05-20-16 Purchase and Sale Agreement Points of Colorado - Mountain Vista Building,(s8uuds poo,iuralD prm ttadcy ut algopnnn sax uas Stttsol3) •-/and ialjury prro '-,Cqun rD 'a8puua�aa rg ylmng '/aaq J3,Wag1uon y : ur suoyuao7 (sarriutoO tAtog pun:/avd 'a�lu7 'uos�lao/• : a8o�a,io,7 patttuw aayuuo0 7(rutuuS Pilo uA7id 'pi'mD platpVD 'al &;7 :.rojopu�Opj tq uoyoiaadeg puo fag aala.tas polnls su :aznsoloug z00gjo mozosg `spzn &az Isaq glirn •spaau i?uTSO1O pun 01111 alnlso lnaz Oznlnj jinn zoj oopuas jo oq of posuald aq pinom I •zagtunu auogd anoqu aql In ilno n aut anti of alnlisaq lou op asnald `aural sltll In no i zoo op uno I asla �uttu, ue s1 o iogl 3I -s)laam oml of s�inp ual Xlalnutixozddn ui Xwd o1updozddu ail of Xlloanp pouznlaz oq llim pun Ouipzooaz zoo rClunoO aql of lugs uaaq annq sluautnoop oqj •olg zno,t zoj `uoilonsunzl mOS of luampod uoiluuuojui zaglo pun 5uisolo In paais annq nOX sluotunoop aql lln jo soidoo sutuluoo goigm `a�n�loud ftsolo znoX 2uTpznmzo3 um I wiloudsilns zno,i of polpunq sum 2uTgjftana lugl adoq I •�Iutsolo znoX zod sooinzas zno 2?uisn zoo no C gl of Cliunlzoddo sigl awl of PT 1 pinom I iftsolo luaoaz MOO uo suotlulnlnz$uoD (s)zasugoznd .reaQ opnz010D `f4unOD Oliiug `uoisinipgnS IzosaZl BISIA utulunoW `b IO l OZ9I8 OD `uond `•pnlg 3la0zD zannag •rn Obi :Xpadwd uotlutodzoo opuzolOD u `•ouI `opnIOIOD Jo slutod :(s)atuuN s,.1allaS olio alna autoq u sn paZtuni?zo uoilnzodzO Indioinnut opnzolOD n `UOAV JO umoZ aq,I, :(s)auteN s,.taxng LO-Z699180 4u3uiliwmo0 910V E1 ABIN OZ9I8 OD `uony SL6 xog Od Sip alnz auzog n sn pazrunoo uotnzodoo Indtounu opoo� Ulaa zs aauZ au0 AV JO umoj aqj MOD 'SaT31JOZOOap!l -A to A 98b6 -6t76 (OL6) : --q LW -W (OL6) :auoq�j 0860-OZ919 OD `UOAV 086 xog 'O'd `IZZ# PATU NaasD -T—z)q 'M 01 sailooi ey }o k b �NVdWOD 11111 0. 4A 179109£46# 1S3MWa ussy ARION IVUOIRN 116WAI PWJ0G 40i'L1 :)o0 somdx3 wwa0 �o ",iio ••; 99MG id N uolsssWM0 eplioll 10 9111S - *114ftd AMON '•.,,3, r 3110111 1113AWR let UI I -e ( .saatdxo uoisslu tuoo XW It," 9Jo puu put,q Xtu ssaullM •uotluiodloo oputolo0 u `•oul `opuaolo0 jo slulod JO 10OW0 IulOUL'UTA JalgD/luaplsaad 331A 101UOS su MDOW .IagluaH Xq `9IOZ ` XUW uo ow 310jaq pai?polmo"ou sum luawnilsut Ou►o.�?aioj oqj :ss ( 100w0 It,13uuu13 3a1g0/luoplsaad oOlA JOIUOS sll `IHDOW .taglt,OH :Cg uollvaod.ioa opwoloa v 1,;)uI'opwoloa jo sluiod (gJNd2I0 d0 A LN oo (vmo,l3 30 alv LS -jooioq :pud u opuw puu olonq pagouuu V ;igigxd uo q:poj las sialluw oql (q) puu `olquXud puu anp la,C lou uatl t, `siuoX luanbosgns puu 9I OZ loj sluowssossu puu soxul Xpodoid Iua t (t,) of loofgns `.toluua0 .lapun ao tlgnonll `,Cg `joalagl laud ,Cut, .lo ologm oql Sulunulo suosiod ao uosiod /C.lana puu llu Isulufu `su2issu puu siossaoons `sataq s,aaluua0 puu `aaluua0 jo uotssossod olguoouod put, lalnb oql ut sastwaad poutuSauq anogt, oql QNg3gQ XF[Ag2I0d QNV IxVuH'VAk lHm Puu Ilt,gs .toluu.l0 lugl aaAu puu Iut,uaA00 soop `suBissu put, s.toss000ns `sataq sll puu JIasll .IOJ `.ro4uua0 •.lanaaOJ suStssu puu sioss000ns `s uaq s,aalut,.l0 puu `aaluu i0 olun `otnujS ozuo ig .taplS oql of polrwtl lou ing 2utpnl3ut `sa0uuual mddu oql gllm paglaosop puu pautuBjLq anogu sastwald plus oql Q'IOH 01 QNd gAdH OZ •OpulOIOD `uoAd `pt,og JjuwgOuag IsaM uo pal 001 •oM uolldooag lu uo pop rooaa uo uoAd Jo umO L oql ,(g pano td u `o iolo0 `uoAd JO umOL uolstnlpgnS lrosag t,lsiA utulunoW `S puu 17 `OZ slot jo Iulda2I oql of iiulp.t000u 10pt,a0100 `uoAd Jo umoy `uotstntpgnS Wsag t,lslA utt,lunoW `l, log :smolloj su pagi.tosop si It,gl f4jodoid luaa oql `opuaoloD jo alt,ls `oj9ug jo,ClunoO `0Z9I8 Opt,a0100 `uoAd `9L6 X0g 'O'd `43011S 0491 au0 sl ssatppu 1004s asogm `(«aalues0 „) opulolo0 jo alulS aql jo ,4Iludloiuntu olnl awoq u `uoAd JO umoZ aql of sSoAuoo puu sllos Sgwatl `ptud puuq ut `uolluaaptsuoO olgt,nluA put, Pool 10TO put, (00'0l$) s -lullOQ 001/00 Puu uc)JL JO u0llulaplsu0O aql 10J `61SZ£ uPI.t013 `opuula0 `linoD oo uW uuS Z006 "oul `soouataadxg aanluaiS uuulstA 0/3 sl ssaappu (aOIA13S lulsod salt,lS paltun) Iluw .luln5oi asogm `(«aolu 0 „) uotlt,lodaoo opt,aolo0 u `•Oul `Opu.l0100 Jo slulod Q3aQ A.LAIVHHVAk 9NIDadS N.ta10 umo jL `addoH alggaQ :ul;d OZ918 00 `uoAd 9L6 xOg 'O d ov OS/: 7b� -aoq u0A`J JO uM01 :01 NMIaH dSVarld Q3(rdODaR NaHAA, cimv AS uaim ban gm(rdoaau 00*0$ .3Oa Ad 9£ :t£'. 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Beaver Creek Blvd #221, P.O. Box 980 Avon CO 81620 -0980 (970) 949 -9497 PAY Three Hundred Ten and 00 /100 Dollars Alpine Bank of Colorado Avon, CO 46456 82- 340/1021 DATE AMOUNT 05/23/2016 $310.00 TO THE The Town of Avon, a Colorado municipal corporation organized as a ORDER OF home rule city VOID AFTER 90 DAYS One Lake Street PO Box 975 ,oES wrt„ H-' qq , Mrmot___......(1A1(.(.Q7• 8t SECURITY FEATURES INCLUDED. DETAILS ON BACK. IJ I'm 464S611' 1:10 2 10 340 71: 3 4 700 13 28011' Title Company of the Rockies Alpine Bank of Colorado 10 W. Beaver Creek Blvd #221, P.O. Box 980 Avon, CO Avon CO 81620 -0980 (970) 949 -9497 0816692 Check Date: 05/23/2016 PAYEE: The Town of Avon, a Colorado municipal corporation organized as a home rule city SELLER: Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation BUYER: The Town of Avon, a Colorado municipal corporation organized as a home rule city ADDRESS: 140 W. Beaver Creek Blvd., Avon, CO 81620 Line Items ion Amount - - - C� Refund - Recording Fee Overage $310.00 $310.00 46456 Ballard Spahr 1225 17rh Streer, Suite 2300 Denver. CO 8o2o2 -5596 iEl 103.193,1400 — 303.296.3956 www.bailards*ncom May 24, 2016 CLOSING AND RECORDING .INSTRUCTIONS By email — blarson@a.titlecorockies.com Title Company of the Rockies 10 W. Beaver Creek Blvd., 4221 Avon, CO 81620 Christopher W. Payne Tel: 303199,7345 Fax: 303.296.3956 payne@ballardspahr.com Re: Purchase and Sale Agreement, between Points of Colorado, Inc, ( "Sel1er ") and the 1'orvn of Avon ( "Purchaser "); Title Company of the Rockies, as agent for Westcor Land Title Insurance Company ( "Title Company ") File No. 0816642 (the "Commitment "); 140 W. Beaver Creek Blvd,, Avon, CO 81.620 (the "Pro ') Dear Mr. Larson: This law firm represents Seller in connection with the conveyance of the above Property. This letter shall constitute your instructions with respect to the Documents and Funds described herein, Received by you under separate cover are the documents listed on Schedule 1 to this letter, executed by Seller (hereinafter, the "Documents "). On or before May 20, 2016, you shall also receive} by wire transfer good funds in the amount required to pay the purchase price and other expenses of this closing in accordance with the settlement statements to be executed by Purchaser and Seller (the "Funds "). As soon as (i) you have received executed settlement statements from Purchaser and Seller; (ii) you have received the Funds; and (iii) you have received electronic mail or telephonic authorization from David Weaver, Sellcr's representative, or Christopher Payne or Alicia Clark (or any other attorney at Ballard Spahr LLP), you are authorized and directed to: (A) cause the Funds to be disbursed in accordance with the Purchaser's and Seller's settlement statements, including payment of the balance to Seller in with the wire instructions provided by Seller, and (B) record documents in the following order in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, taking care to fill in blanks with available information prior to recordation: (1) Second Amended Final Plat, a Replat of Lots 4, 2C and 5, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision (2) Notice of Withdrawal and Supplemental Declaration Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision aanrW>.~ST 1110514909 Q Allaoli I i121rimora I heihasds I Dalawaft I benw I Les Vegas I LosAnples I Now krsay I ls`ow Yerk I Philadolphia I PbDcnix Salt Lake City I San Diego I Washington, DC I www.ballardspahr.com Title Company of the Rockies May 24, 2016 Page 2 (3) Special Warranty Deed (4) Lot 4 Easement Agreement If the foregoing has not occurred by 5:00 p.m., mountain time, May 20, 2016 or such later date as designated in writing by the Purchaser and Seller (or their respective counsel), you shall return the Documents to the Seller (or its counsel) and remit the Funds to Purchaser. Within thirty (30) days thereafter, kindly return to us a complete set of counterpart originals (to the extent available) or copies of the executed Documents, and please deliver to us no later than (1) business day after the day of recordation a copy of each recorded document showing the recording information. The purchase and sale of the Property is the sale of "reportable real estate" within the meaning of United States Treasury Regulations Section I.605 -4 (the "Regulations "). You constitute the "real estate reporting, person" within the meaning of the Regulations and you shall file all reports with the federal government as required by the Regulations in connection with the closing of the sale of the Property. Please acknowledge receipt of the Documents and acceptance by you of these instructions by executing a counterpart of these instructions and return a pdf copy to my attention at payne@ballardspahr.com, and to Alicia Clark's attention at ciarka @ballardspahr.com. By your signature, you acknowledge and agree that the Title Company has received the Documents, You further acknowledge and agree, upon receipt of the Funds and satisfaction of the above conditions and satisfaction of all requirements contained in the Commitment, the Title Company is unconditionally and irrevocably obligated to disburse the Funds in accordance with the Purchaser's and Seller's settlement statements. An electronic and counterpart signature of these instructions shall be deemed an original and together shall constitute one document. Please feel free to call me at 303 - 299 -7345 with questions. Thank you for your assistance. . Very truly yours, N.- p6rU- Christopher W. Payne CWP /rnd DMV&ST 111435290A 0 Title Company of the Rockies May 24, 2016 Page 3 INSTRUCTIONS AGREED AND APPROVED AS OF THE DATE FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN AND RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED OF TIDE DOCUMENTS INDICATED HEREIN; TITLE COMPANY OF THE ROCKIES as agent for WESTCOR LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Its duly authorized signatory DATE: DMiWEST *14352408 Q Schedule 1 Documents Special Warranty Deed (original to Purchaser) Second Amended Final Plat, a Replat of Lots 4, 2C and 5, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision (retained by County) Notice of Withdrawal and Supplemental Declaration Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision Lot 4 Easement Agreement Statement of Authority Owner's Affidavit Buyer /Seller Prorations Agreement re: taxes, utilities FIR.PTA Information re Conveyance of Colorado Real Property Real Property Transfer Declaration ©MWEST 41435'2908 Q u oo ll!l a4L wsaao2 J- ill .IN51OV ONUS070 f67) : tg �Fpa vJawo,,,vs7p0zluvNlo uo!luaodioa lud!alunw opuaolo0 u luoAV ;o um ol 941 :(S)2IdSVH3Had •poluo!pu! su spun3 aaisnil su osmgs!p oT pozuocgnu,igalaq st laplog MOJOSg pus anoqu un�ogs alup;uawalalas aql 3o su panojdds s! luawalllas3o luawaTuls anogs aqy •uo!lsOpsanu! luuosiad Xq io lalloS Aq pap!Aoid aouap!Aa allp OLD of ononjal Aq pou!uuolop aq of s! �adoid aql of ollp 3o uo!l!puoo 011L •anQ saxuy 3o olsoggioo s,joinsuais aqR uo umogs aiu Amp ssalun sluawssasse to soxel lu!oods 3o luaugsnfpu 2tp io3 fQq!q!suodsaJ ou sawnssu sa!iloog agl3o AuudwoD op! j, aqZ •popnloui lou kpodold luuosiod uo soxel osn ao sopS Qa.LJa3D ' CNV GaAOUday 00'SZ6`OOS`I$ 00'SZ6`OOSI$ SZV.LOZ 89'6£O`ZOti`I$ aasuga and woi j on([ aauulug Z£'S88`86$ 00'SZ6`OOSI$ sIuzoT anQ 00'009$ _ saa3 8u!pzooag iluno0/gOS of s�u!Pjooa-d Joj molosg 00'091$ am3or72iu dwe1C/XeT OMIQ wu.TOro -) 00 •SZs JWV ajna jf:;.ra0 xn,L 00.09Zs OS /OS l?l ds aad 2u:so1D io juawallIas _ 00 SLZ$ _ aa,g 91,00 IJOD xe,l, w god 8utso10 aIlu 00.000`009`1$ aoud solus loualuo0 oz ,gaa Lc.a LIOZ u! anQ saxes 91 OZ aoj uoquioad xuZ — 9IOZ /OZ /9 o191OZ /I /I soxnl,tl.Tado.Td r4unoO 00 *000`SL$ ;tauo — _ k;saureg ao l!sodaQ l!gaQ uo!; 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This Statement of Authority relates to an entity named: Points of Colorado, Inc. (the "Entity "). 2. The Entity is: a corporation. 3. The Entity is formed under the laws of the State of Colorado. 4. The mailing address for the Entity is: 9002 San Marco Court, Orlando, Florida 32819. 5. The name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) authorized to execute instruments conveying, encumbering, or otherwise affecting title to real property on behalf of the Entity is /are: Heather McGill, Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer 6. The authority of the foregoing person(s) to bind the Entity is not limited. 