PZC Minutes 031902 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission March 19, 2002 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Chairman Evans. 111. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Items V. B. Lot 18 Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision and V. C. Lot 27 Block 4 Wild ridge Subdivision were added to the consent agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Macik declared a conflict with Item V. D. Commissioner Klein abstained from the minute's approval. V. Consent Agenda The Meeting Minutes from the March 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission, Items V. B and C. were approved unanimously. Commissioner Klein abstained from approval of the minutes. VI. SKETCH PLANS A. Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 710 Nottingham Road Avon Car Wash and Employee Housing Applicant: JMP Architects Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, gave the staff presentation. Eric introduced the file as being the second time coming to the commission. The applicant has also submitted a model. Staff is recommending approval with conditions. The applicant, Charles Acevedo of JMP Architects, asked if the commission members had any questions. The applicant presented the model to the commission. Commissioner Sipes asked a question regarding the garage doors. Charles Acevedo said the colors on the model were an approximation of the color scheme. There is also a photo representation of the area on the wall for the Commission to review. The applicant said they intended to use true Cor -Ten steel on the metal elements. The applicant asked if there were any comments that they could use as direction for the colors and the materials for final design. John Perkins introduced himself, and said that they would have information on the materials and standing seam roof by final design. He also introduced the concept behind the roof forms and the use of materials. Staff reminded the Commission that the materials, colors, and landscaping information is not required until Final Design application. Commissioner Sipes said he is still concerned about the use of barrel vault roofs in the area. He also said that he was a bit concerned with the use of so many different materials and colors. He also stated that he was concerned about the parking and circulation, despite Norman Wood's, Town Engineer, sign off on the project. Commissioner Klein agreed with staff comments and added that landscaping was needed on the upper floor. Commissioner McClinton had no comments. Commissioner Macik did not like the blue band, and agreed with staff recommendation. Commissioner Wolfe is okay with the project forms, but has concerns with the colors, and parking and access but supports approval as recommended by Staff. Commissioner Karow does not support the proposal, and said that he was still concerned about the access and parking since the SRU approval. He was also concerned that if the carwash was not successful that the project would be difficult to convert to another type of retail use considering the parking limitations. Commissioner Wolfe made a motion to approve the Sketch Plan for the Carwash, Lot 30, Block 1, BMBC with all staff recommendations adding a condition that complete details of materials and terminations are submitted with Final Design. Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion was approved 4 to 2, with Commissioners Karow and Sipes opposing. B. Lot 18, Block 3, Wildridge 4208 Wildridge Road West Single Family Home Applicant: Sierra Construction This item was approved on consent agenda. C. Lot 27, Block 4, Wildridge 5531 Coyote Ridge Single Family Home Applicant: Sierra Construction/Herman Residence This item was approved on consent agenda. D. Lot 67/68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Nottingham Road Roberts Complex — Gas Station, Offices, Retail Applicant: TAB & Associates Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development, gave the staff presentation. The applicant received approval for the SRU on this project on December 18, 2001. At this time, we are Minutes of PBZ MeeOng Marchl9, 2002 Page 2 reviewing only elevations since we have not received comments from engineering on the site access and circulation. Commissioner Sipes asked about the height. As the applicant was not being present, the commission tabled the item until a later time in the meeting. The applicant arrived after the rest of the agenda was deliberated, and was asked by the Commission if they had a presentation. The applicant did not, but was able to answer any questions. Commissioner Wolfe said that he was not in favor of the pediment projection on the front of the building projecting past the height limitation. He asked the applicant to articulate the design more, especially since they were proposing a flat roof. Commissioner Sipes agreed with the concern on height, but said that building should follow the slope of the land and that this does except for the west elevation. He asked that the elevation be articulated further. The applicant'Tab Bonidy said that the direction for this project was created by the steep site, and that created the flat roof structure. He agreed that they needed to add verticality to the project, and thought that the element on the west elevation could project through the height. Commissioner Sipes said that he was only concerned with breaking the wall plane on the west side. He also stated that should this height penetration be approved, there is no precedent because the backside of the building is only one floor high and is a mitigating factor. Commissioner Klein said that the other building (Pizza Hut) would block most of the west elevation from view, and had no concerns. Commissioner McClinton had no comments. Commissioner Karow said the project meets all design review criteria. He also has no problem with the height penetration. Commissioner Klein made a motion to table, with Commissioner Sipes seconding. The motion passed unanimously. VII. OTHER BUSINESS A. MINOR PROJECT Lot 46, Blk 4, Wildridge 5135 Longsun Lane Unit B Fence Application Applicant: Prudential Gore Range Properties, David Nudell Eric Johnson gave the staff presentation. He described the fence being proposed and the staff recommendations. David Nudell, the applicant, gave a presentation on the project, and asked that the fence be allowed to return to the window along the south side of the building. He described the window use for the dog. The applicants are second home owners and want the convenience of the Minutes of P&Z MeeOng March19, 2002 Page 3 window use for the dog to roam freely, without them having to open the sliding door. Mr. Nudell asked to drop the requirement for landscaping. The Commission deliberated on the project. Commissioner Wolfe asked if the staff recommendation would allow the gate modification as proposed by the applicant. Staff would review a landscaping plan for approval. Commissioner Sipes made a motion to approve the fence application on Lot 46, Block 4, Wildridge with staff conditions and the modification to condition number 2 to allow for the addition of a gate to the 5 foot section of fence. Commissioner Macik seconded. Motion carried unanimously. B. SIGN DESIGN Lot 31, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 730 Nottingham Road "Thul Electronics" Applicant: Shaw Sign, Inc. Eric Johnson gave the staff presentation. Staffs recommendation is based on the last sign design application that the sign be similar to the other tenant signs. Mike Thule said that blue is consistent with the letterhead and all things his business uses. He said that they wanted to use blue, not necessarily the yellow. He is open to suggestions. The Commission deliberated over the sign colors and asked about the logo and if it was a registered trademark. Eric Johnson stated that the building did not have a sign program. Commissioner Wolfe made a motion to approve the sign application for Lot 31, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, as submitted without any conditions on the color but including the staff condition on applicant representation. Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VII. ADJOURN Commissioner Sipes made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Tambi Katieb Acting Recording Secretary Minutes of PdZ Meeting March19, 2002 Page 4 APPROVED: Andrew Karow Acting Chairman Paul Klein Secretary Lv--� 4V JX" IA4 Minutes of P&Z Meeting Marchl9, 2002 Page 5