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TC Packet 01-26-2016
TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN OF AVON MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2016 AVON LIQUOR AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:10 PM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET _____________________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS & PACKETS: HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, RECREATION CENTER, & LIBRARY. Page 1 TOUR OF WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER 3:30 PM – MEET AT THE SCIENCE CENTER AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM (SEE SEPARATE AGENDA PAGE 3) AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:10 PM (SEE SEPARATE AGENDA PAGE 4) REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. PUBLIC COMMENT –COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA 4. ACTION ITEMS 4.1. PUBLIC HEARING AMPLIFIED SOUND PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WINTERWONDERGRASS MUSIC & BREW FESTIVAL (DIRECTOR OF FESTIVALS & SPECIAL EVENTS DANITA DEMPSEY) 4.2. UPDATE ON 2016 FESTIVALS AND SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE PAVILION, HARRY A. NOTTINGHAM PARK AND MAIN STREET MALL (DIRECTOR OF FESTIVALS & SPECIAL EVENTS DANITA DEMPSEY) 4.3. ACTION ON FUNDING REQUEST AND SETTING OF DATES FOR THE 2016 APRÈS AVON SPRING CONCERTS AT POSSIBILITY PLAZA (PRODUCER MIKE O’BRIEN) 4.4. ACTION ON FUNDING REQUEST AND SETTING OF DATES FOR THE AVON LIVE! SUMMER CONCERTS (PRODUCER MIKE O’BRIEN) 4.5. ACTION ON FUNDING REQUEST AND SETTING OF DATES FOR THE OUTLAWS & LEGENDS MUSIC FESTIVAL (BACKPORCH PRODUCTIONS, LLC) 4.6. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 16-02 CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO PROVIDE RELIEF FROM SALES TAX ON CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FOR REGIONAL FIRE STATION AND CONSIDERATION OF THIRD AMENDMENT TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT FIRE-POLICE STATION FACILITY BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) 4.7. PUBLIC HEARING SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 16-01, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.30 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE (ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER SCOTT WRIGHT) TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN OF AVON MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2016 AVON LIQUOR AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:10 PM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET _____________________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS & PACKETS: HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, RECREATION CENTER, & LIBRARY. Page 2 4.8. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO 15-11, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE TABLE 7.16-1 AND SECTION 7.16.060(H)(1) CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO WILDRIDGE PUD APPLICATIONS NOTE: STAFF HAS REQUESTED CONTINUATION TO THE MARCH 8, 2016 REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) 4.9. MINUTES FROM JANUARY 12, 2016 MEETING (EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) 5. WRITTEN REPORTS 5.1. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT (BUDGET ANALYST KELLY HUITT) 6. COMMITTEE MEETING UPDATES: COUNCILORS AND MAYOR 6.1. CAST (COUNCILOR SARAH SMITH HYMES) 7. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION 8.1. DISCUSSION OF THE PURCHASE AND ACQUISITION OF A REAL PROPERTY INTEREST UNDER C.R.S. §24-6- 402(2)(A) AND A CONFERENCE WITH THE TOWN ATTORNEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING LEGAL ADVICE UNDER C.R.S. §24-6-402(2)(B) RELATED TO SUCH REAL PROPERTY DISCUSSION AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING POSITIONS RELATIVE TO MATTERS THAT MAY BE SUBJECT TO NEGOTIATIONS, DEVELOPING STRATEGY FOR NEGOTIATIONS, AND/OR INSTRUCTING NEGOTIATORS, UNDER C.R.S. §24-6- 402(2)(E) RELATED TO SUCH REAL PROPERTY DISCUSSION 9. ADJOURNMENT TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN OF AVON MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2016 AVON LIQUOR AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:10 PM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET _____________________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS & PACKETS: HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, RECREATION CENTER, & LIBRARY. Page 3 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT 3.1. APPLICANT NAME: WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER EVENT NAME: WINTERWONDERGRASS MUSIC AND BREW FESTIVAL (4ND ANNUAL) EVENT ADDRESS: HARRY A. NOTTINGHAM PARK, ONE LAKE STREET EVENT MANAGER: SCOTT STOUGHTON EVENT DATES / TIMES: FEBRUARY 19, 2016, 2:00 P.M. UNTIL 10:30 P.M. FEBRUARY 20, 2016, 2:00 P.M. UNTIL 10:30 P.M. FEBRUARY 21, 2016, 2:00 P.M. UNTIL 10:00 P.M. 4. PUBLIC HEARING FOR TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP 4.1. APPLICANT: 3 DRAGONS LLC CURRENT OWNER: CHINA GARDEN, INC. ADDRESS: 100 W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. NEW OWNER: LANA SWEENEY MANAGER: MARTIN RODOSH TYPE: HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LICENSE 5. RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSES 5.1. APPLICANT: MILLERS BOTTLE SHOP, LLC D/B/A JOE’S LIQUORS LOCATION: 1060 W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. #1B TYPE: LIQUOR STORE LICENSE MANAGER: SCOTT SEITZ 5.2. APPLICANT: PHO 20, LLC D/B/A PHO 20 LOCATION: 47 BEAVER CREEK BLVD. UNIT C-13 & C-14 TYPE: HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LICENSE MANAGER: CONG HUANG 6. MINUTES FROM JANUARY 12, 2016 7. ADJOURNMENT TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN OF AVON MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2016 AVON LIQUOR AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:10 PM REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET _____________________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS & PACKETS: HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, RECREATION CENTER, & LIBRARY. Page 4 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. PUBLIC COMMENT – COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA 4. CONSENT AGENDA 4.1. RESOLUTION NO. 16-01 DESIGNATING LOCATIONS FOR POSTING THE NOTICES OF PUBLIC MEETINGS (TREASURER SCOTT WRIGHT) 4.2. APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 8, 2015 URA MEETING MINUTES (AUTHORITY CLERK DEBBIE HOPPE) 5. ADJOURNMENT TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 5. LA Minutes 01-12-2016 Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chairman Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. A roll call was taken and Board members present were Sarah Smith Hymes, Scott Prince, Megan Burch, Matt Gennett and Jake Wolf. Board member Buz Reynolds was absent. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Assistant Town Manager Scott Wright, Police Chief Bob Ticer and Executive Assistant Preston Neill. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT – COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON TOPICS NOT ON THE AGENDA No public comments were made. 4. REPORT OF CHANGES – CORPORATION MASTER FILE 4.1. APPLICANT: WAL-MART STORES, INC. D/B/A WAL-MART SUPERCENTER #1199 LOCATION: 171 YODER AVENUE MANAGER: SAMUEL POTHIER The application was presented to the Board and no concerns were raised. Board member Prince moved to approve the Report of Changes – Master file for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.; Board member Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 5. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ART GALLERY PERMIT APPLICATION 5.1. APPLICANT: VAIL VALLEY ART GUILD D/B/A ART IN THE VALLEY GALLERY LOCATION: 240 CHAPEL PLACE # 119 TYPE: ART GALLERY PERMIT MANAGER: KIM FOOS The application was presented to the Board and no concerns were raised. Chairman Fancher opened the public hearing and no comments were made. Board member Wolf moved to approve the Art Gallery Permit for Vail Valley Art Guild d/b/a Art in the Valley Gallery; Board member Gennett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 6. RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSES 6.1. APPLICANT: HCCL, LLC D/B/A BOXCAR LOCATION: 182 AVON ROAD SUITE 208 TYPE: HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LICENSE MANAGER: CARA LUFF The application was presented to the Board with owner Hunter Chamness present. Board member Gennett moved to approve the Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for HCCL, LLC d/b/a Boxcar; Board member Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 5. LA Minutes 01-12-2016 Page 2 6.2. APPLICANT: BOB’S PLACE, LLC D/B/A BOB’S PLACE LOCATION: 100 W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD TYPE: HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LICENSE MANAGER: ROBERT DOYLE The application was presented to the Board and no concerns were raised. Board member Gennett moved to approve the Hotel and Liquor License for Bob’s Place, LLC d/b/a Bob’s Place; Board member Smith Hymes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 7. MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 8, 2015 Board member Prince requested the addition of a sentence to item 4.1, the Transfer of Ownership Liquor License for 3 Dragons, LLC d/b/a China Garden, to read: “The Board requested the applicant develop a Management Plan to ensure that liquor laws and codes will be adhered to and to identify the selection of a new Manager. The Board requested the Management Plan be delivered to the Town Manager by end of business on Friday, December 11, 2015.” Board member Prince moved to approve the Minutes from December 8, 2015 with the requested changes made; Board member Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 5:06 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _______________________________________________ Preston Neill, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager APPROVED: Jennie Fancher ______________________________________ Jake Wolf ______________________________________ Matt Gennett ______________________________________ Megan Burch ______________________________________ Albert “Buz” Reynolds ______________________________________ Scott Prince ______________________________________ Sarah Smith Hymes ______________________________________ AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REPORT To: Honorable Chairperson Jennie Fancher and URA Commissioners From: Scott Wright, Treasurer Date: January 26, 2016 Topic: Resolution No. 16-01 – Designating Locations for Posting the Notices of Public Meetings ACTION BEFORE THE COMMISSIONERS C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(2)(c) requires that the Authority’s posting places must be designated at the first regular meeting of the calendar year as part of Colorado’s “Open Meetings Law”. Resolution No. 16-01 is presented to satisfy this requirement whereby it identifies three public locations used for posting notices of the Avon Urban Renewal Authority’s public meetings in addition to the Town of Avon’s website. PROPOSED MOTION “Move to approve Resolution No. 16-01 Designating Locations for Posting the Notices of Public Meetings.” 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION There is no direct impact to the URA’s 2016 budget. Attachments: A – Resolution No. 16-01 AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 16-01 SERIES OF 2016 A RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE A PUBLIC PLACE WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE AUTHORITY WHERE NOTICES OF MEETINGS OF THE AUTHORITY’S BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SHALL BE POSTED WHEREAS, the Avon Urban Renewal Authority (the “Authority”) is a duly organized body corporate and politic under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado including the Urban Renewal Law, constituting Part 1 of Article 25 of Title 31, Colorado Revised Statutes (“C.R.S.”); and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Authority (the “Board”) is required by Section 24-6-402(2)(c), C.R.S., to designate the public place or places for posting notice of its meetings annually at the Board’s first regular meeting of each calendar year; and WHEREAS, the meeting of the Board on the date hereof represents the first regular meeting of the Board for calendar year 2016. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY: Notice of meetings of the Board required pursuant to Section 24-6-401, et seq., C.R.S. shall be posted within the boundaries of the Authority at least 24 hours prior to each meeting at the following locations: Avon Town Hall, One Lake Street Avon Recreation Center, 90 Lake Street Avon Public Library, 200 Benchmark Road Town of Avon Website @ www.avon.org ADOPTED this 26th day of January 2016. AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (SEAL) Jennie Fancher, Chairman ATTEST: Virginia Egger, Secretary CERTIFIED BY: Debbie, Hoppe, Authority Clerk TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING FOR DECEMBER 8, 2015 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET URA 12-08-2015 Minutes Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. A roll call was taken and Authority members present were Jake Wolf, Buz Reynolds, Matt Gennett, Megan Burch, Scott Prince, and Sarah Smith Hymes. Also present were Executive Director/Secretary Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Treasurer Scott Wright, Planning Manager Matt Pielsticker, Police Chief Bob Ticer, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Preston Neill and Authority Clerk Debbie Hoppe. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT – COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA No comments were made. 4. ACTION ITEMS 4.1. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 15-03, RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2015 AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY BUDGET (BUDGET ANALYST KELLY HUITT) Authority member Reynolds moved to approve Resolution No. 15-03, Resolution to Amend the 2015 Avon Urban Renewal Authority Budget; Authority member Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 4.2. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 15-04, RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2016 AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY BUDGET (BUDGET ANALYST KELLY HUITT) Authority member Reynolds moved to approve Resolution No. 15-04, Resolution to Adopt the 2016 Avon Urban Renewal Authority Budget; Authority member Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 4.3. