PZC Minutes 050702 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
May 7, 2002
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. All Commissioners were present except
for Commissioner Macik.
II. Roll Call
A. Swearing In of New Planning & Zoning Commission by Patty McKenney,
Avon Town Clerk. All commissioners were present and sworn in except
for Commissioner Macik, who will have to be sworn in separately.
B. Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary
Election. Commissioner Evans started the discussion and asked for
nominations for the three positions.
Commissioner Karow made a motion to elect Commissioner Evans as the
Chairman. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wolfe. The
motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Wolfe then made a motion to elect Commissioner Karow as
Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McClinton.
The motion carried unanimously.
A third motion to elect Commissioner Sipes as Secretary was made by
Commissioner Evans. Commissioner Karow Seconded. The motion
carried unanimously.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Tambi Katieb, Planner II, read the actions of the Commission from the early site tour,
lunch meeting and the work session into the minutes. The Commission discussed the
dog daycare and asked questions during lunch and visited the site.. The Commission
had several questions on the denial for the carwash and the wording of the draft
minutes. They also had several questions on Barrancas final design, visited the
mockup on site with the applicant present, and subsequently reviewed the mockup
again at Town Hall at work session. The Commission also discussion moving Lot 16,
Block 2, WR (Item VII C) to the consent agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Chairman Evans has a conflict with final design Lot 30, Block 1, BMBC (Item VII A).
V. Consent Agenda
Approval of the April 19, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Item C
(Lot 16, Block 2, WR Final Design) of Section VII moved to consent agenda. Also, Item
VI (Conditions of Final Design, Lots 38, 40, 41, Block 1, BMBC, Barrancas) moved to
consent after review at work session and approval of all colors as presented, specifically
as submitted:
Metal Siding: Classic Green from Metal Sales Co. (inc. fastening screws for
siding to be painted).
Windows: White vinyl frame.
Stucco Color for Main body and Garage Doors: Porter Paints Brush Green
Stucco Color for accent (chimney): Porter Paints Raffia Gold #6862-2.
Metal Color (Stairs, brackets, and steel beams): Sherwin Williams BBQ Brown
Stair Treads and Sun Shades: Galvanized Metal.
Commissioner Wolfe moves to approve consent. Commissioner Sipes seconds. Motion
carries unanimously.
VI. Conditions of Final Design (Moved to consent)
Lots 38, 40 & 41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
491 & 511 Metcalf Road
Barrancas Site Mock Up
Applicant: Tanavon Corporation/Ray Neilson
VII. Final Design
A. Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (6:15pm-6:25pm)
710 Nottingham Road
Avon Car Wash and Employee Housing
Applicant: JMP Architects
Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, made the staff presentation. Commissioner Karow
was acting Chairman, as Commissioner Evans stepped down because of his conflict of
interest. Mr. Johnson discussed the previous denial and the reasons stated by the
Commission for that denial. The Commission had no questions of Mr. Johnson.
Charlie Acevedo, JMP Architects, made a brief presentation regarding the project. He
discussed how the plans were revised to reflect several of concerns of the Commission
that resulted in the previous action of denial. He also discussed the colors, and how the
blue was toned down but still employed as a highlight next to the corten steel. The
Commission asked about the new canopy element. Mr. Acevdo said the building was
intended to be very contemporary by design. The Commission asked about the new
reddish -brown color, and Mr. Acevdo explained that it was very similar to the
neighborhood colors in use. r%
f,S Minutes of P&Z Meeting
May 7, 2002
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Commissioner Wolfe said that the applicant has addressed the concerns adequately
and hopes to approve the project this evening. Commissioner Sipes agreed with
Commissioner Wolfe, however, he still has some problems with the use but it does meet
the guidelines. Commissioner Smith agrees that the changes made a big difference
and believes the project conforms to the guidelines. Commissioner McClinton agrees
with all comments. Commissioner Karow asked staff about the condition regarding
deed restrictions, and how it came about. Commissioner Karow asked for a motion on
the project. Commissioner Wolfe moved for approval with all conditions as presented
by staff. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McClinton. Commissioners
Smith, Wolfe, and McClinton voted for approval, with Commissioners Sipes and Karow
voting against. Motion passes 3-2.
B. Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek (6:25pm-6:45pm)
160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Sheraton Mountain Vista Phase 113
Applicant: OZ Architecture
Ruth Borne, Community Development Director, made the staff presentation. Ms. Borne
reviewed the staff recommendation, including the proposed conditions. The applicant
presented a number of drawings and the Commission looked over the drawings and
asked a few questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Wolfe asked staff about the concerns regarding the entryway. The
applicant said the colored elevations were correct, and the stone did not go all the way
to the top. It goes only to the wainscot and returns to stucco, just as on the current
buildings. Greg Barrows, representing the applicant, said he concurs with all staff
recommendations on the final design. He asked specifically about compliance with
condition number three, regarding the need to issue a building permit at the same time
for both the timeshare and commercial structure: Ms. Borne responded by saying that
this was a condition of the development agreement. Commissioner Sipes asked for a
clarification on the relationship of the stucco and wood detail. The applicant said that it
was on the same plane, only an inch and half off. Commissioner Evans clarified that
any changes made by the applicant must be brought back for approval. The applicant
said that they understood this and would bring any changes or areas that are still under
study back to the Commission. Alexander Sheyket from OZ Architecture reiterated that
he understood the comments and will bring any changes back to the Commission.
Chairman Evans asked for Commission deliberation. Commissioner Wolfe asked about
the temporary windows for connection to Phase 3. Commissioner Karow said the
application meets the design criteria. Commissioner Sipes thanked the applicant for
clarification and work on the project, and asked about the roll up garage door trim. The
applicant said that they could add trim to the front door also, since that represented the
main doorway to the project and should at least have the same treatment as the garage
door. Commissioner Sipes asked about the first color sheet, and requested that they
study the detail of Phase 1 b (North Elevation), specifically about the termination of the
mansard roof above the garage door. Commissioner Smith said she supports the
design as presented. Commissioner McClinton had no comments. Chairman Evans
asked the applicant to submit a few details as discussed for further review, and he also
asked about the Staff recommendation regarding the water feature and why it was not
included. Ms. Borne said it should be included in the list of conditions. Chairman Evans
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May 7, 2002
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said that he wanted a condition regarding the changing of materials. Commissioner
Karow recommends approval, adding Condition # 5 which is Condition #2 from the
sketch plan approval —"A total of 374 parking spaces are required in Phase 1 C as
outlined in the PUD approval. Any parking deficiency may result in the reduction of
timeshare units in Phase 1 C at design review" and adds Condition #6: There must not
be any change of materials on the exterior corners. Commissioner Sipes seconds the
motion, and recommends adding Condition #7: 'Trim be added around window
elements under arch element", and Condition #8: "The area on elevation Phase1 B
(North) represented on color drawing A5 immediately left of the garage entrance be
studied further and resubmitted as a detail for separate approval". Motion carries
C. Lot 16, Block 2, Wildridge (MOVED TO CONSENT)
2901 June Creek Road
Applicant: George Plavec
VIII. Special Use Review (PUBLIC HEARING)
A. Lot 26, Block 2, Wildridge (6:45pm-6:50pm)
2605 Beartrap Unit A
Pilates Studio
Applicant: Barbara Huttner
The Commission opened the public hearing on this application. Mr. Johnson made the
staff presentation. He explained that the neighbor called today and said that they were
fine with the application as long as it remained as operating. He reviewed all the
conditions and asked if there were any questions. Chairman Evans reviewed the
conditions and asked if they were exactly the same as prior, except for the extension of
one year to five years. Mr. Johnson said they were the same conditions.
The hearing was opened for public comments by the Chairman. No comments were
received. Public comment period was closed by Chairman Evans.
Commissioner Wolfe asked for clarification on the five-year and annual review. Mr.
Johnson clarified that the annual review would be done by staff only, and the file would
come back for renewal after five years.
Commissioner Karow made a motion to approve Resolution 02-02 with conditions as
proposed by staff. Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. Motion carried
B. Lots 18 & 19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (6:50pm-7:10pm)
281 Metcalf Road
Walkin The Dog/Doggie Day Care
Applicant: Marisa Cantrell
Mr. Katieb made the staff presentation. He briefly reviewed the proposed conditions,
and had handed out a letter of objection to the proposal from a current tenant of the
Chairman Evans asked why this is a special review use and not a use by right in this
type of zoning district. Mr. Katieb stated that the Zoning Administrator determined that
Minutes of PBZ Meeting
May 7, 2102
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this was a SRU in the IC zone district since it was not specifically called out as a use by
right. Chairman Evans asked what type of use this would be under zoning. Mr. Katieb
clarified that there is no specific category that currently exists for the use other than
what has been applied for and determined to fit within the general character of the zone
district. He explained that once the zoning administrator determined that this use could
be applied for in this zone district, it had to come in as a special review use.
