PZC Minutes 102015Avon
The meeting was called to order at 5:0013m
II. Roll Call
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October zo, 2015
Avon Municipal Building - One Lake Street
• All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Bonidy.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
• None
IV. Conflicts of Interest
• Commissioner Barnes and Commissioner Lubbers Employment Relationship Disclosure
(Town Attorney Memorandums Included)
• Commissioner Barnes and Commissioner Lubbers conflicted out of the review of proposed
finish materials for Eagle Valley Trail segment discussion.
V. Consent Agenda
• Findings of Fact and Record of Decision — Tract H, Filing 3, Village at Avon Rock Crushing SRU
• September i9, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Minervini and at vote, all were in favor (5-0) with Commissioner
Barnes abstaining.
ISI. Public Hearing: Case #SRU15003
Land Use Application Type: Special Review Use
Property Location: Lots i & 3, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Property Address: ill Nottingham Road
Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial (NC)
Applicant: Matt Morrison, Wilcon Energy
Owner: G.P.I. Partners, PO Box 99, Vail, CO 81658
Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a Special Use Review for a propane fuel station
on the property.
Action: Commissioner Minervini moved to approve Case #SRU15003 together with the three (3)
conditions as cited in the staff report and five (5) additional conditions in addition to the findings of
fact as cited in the staff report with one (1) change to the second finding of fact.
1. Prior to beginning any construction, the Applicant's contractor shall contact all appropriate
utility companies for line locations, and contractor shall then locate all utilities (including depth)
The Applicant shall submit the locate information with the building permit application.
i. The Applicant shall restore any landscaping to pre-existing conditions if disturbed.
3. The Applicant shall restore any aspect of the property altered or damaged by the facilities or use
on Lots i & 3 upon removal of any equipment to conditions pre-existing the installation to the
satisfaction of the Town and the property owner. The Applicant shall photo -document
conditions before equipment installation and confer with Town staff prior to the removal of any
installed equipment to agree on the restoration plan.
4. The Special Review Use permit is approved for duration not to exceed two (i) years and the
Applicant shall report back to the PZC in one (1) year to provide an update.
5. Fuel delivery trucks shall be restricted to twenty-five (25) foot maximum length with not more
than two (i) axles.
6. The Applicant shall install motion -activated bollard lights that meet the lighting standards of the
Avon Municipal Code to provide a minimum level of safe lighting for fuel customers.
7. No on-site payment option shall be made available to fuel dispenser customers.
8. The Applicant shall submit for review and approval by the Town Engineer an auto -turn analysis
to demonstrate the parking lot can reasonably and safely accommodate a 25 -foot fuel delivery
1. The Application was reviewed in accordance with Sec. 7.16.1oo Special Review Use and
determined to be eligible for consideration with the applicable review criteria.
i. The proposed use confers a benefit to the greater community by providing a commercially
accessible source of alternative fuel.
3. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, size and scope and any
possible impacts will be minimal and mitigated by constant monitoring and safety inspections,
as agreed by the applicant.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve and at vote, all were in favor (6-o) and the motion
VII. Other Business
• Review of Proposed Finish Materials for Eagle Valley Trail Segment (Town Engineer Justin
• Comprehensive Plan Update
• Council Nov loth: Town Hall, Tract G Planning, Joint Public Safety, Lot 5, Swift Gulch
• November 17 PZC Meeting / Town Council Meeting Room conflict
• Council action on Lot zi, Block 3, Wildridge PUD Amendment
• Wildridge PUD Amendment Code Amendment
VIII. The meeting was adjourned at 7:1513m.
Approved third day of "ember, 2015
Jim Clappey, Chairman