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 URA MEETING MINUTES (TOWN CLERK DEBBIE HOPPE) Authority member Reynolds moved to approve the Minutes from November 10, 2015; Authority member Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING FOR DECEMBER 8, 2015 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET URA 12-08-2015 Minutes Page 2 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Authority, the meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ______________________________ Debbie Hoppe, Authority Clerk APPROVED: Jennie Fancher ________________________________ Jake Wolf ________________________________ Matt Gennett ________________________________ Megan Burch ________________________________ Albert “Buz” Reynolds ________________________________ Scott Prince ________________________________ Sarah Smith Hymes ______________________________ TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Danita Dempsey, Director of Festivals & Special Events Meeting Date: January 26, 2016 Agenda Topic: PUBLIC HEARING AMPLIFIED SOUND PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WINTERWONDERGRASS MUSIC & BREW FESTIVAL ACTION BEFORE COUNCIL The Town Council is asked to consider approving an Amplified Sound Permit to extend the hours of use on Sunday, February 21, 2016, to 9:30 p.m. as requested by WonderGrass, LLC, applicant, for the WinterWonderGrass Music & Brew Festival. PROPOSED MOTION I move to approve (or approve with conditions or deny) the Amplified Sound Permit for WinterWonderGrass Music & Brew Festival on Sunday, February 21, 2016, to extend the hours to 9:30 p.m. BACKGROUND The Amplified Sound Permit for the WinterWonderGrass Music Festival performance hours and sound check dates of Thursday, February 18th between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and Friday, February 19th through Saturday, February 20th, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., have been approved administratively per Avon Municipal Code 5.24.020. A public hearing is required for Outdoor Use of Amplified Sound for events, which will be using amplified sound systems before 9:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. in Nottingham Park, including Avon Performance Pavilion, on Sundays through Wednesdays (Avon Municipal Code Chapter 5.24.020). The WinterWonderGrass Music Festival proposed end time is 9:30 p.m. The applicant states there will be no more than 88db (decibels) with a A-frequency weighting, international standards of measurement of sound pressure levels, at any point greater than 200 feet from the origination of the amplified sound, during the show. A PUBLIC NOTICE was published, as required in Avon Municipal Code, for the public hearing on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. The applicant has been invited to attend the meeting. Information for Issuing Amplified Sound Permits: The Ordinance 15-07 amending AMC 5.24, Section 9.12.080 provides the framework for issuing this type of permit. The Council, in making its decision to issue the Amplified Sound Permit, may consider the following: 1.1. Comments by the public. 1.2. Necessity of the permit for the cultural, historical or social benefit of the community. 1.3. Proximity of the proposed location to residential neighborhoods. 1.4. Proposed direction of sound projection. 1.5. Screening of sound from neighboring properties. 1.6. Compatibility with other uses and activities in the vicinity. The Town Council may prescribe any conditions or requirements deemed necessary to minimize adverse effects upon the community or surrounding neighborhood. Attachments: Application for Outdoor Use of Amplified Sound Equipment Diagram of Event in Nottingham Park showing Amplified Sound Projections TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Director of Festivals & Special Events Danita Dempsey Town Manager Virginia Egger Meeting Date: January 26, 2016 Agenda Topic: UPDATE ON 2016 FESTIVALS AND SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE PAVILION, HARRY A. NOTTINGHAM PARK AND THE MAIN STREET MALL ACTION BEFORE COUNCIL No action is requested. This agenda item provides a timely update on 2016 Festivals and Special Events approved and planned at the Pavilion, Harry A. Nottingham Park and the Main Street Mall. 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION: Festivals and special events (Events) have cash funding appropriations in the 2016 Budget from three sources in the General Fund: • Special Events Assigned Fund Balance – Seed Funding for Major Events: $400,000 • Community Grants: $ 39,000 • Salute to the USA $ 115,275 $554,275 In addition to cash support, several Events also are provided in-kind service support. In-kind includes, but is not limited to, facility use, Town staff support, such as police time; and, services, such as transit. BACKGROUND Major Events, proposed by private producers, are presented to Council once final vetting and negotiations of written proposal is completed by the Town staff. Traditional or smaller events are, for the most part, approved during the Community Grants process. In 2016, a few privately produced Events, which have received seed funding for at least two years and do not exceed a $10,000 cash request, are approved by the Town Manager. These include Man of the Cliff and Reds, Whites and Brews. For the first time, Town staff also has developed two “staff produced” Events, which are planned for funding from the appropriated seed funds in the General Fund. These are the Farm to Table Dinners ($4,000) and Pop-Up Strings ($9,400) – both planned for this summer on the Main Street Mall. Each Event, with dates, location, type, in-kind support and cash funding commitment are summarized in Exhibit A: 2016 - 2017 Festival and Special Events - Dates and Funding. Page 2 SEED FUNDING FOR MAJOR EVENTS: $400,000 PAVILION/PARK ACTIVATION Events approved to date: • WinterWonderGrass $40,000 • Cover Stock Festival $35,000 • Creative Writing Event $75,000 • Reds, Whites & Brews $ 8,500 Total: $158,500 Action requested on January 26th: • Avon Live! $66,000 • Outlaws & Legends $72,000 Total: $138,000 To be finalized: • Dancing in the Park $40,000 • Man of the Cliff $5,000 • Lakeside Sundays $3,000 • Children’s Theatre $5,000 Total: $53,000 MAIN STREET MALL ACTIVIATION: To be finalized: • Après Avon Spring $37,000 (Action requested on January 26th) • Farm to Table Dinners $4,000 • Pop-Up Strings $9,400 Total: $50,400 TOTAL $399,900 Page 3 SUMMARY: As detailed on the attached Exhibit A, the committed/in process seed fund allocations for 2016 total is $399,900. These activations represent: • Music – WinterWonderGrass, Coverstock, Avon Live, Outlaws & Legends and Après Avon • Culinary – Reds, Whites & Brews • Cultural – Dancing in the Park, Creative Writing Event and Children’s Theatre • Participatory – Man of the Cliff • Community Based – Farm to Table Dinners, Pop-Up Strings and Lakeside Sundays • Two potential activations, which are not included in the budget, include a Summer/Winter Market (Producer identified) and any concerts, which may be proposed by one or more large scale producer. Exhibit A also offers a complete listing of Community Grants awarded to events programming in at the Pavilion/Park, Main Street Mall venues and Beaver Creek Rodeo grounds. Salute to the USA, a signature event, is also listed ($115,275). Finally, Exhibit A offers a snapshot of 2017 Events, which have started through the vetting process. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit A: 2016 - 2017 Festival and Special Events - Dates and Funding. PAVILION ‐ APPROVED Event Date Free vs. Ticketed Cash Contribution In Kind Support TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Winter Wonder Grass 2/19 ‐ 2/21 Ticketed $40,000.00 $25,000.00 $65,000.00 Reds, Whites & Brews 6/17 ‐ 6/18 Ticketed $8,500.00 $4,000.00 $12,500.00 CoverStock Festival 6/24‐6/26 Ticketed $35,000.00 $7,500.00 $42,500.00 Creative Writing Event 9/2‐9/5 Ticketed $75,000.00 $5,000.00 $80,000.00 SUB‐TOTAL $158,500.00 $41,500.00 $200,000.00 PAVILION ‐ PENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL PROPOSALS RECEIVED Event Date Free vs. Ticketed Cash Contribution In Kind Support TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Outlaws & Legends Music Festival 7/22‐7/24 Ticketed $72,000.00 $10,000.00 $82,000.00 Avon Live! Concert Series (4 Nights) August Free $66,000.00 $2,600.00 $68,600.00 SUB‐TOTAL $138,000.00 $12,600.00 $150,600.00 PAVILION ‐ PENDING PROPOSALS EXPECTED Event Date Free vs. Ticketed Cash Contribution In Kind Support TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Dancing in the Park ‐ Vail International Dance (2 Nights)8/4 & TBD Free $40,000.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 Man of the Cliff 10/8 ‐ 10/9 Participant Fee Free to Spectators $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $8,000.00 Lakeside Sundays on the Event Terrace ‐ 1 ‐ Sunday Evening/Mo* May ‐ September Free ‐ 200 person limit $3,000.00 All Operations $3,000.00 Missoula Children's Theatre OR Children's Theater VPAA**6/9‐6/10 Registration Free to Spectators $5,000.00 All Operations $5,000.00 SUB‐TOTAL $53,000.00 $3,000.00 $56,000.00 TOTAL ‐ SEED FUNDS PAVILION $349,500.00 $57,100.00 $406,600.00 MAIN STREET MALL ‐ PENDING Event Date Free vs. Ticketed Cash Contribution In Kind Support TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Apres Avon Spring ‐ 2 Friday evenings March Free $37,000.00 $2,000.00 $39,000.00 Farm to Table Dinners* Summer/Monthly Fee from Restaurant $4,000.00 All Operations $4,000.00 Pop‐Up Strings* July; Weekly Free $9,400.00 All Operations $9,400.00 Summer/Winter Market ‐ Night Bazaar**Summer/Winter Free UNK UNK UNK TOTAL ‐ SEED FUNDS MAIN STREET MALL $50,400.00 $2,000.00 $52,400.00 TOTAL ‐ SEED FUNDS COMMITTED/IN PROCESS $399,900.00 $59,100.00 $459,000.00 TOTAL SEED FUNDS APPROVED ‐ 2016 BUDGET $400,000.00 Exhibit A: 2016 ‐ 2017 FESTIVAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS ‐ DATES AND FUNDING GENERAL FUND ‐ SEED FUNDS ‐ PAVILION GENERAL FUND ‐ SEED FUNDS ‐ MAIN STREET MALL PAVILION OR PARK Event Date Free vs. Ticketed Cash Contribution In Kind Support TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Lacrosse Tournament 6/21-6/22 & 6/28-6/29 Registration / Free to Spectators $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Alpine Arts Social Series TBD Registration $7,500.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 Triple Bypass 7/9 - 7/10 Registration / Free to Spectators $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 Colorado Disc Dogs 7/16 Registration / Free to Spectators $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 XTERRA Championship 7/16 Registration / Free to Spectators $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 BecTri Sprint Triathlon 8/6 Registration / Free to Spectators $2,500.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 Ragnar Relay Race 8/12 Registration / Free to Spectators $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Round Up River Ranch/Camp Fire Games 8/27 Registration $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $2,200.00 America Cup Fly Fishing Tournament 9/13-9/16 Registration / Free to Spectators $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 Vail Valley Soccer Tournament 10/1 - 1-/2 Registration / Free to Spectators $0.00 Use of Fields $0.00 SUB-TOTAL $16,000.00 $3,700.00 $19,700.00 MAIN STREET MALL Event Date Free vs. Ticketed Cash Contribution In Kind Support TOTAL CONTRIBUTION Starting Hearts TBD - June TBD $0.00 Use of MSM/Plaza $0.00 Speckled Hound Racing Fall - TBD Registration / Free to Spectators $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 TOTAL - COMMUNITY GRANTS PAVILION/PARK/MALL $18,000.00 $4,700.00 $22,700.00 COMMUNITY GRANTS - OTHER Beaver Creek Rodeo 6/30 - 8/25 Registration / Free to Spectators $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL - COMMUNITY GRANTS PAVILION/PARK/MALL $39,000.00 $8,400.00 $47,400.00 GENERAL FUND - COMMUNITY GRANTS - PAVILION &/OR PARK GENERAL FUND - COMMUNITY GRANTS - MAIN STREET MALL Salute to the USA 7/3 Free $115,275.00 All Operations $115,275.00 TOTAL 2016 FESTIVALS & SPECIAL EVENTS FUNDING $554,175.00 $67,500.00 $621,675.00 2017 PROPOSALS Family Movie Night at MSM*Summer Free $2,000.00 All Operations $5,000.00 Avon Music & Eco Festival 8/22-8/23 Ticketed $30,000.00 $7,000.00 $30,000.00 Film Festival Spring/Summer TBD $65,000.00 UNK Rock/Indie/Progressive Fall Ticketed UNK UNK UNK TOTAL 2017 PROPOSALS $97,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 * Funding Estimate - Town Staff Produced ** Producer identified GENERAL FUNDS - SALUTE TO THE USA TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Director of Festivals & Special Events Danita Dempsey Town Manager Virginia Egger Meeting Date: January 26, 2016 Agenda Topic: ACTION ON FUNDING REQUEST AND SETTING OF DATES FOR THE 2016 APRÈS AVON SPRING CONCERTS AT POSSIBILITY PLAZA ACTION BEFORE COUNCIL: To review and approve, approve with changes, or deny the dates of March 18 and March 25, 2016 for the Après Avon Spring Concerts, and to appropriate funding in the amount of $37,000 to Peak Performances, producer of the event. PROPOSED MOTION: I move to approve [approve with changes or deny], the dates of March 18 and March 25, 2016, and to appropriate $37,000 from the 2016 General Fund Special Events Assigned Fund Balance, to Peak Performances, for the purpose of producing the 2016 Après Avon Spring Concerts. 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION: Funding is available in the 2016 General Fund Budget. BACKGROUND: In February last year, during the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships, Avon, in partnership with Bonfire Productions, created and implemented Après Avon; featuring 12 consecutive days of live music, performance art and concessions in a “street fair” environment. Après Avon, one of three major venues of the Championships, was held on the new Main Street Mall, with Possibilities Plaza acting as the hub for all activity. Après Avon was well attended by locals and visitor, hosting between 400 and 1,200 persons per day, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Après Avon provided the Town with insight to venue set-up and design, costs, attendee capacity for the venue, and the high local interest in music in the intimate and central setting afforded in Possibilities Plaza. With the successful production of a music/street fair event on the Main Street Mall, great attendance numbers and positive public responses, Mayor Jennie Fancher asked Town staff to pursue the Après Avon concept in 2016. 