PZC Minutes 041701 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting April 17, 2001 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Klein. Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Final Design application for Lot 71, Block 4, 5380 Ferret Lane, Wildridge was moved to the consent agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Karow disclosed a possible conflict with Final Design application for Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge - 2470 Old Trail Road, stating that Oscar Tang is the landlord of the commercial space for Alpine Bank where Mr. Karow works. V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the April 3, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Final Design Lot 71, Block 4, Wildridge Project Type: Single Family Applicant/Owner: John Perkins Address: 5380 Ferret Lane Conditions: 1. The planter area landscaping wall needs must be designed and stamped by a registered professional engineer at the time of building permit submittal. 2. The'parged concrete' texture or final stucco texture for the landscaping wall must be submitted for separate approval by Staff. 3. The landscaping plan shall be revised to show increased screening in front of the curved landscaping wall utilizing nursery grown shrubs that meet the minimum size requirement. 4. All trees utilized shall meet the minimum height and caliper requirements. Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. VI. Work Session A. Village at Avon PUD Amendment Norm Wood, Town Engineer, commented this is the first filing of the preliminary plan. It is 176 acres between 1-70 and the railroad. It is 10% of the area but a lot of the overall development. They are proposing a temporary road for the extension of East Beaver Creek Boulevard and a connection from Chapel Place. This is not the final alignment: The 1-70 interchange could be started at the same time as the railroad crossing and the connection to Highway 6. They may break ground in September. One of the things proposed is a temporary construction access to Stonebridge to get the construction traffic in and out but they are also looking at alternates. The temporary access will be paved. There will be roundabouts at both the ramps on 1-70, two through the project and one at Highway 6. Those will be in place for the opening of the big box stores. VII. Special Review Use A. The Village at Avon Project Type: Temporary Landscaping Contractor Storage Applicant/Owner: Ruth & Ziggy Gosiewski Address: West of the LaFarge Concrete Plant The applicant is leasing the site from EMD Limited Liability Company, owner of the Stolport (Village at Avon) property. The lease is expected to be short-term in nature and will allow the applicants an extension of their existing Special Review Use permit that was originally approved on May 2, 2000. Tambi Katieb, Planner, stated he received a letter today from the property owner, Traer Creek LLC, stating Intermountain Landscaping is being allowed to occupy its present location under its existing lease through the end of May. Chairman Evans asked if there had been any complaints? Mr. Katieb said no. Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve Resolution No. 01-01 with the following condition: Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 2 The Special Review Use will either terminate as such time as the expiration of the applicant's lease with property owner, EMD LLC, or one year from April 17, 2002, whichever occurs first. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VIII. Final Design A. Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Project Type: Duplex Applicant: Fieldstone Development Owner: Oscar Tang Address: 2470 Old Trail Road Ruth Borne gave the Staff presentation. The applicant is proposing a duplex residence located at 2470 Old Trail Road. The project is a duplex defined by its use of indigenous forms organized with the garages in the rear. To conform to the definition of a duplex, a connecting bridge is used to link the units. The project uses earth -tone stucco, gray composite shingles for the roofing and the window trim is white vinyl. Overall, the massing and design is significantly different from adjacent properties. Staff has concerns regarding the overall proportions, shed roof, minimal detail and lack of fenestration in relationship to the wall plane. Staff is also concerned with the intense color scheme. It is inconsistent with previously approved residences within the neighborhood and may impair aesthetic values. Staff recommends denial of the application. Applicant, Andrew Royster, Project Manager, Fieldstone Development, said the agenda incorrectly stated Oscar Tang as the owner; it is the Tanavon Corporation. Mr. Royster commented that a typical design would not take advantage of this site; mainly the views to the west and the light from the west. An Alpine or southwestern style would not be appropriate for this site. He thought a compound building would be appropriate. It is made up of four small solid structures connected with bridges and done in a western style. It is based on traditional western structures using traditional forms built on a small scale using durable simple materials. Moving the garages off the streetscape puts the major living spaces to the west which makes the site accessible 360 degrees. The bedrooms are walk -out on grade. The whole site is accessible and can be landscaped. As far as the site disturbance, I have only disturbed 55% of the site. The windows relate to the character of the building. There may be a certain apparent randomness, but I placed them with a specific technique. The fireplaces have been moved to the corners. If the garages were moved to the front, we still would have disturbed the same amount of site. I disagree with the comment on site disturbance. I have minimized the site disturbance. Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 3 I - t I don't believe the Alpine style is appropriate for Wildridge. As for the massing, the windows are directly based on the size of the sliding doors. I don't understand why Staff has a concern with the height. I am 15% below the height restriction. Mr. Royster showed a boulder found on the site and matched it to the red on the color board. He said he thought it was not too vibrant or out of place. He does not feel the aesthetic values will be impaired due to the design of this building. Commissioner Sipes said he had a real problem with the design and disagrees with the applicant putting more value on the building over the site. I do not see the western style or the western heritage in the drawings. The building ignores the site. This building does not conform to Design Review Consideration Number 7. Other projects in the area are similar in massing. This one would stand out too much. The architectural style is too dissimilar to the neighborhood. He thought aesthetic values would be adversely affected by approving this project. Commissioner Macik agreed with Commissioner Sipes. He said, however, he liked the garages being put out of sight. The massing and the color board looked acceptable. He said if you conformed the massing with the site, you could eliminate the