7. Other matters concerning the manner in which the Entity deals with interests in real property: N/A 8. This Statement'of Authority is executed on behalf of the Entity pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 -30 -172, C.R.S. Executed this s% _ day of May, 2016. Points of olor o, Inc., a Colorado corporation BY: Heather McGill, its Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer STATE OF FLORIDA ) , ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) The foregoing Statement of Authority was acknowledged before me this 1 1" day of May, 2016 by Heather McGill, Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer, of Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: JENNIFER A. LIZOTTE -04 tti£ Notary PuC1k • State of Florida otar ? _C • . = COMMIS110n I FF 944755 j blic My Comm. Expires pee 17.2019 Bonded through National Notary Assn. DMWEST #14367597 A P s v 8 3 ° u gl is 3¢ 5:3g�$, w s $ R e It i 1° a : .fi r ,.`n $i if � $ _� a v 3 Yi fl5 R � y aig s s a3 =E; g ; � 9z a a s is 3 3 �. ° g qSR }g} $J} ,%¢ 4 a .9 3 °3 �R qg+ °ab9. qi �^ a5 1;i � e ,p B g 3 8 SS:��$3 { y' ��s 5��' S- p„ 3- sd^ s- x s 4 ~.$ e ;, $fig :,, $� � es � �$ -�i� �. a � •> $� �3z 3 ae s "_; � R iE- q e >a= PN s a a �; rs H� ` 14 sad xa r R Its, H �Sxe m VL ag § -$ ..$s s p 7 s # a�$ _ :is P= NH ,.° s3',$ 3j os $ n 3 gan s H.9g � T p y a C ti= = 3 C_ 'f's P }E� i 9 5 #i gg m ' 3 Lob n d If. /{ P 017 z aw gg � " g r ip, g s ps a $-IZ 8_a' -L a3agz� n ° Ig �3R 2 ia ?35 _t� u, si 3 NSA ggg $; 4 .`1 �n =� „ 1- s Pf I Q =1s� a• �'6 �� �ff g. �mpxe435 r� I6` ^' of frg � r n 4� 1;:9Es 9rlli` Tg� .gg'? n � °fir 5383 -1m "P j" I tN c H 9N 39 3116 gg$'€+•g'i s 2> ¢^ TM �$q ssi �3 . y4'g °° g q- s ° =$sg H3 4 ' ;Y1$ $'3a sca 3R a° a a ',�°c 1 11 Q Wpa $ ° =_ 39 gg of 3g°; 315,f _saa 1$ d a e !a 1R s _� a S �° e� a �3@3 RS ¢s •s R 8 �`g 33• u�3�a s'. 8 = iYD$ $nY g v g�a s a � ;.•�. 6 ¢ a S a YYeRs gv^ � }$ d Rp x• v g P 4 ° =04 g Rsg E $F$,? 3 ^his =9 $> y °id sib Ads�.1aIf[ Ag3AAg-H � FRe�`Roi$$ * °$ ��'$L$�S�s' $3 gS$s�R 's 03 9:$za: i4$�A�pa•� $R� O � � � iz °fa " 9 QYI1s, iy(i- i q r 5� ^p.p � X3X° x y x.0.1 35 y �3 r 3 R S°sir d i'Y F °asA= 9 •''��^ i� 9 S ° SO R���A•�'$�;� �,� €� $ € °�����9`a xR"''g's a E2 -$H� z .�g:�ig xs a9 >g tc s �s si•R$s °�s$ °$sS? $i ^H_ 1-'N3 $$g�a �aa$° Rd�- (� � N'b s �A §§qq:;eg$ =gsi:Y3$g€ §q"as3'g3a�oi ?$g' € O g3��39 1� ? ? ^z3 Ecg�:aS? =�a3s•rs9 °s ,1$ sE W CO cn w $;$�� ��s "�' °rgsa��gs�s�zaio u�a_z:_a�a$g °.��5•i ?fig:. � p � d a $�� =s$sa� a a sx - P; O iSm m 5..'� %ea aR ^u $ -d si !�i ° -o ^3 ^H N nr i a ? is ° $. 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Ballard Spahr LLP 1225 17th Street, Suite 2300 Denver, Colorado 80202 NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION MOUNTAIN VISTA RESORT SUBDIVISION This Notice of Withdrawal and Supplemental Declaration ( "Notice of Withdrawal") is being recorded by the undersigned Developer, in accordance with Section 19.3 of the Master Declaration for Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, dated as'of April 18, 2001, and recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado ( "Records ") on April 18, 2001 at Reception No. 754853 (as amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Declaration "). The Declaration applies to certain Master Units and Lots as described in the Plat for fountain Vista Subdivision, recorded in the Records on April 18, 2001, at Reception No. 754852, as such Plat has been or may be supplemented or amended from time to time, including without limitation, by the Second Amended Final Plat, a 'Replat of Lots 4, 2C and 5, recorded on �' at Reception No. ,2014674JI . Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings given in the Declaration. Notice is hereby given that Master Unit Lot 4 is withdrawn from the Condominium and Property and from the provisions of the Declaration by the Developer prior to the sale of Master Unit Lot 4. The Declaration is hereby amended and supplemented accordingly. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Exhibit A to the Declaration (Legal Description of Property) is hereby modified, replaced and restated in its entirety to reflect the withdrawal of the Master Unit Lot 4 from the .Condominium and Property, as shown on the replacement exhibit attached hereto. [Signature Page Attached] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer has executed this Notice of Withdrawal and Supplemental Declaration as of the date acknowledged herein. i DEVELOPER: POINTS OF COLORADO, INC., a Colorado corporation By: Name: Heather McGill Title: Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer STATE OF FLORIDA )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a- day of May, 2015, by Heather McGill, as Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer of Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:t.� JENNI�oltEiorlds Notary Pubilc - ._ .. Commisston 0 FF 9,11 2 Comm. Expires Dec 17.2ot9 My bNitionatNolazY y,,gj,,;t,�'��, Hondedthroug rte, Replacement Exhibit A to Declaration Legal Description of Property Lots 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, and '5, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, 'a resubdivision of Lot C, a Final Plat and Resnbdivision of Lots B and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4, according to the Plat for Mountain Vista Subdivision, recorded April 18, 2001, at Reception No. 754852, as such plat has been or may be supplemented or amended from time to time, including without limitation, by the Second Amended Final Plat, a Replat of Lots 4, 2C, and 5, recorded 6EI� at Reception No. County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Eagle County, CO 201607623 Teak J Simonton 05/20/2016 Pgs: 3 01:34:36 PM REC: $21.00 DOC: $0.00 RECORDING REQUESTED.BY AND WHEN RECORDED PLEASE RETURN TO: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Debbie Hoppe, Town' Clerk SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation ( "Grantor "), whose regular mail (United States Postal Service) address is c/o Vistana Signature Experiences, Inc., 9002 San Marco Court, Orlando, Florida 32819, for the consideration of Ten and 00 /100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, Hereby sells and conveys to the Town of Avon, a home rule municipality of the State of Colorado ( "Grantee "), whose street address is One Lake Street, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, the real property that is described as follows:, Lot 4, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon,.Colorado, according to the . Replat of Lots 2C, 4 and 5, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Colors o, a proved by the Town of Avon on recorded on at Reception No.,, e 4224 ,?t loo ted on West Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, including but not limited to the Skier Bronze Statue, unto Grantee, and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. Grantor, for.itself and its heirs, successors and-assigns, does covenant and agree that Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, subject to (a) real property taxes and assessments for 2016 and subsequent years, a lien not yet due and payable, and (b) the matters set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. STATE OF FLORIDA) ) ss: COUNTY OF ORANGE) Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation h By: 0 HeatherMcGill, its'Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May I I , 2016, by Heather McGill as Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer of Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and offi ial sea My commission expires: � � �A o ;,,, , ":JENNIFER k UZOTTE y s . Notary Public `• State of Florida • Commission # FF 444165 '=� e,�� My Comm. Expires Dec 11, 2019 °iw'' ,, BondId through Natlnnil Notary Assn. DMWEST #14350154 v4 Pu A Tine CO { y 9 J EXHIBIT A . i. Exceptions Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted, as reserved in United States Patent recorded May 4, 1905, in Book 48 at Page 272. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrument recorded April 29, 1985, in Book 411 at Page, 960 and February,7; 1990, in Book 522 at Page 721. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in the Deed from Benchmark at Beaver Creek, a limited partnership to Tandora S.A. and Iancura S.A., recorded June 29, 1979, in Book 287'at Page 548.'. Memorandum of Agreement by Vail Associates Investment, Inc.; James S. Mandel, Larry D. Doll, Ann Kingsley; Richard D. MacCutcheon and Eade Hopkins recorded March 16"2000, at Reception No. 724918 and Memorandum of Assignment recorded May 1, 2006, at Reception-No., 728546. ` Town of Avon Ordinance No. 02, Series of 2000 Conditionally Approving a PUD Development Plan (Including Development,Standards) recorded May 30, 2000, at Reception No. 730844, and the PUD Development Plan referred to therein as Exhibit "A ", filed May M,'2000 at Reception No. 730845. Service Plan for Mountain Vista Metropolitan District recorded May,30, 2000, at Reception No. 730923, Order and Decree organizing the Mountain Vista Metropolitan District recorded M, ay.30; 2000, at Reception No. 730924, and Map of District Boundaries recorded December 18, 2009 at Reception No. 200927086,'a ild Mountain Vista Metropolitan District Public Disclosure Statement recorded December 29, 2014 at Reception No. 201422125. Those terms agreement, provisions, conditions and obligations which are a burden to subject property as contained in Agreement Governing Design, Construction, and Management of Storm Water Detention and Pollution Control Facilities by the.Town of Avon, ,a Colorado home rule municipality, and Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado,corporation recorded June 7, 2000, at Reception No. 731541. Agreement Regarding Revocable Permit for Construction Access by Points of Colorado, Inc, and Avon Commercial Center LTD. recorded November 16, 2000, at Reception No. 744154. :., Reciprocal Access Easement Agreement: made; by and between Points of Colorado, Inc. and Avon Commercial Center, Ltd. recorded November 16, 2000,'at Reception No. 744155. Development Agreement by Vail Associates Investments, Inc., Avon Commercial Center Ltd., Shapiro Development Co. and the Town of Avon recorded February 5,'200 1, at Reception No. 749431 and Amendment recorded February 5, 2001, at Reception No. 749432. Storm Sewer and Drainage Easement Agreement by Points of Colorado, Inc. and Avon Commercial Center Ltd. recorded February.5; 2001, at Reception No: 749435. Trench, Conduit and Vault Agreement between Points of Colorado, Inca and Holy Cross Energy dated March 28, 2001, and recorde&April 10, 2001; at Reception No. 754127. Holy Cross Energy Underground Right of-Way Easement recorded Awn .st`l, 2003, at Reception No. 842641. Trench, Conduit and Vault Agreement made by and between Points of Col ado, RV11V WdiMcorporation'and Holy Cross Energy, a Colorado corporation, recorded September 17,200i %11 Pqo�,�$ ":.�; ^ zt`. y+ y+,ll +se�i'R�4r�,;r�;n1:•st�+c5 - "��' „', °. DWIEST #14350154 A Exhibit A -1. 201607623 Easements, rights of way and other matters as shown on a t e SSpond Final Plat, a Replat of Lots 4,2C and 5, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, recorded at Reception No. .2Ola07,G�f Lot 4 Easement Agreement made by and among Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision Master Association, Inc., aajCGolorado nonprofit corporation, and the Town of Avon, a Colorado home rule municipality, recorded -�'T at Reception No. ,�%A4: 071 The covenant of a Right of First Refusal granted by the Town of Avon, a Colorado home rule municipality, in favor of Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation in that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement entered into by Points of Colorado, Inc. as seller and the Town of Avon, as buyer on March 3, 2016, attached to Town of Avon Ordinance No. 16 -06, which Right of First Refusal will expire no later than three years following the recording of this Special Warranty Deed. 201607623 DMWEST #14350154 v4 Exhibit A -2 Eagle County, CO „ '201607524 Teak J Simonton 05/20/2016 Pgs: 12 01:34:36 PM REC: $66.00 DOC: $0.00 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: I 11) (01 po Christopher Payne, Esq. Ballard Spahr LLP 1225 17th Street, Suite 2300 Denver, Colorado 80202 LOT 4 EASEMENT AGREEMENT This Lot 4 Easement Agreement (the "Agreement ") is made and entered to as of May 20, 2016, to be effective as of the date of recording, by and among Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("POC "), Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision Master Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation (the "Association "), and the Town of Avon, a Colorado home rule municipality ( "Lot 4 Owner "). RECITALS: A. POC is the declarant under, that certain Master Declaration -for Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision dated as of April 18, 2001, and recorded in the real property records for Eagle County, Colorado (the "Records ") on April .18, 2001, at Reception No. 754853 (as amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Master Declaration "). B. The Master Declaration governs certain rights and interests of the owners in and to' the real property Iegally described in the plat for the Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, recorded in the Records on April 18, 2001 at Reception No. 754852, as such plat has been or may be supplemented or amended from time to time (the "Plat "), including without limitation, by the Second Amended Final Plat, a Replat of Lots 4, 2C and 5, recorded on at Reception No7o66;7;V?! (the "Lot 415 Replat "). The Master Declaration incorporates the Plat, which, among other things, delineates each "Master Unit" or "Lot." The Master Declaration further defines the "Property" and "Master Common Elements" governed by the Master Declaration. All references herein to the "Lots" shall mean the subdivision lots established by the Plat, as such Plat has been or may be supplemented or amended from time to time, including without limitation, by the Lot 415 Replat. C. The Master Declaration also defines the "Parking Facility" as the parking garage improvements that are or will be constructed within Lot 5 of Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision. POC may, but will not be required to; construct, install, maintain, operate, repair, inspect, protect, remove, and replace additional improvements to the Parking Facility that encroach upon Lot 4 (the "Parking Facility Work"). D. POC was the prior owner of Lot 4 and is the current owner of Lots 5 and 2C, in addition to other Lots and Master Units. The Association is the entity responsible for the administration of the Master Common Elements subject to the Master Declaration. Lot 4 Owner is the current owner of Lot 4. E. , Prior to the recordation of this Agreement, POC withdrew Lot 4 from the Property governed by the covenants, easements, and other provisions of the Master Declaration. The Property, as amended, is further described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein and the Property includes that certain area referred to as the "Undeveloped Area," as further described on ExhibitB attached hereto and incorporated herein. In connection with such withdrawal and the transfer. of Lot 4 from POC to the Lot 4 Owner, the Lot 4 Owner has agreed to grant, along, over, beneath and across Lot 4, easements for pedestrian and emergency access, fire lane, utility and storm drainage easements, subterranean support and subsistence, shared open space, and such other matters as further described herein. F. POC, the Association and Lot 4 Owner desire to establish and grant certain easements and to enter into certain agreements, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency. of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows AGREEMENT: 1. GRANT OF EASEMENTS FOR BENEFIT OF PROPERTY. Lot 4 Owner hereby grants to POC and the Association the following easements for the benefit of the Property: (a) a non - exclusive easement and right to enter upon, across, over, and in any portion of the Undeveloped Area for the purpose of pedestrian or emergency access to and from the Property in a manner that does not unreasonably conflict with or restrict the Lot 4 Owner's use of the Undeveloped Area; (b) a non - exclusive easement upon, across, over, in and under the Undeveloped Area for ingress and egress and for installation, replacement, repair and maintenance of all utilities, including but not limited to water, sewer, gas, telephone, electricity and television or other cable communication system. By virtue of this easement, it shall be expressly permissible and proper for the companies providing such utilities to erect and maintain the necessary equipment on Lot 4 and to affix and maintain pipes, wires, circuits and conduits under Lot 4. Any utility company using this general easement shall use its best. efforts to install and maintain the utilities or services provided without disturbing the uses of the Lot 4 Owner, the Association, and POC; shall complete its installation and maintenance activities as promptly as reasonably possible; and shall restore any disturbed property to its original condition as soon as possible after completion of its work. Should any utility company furnishing a utility or service covered by this easement request a specific easement by separate recordable document, the Lot 4 Owner shall promptly grant, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the requesting utility company such specific easement; (c) a non - exclusive easement to all police, sheriff, fire protection, ambulance, and all other similar emergency agencies or persons to enter upon all streets, driveways, fire lanes, and generally upon Undeveloped Area in the proper performance of their duties; (d) a non - exclusive easement to enter upon, across, over, in and under any Undeveloped. Area for the purpose of changing, correcting, or otherwise modifying the grade or drainage channels of Lot 4 so as to improve the drainage of water on or across the Property in a manner that does not unreasonably conflict with or restrict the Lot 4 Owner's use of the Undeveloped Area, including without limitation such easements and access as may be reasonably required to comply with that certain Agreement Governing Design, Construction, and Management of Storm Water Detention and Pollution Control Facilities, recorded in the Records on June 7, 2000 at Reception No. 731541, and to comply with the "Facilities Obligations" defined therein; and (e) for so long as POC holds an interest in any Lot, such easements, licenses or use rights as POC may request, from time to time, to maintain POC's current and future development rights under the PUD zoning, development standards, and PUD Development PIan applicable to the Property, recorded in the Records on May 30, 2000 at Reception Nos. 730844 and 730845 (as may be amended or supplemented from time to time) in accordance the requirements of the Town of Avon (including any requirements of governmental agency incorporated into the Town requirements) in a manner that does not unreasonably conflict with or restrict the Lot 4 Owner's use of the Undeveloped Area. Such easements DMWEST #11568712 v6 2 201607624- shall specifically include, but not be limited to, any public rights -of -way, fire lanes, and shared open space. 