2016 PROPOSAL FOR Après Avon Spring Concerts Mike O’Brien, Peak Performances, has proposed four (4) free Après Avon Spring Concerts at Possibility Plaza (PP) on the Main Street Mall (MSM). With a review of the seed funding available for 2016 events, staff is recommending Après Avon on only two (2) consecutive Friday evenings in March. Summary: Après Avon Spring Concerts • Friday, March 18th and 25th, 2016 Page 2 • Hours of use: 4:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. • The request is for non-exclusive use of the MSM/PP and Skier Building parking lot for the production of two, single-day, free concerts • Projected attendance is estimated at 900 to 1,200 persons per concert • Utilizing a third-party concessionaire agreement and a local non-profit, the event would have alcohol sales; the Town and third party concessionaire would negotiate a net revenue share • Suggested talent may include: o Great American Taxi o The Rail-splitters o Six Million Dollar Band o Henhouse Prowlers o The Goonies o Mike Zito & The Wheel o Too Slim & The Taildraggers o Rapid Grass o The Contribution o Otis Taylor Band Peak Performances will work closely with the Town Manager to further identify targeted talent and assure the highest level of talent for the agreed upon budget. FUNDING REQUEST: Peak Performances is requesting the Town cover one-hundred percent (100%) of the cost of production to include all elements of talent acquisition, backline and performance; sound, stage, heat and lighting; event operations and production; staffing and, marketing and promotion. A revenue share on alcohol sales and vendor booth sales is expected to generate a minimum of $1,200 for the Town of Avon. Town staff has worked closely with the producer to develop a budget, which will not exceed $37,000. The producer will be required to provide invoices for all expenses prior to release of final payment. By comparison, the December 2014 Grand Opening of the Mall, which is similar to size and scope for the Après Avon Spring Concerts, was provided $20,000 in production fees, for the one night event. Additionally, the producer is requesting a total of $2,000 of in-kind contribution to support the cost of staff resources needed for delivery/removal of Town-owned event assets. STAFF REVIEW: Peak Performances provided an excellent product this past summer with the production of the Avon Live! Summer Concerts Series, delivering a high level of talent and meeting the Town’s Festival Agreement’s commitments and deadlines. The event should be expected to attract sponsorship and greater revenue in future years. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based off the success of Après Avon during the 2015 Championships, staff believes the Après Avon concept is a successful event for Possibility Plaza. We find that the producer has the business capability, music background and passion to initiate and grow the event. The in-kind services requested are commensurate with the size of the expected attendance and type of production. The request of $37,000 to produce the event is appropriate considering venue and expenditure history from Après Avon in 2015. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of $37,000 for the 2016 Après Avon Spring Concerts, and approval of the $2,000 of in-kind support. ATTACHMENT: • Exhibit A - 2016 Après Avon Spring Concerts Proposal Peak Performances 2016 Après Avon Spring Concert Series P a g e O n e EXHIBIT A 2016 Après Avon Spring Concerts Town of Avon - Main Street Mall Producer overview Peak Performances has been a successful Rocky Mountain event producer since 1991. Specializing in community and resort-based concerts and concert series, Peak Performances has become synonymous with successful, open air, complimentary-based festivals. Started in 1991 by proprietor Mike O’Brien, Mike quickly formed relationships with Copper Mountain Resort, the Town of Frisco, the Town of Breckenridge and others. Throughout the years, Peak Performances has organized and produced hundreds of events, featuring over 2,000 national touring acts, including everything from local happy-hour acts to 12,000 person festivals. Series overview Peak Performances is proposing to produce the 2016 Après Avon Spring Concert Series. The series would be a complimentary, Friday late afternoon/early evening set of two (2) concerts, featuring live music, food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, situated in Possibilities Plaza on the Main Street Mall. 2016 Proposed Series Format • Two Friday late-afternoon/evening series, with the following dates: March 18th March 25th • Tentative Afternoon Schedule: 4:30pm Vending Open 5:00 6:00pm Opening Act 7:00 - 8:30pm Headliner Act 8:45pm vending closes - event ends • Target audience of 900 – 1,200 attendees each week • Complimentary – Free to Attendees Series Proposed Talent Peak Performances will execute all arrangements necessary for the series, including but not limited to all booking of talent, audio production, lighting, talent travel, talent fees, transportation, accommodations and meals. Headliner talent shall be regional and burgeoning national-level acts, while the openers shall provide local talent the opportunity to take the main stage. Peak Performances 2016 Après Avon Spring Concert Series Peak Performances 2016 Après Avon Spring Concert Series P a g e T w o Example Acts Great American Taxi The Railsplitters Six Million Dollar Band Lee Boys Henhouse Prowlers The Goonies Mike Zito & The Wheel Too Slim & The Taildraggers RapidGrass The Contribution Otis Taylor Band Bonerama New Monsoon Head for the Hills Glen David Andrews Hot Buttered Rum Oakhurst Hazel Miller Band Hamilton Loomis Honey Honey Musketeer Gripweed Chicago Farmer Jelly Bread Wash Park One Ton Pig Missed The Boat Tunisia Grant Farm Funkiphino Stanley Jordan Trio Screen Door Porch Rob Drabkin SHEL Hit and Run The Congress White Water Ramble Birds of Chicago Herbie Hancock Tribute featuring 3 members of The Motet Euforquestra 40 Ounces to Freedom (Sublime Tribute) Hell's Belles Taarka Wood & Wire Gipsy Moon Trout Steak Revival Peak Performances 2016 Après Avon Spring Concert Series P a g e T w o Vending For both the food vending and alcohol sales during the series, the Town of Avon shall be responsible for all arrangements and costs, and keep all associated revenues. Series Management Structure In addition to the overall guidance and supervision by Mike O’Brien, the Peak Performances Team will consist of the following key members: Jordan Weyand - Project Manager For almost a decade, Jordan brought in major third-party events for Copper Mountain Resort. Prospecting, designing, contracting facilitating anything from major cycling tours to 20,000 person adventure runs to televised Olympic qualifying snowboarding and free-skiing events. Since 2013, Jordan has been producing events for Peak Performances, and will lead the effort for Avon LIVE! Blake Hemmert - Audio Production Manager Blake has been managing productions for well over a decade now. He has worked with Peak Performances on several large scale shows including shows at Keystone Resort and Copper Mountain. Miscellaneous Series Details Series Security, Parking & Transportation Peak Performances is committed to implementing detailed plans for event security, parking & transportation. Series Sponsorship Peak Performances again requests the ability to sell and retain all funds for any/all appropriate sponsorship categories for the event. If the Town of Avon has any existing sponsors that would like to be involved, Peak Performances would be delighted to offer a first right of refusal. Series Marketing An event-specific marketing plan will be developed over the upcoming weeks to promote the series around the Vail Valley region. The promotion plan shall include press releases, radio and/or newspaper inclusions, and a poster plan around the area. Town of Avon Support This is a producer-fee paid event, with all costs borne by the Town of Avon, and all concessions/vending revenue going to TOA. For the 2016 series, $37,000 is the cost to produce the series, not including rain insurance. The producer also requests $2,000 of in-kind support for asset delivery. Concession/vending revenue is projected at $6,000. Peak Performances 2016 Après Avon Spring Concert Series P a g e T h r e e Contact & Additional Information To request any additional information or for all future correspondence please use the following contact information: Mike O’Brien - mike@gigdigger.com 970-418-2121 PAGE 1 OF 4 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – AVON LIVE CONCERT SERIES TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Director of Festivals & Special Events Danita Dempsey Town Manager Virginia Egger Meeting Date: January 26, 2016 Agenda Topic: Action on Funding Request and Setting of Dates for the Avon Live! Summer Concerts ACTION BEFORE COUNCIL: To review and approve, approve with changes or deny the dates of August 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2016, for the Avon Live! Summer Concert Series, and appropriate funding in the amount of $66,000 to Peak Performances, producer of the event. PROPOSED MOTION: I move to approve [approve with changes or deny] the dates of August 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2016, and appropriate $66,000, from the 2016 General Fund Special Events Assigned Fund Balance, to Peak Performances, for the purpose producing of Avon Live! Summer Concert Series. In addition, I move to approve up to $2,600 of in-kind services. 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION: Funding for this event is available in the 2016 Budget. BACKGROUND: To further the towns economic vitality, create a vibrant community, and enhance the cultural fabric, the Town funded a series of three (3) free community concerts in August of 2015, taking place on August 5th, 12th and 19th and produced by Peak Performances. The attendance numbers for the 2015 series fell within, if not slightly above expectations. Approximate attendance numbers are as follows: • August 5th = 800 – 900 people • August 12th = 1,200 – 1,300 people • August 19th = 1,000 – 1,100 people The concerts were well received and attended by the community at large, with 61% living in Eagle County; 9% from in State; and 30% from out of State, as reported through the intercept survey conducted by Alpine Insights (attached as Exhibit A). A few additional findings of reported data on “All Guests” of the intercept survey are: • 74% = Came specifically for the concert • 86% = Extremely satisfied • 85% = Highly likely to return • 35% = Of the out-of-state guest stayed in paid lodging; 60% of those stayed in Avon • 44% = Are married/partnered with children PAGE 2 OF 4 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – AVON LIVE CONCERT SERIES The producer received $47,000 in financial contribution from the town and reported a total net loss of $12,000 on the series. 2015 NON-EVENT WEEKEND COMPARISON: The Town asks businesses to report through the MuniRev system specific days over a non-event weekend and event weekend. This allows a comparison in measuring whether investing in special events yields higher lodging, restaurant and retail sales than when there is no special event occurring. Avon Live! was held during the middle of the week and tracked as a single-day event. In our MuniRev dates, there was not another single-day, middle of the week event comparison for analysis. The event can be compared, however, with the average daily sales over a non-event weekend and the average daily sales during the concerts to make general assumptions. The results are as follows: MuniRev Collection Dates Number of Days in Reporting Period Percentage of available rooms occupied Avg. Daily Lodging Revenue Avg. Daily Restaurant Revenue Avg. Daily Retail Revenue Avg. Daily Other Revenue Avg. Daily Total Revenue Room Night Average Avon Live 8/5; 8/12; 8/19 3 49.18% $51,783 $91,319 $250,409 $6,430 $399,943 $103.15 Non-Event Weekend 8/21/15 - 8/24/15 4 49% $50,127 $90,612 $242,195 $3,883 $386,817 $110.23 Variance .18% $1,656 $707 $8,214 $2,547 $13,126 ($7.08) The data indicates that the single-day concerts produced total net positive revenue, with retail having the greatest gain from sales. Overall, the single-day concerts yielded more revenue than the single-day average on the non-event weekend. 2016 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF THE AVON PERFORMANCE PAVILION & MAIN ATHLETIC FIELD: Mike O’Brien with Peak Performances is once again proposing the free Avon Live! Summer Concerts in the Park series to take place on four (4) consecutive Wednesday evenings in August. Avon Live! Summer Concerts in the Park • Wednesday, August 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th • The request is for exclusive use of the Avon Performance Pavilion, main athletic field and Town Hall parking lots for the production of a single-day, free concert • Projected attendance is estimated at 1,200 to 1,500 persons per concert • Producer would sell liquor through a local non-profit and provide a net revenue share with the Town above a certain level of revenue generation • New in 2016 - a ticketed VIP Experience featuring back-stage access, artist meet & greet, food and beverage • Suggested talent may include: o March Fourth Marching Band o Sam Bush o The Wood Brothers o Keller Williams o Keb Mo’ o Nahko & Medicine for the People o Lukas Nelson PAGE 3 OF 4 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – AVON LIVE CONCERT SERIES Peak Performances will work closely with the Town Manager to further identify targeted talent and assure the highest level of talent for the agreed upon budget. Furthermore, one of the concert dates will be required to include an artist , which is known for its “Latino or Hispanic” genre of music. The artist must be the main act, and, if possible, the opening act will be as well. FUNDING REQUEST: Peak Performances is requesting a contribution of $66,000 from the town to cover the cost of talent acquisition, producer management fee and a 6% cost plus collectively on both of the previous expenses. Additionally, the producer is requesting a total of $2,600 of in-kind contribution to support the cost of Avon PD services and staff resources needed for delivery/removal of town event assets. STAFF REVIEW: Overall, Peak Performances met the main objective of the 2015 Avon Live! Summer Concerts Series which was to enhance the cultural fabric of the community and provide an enriching experience. Staff found Peak Performances to have delivered a high level of talent commensurate with expectations, met contractual deadlines, made necessary in-field adjustments and delivered a superior product. Sustainability Review: Free events can be expected to be popular and to attract a predominantly local attendance with seasonal visitors staying in Town at the time of the event. Free events, even with attendee spending in Town associated with an evening’s entertainment, most frequently are supported as opportunities for community gathering and as a cultural offering of the Town. Without the benefit of paid attendance, free events will require the on-going investment of Town of Avon general funds for support and/or strong sponsorships. The growth of sponsorships can be seen as possible over time as the producer is able to brand and market the success and name of the music series. One can generally envision three to five years of diminishing Town funding as the event gains sponsorship notoriety. A downturn in the economy can interfere with sponsorship growth and/or the Town’s ability to continue funding. It is understood that the Town will want to support cultural offerings that are free and add into the mix of producer events. In considering funding for the Avon Live! Summer Concerts in the Park series, it should be noted the producer has taken the necessary steps in order to generate revenue, off-set the cost of production and reduce the town’s subsidy to include; 1.) retaining a larger percentage of revenue generated from alcohol sales up to $16,000 at which point, a split of revenue will be negotiated with the Town; 2.) added a ticketed VIP experience; 3.) added a fee for vendor booth space; and, 4.) is actively seeking sponsorship dollars. Staff will continue to work collaboratively with the producer to identify sponsorship elements and opportunities as well as other revenue generating mechanisms. Staff, based upon industry standards, will work with this producer to raise sponsorships to at least 30% of all revenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based off the success of the inaugural Avon Live! Summer Concert Series, staff believes there is a solid indication of support from the community for this concert series and the series has a good foundation to become synonymous with Avon, much like “Salute to the USA” and akin to “Hot Summer Nights” in Vail. Avon Live! gained notoriety in the community quickly and Avon became the “place to be” on Wednesday evenings. PAGE 4 OF 4 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – AVON LIVE CONCERT SERIES Staff, therefore, recommends approval of $66,000 for the 2016 Avon Live! Summer Concerts in the Park opportunity from the Special Events Assigned Fund Balance. Furthermore, staff recommends the approval of the $2,600 of in-kind support which is appropriate and an adequate amount for the identified services. ATTACHMENTS: • Exhibit A - 2015 Avon Live! Survey Findings • Exhibit B - 2016 Avon Live! Proposal 2015 Avon LIVE Summer Concert Series Intercept Survey Results August 2015 EXHIBIT A 2 Objectives and Methodology Objectives Understand who is attending concerts at the Avon Performance Pavilion at Nottingham Park Gauge guest satisfaction with their experience Provide basic understanding of guests planning and spend Methodology Intercept surveys were conducted before and during each concert during the three week concert series 292 guests were randomly selected to take a short survey at each concert (Wednesdays) Analysis Analytics for this report focus on 2 breakouts. All guests at event Locals vs. Destination Guests (out-of-state only) 3 Summer Concert Series Guest 4 Guest Origin Nearly one third of attendees are out-of-state destination guests. Where do you live? 61%9%30%2015 (n=173) Local - Eagle County In-State (non-local)Out-of-State 5 Concert Series Influence on Visitation Which of the following best explains the influence this concert had on your decision to visit Nottingham Park/Avon? Nearly three fourths of all guests came to Nottingham Park specifically for the concerts. 