PZC Minutes 032100 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
March 21, 2000
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Fehlner.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Chairman Evans had a conflict of interest with Final Design Review,
Item A.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the March 7, 2000 Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Klein made a motion to approve the Consent
Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sipes and
unanimously approved.
VI. Final Design Review
A. Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Single Family Residence
Property Owner: Michael and Denise Durkee
Applicant: Beveled Edge Woodworks Inc.
Address: 2341 Fox Lane
Commissioner Evans stepped down. Commissioner Macik took the Chair. Ruth
Borne, Assistant Director of Community Development, presented the staff
summary. Applicant, Mike Durkee, approached the podium and presented a full-
size color board. Mr. Durkee agreed the siding color was too orange. The
revised color board will be submitted to staff.
An 18" culvert will be installed.
Commissioner Morrison made a motion for final design approval with the
following conditions:
1. Revise color board and drawings, including a siding color
diminishing the orange tone;
2. Provide a culvert adjacent to the public roadway consistent with the
alternative detailed on the site plan;
3. Maintain the ditch and culvert with positive drainage commencing
with construction;
4. Revise bay window in the kitchen (west elevation) to have some
structural support.
Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The project was unanimously
approved with Commissioner Evans abstaining.
VII. Public Hearing
Special Review Use
A. Lot 69, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Special Review Use - Home Occupation
Owner: Charlee Puckett
Applicant: Charlee Puckett
Address: 4221 Wildridge Road West
Chairman Evans took the chair. Karen Griffith, Town Planner, made the staff
presentation. Staff recommended approval with two conditions:
1. No employees would be allowed to work on the property on a
regular basis;
2. No materials, packages or vehicles not normally associated with
residential use shall be stored outside.
Applicant Charlee Puckett approached the podium and made the following
comments: He has intentions to move to a warehouse as soon as he can. He
started this business November 1,1999. The landlord has consented to the
home occupation. Applicant Puckett described his business as floral work,
making arrangements, loading them onto a truck and delivering them to the event
site. He does have people on the property to help load and unload.
Commissioner Klein stated his concern that items not be stored outside.
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March 21, 2000
Commissioner Karow asked if there was a time limit on the approval. Karen
Griffith stated it was acceptable as a permanent permit.
The floor was open for public comments. None were made. Chairman Evans
then closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Macik made a motion to approve the application for a Special
Review Use Resolution No. 00-04 of Series 2000 subject to the following
1. No materials, packages, or vehicles not normally associated with
residential use shall be stored outside;
2. No employees shall be allowed to work on the property on a regular
3. Approval is good for one year; any renewal must be approved by
the Planning & Zoning Commission.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sipes and unanimously approved.
Rezonina and PUD Aoolication
B. Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision
Project Type: PUD and Rezoning - Resort Club
Applicant: Robert Borg
Owner: Robert Borg
Address: 220 W. Beaver Creek Blvd.
Lot 38B should read Lot 38A. Minutes, Staff Report and Resolution 00-3 of
Series 2000 will be changed accordingly.
Karen Griffith, Town Planner, gave the staff presentation stating this was for a
24 -member residence club. Staff recommended denial to Town Council with
eight findings as set forth in Resolution #00-3.
Applicant, Robert Borg, approached the podium and made the following
statements: He has been an owner in Avon for 20 years. He is applying for one
unit to become a private residence club. He asserted that the comments made in
the Staff Report are flawed. It is a residence club, not a resort club. They are
very dissimilar. The play on words distort what is being proposed. Staff is
mistaken by making the residence club synonymous with a resort club. He is
looking to the Commissioners for a common sense approach despite the Staff
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March 21, 2000
Chairman Evans requested the applicant clarify how this private residence club
differs from the Town of Avon's definition of a time-share project. Mr. Borg stated
the definition is so broad, it leaves no room for a private residence club. What he
offers is very special. This is a residence. A time span of occupancy has not yet
been specified. With a time-share, you are assigned a specific week and time
limit. The proposal is similar to the Austria Haus in Vail. Guests can call up and
make a reservation, not contracted to a specific week.
Commissioner Sipes questioned what happens with the off-season time? Will
the units be vacant or rented out on a short-term basis? Mr. Borg stated the
property can be rented short-term to people that are not owners. The club will
probably be shut down four to six weeks annually.
Karen Griffith clarified that the Zoning Code's definition of time-share is
consistent with this proposal for a private residence club.
Mr. Borg said the Town should check the Internet to see what is happening with
private residence clubs. Other areas have taken the lead.
