A. Minor Projects
1. Lot 3, Sun Road Subdivision
0011 Beaver Creek Boulevard West
ATM Renovation
Applicant: Davis Partnership for First Bank
Minutes o1 P&Z Meeting
June 18, 2002
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2. Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
2311 Old Trail Road
Lighting of Property Sign
Applicant: Robert Herbst for Orchard Townhomes
Homeowners Association
Mr. Katieb and Mr. Johnson summarized the minor project approvals. The Commissioners
asked about the storage at Cottonwood, and what this is used for. Staff explained that it is
being used solely for the Barrancas project. Staff also explained that as the Town is building
out, we should expect to see more of these types of storage areas. The Commission also
asked about the Timeshare sign, and why the Town Attorney did not back up the Commission
recommendation that their approval was based on the belief that the sign was to be white neon.
They expressed their disappointment with the outcome.
Commissioner Wolfe made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Macik seconded the motion.
The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tambi Katieb, AICP
Acting Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Michael McClinton
Minutes of P&Z Meeting
June 18, 2002
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