74% 89% 49% 10% 6% 20% 4% 7% 12%24% 2015 All Guests (n=290) 2015 Local (n=177) 2015 OOS (n=87) I didn't even know about the concert when I decided to visit I knew about it, but it had no influence on my decision It had an influence on my decision I came specifically for the concert by Origin 6 Satisfaction with Summer Concert Series 7 Mean 4.8 4.8 4.8 86% 84% 88% 9% 10% 9% 4% 6% 3% 2015 All Guests (n=290) 2015 Local (n=176) 2015 OOS (n=88) 5 - Extremely satisfied 4 3 2 1 - Not at all satisfied by Origin Satisfaction with the Avon Performance Pavilion Using a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is extremely satisfied, how satisfied are you with The Avon Performance Pavilion as a concert venue? Most all guests are extremely satisfied with the Avon Performance Center as a concert venue. 8 86% 93% 73% 7% 5% 13% 3% 8% 3% 7% 2015 All Guests (n=291) 2015 Local (n=177) 2015 OOS (n=88) 9 or 10 - Highly Likely 7 or 8 5 or 6 0 to 4 by Origin Mean 9.3 9.7 8.7 Likelihood to Return to the Avon Performance Center Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is highly likely, how likely are you to return to The Avon Performance Pavilion for a concert in the future? Nearly three fourths of out-of-state guests are highly likely to return to the Avon Performance Center for a concert. 9 Summer Concert Series Planning & Spend 10 AVG per guest spend $42.90 $33.80 $61.10 Guest Spend Excludes Lodging and Travel Spend Attendees spent on average over $42 in the Town of Avon the day they attended. Excluding lodging or travel expenses, how much will you spend at the concert & in the Town of Avon today (food, drinks, activities, retail, etc...)? 6% 6% 6% 31% 37% 18% 39% 42% 33% 9% 6% 16% 6% 5% 9% 6% 10%6% All Guests (n=291) Local (n=177) Out-of-State (n=88) $0 $1 to $25 $26 to $50 $51 to $75 $76 to $100 $101 to $150 $151 to $200 More than $200 by Origin 11 Where Did You Hear About the Concert? Print ads appear to be a very effective avenue of communication for the concert series. How did you first hear about this concert? 36% 31% 7% 7% 6% 5% 3% 3% 40% 32% 6% 8% 6% 4% 34% 26% 7% 19% 3% 5% 3% Print Ad/Newspaper Word of Mouth Other Radio Lodging Check-in/Concierge Previous Experience Poster Social Media Town of Avon Website 2015 All Guests (n=289) 2015 Local (n=177) 2015 OOS (n=86) 12 Where Types of Music Would You Like to See? Rock, Bluegrass, and Reggae concerts would most likely draw the biggest crowds to the Avon Performance Pavilion. What types of music/bands would you like to see more of at The Avon Performance Pavilion? (select all that apply) 54% 44% 31% 29% 25% 21% 15% 15% 14% 14% 12% Rock Bluegrass Reggae Jam Bands Country Alternative/Indy Classical Folk Cover Bands Top 40 Electronic/Dance 2015 All Guests (n=289) 13 Summer Concert Series Demographics 14 Guest Accommodations Over one third of destination guests (in-state & out-of-state), stayed in paid lodging during their visit. A majority of guests using paid lodging stayed in Avon. What type of accommodations are you using this trip? In what town/area are you staying? (Paid Lodging Only) 35% 22% 21% 13% 6% 2015 Destination Guests (no-locals) (n=114) Other (Camping, RV, etc...) 2nd Home Primary Residence (Day Trip) Timeshare Friend/Family Residence Paid Lodging (Condo, Hotel, VRBO) 60% 20% 10% 5%3% 2015 Paid Lodging Guests (n=40) Other Edwards Eagle-Vail Beaver Creek Vail Avon 15 Guest Income Out-of-state guests earn over $125,000 annually. Which category does your annual household income fall into? 16% 14% 20% 20% 25% 11% 27% 32% 19% 27% 24% 30% 5% 3% 8% 3% 8% 2015 All Guests (n=291) 2015 Local (n=177) 2015 OOS (n=88) Prefer not to answer Under $50K $50K to $99K $100K to $199K $200K to $299K $300K to $499K $500K or more AVG Guest Income $94,773 $79,763 $125,597 16 Guest Group and Family Dynamic Who was in your group the day of your visit? (please select all that apply) Which best describes your family status? 50% 35% 20% 16% 11% 1% Spouse/significant other Friends Other family Children under that age of 18 I came alone Other individuals 2015 All Guests (n=290) Group Dynamic A majority of the attendees came with their significant other and friends. Most attendees were either married with children or single with no children. 44% 37% 12% 7% 2015 All Guests (n=290) Prefer not to answer Single with children Married/Partnered no children Single no children Married/Partnered with children Family Dynamic 17 Guest Age In what year were you born? (ex.1970) 11%21%21%32%16%2015 All Guests (n=291) 30 and Younger 31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 60 Over 60 AVG Guest Age 44 years old The average attendees age is 44. 18 Guest Gender Gender: (surveyor observation) 45%55%2015 All Guests (n=290) Female Male There were slightly more males than females at the concerts. 19 Appendix 20 Executive Summary The Avon Performance Center is a desirable venue to see a concert with nearly three quarters of the attendees visiting Avon specifically for the concert series. (The appeal for locals is exceptionally strong) Overall satisfaction with the Avon Performance Center is extremely high with nearly 90% of attendees stating they were extremely satisfied with the venue. Nearly all attendees are highly likely to return to the Avon Performance Center in the future to see a concert. Average per guest spend is nearly $43 a day per person. Out-of-state guests spent double the amount of money the day of the event compared to the locals. Print advertisements appear to be a very effective form of communication regarding the concerts reaching nearly a third of the attendees. Rock, Bluegrass, and Reggae concerts would help bring in the largest attendance to future concerts as those were the main genres of music that attendees would like to see in the future. 21 Intercept Questionnaire Click on the icon to view the on-line questionnaire. View question order and layout. View skip patterns. View full question and response language. Doug Westenskow dougw@alpineinsights.com Thank You!!! For additional information, please contact… 22 Peak Performances Avon LIVE! Concert Series Series P a g e O n e EXHIBIT B 2016 Avon LIVE! Summer Concerts in the Park Town of Avon Performance Pavilion Producer Overview Peak Performances has been a successful Rocky Mountain event producer since 1991. Specializing in community and resort-based concerts and concert series, Peak Performances has become synonymous with successful, open air, complimentary-based festivals. Started in 1991 by proprietor Mike O’Brien, Mike quickly formed relationships with Copper Mountain Resort, the Town of Frisco, the Town of Breckenridge and others. Throughout the years, Peak Performances has organized and produced hundreds of events, featuring over 2000 national touring acts, including everything from local happy-hour acts to 12,000 person festivals. Series Overview With the great success of last summer’s 2015 Avon LIVE! Concert series, Peak Performances is proposing to produce the 2016 Avon LIVE! Summer Concerts in the Park. The series would again be a complimentary, Wednesday night, national level talent, blanket in the grass, twilight based music series, with a fair-style food truck food court and a kids play zone, designed to allow local families, second homeowners and mountain visitors alike to come together and enjoy a night outside in Nottingham Park. 2016 Proposed Series Format • Four-week series on consecutive Wednesday evenings on the following dates: August 3rd August 10th August 17th August 24th • Tentative Evening Schedule: 5:00 pm Vending Open 5:30-6:30 pm Opening Act 7:00-8:30 pm Headliner Act 8:45 pm Vending closes, event ends • Target Attendance: 1,200 to 1,500 per week/concert • Complimentary – Free to Attendees Series Proposed Talent Peak Performances will execute all arrangements necessary for the series, including but not limited to all booking of talent, audio production, lighting, talent travel, talent fees, transportation, accommodations and meals. Headliner talent will be national level, while the openers will be more local talent providing them the opportunity to perform on the Avon Performance Pavilion . Example headliner acts commensurate with the Avon LIVE! budget and desired audience demographic: Peak Performances Avon LIVE! Concert Series Series P a g e T h r e e • March Fourth • Rusted Root • Pokey Lafarge • Samantha Fish • Nora Jane Strothers • Suzy Bogguss • 10,000 Maniacs • Paper Bird • Freddy Jones Band • Band of Heathens • Stanley Jordan • Sam Bush • Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers • The Wood Brothers • Peter Rowan • David Grisman • Marcia Ball • Nahko & Medicine for the People • Anders Osborne • Blue Oyster Cult • Hooray for the Riff Raff • Elephant Revival • Hot Buttered Rum • Smithereens • Keller Williams • Joan Osborne • New Orleans Suspects • Seven Mary Three • The Motet • Keb Mo’ • Jonny Lang • Crash Test Dummies • Nitty Gritty Dirt Band • Asleep at the Wheel • Cracker • Patty Griffin • Indigo Girls • Carbon Leaf • Robert Cray • Infamous String Dusters • Michael Martin Murphy • Steve Earle • Lukas Nelson • Cherry Poppin’ Daddies Vending Peak Performances will bring in 6+ selected food truck service providers. While a “food truck food court” environment is an ideal situation, Peak Performances is committed to working with local vendors, and is happy to work with interested businesses, regardless of going outside the “food truck” model. As in the 2015 event, Peak Performances will arrange for a kids zone, to include bouncy castles, an indoor interactive maze, and face-painting. Peak Performances will again organize, provide and retain funds for additional alcohol sales during the series, while adhering to any/all Town of Avon and State of Colorado liquor sales regulations. Peak Performances is dedicated to partnering with non-profit organizations for proper alcohol permitting. Series Management Structure In addition to the overall guidance and supervision by Mike O’Brien, the Peak Performances Team will consist of the following key members: Jordan Weyand - Project Manager For almost a decade, Jordan brought in major third-party events for Copper Mountain Resort. Prospecting, designing, contracting facilitating anything from major cycling tours to 20,000 person adventure runs to televised Olympic qualifying snowboarding and free-skiing events. Since 2013, Jordan has been producing events for Peak Performances, and will lead the effort for Avon LIVE! Peak Performances Avon LIVE! Concert Series Series P a g e T h r e e Blake Hemmert - Audio Production Manager Blake has been managing productions for well over a decade now. He has worked with Peak Performances on several large -scale shows, including shows at Keystone Resort and Copper Mountain. Lisa May – Vending Manager. Lisa successfully managed all the vendor issues for Avon LIVE! 2015. Improvements Over 2015 Series - Expansion to a four-week series - Inclusion of at least one Opening or Headliner act of Latino demographic - Enhanced VIP package, to include free food & beverage, back-stage access, and artist meet & greet Miscellaneous Series Details Series Security, Parking & Transportation Building on the success of Avon LIVE! 2015, Peak Performances is committed to implementing the revised & updated plans for event security, parking & transportation. Series Sponsorship Peak Performances again requests the ability to sell and retain all funds for any/all appropriate categories for the event. If the T own of Avon has any existing sponsors that would like to be involved, Peak Performances would be delighted to offer a first right of refusal. Series Marketing Based upon the marketing plan for Avon LIVE! 2015, an event-specific marketing plan will be developed over the upcoming weeks to promote the series around the Vail Valley region. The promotion plan shall include press releases, radio and/or newspaper inclusions, and a poster plan around the area. Town of Avon Support In addition to vending and sponsorship sales from the series, Peak Performances is requesting additional financial support from the town for the first several years, in order to help give the event a solid platform to launch. For the 2016 series, $66,000 in financial assistance is requested. In addition, $250/week of in-kind support (barriers, signage, etc.), and up to 8 volunteers, are requested. Contact & Additional Information To request any additional information or for all future correspondence please use the following contact information: Mike O’Brien mike@gigdigge r.com 970-418-2121 PAGE 1 OF 3 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – OUTLAWS & LEGENDS MUSIC FESTIVAL TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Director of Festivals & Special Events Danita Dempsey Town Manager Virginia Egger Meeting Date: January 26, 2016 Agenda Topic: Action on Funding Request and Setting of Dates for the Outlaws & Legends Music Festival ACTION BEFORE COUNCIL: To review and approve, approve with changes or deny the dates of Thursday, July 28th through Sunday, July 31st, 2016 for the inaugural Outlaws & Legends Music Festival, and appropriate funding in the amount of $72,000 to Backporch Productions, LLC, producer of the event. PROPOSED MOTION: I move to approve [approve with changes or deny] the dates of July 28th through July 31st, 2016, and to appropriate $72,000 from the General Fund Special Events Assigned Fund Balance to Backporch Productions to produce the Outlaws & Legends Music Festival. In addition, I move to approve up to $10,000 of in-kind services. 