PZC Minutes 121801 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
December 18, 2001
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Item VII, SRU for Lot 67/68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Staff amended the
Staff Report and Resolution. Copies have been distributed to each Commission
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Macik had a conflict with Item VII, Lot 67/68, Block 1, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek.
V. Consent Agenda
Approval of the December 4, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Klein
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
VI.. PUD - Public Hearing
A. Resolution No. 01-22
Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Down Zoning from Fourplex to Two Single Family Units
Applicant: Stephen Kaloz
Address: 2900 June Creek Trail
Tambi Katieb, Planner, said this file was tabled from the last meeting to tonight so the applicant
could submit a subdivision plat to accompany this PUD amendment. The applicant is seeking a
PUD amendment in order to create two single family lots, removing two development rights from
Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge. This lot is currently zoned for four units. Accompanying this PUD
amendment is a final plat which will create the two single family lots; lots 25A & B for the
construction of one single family home on each lot. Staff recommends approval with three
Michael Hazard, representing the applicant, answered questions.
Commissioner Karow asked Staff if the side setback requirement is 7.5 or 10 feet. Mr. Katieb
said it is 10 feet in Wildridge. Since two development rights were being removed, Staff is
amenable to reducing that to 7.5 feet. The bigger issue is conforming with the 25 foot access
easement. It is 10 feet throughout Wildridge.
Commissioner Sipes said he agreed with Staff recommendations; however, he is inclined to
stay with the guidelines on the setbacks. Since the applicant is removing two development
rights, they have more space on the lot and should not have to encroach upon those setbacks.
Since the applicant cannot show a hardship, he would like to see the setbacks at 10 feet.
Mr. Hazard said when you look at the site, you are losing a side yard and a front yard. Even
though it is a decent size lot, we want to design both homes with as much lot space as possible
with no loss of privacy.
Commissioner Klein said the application meets the PUD criteria. He also wants to stay with the
10 foot setback. Commissioners McClinton and Wolfe agreed.
Chairman Evans opened the Public Hearing. There were no comments from the public. The
Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve Resolution Number 01-22 recommending to Town
Council approval of PUD Amendment for Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision with the
following conditions:
1. The access easement must be a minimum of 25' and the driveway shall not encroach
into the setbacks.
2. The PUD amendment will conform to all zoning requirements. This includes a 10' side
setback requirement.
3. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made
by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s)
shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval.
Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
A. Lot 67168, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Project Type: Automobile Gas Station & Convenience Store
Applicant: TAB Associates
Owner: Coultier Properties
Address: 40 Nottingham Road
Commissioner Macik stepped down due to a conflict of interest.
Tambi Katieb gave the Staff presentation. He said the applicant is proposing a Special Review
Use for an automobile gas station. The zoned district is neighborhood commercial. The
application also shows it can be a store, express food, an office building and the Pizza Hut
restaurant which is currently on the site. All of these uses conform to the allowed uses by right
in the zoned district. The applicant has supplied information on traffic generation and levels of
service. Staff recommends approval of the SRU with two conditions.
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December 18, 2001
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Commissioner Wolfe asked what exactly are we approving? Is it for site plan and footprint of
the buildings? Are we approving the use and concept that this particular site plan will be
Mr. Katieb said the site plan you see meets our development standards for this zoning. The
final design plan will need to meet the final design development standards.
Commissioner Wolfe asked the nature of Nottingham Road improvement plans and how it
would affect this area. Norm Wood, Town Engineer, said there will be improvements from
roundabout one back to Buck Creek Road. It will be expanded to four lanes with a roundabout
at that location. Under the current conditions in 2021, the proposed use would be at a Level F
for traffic coming out of the project with delays of a couple of minutes. With the proposed
improvements and the roundabout, it would give a 20 second delay in peak conditions, and a
Level of Service C which would work.
Applicant representative Greg Macik with Tab Associates said he was there to answer any
Chairman Evans asked if the upper parking lot was part of the parking requirement solution. Mr.
Macik said there was sufficient parking on the lower level. Chairman Evans asked if something
could be done to improve the site line coming out of the parking lot. Mr. Macik said as far as the
trees, the new road improvements will take care of that. Chairman Evans said he had no
problems with the application.
Chairman Evans opened the Public Hearing. No comments were made by the public. The
Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Wolfe said the upper parking lot is a good solution for the site.
Commissioner Karow said the application meets all the conditions for a Special Review Use.
The design phase should have some of the large trees removed for safety reasons.
Commissioner Klein agreed.
