10-07-2013 L15 & 16 B4 WR Minervini PUD Amendment-Finding of Fact and Record of DecisionAVON PLANNING AND ZC NING C C MMISSI ON:.....:. F: FINDINGS OF FACT, RECORD C P DIECIISI ON, AND RECO MIIMENDIATIONS V 0 N C C NC ERNIN G THE M INOR PE D AMENDMENT FC R LC TS 15 & l f. BLC CK 4. WILDIRIDGD SUBIEI IVISIC N The following findings of fact and rociommendations are made in accardanaei with Avon Mlluniaipall Codes ("AMC"', §7.16.060(h), §11.16.020(g), & fl7.1(.0(4(ea)(4;: 1. Appllciation SuiHmitted. A Minoii PUD Amendmanit Application 11"the Applhicaation7% was sublmitled to thea Community Develapmarit Department of thea Taws, of Avon (the "Town") ori C atobeii 11, 2013 by Domini a M auriello (thea "Applicant"). 2. Agency Referrals. On Cctober 15, 301:.1, pursuant to AMC �j7.1(.02(Iljci)(2,, Staff reafenied the Appl:iaat:ian to oulsidea naview aganicies, including thea fb:llawing: Nagle Claunty Planning, Eagles Riven WUater & Sanitation Dicitrict, and Eagle Riveii Fire Pnoteacation District. Coma ants were reacaeivead from thea Nagle Rlver Water & Sanlatian D:istnlat and have bleiemi included in the seconded reicond of the Application. _I. Noticae call Pubble Hearing. Illlursuant to AMC F17.1(.0201d1 , a notice of public hleiar'ing was published in Tl a Mail Daily and a mailead noticea was sant to all properly ownems within -100' of tha proplertias. 4. Staff Wport to Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC). Jared Barnes, Blannen II, submitted Stafflraeplorts la the PZC dated Novemablem 1, 2CI12I, and NomemtIcir 13, 2(11::1. Public Hciatir g blelbrea thea PZC. On Navemibem 5, :1013, Novemblen 1911, 20113, L1ociember 3, 2013, and Jllarivary 7, 2(114 the PZC Neild ppbllic hearings on thea Application, and cionsideread Sl aff's analysis, naferral camrr amts from the Eagle Rives Wator & Saniitalion Dllistrict, and put 11ic caomments reiceiveid from neiightlaring plroporty o)Nincais. t. Ccamplianee wi1H Rcaview Critcaria. The PZC makes the fb:llawing Endings :in reagand to compl:liance with the appq:licah:lei review criteria foi a Minoi BUDA.rr.emidment (§7.16.060(e)(4)) as thea basis fon this iiecommeandat:ian to Town Couniai:l: HZC IIINDIINGS: (1) The Application was ppaocaesseid in acicoidance with §7.16.060(h), Amendment to a Proal PUD, whfahl allowead the appl.icaatlan to flea pnocessead as a miirior amanidment pursuant to §7.16.060(h)(1)(Iii), Minor Aniendment, and ulliliaeid the review ciriteriia set forthl :in 111.16.060(c)(4), Prelim inory P UD ReviiE-ti Crhieraia; and, (2) The Application is in substantia,' caompll:iancae with fl7.16A(0(c((4), Preliminary PUD Revieiti Cniter;ia, A MIC; and, (3) The A ppll i aati on is not likely lo reasu:l l in advenase impacts up lan thea natural environment, including air, watch, noisa, storm waters management, %ildlif6, and FINDIlVG,S OF I ACTII AND RE C OMMEND AT ION LC ITIIS 1!1 & lE , ffiJOCK 4,, WILRIDI GE MI D IVISION — MINEIRNIINI M INIOR PUD AME NDMENTI Paige 1 cif 3 vegelat:icin, on suabl irillacts will ba substantially rrvitigatad with building footplrint maximums; and, (4) Allllnoval of thea Applicalion would readucae building massing compareid to thea ex:ist:ing unidenlAng zoning, allowing foi an impmveimenit in qual:itylll oven what caould blave beean acaompllistled thraugb tha eaxistinlg zoning designations; and, (5) Building implacils ori -sate are neduceid b31 adding) nastrictilons thlal ansa cunently not in efftacat ineaud:ingl: building footprint rea:atrictions of 3,000 sq. f1. fon pinoploseid Llal 1, 4,(1(10 sq. ft. for Lot 2, and 2,000 sq. fjl. fon Lct 3; additionall)llb ]ivabla squarei footagei naps (not including garage spaaa) of 14,0(1(1 sq. fl. flan pinollosed Lols 1 & 3; neducead building blei ghl of twanty e:i ght feel (28') fon Lots 1 and 3; and, (C, The AITIlication is :in conformance with policy) nacommendations in tta ANon Compnehans:iva plan, including "siitimg buildings of var),;ingl 4zes along) the sitrmeet ila miaximiae stun expo,imre, pnotcct views, be eompailible w ih ,uunrciun6J?i gl &velopment, cin6 llneak up building bulk." (7) Ttei r1rollosed maximum rid€leiline licight of W38' fbn Lot 3 is based off the ground floor ofI tha existing neas:idanaa ori Lot 1-'I, ane i:a intended to minim iaei impaiats to tha eixisling neasiAcincaa. FIZC RECOMMENDATION: The PIACI recommends tHat Town Council A.IPIRIOVIIE the Minion PIUID A.mendmart App:licalion (Pllauisions dated Deae:miber 2I1, 20l 3) with tt a fb:llowing car,ditions: (l ) The Subdivision P]al fbn the Minervinii PIUDI stlall ensura that tha pori -c eiv alopab]ci arcias includa allovAuanaes fon ulililies as well as thair aacess and maintunaruce. (11) The Subdivis:ian Plat fbn the Minermin:i BUD shall ensura that all lot line eaasamenits ante L tility and Drainage aasaments, with tha excalltioni of the front lot line easemeant which shall be a Slope Mlainlenance, Ulltility,, Drainage, and Snow Stcmagea Basamant. (3: Tha maxiurium plermiittad hoof elan ation ftar Lot 3 will tlea FII638'. (4; Thci realigned drivowayl to access Lots 2 and 3 will be corstrucated w:iltlin twlo (2) yaars from allpraval - basead on tha "Rioposed Lots Coriaeptual Home Elayllout" plans", Paga 2 of tt ei Application subnm`ti a,'. THESE I+IINDn G S OF PACT AND RECO MMENDAI (IONS ARIE HEREBY AF PRC VEEI : BY: DATE: iI ks Ay ancyl, PIZC Chlairparson FINDINGS CIF F AC T AND RE C OMM ENE A TIONI DOTS 15 & lb, EIILOC K 4, WIIIIRMGFI SUBDIVIS]IICIN — MINE RIIVINI MINOR ]HUD AM ENUMENIT Paige 3 cill2