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION: Funding for this event is available in the 2016 Budget. BACKGROUND: To further the Town of Avon’s economic development strategy, which calls for the Town to seed events with a goal of developing signature events for the Town, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued to producers and promoters covering a broad range of performance types, for activation at Avon’s two prominent venues – the Harry A. Nottingham Park Performance Pavilion and the Main Street Mall. 2016 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF THE AVON PERFORMANCE PAVILION & MAIN ATHLETIC FIELD: Mark Powell, owner of Backporch Productions and owner/producer of the Outlaws & Legends Music Festival in Abilene, Texas; and, country music songwriter legend, Dean Dillon have responded to the RFQ with a proposal to produce the Outlaws & Legends Avon Music Festival, which will feature legendary country music and modern, Texas music artists. Outlaws & Legends Music Festival - Avon Performance Pavilion & Nottingham Park Friday, July 29th, 2016 and Saturday, July 30th, 2016 Hours of use: 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The request is for exclusive use of the Avon Performance Pavilion, main athletic field and Town Hall parking lots for the production of a 2-day, ticketed festival First year paid attendance is estimated at 4,000 persons Attendance growth projections: Year 2 – 5,000 and Year 3 - 6,000 (Subject to evaluation of park capacity at the 5,000 level) PAGE 2 OF 3 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – OUTLAWS & LEGENDS MUSIC FESTIVAL Event would sell liquor through a local non-profit and feature food and merchandise vending Event would feature sixteen billing names over the two-day festival Outlaws & Legends Music Festival - Avon Hotel and/or Restaurant Venues Thursday, July 28th, 2016 and Sunday, July 31st, 2016 Hours of use: Thursday between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.; Sunday between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Partner with a local Avon restaurant/hotel business for intimate setting songwriter events titled “Storytellers Unplugged” Limited to 150 people; ticketed event Estimated paid attendance is 300 persons PRODUCER QUALIFICATIONS: Mr. Powell of Backporch Productions, LLC is the owner and producer of the award-winning Outlaws & Legends Music Festival in Abilene, TX. Mr. Powell has produced fourteen country-themed music festivals since 2011 hosting between several hundred to up to 6,900. Known as the “Biggest 1-Stage Festival in Texas” and one of the Top-Five “Festival of the Year” by Texas Regional Radio Music Awards, the Outlaws & Legends Music Festival five year history boasts an average attendance of 5,800. The aforementioned festival reports a current positive economic impact to Abilene of $823,000 and has received national media exposure in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today and Southern Living, to mention a few. Mr. Powell, combined with the high-level industry experience of Mr. Dillon, the direct fan-base data base and social media reach of Outlaws & Legends Music Festival; their multi-festival cross-marketing capabilities; and, collective music business connections, provide the right mix of experience, marketing prowess and expertise for an Avon edition of Outlaws & Legends. RETURN ON INVESTMENT: Backporch Productions is asking for $72,000 in direct financial support in its first year. To conduct a return on investment analysis over three years, an ROI Assumptions Demonstration is provided in the attached Exhibit B. The results demonstrate as the event grows over time and gains profitability there is a yearly decrease in the need for seed funds. The results also project the Town of Avon would fully recover its contribution and experience additional revenues, from a combination of sales and lodging taxes and ticket admission fees, as early as year two. Seed funds year one = $72,000 Net Recovered/Unrecovered Investment = ($20,759) Seed funds year two = $65,000 Net Recovered/Unrecovered Investment = $10,538 Seed funds year three = $55,000 Net Recovered/Unrecovered Investment = $37,734 The proposal also asks for an in-kind commitment for police, bus transportation, traffic direction, banner installation/removal and staff assistance of up to $10,000. These expenses are covered through ticket fee revenue or in the internal budgets of the department. The Net Recovered Investment indicates that by Year Two these costs are fully funded with new revenue. The Storytellers Unplugged events being proposed on Thursday and Sunday of the event weekend will generate additional sales tax collections however, are not included as a separate line item in the ROI analysis for the reason that they are held on private property and the ticket admission fee per Resolution 15-18 is only applicable to Town owned property. PAGE 3 OF 3 REQUEST FOR FUNDING – OUTLAWS & LEGENDS MUSIC FESTIVAL STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Special events are integral and a key component in a resort community economy of which a mix and variety brings interest, culture, liveliness, creates a sense of place and community for residents. Additionally, special events are often the basis for guest visits. Funding special events the Town believes will grow into signature events being synonymous with Avon are of particular interest. Over the past two years, and in particular with the Pavilion and Main Street Mall being completed, the funding of new events has provided important experience to how and what to activate. Important take-aways include the qualifications of the producer in the genre of event being proposed, a spin or unique idea for the event and realistic expectations for attendance and thereby revenue collections. Staff believes the Outlaws & Legends Music Festival meets the Town’s desire to seed and support a music genre and concept that can become a signature event. We find that the producer has extensive music festival production experience, a widespread reach through other festivals for marketing and promotions, the business capability and industry connections, and the passion to initiate and grow the event. Staff would work closely with the producer to assure that all services and infrastructure are in place; and, all safety and emergency protocols are followed for the projected attendance. Furthermore, based off producer performance and crowd behavior of the proposed first year, analysis of future growth allowance can be determined however, in general terms a festival over 5,000 admissions is not the desired goal. The in-kind services requested are commensurate with the size of the expected attendance and type of production. The request of $72,000 for the first year exceeds the range of funding for a first year music event in Avon. Events to date have been granted funds ranging from $30,000 to $50,000. These productions have projected much smaller first year attendance. In review of the proposal and history of the producer, the ability to attract 4,000 attendees is convincing. While larger attendees will reduce needed Town funding, any first year event takes financial risk with no brand established in Avon. When considering the brand, estimated attendance and interest in a country music festival, staff supports the larger seed fund request. In addition, with a forecasted unrecovered investment of $20,759, this first year, the larger seed payment presents a good opportunity for the Town to launch an event of this size and caliber of musicians. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A – Outlaws & Legends Avon Music Festival Proposal Exhibit B – Outlaws & Legends Avon ROI Projections BACKPORCH PRODUCTIONS , LLC 4318 La Hacienda Dr. Abilene, TX 79602 Phone: (325)660-‐8458 E-‐Mail: outlawsandlegends@gmail.com Web: www.outlawsandlegends.com EXHIBIT A ` Backporch Productions, LLC 2 Statement of Qualification Requirements 1. Proposed Signature Event and Scope A . Objective Backporch Productions seeks to team up with legendary country music songwriter and Colorado resident, Dean Dillon, and produce a long-‐term, landmark unique country music festival incorporating the best legendary country music artists with modern Texas Music artists. The ten-‐year objective is to become the highest quality and most sought-‐after ticket for purists’ country music enthusiasts in the state of Colorado. B. Detailed Summary Backporch Productions plans to produce a two-‐day, main-‐stage festival in Avon, CO featuring legendary country music artists with modern-‐day “Texas Music” artists. Similar to Backporch Production’s current Outlaws & Legends Music Festival in Abilene, TX, we seek to capitalize on the current niche of this product that exists within the Colorado territory. There will be eight (8) main-‐stage bands and eight (8) acoustic performances by popular roots singer/songwriters. Sixteen (16) billing names will make up the two day festival. Backporch Productions plans to also incorporate two intimate-‐ setting songwriter events in tandem with a select local hotel/restaurant locations nearby the event center. Each “Storytellers Unplugged” event will host 6 singer/songwriters on Thursday evening (7:00pm-‐10:00pm) and the other event on Sunday early afternoon (12:00pm-‐3:00pm). There will be a limit o f 150, $50 tickets sold to each of these events and Backporch Productions will kick-‐back $10 of additional “goodwill” to the City of Avon, CO on these two intimate events. Due to the nature of our niche incorporation of legendary country music entertainers with popular modern, southern entertainers, the age demographics are broader than other festivals targeting 18-‐24 year old patrons (as our “5-‐Year Average Percentage Per Age Group graph will reflect). O utlaws & Legends Music Festival-‐ Avon will feature several Texas and legendary country music artists catered to a diverse age demographic and geographical reach, uniquely blending current Texas and Americana artists with legends in those genres has promoted: (1)equal splits in age groups and family involvement, Backporch Productions, LLC 3 (2)greater tourism due to the quality we provide in this niche, (3)and diverse ticketing types. Attendance numbers throughout the state of Colorado show a niche existing with Texas Music artists and festivals. It is our belief that the music style, multi-‐age and higher income demographic spreads, and multiple ticketing options; all similar to our current festival in Texas, makes the Avon site a good location for our Outlaws & Legends-‐Colorado. 2. Festival Ticketing Backporch Productions will be offering a variety of ticket options. On the attached ROI spreadsheet, there is a breakdown of tickets with estimated numbers sold. We will offer private “Tailgate Party Packages” (limit 20) as a bulk ticket option that also includes a 20ftX20ft spot around the perimeter of the event. Dependent on ticket purchase dates, there will be four options for Weekend Passes and Day-‐Ticket options as well. As one may see from the ticket options, there are incentives for advanced purchasing and also weekend passes versus day tickets. This should promote an increased economic impact and encourage lodging occupancy. Children twelve and under will be admitted free. 3. Schedule Summary (Pending approval no later than Jan. 20, 2016) Name: O utlaws & Legends Music Festival© Avon, CO Producer/Promoter: Backporch Productions, LLC Date: July 28-‐31, 2016* Main Stage Festival Dates: July 29-‐30, 2016 Storytellers Unplugged: July 28, 2016. 7:00-‐1 0:00pm Storytellers Unplugged: July 31, 2016. 12:00-‐3:00pm Location: TBD Ad-‐Break Date: March 1, 2016 Ticketing Launch Date: March 1, 2016 Set-‐up Dates: Sunday, July 24, 2016 – Thursday, July 28, 2016 Gates: 2:00pm -‐ 10:00pm, July 29, 2016 2:00pm -‐ 10:00pm, July 30, 2016 Backporch Productions, LLC 4 4. Prospective 1st Year Line-‐Up: (CONFIDENTIAL. No Commitments.) FRI., July 29 Show Times SAT., July 30, 2016 Robert Earl Keen 8:30-‐10:00p.m. Merle Haggard Mark Powell & Lariat 6:45-‐8:00p.m. Randy Rogers Band Ray Wylie Hubbard 5:15-‐6:15p.m. Dean Dillon Zane Williams 4:00-‐5:00p.m. Stoney LaRue Acoustic performances between acts with: Cooder Graw, Jamie Richards, Max Stallings, Sunny Sweeney, Jesse Raub Jr., Mike McClure, Dirty River Boys, Blue Water Highway Band. Prospective Budget: $282,000 5. About the Producers: Mark Powell (owner of Backporch Productions, Abilene, TX) and Dean Dillon (owner of Mountain High Music Festival, Crested Butte, CO) plan on partnering production efforts on a large music festival in the ski region of Colorado, particularly Avon, CO. This will be a similar scale and festival experience of Outlaws & Legends Music Festival. There are built-‐in synergistic assets that include: • Direct Fan-‐Base of Music Festival Attendees. Outlaws & Legends Music Festival currently has 9,400 registered (email) fans and 12,000 Facebook fans. Mountain High Music Festival currently has 990 registered (email) fans and 1,300 Facebook fans. • Festival Cross-‐Marketing. Mountain High Music Festival (Crested Butte, CO held on the second week of January), Outlaws & Legends Music Festival (Abilene, TX held on the last weekend of March), and this festival will cross-‐market each other through incentives and multi-‐fest package deals. • Radio. Mark Powell currently hosts a radio show “Mark’s Back Porch” on 106.9fm in Abilene, TX and syndicated to three outlying cities in central Texas. This platform will likely be expanded and consistently used to market and promote this festival. • Music Business Connections. As performing artists, Mark Powell and Dean Dillon have past corporate attachments to Sony, Universal, BMI, Miller-‐Coors Brewing Company, Chevrolet, Hori-‐ Pro, and several others. Both have also produced other artists Backporch Productions, LLC 5 as well and have built and alumni list of artists thru festivals of 160 to date. As touring music artists, Mark and Dean plan to use the approximate 42 festivals and 145 annual shows to promote the festival as well. Similar to both current festivals (Abilene and Crested Butte Festivals), Backporch Productions plans to encapsulate the ski valley region of businesses and patrons with a variety of high and low-‐end ticket types and products available. With the combination of built-‐in assets and the Avon area business appeal, the estimated attendance should be +3,000 in year one with a goal of 30% tourism from Texas, Oklahoma and other regions of Colorado. 