2. GRANT OF EASEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PARKING FACILITY. (a) Subject to and on the terms and conditions set forth in Section 3 below, Lot 4 Owner hereby, grants to POC and the Association: (i) the non - exclusive easement for encroachment and right to attach to and use the existing sub- adjacent foundation improvements located on Lot 4 as a common wall and for the support of the Parking Facility as may be hereafter constructed on Lot 4; (ii) a non - exclusive easement in, on, under, over and across such Undeveloped Area as are reasonably necessary to construct, install, maintain, operate, repair, inspect, protect, remove and replace the Parking Facility; (iii) a non - exclusive right of ingress and egress to enter upon the Undeveloped Area with such equipment as is reasonably necessary to perform the Parking Facility Work; (iv) a non- exclusive easement for sub - adjacent and lateral support in, on, upon and under such portions of Lot 4 as are necessary for the support of any Parking Facility now or hereafter constructed on Lot 5 and Lot 4; and (v) a non - exclusive right upon, across, over, in and under Undeveloped Area for ingress and egress and for installation, replacement, repair and maintenance of Parking Facility elevator shafts and stairwells. (b) Subject to and on the terms and conditions set forth in Section 3 below, POC and the Association hereby grants to the Lot 4 Owner a non - exclusive easement for sub - adjacent and lateral support in, on, upon and under such portions of the Parking Facility as are necessary for the support of any improvements now or hereafter constructed on Lot 4. PARKING FACILITY WORK. (a) Any Parking Facilities Work shall be performed by or on behalf of POC at no cost or expense to Lot 4 Owner, in a workmanlike manner, and in accordance with all applicable laws; rules, regulations, ordinances and building codes, as well as the restrictions herein, pursuant to good, generally prevailing construction management practices and procedures that, to the extent reasonably feasible, will avoid or reasonably minimize any undue resulting disturbances or interferences with the use and enjoyment of the affected portions of Lot 4. POC shall coordinate with the Lot 4 Owner with respect to the timing'and phasing of such work so as to coordinate it to the extent reasonable and appropriate with the operation of Lot 4. If any Parking Facilities Work is expected to result in the closure of any portion of the access to or from Lot 4, POC shall secure the written approval of the Lot 4 Owner prior to the commencement of any such Parking Facilities Work, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed; provided, however, if the Parking Facilities Work is required to correct a condition that may result in injury to persons or damage to property, POC shall only be required to give such notice as may be reasonable under the circumstances and no written approval shall be required. (b) POC shall pay or cause the payment of all sums owing for or in connection with any Parking Facilities Work undertaken by, through or under it in a prompt and timely fashion, so that no claim for mechanics' liens or any other payment claims shall be asserted against Lot 4. If a mechanic's Iien is recorded against Lot 4 as a result of the Parking Facilities Work, POC shall have the right to contest such lien claim provided that it shall promptly obtain the release of the affected Lot 4 property interests from such lien claim, whether by discharge or bonding. (c) POC shall require that any contractors and /or engineers engaged to perform the Parking Facilities Work on Lot 4 carry and maintain at all time during the performance of such work, general `commercial pliability insurance, professional liability insurance, if applicable, workers compensation insurance and 'such other types of insurance coverages, in such amounts as are customarily maintained by prudent contractors and engineers performing similar work, which shall name Lot 4 Owner OMWEST 411568712 v6 :201607624 as an additional insured; shall not be subject to cancellation or material modification except on not less than thirty (30) days' prior written notice, and shall be written by solvent and responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Colorado. (d) In the event of damage to any improvements on Lot 4 caused by POC or its contractors, POC shall, at no cost or expense to Lot 4 Owner, promptly repair such damage to a condition substantially the same or better than the condition that existed prior to such damage. 4. INDEMNITY. POC shall indemnify Lot 4 Owner and its agents, officers, directors; servants and employees, of and from any and all liability, claims, liens, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, cost, damage or injury, including death of any person or damage to property of any kind, resulting from: (i) any Parking Facility Work performed by, through or under POC; or (ii) the use, exercise or enjoyment by POC of any easement, license or use right granted by the Lot 4 Owner herein. Lot 4 Owner shall indemnify POC and the Association and their respective_ agents, officers, directors, servants and employees, of and from any and all liability, claims, liens, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, cost, damage or injury, including death of any person or damage to property of any kind, resulting from any use; exercise or enjoyment by the Lot 4 Owner of any easement granted by POC. herein. This indemnity will also apply to and include costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, incurred by the indemnified parties in connection with any indemnified matter. In no event, however, will the foregoing indemnities apply to (a) any loss to the extent of any insurance proceeds available under any insurance policy carried by an indemnified party, (b) the extent of the negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by any indemnified party; but the foregoing indemnities shall be applied in accordance with generally prevailing laws governing contributory negligence and governmental immunity. 