PZC Minutes 080106Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
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VON Meeting Minutes
COLORADO August 1, 2006
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Item V - B, Minor Project, Location: Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 Beaver
Creek Boulevard, has been removed from the Consent Agenda and Item VII, Sign Application
Qwest Communications, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd., has been moved to the Consent Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict with Item VI, Special Review Use Application,
Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd,
and Item VII, Sign Application Qwest Communications, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd.
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the July 18, 2006 Meeting Minutes.
B. Item VII, Sign Application Qwest Communications, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd.
Commissioner Green motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Lane
seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 6-0 with
Commissioner Evans abstaining due to a conflict of interest.
VI. B. Minor Project
Location: Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 Beaver Creek Boulevard
Applicant: TAB Associates / Owner: Sharon Primmer
Description: The applicant is requesting to change the base, trim, and accent colors for
the existing Sunridge Building Phase II.
Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Color selections for the project were discussed along with comments that the Homeowners
Association was in agreement with the colors and options presented. Tab Bonidy, Tab Associates,
approached the podium to discuss the colors with the remarks that the colors were selected for their
Commissioner Foster had difficulty with the yellow color. Commissioner Struve remarked to
cut the mustard color and the dark red/maroon, and preferred Option B. Commissioner Goulding
preferred the top three colors and to eliminate the copper and the orange. Commissioner Smith
preferred the concept of Option B. Commissioner Lane concurred with Commissioner Smith.
Commissioner Green preferred Option B and would like to make sure that adjustments can be made
once painted if the colors aren't identical to those colors presented. Commissioner Evans voiced his
support for either option
Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item V - B. Minor Project, Location: Lot 2, Block 3,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 Beaver Creek Boulevard, Option B with the condition that if the
accent color being added were inappropriate, it would be visited by staff for revision. Commissioner
Goulding seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor.
VII. Special Review Use Application - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING
Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd
Applicant: Jeff Reddy, Architect/ Owner: Qwest Communications
Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The
property is located within the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district, and accordingly 'outdoor
storage' is enumerated as an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit
approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This is the second public hearing.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Commissioner Green commented on Item 3 of the Staff Report on the type of vehicle being identified.
Commissioner Goulding mentioned that the diagram showed the truck going over the fence and Mr.
Pielsticker clarified that a revised diagram was available and showed the turning to be appropriate.
Jeff Reddy, Reddy and Reddy Architects, approached the podium and voiced that snow storage was
appropriate. Commissioner Struve questioned the mobile sheds on the property and Qwest replied
that no mobile sheds would be stored on the property. Commissioner Struve asked about the number
of technicians as presented in the report to be 6 and it was verified that at this time this number was
correct. Commissioner Green remarked on the landscaping and the plants selected and voiced that
native plants would be preferred and that lost plants would need to be replaced. Commissioner
Goulding questioned the location of the signage and had clarified that the sign would be placed on the
building and not at the entrance to the site. Commissioner Goulding continued by questioning the
lighting and asked if it were on motion detectors or lit 24/7. Commissioner Green discussed the fence
issues of repair versus replacement. Commissioner Goulding remarked that the landscaping along
the fence was not sufficient.
No members of the public presented comments.
Commissioner Goulding moved to approve Item VI. Special Review Use Application, Property
Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd, Resolution 06-11,
to include the following conditions: (1) No WB -67 or WB -50 truck deliveries or staging on Metcalf
Road are permitted for this property. In the event the property receives one delivery by a WB -67 or
WB -50 truck after October 1st, 2006 it shall be considered a violation of this permit and subject to
immediate revocation proceedings. (2) The fence repair will be reviewed and approved by staff. (3)
Additional asphalt will be installed where required for a 45' straight body truck to perform deliveries
completely on asphalt, as indicated by letter from Dave Ruble (dated July 10, 2006), prior to any
deliveries taking place. (4) Outdoor storage is permitted exclusively on the areas indicated on the
submitted site plan (date stamped July 12, 2006). This area may not be expanded without prior
approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. (5) Lighting will be reviewed for compliance with
the Town of Avon Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. Building permit will not be closed out until all outdoor
lighting is in compliance. (6) A revised landscape plan with increased native landscaping and bushes
in groupings will be presented and approved by staff. If any planted landscaping does not survive it
will be replaced. (7) Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations
made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be
adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner Struve seconded. All
commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 6-0.
VIII. Sign Application - Qwest Communications
Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd
Applicant. Jeff Reddy, Architect/ Owner: Qwest Communications
Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a sign at the new Qwest location on Metcalf
Road. The sign would be south facing and is 18 square feet in size. Sign construction is with Black
Poly Carbonate Plastic and no lighting is proposed.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
IX. Final Design - Single -Family
Property Location: Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge
Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail Road
Applicant: Michael Sanner /Owner Trent Hubbard
Description: Review of Final Design Plan for the third and final single-family home in the Dry Creek
PUD. The home is approximately 4,500 square feet with cedar siding, stucco and stone veneer walls.