Chairman Evans stated by definition, this does fall into a time-share because it is
so broad. He questioned if we need another definition, another classification. It
needs to be addressed by Town Council as an amendment to the Municipal
Code. Chairman Evans stated in his personal opinion, he agreed with Mr. Borg.
Chairman Evans opened the floor for Commissioners' comments.
Commissioner Sipes said he was torn. He agreed the Town Code needs to be
updated. The Town needs time to study it. We are judging the definition against
Mr. Borg's application at this time. For the record, he stated he did not think it is
a high-intensity commercial use. It is a residential use. He is concerned with
spot -zoning, especially in light of the existing time-share definition.
Chairman Evans stated his key concern was spot -zoning this unit and setting a
poor precedent. Commissioner Sipes agreed this would be spot -zoning; and that
we need a better definition. Under the current code, Commissioner Sipes could
not vote in favor of this application in its current form. We need to get a new
definition to avoid future problems with the time-share definition.
Mr. Borg stated that his property next door is a B&B, and it is an allowable use.
Planner Griffith stated that the B&B is a permitted use within the RD zone district.
Commissioner Sipes commented that the concern is the number of owners and
the type of use in a low-density area. A residence club is appropriate in the town
center as permitted under the current zoning, but not in the low-density
residential area of a RD zone. The issue is not the residence club, but the
location of it.
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March 21, 2000
Chairman Evans encouraged the applicant to apply for the upcoming vacancies
on the P&Z Commission.
Closing comments: Commissioner Morrison stated he would like to see
approval. This is a high-density area.
Commissioner Karow stated that he supports private residence clubs, but this
proposal is not within a commercial area. The Austria Haus in Vail is in a
commercial area. He further stated that the application before us tonight does
not meet the criteria based upon the current zoning code. There is also the
technical problem of insufficient parking.
Commissioner Morrison suggested giving the Town Council the opportunity to do
something about this by the Commission denying it.
Commissioner Macik agreed with the use where it is, but not under the current
code. He has concerns about parking. A blanket approval cannot be given
because of the next person who comes in.
Commissioner Klein agreed with Commissioner Karow that he is not against
private residence clubs, but four different owners would be permitted under the
Town's current definition of time-share. The proposal falls into time-share and is
commercial activity within a RD zone district according to our criteria. Under the
definition we have, it falls into commercial use and does not fit into a RD district
and cannot support this application right now.
Chairman Evans stated that unfortunately, the criteria is open to interpretation.
He believes there is a benefit to the community. He agrees that the proposal
does not change the anticipated use of what it was built for. The impact of the
project will bring in sales tax, a positive impact. It does not meet the strict
definition of time-share but it looks and smells like a time-share.
Chairman Evans opened the public hearing. There were no comments given.
Mr. Borg gave a recap. This is not commercial use. The parking meets the
requirements for the RD. There are three spaces. To apply time-share
standards to this does not make sense.
Teresa Borg, wife of Robert Borg, gave comments. They notified their neighbors
and no one made any objection. Karen Griffith confirmed that staff had not
received any public input on the application. No one came to the meeting to
object. The request falls under the category of a 2ed home. Tourist are renters,
ours will be owners. We are keeping this project residential. We don't feel it is a
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Minutes of P&Z Meeting
March 21, 2000
commercial use or a time-share. The applicant's wife stated that they were
encouraged by the Commission to come forward with a PUD request. If there is
another forum and process, what do we need to do to comply?
Karen Griffith stated the Commission is not denying or approving the Rezoning
and PUD application, but only sending it on to Council with recommendations.
Chairman Evans closed the public hearing.
Chairman Evans stated there are reasons to call it a time-share and also reasons
not to call it a time-share under the current definition. It was his opinion to get
Council involved. Whatever we do, Council must be advised.
Commissioner Sipes said the stumbling block is the definition of time-share.
Once you take it out of time-share definition, it fits the area. He believes this is
not a high-intensity use. There are criteria to accept it as a PUD and for
Commissioner Morrison stated it complies with the benefit and compatibility
clause. It is compatible with the area and would provide benefits to the
Ruth Borne stated the applicant is purporting to sell 24 fee simple interests and
fits within the definition of time-share. The proposal is for 24 owners. This is the
intent of our code and why we had to draw the line.
Commissioner Sipes doesn't think we should be so saddled with definition
because it provides no flexibility. Commissioner Sipes agreed with
Commissioner Morrison, this should be brought up to Council, because they
could be setting a dangerous precedent.