6 . Company Information Backporch Productions, LLC. Owners: Mark and Meredith Powell Inception Date: 10/2010 Number of Music Events Produced: 14 Outlaws & Legends Music Festival (2011-‐2015) Storytellers Unplugged (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) Wild West Fest (2011) Swingin’ Tex Fest (2013, 2014) Abilene Music Awards (2015) Total Charitable Contributions Since Inception: $510,853 Awards & Successes: o Largest Attended Inaugural Texas Music Event, (2011) o Top 5 “Festival of the Year”, Texas Regional Radio Music Awards (2012) o First Nationally Syndicated Festival in Texas, Texas Roadhouse Live (2012) o Community Awareness Award, Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau (2012) o Most Country Music Artists on 1-‐Stage in 2 Days, Texas Music Office (2011, 2012) o “Hat’s Off To Tourism” Award, Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau (2014) Backporch Productions, LLC 6 o Top 5 “Festival of the Year”, Texas Regional Radio Music Awards (2015) Print Media Outlets (where Outlaws & Legends has been featured): o New York Times Newspaper o Chicago Tribune Newspaper o Southern Living Magazine o USA Today o Texas Monthly Magazine o United Airlines Spirit Magazine o Texas Music Magazine o Best in Texas Magazine o Travel Host Magazine Current Festival Economic Impact on Abilene, TX: $823,500 Backporch Productions, LLC 7 Backporch Productions, LLC 8 7 . Contact Information Mark Powell, Owner Director Backporch Productions, LLC (325)660-‐8458 outlawsandlegends@gmail.com www.outlawsandlegends.com mark@backporchoftexas.com 8 . Management Organizational Chart 5. Festival Experience Outlaws & Legends Music Festival-‐ 2011-‐2015: Country music outdoor festival known as the “Biggest 1 -‐Stage Festival in Texas”. 5 festivals over 5 years with an average attendance of 5,800. 6,918 was the highest attendance (2015) and 5,104 was the lowest attendance (2012). Location: The Back Porch of Texas, Abilene, TX. This venue is also owned by Mark and Meredith Powell. See above for awards and successes. The segment which we work to always improve year-‐over-‐year is technology with ticketing. This includes integration with safe and efficient ticket purchasing over websites, social media, and third party ticketing outlets. Mark Powell, Director. 18 years in country music, 6 years in festival production, 2 years in radio. Ty Tyson, Artist Coordinator. 6 years with Backporch Productions. 5 years in band mgmt. Rode Owen, Stage Manager. 3 years Stage Mgmt., 9 years in country music. Derrick Nichols, Security Supervisor. 10 years in club/event security, 3 years with Backporch Productions. Meredith Powell, Event Coordinator. 6 years in staff, volunteer, vendor/ sponsor relations. Backporch Productions, LLC 9 9 . References Nanci Liles Director Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau (325) 676-‐2556 nanci@abilenevisitors.com Gary Grubbs Marketing Manager Big Country Chevy Dealer (largest sponsor-‐Outlaws & Legends Music Fest) (800) 568-‐7158 ggrubbs@lawrencehall.com 2016 2017 2018 CALCULATIONS CALCULATIONS CALCULATIONS TOTAL TICKETS PER DAY 4,000 5,000 6,000 TOTAL PERCENT PURCHASING 2-DAY PASSES 70%2,800 70%3,500 70%4,200 TOTAL PERCENT PURCHASING 1-DAY PASSES 30%1,200 30%1,500 30%1,800 TOTAL % STAYING IN LODGING 2-DAYS 44%1,232 44%1,540 44%1,848 TOTAL % STAYING IN LODGING 1-DAY***20%240 20%300 20%360 AVERAGE PERSONS PER UNIT 2 736 2 920 2 1,104 AVERAGE HOTEL RATE* - 2 nights/per person $167 $245,824 $169 $310,960 $170 $375,360 4% ACCOMMODATIONS TAX $9,833 $12,438 $15,014 TOTAL MEALS AVAILABLE FOR WEEKEND (3 meals L/B/L)5,600 20,000 24,000 TOTAL PERCENT EATING MEALS IN RESTAURANTS 85%4,760 85%17,000 85%20,400 AVERAGE DAILY MEAL COST OUTSIDE VENUE**$20.00 $95,200 $20.00 $340,000 $20.00 $408,000 4% SALES TAX $3,808 $13,600 $16,320 TOTAL PERSONS FOR THE WEEKEND 6,800 8,500 10,200 TOTAL % BUYING FOOD, RETAIL, INCREMENTAL 80%5,440 80%6,800 80%8,160 AVERAGE INCREMENTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT - Over 2/days $125 $680,000 $125 $850,000 $125 $1,020,000 4% SALES TAX $27,200 $34,000 $40,800 TOTAL TAXES $40,841 $60,038 $72,134 2 DAY SPECIAL EVENT TICKET ADMISSION FEE $3 $16,800 $21,000 $25,200 1 DAY SPECIAL EVENT TICKET ADMISSION FEE $3 $3,600 $4,500 $5,400 TOTAL REVENUE $61,241 $85,538 $102,734 ANNUAL TOWN OF AVON FINANCIAL INVESTMENT $72,000 $65,000 $55,000 ANNUAL TOWN OF AVON IN KIND INVESTMENT $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 NET UNRECOVERED INVESTMENT ($20,759)$10,538 $37,734 **Average cost of breakfast/lunch EXHIBIT B Outlaws & Legends Avon- Backporch Productions, LLC - Avon, CO 2016-2018 ROI - LAST WEEKEND of JULY - 2 DAYS 6,000 per day ASSUMPTION 4,000 per day ASSUMPTION 5,000 per day ASSUMPTION COMMODITY ***Increase of 2% from 18% due to lodging guests on Thursday night's Storyteller Unplugged. * Based on (EST.)Destimetrics July 2015 1 Heil Law & Planning, LLC Office: 303.975.6120 3445 S. Clermont St. Fax: 720.836.3337 Denver, CO 80222 E-Mail: eric@heillaw.com e-mail: ericheillaw@yahoo.com H EIL L AW TO: Honorable Mayor Fancher and Town Council members FROM: Eric J. Heil, Town Attorney RE: 3rd Amendment to IGA w/ Fire District DATE: January 21, 2016 Summary: A Third Amendment to the IGA with the Upper Eagle River Fire District is presented to Council to establish a sales tax rebate on all construction materials and tangible personal property for the regional fire station to be located at the Joint Public Safety Facility on Lot 1B, Buck Creek Subdivision. The Eagle River Fire Protection District submitted a formal request for a sales tax credit and waiver of water tap fee and building permit fees (letter is attached to this memorandum). Sales Tax: Town staff considered enacting a “tax credit” by ordinance to amend the municipal code and thereby allow building supply vendors to sell and deliver construction materials and tangible personal property without paying the Avon sales tax. However, after review the Town’s Annexation and Development Agreement with the Village (at Avon) it was determined that a “sales tax rebate” would avoid raising complicated issues with application of a tax credit to retail sales in the Village (at Avon). Also, this approach is legally neutral with regard to the Town Council’s review of the imposition of sales tax on delivered construction materials because if Council amends the Town’s sales tax regulations, the Town’s obligation under this Third Amendment to the IGA is only to rebate those sales taxes that the Town receives. An agreement to rebate sales taxes collected by the Town of Avon is essentially a contractual agreement to make payments to the Fire District. Therefore, as a contract it may be approved by motion and any payments due after 2016 will be subject to annual budget and appropriation. Specific conditions and limitations are set forth in this agreement, including the following: • The sales tax rebate only applies to sales tax collected on construction materials and tangible personal property purchased for and used in the regional fire station facility; • The sales tax rebate only applies if both the Fire District ballot question and Avon ballot question pass on May 3, 2016; and, • The sales tax rebate expires on December 31, 2016. Financial Impact: The financial impact to the Town is estimated at roughly $80,000 to $90,000 based upon the Fire District’s projected estimate of costs and projected sales tax during 2016 and 2017. If this Third Amendment to the IGA is approved and both ballot questions are approved on May 3, 2016, the projected sales tax revenues and rebate expenditures will be included in a budget amendment mid-way through the year. Proposed Motion: “I move to approve the Third Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement for a Joint Fire-Police Station Facility between the Town of Avon and the Eagle River Fire Protection District.” Thank you, Eric ATTACHMENTS: Third Amendment to IGA Letter from Upper Eagle River Fire District M EMORANDUM & PLANNING, LLC ERFPD-Avon Third Amendment January 26, 2016 Page 1 of 3 THIRD AMENDMENT TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT FIRE-POLICE STATION FACILITY BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (“Third Amendment”) is made and entered into on January 26, 2016, (“Effective Date”) by the Town of Avon, a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Colorado (“Avon”) and the Eagle River Fire Protection District, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado organized under Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (“Fire District”) (collectively, the “Parties,” and each individually a “Party”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement for a Joint Fire- Police Station Facility Between the Town of Avon and the Eagle River Fire Protection District (“IGA”), dated April 28, 2015; and the Parties have entered into a MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT REGARDING COST SHARING FOR PROGRAMMING, DESIGN AND PRE- CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF A JOINT FIRE-POLICE STATION FACILITY BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT dated June 9, 2015 (“MOA”); and the Parties have entered into a SECOND AMENDMENT TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT FIRE-POLICE STATION FACILITY BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, dated January 11, 2015 (“2nd Amendment to IGA”); and, WHEREAS, the Fire District has submitted a written request to Avon dated January 15, 2016, requesting, among other matters, Avon to reduce the cost of the fire station portion of the joint fire-police station facility project by waiving any sales tax imposed and collected by Avon; and, WHEREAS, Avon desires to accommodate the request of the Fire District to reduce the cost of the regional fire station by reducing the cost of Avon’s sales tax but has determined that a rebate of any sales tax collected by Avon will be the most appopriate method for legal and accounting purposes; and, WHEREAS, Paragraph 14 provides that Parties may amend the IGA; and, WHEREAS, this Third Amendment is authorized pursuant to §29-1-201 and §30-11-101, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, and Article XIV, Section 18, of the Colorado Constitution. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and mutual agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Effective Date. This Third Amendment shall commence on the Effective Date. ERFPD-Avon Third Amendment January 26, 2016 Page 2 of 3 2. Rebate of Sales Tax. Avon agrees to rebate any sales tax collected on construction materials or tangible personal property purchased for and used in the construction of the regional fire station facility on Lot 1B, Buckcreek Subdivision, Town of Avon, CO, subject to the following conditions: a. The Fire District voters approve a ballot question for financing the construction of the regional fire station facility on Lot 1B, Buckcreek subdivision, Avon, CO on May 3, 2016; b. The Avon voters approve a ballot question for financing the construction of a police station on Lot 1B, Buckcreek subdvision, Avon, CO on May 3, 2016; c. The Fire District shall submit receipts to Avon indicating the constructional materials and tangible personal property purchased and the sales tax paid to Avon and Avon shall rebate to the Fire District the sales taxes paid to Avon as evidenced by the receipts received a monthly basis within thirty (30) days of the end of the preceding month; d. Avon’s obligation to rebate sales taxes in this Third Amendment shall expire and terminate on December 31, 2017; and, e. Avon’s obligation to rebate sales taxes in this Third Amendment shall be subject to annual budget and appropriation. 3. Other Terms in Full Force and Effect. All other terms in the IGA, as amended by the MOU and the Second Amendment, shall remain in full force and effect. EXECUTED as of the date first written above. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: ATTEST: _____________________________________ ______________________________ Jenny Fancher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe: Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ Eric J. Heil, Esq., Avon Town Attorney ERFPD-Avon Third Amendment January 26, 2016 Page 3 of 3 EXECUTED as of the date first written above. EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BY: ATTEST: ____________________________________ _____________________________ Jennifer Cartmell Hays, Chairperson Clark Shivley, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ James P. Collins, Esq. TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Scott Wright, Asst. Town Manager Robert Ticer, Police Chief Date: January 26, 2016 Topic: Ordinance No. 16-01 – Amendment to Unclaimed Property Code ACTION BEFORE COUNCIL Ordinance No. 16-01 is presented to the Avon Town Council for second and final reading. Council approved first reading on January 12, 2016. Ordinance No. 16-01 would amend the Avon Municipal Code to increase the dollar amount of the notification requirements for disposing of personal effects and sports equipment so that these items can be disposed of more expeditiously. PUBLIC HEARING Council is required to conduct a public hearing prior to taking final action on Ordinance No. 16- 02 in accordance with Section 6.5 of the Avon Home Rule Charter. PROPOSED MOTION I move to approved second and final reading of Ordinance No. 16-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TOWN’S UNCLAIMED PROPERTY CODE CHAPTER 3.30. 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION There is no direct impact to the Town’s 2016 budget. BACKGROUND The Town’s Unclaimed Property code was adopted in 1998 in order to prescribe procedures for disposing of certain items of unclaimed tangible and intangible personal property, primarily outstanding checks and personal effects and sports equipment. Currently, the dollar amount for disposing of personal effects and sports equipment after 30 days is set at $100. The Police Department would like to raise this amount to $1,000 in order to reduce the amount of equipment being held. Attachments: A - Ordinance No. 16-01 Ord. 16-01 Unclaimed Property January 26, 2016 - SECOND READING Page 1 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ORDINANCE 16-01 AMENDING CHAPTER 3.30 - UNCLAIMED PROPERTY OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE RECITALS WHEREAS, the Town of Avon (“Town”) is a home rule municipal corporation and body politic organized under the laws of the State of Colorado and possessing the maximum powers, authority and privileges to which it is entitled under Colorado law; and WHEREAS, in 1998 Section 3.30.10 of Chapter 3.30 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon was added for the purpose of providing for the administration and disposition of unclaimed property which is in the possession of or under the control of the Town; and WHEREAS, the amendment and update of the Unclaimed Property Code will ease the administrative burden of the disposition of unclaimed property; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council finds that the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community will be enhanced and promoted by the adoption of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on First Reading is intended only to confirm the Town Council desires to comply with the requirements of the Avon Home Rule Charter by setting a Public Hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present testimony and evidence regarding the application, and that approval of this Ordinance on First Reading does not constitute a representation that the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council, supports, approves, rejects, or denies this Ordinance; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council. Section 2. Amendment to Section 3.30.040. Section 3.30.040 of the Avon Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety and re-enacted to read as follows: “3.30.040 - Procedure for disposition of clothes and personal effects collected at Town facilities and having an estimated value of less than one thousand dollars. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter to the contrary, any single item of clothing or personal effects, including sports equipment, having an estimated value of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) which has been left for a period of thirty (30) days or more at a Town facility or on Town property or turned into Town personnel is deemed abandoned and shall become the sole Ord. 16-01 Unclaimed Property January 26, 2016 - SECOND READING Page 2 of 4 property of the Town. Such property is subject to disposal in such way as the Director, at his or her discretion, deems to be in the best interests of the Town.” Section 3. Amendment to Section 3.30.050. Sections 3.30.050(a) and (b) of the Avon Municipal Code are repealed in its entirety and re-enacted to read as follows: “3.30.050 - Procedure for disposition of all other property. (a) Notice—value one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or more. Prior to disposition of any other unclaimed property having an estimated value of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or more, the Director shall send a written notice by mail, to the last known address, if any, of any owner of unclaimed property. The last known address of the owner shall be the last address as shown by the records of the municipal department or agency holding the property. The notice shall include a description of the property, the amount or estimated value of the property, and when available, the purpose for which the property was deposited or otherwise held. The notice shall also state where the owner may make inquiry of or claim the property. The notice shall also state that if the owner fails to provide the Director with a written claim for the return of the property within thirty (30) days of the date of the notice, the property shall become the sole property of the Town and any claim of the owner to such property shall be deemed forfeited. (b) Notice—value less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or no last known address. Prior to disposition of any unclaimed property having an estimated value of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or having no last known address of the owner, the Director shall cause a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. The notice shall include a description of the property, the owner of the property, the amount or estimated value of the property and, when available, the purpose for which the property was deposited or otherwise held. The notice shall state where the owner may make inquiry of or claim the property. The notice shall also state that if the owner fails to provide the Director with a written claim for the return of the property within thirty (30) days of the date of the publication of the notice, the property shall become the sole property of the Town and any claim of the owner to such property shall be deemed forfeited.” Section 4. Codification Amendments. The codifier of the Town’s Municipal Code, Colorado Code Publishing, is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes as may be necessary to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Avon Municipal Code. The Town Clerk is authorized to correct, or approve the correction by the codifier, of any typographical error in the enacted regulations, provided that such correction shall not substantively change any provision of the regulations adopted in this Ordinance. Such corrections may include spelling, reference, citation, enumeration, and grammatical errors. Section 5. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it has passed this Ordinance and each Ord. 16-01 Unclaimed Property January 26, 2016 - SECOND READING Page 3 of 4 provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or invalid. As used in this Section, the term “provision” means and includes any part, division, subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term “application” means and includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after public notice following final passage in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter. Section 7. Safety Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public and this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of pubic convenience and welfare. The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be obtained. Section 8. Publication. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance in accordance with Chapter 1.16 of the Avon Municipal Code. [execution page follows] Ord. 16-01 Unclaimed Property January 26, 2016 - SECOND READING Page 4 of 4 INTRODUCED AND ADOPTED ON FIRST READING AND REFERRED TO PUBLIC HEARING on January 12, 2016 and setting such public hearing for January 26, 2016 at the Council Chambers of the Avon Municipal Building, located at One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado. BY: ATTEST: ____________________________ ____________________________ Jennie Fancher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe, Town Clerk ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING on January 26, 2016. BY: ATTEST: ____________________________ ____________________________ Jennie Fancher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Eric J. Heil, Town Attorney CHAPTER 3.30 - Unclaimed Property 3.30.010 - Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the administration and disposition of unclaimed property which is in the possession of or under the control of the Town. 3.30.020 - Definitions. Unless otherwise required by context or use, words and terms shall be defined as follows: Director shall mean the Finance Director or designee thereof. Owner means a person or entity, including a corporation, partnership, association, governmental entity other than this municipality, or a duly authorized legal representative or successor in interest of same, which owns unclaimed property held by the town. Town means the Town of Avon, Colorado. Unclaimed property means any tangible or intangible property, including any income or increment derived therefrom, less any lawful charges, that is held by or under the control of the Town and which has not been claimed by its owner for a period of more than one year after it became payable or distributable. Except that unclaimed property shall not include abandoned motor vehicles or confiscated weapons. 3.30.030 - Procedure for disposition of sums payable on a check. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter to the contrary, any sum payable on a check on which the Town is liable, which has been outstanding for a period of at least one (1) year after it was payable or after its issuance if payable on demand, is deemed abandoned and without providing notice the Town may write off the amount of such check. 3.30.040 - Procedure for disposition of clothes and personal effects collected at Town facilities and having an estimated value of less than one thousand hundred dollars. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter to the contrary, any single item of clothing or personal effects, including sports equipment, having an estimated value of less than one thousand hundred dollars ($1,000.00) which has been left for a period of thirty (30) days or more at a Town facility or on Town property or turned into Town personnel is deemed abandoned and shall become the sole property of the Town. Such property is subject to disposal in such way as the Director, at his or her discretion, deems to be in the best interests of the Town. 3.30.050 - Procedure for disposition of all other property. (a) Notice—value one thousand hundred dollars ($1,000.00) or more. Prior to disposition of any other unclaimed property having an estimated value of one thousand hundred dollars ($1,000.00) or more, the Director shall send a written notice by mail, to the last known address, if any, of any owner of unclaimed property. The last known address of the owner shall be the last address as shown by the records of the municipal department or agency holding the property. The notice shall include a description of the property, the amount or estimated value of the property, and when available, the purpose for which the property was EXHIBIT A deposited or otherwise held. The notice shall also state where the owner may make inquiry of or claim the property. The notice shall also state that if the owner fails to provide the Director with a written claim for the return of the property within thirty (30) days of the date of the notice, the property shall become the sole property of the Town and any claim of the owner to such property shall be deemed forfeited. (b) Notice—value less than one thousand hundred dollars ($1,000.00) or no last known address. Prior to disposition of any unclaimed property having an estimated value of less than one thousand hundred dollars ($1,000.00) or having no last known address of the owner, the Director shall cause a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. The notice shall include a description of the property, the owner of the property, the amount or estimated value of the property and, when available, the purpose for which the property was deposited or otherwise held. The notice shall state where the owner may make inquiry of or claim the property. The notice shall also state that if the owner fails to provide the Director with a written claim for the return of the property within thirty (30) days of the date of the publication of the notice, the property shall become the sole property of the Town and any claim of the owner to such property shall be deemed forfeited. (c) Forfeiture. If the Director receives no written claim within the above thirty-day claim period, the property shall become the sole property of the Town and any claim of the owner to such property shall be deemed forfeited. (d) Written claims. If the Director receives a written claim within the above thirty-day claim period, the Director shall evaluate the claim and file a written notice to the claimant within thirty (30) days thereof that the claim has been accepted or denied in whole or in part. The Director may investigate the validity of a claim and may request further supporting documentation from the claimant prior to disbursing or refusing to disburse the property. (e) Multiple claimants. In the event that there is more than one (1) claimant for the same property, the Director may, at his or her sole discretion, resolve any claims, or may resolve such claims by depositing the disputed property with the registry of the Eagle County district court in an interpleader action. (f) Denial of claims. In the event that all claims filed are denied, the property shall become the sole property of the Town and any claim of the owner of such property shall be deemed forfeited. (g) Appeal. Any legal action filed challenging a decision of the Director shall be filed pursuant to Rule 106 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure within thirty (30) days of such decision or shall be forever barred. If any legal action is timely filed, the property shall be disbursed by the Director pursuant to the order of the court having jurisdiction over such claim. (h) Disposal at Town's discretion. Thirty (30) days after the Director's final decision determining the Town's sole ownership to any unclaimed property described in this Section, the Director, in his or her sole discretion, is hereby authorized to sell such property or otherwise dispose of it in the best interest of the Town. (i) Sale of unclaimed property—advertisement. If the Director determines that any unclaimed property should be sold, then at any time after thirty (30) days after the Director's final decision determining the Town's sole ownership to any unclaimed property described in this EXHIBIT A Section, the Director may prepare a notice, which notice shall be published in a newspaper legally qualified for Town publications pursuant to the Town Charter and posted at Town Hall, which notice shall be directed to the public and shall contain a statement that a list of all such property unclaimed is on file with the Town Clerk and available for public inspection. The notice shall further state the time and place where all such unclaimed property shall be sold by the Town; the time fixed in the notice for such sale shall be no greater than fifteen (15) days nor less than five (5) days from the date of posting. At the time and place mentioned in the notice, it shall be the duty of the Town to dispose of or sell all such unclaimed property for the highest and best price the same will bring in cash, and to receive from the purchaser of each and every article the amount paid by such purchaser for the same, and to deliver the article, together with a bill of sale for the same, to the purchaser. (j) Sale of perishable, bulky, etc., property. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Chapter, if any property taken possession of by the Town is of a perishable nature or so bulky or of such a nature as to make it dangerous or inadvisable to retain possession thereof for the length of time specified in this Article, the Director upon certifying such fact to the Town Manager, setting forth reasons why such property should not be retained for the fixed period before selling or disposing of the same, may cause such property to be advertised forthwith in a newspaper legally qualified for Town publications and sell or dispose of such property at public sale at any time after three (3) days shall have elapsed from the time the property comes under control of the Town. (k) Administrative procedures. The Director is authorized to establish and administer procedures for the administration and disposition of unclaimed property consistent with this Article, including compliance requirements for other Town officers and employees in the identification and disposition of such property. EXHIBIT A Action on First Reading of Ordinance No. 15-11 is being delayed until after the Wildridge Community Meeting Motion: I move to continue First Reading of Ordinance No. 15-11 to the March 8, 2016, Regular Town Council Meeting TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET FINAL - Avon Council Meeting 01-12-2016 Minutes Page 1 1. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Scott Prince, Megan Burch, Matt Gennett, Jake Wolf and Sarah Smith Hymes. Buz Reynolds was absent. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Assistant Town Manager Scott Wright, Planning Manager Matt Pielsticker, Police Chief Bob Ticer and Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Preston Neill. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Michael Cacioppo commented. 