PZC Res. No. 2004-14TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 04-14 SERIES OF 2004 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CHAPTER 15.30 "OUTDOOR LIGHTING ORDINANCE" TO THE TOWN COUNCIL WHEREAS, Chapter 2.16 of The Avon Municipal Code establishes the purposes of the Planning & Zoning Commission to assist the Town Council in preserving the natural beauty of the Town and support the objectives of the existing Design Review Guidelines ; WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission realize that access to a clear and visible night sky is a strong value to the community, and that light pollution continues to be a threat to the clear skies that are a part of the heritage of the Rocky Mountain West; and WHEREAS, all property in the Town of Avon should comply with the Town goals in the preservation of the night sky, including those properties that currently emit an excessive amount of light that has been determined to be a nuisance and detrimental to the policy objectives stated herein; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission have reviewed the attached Chapter 15.30 — Outdoor Lighting Ordinance ( "Exhibit A "), and held numerous public meetings to discuss the goals and objectives of the proposed amendment to the Town Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the Town Council the approval of the Avon Municipal Code Section 15.30 — Outdoor Lighting Ordinance ( "Exhibit A ") in order to amend the existing Avon Municipal Code Section 15 as adopted. FAPlanning & Zoning Commission\Resolutions\2004\Res 04 -14 Lighting Ordinance Adoption.doc ADOPTED THIS 18th DAY OF MAY, 2004 Signed Date: Chris Evans, Chair 47q Attest: Date: L) 0. Terry Smith, Seer tary F:\Planning & Zoning Commission \Resolutions \2004\Res 04 -14 Lighting Ordinance Adoption.doc