Commissioner Sipes said it meets the SRU criteria requirements. He suggested the applicant
review the new lighting requirements in the Design Guidelines. The project does not need to be
over lit.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve Resolution Number 01-23 approving a Special Review
Use permit to construct an automobile service station on Lots 67 and 68, Block 1, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions:
1. All proposed changes in use from those approved or existing (Pizza Hut, gas station,
convenience store, and office space) will require a formal application for Special Review
Use, including all uses by right specified for this zone district (Neighborhood
2. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the
applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in planning commission
hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval.
Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with Commissioner
Macik abstaining.
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December 18, 2001
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Commissioner Macik returned to the table.
A. Beaver Creek Landing
Project Type: PUD
Owner/Applicant: Vail Associates
Address: 0095 Avon Road
Michael Noda of OZ architecture gave a slide presentation of the Landing at Avon (no longer
called Beaver Creek Landing). Alpine is the civil engineer on the project and the developer is
Vail Resorts. He said this will be the gateway to Avon. He said the model we are looking at
tonight has six buildings. There will be a new bridge with a new roundabout. This area will
become a transportation hub for the town and the county. We will have a major parking facility
up to 400 spaces. We want to create a village atmosphere around the gondola and a
pedestrian plaza. There will be condominiums, hotel, retail and restaurants, conference center
and family entertainment center. We will have access to the new bike path and the Eagle River.
We plan on enhancing the river corridor. There will be employee housing. We are presently
working with Staff to proceed with the PUD amendment. We will have separate circulation
patterns of traffic; one for the public and one for guests.
Jim Mandel with Vail resorts said the next stage may take place the middle of January. One of
the Commissioners asked what the asterisks stood for on the program summary sheet. Mr.
Mandel said those items were optional, meaning they may not build them. Among those are
the movie theater and family entertainment center. They may be taken out due to the fact they
may not make economic sense with the parking requirements. We are negotiating with Staff on
the number of parking spaces.
Commissioner Sipes said he thought the movie theater and family entertainment center do not
belong here, they belong in the Town core.
Mr. Noda said the total commercial area is 75,000 sq. feet. Parking spaces included 400 public
parking spaces; 88 underground for the hotel and 290 for the common area and residential
units. Total parking spaces are 778.
Commissioner Karow said the Town would like to see a real retail core to liven up the area; not
just have timeshare units. Mr. Noda said at the base of the buildings we will have store fronts
for retail, restaurants and skier services. The plaza level will have plenty of activity. Mr. Mandel
explained their plans will make this a four -season resort, not just a resort area for the winter.
There will also be a convention center.
Mr. Noda said the buildings are situated to create a view corridor to the mountains. Chairman
Evans gets credit for what we are proposing with the use of the corridors and the angling of the
buildings so you are looking at the mountains and not looking at the back of buildings.
Commissioner Wolfe asked what level of quality would the hotel be. Mr. Noda said a 3.5 to 4
star hotel; the quality of a Sheraton. It will not be a flag hotel but Vail Associates affiliated. The
condominiums will be as strong or higher level of what is built in Avon, but not the level of
Beaver Creek. We want to make them rentor friendly with hot beds that are filled. The
employee housing would be the level of the Tames or RiverEdge.
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December 18, 2001
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Mr. Mandel said if the gondola does not happen, this site plan would not go forward. They
would come back with an entirely different plan. This plan is driven by and revolves around the
The Commission asked if Staff still had the original model, could they locate it and provide it
Chairman Evans thanked Messrs. Noda and Mandel for the update.
A break was called at 7:20 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:30 p.m.
B. Lots 38, 40, 41, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Project: Barrancas
Project Type: Employee Housing
Owner/Applicant: Tanavon Corporation
Address: 491 Metcalf Road
Tambi Katieb gave a brief summary. He said this PUD was approved on October 23, 2001.
The applicant and Staff have requested to have this work session to discuss the design and site
Andrew Royster, who works with Fieldstone Development, said Barrancas consists of 45
affordable units with two bedrooms, two baths and one -car garage. We are preserving the
creek on Lot 41 and part of Lot 40 which makes the building site even narrower. The site is a
complex one. The design is in response to the industrial/commercial area just south of the site.
The buildings are simple, honest, functional and similar to the nearby industrial buildings. To
keep the buildings affordable, we are using simple, durable materials. The simple forms will
facilitate ease in construction. We are creating buildings with small footprints which enable us
to follow the natural terrain. The buildings are mostly stucco and have corrugated metal with
steps that are predominantly steel. The canopy is corrugated metal.
Commissioner Sipes asked what the finish would be on the stairs. Mr. Royster said the tread
would be galvanized but the supports would be painted steel.
Commissioner Wolfe said your use of the site is good and all your objectives are good. There
are some concerns about the curb cuts. But, looking at Wildridge above, which has the
traditional residential look and the industrial area below, this project pops up in between the two
and looks very urban, sort of hostile, a techy kind of look. It looks more industrial rather than
residential. He thought there could be a better transition in architectural style.