4. WORK SESSION 4.1. LEGAL OPINION ON AVON SALES TAX ON CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL, ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER SCOTT WRIGHT) Michael Cacioppo, Chris Evans, Dave Dantas and Peter Buckley commented. Councilor Reynolds joined the meeting at 5:29 p.m. 5. ACTION ITEMS 5.1 PUBLIC HEARING SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 15-12 APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF VESTED RIGHTS FOR THE RED HOUSE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Mayor Fancher opened the Public Hearing and no comments were made. Councilor Gennett moved to approve Ordinance No. 15-12, an Ordinance approving a five (5) year extension to the Vested Rights for the Red House Planned Unit Development (PUD); Councilor Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 5.2 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 16-01, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.30 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE (ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER SCOTT WRIGHT) Mayor Pro Tem Jake Wolf moved to approve Ordinance No. 16-01 amending the Town’s Unclaimed Property Code on First Reading with amendments to Chapter 3.30; Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 6 CONSENT AGENDA 6.1 APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY GRANT FUNDING REQUEST FROM SALVATION ARMY (EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) 6.2 APPROVAL OF FULLCOURT AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRONIC COURT TICKET PROCESSING (TOWN CLERK DEBBIE HOPPE) 6.3 APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 8, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (TOWN CLERK DEBBIE HOPPE) TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET FINAL - Avon Council Meeting 01-12-2016 Minutes Page 2 Councilor Burch moved to approve the consent agenda; Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 7 WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1 FINANCIAL REPORT (BUDGET ANALYST KELLY HUITT) 8 COMMITTEE MEETING UPDATES: COUNCILORS AND MAYOR 8.1 UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY (COUNCILOR SARAH SMITH HYMES) 8.2 ECO TRANSIT (MAYOR PRO TEM JAKE WOLF) 8.3 AFFORDABLE HOUSING BOARD (COUNCILOR MEGAN BURCH) 9 MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS 10 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ______________________________________________ Preston Neill, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager APPROVED: Jennie Fancher ________________________________ Jake Wolf ________________________________ Matt Gennett ________________________________ Megan Burch ________________________________ Albert “Buz” Reynolds ________________________________ Scott Prince ________________________________ Sarah Smith Hymes ________________________________ FISCAL YEAR 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT January 26, 2016 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Fiscal Year 2015 Financial Report Cover Memo 2. Sales and Accommodations Tax Reports - November 2015 3. Real Estate Transfer Tax Report and Monthly Detail - December 2015 4. General Fund Year-To-Date Expenditures - December 2015 5. Fleet Maintenance Fund Year-To Date Expenditures - December 2015 6. Transit Fund Year-To Date Expenditures - December 2015 TOWN COUNCIL REPORT To: Honorable Mayor Jennie Fancher and Avon Town Council From: Kelly Huitt, Budget Analyst Date: January 20, 2016 Re: Fiscal Year 2015 Financial Report – November / December Revenues: SALES TAX • Sales tax revenue for the month of November is up $40,380 or 10.15% compared to November 2014, and up 4.37% compared to the budget. This increase includes $23,061 from new businesses, and after adjusting for new business growth, 4.35% is the gain in revenue from existing business for the month. Year-to-date sales tax is up $542,441 compared to 2014, and new businesses make up 61.73% of this total growth. • November sales tax collections are up for all categories except for Miscellaneous Retail when compared to 2014. The decrease in existing business growth from Miscellaneous Retail can be partially attributed to two entities being re-categorized. Service Related business is up 48.88%, Home/Garden increased 13.85%, and the Grocery, Specialty, & Heath category grew 12.76% for November. The large increase in the Service Related category is due to wide variances in returns from interior design and architecture businesses. The change in Home/Garden is from new businesses located both out of city as well as in-town. The Restaurants/Bars total is skewed due to one entity filing their October return late. After correcting for this late payment the adjusted year over year change is 5.31% for this category. The Other business category has been trending from closing existing businesses to newly opened entities mostly related to construction and building finishing contractors. 2014/2015 Growth Growth Variance Existing Business New Business Home/Garden 5,729.85 -1.79%15.64% Grocery, Specialty, Health 12,442.45 7.18%5.58% Liquor Stores 338.21 1.66%0.00% Sporting Goods Retail/Rental 3,148.40 8.01%0.16% Miscellaneous Retail (332.33)-20.41%19.31% Accommodations 2,384.04 3.49%3.67% Restaurants/Bars 8,277.71 8.96%3.10% Other 1,749.82 0.13%3.08% Service Related 6,642.04 47.37%1.51% Total $40,380.19 4.35%5.80% Category Sales Tax Monthly Totals ACCOMMODATIONS TAX • Accommodations tax revenue for November is up $2,264, or 7.06% compared to November 2014, but down -1.22% compared to the monthly budget. • November accommodations tax collections increased for Hotels at 17.06%, but Vacation Rentals and Timeshare units are down -24.53% and -2.24%, respectively. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX • 2015 real estate transfer tax collections for December equal $175,552.42. • Year-to-date real estate transfer tax collections through December total 103.05% of the revised 2015 estimated revenue, making the annual total $68,715 over the projected budget. Expenditures: Important: Expenditures through December are preliminary - final 2015 purchases and journal entries have not yet been posted • General Fund expenditures through December 2015 total 92.91% of the total revised budget. • Fleet expenditures to date are at 97.04% of the total revised budget. These costs include stock parts and ongoing expenditures such as regularly purchased shop supplies and monthly copier charges. • Transit funds are 88.15% expended compared to the revised annual budget. TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX 2015 Actual vs. Budget Budget YTD Collections Budget % of change 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Variance from 2014 January 515,009.18$ 511,040.76$ 519,784.89$ 677,943.78$ 638,863.27$ 674,203$ 765,195.68$ 90,992.75$ 19.77% February 504,752.59 532,903.25 533,546.48 636,702.27 673,722.03 710,990 788,999.06 78,009.10 17.11% March 620,937.20 665,532.70 643,910.29 720,267.31 793,301.96 837,185 875,499.53 38,314.90 10.36% April 309,937.09 305,269.73 304,220.84 307,407.13 381,839.56 402,962 403,560.42 598.84 5.69% May 242,830.16 236,424.93 270,082.79 309,938.72 340,332.28 359,158 353,840.11 (5,318.15) 3.97% June 377,920.42 406,828.27 430,588.57 490,329.18 538,517.31 568,306 570,424.51 2,118.32 5.93% July 421,975.98 452,873.44 472,215.40 537,479.66 570,959.86 602,543 601,516.82 (1,026.53) 5.35% August 361,702.25 419,977.29 455,439.86 504,332.25 547,085.80 577,349 572,647.57 (4,701.09) 4.67% September 359,139.22 391,546.49 424,793.75 475,362.88 546,016.59 576,220 595,235.68 19,015.38 9.01% October 288,859.84 299,193.35 341,711.43 356,925.96 417,921.46 441,039 423,701.53 (17,337.87) 1.38% November 284,528.70 301,407.41 336,060.63 362,460.94 397,935.36 419,948 438,315.55 18,367.81 10.15% December 818,360.74 921,815.61 852,868.64 981,917.79 1,221,263.98 1,288,820 Total 5,105,953.37$ 5,444,813.23$ 5,585,223.57$ 6,361,067.87$ 7,067,759.46$ 7,458,723$ 6,388,936.46$ 219,033.46$ 9.28% Actual Collections $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Year Sales Tax Collections for November TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX 2015 Actual vs. Budget $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 YTD Sales Tax Collections $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 Sales Tax Monthly Comparison 2013-2015 2013 2014 2015 TOWN OF AVON ACCOMMODATIONS TAX 2015 Actual vs. Budget Actual Collections Budget YTD Collections Budget % change 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Variance 2014 January 87,938.84$ 85,233.73$ 90,118.88$ 108,508.43$ 129,851.78$ 140,746$ 164,361.04$ 23,615.12$ 26.58% February 99,336.34 114,035.90 106,016.32 137,503.61 150,317.06 162,928 175,056.31 12,128.14 16.46% March 105,518.15 122,145.16 115,043.42 153,208.80 168,597.39 182,742 183,650.29 908.13 8.93% April 26,496.88 26,214.58 20,786.24 26,494.49 31,626.02 34,279 34,825.13 545.79 10.12% May 12,425.51 15,152.82 16,664.44 24,527.17 21,961.97 23,805 28,002.56 4,198.05 27.50% June 32,857.68 49,999.66 56,012.17 66,578.91 54,232.23 58,782 53,397.46 (5,384.68) -1.54% July 51,170.82 62,928.07 66,726.73 73,008.92 81,083.01 87,886 86,301.22 (1,584.39) 6.44% August 42,188.56 52,037.55 58,358.93 67,688.07 71,044.33 77,005 75,107.71 (1,897.01) 5.72% September 30,090.34 35,521.81 42,245.24 44,661.37 50,840.16 55,105 60,417.74 5,312.26 18.84% October 20,614.06 21,801.56 25,879.51 27,154.53 34,977.59 37,912 38,706.72 794.62 10.66% November 20,582.47 24,971.33 22,786.42 28,171.04 32,064.02 34,754 34,328.47 (425.62) 7.06% December 98,561.90 135,984.00 112,759.02 131,361.43 168,944.85 183,119 Total 627,781.55$ 746,026.17$ 733,397.32$ 888,866.77$ 995,540.41$ 1,079,063$ 934,154.65$ 38,210.42$ 13.01% - 10,000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Accommodations Tax Collections for November Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax 2015 Actual vs. Budget Budget YTD Collections $ change % of change 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2014 2014 January 237,133.00$ 57,540.00$ 50,204.00$ 22,535.00$ 85,126.74$ 94,169$ 48,640.40$ (36,486.34)$ -42.86% February 362,719.22 230,705.50 41,750.07 55,872.69 562,219.70 260,794 85,479.08 (476,740.62)-84.80% March 284,243.65 187,099.47 84,760.49 125,927.64 50,375.06 152,407 168,744.22 118,369.16 234.98% April 210,185.30 249,482.30 219,195.80 144,437.80 197,656.36 212,453 125,266.30 (72,390.06)-36.62% May 112,431.30 187,668.62 270,170.12 121,784.12 183,745.60 182,246 237,971.08 54,225.48 29.51% June 66,271.14 49,606.58 169,040.47 90,309.74 220,009.15 123,864 294,434.84 74,425.69 33.83% July 63,509.36 46,707.37 71,057.40 386,434.78 141,051.52 147,487 396,838.68 255,787.16 181.34% August 88,823.40 106,785.21 232,505.93 97,579.70 154,032.32 141,445 152,380.93 (1,651.39) -1.07% September 159,861.96 140,876.56 96,389.34 157,010.67 267,886.92 171,056 291,223.61 23,336.69 8.71% October 222,575.20 64,005.33 176,889.62 169,839.80 178,044.24 168,836 172,855.22 (5,189.02) -2.91% November 115,654.16 98,057.44 150,549.86 112,491.82 122,582.66 124,717 169,328.38 46,745.72 38.13% December 236,117.45 198,448.03 145,134.57 83,382.60 1,598,062.92 470,525 175,552.42 (1,422,510.50) -89.01% Total 2,159,525.14$ 1,616,982.41$ 1,707,647.67$ 1,567,606.36$ 3,760,793.19$ 2,250,000$ 2,318,715.16$ (1,442,078.03)$ -38.35% Budget 2,250,000.00 Variance, Favorable (Unfavorable)68,715.16$ Actual Collections $- $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $3,500,000.00 $4,000,000.00 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 YTD Real Estate Transfer Tax Collections Dept./Div.2015 Encumbrances Year To Date Available Number Description Budget Outstanding Expenditures Balance YTD/Budget General Government: 111 Mayor and Town Council 239,890$ -$ 183,677$ 56,213$ 76.57% 112 Boards and Commissions 15,299 - 11,499 3,800 75.16% 113 Town Attorney 155,000 - 159,308 (4,308) 102.78% 115 Town Clerk 119,162 - 126,781 (7,619) 106.39% 121 Municipal Court 109,763 883 93,730 15,150 86.20% 131 Town Manager 359,067 - 340,719 18,348 94.89% 133 Community Relations 132,355 - 118,956 13,399 89.88% Total General Government 1,130,536 883 1,034,670 94,983 91.60% Human Resources Department: 132 Human Resources 371,589 762 348,318 22,509 93.94% Finance & IT Department: 141 Finance 779,580 3,440 755,491 20,649 97.35% 143 Information Systems 383,706 1,986 369,662 12,058 96.86% 149 Nondepartmental 395,157 6,359 362,877 25,921 93.44% Total Finance & IT 1,558,443 11,785 1,488,030 58,628 96.24% Total General Gov't Departments 3,060,568 13,430 2,871,018 176,120 94.25% Community Development: 212 Planning 288,835 2,369 272,664 13,802 95.22% 213 Building Inspection 135,274 - 129,953 5,321 96.07% 214 Economic Development 130,568 1,261 85,171 44,136 66.20% 215 Town Produced Events 366,864 - 320,931 45,933 87.48% 216 Signature Event Seed Funding 302,122 - 297,221 4,901 98.38% 217 Community Grants 247,850 - 193,472 54,378 78.06% Total Community Development 1,471,513 3,630 1,299,412 168,471 88.55% Police Department: 311 Administration 619,470 1,830 585,209 32,431 94.76% 312 Patrol 2,136,521 9,346 2,119,293 7,882 99.63% 313 Investigations 252,722 - 253,149 (427) 100.17% Total Police 3,008,713 11,176 2,957,651 39,886 98.67% Public Works: 412 Engineering 378,633 552 329,658 48,423 87.21% 413 Roads and Bridges 1,494,783 4,828 1,307,395 182,560 87.79% 415 Parks 1,018,843 3,555 917,367 97,921 90.39% 418 Buildings & Facilities 1,160,027 42,256 998,660 119,111 89.73% Total Public Works 4,052,286 51,191 3,553,080 448,015 88.94% Department Expenditure Summaries General Fund December 2015 Expenditures to Date Dept./Div.2015 Encumbrances Year To Date Available Number Description Budget Outstanding Expenditures Balance YTD/Budget Department Expenditure Summaries General Fund December 2015 Expenditures to Date Recreation Department: 514 Administration 214,045 2,686 207,271 4,088 98.09% 515 Adult Programs 35,359 - 31,622 3,737 89.43% 516 Aquatics 435,468 1,600 381,342 52,526 87.94% 518 Fitness 131,054 - 135,413 (4,359) 103.33% 519 Guest Services 272,204 3,790 258,477 9,937 96.35% 521 Youth Programs 121,165 1,436 110,497 9,232 92.38% 522 Cabin 6,078 - 5,878 200 96.71% Total Recreation 1,215,373 9,512 1,130,500 75,361 93.80% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 12,808,453$ 88,939$ 11,811,661$ 907,853 92.91% Dept./Div.2015 Encumbrances Year To Date Available Number Description Budget Outstanding Expenditures Balance YTD/Budget EXPENDITURES Public Works: 434 Fleet Maintenance 1,725,637$ 18,882$ 1,655,735$ 51,020$ 97.04% Total Operating Expenditures 1,725,637 18,882 1,655,735 51,020 97.04% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,725,637$ 18,882$ 1,655,735$ 51,020$ 97.04% Expenditure Summary Fleet Maintenance Enterprise Fund December 2015 Expenditures to Date Dept./Div.2015 Encumbrances Year To Date Available Number Description Budget Outstanding Expenditures Balance YTD/Budget EXPENDITURES 431 Transit Administration 235,325$ 1,117$ 221,086$ 13,122$ 94.42% 432 Transit Operations 1,140,722 - 1,024,020 116,702 89.77% 435 Wash Bay 132,967 1,107 82,825 49,035 63.12% Total Operating Expenditures 1,509,014 2,224 1,327,931 178,859 88.15% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,509,014$ 2,224$ 1,327,931$ 178,859$ 88.15% Expenditure Summary Transit Enterprise Fund December 2015 Expenditures to Date