Sketch Review for this application took place at the Commission's June 20th meeting.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner discussion revolved around the fact that the applicant addressed many of the
comments such as the driveway and chimney design made during Sketch Design. Commissioner
Green commented that the landscaping would benefit from a more natural look than "looking like a
Commissioner Smith motioned to approved Item VIII, Final Design - Single -Family, Property Location:
Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail
Road, with the conditions as presented in the Staff Report. Commissioner Green seconded the
motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed 7-0.
X. Sketch Design Plans - Residential Duplex
A. Property Location: Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2470 Old Trail Road
Applicant: Rick Dominick, Aker Architects/ Owners: Tanavon Corporation
Description: The applicant is proposing a duplex on Old Trail Road in Wildridge. The units are
moderately sized: west unit is 2,810 square feet, and east is 2,730 square feet. The proposed building
materials are wood siding, stucco, and stone chimneys.
Matt Pielsticker presented to the Commission the Staff Report.
Kirk Aker, Aker Architects, approached the podium to present the project. Commissioner review
began with Commissioner Green commenting on the configuration of the driveway, agreed that the
landscape plan was minimal and would be better served with substantial plantings, concerned with
the steep walk to the patio, architecture needed greater articulation, rear of building needed to be
more broken up, and concerned with the stucco on the west elevation. Commissioner Goulding
agreed with Commissioner Green regarding the improvement of the landscaping, north elevation
needed a great deal of work, and greater character was needed for the project. Commissioner Lane
concurred with Commissioners Goulding and Green voiced it looked plain. Commissioner Struve
questioned the parking space requirements, north elevation needed some sort of differentiation, and
activity under the dormer needed to be review. Commissioner Smith commented the north side
needed work and the parking hammerhead/turn might benefit by being for two cars. Commissioner
Foster revealed that the north elevation needed work and the patio looked inside the setback.
Commissioner Evans commented that the detailing and materials were plain and a more robust
presentation would be beneficial.
B. Property Location: Lot 48, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5151 Longsun Lane
Applicant: Rick Dominick, Aker Architects/ Owners: Tanavon Corporation
Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for a 7,500 square foot duplex
residence. The proposed building materials include vertical and horizontal wood siding.
Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Kirk Aker, Aker Architects, approached the podium for commissioner questions and requested
feedback on the driveway design and presentation. Commissioner Evans began commissioner
comments with the project having no street appeal, would benefit from architectural interest and
detail. Commissioner Green commented that this project needed strength in its simplicity.
Commissioner Foster revealed concern with driveway and parking issues. Commissioner Struve
commented that the back bedroom had no window, a complimentary design was needed, the project
could benefit from colors, remove the mirror imaging, south elevation long ridgeline was too extended,
and the roof massing needed to be broken up. Commissioner Goulding was in agreement with
previous commissioner comments and added that a turning radius study would be beneficial, and
snow storage area needed to be designed. Applicant commented that snowmelt was being
considered due to slopes of the site
XI. Minor Project Amendment
Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge)
Applicants/Owners: Charles Frey, Manager
Description: The applicant is requesting to waive the condition of approval requiring an outdoor
lighting plan associated with a prior request to replace the existing canvas awnings from the current
rust color to a forest green color.
Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report.
Charles Frey, Director of Operations for the Christie Lodge, approached the podium to discuss his
request. He mentioned that he misunderstood the Commission request for a lighting plan and has not
budgeted to comply with this request. Mr. Frey could provide the new lights. Commissioner Evans
presented an option that verification of the lighting compliance and/or method/plan to bring into
compliance. Mr. Heidemann remarked that field verification of compliance would be acceptable by
staff. Commissioner Goulding suggested that photos of the site and its fixtures would be beneficial for
the commission to identify compliance. Commissioner Evans commented that an architectural
seal/stamp, which validated outdoor lighting compliance, would be appropriate. It would be up to the
Applicant to prove compliance.
Commissioner Goulding motioned to deny Item X, Minor Project Amendment, Property Location: Lot
25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge). Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-1.
XII. Other Business
A. Update of Various Projects
a. East Avon Charette maps were presented on the wall and posting on the website
was forthcoming.
b. August 8th, 2006 meeting in Wildridge with Town Council looking for feedback on
trails and mapping prior to Forest Service scoping.
c. Friday, August 4, 2006 is a Town Center West Workshop, 9 -Noon is the meeting
and the TOA picnic follows.
d. Tambi Katieb has resigned from his position with the Town of Avon.
e. Lot C PUD Application.
f. Avon Wall to Riverfront was coming down.
g. PUC Hearing was discussed.
h. Lot 61 will be coming back with a new PUD.
XIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Smith motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans ,� v
Phil Struve