PZC Minutes 020601 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting February 6, 2001 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Commissioners Evans, Macik, Sipes and Klein were present. Commissioners Fehlner, Head and Karow were absent. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Final Design Lot 73, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision was moved to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest None V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the January 16, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 73, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Duplex Applicant: Kate O'Connor Steffens Address: 5300 Ferret Lane Owner: Michele Tobin Item B was approved with the following conditions: The site plan must be revised to address these items: A. Positive drainage away from the northwest corner of the building must be provided. B. The culverts must be installed in accordance with the Town of Avon Standard Detail and will require additional regrading. C. Indicate the 10 -foot snow storage and drainage easement on the Cul -du -Sac side of the property line. D. The address sign be relocated out of the 10 -foot snow storage and drainage easement. 2. Landscaping plan must be revised to include a minimum of five (5) additional Quaking Aspen and/or Colorado Blue Spruce groupings along the south and west sides of the property. Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items A & B. Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VI. . Condition of Final Design Approval A. Lot C, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Project Type: Mock-up of Colors and Materials Applicant: Vistana, Inc. Address: 0160 Beaver Creek Boulevard West Staff did not make a presentation. Aleksandr Sheykhet of Oz Architecture represented the applicant. Chairman Evans commented that those who reviewed the mockup today were very impressed and pleased with the revisions. Commissioner Klein said everything looked good except for the pinkish color of the one set of siding and shingles. Commissioner Sipes stated the applicant has made vast improvements. The palette works well and falls within our guidelines. However, the way you are applying the two different shingle colors around the building does not keep with other nearby properties and seems random. He believes one color should be the focus and the accent of the building. Mr. Sheykhet said he can take one more look at it. Commissioner Macik asked if there was another submittal of the rails. Aleksandr said there are two options: one is the copper color and the other would be taking the same color as the metal and apply it to the pickets. The copper color did not come out the way we intended it. It is not what we are proposing for the final color. He showed a sample of the proposed paint color. We like the copper option. Commissioner Macik also stated the rose color is not good seeing how much of it would be on the building. He asked what the soffit material would be. Aleksandr said it would be exterior gypsum board with stucco finish. Chairman Evans commented the colors are much more coherent now but he does not care for the rose color. He said he would rather see the copper color pickets with the Minutes or PBZ Meeting February 6, 2001 Page 2 wood trim for the railings and have it brought around to the Employee Housing building to tie in the two structures. The stone is much better. It would be good if you could review the color of the rose and the green shingles. It would not be a condition of approval, but if you could, Staff could look at it and approve it rather than bring it back here. Mr. Sheykhet said he appreciated the efforts on the mockup. Regarding the colors, we are not satisfied with them as they are and are still working on them. We are using the same railing detail for the balconies on the employee housing and timeshare buildings. The guard railing will be very closely related. We are willing and interested in looking at the application of the colors. We will submit them as we get ready to do it. Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the mockup of colors and materials as viewed on-site by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the following conditions: 1. The copper picket color on the guardrail design and the mauve shingle color design is not approved. 2. The applicant will bring back to Staff the revised colors indicating them on a full set of elevations. Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VII. Work Session A. Design Review Guidelines Planner, Tambi Katieb, asked the Commission to give any feedback or comments on priorities or ranking of the sections by the end of this week or early next week. Commissioner Sipes said it would work if at each meeting, a section would be given us as a handout to review and return by the next meeting with comments. That way we will have a work session at each meeting on a specific section. Chairman Evans said they could be given to us in order of priority ranked by the Commission. VIII. Other Business A. Staff Approvals: 1. Lot C, Avon at Beaver Creek Sheraton's Mountain Vista Revised Pool Area 2. Sign Permits: None Minutes of PU Meeting February 6, 2001 Page 3 The Commission asked about the status of the Confluence and gondola. Mr. Matzko said there would be discussion of the gondola at the Council Work Session on February 13''. IX. Adjourn Chairman Evans moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Macik seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cecelia Fenton Recording Secretary APPROVED: February 20, 2001 Chris Evans Chairman ZItIml - Minutes o1 P&Z Meeting February 6, 2001 Page 4