PZC Res. No. 2005-12TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 05 -12 SERIES OF 2005 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL OF THE UPDATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council adopted the current Comprehensive Plan in 1996, and realizes the document should be periodically updated to reflect and serve the public interest; and WHEREAS, Title 2 of The Avon Municipal Code establishes the Planning & Zoning Commission as a design review body; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission is appointed to make and recommend to the Town Council a Comprehensive Plan for the physical development of the Town, subject to the approval of the governing body; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan, with accompanying maps, plat, charts, and descriptive matter, shall show the Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendations for the development of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town has held several publicly noticed meetings to discuss the development and revision of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission have reviewed the attached Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit A) as prepared and revised by Design Workshop, Town Staff, the Comprehensive Plan Subcommittee; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the Town Council the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit A) in order to serve as a policy and guidance Master Plan for future development and redevelopment within the Town of Avon. ADOPTED THIS 1St DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2005 Signed: At11e t ate: l ((( Date: Chris Evans, Chair hil Struve, Secretary