If the motion deadlocks, Chairman Evans stated he would like it to be sent to
Council that way. If that is the vote, Council will know there is a discrepancy
Commissioner Karow moved to adopt Resolution 00-3, Series 2000.
Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-4.
Commissioners Karow and Klein voted in favor.
Commissioners Morrison, Macik, Evans and Sipes dissented.
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Minutes of P&Z Meeting
March 21, 2000
WHEREAS, Robert Borg, owner of Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision, has applied for a zone change from RD to PUD, and approval of a PUD
Development Plan and Development Standards, as stipulated in Title 17 of the Avon
Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the
Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the
public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain
information and reports regarding the proposed PUD Zoning and Development
Standards; and
WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission has reviewed and evaluated the
Development Standards and Preliminary Development Plan according to the criteria in
Section 17.20.110, subsections H and I, of the Avon Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, based upon the above, the Planning & Zoning Commission finds that:
1. The proposed re -zoning is not justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of
the area proposed to be rezoned.
2. The proposed re -zoning is not consistent with the land use designation of the Town of Avon
Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
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March 21, 2000
3. The proposed use is not compatible with the neighborhood.
4. Theā¢proposed re -zoning for a private residence club will have a negative impact on Town
Transportation systems and recreational facilities.
5. The Planned Unit Development Plan and Development Standards for Lot 38A, Block 2,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek do not comply with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design
criteria because the commercial nature of the use is in conflict with the residential character
of the neighborhood and that this proposed commercial use would be detrimental to the
public interest.
6. The private residence club is not compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood,
and adjacent properties relative to residential character of the neighborhood;
7. The PUD Zoning and Development Standards propose a mix of uses, activity, and density
which are not compatible with the surrounding low density residential uses and activity;
S. The project does not have sufficient on-site circulation design to accommodate the proposed
private residence club use and fails to meet the Town standards for parking.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission hereby
recommends to the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, to deny the Re -Zoning of
Lot 38A from RD to PUD.
Commissioner Morrison moved to adopt Resolution 00-3A, Series 2000
recommending that Town Council approve the application as follows:
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March 21, 2000
HEREAS, Robert Borg, owner of Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
WSubdivision, has applied for a zone change from RD to PUD, and approval of a PUD
Development Plan and Development Standards, as stipulated in Title 17 of the Avon
Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the
Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the
public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain
information and reports regarding the proposed PUD Zoning and Development
Standards; and
WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission has reviewed and evaluated the
Development Standards and Preliminary Development Plan according to the criteria in
Section 17.28.080 and Section 17.20.110, subsections H and 1, of the Avon Municipal
Code; and
WHEREAS, based upon the above, the Planning & Zoning Commission finds that:
1. The proposed re -zoning is justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the
area proposed to be rezoned.
2. The proposed re -zoning is consistent with the land use designation of the Town of Avon
Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
3. The proposed use is compatible with the neighborhood.
4. The proposed re -zoning for a residence club will have no impact on Town transportation
systems and recreational facilities.
5. The Planned Unit Development Plan and Development Standards for Lot 38A, Block 2,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek does comply with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design
criteria because the residential nature of the use is compatible with the residential nature of
the neighborhood.
6. The residence club is compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and
adjacent properties relative to the residential character of the neighborhood;
7. The PUD Zoning and Development Standards propose a mix of uses, activity, and density
which are compatible with the surrounding low density residential uses and activity;
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March 21, 2000
8. The project does have sufficient on-site circulation design to accommodate the proposed
residence club use and meets the Town standards for parking.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission hereby
recommends to the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, to approve the Re -Zoning
and PUD Application of Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek from RD to PUD.
Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion tied 3-3.
Commissioners Evans, Morrison and Sipes voted in favor.
Commissioners Karow, Klein and Macik dissented.
Commissioner Evans suggested since there is no clear-cut consensus from P&Z,
Council should address this. Mike Matzko suggested that Chairman Evans
represent the Commissioners and objectively provide the comments of the
Mr. Borg would like a copy of the Staff Report provided to Council.
VIII. Other Business
A. Staff Approvals:
Lot 74, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
5491 Wildridge Road East, Brill Residence
Modification to Approved Design
Ruth Borne gave the staff summary. The applicant modified the site/grading plan
to lower the finished grades.
IX. Adjourn
Commissioner Sipes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Morrison seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was unanimously
approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cecelia Fenton
Recording Secretary
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Minutes of PU Meeting
March 21, 2000
APPROVED: April 4, 2000
Chris Evans
Greg Mack
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Minutes of P&Z Meeting
March 21, 2000