5. NON - EXCLUSIVE. Except as otherwise expressly provided* to the contrary in this Agreement, Lot 4 Owner reserves the right to use all portions of Lot 4, including for the installation, maintenance, repair, inspection, protection, removal, replacement and operation of any portions of the improvements on Lot 4, the Association reserves the right to administer all portions of the Master Common Elements of the Property, and POC reserves all its rights. as declarant under the Master Declaration and as owner of Lots 5 and 2C, including for the installation, maintenance, repair, inspection, protection, removal, replacement and operation of any portions of the improvements thereon. 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO RUN WITH THE LAND. The provisions of this Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties, including without limitation all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in Lot 4 or the Property. 7. REPRESENTATIVES. The Association and its management company shall be the only representatives entitled to act on behalf of the owners and any other occupants of the Property (other than POC), and any actions taken by the Association or its management company shall be absolutely binding on them (but not on POC). Except to the extent POC assigns any of its rights, obligations or interests in this Agreement to the Association, for as long as POC retains an ownership interest in any Lot or Master Unit within the Property, it shall continue to represent its interests with respect to this Agreement. Lot 4 Owner and its agents shall be the only representatives entitled to act on behalf of the owner of Lot 4. Lot 4 Owner acknowledges and agrees that the Association may delegate to its management company, the right to exercise the rights and perform the obligations of the Association under this Agreement, and POC and the Association acknowledge and agree that the Lot 4 Owner may delegate to its agents, the right to exercise the rights and perform the obligations of the Lot 4 Owner under this Agreement. DMWEST #11568712 v6 201607624 8. TERMINATION. This Agreement may not be terminated except by a written termination executed by each of the parties and recorded in the Records. 9. ARBITRATION %DISPUTE RESOLUTION /ATTORNEYS' FEES. Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the rules of the Judicial Arbiter Group in the State of Colorado or such other rules as the parties may mutually agree in writing. Any award rendered in such arbitration may be entered and will be enforceable in any court in the State of Colorado or in any court having jurisdiction over the party against whom judgment is sought to be enforced. In no event shall any remedies of a party include the right of such party to terminate this Agreement as a result of the alleged or actual breach of this Agreement by the other party. In connection with any arbitration or court proceeding, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' and paralegal fees and costs, including arbitration costs and fees. Neither party shall under any circumstances be responsible for indirect, consequential or punitive damages. 10. NOTICES. Any communication, notice or demand of any kind whatsoever which a party may be required or may desire to give to or serve upon any other party shall be in writing and delivered by personal service (including express or courier service), by a reputable national or international overnight courier such as Federal Express, or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, in any case addressed as follows: If to POC: Points of Colorado, Inc. c/o Vistana Signature Experiences, Inc. 9002 San Marco Court Orlando, Florida 32819 Attn:. Legal Department If to the Lot 4 Owner: Town of Avon One Lake Street P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: Town Manager If to the Association: Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision Master Association, Inc. 160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: President With a copy to: Vistana Signature Experiences, Inc. 9002 San Marco Court Orlando, Florida 32819 Attention: Legal Department Any party may change its address for notice by written notice given to the other in the manner provided in this Section and recorded in the Records. Any such communication, notice or demand shall be deemed to have been duly given or served on the date personally served, if by personal service, one (1) day after the date of dispatch, if by overnight courier, or three (3) business days (a day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a legal holiday in of the U. S. Federal government, or of the States of Colorado or Florida) after being placed in the U.S. Mail, if mailed. DMWEST #11568712 v6 201607624 11. RIGHT TO ASSIGN. POC may assign this Agreement and/or its rights and obligations. if any, hereunder in whole or in part, to the Association as a Master Common Element, in which event POC shall be released from and have no obligations of any kind arising out of or in connection with this Agreement with respect to the rights and obligations so assigned. Lot 4 Owner may assign its rights and obligations in whole or in part to such persons or entities who acquire all of Lot 4 or the areas of Lot 4 affected by the easements granted hereunder, in which event Lot 4 Owner shall be released from and have no obligations of any kind arising out of or in connection with this Agreement with respect to the rights and obligations so assigned. Any such assignment by a party shall become effective upon recordation of an assignment and assumption agreement in the Records. 12, OTHER EASEMENTS. The rights of the parties are subject to any and all easements now in existence recorded in the Records with respect to Lot 4 or the Property. 13. FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each party shall execute such documents and take such further actions as may be reasonably requested by the other to carry out the intents and purposes of this Agreement. 