Commissioner Wolfe stated he was concerned that noise may be an issue with the
dogs. Commissioner Sipes said in the IC district noise is expected to a different level
than in other zone districts, especially considering the uses by right.
The applicant, Marisa Cantrell, made a brief presentation. She stated that noise is not
usually an issue. She also described the interior and the preventive measures taken to
prevent any odors or noise from leaving the premises. She said that the noise
generated by an existing woodshop in the building would be far greater than the noise
she expects her business to generate.
Commissioner Wolfe asked if the customers need an appointment. Mrs. Cantrell stated
that there is an interview process and that there will be appointments necessary before
she will accept any dog. Commissioner Wolfe asked about spacing the arrivals. Mrs.
Cantrell stated that she will make times for arrivals and plans to stagger them, possibly
opening earlier so that people on their way to work can drop the dogs off at different
times. Commissioner Wolfe asked how are the animals delivered. Mrs. Cantrell states
that she is going to work on that and would potentially have her staff walk dogs in from
cars to make the drop off and pick up easier. She stated that she understand parking
cannot be an issue, and will ask her customers to comply with the limited parking
available on the site.
The hearing was opened for public comments by the Chairman. No comments were
received. Public comment period was closed by Chairman Evans.
Commissioner Sipes began deliberation saying that the application meets the criteria.
Commissioner Karow agrees. Commissioner Wolfe was concerned about the deliveries
of the dogs. It meets the requirements for SRU, however he is thinking about less than
a one-year review. Commissioner Sipes added that this is different than a residential
area special review use and causes him less concern.
Chairman Evans suggested that the staggered drop off language should not be added.
This meets the guidelines as proposed. Just don't affect the other tenant parking
Commissioner Karow made a motion to approve Resolution 02-03 with conditions 1-7
as proposed by staff, deleting condition number three. Commissioner Sipes seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
IX. Minor Projects (7:10pm-7:15pm)
A. Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
0063 Nottingham Road
Phillips "66" Lighting
Applicant: Bill Anderson/Phillips "66" Retail Construction Manager
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May 7, 2002
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Chairman Evans asked what happened to the Phillips 66 lighting violation. Mr. Katieb
described what happened, and discussed the approval of a new lighting program that
complies with the original program issued for Coastal Mart. He said the changes should
take place the week of May 201' and that the Phillips 66 representatives have been very
responsive to correcting the violation.
B. Lot 6, Block 2, Wildridge
2864 O'Neal Spur
Deck Addition
Applicant: The Reynolds Corporation
X. Other Business
A. Training for Commissioners - Tuesday, May 21, 2002, 3:00 p.m., Council
B. Lots 67/68 Block 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Elevation revisions
Mr. Katieb reminded the Commissioners that Andy Hill of DOLA will be conducting a
planning commission 'training workshop' from 3:00 to 5:00 on the 21St of May. All
Commissioners said they could be present, with the exception of Commissioner
Commissioner Karow asked what the changes were to the elevations for Petro Hut. Mr.
Katieb stated that the roof forms appear pitched, but is unsure what the pitch is. Also,
the pitched roofs are not considered architectural projections and are now a height
issue at least on the main roof. Commissioner Sipes stated that it appears that the roof
goes all of the way back.
Commissioner Evans said the height appears to be at 39 feet on the main roof with this
type of design. The form and massing is good, but the height is in violation.
Commissioner Karow, states that A3.1 is the only place with the height violation. Mr.
Katieb states that A3.2 also appears over height. Commissioner Sipes says that they
are on the right track, but need to get the height to comply with the zoning requirements.
Commissioner Karow asked about the neon signs at Chapel Square. Mr. Johnson
clarified the use of the signs and the sign program for Chapel Square.
XI. Adjourn (7:20)
Commissioner Sipes motioned to adjourn at 7:20pm. Commissioner Karow seconded
the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Tambi Katieb and Eric Johnson
Acting Recording Secretaries
Minutes of P&Z Meeting
May 7, 2002
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Chris Evans
Brian Sipes
Minutes of PBZ Meeting
May 7, 2002
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