PZC Minutes 110601 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting November 6, 2001 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. H. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioners McClinton, Karow and Klein. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Approval of the October 30, 2001 Planning and Zoning Commission Work Session Minutes and Resolution No. 01-19, Design Guidelines will be moved to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest None V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the October 16, 2001 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Approval of the October 30, 2001 Planning and Zoning Work Session Minutes C. Resolution No. 01-19, Residential and Commercial Design Guidelines Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Wolfe seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VI. Design Review A. Lot 28, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Fence Application Applicant/Owner: Marjorie Marks Address: 4491 Wildridge Road West Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, stated the applicant is requesting approval for a two-tier split rail fence along their driveway. They would like to use the fence to delineate the driveway from the road. Commissioner Wolfe said the fence meets the requirements of the Town and is attractive. He is in favor of approving it. He commented there is a diagonal brace shown on the fence but Eric Johnson has said it is temporary. Commissioners Macik and Sipes had nothing to add. Chairman Evans commented there is no chicken wire and there are no wildlife issues. It is mainly used as delineation and is an enhancement to the property. He also is in favor of approving the fence. Commissioner Wolfe moved to approve the fence application for Lot 28, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as shown on the submitted sketches. Commissioner Macik seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. LVA 1111714Za 111b91.1_**' A. Resolution No. 01-20 Town Center Plan Planner, Tambi Katieb, gave the Staff presentation. He said we have had several public meetings on the Town Center Plan. This copy has incorporated comments from Staff and Council. We would like the ability to use the adopted plan as a policy planning tool for future redevelopment opportunities. Chairman Evans said in the discussion that took place during our Work Session, comments were made to send a new Resolution, 01-21, to Town Council to share the concern of the Commission that the Town Center Plan focuses on what is happening here, in the west side of Town. We now have the East Avon Streetscape Improvement that is going forward. We need to discuss how these two projects would tie together. Commissioner Sipes said the Town Center Plan talks about the two projects tying together in Phase 3. It says the long-term picture for Main Street is to extend it across Avon Road to east Avon, extending a direct walking/driving transit road as far east as Avon Village. It says redevelopment of east Avon property is needed. He commented this should be a goal for the Town. Commissioner Wolfe said this plan opens the door. But in creating Resolution 01-21, it would formally acknowledge the opening of that door and suggest the Town authorize a study to deal with the issue of how to accommodate vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic east/west across Avon Road, which is a major issue. We need to make sure our comments are made to Council for some kind of strong connection between east and west Avon. Commissioner Sipes said the Town Center Plan clarifies a confusing circulation pattern in a part of town that is difficult to move around in by vehicle. It also refocuses and gives Avon the best chance at a retail core that is pedestrian friendly. It creates focus on the end of town that has been neglected. It has all the civic functions and the community park in one area. Maybe this plan should be called the Avon Civic Center or the Heart of Avon. He thinks it is a very good plan and financially it makes a lot of sense. Commissioner Wolfe added that the Town Center Plan gives us a tool to prevent unworkable or undesirable developments on the major plats that could be developed and to influence and control and negotiate those developments. We would have the ability to look at this document Minutes of P&Z Meeting November 6, 2001 Page 2 R and say you are going against our west Avon plan by putting your building in the line of where Main Street might extend. The Town Center Plan would make west Avon a more valuable part of the community. Commissioner Sipes moved to recommend to Town Council they adopt Resolution 01-20 approving the Avon Town Center Plan as policy and guidance as a master planning document for the Town of Avon. The second was made by Commissioner Wolfe. The motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed creating Resolution 01-21 recommending review and further study of east Avon and its potential for redevelopment and its connection of Town Center. Chairman Evans said the Town Center Plan states roundabout number four would be very difficult to redesign to accommodate full vehicular movement. Solutions for this should be explored further. We wish to prevent conflicts and foster integration between circulation patterns in east and west Avon. East Avon presents potential opportunities for redevelopment. There is a need to find other circulation patterns and vehicle traffic avenues. Commissioner Wolfe commented east Avon presents an apparent opportunity for major redevelopment. As the Village at Avon grows and development takes place in east Avon, there is a potential for both to integrate. As the Town grows and prospers, the major internal east/west access of Beaver Creek Boulevard and roundabout number three will likely become an increasing problem. Additional internal traffic will need to be accommodated in some way. The Town should recognize that we need to accomplish a visual and textural connection between east and west for the health and well being of the residents. Commissioner Sipes commented the Town needs to strengthen the pedestrian and vehicular connection between east and west Avon; the entire road (Avon Road) bisects the Town. We should seek to strengthen the connections