14. MISCELLANEOUS. (a) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and each counterpart shall constitute one. agreement#iinding on all of the parties, notwithstanding that all of the parties are not signatory to the original or to the same counterpart. (b) Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including the exhibits referred to herein, all of which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement), contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and no prior written or oral agreements shall have any force or effect or be binding upon the parties; provided, however, the easements granted hereunder are in addition to and. not in lieu of any easements set forth in the Plat, all of which easements remain in full force and effect. (c) Modification and Changes. This Agreement may only be changed or modified by an agreement in writing signed by each of the parties, or their respective successors or assigns. (d) Binding Effect, The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. (e) Headings. Captions contained in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference. Such captions in no way define, limit, extend or describe the scope of this Agreement or the intent of any provision hereof. (f) Partial Invalidity In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses or Sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by order, decree or judgment of any court having jurisdiction, or shall be or become invalid or unenforceable by virtue of any applicable law, the remainder of this Agreement shall be construed as if such phrases, sentences, clauses or Sections had not been inserted except when such construction (i) would operate as an undue hardship on a party or (ii) would constitute a substantial deviation from the general intent and purposes of the parties as reflected in this Agreement. In the event of either (i) or (ii) above, the parties shall use their best efforts to negotiate a mutually satisfactory amendment to this Agreement to circumvent such adverse construction. DMWEST #11568712 v6 6 201607624 (g) Governing Law. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to any choice of laws principles. (h) No Waiver. The failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof or of the right to enforce such provision thereafter. (i) Construction. Whenever the singular number is used in this Agreement and, when required by the context, the same shall include the plural and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and vice versa. 0) No Merger. The easements created hereunder shall not merge with any fee interest owned by any party hereto, either presently or in the future, but shall remain separate and distinct property rights, unless and until relinquished in accordance with law and written evidence of such release is executed by the parties hereto, or their respective successors and assigns, and recorded in the Records. (k) No Public Dedication. Nothing herein shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of all or any portion of Lot 4 or the Property for the general public, of for any public use or purpose whatsoever. (1) No Waiver of Governmental Immunity. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to waive, limit, or otherwise modify any governmental immunity that may be available by law to the Town, its officials, employees, contractors, or agents, or any other person acting on behalf of the Town and, in particular, governmental immunity afforded or available pursuant to the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Title 24, Article 10, Part 1 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] DMWEST #11568712 v6 7 201607624 WHEREFORE, the parties have executed this Lot 4 Easement Agreement to be effective as of the date first written above. POINTS OF COLORADO, INC., a Colorado corporation d-ki Heather McGill, its Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) p --)Vi- The foregoing Lot 4 Easement Agreement was acknowledged before me this t I day of May, 2016, by Heather McGill, as Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer of POINTS OF COLORADO, INC., a Colorado corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me. (NOTARY SEAL) JENNIFER AD944755 Notary Public . a ? Commission My Comm. Expir119 Bonded through Nzsn. DMWEST #11568712 v6 201607624 tary ign turb � Y1 (Notary Name Printed) NOTARY PUBLIC MOUNTAIN VISTA RESORT MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., no LM STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SUBDIVISION a Colorado The foregoing Lot 4 Easement Agreement was acknowledged before me this /-I" day of May, 2016, by Johnathan Ho, as Vice President of MOUNTAIN VISTA RESORT SUBDIVISION MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporati000n behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me. (Notary Signature] " (NOTARY SEAL) #IoWv r i44':.. f#i o1 Pond: tilt' Comm, �xpUta $ep��;`•2017. 11 IN P C M AtitzslOe W €.01'051 t �%'�S° �n�,�r' .6ondtd•.Throtigfi Nriiodtl Notuy Assn. DMWEST #11568712 v6 201607624' (Notary Name Printed) NOTARY PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, a Colorado home rule,municipality By: ANA A,K0,.WdL.F Ivtr4YvlL ?i:d Z"EM By: --- Virginia C. Yger, Town Manaj4r Attest: DJii By: Debbie Hoppe, To `lerk Approved as to Form: �La r2 State of ) County of aU \o ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged, subscribe sworn before me this _ day of My Commission Expires: DMWEST #11568712 v6 i,201.607624 MURSTON BURKE LARSON NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY JD 20144010517 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 03/08/2018 l., aL EXHIBIT "A" TO LOT 4 EASEMENT AGREEMENT Legal Description of Property Subiect to Master Declaration Lots 1, 2A, 213, 2C, 3, and 5, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot C, a Final Plat -and Resubdivision of Lots B and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4, according to the Plat for Mountain Vista Subdivision, recorded April 18, 2001, at Reception No. 754852, as such plat has been or may be supplemented or amended from time to time, including without limitation, by the Second Amended Final Plat, a Replat of Lots 4, 2C, and 5, recorded 1p,Q!R!!K_ at Reception No.�20 /GD7��,2 1. Cou ty of Eagle, State of Colorado. Exhibit A i EXHIBIT `B" TO LOT 4 EASEMENT AGREEMENT Description of Lot 4 Undeveloped Area As shown on Sheet 3 of the Second Amended Final Replat of Lots 4, 2C, and S, recorded 6' at Reception N' .., lob 74,21, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Exhibit B DMWEST #1156B712 v6 261607624 :r;