Rick Dominic of Fieldstone said we think the design is appropriate since it is a lot closer to
industrial buildings than the homes up in Wildridge. There are a lot of flat roofs, cables, power
lines. This is not a residential area.
Commissioner Sipes said he agrees with the applicant. It should be in context with the
surrounding buildings. He liked the style. Avon needs to offer diversity. The units are flat with
windows on all four sides and that is good. They are cube buildings with cubist forms. He does
not particularly like the open stairs. He said you need to articulate the mass of the buildings.
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December 18, 2001
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Chairman Evans sees the project as a standalone area. It does not have to relate to the
industrial below or to Wildridge above. You cannot see either from this site. You do not have to
say it should relate to one or the other; it can take from either.
Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, said Tract W adjacent to this site and Tract Y, directly
across from the Avon Auto Body, are other industrial sites in the area that are not yet built on.
Ray Nielson clarified the location of Lot 40 in relation to Avon Auto Body and the other nearby
industrial sites. The buildings are very much site driven in design and are most appropriate for
the site. They are articulated boxes and intended to be that. There are windows on all four
sides of the buildings to get light from every available angle. Windows are articulated boxes to
fit the building design.
Commissioner Macik asked why the stairs are on the end of the buildings and open. Mr.
Royster said to get light between the buildings as much as possible. It will help keep costs
down for maintenance and aid drainage between the buildings. The stairs are steel and grated
and will help keep association dues down.
Commissioner Karow said the key is in the details. The design works and the site plan works
well. He will scrutinize the type and quality of materials to assure they conform to the Town
guidelines and make sure there is an adequate landscape plan and the execution is there. He
thinks that four curb cuts is going to have impact on traffic. It is too many cuts for this project
and its location.
Ruth Borne said the traffic study will be provided to you as part of the Final Design and will be
discussed more thoroughly then. The final details of the turn lane and what the road will look
like will be finalized at Building Permit.
Commissioner McClinton was concerned with the flat roofs. He said he does not think
affordable housing has to look affordable. He does not like the way these look. It feels foreign;
it looks like it belongs in downtown Denver.
Chairman Evans said personally, he hates the design. You can take the cube and make it look
more palatable with some details. He would like to see balconies, decks and overhangs; things
that would add relief to the face of the buildings.
Mr. Dominic asked if there are issues pertinent to getting their final approval.
Chairman Evans said the dumpster locations need to be screened. No retaining walls made out
of gray block or gray keystones; he will not vote for them. He is concerned with the visibility of
the roofs coming down the hill from above. We will need to see lighting cut sheets for exterior
lighting and a fully developed complete color chart. Metal siding and metal roofing have to be
specifically approved per the Design Guidelines. He is not opposed to metal but will look at the
reflectivity; especially of the roofing members themselves. Any overhangs need to be a
minimum of 18 inches on the roof form. His largest concern is that the buildings are over height.
The elevator tower is 54 feet tall. The fireplace elements are a main architectural feature of this
building, not a peripheral chimney element, and cannot be above 48 feet. The elevator core is
55-56 feet tall and the remaining corner elements in the rest of the structure are anywhere from
52 feet to 53.5 feet tall. Not only is that comer element penetrating, but two thirds of the section
of that sloping roof is also penetrating the 48 -foot plane. We are talking about six feet in some
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December 18, 2001
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Ruth Borne said the PUD has the encroachment that exceeds that height on it. We are aware
of the encroachment on the elevator building.
Commissioner Wolfe asked about other ways to get the curb cuts from four down to two or
three. Ray Nielsen discussed some of his ideas.
Commissioner Klein said he did not understand why the bus tum around could not be made
differently and not on a big piece of asphalt where it should be green space.
Commissioner Macik said he does not like the design. It might not be the best for this
community even though it meets the design requirements. He had concerns about the open
A. Commissioner Karow and the Board thanked Tambi Katieb for putting together
the new Design Guidelines. They said he did a great job on them.
B. Commissioner Klein said Lot 51, Block 1, Wildridge, Tony Scharpf is pushing
his development rights. It is being advertised as a lock off. The Commission specifically
asked him when he was before P&Z for design approval if that would be a lock off and
he said no, it will never be a lock off. The only other use would be an office or master bedroom.
Commissioner Karow asked about the Town enforcing the code on this. Eric Johnson said to
be a lock off it has to have a complete kitchen, its own entrance and is locked off from the other
unit. He said he would look into it.
Commissioner Sipes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Karow seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,. -
Cecelia Fenton
Recording Secretary
APPROVED: Janua 15, 2001
Chris Evans/�
Paul Klein AV
Minutes of P&Z Meeting
December 18, 2001
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