large retaining wall in the back. It does not does not meet design criteria 2, 5, 6 and 7. Commissioner Karow said the design fails to meet Design Review Considerations Numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The architectural style is blocky with four blocks and three bridges. Quality of materials should be improved. The red color will not work and he will not approve it. The window pattern is not acceptable to me and the three bridges seem out of place. He strongly feels the aesthetic values would be impaired by this project. This application does not come close to meeting the Design Review Considerations. He said he would not be inclined to approve any variation on this design. Commissioner Head agreed with Commissioner Karow's comments. Commissioner Fehlner commented that she sees the design for this site as very creative. She disagreed with the site comment. She sees it as very creative taking the garage doors away from the street. She finds it acceptable to move more dirt to achieve a better result. She disagreed that the application meets Design Review Criteria Number 6. Chairman Evans agreed that the siting of the building is creative. However, he also agreed that there are other solutions that would further minimize disturbance to this site. He said the boulder walls are attractive when drawn, but each represents a four -foot wall. There would be a 12 -foot boulder retaining wall there. Based on the landscape elevation, you show 40 -foot cottonwoods. It will take 20 years before the trees reach that height. This design is too similar to a negative project in that area. It cannot be a positive for the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. The window patterns do not fit in with the simple shapes and forms and the white vinyl does not work. The project is in conformance with Design Review Considerations Numbers 1 and 2. It does not meet Numbers 6 and 7. Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 4 Commissioner Sipes moved to deny Final Design application for Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, 2470 Old Trail Road, because it does not conform to the following Design Review Considerations: 2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. 5. Compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways with respect to architectural style, massing, height orientation to street, quality of materials and colors. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Karow, and passed unanimously. IX. Condition of Final Design Approval A. Lot C, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Project: Sheraton's Mountain Vista Applicant: Vistana, Inc. Address: 0160 Beaver Creek Boulevard West Ruth Borne, Assistant Director of Community Development said the applicant has agreed to install the stone as approved on the final design plans. X. Sign Variance A. Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 240 Chapel Place, Unit 120 Temporary Tenant Sign for Outback Steakhouse Ruth Borne said Staff is recommending the variance be granted for the temporary sign until the permanent sign can be installed which hopefully will be in approximately 30 days. Commissioner Sipes asked if the temporary sign is the banner that is up now. Ms. Borne said yes. Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve the sign variance due to: 1. The temporary sign can be allowed until the permanent sign arrives and is installed (15.28.090 B.2.b). 2. We would do the same for any business in a similar situation (15.28.090 B.2.a). 3. Leaving Outback Steakhouse without signage because of delays in manufacturing the permanent sign would result in practical difficulty (15.28.090. B.2.i). Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 5 With the condition that the permanent sign be installed in 90 days from the date of this approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Head. The motion passed unanimously. XI. Other Business A. Staff Approvals: 1. Lot 86, Block 4, Wildridge 5749 Wildridge Road East Fieldstone Development Site Access for Soils Test Ruth Borne stated a $500 deposit was given by the applicant to assure the property will be revegetated. 2. Lot 101, Block 1, Wildridge 2100 Old Trail Road Landscape Modification - Berm B. Commissioner Vacancies Terms expire on May 1, 2001 for Commissioners Head, Karow, and Fehlner. They were asked to sit at the May 15t meeting. An extension will be solicited from Mayor Yoder to approve the extension. C. Design Review Guidelines: Discussion on Design Philosophy Statements Contemporary Mountain Town should be defined. How do you interpret contemporary? We could define this to mean what we want contemporary to be. Take some of the successful projects that have been approved and put photos of them into the guidelines. Pictures say more than words. Give an overall Mission Statement to refer to. Our philosophy is important and should be able to be referred back to with the applicant. We agree with the overall statement. Site disturbance - look for the successful integration into the natural landscape of both forms of site disturbance versus site manipulation. Look at the site disturbance criteria and the percentages. Concentrate more on preserving and optimizing the views in trade of site disturbance. Minutes of PU Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 6 Site access — the last sentence is more detail than philosophy. The intent is good. Like the statement durable and functional. Look for creative solutions to parking and garages; trying to hide this aspect of the design. Drainage - add to the last sentence "without impacting adjacent properties". Building Design Guidelines — state ... which reflects a contemporary mountain town. Building Height - use a diagram here. Define stucco. How the materials relate to the proportions. Biggest problem is people treating applying stucco as a fagade instead of a three dimensional surface. Duplex - strike the second sentence. Add these do not only apply to duplexes. Lighting - should be kept to a minimum to take advantage of our clear night sky. Lighting is sometimes necessary for safety but lighting landscaping is not necessary or wanted. Keep light pollution to a minimum. Define landscaping improvements. Landscape design - all trees cannot be indigenous to the area. Appropriate to use landscaping as an extension to the site; to transition away from the house back to the site. Low maintenance landscaping shouldbe used. Indigenous term should be changed. Definition of xero-scaping should be added. Retaining Wall - the first sentence should be restated to say if retaining walls are necessary, they should be encouraged. Diagrams here would be good. They should add to or enhance the site design. Communications and satellite antennas — check on placement of dishes. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Sipes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8.22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (47-'7—� Cecelia Fenton Recording Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 7 _4, APPROVED: May 1, 2001 Chris Evans Chairman Andrew Kardwcl-C _ X . '/,� Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 17, 2001 Page 8