11-23-2015 Purchase of Large Transit BusesAGREEMENT Between Eagle County Government and the Town of Avon Concerning the Purchase of Large Transit Buses under the Colorado Mountain Purchasing Consortium Procurement This Agreement is between Eagle County Government ("County") and the Town of Avon ("Agency') (referred to together as the "Parties' regarding their respective roles and responsibilities and any assumptions tied to the Colorado Mountain Purchasing Consortium ("CMPC") procurement and vehicle purchase from the Agreement between Eagle County, Colorado and GILLIG LLC, awarded under CMPC 15 LTB RFP, as Contract #: CO- 34- 0001.AVON. The parties agree to and understand the following: A. The Procurement. County, Agency and other transit partners are working together to bring improved transportation purchasing coordination for large transit buses over a period of five years (2015 - 2020). Eagle County led a procurement, in conjunction with partnering agencies and through the CMPC, to provide 24 to 40 foot vehicle sizes, alternative fuel type options (CNG), and options including low floor design, trolley fagade design, varied other cardinal changes, as well as training, warranty, and service (the "Procurement). The Procurement complied with federal and state requirements to allow the purchase of said vehicles using federal and state grant dollars. GILLIG, LLC ("Vendor') was the successful respondent and is authorized to sell to the CMPC agencies the quantities of vehicles during the fiscal years as set forth below. B. Agency Procurement Rights. Subject to individual agency budgeting and appropriation requirements, Agency is authorized under the Procurement and has committed to purchase the quantity of Transit Buses as follows: Purchasing Agency Fuel Type Vehicle Size June — Dec. 2015 CY 2018 CY 2017 CY 2018 CY 2019 Jan. - June 2020 Total By Agency City of Aspen Diesel 35' -40' 0 3 0 0 1 3 7 City of Greeley CNG 35' -40' 4 2 4 2 5 0 17 Eagle County Diesel 40' 2 1 1 7 4 0 i5 Mesa County CNG 30' -35' 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 Town of Avon Diesel 35' 0 2 0 0 2 1 5 Town of Breckenridge Diesel 29' 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Page 1 of 4 Town Breckenrid ge Breckenridge Diesel 32' 0 3 2 0 0 0 5 RFTA Diesel 35 -40' 0 6 17 7 20 2 52 Summit County Diesel 40' 0 0 5 1 8 3 17 "town of Snowmass Diesel 29' 0 2 1 0 .20 -10 63* Village University of Wyoming Diesel 35' 2 0 2 0 0 1 12 5 t; Total 10 20 3Z 18 43 :t *Based on capita/ planning, useful life and CDOT funding requirements, Snowmass Is relinquishing 3 quantities (2 in 2019 and 1 in 2020) back to Eagle County, which have been added to 2020. Snowmass commits to purchasing 3 vehicles over the life of the contract. AB 912115 * *Based on capital planning and CDOT funding available, City ofAspen is faking one of the relinqu/shed Snowmass quantities for 2017 and Increasing their quantities purchased to 8 total. AB 10116115 C. Purchpse A ts: In order to purchase any vehicle through the CMPC, Agency will execute the Purchase Agreement in the form shown In Exhibit A, contracting directly with Vendor in accordance with approved grant timelines. Eagle County will assume no risk, have no liabilities or other responsibilities associated with the purchase of any vehicle. Agency will not make any Cardinal Changes in a Purchase Agreement with Vendor. Agency recognizes that Cardinal Changes will result in a violation of F rA procurement regulations and will not be available for purchase under the Procurement. � •�j- tea- '- �� � r, 1. Agency will be solely responsible for all vehicle inspections, maintenance, and operations for vehicles It purchases under the Procurement. Eagle County and the CMPC will assume no risk or liability with respect to vehicle purchases made by Agency. 2. Agency will take delivery of vehicle at their individual agency location. 3. No later than December 31, of each year, Agency will send written notice to the County and the CMPC Program Administrator regarding Agency's intent to purchase the quantity of vehicles herein listed for Agency for the succeeding Page 2 of 4 year. If Agency does not Intend to purchase the quantity(les) set forth for the succeeding year, or fails to make such purchase during said fiscal year, Agency has the option to either roll the quantity forward to the following year or relinquish the right to purchase that quantity for use by another consortium member or agency outside the consortium through the assignability clause. Agency is not financially responsible for any quantity(ies) relinquished. in its sole discretion as lead agency In the CMPC Procurement, Eagle County has the right to assign relinquished vehicle quantities to other consortium members on an annual basis or other transit agencies as deemed appropriate. Beginning on January 1, 2020, In Its sole discretion, Eagle County has the authority to assign unused quantities as deemed appropriate whether such quantities have been relinquished or not. • •� • R lt �tt 1. County maintains a contract directly with the CMPC Program Administrator. The CMPC Program Administrator will work with Vendor and Agency to complete contract administrative activities to Include working with Vendor on paperwork requirements, tracking orders through delivery, follow up to make sure all reimbursement paperwork is correct for CDOT and /or FTA, annual contract negotiation and meeting with Vendor to discuss price Increases and performance issues, and completing an annual independent cost estimate to substantiate price Increases. 2. Agency agrees to share the program administrative costs by paying County six hundred dollars ($600.00) per vehicle actually ordered from Vendor under the Procurement. This payment will help to defray a portion of the upfront and on -going CMPC administrative costs that County has and will incur as lead agency for the CMPC. Agency agrees to pay Its full share of the administrative costs, directly to County, no later than the time of vehicle delivery. Agency has the option to be billed for and pay multiple administration fees either at the time, or in advance, of delivery of buses ordered for a given year. 3. If Agency wishes to engage the CMPC Program Administrator for any additional services outside the scope of Paragraph F (1) of this Agreement, Agency agrees to contract directly with the CMPC Program Administrator. Page 3 of 4 This Agreement is dated ­23_ day of November . 2015_ by and between: TOWN OF AVON By. Qalt—�� Jen a Fancher: Mayor of Avon COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest: a :✓ /,��� . ,r � �.. „rte , Simonton, Clerk to the Board Page 4 of 4