PZC Minutes 050101 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
May 1, 2001
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
All commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Final Design applications for Lot 75, Block 4 5601 Wildridge Road East,
Wildridge and Lot 46, Block 4, 5135 Longsun Lane, Wildridge were moved to the
Consent Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioners Fehlner and Karow abstained from the executive session for
nominations for P&Z commissioners. Commissioner Klein abstained from the
Consent Agenda for approval of April 17, 2001 Minutes.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the April 17, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
B. Lot 75, Block 4, Wildridge
Project Type: Duplex
Applicant/Owner: Mike Dantas
Address: 5601 Wildridge Road East
Final design approval was granted with the condition that positive drainage
away from the building be clarified with the building permit plans.
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C. Lot 46, Block 4, Wildridge
Project Type: Duplex
Applicant: Andrew Abraham
Owner: Phil Matsen
Address: 5135 Longsun Lane
Final design approval was granted with the following conditions:
1. The address marker shall be moved completely out of the snow storage
and drainage easement.
2. Reduce the surface parking to create better access and more
maneuvering on the site. This includes clarification that vehicles will have
adequate turn around for the south unit.
3. Spot elevations must be clarified on site plan for the parking area.
Positive drainage away from the buildings shall be evidenced.
4. Grading on the west elevation plan must match grading on the site plan.
5. Additional tree plantings shall be placed between the driveway and the
parking area, utilizing conifers for year-round screening.
Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner
Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
VI. The Village at Avon —Filing 1
Resolution 01- 03
Recommendation to Avon Town Council on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and
Variance requests for the Village at Avon — Filing 1
Ruth Borne gave the Staff presentation. Chairman Evans stated that this was
not an approval but a recommendation to the Town Council.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve Resolution 01-03. Commissioner Klein
seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
VII. Special Review Use
A. Lot 26, Block 2, Wildridge
Project Type: Home Occupation
Applicant/Owner: Barbara and Walter Huttner
Address: 2605-A Beartrap Road
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Eric Johnson gave the Staff presentation. Staff recommends approval of the
Special Review Use with conditions.
The applicant, Barbara Huttner, made a presentation. She stated that the
business has adult clientele and that they were respectful of the neighborhood
and parking parameters.
Commissioner Sipes asked what the business is. Applicant explained that the
business was a physical therapy and fitness studio.
Commissioner Evans asked how many clients were at the business at one time.
Applicant responded that there were usually one or two clients but on occasion
there may be three.
Commissioner Karow asked Staff how many parking spaces were available. Eric
answered seven possible parking spots.
Mark Ball, owner of 2605 B Beartrap Road, lives on the other side of the duplex,
stated that there have been many inconveniences to his family. He said that he
moved to Wildridge to be away from businesses and felt that the area should
remain residential. He felt that the business would have a negative impact to the
residents. The number of clients and where they park their cars has been a
problem for the Ball family. They have concern for their daughter's safety. He
also stated that the facility has been used when the Huttners were not present.
Commissioner Evans repeats that there are allowed uses under the zoning code
and read the home occupation criteria. Commissioner Sipes states that the
Town tries to encourage home occupations through the Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Evans read a letter from the neighbor into the record.
Commissioner Head commented that as long as conditions are met he would
vote for approval.
Commissioner Karow commented that the application meets the criteria for a
Special Review Use.
Commissioner Macik agreed with Commissioners Karow and Head and added
that the conditions of approval need to be specified and also include the hours
and days of operation.
Commissioner Evans commented that the application meets the criteria for a
Special Review Use but that the Ball's issues need to be addressed. He
suggested that the area where the clients cars are parked is restricted, perhaps
limit parking to two or three cars on the east side of the property. Additionally, no
clients should use the facility when the owners are not present.
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Commissioner Sipes agreed with the rest of the Commissioners and added that
the access must be maintained at all times, including snow removal and
maintenance. Applicants should try hard to be good neighbors.
Commissioner Klein agreed with the rest of the Commissioners.
Commissioner Fehlner had nothing to add.
Ruth Borne read the conditions that had been proposed during the meeting.
1. No more than five (5) customers per day are allowed.
2. The parking must be maintained at all times including snow removal.
3. No more than three (3) cars can be parked on the driveway and must be
parked as easterly as possible.
4. Owners must be present for patrons to use the facility.
5. No employees shall be allowed to work on the property on a regular basis.
6. Hours of operation must be consistent with the application.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve Resolution 01-02 for Lot 26,Block 2,
Wildridge Subdivision for one year with the following conditions:
1. No more than five (5) customers per day are allowed.
2. The parking must be maintained at all times including snow removal.
3. No more than three (3) cars can be parked on the driveway and must be
parked as easterly as possible.
4. Owners must be present for patrons to use the facility.
5. No employees shall be allowed to work on the property on a regular basis.
6. Hours of operation must be consistent with the application.
7. Approval is good for one year, any renewal must be approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion was approved
Vlll. Other Business
A. Staff Approvals:
Lot 87, Block 4, Wildridge
5755 Wildridge Road East
Change Existing Wood Siding to Stucco
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2. Lot 50A, Block 1, Wildridge
2450 Saddleridge Loop
Extension of Landscape Berm
3. Lot 25, Block 3, Wildridge
4280 Wildridge Road
Yard Expansion
B. Staff Denials:
Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
47 East Beaver Creek Boulevard
Enclose Deck to Increase Habitable Area
C. Sign Permits
1. Lot 65B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
142 Beaver Creek Place
'Doctors On Call'
IX. Adjourn
Commissioner Evans thanked Commissioner Head, Fehlner, and Karow for their
service to the Commission and the Town. Ruth Borne presented certificates to
Commissioners Head, Felhner, and Karow.
Commissioner Evans explained the procedure for the Planning and Zoning
Commission member applicants.
Commissioner Felhner moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Head
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned
at 6:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Eric Johnson
Acting Recording Secretary
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APPROVED: May 15, 2001
Chris Evans
Chairman G
Andrew Karov� -ava.
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