PZC Minutes 030502 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission March 5, 2002 6:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road AGENDA I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Klein. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item number IX was added to the agenda, a modification to final design for Lot 21 Block 1 Wildridge. . IV. Conflicts of Interest None V. Consent Agenda The February 5,2002 and February 19, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, were approved unanimously with Chairman Evans and Commissioner Karow abstaining. VI. SPECIAL USE REVIEW - HOME OCCUPATION - DAYCARE Lot 45, Block`2, Wildridge 2520 Old Trail Road Unit B Applicant: Robert and Jennifer Mach Tambi Katieb, Planner II gave the staff presentation for the daycare. Commissioner Sipes asked about the dimensions of the fenced in area. Staff responded that the fenced in area was on the applicant's property. Chairman Evans asked about the future development mentioned on the site plan. Staff stated that there was another duplex to be built in the future on Lot 45. Chairman Evans opened public comment, and seeing no public comment, closed the public hearing. Commissioner Karow moved to approve Resolution 02-01 granting a Special Review Use Permit for Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision (Grandview PUD) to operate a daycare as described in the plans dated February 26, 2002 for a time period of one year, with the following conditions: 1. This approval is for a daycare at Unit B only. 2. Drop-off and pick-up of children is required to be staggered at 10 minute intervals, and client parking during this time may not block or otherwise interfere with the access to Unit A and the future duplex. 3. No more than six (6) infants and toddlers inclusive of applicants own children per day are allowed. 4. No employees shall be allowed to work on the property on a regular basis. 5. A State of Colorado license for infant and toddler day care is required. 6. A Town of Avon Business License is required. 7. Approval is valid for one year and renewal is subject to Planning and Zoning Commission review. 8. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. VII. FINAL DESIGN COMPLIANCE - BARRANCAS Lots 38, 40, and 41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 0491 and 0511 Metcalf Road Applicant: Tanavon/Fieldstone Development Tambi Katieb made staffs presentation, which included pictures from the mock up and a fly -by provided by the applicant. Andrew Royster, from Fieldstone, asked if there were any questions. Commissioner Wolfe summarized that the I Beam was too narrow and details of the finished treatments need to be clarified. The green color is too bright and needs to be toned down, in his opinion. Commissioners Karow and Macik had no comments. Commissioner Sipes stated that the green should be more sage like in appearance, muted not so vibrant, especially considering that the design is already very modem and untypical. Generally, the detailing on the comers needs to be specified such as the flying elements roofs over stairs etc. The trash enclosure should be made of pressure treated wood. Commissioner Sipes asked Chairman Evans how the connection would work with the stucco and metal. The depth of the mockup needs to be worked on. Commissioner McClinton stated that the colors are his biggest concerns. The colors are supposed to be more subdued. The connections between the comers of the galvalume must be clarified as well as the soffit underneath the corrugated on the front elevations. Chairman Evans agreed with the comments about the colors. They are too vibrant for the site and he expects them to be closer to the color elevations submitted at the final design hearing. The mockup was too simple, it must have more details. Rick Dominic, from Fieldstone, asked if details that were submitted are acceptable. Chairman Evans stated that he would prefer to see them on the building. Commissioner Sipes stated that the execution of the details is what is important. Minutes of PBZ Meeting March 5, 2002 Page 2 Commissioner Karow asked if this could be an approval like Lot C. Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development, stated that the mockup for Lot C was postponed and the details were approved after the building permit was issued. Mr. Dominick asked about galvalume and soffit details, would it be possible to be done during construction? Though this was not a public hearing, Chairman Evans asked if any members of the public present would like to comment on the proposed design and the mock up. Pat Hearn, resident of Wildridge, was concerned with the green metal and white windows. He doesn't like the colors. Mr. Dominic stated that the green and white relates to the spruce trees covered with snow, which are found in our local environment. Commissioner Sipes pointed out that the snow would be on sage not evergreens, which would correspond to the site's specific context. Chairman Evans stated that perhaps the Commission should go one by one down the list of items for a straw poll of approval. Commissioner Macik is abstaining from approving the details one by one. The Commission decided not to do the straw poll. Commissioner Wolfe has concerns with items K. The landscaping is not acceptable especially the tree sizes and the locations. Commissioners Karow and Macik have no comments. Commissioner Sipes still has concerns with the colors. Commissioner McClinton is concerned with the colors and comer connections. Chairman Evans states that the colors are not similar to the final design proposal and they should be. Additionally, details for the comers and soffits need to be provided. Mr. Dominic states that the colors may not be correctly perceived on such a small scale. The green is the standard color produced by the manufacturer. Chairman Evans replied that the colors are not being represented as proposed. Commissioner Sipes asked about the producers of other colors. Chairman Evans added that possibly one side of the building could be used as a mockup. Ruth Borne asked if the lighting fixture was acceptable? The Commission responded that it was closer to the requirements, but still not a full cut-off fixture as required by the guidelines. Chairman Evans made a motion to approve the submittal with the following exception that colors, comer and soffit details to be approved later. Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. All Commissioners except Commissioner Macik approved the motion. VIII. SIGN DESIGN Lots A, Avon Center at Beaver Creek 100 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant: Timeshares, Inc. Commissioner Sipes asked about the neon in the sign. Staff responded that there are other red signs and that the neon was inside of the letters. Commissioner Macik moved to approve the application with the following conditions: 1. The trim caps are changed from gold to black. 2. The letter faces must be white. Commissioner Wolfe seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Minutes of PBZ Meeting March 5, 2002 Page 3 IX. OTHER BUSINESS Minor Project Lot 21 Block 1 Wildridge 2165 Saddleridge Loop Applicant: Jim Aden, Homecrafters Modification to Final Design - change to one ridgeline. Ruth Borne gave the staff presentation and added that the applicant was fined for making changes without approval. Jim Aden, applicant, stated that he didn't know that he needed to submit revised plans, and that they needed this application because the party wall was built incorrectly. Chairman Evans asked what the pitch was now. Mr. Aden responded that it was still close to 6:12. Commissioner Sipes asked if the standard construction documents were given to the applicant prior to construction. Staff responded that they were. Pat Hearn, asked what the height actually was and if it could go any higher. He stated that he didn't want to allow it higher. Staff responded that the height was at 34.6 feet. Chairman Evans asked if this was the only change being made. Mr. Aden stated yes. Commissioner Wolfe asked if the different pitches would have been allowed during the original DRB. The Commission responded that it would not have. Chairman Evans stated that there have been other occasions that this has happened. Commissioner Karow stated that even when something is brought for review, whether it has been built or not, should review as a proposed development. Chairman Evans stated that was correct. Commissioner Sipes asked about the party wall. Mr. Aden stated that it was poured incorrectly and that the pitch was very close to 6:12. Chairman Evans asked for additional information. Staff stated that they could provide more and to table it to later this meeting. Commissioner Sipes moved to table and Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. Approved unanimously. Chairman Evans opened the review again. Chairman Evans stated that the change is actually affecting two ridgelines. Commissioner McClinton stated that to comply with the approved plans would be a great hardship however, approval should have happened prior to the action. Commissioner Sipes stated that this is a good argument for the compliance deposit. He also asked if the company have generally been quality contractors. Staff replied that they have been. Commissioner Macik has no problems with the application. Commissioner Karow stated that the application does not comply with items 4,5, and 6 of the design criteria. Commissioner Wolfe does not approve it just because it was a mistake. Chairman Evans, he agrees with many of the comments. The applicant understands what the rules are now. He agrees with the statement that the multiple roof pitches would not have been approved originally, however this change is not an adverse impact. He agrees that this is the one change as a mistake. There will be no further leniency for other problems. Minutes o/ PdZ Meeting March 5, 2002 Page 4 Mr. Aden stated that he did come in faithfully for this item but did not fully understand the process. He didn't believe that the pitch would make a difference to the design approval. Commissioner Wolfe stated that the mistakes must stop sometime. When is that time? Commissioner Sipes stated that this is exactly the type of situation that the compliance deposit was adopted for, and that few if any contractors would make assertions about design changes when a deposit with the Town. There have been many other battles that were better to fight. Chairman Evans states that the message must be sent but this may not be the right time. Jim McVey, investor and realtor, respects what the Commission is doing. He thinks that this (house) is a good product. Chairman Evans states that the problem is the roofs and the pitch and the change to the approved design without explicit permission from the Town. Commissioner Macik made a motion to approve the modification to final design and Commissioner Sipes seconded it. The motion passed 4 to 2 with Commissioners Wolfe and Karow opposing. X. ADJOURN Ruth Borne commented that four of the Commissioners' terms were expiring and that applications needed to be received by March 15, 2002. Commissioner Sipes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Macik seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Eric Johnson Acting Recording Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meeting March 5, 2002 Page 5