PZC Minutes 052102 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
May 21, 2002
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order to 6:01 PM.
H. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present except for Commissioner McClinton.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Chairman Evans makes an amendment to Section XIII, stating that all PUD
Amendments will be public hearings. Tambi Katieb, Planner II, read the Worksession
minutes into the record, specifically about the discussion between the Commission
members and Mike and Dave Dantas regarding limiting the size of the dwelling units as
part of the PUD.
IV. Conflicts of Interest — Macik has a conflict with Lot 67168
Commissioner Macik has a conflict with the final design of Lot 67168, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek (item VII A).
V. Consent Agenda
Approval of the May 7, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Wolfe motions to approve the consent agenda. Commission Karow
seconds, and the motion carries unanimously.
VI. Sketch Plan
A. Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek
130 Beaver Creek Boulevard West
Office Building
Applicant: Oz Architecture
Ruth Borne, Community Development Director, made the staff presentation. Ms. Borne
reviewed the staff recommendations, including the proposed conditions along with the
items that are lacking on the submittal, i.e., north elevations architectural does not
continue as the other elevations, details for trash removal and storage must be provided
and all plans and details must match from sheet to sheet.
Joe Levi, OZ Architecture made a brief presentation and covered the items that were
lacking on the submittal including revisions made after the submittal. Ms. Borne, states
that Staff has not been given this information and therefore the Commission needs to
act solely on the sketch packet that was given to them.
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Chairman Evans has questions on the mechanical equipment as to the screening and
visibility. Mr. Levi states that the mechanical equipment will be on the roof and
screened, the slope in such a way that it will not be visible.
Commissioner Sipes is concerned with the flat roof style and feels that since this is only
a three story building that it should not be flat. He also touches on the four points of the
design review criteria, that all three buildings should be different and it is in the best
interest of the town to have as much different architecture as possible to keep from
massing problems, stating that the mall plan supports different styles. Since this is an
office building, this should not be designed like the rest of the project and should comply
with the Town Center Plan.
Commissioner Smith is not comfortable with the canyon affect as it is not consistent with
what was done in the past. She is also concerned with the flat roof.
Commissioner Macik agrees with the staff recommendations and has no problems with
the flat roof. Commissioner Karow agrees that this sketch plan meets the town criteria
and agrees with the staff recommendations, he feels that this building should be
designed like the rest of the project. Commissioner Wolfe has no problem with the
design or looks of the building, and feels that since this is so close to the other buildings
that it should look similar.
Chairman Evans states that his comments are hand in hand with Commissioner Wolfe,
the flat roof being in the center of the downtown core does not comply with the
commercial design guidelines. Also the information that Mr. Levi has presented does
not match the sketch packet that was submitted, therefore he is not in the position to
Commissioner Wolfe motions to table the application until the next meeting so that the
applicant can deal with the flat roof and comply with the commercial guidelines as well
as giving staff time to review what has been presented. Commissioner Smith seconds
the motion and it carries 5 to 1 with Commissioner Macik dissenting.
Tab Bonidy, Tab & Associates makes a public comment as to the practicality of sloped
roof on commercial buildings, the mechanical code requires that equipment be
accessible for maintenance and this is almost impossible with the pitched roofs.
VII. Final Design
A. Lots 67 & 68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Nottingham Road
Office/Retail Space
Applicant: Tab & Associates
Commissioner Macik leaves the room for this presentation due to conflict of interest.
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Mr. Katieb made the Staff presentation noting that during the work session there was
discussion on the building height and that there were color boards and materials to
hand out, and that staff is recommending approval on this project.
Tab Bonidy, Tab & Associates, made a presentation. Mr. Bondiy described how and
where the height of the building should be measured. Mr. Katieb, approaches the
Commission along with Mr. Bondiy with the project model to clarify how and where the
height of this building is measured. Commissioner Sipes then asks staff if it is true then
that the parapet is still 3'/z to 4 feet over in height. Mr. Katieb, answers yes, only on the
Commissioner Wolfe, states that he is very much in favor of this building, the only thing
he is concerned about is the mechanical equipment on the roof. He is in favor of
approving this project as long as there is a condition about the amount and size of
future mechanical equipment on the roof.
Commissioner Karow, agrees that this complies with the design review guidelines and
has questions about the snow removal. Mr. Katieb, responds that the Town Code has
requirements as to the off site snow storage.
Commissioner Smith agrees with the design of the building and has no issues.
Commissioner Sipes motions to approve the final design with staff recommendations,
with the finding that the triangular parapet directly above the main entry is an
architectural feature/projection therefore allowed to exceed the height limitation by four
feet. It is an architectural projection because it is a minor feature to the roof. Also, all
future mechanical equipment that exceeds 3' x 3' in size or is taller than the perimeter
flat parapet must be reviewed by staff prior to installation and must be painted to match
the roof. Commissioner Karow, seconds the motion and it carries unanimously.
Chairman Evans, addresses applicants, staff and audience members as to the
guidelines for the next three items on the agenda. Each of these will be reviewed one
at a time and will be open for public comment.
III. PUD Amendments
Lots 42 & 43, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
5101 & 5113 Longsun Lane
Four-plex zoning to duplex zoning
Applicant: ASE, Inc.
Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, made the Staff presentation. The application is
taking two four plex lots and creating three duplex lots, removing two existing
development rights. Mr. Johnson adds that there have been 3 letters received by the
Town which have been distributed to the Commission. Staff is recommending approval
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John Perkins, JMP Architects, representing the owner ASE, Inc. makes a presentation.
He addresses the average size of these units, stated that at this time they are looking at
2,300 to 2,600 square feet.
Chairman Evans opens the meeting to public comment, there is none.
Commissioner Wolfe asks for clarification regarding the definition of 3,000 gross square
feet. He feels as though the maximum square feet needs to be established through the
PUD. Other than that he states that the application meets the
PUD criteria. Charlie Acevedo, JMP Architects, responds to the gross square foot
question, that it does not include the garage area. Commissioners Macik, Karow and
Smith agree with the other Commissioners regarding the square feet issue.
Commissioner Sipes, is concerned with the down sizing of the development rights and
is concemed that the Planning and Zoning Commission is not the governing body to
make this decision. He also points out that there will now be 3 buildings instead of 2.
Therefore he is a little uncomfortable about approving or disapproving without some
guidance from Council, he would like to table all three of these PUDS until they can
meet with Council for some direction.
Commissioner Macik would like to specify the square feet per dwelling in order to
maintain the massing of the buildings.
Chairman Evans states that his comments are the same and the Commission can
address the issue of size at the Sketch Plan submittal. The application is consistent
with the neighborhood's character and design compatibility with the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties. He would like the consistency
reflected in the findings.
Commissioner Karow moves to approve Resolution 02-04 with the staff
recommendations along with an additional finding of, the scale, bulk, building height,
buffer zone, character be found consistent with the neighborhood's character and
design compatibility. Commissioner Macik seconds the motion and it carries
B. Lots 10 & 11, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2877 & 2861 O'Neal Spur
Duplex zoning to single family zoning
Applicant: Michael Dantas [Tab 5]
Mr. Katieb makes staff presentation. This application creates three single-family lots,
removing one existing development right and changing the designation from duplex to
single family. Staff is recommending approval.
Chairman Evans, asks about the number of road cuts, is concerned that there will be
two road cuts.
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Dave Dantas, Dantas Builders, responds to the road cuts and assures the Commission
that there will be two instead of three.
Chairman Evans, opens the meeting for public comment.
Angelo Coria, neighboring resident, is concerned about the size/height of the buildings.
Mr. Dantas states that what they are proposing is that one dwelling is set higher and the
other two are lower with the longer driveway, this will hopefully preserve the views of the
neighboring lots. Commissioner Sipes addresses the resident; that there are no rights
as to the protection of the view corridor and also states that while the plan looks good it
seems to be reflecting a great deal of site disturbance. However, he realizes that this is
a very preliminary plan.
Chairman Evans, closes the public hearing.
Commissioner Macik has no problems with the change of the PUD or the project.
Commissioner Karow, agrees with staff recommendations and has no conflict with the
change. Commissioner Wolfe agrees with staff recommendations. Commissioner
Smith agrees with staff recommendations. Commissioner Sipes has nothing to add.
Chairman Evans has nothing add, however he does state that the Commission will be
asking Council for some feedback in revising PUDs based upon a reduction in density.
Commissioner Karow motions to approve Resolution 02-06 as presented, the motion is
seconded by Commissioner Wolfe and carries unanimously.
C. Lots 47 & 48, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
2420 & 2430 Saddle Ridge Loop
Duplex zoning to single family zoning
Applicant: Michael Dantas & Tom Marcin
Mr. Katieb makes the staff presentation that the application is creating three single-
family lots and removing one existing development right and changing the designation
from duplex to single family. Staff is recommending approval.
Chairman Evans opens the public hearing.
Arther Myers, lives across the street and he feels that the three single family homes
would be much better suited for this site since the site is so steep to begin with.
Commissioner Sipes states that once again the preliminary plans seems to show a
great deal of grading and site disturbance. Chairman Evans states the possibility to
contact the neighbors to check into creating an access easement across Lot 46 so that
all the residents could use the driveway to minimize the curbs cuts and it could be very
cost effective.
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Jason Bamuer, resident, talks about the driveway being common and is willing to speak
with the developers regarding the possible easement.
Commission Wolfe states that staff has done a wonderful job and with the findings and
recommends approval of the application with the recommendation that the developers
contact the neighbors about the possibility of an access easement.
Commission Karow, motions to approve Resolution 02-07 with the recommendation that
the developer explore an access easement across Lot 46. Commissioner Sipes
seconds the motion and it carries unanimously.
X. Other Business
A. Minor Projects — Staff Approvals
1. Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2643 Beartrap Road — Unit A
Deck Addition & Parking Spot
Applicant: Casey Frehe
2. Lot 3, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
3000 Wildridge Road — Suncrest Condominiums
Exterior Remodel & Maintenance
Applicant: Tim McCabe
B. Sign Permits
1. Lot 24, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
0150 East Beaver Creek Blvd
"Lovely Nails"
Applicant: Young Electric Sign Company
C. Village at Avon Update
Commissioner Wolfe gives a brief update on the Village at Avon.
Ms. Borne comments about the Annexation update for Mr. Bowen and the other
properties in McGrady Acres.
X. Adjourn (7:15pm)
Commissioner Macik makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Sipes
seconds the motion and it carries unanimously at 8:00 pm.
Darcy D. Tennant
Recording Secretary
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Chris Evans
Mike McClinton
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