all along that road. Roundabout number four is an impediment as it exists now. We should incorporate a common design theme for the Town. This should build upon and add to the Town Center Plan. We should take the Town Center Plan and extend it to the next side of town. Norm Wood, Town Engineer, commented about the pedestrian connection. He said both the Town Center Plan and the East Avon Streetscape Plan included the pedestrian connection between the east and west sides. The Town Center Plan could do a betterjob of connecting the west side with the pedestrian bridge. It works well with the east side. Figure 21, page 31 has a big blank down the middle towards the bridge which would make the connection onto the east side. Some sort of redevelopment would make that a much better connection. The west side is the weak side. It works well on the east side. Commissioner Sipes suggested at least a median down the middle. Commissioner Wolfe suggested they look at some of the initial studies on the roundabouts and the East Avon Access Plan. Ruth Borne said Staff can provide copies of that to you for the next meeting. Chairman Evans said we are trying to tie these two plans together and make sure they make a strong connection. He would like to see some brainstorming and thought put into what can be done at roundabout four to facilitate west to east flow. There needs to be something connecting both sides together. Each side comes up to Avon Road and stop there. One focus has been on the east side and one focus has been on the west side. Each recognized Avon Road as their major boundary and the stoppage of their study. How do we deal with Avon Minutes of P&Z Meeting November6, 2001 Page 3 Road? Yes, studies look at a pedestrian bridge which is the most obvious thing to present. We should think outside of the box and see what other possibilities there are for bridging and crossing Avon road. Commissioner Wolfe suggested the Commission write the resolution to read "whereas East Avon Access and Circulation Plan and the Avon Town Center Plan both conclude that there is an access issue across Avon Road, and both studies have terminated the scope of their investigations and solution finding at Avon Road, it seems prudent the Town do the overarching and connecting work". Ruth Bome said Staff can draft the resolution and bring it back to you at the next meeting. The Commission agreed. Commissioner Wolfe was concerned about the timing of Resolution 01-20 going to Council approving the Town Center Plan without the Commissions input on Resolution 01-21 regarding connection, circulation and integration of the two sides of the Town. Ruth said we can bring both Resolutions 01-20 and 01-21 to Council at the same time. B. Approval Conditions Memo Tambi Katieb said at the last meeting, we discussed material representations made at public hearings by applicants. We looked at the conditions utilized by the County. The condition we have on this memo is what we recommend as a standard type condition on approvals. Commissioner Sipes asked if Burt, the Town Attorney has looked at it. Staff said they would give it to him to review. Chairman Evans stated this would put people on notice that what they say at the meetings is binding. It gives us the ability to go back and have some leverage. He asked for clarification on why it is limited to public hearings. Mr. Katieb said it refers to everything that comes before the Commission at the Planning and Zoning meetings. This would make people think about what they are saying as part of their application and representation. Tambi said the County has been using it and has had some success. The Commission unanimously agreed it would be effective to use. Commissioner Wolfe asked if it should be included in the Design Guidelines. Staff said no; it would become part of the Staff Report which the applicant receives prior to the meeting. C. Staff Approvals: 1. Lot 67, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 4243 Wildridge Road West Shingle replacement 2. Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Sheraton's Mountain Vista 160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Entry truss D. Sign Permits 1. Lot 62/63, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 137 Benchmark Road Vail/Beaver Creek Travel Minutes of PU Meeting November 6, 2001 Page 4 E. Report on Village at Avon Design Review Commissioner Wolfe, representative to the Village DRB, said he had a discussion with Bill Post today regarding the advisory comments we submitted to Traer Creek. Mr. Post said they looked at enhancing landscaping within the parking lot and concluded they cannot do that. But, he has made a commitment to enhance the landscaping that is in the perimeter areas. They are also looking at trees and shrubs for the front of the building and on the pedestrian way. They like the idea of changing the texture of the road as it goes through the park and are working on it. For the roof color, Mr. Lindholm has said he will go with what color looks best. It does not have to be black. In regards to the canopy height in front of the building, Mr. Post said the architect had a very good reason for the height that is being proposed. Mr. Post will find out what that reason is and get back to us. They are getting a color palette together for us. Home Depot wants to have a truck turnaround between WalMart and them. This would infringe into the park, Lot 2, and the curbs would need to be redone. They also want a concession from the Town that no Public Works vehicles will pass through there. Norm Wood said Ron is doing a great job of establishing a real working relationship with Traer Creek, which will have an impact when they begin their design guidelines for the core area. Chairman Evans stated we would like to have some clear cut yes's or no's to the requests that we send to them. At some point, Town Council is going to hold us accountable and ask for a report on our actions, reactions and inputs. VIII. ADJOURN Commissioner Sipes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Macik seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cecelia Fenton Recording Secretary APPROVED: November 20, 2001 Chris Evans Chairman fu � K ae U Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meering November6, 2001 Page 5